1 minute read

Your friendly gardening club

In March Colin Ward of Swines Meadow Nursery gave us an interesting talk on Spring perrerinials and new introductions with the actual plants rather than pictures.

As I write this we are anticipating the April talk on the 21st by David Burton on Bees and Gardening. This will be our last Friday night talk until the new season starts in October. Also hopefully the weather wiill improve with the risk of frost gone by the end of April so we can start replanting the garden with the plants from the Society Plant Sale held in the Village Hall on Saturday 29th April, We will also have a stall as part of the Glinton Golden Orb coronation celebration in the village centre on May 6th.


If you are on our list you should have received a copy of the new schedule for the 78th Show in September. If you have not received one it can be viewed on our web site www. glintonhorticulturalsociety. org or if you would like a copy please contact Lynne Best lynne.best89@yahoo.co.uk We are hoping to make this another great show so why not get yourself a schedule and look to enter something in September. There are

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