SRE Newsletter Term 1, 2014

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No 90 Term 1 2014

Spreading the Good News

The Lenten Season has a twofold character: It recalls baptism or prepares for it; It stresses a penitential spirit; It encourages a time of prayer Dear SRE Teachers , Assistants and Members of the Clergy,

Blessed are the Catechists who listen to their students, especially the one with repeated questions, for they possess I have chosen Lent for the front cover. the Ears of Christ. The words have been taken from the Blessed are the Catechists who see the needs of their students, especially th ones unrecognised by others for they possess the Eyes of Document of the Liturgy from Vatican 11 No 109. Christ. In 107 of the same document we are reminded that the Blessed are the Catechists who speak kindly to their students, especially traditional customs and disciplines of the sacred the ones without positive motivation, for they possess the Mouth of season ‌ can meet the conditions of modern times; Christ. their specific character is to be retained, so that they Blessed are the Catechists who gently touch their students, duly nourish the piety of the faithful who celebrate the especially the ones who feel the stings of home violence, for they possess the Hands of Christ. mysteries of Christian redemption, and above all the Blessed are the Catechists who think prayerfully of their students, paschal mystery. especially those who don’t know God, for they possess the Mind O Christ. Welcome back to each of you, for the new school year for Blessed are the catechists who show love to their students, especial the ones with unlovable traits, for they possess the Heart of teaching Special Religious Education in the Public schools. Christ. What you do, in such a generous Blessed are the Catechists who walk patiently with their students, way, is very much valued and appreciated as especially the ones lacking spiritual guidance, for they possess the Catechists in your parishes and our Diocese. Feet of Christ. Blessed are the catechists who persevere in their faith sharing After a busy year of SRE Teaching & the involvement ministry, especially when their efforts seem in vain, for they posses with the students in end of year assembly, meetings the Healing Presence of Christ and theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

and lunches, 2013 came to an end very quickly. Vicki and I would like to thank you for your devotedness to the schools and the SRE classes. Each of you make us feel welcome when we meet.

CATECHIST SUNDAY We will celebrate Catechist Sunday, in the Diocese on Sunday 15th/16th February. Not all Parishes will have it on this day, Dubbo will celebrate it on Sunday 8th/9th February. This day recognises the efforts of Catechists as witnesses of the faith. Catechists and Helpers will be available after all the Masses. EIGHT BEAUTITUDES FOR CATECHISTS


Vicki and I attended La Salle Lithgow in November, to present to the Year 9 students an opportunity to go with the Catechists to Lithgow Public school as Catechist Helpers in the classroom, as part of their Community work. Due to the fires at Lithgow we delayed the presentation to three weeks before the end of term. Vick and I will follow up with Mrs Emms, Religious Education Coordinator when the term begins. I was very appreciative of the support given by the CEO La Salle Executive, Vicki, Mr & Mrs Kennedy and Mrs

Evans and the Lithgow Catechist Team to the two students who generously attended classes in 2013.

select Volunteer as the purpose for Check. Under Child-related sector, select Religious Services. The details you provide in the form must ST RAPHAEL’S COWRA EXACTLY match your proof of identity. You will receive an Application Number. We were blest to be able to present the Catechist Go to your nearest RMS NSW Registry Helper program to the Year 9 Students at Present your Application Number and proof of St Raphaels earlier in 2013 and two students took identity. You will receive your outcome and up the challenge to do the training and start WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK number by email or working with the Catechists at Mulyan Public post if you don’t have an email address. th School during 4 term. Fill in the NEW ENGAGEMENT FORM and The support given by the CEO. St Raphaels Executivesend both forms to the Catholic Chancery Office. Mrs Annie Meyers, Mrs Anne Dernee and Mrs Bernadette Sheehy and the Cowra Catechists, to the Students, to Vicki and me SAFE CHURCH AWARENESS was encouraging and appreciated. WORKSHOPS None advertised for our area

CATECHIST HELPERS The students from La Salle and St Raphael’s have taken wonderful talents and skills into the classrooms for the Special Religious Education lessons. Vicki and I thank them for their generous contribution to the program.

SRE ENGAGEMENT FORM New Engagement Forms are available to be filled in. This form is to be sent to the Chancery Office with the Working with Children Check (WWCC) form after April 2014.


CHRIST OUR LIGHT AND LIFE (COLAL) Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney 2010

The beginning year lessons focus on God’s love for us. God is love. God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is the central mystery of our faith. The first prayer to learn or revise is the Sign of the Cross. Students recognise that they are special, unique people. Lent. Choices! Prayer! Jesus showed how much He love us, Holy Week. SUNDAY SCRIPTURES ALIVE (CEO CHRISTCHURCH NZ)


Sunday Scriptures Alive program will focus on Matthew’s Gospel read on Sundays at Mass. Appropriate worksheets for each Stage group are provided.

The NSW Government Commission for Children & Young People have instituted a new system for obtaining a working with Children Check (WWCC). CONNECT As a Catechist/Special Religious Education (SRE) in a Volunteer capacity you can obtain the Check free CEP CONNECT Works Cycle A1 2011 of charge after April 2014. This year, 2014, will be the beginning of the three Go to Fill in an application year cycle. The green program, A1.The focus for the firs form to apply for a check. Be sure to few weeks is on God our Creator. His plan for creation

and celebrating creation. The last weeks refers to Luke’s VENUE: Orange Baptist Church, Gospel 19, 22 and 24. The story of Zacchaeus and the 59 Sale St, ORANGE. stories leading up to the Crucifixion, Resurrection andTIME: 9.30am – 3.30pm each day Ascension. REGISTER ONLINE: by Tuesday 18/02/14 CONTACT: Garry McMahon (02)6362 1553 Email: NOTE: Morning tea provided, BYO Lunch

New online training Diocesan Website: Click on Catechist-update-CCRESS training resource. A special thank you to all involved from the Diocesan CCD Representatives in preparing this excellent resource. GODSPACE Burst Christian Resources 2011CATHOLIC

Unit 1 “In the Beginning’ which encompasses the Creation Story – God Made Everything, Something went wrong. Raise awareness that we have choices about following God’s plan. (Genesis 1,2,&3) Unit 2 “Who is this Man?” Jesus’ life and lessons. Jesus shows by His actions He is God with power over everything and we can have hope in Him. (Luke 7,8, John 5 & Matthew 27 &28.)

CHRISTIAN SRE BROCHURES Vicki and I have a number of the Christian SRE Brochures. Enquire at the schools to see if any are needed for new enrolments.

RESOURCE CENTRE See attached sheet


5 17th 19th 25th

Ash Wednesday St Patrick St Joseph The Annunciation

13th 17th 18th 20th 25th

Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Passion of the Lord Easter Sunday Anzac Day


MAY th


TRAINING BATHURST - 5th February Christian Life Centre Gilmore Street Bathurst ORANGE - 21st February Module 1 & 2 ORANGE- 22nd February Module 3 & 4 Presented by Pastor Cheryl Clendinning NSW & ACT Baptist Churches


Our Lady help of Christians Patron of Australia

DUBBO NSW 2830 HOME: 02 68845848 MOBILE: 0407001196 EMAIL: VICKI MAIR 73 Freeman Circuit BATHURST NSW 2795 HOME: 02 6332 2835

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