NAÏVE COLLECTIVISM IN INDONESIA (from the viewpoints of two though?ul obnoxious individuals) (might be offensive to some people)
according to Wikipedia. Collec&vism is any philosophic, poliMcal, religious, economic, or social outlook that emphasizes the interdependence of every human being Exists as the reverse of individualism in human nature Ver&cal collec&vism → based on hierarchical structures of power and moral and cultural conformity, and is therefore based on centralizaMon Horizontal collec&vism → collecMve decision-‐making among relaMvely equal individuals, and is thus usually based on decentralizaMon
the first signs of collecMvism
lending a helping hand
People in collecMve cultures are group oriented. Self-‐idenMty is directly related to their group or groups of reference.
Naïve collec&vism: Following the herd for the end not for the means
collecMvism and social media Social media offers unlimited possibiliMes for individualism If you want a revoluMon, go out and do it; find like-‐ minded people and make it happen.
Social media grows faster in collecMvist socieMes. Indonesians are mostly loyal collec&vists.
you’d already knew these, but yeah… • Indonesia is the fastest adopter of Facebook in SE Asia – simultaneous launch of cheaper internet-‐capable mobile phones
People use Facebook as shallower but wider network building.
• Indonesia is the 3rd highest number of TwiZer users in the world – mostly retweet rather than tweet
AdopMon (& disadopMon) of social media in Indonesia is mainly determined by peer endorsement.
Early Facebook adopters eventually migrate to TwiZer. Trendhunters then follow.
how come? • In the New Order regime, media used to be suppressed – new freedom of expression & communicaMon • Social media provided a way for youth to voice their views & hold discussions • Privacy is not as highly valued in Indonesian society – feel more comfortable divulging private life online
though?ul obnoxious opinions. (1 A community is usually based upon collaboraMon to fulfill individual needs, which could be both physical and emoMonal, and that does not necessarily entail in sacrifice of individuality.
Sayangnya di Jakarta, terkadang satu komunitas cuma diatur sama satu/beberapa “kepala suku”, yang lain cuma individu tersesat yang ga tau tempatnya di mana, tapi cuma ikut-‐ ikutan supaya ada temen.
though?ul obnoxious opinions. (2 The unique color of each individual is a brick in the foundaMon of the diverse online community world.
Sayangnya di Jakarta, terkadang prinsip “ga ikutan ga asik” malah pelan-‐pelan ngapus warna dari masing-‐ masing individu tadi. Ujung-‐ujungnya semua warnanya sama.
“style over substance” Most Indonesians succumb to trends. We are obnoxious because we pride ourselves for being able to not succumb to dumb trends, for being “substance over style” individuals. And we tend to look down on people that do succumb.
So is it safe to say, that we, though?ul obnoxious people, are individualists?
the effects of naïve collecMvism. 1. Money-‐wasMng
the effects of naïve collecMvism. 2. Narrow-‐mindedness Internal → trend hunters/scenesters External → obnoxious individuals (turns out, they are not necessarily individualists!)
more on narrow-‐mindedness (internal) • Does not possess a personal standpoint • Find comfort only in their group (or groups of reference) • Frequent change in adtude, lifestyle, hobby, fashion etc. – see the movie “ This is England”
most of them don’t know what they’re doing.
…so help us God.
more on narrow-‐mindedness (external) Discriminate/prejudice other communiMes Look down on others/feel superior to others Does not value opinion from outside peers Relies on fellow group members to back their opinions • Cannot handle criMques – cannot give criMques • • • •
We unite to diss the scenesters!
How a scenester sees it: Cool, I goZa get me one of each!!
How an obnoxious individual sees it: WHAT THE FUCK
it’s not all bad though. Helping each other ↓ Share informaMon ↓ Gain insight ↓ Deeper understanding
the moral of the story Do not succumb to dumb trends; just because your friends are doing it, doesn’t mean you should too. In fact, succumbing to dumb trends would just make you become another juicy topic for us obnoxious people to disrespect while killing Mme. Yes, we are assholes like that.
thank you.