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Δημοτικό Σχολείο Νάουσας Πάρου Primary School of Naousa

Αξιολόγηση του προγράμματος Εράσμους+ από μαθητές που ταξίδεψαν Evaluation of Mobilities by the students Τίτλος προγράμματος: «Το περιβάλλον γύρω μας σαν πρόκληση και υπευθυνότητα» Erasmus + project: “Environment Surrounding Us as a Challenge and Responsibility”

Ταξίδι στην Κροατία Erasmus is the best programme I have ever participated in. I love the erasmusprogramme a lot because I travelled to a country I had not visited before. But what I liked more in this country was that I met children from other countries, I made new friends and I met and stayed in a family who cared for me like my own family! Thanks Erasmus programme that you gave me this opportunity. Mirel Selenica

Erasmus is a very good programme because students can travel in many countries. There, they can make friends with kids from other countries and learn how people live there too. My experience was very good and I would like to go to Croatia again. Argyris Bafitis

Erasmus + is a programme I would never forget . It is an opportunity to meet new friends and learn about the other countries. You can also learn about the culture and travel to other countries. Maria Agapi Papadaki

Erasmus is a very good programme because you go to other countries and you learn a lot of things about the countries, traditional things and their customs. And you have a good time!!! Joanna Dodaj

At Rijeka i had great time. The host family was very friendly and amazing. We visit lot of places in Croatia. I made new friends from different countries. I will never forget it. I'm still in contact with the family. Sifnaios Petros

Ταξίδι στην Ισπανία

The best programme in Europe is Erasmus. I have been to Spain, Madrid with 4 classmates and with 2 teachers. I had a good time and Madrid is a beautiful place that I have never seen before. I have had a good time inside the plane with my classmates. I enjoyed myself a lot and we learned many things. Elion Kuci

Erasmus is a very good and interesting programme because you can visit new countries and learn new things about them. Also you can taste their food and you can do new activities. You can make new friends from other countries and the best is that you are having a good time!!! Maria Tsachpini

Erasmus is a very good programme. Our trip in Spain was very comfortable. Erasmus is a chance for children to know new countries and learn new cultures. Also you make new friends and after the trip you can communicate with them and you learn better English. Also children travel abroad and learn how life is with other families. I am very excited with that programme and I want to do it again. Angela Jaupai

Erasmus in Madrid was a very nice experience. I met new people from different countries. The school was impressing....big really big!!! The host family was very friendly and funny. The boy who hosted me (Mateo) was very kind and his sister very helpful. Travelling to Madrid was a great chance for me. Sifnaios Petros

Ταξίδι στην Τσεχία

On Sunday 17th of September 2017 started the Erasmus + and my school participated in this program. The country we visited was Czech Republic. In Mnisek pod Brdy we meet the families that would host us. We stayed 7 days and visited many places, one of them was Botanicus. This place was too interesting because we learned how to make different crafts like in the old years. The family that hosted me was very kind and I felt very good with them. I would like to see them again in future. Marios Kritikos

In Czech Republic all the places are beautiful, they have very big forests and very friendly people. The School is very big and they have 850 and more children. We went to the zoo and Botanicus. We also went to one museum and in a garden “Fata morgana”. We walked in the forest and it was big and beautiful. I liked it very much because we saw another country of Europe and Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe!!! Lydia Manta

We arrived at the airport and went to our families. The family was very hospital and in the first day we stayed at home. The second day we went on a mountain and we climbed, it was really boring. My favourite day was the third, we went to the zoo and saw lots of animals. Another day we went to Botanicus and I made a doll and I tried arching. The last day we went on Prague and we saw three famous sights. The clock, the bridge and the palace of the king. It was a very nice experience and I want to do this again. Matthaios Daveronas

My name is Fraghiskos Melanitis and I was one of the four students that visited Czech Republic this year with Erasmus program. Czech Republic is a beautiful country! Your eyes see everywhere green! It is aig city like giant Athens with many trees, flowers, grass… When I was there I lived with Irena’s family…all of them where fantastic! They have a dog, two cats(one of them was a small kitty)some chickens and some sheep. The school is fantastic too. It is so ig with many classes. The students were really quiet and good it their lessons! I feel really happy that I had the chance to be in Czech Republic! Fraghiskos Melanitis

Ταξίδι στη Λετονία

Two years ago I visited Latvia because my school took part in the Erasmus + programme. It was an unforgettable experience for me. I went there with three other students and two teachers. I Stayed with a host family in Ogre, a town in the south of Riga. We visited many sights there such as the Arch of Pedestrian Bridge, the evangelic huteran church, the local Town Hall and Brividasstreet. One day we went to Riga and we went sightseeing there too. I was amazed by the capital city. During the trip I met lots of friends from Poland, Spain Turkey, Croatia, Latvia and the Czech Republic. I made a friend from Latvia and we still communicate on Instagram. All in all, I had a great time and I will always cherish the time I spent there. Ntolka Christina

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