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Tribune Diary


Good Neighbours Newborough – Friendship Teas


Newborough Village Hall Saturday 20 August 2pm – 4pm Thursday 29 September 2pm – 4pm Thursday 27 October 2pm – 4pm Wednesday 14 December 2pm – 4pm (Christmas sing-a-long with Newborough PreSchool children followed by mince pies) Please follow us on Facebook, Good Neighbours Newborough for all the latest information. Northborough Garage Sale

Sunday 4 September 10am - 3pm Northborough Residents …… “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” so why not have a clear out and make yourself some £s from selling unwanted items from your own driveway. To include your address in Northborough to sell your stuff, please register with Sue on suegarford@me.com or ring 07729502486 for a booking in form or ask queries Donation of £5 from each address in aid of Sunflower Seeds Pre-School Maps will be a available on the day to show buyers which addresses are taking part so they can find the bargains!

Harvest Supper

Saturday 17 September 7pm. Helpston Village Hall Food & Chat Entertainment (tbc) Tickets - £10, £5 for the 12s and under from Church on Sunday mornings, from Carol Jones - 95 Glinton Rd. or Pearl Pearce - 9 Glinton Rd. or Kate Hinchliff - 30 West St. M. 07745116621.

Helpston Neighbourhood Plan

YOUR CHANCE TO BE HEARD! Neighbourhood Planning Referendum Thursday, 15 September at the Village Hall. Tribune readers will remember the Parish Council initiated a Neighbourhood Plan for Helpston in October 2018 and now, at last, you all have an opportunity to vote for or against the following: ‘Do you want Peterborough City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Helpston to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’ With the expected planning application for housing off Broadwheel Road, a Neighbourhood Plan for Helpston has real legal weight that can direct development in the Village to help achieve local needs and ambitions. A Helpston Neighbourhood Plan can set out a vision for our area and should contain planning policies for the use and development of land. https://www.helpstonparishcouncil.org/ neighbourhood-plan Watch out for more information coming through your door shortly and remember to vote!

Glinton Horticultural Society Open Show

!7 September 2-5pm - Arthur Mellows Village College Vegetables, Fruit, Flowers, Preserves, Baking, Beverages, Photographs, Handicrafts and Children’s classes. Entry open to all. For more details contact Mrs L Best T: 01778342115 Email: lynne.best89@yahoo.co.uk Bats in the Belfry

20 September 7pm. Helpston Church Come and hear a talk by Diana Spencer, from the 'Bats in Churches' project, about the two species of bats found to be in Helpston Church Refreshments and retiring collection The Bats in Churches Study, is a citizen science survey run by the Bats in Churches Project. Bats in Churches is a partnership project with the Church of England, Natural England, Historic England, The Churches Conservation Trust and Bat Conservation Trust. All welcome.

M.A.D. Art Exhibition

Friday 23 September & Saturday 24 September from 10am – 5pm Maxey Village Hall, Maxey PE6 9EJ The popular joint art exhibition of Maxey Art Group and Deepings Art Club is taking place again this year at the end of September. Over the two days there will be high quality new work from many talented local artists on display and for sale. Entry is free and refreshments will be available to purchase. Disabled parking, access and facilities. Pam Blair, 07767212409 PamBlair@hotmail.com

Coffee cake and Chat!

Coffee Mornings 10am to 12noon Helpston Church Every 4th Saturday of the Month Next ones – 24 September and 22 October

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