SRE Newsletter Term 4 September 2011

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No 81 Term 4 2011

SPREADING GOOD NEWS The Good News is spreading all over the world with great success

God will show you everything He wants you to do and that you may have all the wisdom and understanding that his

Spirit gives. Colossians 1:

My dear SRE Teachers and Assistants,

It has been a pleasure driving throughout the countryside to visit you in your classes. I could see the paddocks looking a bit dry and crops almost calling out for a drink. Thank God the rain came and these last couple of weeks things look fresh and the flocks of new lambs bring back lots of memories of gathering them in for marking and drenching and great family gatherings. This term the Stage 1 or 2 students will be preparing for first Reconciliation. It’s an opportunity to join with the parish community to pray for the families as they walk with their child on this journey. It’s also an opportunity for us to reflect on this sacrament in our own lives. “Those who approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation obtain from God’s mercy for the offence committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labours for their conversion. (1422 Catechism of

beginnings. As we know sin is a breakdown of our relationship with God because we failed to love. God is always loving us. The conversation we have with God is acknowledging God in our lives. It is not an act but a process of growth and change, a deepening of my relationship with God.

PARTNERS WITH CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Religious Education Futures As a result of the forum I and six other representatives from the Diocese attended in May, the Catholic Education Commission (CEC) and the Catholic Conference of Religious Education in State Schools (CCRESS) have Executive personal continue to meet to formulate a document on “Religious Education in Catholic and State Schools: Response to Current Practices, Issues and Challenges.” As this is a NSW document, communication has continued both with me and with representatives of the Diocese of Bathurst Catholic Education Council. More about this as the document becomes available.

the Catholic Church)

The church community is Jesus living again. Jesus is alive and speaking in every true, noble, good, pure, lovable, praiseworthy thing which appears in the world. St Paul in writing to the Ephesians told them, “love should always make us tell the truth. Then we will grow in every way and be more like Christ, the head of the body. Christ holds it together and makes all of its parts work perfectly, as it grows and becomes strong because of love.” (Eph 4: 15-16) If we are ready to do this, our conscience will be open to the voice of God’s Holy Spirit. Reconciliation is concerned with forgiveness of Jesus and brings us to new

SPECIAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ACCREDITATION ICCOREIS is reviewing Accreditation of SRE Teachers and Assistants at present. The last Western-Inter Church Committee meeting spent time reviewing our training procedures and topics. We looked at the Guidelines in relation to the Basic Training recommended in the ICCOREIS Handbook.The WICI SRE committee will continue this discussion at our next meeting in October.

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE September 21st is International Day of Peace. “Peace Day should be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.” 1981

As educators within the Catholic Tradition, SRE Teachers and Assistants believe the State School is both an agent for change and a preserver of basic values. SRE Teachers and Assistants consider that the Catholic Students who attend State Schools are an integral part of the parish and so SRE Teachers and Assistants have a vital role to play in preparing future citizens, parishioners, civic and church leaders.


eCONFERENCE Some of the SRE Teachers and Assistants had the opportunity to attend the eConference on the 6th September. Talks included: • Bring out Treasures Old & New • Understanding Jesus in the light of the Old Testament • The Way of Right Relations: The Sermon on the Mount • Holding it Together • Forgiveness and the Challenge of Being Church • The Paradox of Jesus in Matthew • How Does He Challenge Us You can watch and listen in the comfort of your own home. The e Conference will be on line for a few more weeks at a great opportunity for some professional development. The Catholic Resource Centre has ordered two copies of the DVD ‘Following Jesus – Matthew E-conference’ on order and will be available to borrow if you don’t have internet access or find it easier to watch a DVD. Telephone: 02 6338 3022 to reserve or borrow a copy of the DVD. The Centre also has DVD of the previous e-conferences available for loan






7th 15th 17th 18th 19th 23rd

October October October October October October

1st 2nd 20th 21st

November November November November

Our Lady of the Rosary St Theresa of Avila St Ignatius of Antioch St Luke Evangelist St Paul of the Cross MISSION SUNDAY

ALL SAINTS DAY ALL SOULS DAY CHRIST THE KING Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 27th November 1ST Sunday of Advent 30th November St Andrew Apostle 3rd December St Francis Xavier 4th December 2nd Sunday of Advent 8th December Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 11th December 3rd Sunday of Advent 18th December 4th Sunday of Advent 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY 26th December St Stephen 27th December St John Apostle 28th December HOLY INNOCENTS 30th December HOLY FAMILY


1st January 3rd January 8th January 15th January 26th January


TERM FOUR OVERVIEW of PROGRAMS CONNECT The theme for this next few weeks is Trusting and Following Jesus and mostly centres on Paul’s mission and the Acts. You may need to work a couple of weeks lessons together as lessons will probably finish at the end of November. SUNDAY SCRIPTURES ALIVE The Gospel readings will continue from Matthew’s Gospel. The chapters used this term are 18 to 25. These chapters have the stories of the Lost Sheep, being aware that when two or three are together, I’m there with you, forgiveness, Jesus blesses Little Children, Jesus Heals the Blind Man. Etc. Christmas stories

WALKING WITH JESUS – PATHWAYS OF DISCIPLESHIP The program continues to involve the students in the stories of Jesus, his life on earth and his teaching the Apostles and Disciples. This term, keeping in mind some students will be preparing and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it’s an opportunity to revise this Sacrament with the older students. Also you can remind the students that they are part of the parish and the local faith community. This term you can encourage the students to recognise God in others and coming into the Advent Season challenge them to be helpful and to pray for others as a means of strengthening their relationship with God.

