The Joyful Commission - July 2020

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July 2020


In this edition A Word from the Pastor - stage 3 reopening, planned giving, staff changes, blessed rose petals Becoming Catholic 2020/21 - Symbolon commences 23 July Staff Profile: Mr Josh Dunn - meet our Family Educator Staff Profile: Ms Melissa Ryan - meet our Sacramental Coordinator Ministries Update stage 3 reopening information St Mary’s Renewal Update - some photos from the work site

OUR VISION: SURRENDER DISCIPLESHIP MISSION The Parish of St Mary and St Joseph is a healthy, growing Catholic community that worships God, welcomes the searcher, and invites people to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Members of our community surrender their life to Jesus through an experience of the Holy Spirit, commit to life-long discipleship, and joyfully accept the mission to go out and make disciples.


A WORD FROM THE PASTOR Stage 3 Reopening, Planned Giving, Staff Changes, Blessed Rose Petals


his week the parish moved to stage three reopening. The main changes are in Orange. Since the 4 square metre rule now determines the maximum number of people in a building, St Joseph’s capacity is now 120 and Kenna Hall’s capacity is 90. The capacity of all other buildings remains the same. Instead of 4 vigil Masses in Orange there are now only 2: 5.00pm at St Joseph’s with another Mass at 5.10pm in Kenna Hall for any parishioners who cannot enter the Church. The parish is also now accepting bookings for baptisms and weddings.

The experience of renewing our pledging this year has been remarkably different from that of other years: both for parishioners and parish staff. It’s been a mammoth task to tackle this annual undertaking without large numbers at Mass and without the usual weeks of preaching and reporting back to the parish during May. I am very grateful to the work of parish staff and the priests. In particular, they have spent hours hand delivering our annual report and pledging cards to letterboxes all throughout Orange. I would like to sincerely thank parishioners who have returned pledging cards to the parish for planned giving in the 2020-21 financial year. Special thanks to those who have signed-up to planned giving for the first time and to those parishioners who made a

special effort to catch-up on their giving after the lock-down restrictions eased. I would like to offer a special word of thanks to those who have changed from envelopes to electronic giving, either through direct debit or credit/debit card (St Joseph’s also has contactless PayWave and we are really pleased how many parishioners are taking the opportunity to give in this way). The COVID-19 lock-down has highlighted a number of advantages to electronic giving. There is no handling of cash and so there are Workplace Health and Safety benefits for staff and volunteer counters. The parish likewise benefits by expending less staff hours on counting. Also, electronic giving is automatic and continues even if something prevents Mass attendance. I would like to encourage you to consider changing to this form of giving. It’s helping the parish. Even if you have already received your envelopes, it’s not too late: just contact the parish office.

Even as we speak about financial giving this time of the year, I am very conscious that we continue to pray for those in our community who are experiencing financial hardship through these difficult times. Many families have reduced income but still have mortgages and household bills to pay. Some people have lost their jobs and this is an

extremely difficult time to be job-hunting. Please keep these families in your prayers. I would like to remind our families that feereduction is available in our Catholic schools and you should not be afraid to speak to your school principal or the fees office if you need help. The help is there to be used. If you are experiencing stress in your family life or need any form of help, you can contact the Diocese’s Careline on 1800 231 118 or email

COVID-19 has brought many disruptions to our parish life. One group that has been particularly affected is our group of elect, who would usually have been initiated into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. But the time has now finally arrived! Sherene, Trevor and Ashlee will be presented with the Lord’s Prayer at the 10.00am Mass Sunday 12th July and they will be initiated into the Church at the 10.00am Mass Sunday 19th July. Please keep them in your prayers as they begin (finally) this last stage of spiritual preparation for Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. Very soon our new Becoming Catholic group will begin meeting. If you know anyone who might be interested in becoming a Catholic or if you are interested in deepening your own Catholic faith through the programme Symbolon, please contact Amy at the parish office. There is more information about Symbolon in this edition of The Joyful Commission.

