Portfolio 2011
E&L Enterprises Ltd.
E&L Enterprises Ltd. www.eandlenterprises.eu eandl@maltanet.net 21 809 777
In Brief E&L Enterprises came in operations in the fourth quarter of 2008, since then the company has built a prestigious reputation in the specialisation of sand blasting and electro galvanising of steel structures used for both marine related shipping activities and construction. We provide high quality and experienced services in sand blasting, galvanising and spray. These practices are used on all steel fabrications and structures in the residential, commercial and marine industries.
Client Portfolio Over the years we have established an excellent working relationship and network with contractors that operate in the steel and maritime sector. Due to this we have expanded our business to the Euro Mediterranean region, where lucrative contracts have already been made. The most recent one involving works on an oil rigment docked just outside of Malta. Our extensive portfolio involves both local and foreign investors. These include maritime and shipping companies operating in the Mediterranean region; and government entities.
OUR SERVICES Sand Blasting
Mercedes Showroom
Golden Sands
16 17 18 20
San Lucjan Tank
Sky Parks
Malta Int. Airport
Toyota Showroom
Chop House
ESF Building
Oil Rig Platform
Kordin Grain Terminal
St John Cathedral
St Theresa Sanctuary
Galvanising Works
Oil Rig Sand Blasting & Painting
24 26 36 38 39 40 42
10 MIDI Belveder
Sand Blasting and Finishing.
MIDI Belveder
11 MIDI Belveder
Chop House 12 Chop House
Railing Galvanising and Spray.
13 Chop House
Golden Sands 14 Golden Sands
Sand Blasting and Finishing.
15 Golden Sands
16 Mercedes Showroom
Sand Blasting and Finishing.
Mercedes Showroom
17 Toyota Showroom
Sand Blasting and Finishing.
Toyota Showroom
18 Malta Int. Airport
Sand Blasting and Finishing.
Malta Int. Airport
19 Malta Int. Airport
20 Sky Parks
Sand Blasting.
Sky Parks
21 Sky Parks
22 San Lucjan Tank
Sand Blasting and Spray.
San Lucjan Tank
23 San Lucjan Tank
ESF Building 24 ESF Building
Fire Retardant applied to structure.
25 ESF Building
Oil Rig Platform 26 Oil Rig Platform
Full refurbishment of the Noble Homer Ferrington Oil Rig.
27 Oil Rig Platform
28 Oil Rig Platform
29 Oil Rig Platform
30 Oil Rig Platform
31 Oil Rig Platform
32 Oil Rig Platform
33 Oil Rig Platform
34 Oil Rig Platform
To whom it may concern, E&L Enterprises Ltd. have carried out their work on the Noble Homer Ferrington in a safe and professional manner. E&L have maintained a positive approach to their personal responsibility for safety and the safety of others that work with and around them. E&L have been committed to working safe through their continuous participation in the safety program and all safety meetings onboard the Rig and the professional manner in which they carry out their tasks. We wish E&L Enterprises Ltd. much success in the future and have no hesitation in recommending E&L to any future client.
P.J. Hammond
35 Oil Rig Platform
Offshore Installation Manager Noble Homer Ferrington
36 Kordin Grain Terminal
Full Refurbishment.
Kordin Grain Terminal
37 Kordin Grain Terminal
St John Cathedral 38 St John Cathedral
Full Refurbishment with Sand Blasting and Spray.
St Theresa Sanctuary
39 St Theresa Sanctuary
Full Refurbishment and Sand Blasting in Process.
40 Galvanising Works
Galvanising Works
41 Galvanising Works
42 Oil Rig Sand Blasting & Painting
Sand Blasting and Painting of Risers on Oil Rig.
Oil Rig Sand Blasting & Painting
43 Oil Rig Sand Blasting & Painting
44 Oil Rig Sand Blasting & Painting
Sand Blasting and Painting Work on Oil Rig Flare Boms.
45 Oil Rig Sand Blasting & Painting