28 March 2012 Homily by Bishop Michael McKenna The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…to proclaim a year of favour from the Lord (Lk 4:18-19)
In two months time, on the 27th May - Pentecost Sunday -we begin a Year of Grace in Australia. What does this mean and why are we doing it? This Year of Grace has been proclaimed unanimously by the bishops of all the local churches in Australia. We decided to do it after a great deal of thinking, praying and talking together about the condition of the Catholic Church here; and of our responsibilities as successors of the Apostles. Beginning with ourselves, we recognized that fidelity to our mission has often been distracted by the cares of this world. The practical details of the Church’s work have sometimes obscured the love of Christ that is its motive. Beginning with ourselves, we are inviting every Catholic to pause and ask about our life and work: “What does this have to do with Jesus?” To proclaim a year of favour from the Lord… Grace is when we are given a share in the life of God. We know that God’s love for us is constant, but we experience in ourselves moments of special openness to it. This can be such a moment, made stronger as we join together in it. There will be a number of national events during this Year of Grace, but every diocese, every parish, every family, every person will find their own ways to make it happen. In the Diocese of Bathurst, I have asked the priests today to begin working with parishioners on a pastoral plan. This will prepare the way for a Diocesan Assembly as an event of faith and a renewal of mission. As we renew and rebuild this Cathedral we gather in tonight, let us renew and rebuild what it symbolizes: the living faith of God’s People, who have a mission to proclaim it. The other great initiative of this Year of Grace will be the restoration of the building and the community of the Shalom House of Prayer in Carcoar. Already, the Friends of Shalom have been donating time and money to make the place ready; and a small group is preparing their hearts to become a community of service and prayer to open the House to all who want to seek God there. On the weekend of Pentecost, Shalom will organize continuing prayer for the Holy Spirit to renew our Church in the Year of Grace. All are welcome to come to Carcoar, for a day or even an hour, to join this work of worship and intercession. To proclaim a year of favour from the Lord… Each year, during the Chrism Mass, the Priests of the Diocese gather round the Bishop to renew their commitment to service. May this be a true moment of grace for them. In doing it before everyone gathered here, they are exercising their ministry by leading the way to the self offering with Christ to which he calls all his disciples and in which he gives us new life.