Last year I joyfully celebrated the marriage of our Director of Mission Carla Ghisla. Carla

and her husband Joel are expecting their first child soon. Since Carla and Joel are originally from Sydney, they have decided to relocate to the city to be near their families. The staff will be farewelling Carla this month. I would like to thank Carla for all her hard work, creativity, and commitment to the mission of the parish. In particular, she established Alpha in our parish from scratch and has nurtured its growth. Our Family Educator, Josh Dunn, will be continuing Carla’s work in offering Alpha to our parishioners, and in particular to the parents in our Catholic schools. For the past two years Michael O’Mara has been working hard as our Operations Manager. Michael would like to step back from full time work and spend more time with his family. Michael will continue to be part of our parish team coordinating our capital works projects, but he will be stepping back from his accounting and office management role. At the moment he is very busy with the St Mary’s Renewal Project. I would like to thank Michael for all his very hard work and dedication to the parish vision and look forward to his continuing contribution as project manager.

Our parish was very fortunate to be part of the pilgrimage of the relics of St Therese and her parents St Zelie and St Louis Martin. Many parishes missed out because of the pandemic. The rose petals that were blessed and touched to the reliquaries of the saints have been dried and used to make potpourri. Thank you to Anne Marie and Natalia for their hard work. If you would like a bag (limit of one per family) there is a very limited number at the parish office and at St Joseph’s Church.


BECOMING CATHOLIC Symbolon Commences 23rd July


esus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.� (Jn 14:6)

After a period of extended preparation, we are excited to announce that Sherene Gould will receive the sacraments of baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, and Trevor Baker and Ashlee Maguire will receive the sacraments Confirmation and Eucharist on Sunday 19 July at the 10:00am Mass. Please pray for Sherene, Trevor and Ashlee as they continue their journey towards the sacraments. The sacraments are not the end of the journey for our elect and candidates: the sacraments mark the beginning of their new life in Christ. Through learning about the Catholic faith, forming faith-based friendships as part of a small group, and

receiving spiritual direction, they have a solid foundation for living their faith. A huge thank you to the parishioners that have walked with Sherene, Trevor and Ashlee through this process. Through the Symbolon course, Lenten prayer, the Sycamore course, prayer, cuppas, and conversation, these parishioners have been a wonderful example of discipleship. They have demonstrated that no matter where we are on our faith journey, we can share this journey together, learn from each other and support each other.

SYMBOLON 2020 Sherene, Trevor and Ashlee started their journey with the Symbolon course. This course will run again in 2020, on Thursday evenings from 23 July. Symbolon is a chance

to engage with the faith as adults, to deeply explore various elements of our faith and ask questions about what faith means for us. Symbolon is a stunning video series capturing the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith. Each session features prayer, video, discussion, reflection and food. The parishioners who also completed the Symbolon course in 2019 came for a variety of reasons: curiosity, sponsoring or supporting a candidate, a desire to engage with their faith. Maybe you go to Mass, but haven’t studied your faith since high school? Maybe you’re curious and want to know a bit more about the Catholic faith? Maybe you have made the decision to journey towards initiation into the Catholic Church at Easter 2021? Maybe you’ve been in an online discussion group (e.g. Sycamore) and want to keep exploring the faith? Maybe you’d like a space to ask all kinds of awkward questions about faith, with others who are asking all kinds of awkward questions about faith? Symbolon is for any adult, wherever you are on your faith journey. And it’s not just about the content - the friendships that developed have been just as enriching for each person in the group!