Jesus was always concerned about those who suffered: the poor, the orphans, the widows, the sick etc. His teaching reflected this. Using stories from the Bible the students will look at ways that they can help others as Jesus instructed the Apostles and us to respond to the needs of others that are appropriate for each student’s age. ADVENT & CHRISTMAS Communicate with your Coordinator as to when SRE classes will finish at your school. Plan your lessons for the term. It may be necessary to combine lessons to have adequate time to present your Christmas lessons. Include some music, singing in your lessons. Try to plan a lesson that has some craft.

PREPARATION AND ATTENDANCE Continue to prepare your SRE lessons carefully and prayerfully, so that you know what you want the students to get from each lesson. Where SRE teachers come with well prepared lessons you also give a witness to the school teachers who may be present in the classroom during the SRE lesson. It is important to let the school know if you will not be attending to give your lesson, so that the teachers at the school can organise an alternate lesson so the students will be well supervised.



HELEN C RYAN P O BOX 720 DUBBO NSW 2830 H: 02 6884 5848 M: 0407001196 Email:


CATHOLIC RESOURCE CENTRE DVDs that link to Term 4 topics from SRE programs Paul an adventurer of faith [DVD] – 56 minutes – Kindergarten to Primary Contains eight episodes based faithfully on the biblical text of Acts of the Apostles and Letters of St Paul. St. Paul : St. Maximilian Kolbe [DVD] - 22 minutes total – Upper Primary to Lower Secondary. Part 1- ( approx 11 minutes) St Paul's life is explored against the culture, religions and politics of his times. After his conversion to Christianity, Paul becomes one of the greatest Christian leaders and missionaries working for God for more than 30 years until his death. Part 2 - Archival film, photographs and contemporary scenes are interspersed in this overview of the life of Franciscan priest, Maximillan Kolbe. He was committed to spreading the Word of God through prayer and example. He was taken prisoner by the Germans in World war 11, but continued his priestly ministry hearing confessions in secret. Kolbe offered himself for execution in place of another prisoner, giving the ulltimate gift to God. Saints for kids : 34 short stories [DVD] – story parts approx 5 minutes each – Kindergarten – Middle Primary Includes story about St Paul. Peter and the doubt [DVD] – 31 minutes – Lower to Upper Primary A little fish tells about the inspiring ministry of Peter, Jesus’ disciple. In this story, children will learn how Peter walked on the water and what happened when he doubted. Listen : 2 programmes for children on the bible : Schema : Stories Jesus told [DVD] – stories approx 4 minutes each - Kindergarten to Primary The full contents are: SHEMA Old Testament stories has eight short stories demonstrating God's love for the Chosen People. 1: Freedom to Choose (The Garden of Eden, Fall of Adam and Eve). 2: The Best to God (Cain and Abel). 3: Noah and the Flood. 4: The Promise Begins (Abraham). 5: Becoming a People (Jacob and Joseph). 6: The Chosen (Moses). 7: The Passover (The Exodus). 8: The Covenant (Moses on Sinai/The Desert). PARABLES FOR KIDS: 10 x 4 minute stories from the New Testament. The parables are The Sower, The Good Samaritan, The Lost Sheep, The Prodigal Son, Pharasee and Tax Collector, The Talents, The Good Shepherd, The Lost Coin, Man With Two Sons, and House Built on Rock. CATHOLIC RESOURCE CENTRE A multi-media lending library operated by the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Bathurst PO BOX 725 BATHURST NSW 2795 GILMOUR STREET KELSO NSW 2795

Telephone: 02 6338 3022


Fax: 02 6338 3001

IMPORTANT NOTICE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER SCHOOL HOLIDAY HOURS: The Centre will be closed to clients on Wednesday, 28 SEPTEMBER, Monday, 3 OCTOBER (Public Holiday) & Friday, 7 OCTOBER. The other weekdays during 26 September – 6 October will be variable due to staffing commitments, but will generally be 9am – 12 noon and 2pm- 4:30pm.

Interactive Whiteboard Resources Users ONE BOOKMARK is your GATEWAY to ALL sites noted in the draft Bathurst Primary RE Curriculum. REsourcesBathurst For those with access to computer and interactive whiteboard, finding the right resource from the millions available on the internet can be a challenge. ‘Resources Bathurst’ links to pre-selected infants and primary stories, activities and learning objects available online created on Delicious by the Catholic Resource Centre. There is no registering or password required and is easy to use. The site links have been selected relevant to religious education in Catholic schools of the Diocese of Bathurst. The system used for tagging is specific to Year and Unit for this, but sites are also tagged with topic names as in the sample below. The tag ‘bible story’ brings up four possibilities. The first ‘New Testament...’ is an online narrated book with three stories, two are relevant for ‘Sunday Scriptures Alive’ (Lost Sheep and Healing a Blind Man).

HOW TO USE Go to the URL  At the right click on ‘All Tags’ at the bottom and scroll down to select a tag (topic/subject) that relates to what you will be teaching.  Web resources relevant to the selected tag will be listed.  Peruse and then click on the title in blue of the site you want to preview and / or use.  It’s that easy. Please do contact the Centre if you would like help and further tips about how to navigate this site to access really useful internet resources. CATHOLIC RESOURCE CENTRE A multi-media lending library operated by the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Bathurst PO BOX 725 BATHURST NSW 2795 GILMOUR STREET KELSO NSW 2795 Telephone: 02 6338 3022 Email: Fax: 02 6338 3001

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