BPSC 2017: Common Combined Prelim Exam Results Declared
BPSC 2017: Common Combined Prelim Exam Results Declared on Business Standard. The candidates who appeared for the exam may note that the BPSC prelims results of this examination can be viewed on the Commission's official website as PDF.
Education News The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has announced the results of Common Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination (60th to 62nd) that happened in the month of February 2017. The candidates who appeared for the exam may note that the BPSC prelims results of this examination can be viewed on the Commission’s official website as PDF. This exam that took place at three hundred nighty centres of thirty five districts on February 12 witnessed a total number of 160086 candidates appearing for this highly competitive exam. Of these numbers, the Commission has made the results of 8282 successful candidates officially out to public. How to check the results: Visit the official site of the Commission bpsc.bih.nic.in. Click on this link: 60th to 62nd Common Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination. You will be redirected to a new page (PDF), search roll number wise. The updated syllabus of the BPSC for the 60th to 62nd Common Combined (Main) Competitive Examination was made available on Tuesday on the official website of the commission.
Answer Key: The Commission has also released the answer key for 60th to 62nd Common Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination General Studies. The candidates can check the answer key released on the official page right below the link of the results. Or you can go to the direct link for accessing or downloading the keys. It is also to be noted that the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) conducted 60th to 62nd Preliminary examination on at the aforementioned number of centers despite the rising number of allegations concerning paper leak. The exam was largely conducted peacefully at all its centers. A group of students who had appeared in the BPSC preliminary examination at D.B.R.K. Jalan High School in Patna City alleged that the question paper for the exam had been leaked. However, the student claiming the occurrence of paper leak faced a strong refutal from the Commission. Soon, the alleging candidates were arrested on the ground of creating disturbance during the conduct of the exam.