Taaluma1 Taaluma is an international non-for-profit organisation (AISBL) based in Brussels. Taaluma was founded in 2012 by Gisele, Diego and Miguel; three experienced trainers and facilitators with a large experience at international level. The objectives of Taaluma are: To support formal and non formal education and the development of competences at European and international level. This objective focuses on young people and adults education with a specific attention to people with fewer opportunities, in a situation of exclusion or at risk; To improve the quality of educational programmes (formal and non formal) at European and international level; To promote cooperation and synergies with other actors in the field of education such as associations, training centres, institutions and educational structures, and networks, at European and international level.
Why VIVID project? Social entrepreneurship supports driving new ideas, new visions and acts as a real catalyst for social transformation, especially in times where various sectors – including the youth field – are looking for alternatives to the dominant economic models and systems. It also supports overcoming traditional ways of working, of thinking and of envisioning solidarity. Citizen’s creativity to strive, thrive and develop new forms of solidarity is emerging nowadays as a possible response to the so-called ‘economic crisis’ and the current political and social climate that particularly affect vulnerable youth groups and migrants. Social economy and – linked to it, social entrepreneurship - can be seen as one of the strategies for enhancing and promoting the well being of those youth groups in many countries. In the youth field, social entrepreneurship can also be a real boost, offering young people new ways of participation and of engaging in their local community, to act not only on their personal and professional development, but also on the collective one, through targeted projects and initiatives, in a sustainable manner. Young people are leading projects that develop parallel to the mainstream economy, hence called by some ‘alternatives’. Those 1
More background info about Taaluma:
collective actions address social and environmental contexts; create economical opportunities and new professions in social economy. Thus, it also supports working on other approaches to young people’s employability. Hence, how to address those dimensions of social economy with young people? How to empower them to transform their ideas into social projects that cannot only impact their local communities but also contribute to earning a living? How to provoke and sustain a collective creativity to build up new projects in social economy? How to support these new ‘changemarkers’ in the most adequate way, still ensuring that they take possession of the space that is theirs? Among others, youth organisations and local youth centres can provide a frame and a secured environment for such initiatives to blossom and grow.
Objectives The objectives of the VIVID course are:
To introduce the framework of social economy and social entrepreneurship with a clear focus on their values and practice in a youth work context; To exchange on the current situation in the partner countries with regard to social entrepreneurship and similar citizen’s initiatives; To exchange good examples of practices of social entrepreneurship including visits to local projects in Belgium; To explore the use creativity, graphic/non verbal methods, motivation techniques and peer support in promoting social entrepreneurship projects with vulnerable youth groups and/or migrants; To support shaping projects ideas on social entrepreneurship to be implemented by participants in their work with vulnerable young groups and/or migrants.
Participants The training is addressed to youth trainers, youth and/or social workers and other professionals working with vulnerable youth groups and/or migrants. Number of participants (including the trainers’ team): 34
Division by countries: Belgium -4-, Spain -3-, Bulgaria -3-, Greece -3-, Italy -3-, Portugal -3-, Romania -3-, Slovakia -3-, FYRO Macedonia -3-, Turkey -3- and Montenegro -3-.
Dates and venue The VIVID training course will take place from the 11th to the 18th of January 2015 (arrival and departures days) in Brussels at: HOSTEL DE WATERMAN Rue des Ateliers, 3 1080 Brussels (Molenbeek) An accommodation with not only a certain ‘personality’ but also defending some values and principles, and located in Brussels. De Waterman is a youth centre which was created around the late 90’s. It does not function as a youth hostel but rather as a meeting place for youth-related activities, and also proposes educational programmes. The overall development of the centre – supported by the Flemish authorities - included a series of actors such as students, social partners and other stakeholders. For instance, all the bedrooms have been designed and decorated by student architects.
Financial conditions
Board and lodging: fully covered for the duration of the VIVID course Participation fee: 20 Euros Travel reimbursement: according to Erasmus + funding rules: -
Cheapest 2nd class connection – offer to be booked after the confirmation of the final participants list. The booking has to be done between the 20th September and the 1st of October in consultation with Taaluma.
Maximum reimbursable amount would be 275 € for participants from Spain, Bulgaria , Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, FYRO Macedonia and Montenegro and 360€ for participants from Turkey just upon the presentation of the corresponding invoices and tickets. More precise instructions on the necessary documents for reimbursement will be given directly to participants.
Selection process
The partners of VIVID project2 do the pre-selection of participants on the basis of this call for participants. On the 20th of September at the latest the partners communicate to Taaluma their 3 preselected participants and send the corresponding participants application forms (see bellow). In dialogue with the partners Taaluma will proceed with the final selection which will differ to the pre-selection done by the partners just in case of big discrepancies with the nature of the course or other unforeseen circumstances. The final list of participants will be ready for the 25th of September and the trainers’ team will start to directly communicate with participants for the preparation, travel arrangements and technical information.
Contact For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us E-mail:
Taaluma -Belgium-, A.D.E.L. -Slovakia - AOA Argeș -Romania-, The Environmental Group Of Kessariani Greece-, Futuro Digitale -Italy-, House of faith -Bulgaria-, Tosya Genclik Gundemi Dernegi -Turkey-, Youth Cultural Center Herceg Novi -Montenegro-, Volonterski Centar Bitola -Macedonia-, Dínamo -Portugal- and Euroaccion -Spain-