Scalable Multi-core Architectures
From the contents: Part I: HS/SW/ Building Blocks: Architecture, Methods, and Techniques.- 1. Memory Architecture and Management in an NoC Platform.- 2. Application-Specific Multi-Threaded Dynamic Memory Management.- 3. Power Management Architecture in McNoC.- 4. ASIP Exploration and Design.Part II: System-level Exploration.- 5. System Exploration.- 6. MPA: Parallelization Made Easy.- Part III: Industrial Applications.- 7. MPSoC Architecture Performance Analysis for Agile SDR Radio Applications.8. Application of the MOSART Flow on the WiMAX (802.16e) PHY. EAN/ISBN : 9781441967787 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer, New York Discussed keywords: Embedded Systems, Multiprozessor, Parallelprogrammierung, Rechnerarchitektur Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Soudris, Dimitrios - Jantsch, Axel
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