My recent experience of Symbolon was insightful, refreshing, uncomplicated and rewarding on many levels. Each week we explored a different topic beginning with a video presentation followed by an open discussion and question time. Symbolon has been the catalyst for personal renewal, building community and an overall deeper understanding and connection to my Catholic faith. - Lynda Kerr

HOW DOES SYMBOLON WORK? The Symbolon course is run over two 10 week blocks. The first block, “Knowing the Faith”, discusses the elements of the Creed. The second block, “Living the Faith”, discusses the sacraments and moral and social teaching. The course will run on Thursday evenings, 7:00pm at Kenna Hall. The course will commence on Thursday 23 July 2020. If you have any questions about Symbolon or Becoming Catholic, contact Amy on 6362 2378 or


STAFF PROFILES Family Educator and Sacramental Coordinator



n January this year I was blessed and privileged to begin working in the role of ‘Family Educator’ across our school and parish communities. This role is a first for Orange, with a similar role beginning in Cowra this year as well. We are fortunate to be establishing ourselves with strong links to the Family Educator network within Sydney Catholic Schools, which is in its 10th year. Logistically, I am working at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School on Mondays and Tuesdays, in our Parish Office on

Wednesdays, and at Catherine McAuley Catholic Primary School on Thursdays and Fridays. The Family Educator role has 4 main goals: • •

developing or enhancing the faith life of parents connecting or reconnecting or enhancing family engagement in the faith life of the school connecting or reconnecting or enhancing family engagement in the faith life of the parish supporting family wellbeing

In the past, connection with our school and parish meant often turning up to school events and attending Mass on the weekend. However, in recent times, work hours are varied, family structures are many, leaving us with little time or energy to be connecting to anything more. This challenge means I need to be creative, flexible and open to meeting families where they are at, to ‘reconnect, connect or enhance’ them with any opportunities to build their relationship with school and parish. This role also sits well within the mission of our parish. By providing opportunities for families to connect with their school and parish, I hope to be part of a ‘healthy,

growing, Catholic community’. In time, once events, occasions, groups and encounters are able to be held, I hope to establish an invitation culture that ‘welcomes people to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ’. One such encounter that provides opportunity for experiences such as these is Alpha. Alpha has been running in our parish for a number of seasons now and is “a space where people get excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God”. I’ll be proud to be inviting people to join our next season of Alpha in Spring.



n January I had the pleasure of commencing my role of Sacramental Coordinator for our Parish. I am so thankful for the wonderful opportunity to share in the celebrations of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation with our Parish’s children and families. I also feel very fortunate to work with the Parish Priests, office staff, our RECs at St Mary’s and Catherine McAuely, the teachers and office staff at these schools, our Family Educator and the Missionaries of Charity. The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy communion may look a little different from previous years, (mostly due to the restrictions Covid-19 has placed on us) however, we are very excited that we have been able to safely celebrate First Reconciliation for the children at Catholic schools and are in the process of preparing the children not attending a Catholic school

for First Reconciliation. I will notify families when we have a date for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. I am grateful to the Missionaries of Charity who are preparing the children who do not attend St Mary’s or Catherine McAuley schools for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. These children will recommence their preparation on Tuesday, 14th July 2020 at 4pm. It is with much joy, we recommence celebrating Baptisms this weekend. I would be delighted to speak with you if you would like to have your child Baptised. If you have any questions regarding any of these Sacraments please don’t hesitate to contact me: or 6362 2378


MINISTRIES UPDATE Stage Three Reopening Information


t has been an interesting few months for ministries. We went from full-steam ahead organising Easter, to suddenly stopping and redirecting towards online Masses. I would like to thank all those that offered their support and gratitude over this time. It certainly hasn’t been the easiest time for all of us, and there is still quite a bit of adjusting to do, as we approach the “new normal”. I have had several enquiries about when liturgical (i.e. Mass-related) ministries are restarting. Unfortunately I can’t provide a clear and precise plan on the path forward. Each time we try to assume what changes the government will make, it doesn’t happen that way. And so, I have a rough idea of what the path could be, but we need to assess each change as it occurs. The main consideration is the health and safety of all parishioners, priests and parish staff. As the state and country opens up, the risk of transmission of COVID-19 increases. Our churches are no exception; we are a parish that values the health and well being of every member, including by minimising the risk of transmitting illnesses. For each change that we make, we carefully assess the risks associated with the change. The process may seem to be slow, but in order to open up safely, a gentle approach is required.

