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Tech Talk
At Sailfish, we know how important it is to have the right technology onboard. To elevate your adventures at sea, Sailfish partners with Garmin®, the leaders in marine navigational equipment and audio entertainment. Available on all Sailfish models, Garmin’s Fusion® stereos, paired with Rockford Fosgate® premium speakers produce excellent sound quality to backtrack your day on the water.
Further, select Sailfish models offer optional Garmin technology. This includes top-tier advancements such as GPS, Radar, and Sonar systems to enhance your fishing experience. Garmin’s bright displays are unaffected by the harsh sun and heavy rains, allowing you easy access to chart the waters with just one click.
Sailfish uses absolutely no wood anywhere on our boats
— ThaT means a lIfeTIme fRee of RoTTIng, guaRanTeed! You’ll fInd manY beauTIful “fIbeRglass” boaTs on The waTeR TodaY ThaT acTuallY IncoRPoRaTe PlYwood encaPsulaTed In fIbeRglass, whIch leaVes Them VulneRable To RoTTIng. In conTRasT, eVeRY saIlfIsh Is made fRom 100% comPosITe maTeRIals wITh sTaInlesssTeel haRdwaRe, so You can enjoY lasTIng qualITY and confIdence In The soundness of YouR boaT.