Spreading the Good News - SRE Newsletter - Term 4 2019

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Spreading the Good News No 113 Term 4 2019


shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Isaiah 11:1

Jesus is God’s promised King PRAYER

O holy, patient and loving God, in this season of grace filled longing, we await the coming of your Son and our Saviour. In the midst of our busy world, our busy lives, we need your help to remind us of what is important and necessary. The one gift that will last comes from you alone, gracious God as we grow in our awareness of your love. Bless us, our family and friends. Increase in us a growing urgency to celebrate the birth of your Son, in whose name we pray. Amen

from The Essential Advent and Christmas Handbook

WELCOME Welcome to the final term for 2019. Last term was a busy one and this term is bound to fly, so get your Christmas Assemblies and lessons prepared early. Term 4 is usually cut short in many schools due to Swimming School and other extracurricular activities. It’s always advisable to speak to the school early to organise a suitable date for your Christmas Assemblies also. During Term 3, I was fortunate enough to be able to visit many of you in your schools and classrooms and I must say how very impressed I was by the high standard of teaching witnessed. If lessons are well prepared and organised ahead of time the lesson usually will go well, I find. Keep up the good work! The Diocese is very keen for all volunteers to have completed the Safe Church Awareness Workshop. This is part of your Child Protection Training which is required every three years. If you have not already attended one of these sessions, please check below for suitable times and dates at a centre near you. Be sure to keep your eye out for when your WWCC number needs to be renewed. You will be notified by email from the Office Children’s Guardian and the Chancery will remind you also when it is almost time for your number to be renewed.

Included in this Newsletter, for those who don’t have email, is the ANNUAL SRE RETURNS FORM. Please make sure that you complete it and return it by email or in the enclosed envelope by the end of October. Jacinta and I need these numbers by the time we go to our next Ccress in early November. If you received this newsletter via email please follow this link to fill in the annual return https://forms.gle/bbF4QwK9SiB95LVZ6. At the end of the online form there is also a link to a Self-Reflection Survey to be completed. Something to keep in mind when teaching and praying with children is to make sure that what you are saying to children is age appropriate. Small children do not need to be reminded about all the problems of the world. Try to be positive. Remember to pray for your fellow SRE Teachers especially those who are unwell at present. I am constantly inspired by each and every one of you because of your generosity and love for this ministry. So thank you one and all. May God bless you and guide you in the work that you do in Spreading the Good News. Have a great term everyone! Vicki

MESSAGE FROM JACINTA Thank you to all the SRE Teachers who stopped by the SRE table at Parishes on Mission in Orange in July, it was great for me to put some more faces to names. Thanks especially to Rachel Lonard who helped at our table. I loved seeing all the great things happening in Parishes and to hear a range of fantastic speakers. In Term 3, I also had the opportunity to observe lessons in Mudgee and Wongarbon. Lesson observations and self-reflections are an important part of our ongoing training. They are an opportunity to affirm your work and gain a wider perspective. There are a variety of lesson observation checklists available from Vicki and myself. Please fill in this self-reflection survey https://forms.gle/AMbAmJEAMPgkkdf58. I also taught a Year 6 class in Dunedoo, attended the Praying the Mass workshop run by CEDB in Dubbo and presented a SCAW in Dunedoo. I attended the National Council of Churches in Australia Safer Churches Conference in

September with Josh Clayton and Tony Eviston. We heard from survivors of child abuse, the National Office of Child Safety and many other organisations who have the safety of children and vulnerable people at their heart. If you’re interested in finding out more, the website https://www.ncca.org.au/safe-aschurches/conference-2019 has links to the presentations and some videos of the different sessions. In the October school holidays I attended Ignite in Sydney. The Ignite Conference is about raising up and sending out a new generation of Catholics who are on fire for Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, formed in the faith and centred in the Eucharist. The conference is suitable for children in Primary School, High School Students, Young Adults and Older Adults. There are workshop choices targeted at these age groups and the conference is suitable for whole families to attend. There https://igniteyouth.com/.





It was great to visit Coonamble at the very start of Term 4 and I have a date booked in to visit Gilgandra. I hope to also visit some other towns this term. Many Blessings Jacinta

NEW BADGES New Name Badges for 2020 will be issued at the beginning of next year. Coordinators will be able to collect these badges from your Parish Offices towards the end of January along with the Authorisation or Combined Arrangement forms which will need to go out to schools before the commencement of the school year. SRE Teachers are required to sign The SRE TEACHER’S UNDERTAKING form when they receive their new badge. Old badges are to be handed in at this time. Ideally this can be done at the beginning of year SRE meeting. If you require a new clip or lanyard, please contact Jacinta or myself.

