Newsletter no 88 term 3 july 2013

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No 88 Term 3 2013

Spreading the Good News


I Praise You God For The Wonder That I Am Psalm 138

My Dear SRE Teachers and Assistants,

Even though it has been a short term much has been attended to in the Ministry of Special Religious Education. The Highlight for me was the Diocesan Assembly where many parishioners from throughout the Diocese travelled to Bathurst, for the Pentecost weekend to join in discussion groups following on from the regional group gatherings. Bishop Michael McKenna has announced the Council’s Membership which has been based on the nominations from the Assembly. I have added this information. Vicki and I have been able to visit many of you in your classrooms. We have been able to run some information training for the electronic white boards which have been very welcomed. If you have a computer at home, you are able to use your disc to see what is available and to get to know your way around, to see how your lesson notes come together. If you decide to use the disc in the classroom make sure the classroom teacher is aware. The students are a great resource.

presented to the Triennial Heads of Church gathering. Networking and Consultancy. Ethics and the Ethics Repeal Bill. Promotional material for SRE. Partnership with ChristianSRE. Planning for the future.

As you can see many issues arise from the SRE Team throughout NSW and the ICCOREIS team are there to support Special Religious Education in the Public Schools. THE DIOCESAN ASSEMBLY Bishop Michael McKenna has today announced the establishment of a Diocesan Assembly Council. The Council has been established to advise the Bishop on the evaluation and possible implementation of ideas that have emerged so far in the Assembly process. It will also have the responsibility of advising him on the next steps in this process: including when, where and in what form another gathering might be held in two to three years’ time. The Council's membership was based on nominations received from the recent Assembly and, the Bishop said " attempt to have geographical, gender and age balance among the members". It comprises two people from each of the regions of our Diocese:

TRIENNIAL REPORT Vicki and I represented Bishop Michael at the Triennial Heads of Church Meeting at Alphacrucis College, Parramatta. Unfortunately none of our Bishops were able to attend due to prior, organised commitments. The report given spanned from 2009 – 2012. Inter-Church Commission on Religious Education in Schools(ICCOREIS) discussions centred around the introduction of the Ethics program and its impact on SRE classes. Discussions with the Director General’s Consultative Committee on SRE – particularly the new policy for SRE released in June 2013. Celebration of SRE at Bridge St Offices and at Parliament House. A wonderful acknowledgement of the generous Volunteers. The development of the Basic Training Modules for the SRE Teachers and Helpers. Links to other training agencies. The Agreed Standards were

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Ms Peta Bischof - Cowra Ms Lucy Bryant – Mudgee Ms Rebecca Devitt – Orange Mr Geoff Mann – Dubbo Mr Peter Manning – Dunedoo-Coolah Ms Marianne Matthew – Mudgee Mr David Nelson – Bathurst Mr Charlie O’Mahony – Portland Mr Mark Williams - Wellington Mrs Nea Worrell – Coonabarabran

In addition, Mrs Jenny Allen (Executive Director of Schools), Mr Robert George (Centacare Bathurst) and Mr Tony Eviston (Vice-Chancellor) will serve on the Council as ex-officio members, to keep these three major organisations in our Diocese in the loop. Mrs Lorna Nicholson (Ministries Co-ordinator) will serve as the Executive Secretary of the Council. It is hoped the Council will hold its first meeting within the next couple of weeks. With kind regards. Fiona Diocesan Secretary

THE YEAR OF FAITH “I know him in whom I have believed.” (2 Tim 1:12) These words of St Paul help us to understand that “faith of all is a personal attachment to God entrusting and giving assent to all the truths which God has revealed because God is Truth. It means to believe in the One God in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Catechism of the Catholic Church.” N 150

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK (WWCC) The Working With Children Check (WWCC) began on the 15th June 2013. For all Special Religious Education Volunteers who have face to face contact with children, registration will be 1st January 2014 – 31st December 2014. It cannot be lodge beforehand. No fees will be applicable for Volunteer Special Religious Education Teachers/Helpers. New Teacher/Helper Engagement Forms will be sent out with the Newsletter at the beginning of 2014. Any questions please email me or ring me.

SAFE CHURCH AWARENESS WORKSHOPS A training day for Orange, presented by Judy Henderson, PH. 02 9868 9221

9.30am – 3.30pm Saturday 24th August, 50 Sale St Orange. Please register to attend. Cost $25.00 – Concession $15.00


CHRIST OUR LIGHT AND LIVE LIFE Archdiocese of Sydney 2010

The focus is “We Belong” The Catholic Church, a communion of Churches. East & West. We gather to Worship – the Mass, the Eucharistic celebration. The Sacraments. The Gospels. WORLD YOUTH DAY Keep in mind the Youth and the Diocesan Leaders who will be travelling and attending the World Youth Day celebrations from our Diocese. They leave on the 14th July and return on the 31st July. The World Youth Day prayer is on the wyd website.


