Does the US Deserve the Downgrade? Is It Really a AAA Country?
The US has recently lost its AAA rating. This has sparked a lively debate, with many claiming that the decision is political. Setting aside these aspects, let us see what holistic complexity-based resilience rating says of the US as a system. Our analysis has been based on data from the World Bank, which includes 800+ macroeconomic and other parameters (see list below). The reason we claim the analysis is holistic is because we have taken simultaneously into account all the aspects of a country, such as:
Economy Industry Agriculture Energy Society Ecosystem Transportation Telecommunications Military/Defence Education Health System etc.
In other words, our analysis combines 800+ KPIs into one single meta-KPI. The result, in any event, is as follows:
A robustness (resilience) of 70% - which corresponds to a two-star rating - is nothing to celebrate. Certainly, it does not justify the traditional triple-A rating which the US government claims to be more appropriate. The US, as a system, is approaching critical complexity (red zone) which it will reach, at the present rate, within a decade or so. This is illustrated in the plot below. The closer complexity (middle curve) gets to critical complexity, the more uncertain, turbulent and chaos-dominated the system becomes. It also becomes less governable and more difficult to fix. Since the critical complexity dimishes at a higher rate than complexity, the situation is progressively getting worse. Both curves peak in 2007, which is when the crisis has started.
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As far as robustness (resilience) is concerned it is clearly dropping but the rate of decay is slowing down.
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The parameters which have been used are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
Agricultural machinery, tractors Fertilizer consumption (% of fertilizer production) Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land) Agricultural land (sq. km) Agricultural land (% of land area) Arable land (hectares) Arable land (hectares per person) Arable land (% of land area) Land under cereal production (hectares) Permanent cropland (% of land area) Forest area (sq. km) Forest area (% of land area) Average precipitation in depth (mm per year) Land area (sq. km) Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land Cereal production (metric tons) Crop production index (1999-2001 = 100) Food production index (1999-2001 = 100) Livestock production index (1999-2001 = 100) Surface area (sq. km) Cereal yield (kg per hectare) Trade in services (% of GDP) Communications, computer, etc. (% of service imports, BoP) Income payments (BoP, current US$) Imports of goods and services (BoP, current US$) Insurance and financial services (% of service imports, BoP) Goods imports (BoP, current US$) Service imports (BoP, current US$) Royalty and license fees, payments (BoP, current US$) Imports of goods, services and income (BoP, current US$) Transport services (% of service imports, BoP) Travel services (% of service imports, BoP) Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP) Private current transfers, payments (BoP, current US$) Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid (current US$) Current account balance (BoP, current US$) Current account balance (% of GDP) Net income (BoP, current US$) Net trade in goods and services (BoP, current US$) Net trade in goods (BoP, current US$) Net errors and omissions, adjusted (BoP, current US$) Foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$) Private capital flows, total (BoP, current US$) Private capital flows, total (% of GDP) Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR (BoP, current US$) Changes in net reserves (BoP, current US$) Net current transfers (BoP, current US$) Net capital account (BoP, current US$) ICT service exports (BoP, current US$) ICT service exports (% of service exports, BoP) Communications, computer, etc. (% of service exports, BoP) Income receipts (BoP, current US$) Exports of goods and services (BoP, current US$) Insurance and financial services (% of service exports, BoP) Goods exports (BoP, current US$) Service exports (BoP, current US$) Royalty and license fees, receipts (BoP, current US$)
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58. Exports of goods, services and income (BoP, current US$) 59. Transport services (% of service exports, BoP) 60. Travel services (% of service exports, BoP) 61. Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) 62. Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) 63. Portfolio equity, net inflows (BoP, current US$) 64. Current transfers, receipts (BoP, current US$) 65. Workers' remittances, receipts (BoP, current US$) 66. Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received (current US$) 67. Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received (% of GDP) 68. S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change) 69. Market capitalization of listed companies (current US$) 70. Market capitalization of listed companies (% of GDP) 71. Listed domestic companies, total 72. Stocks traded, total value (current US$) 73. Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP) 74. Stocks traded, turnover ratio (%) 75. Agriculture value added per worker (constant 2000 US$) 76. Water pollution, clay and glass industry (% of total BOD emissions) 77. Water pollution, chemical industry (% of total BOD emissions) 78. Water pollution, food industry (% of total BOD emissions) 79. Water pollution, metal industry (% of total BOD emissions) 80. Water pollution, other industry (% of total BOD emissions) 81. Water pollution, paper and pulp industry (% of total BOD emissions) 82. Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day) 83. Water pollution, textile industry (% of total BOD emissions) 84. Water pollution, wood industry (% of total BOD emissions) 85. Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day per worker) 86. Energy production (kt of oil equivalent) 87. Electricity production from coal sources (kWh) 88. Electricity production from coal sources (% of total) 89. Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total) 90. Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (kWh) 91. Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total) 92. Electric power transmission and distribution losses (kWh) 93. Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output) 94. Electricity production from natural gas sources (kWh) 95. Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total) 96. Electricity production from nuclear sources (kWh) 97. Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total) 98. Electricity production from oil sources (kWh) 99. Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) 100. Electricity production (kWh) 101. GDP per unit of energy use (PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent) 102. GDP per unit of energy use (constant 2005 PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent) 103. Energy imports, net (% of energy use) 104. Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use) 105. Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total) 106. Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2005 PPP) 107. Energy use (kt of oil equivalent) 108. Combustible renewables and waste (metric tons of oil equivalent) 109. Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy) 110. Electric power consumption (kWh) 111. Electric power consumption (kWh per capita) 112. Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) 113. CO2 intensity (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use) 114. CO2 emissions (kg per 2000 US$ of GDP) 115. CO2 emissions (kt) 116. CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
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117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175.
CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP) CO2 emissions (kg per 2005 PPP $ of GDP) CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (% of total) Other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) HFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) Agricultural methane emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) Agricultural methane emissions (% of total) Methane emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) Energy related methane emissions (% of total) Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (% of total) Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) Nitrous oxide emissions in industrial and energy processes (% of total nitrous oxide emissions) Industrial nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) Nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) PFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) PM10, country level (micrograms per cubic meter) SF6 gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent) Population density (people per sq. km of land area) Population in largest city Population in the largest city (% of urban population) Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population) Pump price for diesel fuel (US$ per liter) Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter) GEF benefits index for biodiversity (0 = no biodiversity potential to 100 = maximum) Water productivity, total (constant 2000 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal) Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal) Annual freshwater withdrawals, domestic (% of total freshwater withdrawal) Annual freshwater withdrawals, industry (% of total freshwater withdrawal) Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion cubic meters) Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources) Renewable internal freshwater resources, total (billion cubic meters) Renewable internal freshwater resources per capita (cubic meters) Terrestrial protected areas (% of total surface area) Marine protected areas (% of total surface area) Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%) Automated teller machines (ATMs) (per 100,000 adults) Branches, commercial banks (per 100,000 adults) Bank capital to assets ratio (%) Deposit accounts, commercial banks (per 1,000 adults) Deposit accounts, cooperatives (per 1,000 adults) Point-of-sale terminals (per 100,000 adults) Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%) Total reserves (includes gold, current US$) Total reserves in months of imports Total reserves minus gold (current US$) Claims on central government (annual growth as % of broad money) Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (annual growth as % of broad money) Net domestic credit (current LCU) Net foreign assets (current LCU) Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of broad money) Broad money (current LCU) Broad money (% of GDP) Broad money to total reserves ratio Broad money growth (annual %) Money (current LCU) Money and quasi money (M2) (current LCU)
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176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234.
Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP Money and quasi money (M2) to total reserves ratio Money and quasi money growth (annual %) Quasi money (current LCU) Consumer price index (2005 = 100) Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) Wholesale price index (2005 = 100) Lending interest rate (%) Real interest rate (%) Risk premium on lending (prime rate minus treasury bill rate, %) Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP) Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (% of GDP) Domestic credit provided by banking sector (% of GDP) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP Quasi-liquid liabilities (% of GDP) Research and development expenditure (% of GDP) Cash surplus/deficit (current LCU) Cash surplus/deficit (% of GDP) Central government debt, total (current LCU) Central government debt, total (% of GDP) Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (current LCU) Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (% of GDP) Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (current LCU) Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (% of GDP) Grants and other revenue (current LCU) Grants and other revenue (% of revenue) Social contributions (current LCU) Social contributions (% of revenue) Revenue, excluding grants (current LCU) Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP) Taxes on goods and services (current LCU) Taxes on goods and services (% of revenue) Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services) Customs and other import duties (current LCU) Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue) Taxes on international trade (current LCU) Taxes on international trade (% of revenue) Other taxes (current LCU) Other taxes (% of revenue) Tax revenue (current LCU) Tax revenue (% of GDP) Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (current LCU) Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of revenue) Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of total taxes) Compensation of employees (current LCU) Compensation of employees (% of expense) Goods and services expense (current LCU) Goods and services expense (% of expense) Interest payments (current LCU) Interest payments (% of revenue) Interest payments (% of expense) Other expense (current LCU) Other expense (% of expense) Expense (current LCU) Expense (% of GDP) Subsidies and other transfers (current LCU) Subsidies and other transfers (% of expense) Business extent of disclosure index (0=less disclosure to 10=more disclosure)
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235. Ease of doing business index (1=most business-friendly regulations) 236. Credit depth of information index (0=low to 6=high) 237. Private credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 238. Public credit registry coverage (% of adults) 239. Cost to export (US$ per container) 240. Documents to export (number) 241. Time to export (days) 242. Cost to import (US$ per container) 243. Documents to import (number) 244. Time to import (days) 245. Time to resolve insolvency (years) 246. Strength of legal rights index (0=weak to 10=strong) 247. Time required to enforce a contract (days) 248. Procedures to enforce a contract (number) 249. Time required to register property (days) 250. Procedures to register property (number) 251. Cost of business start-up procedures (% of GNI per capita) 252. Time required to start a business (days) 253. Start-up procedures to register a business (number) 254. Time to prepare and pay taxes (hours) 255. Labor tax and contributions (% of commercial profits) 256. Other taxes payable by businesses (% of commercial profits) 257. Tax payments (number) 258. Profit tax (% of commercial profits) 259. Total tax rate (% of commercial profits) 260. Time required to build a warehouse (days) 261. Procedures to build a warehouse (number) 262. Scientific and technical journal articles 263. Patent applications, nonresidents 264. Patent applications, residents 265. Trademark applications, aggregate direct 266. Trademark applications, Madrid 267. Trademark applications, direct nonresident 268. Trademark applications, direct resident 269. Trademark applications, total 270. Burden of customs procedure, WEF (1=extremely inefficient to 7=extremely efficient) 271. Quality of port infrastructure, WEF (1=extremely underdeveloped to 7=well developed and efficient by international standards) 272. Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide 273. Air transport, freight (million ton-km) 274. Air transport, passengers carried 275. Road sector diesel fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent) 276. Road sector diesel fuel consumption per capita (kt of oil equivalent) 277. Road density (km of road per 100 sq. km of land area) 278. Road sector energy consumption (kt of oil equivalent) 279. Road sector energy consumption per capita (kt of oil equivalent) 280. Road sector energy consumption (% of total energy consumption) 281. Roads, goods transported (million ton-km) 282. Roads, paved (% of total roads) 283. Roads, passengers carried (million passenger-km) 284. Road sector gasoline fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent) 285. Road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita (kt of oil equivalent) 286. Roads, total network (km) 287. Railways, goods transported (million ton-km) 288. Railways, passengers carried (million passenger-km) 289. Rail lines (total route-km) 290. Liner shipping connectivity index (maximum value in 2004 = 100) 291. Container port traffic (TEU: 20 foot equivalent units) 292. Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people)
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293. Passenger cars (per 1,000 people) 294. Vehicles (per km of road) 295. Mobile cellular subscriptions 296. Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) 297. Telephone lines 298. Telephone lines (per 100 people) 299. Fixed broadband Internet subscribers 300. Fixed broadband Internet subscribers (per 100 people) 301. Secure Internet servers 302. Secure Internet servers (per 1 million people) 303. Internet users 304. Internet users (per 100 people) 305. Daily newspapers (per 1,000 people) 306. Lead time to export, median case (days) 307. Lead time to import, median case (days) 308. Logistics performance index: Efficiency of customs clearance process (1=low to 5=high) 309. Logistics performance index: Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure (1=low to 5=high) 310. Logistics performance index: Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments (1=low to 5=high) 311. Logistics performance index: Competence and quality of logistics services (1=low to 5=high) 312. Logistics performance index: Overall (1=low to 5=high) 313. Logistics performance index: Frequency with which shipments reach consignee within scheduled or expected time (1=low to 5=high) 314. Logistics performance index: Ability to track and trace consignments (1=low to 5=high) 315. Arms imports (constant 1990 US$) 316. Armed forces personnel, total 317. Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force) 318. Military expenditure (current LCU) 319. Military expenditure (% of GDP) 320. Military expenditure (% of central government expenditure) 321. Arms exports (constant 1990 US$) 322. General government final consumption expenditure (current US$) 323. General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU) 324. General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$) 325. General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) 326. General government final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) 327. General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) 328. Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$) 329. Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU) 330. Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2000 US$) 331. Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth) 332. Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU) 333. Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP) 334. Household final consumption expenditure (current US$) 335. Household final consumption expenditure (current LCU) 336. Household final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$) 337. Household final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) 338. Household final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) 339. Household final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2000 US$) 340. Household final consumption expenditure per capita growth (annual %) 341. Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (current international $) 342. Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (constant 2005 international $) 343. Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$) 344. Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU) 345. Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2000 US$) 346. Final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth) 347. Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU) 348. Final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP) 349. Final consumption expenditure (current US$)
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350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408.
Final consumption expenditure (current LCU) Final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$) Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) Gross national expenditure deflator (base year varies by country) Gross national expenditure (current US$) Gross national expenditure (current LCU) Gross national expenditure (constant 2000 US$) Gross national expenditure (constant LCU) Gross national expenditure (% of GDP) Exports of goods and services (current US$) Exports of goods and services (current LCU) Exports of goods and services (constant 2000 US$) Exports of goods and services (annual % growth) Exports of goods and services (constant LCU) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (current US$) Gross fixed capital formation (current LCU) Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2000 US$) Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth) Gross fixed capital formation (constant LCU) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Changes in inventories (current US$) Changes in inventories (current LCU) Gross capital formation (current US$) Gross capital formation (current LCU) Gross capital formation (constant 2000 US$) Gross capital formation (annual % growth) Gross capital formation (constant LCU) Gross capital formation (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (current US$) Imports of goods and services (current LCU) Imports of goods and services (constant 2000 US$) Imports of goods and services (annual % growth) Imports of goods and services (constant LCU) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (current US$) External balance on goods and services (current LCU) External balance on goods and services (constant LCU) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Trade (% of GDP) Agriculture, value added (current US$) Agriculture, value added (current LCU) Agriculture, value added (constant 2000 US$) Agriculture, value added (annual % growth) Agriculture, value added (constant LCU) Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) Manufacturing, value added (current US$) Manufacturing, value added (current LCU) Manufacturing, value added (constant 2000 US$) Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth) Manufacturing, value added (constant LCU) Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) Industry, value added (current US$) Industry, value added (current LCU) Industry, value added (constant 2000 US$) Industry, value added (annual % growth) Industry, value added (constant LCU) Industry, value added (% of GDP) Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing)
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409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467.
Food, beverages and tobacco (% of value added in manufacturing) Machinery and transport equipment (% of value added in manufacturing) Other manufacturing (% of value added in manufacturing) Textiles and clothing (% of value added in manufacturing) Services, etc., value added (current US$) Services, etc., value added (current LCU) Services, etc., value added (constant 2000 US$) Services, etc., value added (annual % growth) Services, etc., value added (constant LCU) Services, etc., value added (% of GDP) Adjusted savings: education expenditure (current US$) Adjusted savings: education expenditure (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (current US$) Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (current US$) Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (current US$) Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (current US$) Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$) Adjusted savings: energy depletion (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (current US$) Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: gross savings (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: net national savings (current US$) Adjusted savings: net national savings (% of GNI) Adjusted net national income (current US$) Adjusted net national income (constant 2000 US$) Adjusted net national income (annual % growth) Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (current US$) Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI) Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (current US$) Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (% of GNI) Exports as a capacity to import (constant LCU) Coal rents (% of GDP) Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) GDP deflator (base year varies by country) Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU) Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (constant LCU) Gross value added at factor cost (current US$) Gross value added at factor cost (current LCU) Gross value added at factor cost (constant 2000 US$) Forest rents (% of GDP) Mineral rents (% of GDP) GDP (current US$) GDP (current LCU) GDP (constant 2000 US$) GDP growth (annual %) GDP (constant LCU) GDP, PPP (current international $) GDP, PPP (constant 2005 international $) Natural gas rents (% of GDP) GDP per capita (current US$) GDP per capita (constant 2000 US$) GDP per capita growth (annual %) GDP per capita (constant LCU) GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
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468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526.
GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $) Oil rents (% of GDP) Total natural resources rents (% of GDP) Gross domestic savings (current US$) Gross domestic savings (current LCU) Gross domestic savings (constant LCU) Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross domestic income (constant 2000 US$) Gross domestic income (constant LCU) GNI, Atlas method (current US$) GNI (current US$) GNI (current LCU) GNI (constant 2000 US$) GNI growth (annual %) GNI (constant LCU) GNI, PPP (current international $) GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) GNI per capita (constant 2000 US$) GNI per capita growth (annual %) GNI per capita (constant LCU) GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) Gross savings (current US$) Gross savings (current LCU) Gross savings (% of GNI) Gross savings (% of GDP) Gross national income (constant LCU) Net income from abroad (current US$) Net income from abroad (current LCU) Net income from abroad (constant LCU) Net taxes on products (current US$) Net taxes on products (current LCU) Net current transfers from abroad (current US$) Net current transfers from abroad (current LCU) Net current transfers from abroad (constant LCU) Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU) DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$) Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $) PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate ratio PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $) Real effective exchange rate index (2005 = 100) Ratio of female to male primary enrollment (%) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%) Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment (%) Ratio of female to male tertiary enrollment (%) School enrollment, preprimary (% gross) School enrollment, preprimary, female (% gross) School enrollment, preprimary, male (% gross) Primary school starting age (years) Primary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) Primary education, duration (years) Primary education, pupils Primary education, pupils (% female) Pupil-teacher ratio, primary School enrollment, primary (% gross) School enrollment, primary, female (% gross) School enrollment, primary, male (% gross)
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527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585.
Gross intake rate in grade 1, female (% of relevant age group) Gross intake rate in grade 1, male (% of relevant age group) Gross intake rate in grade 1, total (% of relevant age group) School enrollment, primary (% net) School enrollment, primary, female (% net) School enrollment, primary, male (% net) Net intake rate in grade 1, female (% of official school-age population) Net intake rate in grade 1, male (% of official school-age population) Net intake rate in grade 1 (% of official school-age population) School enrollment, primary, private (% of total primary) Persistence to grade 5, female (% of cohort) Persistence to grade 5, male (% of cohort) Persistence to grade 5, total (% of cohort) Persistence to last grade of primary, female (% of cohort) Persistence to last grade of primary, male (% of cohort) Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort) Repeaters, primary, female (% of female enrollment) Repeaters, primary, male (% of male enrollment) Repeaters, primary, total (% of total enrollment) Primary education, teachers Primary education, teachers (% female) Total enrollment, primary (% net) Total enrollment, primary, female (% net) Total enrollment, primary, male (% net) Children out of school, primary Children out of school, primary, female Children out of school, primary, male Secondary school starting age (years) Secondary education, duration (years) Secondary education, pupils Secondary education, pupils (% female) Secondary education, general pupils Secondary education, general pupils (% female) Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary Secondary education, vocational pupils (% female) School enrollment, secondary (% gross) School enrollment, secondary, female (% gross) School enrollment, secondary, male (% gross) School enrollment, secondary (% net) School enrollment, secondary, female (% net) School enrollment, secondary, male (% net) School enrollment, secondary, private (% of total secondary) Secondary education, teachers Secondary education, teachers, female Secondary education, teachers (% female) School enrollment, tertiary (% gross) School enrollment, tertiary, female (% gross) School enrollment, tertiary, male (% gross) Expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per capita) Expenditure per student, secondary (% of GDP per capita) Expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per capita) Public spending on education, total (% of government expenditure) Public spending on education, total (% of GDP) Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%) Female adults with HIV (% of population ages 15+ with HIV) Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000) Improved water source, rural (% of rural population with access) Improved water source, urban (% of urban population with access)
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586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644.