SAFE CHURCH AWARENESS WORKSHOPS (SCAW) Sessions to be held in: Bathurst Date: Part 1- Wednesday October 30th, 2019 & Part 2 - Thursday October 31st, 2019 Time: 6.00pm – 9.00pm Venue: Cathedral Parish Centre, behind St Michael and St John’s Cathedral, enter via Keppel St For further information contact the Cathedral Presbytery- 6331 3066 Gulgong Date: November 4th, 2019 Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm Venue: The Convent Bayly St, Gulgong Wellington Date: November 16th, 2019 Time: 9:30am - 3:00pm Venue: St Mary's School Hall (Infant de Prague), Percy Street, Wellington Orange Date: Part 1 - November 24th, 2019 Part 2 - December 1st, 2019 Time: 11.30am – 3.00pm both days Venue: Kenna Hall Hill St, Orange To register please go to http://bathurst.catholic.org.au/?i=6322&safe-churchawareness-training or contact the relevant parish office.

WWCC WWCC numbers are due to be renewed every five years. You will receive an email or letter reminding you to renew a few months before your expiry date. You renew by going to the Children’s Guardian website. When you have renewed your number you need to forward your WWCC number and new expiry date to Carmen at the Chancery Office (admin@bathurst.catholic.org.au) or take them to your local parish office and they will help you forward them on. The number will be verified by the Chancery and a clearance letter sent to your parish, Vicki and Jacinta. Please remember that you are unable to teach SRE with an expired WWCC. If you need assistance to renew please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can help you.


Do not take photos of students Do not give personal gifts to students Never leave the class unattended Do keep a record of the number of students in your class as this will assist your Regional Coordinator ● Make sure that what you say and teach is age appropriate ● Keep to your Teaching Program

THE ROSARY October is the month of the Rosary. Bishop McKenna has asked us to make the month of October a special moment of prayer, fasting and service in this time of drought. The Rosary is covered in Lesson 22 of the Year 4 (Stage 2B) book of Christ Our Light and Life and in Lesson 28 of the Year 6 book (Stage 3B).

CATECHIST SUNDAY Catechist Sunday will be held next year on Sunday February 23 rd. Now is a good time for Coordinators to start thinking about who they could ask to briefly speak at Mass on this occasion. Talks only need to last for two to three minutes.

FAREWELL and THANK YOU During 2018/2019 we have farewelled some of our much loved Catechists including:- Marie O’Donnell, Jill Harris, Keegan Altmann, Dianna Van Gaal, Anthony Craig, Marlene Drury, Sr Anne Houston, Keith Baker and Judy Bensley. Sr Anne has kindly offered to continue to assist with the teaching of the Sacramental Program in Lithgow. We would like to thank these special people for the time they have dedicated to this wonderful Ministry over many years.

Pictured here are retired Catechists Anthony Craig and Sr Anne Houston from St Patrick’s Lithgow with Vicki Mair.

TONY EVISTON Tony Eviston our Chancellor for the Bathurst Diocese is also retiring at the end of the year. He has served with the Catholic Chancery Office for thirty years. Tony has overseen the work of the SRE Coordinators and Catechists throughout the Diocese for many years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Tony for his assistance, care and guidance which he has so generously given to the Ministry of SRE and we wish Tony and his wife Chris every happiness in their retirement.

STUDENT CATECHIST HELPERS Pictured here are four of our nine Student Catechist Helpers from James Sheahan Catholic High School in Orange. The Students Catechists are picked up by our Catechists Kay and Bernadette and taken to Orange Public School each Wednesday at 2.00pm to assist the SRE Teachers there with their class and lessons. This Program not only assists our SRE Teachers but the Student Catechists themselves gain some very valuable skills, classroom experience, as well as knowledge in Faith Development and the younger students love seeing them in their classrooms and school.

ADVENT Why not make an Advent Wreath to place on your Prayer Focus Table during Advent. Remember not to light real candles in the classroom. There are lovely battery-operated candles that you can use. You could also use real candles and use battery operated tea lights to place on top. More information about the Advent Wreath can be found in the Term 4, 2018 Newsletter.

ADVENT CRAFT The Jesse Tree – Jesus’ Family Tree. You could make a Jesse Tree with your students. The Jesse Tree helps us connect the custom of decorating Christmas trees to the events leading to Jesus’ birth. The family tree of Jesus is called the Jesse Tree. Jesse was the father of King David. We adorn a Jesse tree with illustrated ornaments that represent people, prophecies and events leading up to the birth of Jesus. The ornaments of the Jesse tree tell the story of God in the Old Testament, connecting the Advent season with the faithfulness of God across four thousand years of history. There are about 25 ornaments in all but by all means you would not need to include them all. You can add the decorations/ symbols to the Jesse Tree during the weeks of Advent. Attached is an activity sheet on the Jesse Tree, including templates for some of the ornaments/ symbols Below is a key to the Symbols that can be used on the Jesse Tree

Jesus- Infant in a manger Mary- Lily or picture of Mary Joseph- Hammer John the Baptist- Shell or water symbol King David- Crown Moses- Tablets of Stone Joseph O.T - Coat Abraham- Tent

CHRISTMAS CHANT - for Infants Teacher: Mary sits on a donkey ready to go to Bethlehem Students: Mary is going to have a baby Teacher:

Joseph leads the donkey


Mary is going to have a baby


Mary and Joseph stop to rest


Mary is going to have a baby


Mary Joseph continue on their journey.