There are many factors that have been considered, but below is an outline of the key considerations for liturgical ministries.

FIRST CAB OFF THE RANK: SACRISTANS AND READERS The first change is to recommence rostered sacristans and readers. The sacristan role will focus on setting up and packing up the altar/ sanctuary and COVID-safe guidelines will be provided that outline additional hygiene requirements. A single reader will be rostered on for each weekend Mass at St Joseph’s. Each of these ministries are possible while maintaining 1.5m from the priest and other parishioners. As the Mass times are different, the rosters have been reset. If you were previously rostered, you must contact me on 6362 2378 or to confirm that you want to be rostered. I will also run training sessions for everyone to ensure that COVID-Safe guidelines are understood and followed. If you haven’t been previously rostered, but are interested in finding out more, please contact me and we can discuss the process and training.


Government guidelines state that there is to be no congregational singing. The reason is that the force of air for singing can increase the distance saliva travels, which increases the risk of transmission. This is reasonably understandable, but the follow up question is why can’t we have pre-recorded instrumental music? It is an integral part of our worship to sing praises to our Lord together. The wonderful thing about Catholics is that as soon as one person sings, many people sing. There are songs we just know the words to, and can’t help but sing. But when many people sing, we have congregational singing. Unfortunately, this means that we can’t have a soloist, or instrumental music. Music is a ministry that has a lot of unseen effort, particularly around hymn selection and rehearsal time. This means that as a high-risk, big preparation ministry, it will be a while before music is reintroduced to Mass. The process to reintroduce music will be undertaken in consultation with our musicians.

I REALLY WANT TO BE AN ALTAR SERVER… Altar serving is a ministry that requires frequently being within 1.5 metres of the priest, and involves touching items that will also be touched by the priest (and sacristan). For this reason, altar serving won’t be able to recommence while the 1.5 metre distancing rule is in place. Training sessions for all altar servers will be scheduled when we are able to recommence this ministry.

COMMUNION IS GOING TO TAKE A LONG TIME, ISN’T IT? With the increase in the congregation from 50 to 120 people in St Joseph’s, the Communion procession will take longer. At this stage we are not recommencing Communion Ministers. Communion is provided under one kind (hosts only) and we are required to maintain 1.5 metres distancing in the Communion line, which means it is not possible at this stage to have two Communion lines side-by-side. It is also not ideal to have Communion Ministers positioned at the wings, as it may create a traffic jam when people return to their seats (centre line joining the side lines in the same aisles, and trying to maintain 1.5 metres). We will assess how the first few Masses run and determine whether there is a need for additional Communion Ministers.

WHAT ABOUT CHILDREN’S LITURGY? The last thing we want to do is to turn children away from Children’s Liturgy, but this would happen as we would need to limit the number of children attending in the Old Convent Chapel. The space in the chapel is not large enough for the number of children that usually attend Children’s Liturgy. Therefore, Children’s Liturgy won’t be able to recommence as long as we are required to have 4 square metres per person.

SO WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? We are taking a carefully considered approach to recommencing ministries. There could be further easing of government restrictions from August, but as a continually changing situation, we will assess each change as it occurs.

Several parishioners have stepped back from liturgical ministry, as the break has allowed them to prayerfully consider their involvement. I thank these parishioners for their service, and wish them all the best for the next phase of their faith journey.

attendance whenever entering a Church building. The parish is legally required to keep this record for 28 days in case a parishioner is tested positive with COVD-19. This record will not be used for any other purpose.

I would love to hear from anyone that is considering entering liturgical ministry, particularly those who are not in an at-risk demographic for COVID-19. If you’re curious, or maybe you haven’t got many plans for the next couple of months and would like to see how things go, you can call me on 6362 2378 or email me at

Weekend Masses at St Joseph’s have a Mass staggered 10 minutes later in Kenna Hall, so those who cannot enter St Joseph’s can still conveniently attend Mass.