Improved water source (% of population with access) Prevalence of HIV, female (% ages 15-24) Prevalence of HIV, male (% ages 15-24) Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months) Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months) Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 people) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Lifetime risk of maternal death (1 in: rate varies by country) Lifetime risk of maternal death (%) Smoking prevalence, females (% of adults) Smoking prevalence, males (% of adults) Improved sanitation facilities (% of population with access) Improved sanitation facilities, rural (% of rural population with access) Improved sanitation facilities, urban (% of urban population with access) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Low-birthweight babies (% of births) Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age (% of children under 5) Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) Maternal mortality ratio (national estimate, per 100,000 live births) Prevalence of overweight (% of children under 5) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% of children under 5) Prevalence of wasting (% of children under 5) Tuberculosis treatment success rate (% of registered cases) Tuberculosis case detection rate (%, all forms) Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people) Outpatient visits per capita External resources for health (% of total expenditure on health) Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of total expenditure on health) Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health) Health expenditure per capita (current US$) Health expenditure per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $) Health expenditure, private (% of GDP) Health expenditure, public (% of total health expenditure) Health expenditure, public (% of government expenditure) Health expenditure, public (% of GDP) Health expenditure, total (% of GDP) Income share held by second 20% Income share held by third 20% Income share held by fourth 20% Income share held by highest 20% Income share held by highest 10% Income share held by lowest 10% Income share held by lowest 20% GINI index Employees, agriculture, female (% of female employment) Employees, agriculture, male (% of male employment) Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) Share of women employed in the nonagricultural sector (% of total nonagricultural employment) Self-employed, female (% of females employed) Self-employed, male (% of males employed) Self-employed, total (% of total employed) Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%)
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645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703.
Wage and salaried workers, female (% of females employed) Wage and salary workers, male (% of males employed) Wage and salaried workers, total (% of total employed) Contributing family workers, female (% of females employed) Contributing family workers, male (% of males employed) Contributing family workers, total (% of total employed) GDP per person employed (constant 1990 PPP $) Employees, industry, female (% of female employment) Employees, industry, male (% of male employment) Employment in industry (% of total employment) Employees, services, female (% of female employment) Employees, services, male (% of male employment) Employment in services (% of total employment) Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) Part time employment, female (% of total female employment) Part time employment, male (% of total male employment) Part time employment, female (% of total part time employment) Part time employment, total (% of total employment) Labor force with primary education, female (% of female labor force) Labor force with primary education, male (% of male labor force) Labor force with primary education (% of total) Labor force with secondary education, female (% of female labor force) Labor force with secondary education, male (% of male labor force) Labor force with secondary education (% of total) Labor force with tertiary education, female (% of female labor force) Labor force with tertiary education, male (% of male labor force) Labor force with tertiary education (% of total) Labor force, female (% of total labor force) Labor force, total Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) Long-term unemployment, female (% of female unemployment) Long-term unemployment, male (% of male unemployment) Long-term unemployment (% of total unemployment) Unemployment with primary education, female (% of female unemployment) Unemployment with primary education, male (% of male unemployment) Unemployment with primary education (% of total unemployment) Unemployment with secondary education, female (% of female unemployment) Unemployment with secondary education, male (% of male unemployment) Unemployment with secondary education (% of total unemployment) Unemployment with tertiary education, female (% of female unemployment) Unemployment with tertiary education, male (% of male unemployment) Unemployment with tertiary education (% of total unemployment) Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) Emigration rate of tertiary educated (% of total tertiary educated population) Net migration Refugee population by country or territory of asylum Refugee population by country or territory of origin International migrant stock, total International migrant stock (% of population) Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population) Depth of hunger (kilocalories per person per day) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) Completeness of infant death reporting (% of reported infant deaths to estimated infant deaths)
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704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762.