The readings during this term relate to the Gospel of Luke ch10-15. The mission of the disciples. The Lord’s Prayer, Examples inviting repentance – Parables – Parables of God’s Mercy.

I have been given a number of Bibles for use in the schools. If you would like some for your class use in Stage 3, Years 5 & 6 let me know.



CEP Connect Works Cycle C2 2011

Jesus is the King of God’s Kingdom. The focus is from John’s Gospel. God and Us, God sent Jesus. Jesus does amazing things, helping people, solving big problems. Jesus has power over death.

AUGUST 6th 8th 15th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 27th 28th 29th

Transfiguration of the Lord St Mary of the Cross Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary St Bernard St Pius X The Queenship of Mary St Rose of Lima St Bartholomew Apostle St Monica St Augustine The Beheading of St John the Baptist

GODSPACE Burst Christian Resources 2011

Unit 1: Jesus: Alive and Active: Following Jesus. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence, promised by Jesus and is active in the world, living in those who follow Jesus. John’s Gospel and Acts 1. Unit 2: The Golden Rule: God’s Way. God’s Rule – Love God and Love Others. Matthew 5

TERM DATES TERM 3 Monday 15th July 2013 to th Friday 20 September 2013 TERM 4 Tuesday 8th October 2013 to th Friday 20 December 2013


SEPTEMBER 3rd St Gregory the Great 9th St Peter Claver th 12 Holy Name of Mary th 13 St John Chrysostom th 14 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross st 21 St Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist rd 23 St Pius of Pietreicina (Padre Pio) th 27 St Vincent de Paul th 30 St Jerome OCTOBER 1st 2nd 4th 7th 9th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 28th

St Therese of the Child Jesus The Guardian Angels St Francis of Assisi Our Lady of the Rosary Sts Denis & Companions St Teresa of Avila St Margaret Mary Alacoque St Ignatius of Antioch St Luke, Evangelist St Paul of the Cross MISSION SUNDAY Sts Simon & Jude, Apostles

Magic’, ‘Whoever you are’ and ‘ Wombat Divine’. Then there’s ‘Ernie dances to the didgeridoo’ by Alison Lester, a story that is named for Year 2 students in the diocesan religious education program. Stories can teach about values, justice and spark the imagination, plus they are fun. For updated information about opening times, visit REgathering at LENT TO OR MISPLACED I have lent or misplaced a copy of “JUST IMAGINE 1” Creative ways of presenting Scripture. CD ROM from Mount joy Enterprises. Written by Rina Wintour. It has my name on the front of it.


Mary Liesch RESOURCE LIBRARIAN Catholic Resource Centre -

a multimedia library operated

by the Catholic Education Office

PO Box 725 Bathurst NSW 2795 Tel: 02 6338 3022 Fax: 02 6338 3001 NEW Email:

FAREWELL Lyn Frecklington, Jessie Legge and Marion Cobb said farewell to a long-time friend and fellow Special Religious Education Teacher, Nancy Troth at a morning tea, at Cudal at the end of last term. Nancy and her husband are moving to Cowra

There are a range of resources suited to the various programs that will be undertaken during Term 3. Search the online catalogue at or just give the Centre a call on 02 6338 3022 for suggestions or ideas. For ‘Christ Our Light and Life’, there are DVDs such as We feed: eucharist on the Sacraments DVD or Mass for Young children to suit. There are sets of pictures and a CD of images on the Eucharist relevant. ‘A Friendly Guide to the Mass’ is a concise Australian book, popular as a good overview and background as opposed to longer and heavyweight theological titles. The vineyard and the wedding: 4 stories of God's kingdom is one of many ‘big books’ so useful with younger children. The vineyard and the wedding storyteller's kit can be used in conjunction with this book which extends and enriches the story. Recently added to the collection are some lovely children’s storybooks, many are Australian which adds to their effectiveness. Children relate to the unusual and exotic, but also to the familiar. There are old favourites by Mem Fox such as ‘Possum

DIRECTORY Helen C Ryan P O Box 720 DUBBO NSW 2830 HOME: 02 6884 5848 MOBILE: 0407001196 Email:

Mrs Vicki Mair 73 Freeman Circuit BATHURST NSW 2795 HOME: 02 6332 2835

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