All other practices regarding social distancing, allocated seating, hygiene requirements, etc. continue to be strictly observed.

From Wednesday 1 July 2020, the government further eased COVID-19 restrictions. The number of people able to attend Mass or enter a church for private prayer is based on the area of the church, with the requirement of 1 person per 4 square metres. All other restrictions and requirements remain in place. The following now applies in Orange and Molong parishes. Legal capacities for each church/building are: • • • • • • •

St Joseph’s: 120 Kenna Hall (main hall): 90 St Lawrence’s Molong: 40 St Michael’s Manildra: 40 St Patrick’s Cargo: 20 St Columbanus’ Cudal: 20 St Brendan’s Mullion Creek: 10

Bookings are not required to come to Mass, however, when the building is full, we will need to close the doors. All parishioners must complete the provided register of

St Joseph’s is open at regular hours for private prayer. Live streaming of Masses and funerals ceased from 1 July.

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Communion is under one kind only, and received in the hand; Social distancing must be observed in the Communion line; The offertory procession will not take place; The collections will be through baskets and ‘Tap and Go’ available in a central location in the church or hall. Baskets will not be passed from person to person. Please generously support the parish in these difficult times; “No touch” sign of peace is offered; There is no congregational singing; Sacristans and a single reader can be rostered from 1 July; all other Mass ministries remain suspended.

Thank you for your support through these changes.


ST MARY’S RENEWAL PROJECT The renewal project is on schedule to be completed early September

OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY The Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange The Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong Mass Centres: St Mary’s (Orange) St Joseph’s (Orange) Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole (Molong) St Michael's (Manildra) St Brendan’s (Mullion Creek) St Patrick’s (Cargo) St Columbanus’ (Cudal)

Orange City Weekend Masses Saturday 5.00pm St Joseph’s (120 max) 5.10pm Kenna Hall (90 max)

Orange City Confessions Friday 5.10-5.40pm St Joseph’s Saturday 4.15-4.45pm St Joseph’s

Sunday 8.30am St Joseph’s (120 max) 8.40am Kenna Hall (90 max) 10.00am St Joseph’s (120 max) 10.10am Kenna Hall (90 max)

Orange District Masses Tuesday: 5.00pm Cargo (20 max) Wednesday: 5.00pm Mullion Creek (10 max) Thursday: 5.00pm Cudal (20 max) Saturday: 8.30am Manildra (40 max) 10.00am Molong (40 max)

Orange City Weekday Masses Monday: 5.45pm St Joseph’s (120 max) Tuesday: 9.30am St Joseph’s (120 max) Wednesday: 5.45pm St Joseph’s (120 max) Thursday: 9.30am St Joseph’s (120 max) Friday: 5.45pm St Joseph’s (120 max) Orange City Eucharistic Adoration Monday: 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Wednesday: 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Friday: 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s

Nursing Home Masses Suspended until further notice Public Holidays: Mass 9.30am at whichever Orange Church usually has Mass that day. ANZAC day Mass is always 8.30am at St Joseph’s. For information about weddings, baptisms, funerals, and visits to the sick, please contact the Parish Office.

Contact Our Parish Team PARISH CLERGY TEAM Fr Greg Bellamy Fr Mathew Humtsoe Fr Karl Sinclair

Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest

PARISH MISSION TEAM Ms Amy Sullivan Ms Carla Ghisla Ms Melissa Ryan Mr Josh Dunn Sr Frances McAleer rsj Mr Matthew Brown

Director of Ministries Director of Mission Sacramental Coordinator Family Educator Resident in Molong Youth Minister

PARISH MISSION SUPPORT TEAM Mr Michael O’Mara Ms Sandy Livermore Ms Anne Wykamp

Project Manager Parish Secretary Parish Receptionist

PARISH OFFICE Phone Email Address Facebook

6362 2378 84 Hill Street (P.O. Box 44) Orange 2800

Office Hours

Monday 11.30am - 4.30pm Tuesday - Friday 8.45am - 4.30pm

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