Completeness of total death reporting (% of reported total deaths to estimated total deaths) Mortality rate, adult, female (per 1,000 female adults) Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people) Contraceptive prevalence (% of women ages 15-49) Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth, female (years) Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Life expectancy at birth, male (years) Fertility rate, total (births per woman) Survival to age 65, female (% of cohort) Survival to age 65, male (% of cohort) Population ages 0-14 (% of total) Population ages 15-64 (% of total) Population ages 65 and above (% of total) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population) Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population) Population growth (annual %) Researchers in R&D (per million people) Population, total Population, female (% of total) Rural population Rural population growth (annual %) Rural population (% of total population) Urban population growth (annual %) Urban population Urban population (% of total) International tourism, number of arrivals International tourism, number of departures International tourism, receipts (current US$) International tourism, receipts (% of total exports) International tourism, receipts for passenger transport items (current US$) International tourism, expenditures for passenger transport items (current US$) International tourism, receipts for travel items (current US$) International tourism, expenditures for travel items (current US$) International tourism, expenditures (current US$) International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports) Merchandise trade (% of GDP) Import volume index (2000 = 100) Binding coverage, manufactured products (%) Bound rate, simple mean, manufactured products (%) Share of tariff lines with international peaks, manufactured products (%) Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, manufactured products (%) Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, manufactured products (%) Share of tariff lines with specific rates, manufactured products (%) Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, manufactured products (%) Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, manufactured products (%) Binding coverage, all products (%) Bound rate, simple mean, all products (%) Share of tariff lines with international peaks, all products (%) Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%) Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, all products (%) Share of tariff lines with specific rates, all products (%) Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, all products (%) Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, all products (%) Binding coverage, primary products (%) Bound rate, simple mean, primary products (%)
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763. Share of tariff lines with international peaks, primary products (%) 764. Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, primary products (%) 765. Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, primary products (%) 766. Share of tariff lines with specific rates, primary products (%) 767. Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, primary products (%) 768. Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, primary products (%) 769. Agricultural raw materials imports (% of merchandise imports) 770. Food imports (% of merchandise imports) 771. Fuel imports (% of merchandise imports) 772. ICT goods imports (% total goods imports) 773. Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service imports) 774. Manufactures imports (% of merchandise imports) 775. Ores and metals imports (% of merchandise imports) 776. Merchandise imports from economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise imports) 777. Merchandise imports (current US$) 778. Merchandise imports from high-income economies (% of total merchandise imports) 779. Merchandise imports from developing economies outside region (% of total merchandise imports) 780. Merchandise imports from developing economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise imports) 781. Merchandise imports from developing economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise imports) 782. Merchandise imports from developing economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise imports) 783. Merchandise imports from developing economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise imports) 784. Merchandise imports from developing economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise imports) 785. Merchandise imports from developing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise imports) 786. Merchandise imports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise imports) 787. Merchandise imports by the reporting economy (current US$) 788. Import value index (2000 = 100) 789. Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service imports) 790. Commercial service imports (current US$) 791. Transport services (% of commercial service imports) 792. Travel services (% of commercial service imports) 793. Net barter terms of trade index (2000 = 100) 794. Export volume index (2000 = 100) 795. Agricultural raw materials exports (% of merchandise exports) 796. Food exports (% of merchandise exports) 797. Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports) 798. ICT goods exports (% of total goods exports) 799. Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service exports) 800. Manufactures exports (% of merchandise exports) 801. Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports) 802. Merchandise exports to economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise exports) 803. Merchandise exports (current US$) 804. Merchandise exports to high-income economies (% of total merchandise exports) 805. Merchandise exports to developing economies outside region (% of total merchandise exports) 806. Merchandise exports to developing economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise exports) 807. Merchandise exports to developing economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise exports) 808. Merchandise exports to developing economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise exports) 809. Merchandise exports to developing economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise exports) 810. Merchandise exports to developing economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise exports) 811. Merchandise exports to developing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise exports)
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812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823.
Merchandise exports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise exports) Merchandise exports by the reporting economy (current US$) Export value index (2000 = 100) Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service exports) Commercial service exports (current US$) High-technology exports (current US$) High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports) Transport services (% of commercial service exports) Travel services (% of commercial service exports) Battle-related deaths (number of people) Intentional homicides, UN Crime Trends Survey (CTS) source (per 100,000 people) Intentional homicides, international public health sources (per 100,000 people)
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