Sobolev Spaces In Mathematics Ii
On the Mathematical Works of S.L. Sobolev in the 1930s, V. Babich.- Sobolev in Siberia, Y. Reshetnyak.Boundary Harnack Principle and the Quasihyperbolic Boundary Condition, H. Aikawa.- Sobolev Spaces and their Relatives: local Polynomial Approximation Approach, Y. Brudnyi.- Spectral Stability of Higher Order Uniformly Elliptic Operators, V. Burenkov, P.D. Lamberti.- Conductor Inequalities and Criteria for Sobolev - Lorentz Two - Weight Inequalities, S. Costea, V. Maz'ya.- Besov Regularity for the Poisson Equation in Smooth and Polyhedral Cones, S. Dahlke, W. Sickel.- Variational Approach to Complicated Similarity Solutions of Higher Order Nonlinear Evolution Partial Differential Equations, V. Galaktionov et al.- Lq,p-Cohomology of Riemannian Manifolds with Negative Curvature, V. Gol'dshtein, M. Troyanov.Volume Growth and Escape Rate of Brownian Motion on a Cartan Hadamard Manifold, A. Grigor'yan, E. Hsu.- Sobolev Estimates for the Green Potential Associated with the Robin Laplacian in Lipschitz Domains Satisfying a Uniform Exterior Ball Condition, T. Jakab et al.- Properties of Spectra of Boundary Value Problems in Cylindrical and Quasicylindrical Domains, S. Nazarov.- Estimates for Completeley Integrable Systems of Differential Operators and Applications, Y. Reshetnyak.- Counting Schrdinger Boundstates: Semiclassics and Beyond, G. Rozenblum, M. Solomyak.- Function Spaces on Cellular Domains, H. Triebel. EAN/ISBN : 9780387856506 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer, New York Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Rozhkovskaya, Tamara - Maz'ya, Vladimir
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