Mary is going to have a baby

Teacher: stay.

Mary and Joseph finally reach Bethlehem, but there is nowhere to


Mary is going to have a baby.


Mary and Joseph find an animal shelter where they can stay.


Mary has her baby, Jesus. Hurray!


An angel tells shepherds that Jesus is born.


Mary has a baby called Jesus.


Wise men from the east bring gifts to Jesus.


Mary has a baby called Jesus and Jesus is God’s own Son.

SOMEONE’S COMING- actions and words sung to the tune of Frere Jacques Someone’s coming Someone’s coming A baby boy A baby boy Listen to our story Listen to our story Of great joy Of great joy

(make beckoning motion with hands) (repeat action) (pretend to rock a baby in your arms) (repeat action) (cup one hand over ear) (cup other hand over ear) (cross arms and hands over chest, then raise hands up)

(repeat action) These resources are from “Easy Ways to Christmas Plays" by Vicki Howie.

Term 4. Overview of Curriculums CHRIST OUR LIGHT AND LIFE Some of the topics covered this term in the Infant Grades include Jesus’ family, The story of the Buried Treasure, The man who said Thank you, Forgiveness, Good and Bad Choices, David and Goliath, Waiting, Advent and Christmas, Gifts for a King. Lower Primary look at Reconciliation, John the Baptist, God’s Laws, The Beatitudes, the Journey of the Magi. Some of the topics covered by Upper Primary include The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, Advent begins the Liturgical Church Year, Preparing the Way for Jesus, Joy to the World.

CONNECT C2 This terms lessons focus on Living in God’s Kingdom (Being a Kingdom Kid). The students will be given multiple opportunities to read the Bible and discover what kinds of activities a Kingdom Kid engages in. A Kingdom Kid reads God’s word and understands that it contains God’s instructions about how to live His way- the best way, according to the Bible. Students explore what it looks like to pray to God, thank God and honour God. Students will also learn the value of meeting together with other Christians and what the Bible says about Christians telling others about Jesus. Students look closely at Paul and Silas,

who were joyful through trials. The Unit concludes with Jesus, the true King at Christmas.

GODSPACE (Green book) This term focuses on the Followers of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is God’s invisible presence, promised by Jesus, and is active in the world, living in those who follow Jesus. The Spirit gives God’s power to accomplish what God wants. The focus of the Christmas unit is the ‘visitors’ involved in the story: the angles, the lowly shepherds, and the regal astrologers from the east, with precious gifts. These visitors reflect the universal relevance of Jesus. God’s Christmas gift for everyone.

SCHOOL CALENDAR 2019 Term 4- October 14th – December 20th

SCHOOL CALENDAR 2020 Term 1 – January 28th –April 9th Term 2 – April 27th – July 3rd Term 3 –July 20th – September 25th Term 4 –October 12th – December 18th


3rd – 31st Sunday (Year C)


10th -32nd Sunday (Year C)

20th – 29th Sunday (Year c)

17th – 33rd Sunday (Year C)

27th – 30th Sunday (Year C)

17th – St Elizabeth of Hungary

28th – St Simon & St Jude November 1st – All Saints Day 2nd – All Souls Day

21st – The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 24th - Christ the King 30th – St Andrew, Apostle December 1st - 1st Sunday of Advent (Year A) 3rd – St Francis Xavier 8th – 2nd Sunday of Advent (Year A) 13th – St Lucy 15th – 3rd Sunday of Advent (Year A) 14th – St John of the Cross 22nd – 4th Sunday of Advent (Year A) 25th – Christmas – the Birth of the Lord 29th - The Holy Family

SRE RESOURCES Did you know that we have resources available for borrowing at the Chancery Office so why not come in for a browse? If you know what you want you can phone me or send me an email and I will post resources out to you. It is then your responsibility to make sure that all resources are returned to the Chancery Office by the end of term. Return to Vicki or Jacinta in person or Post to – Vicki Mair CCD/SRE Catholic Chancery Office 118 Keppel St Bathurst 2795

Resources available for borrowing from the Chancery Office Below are listed some suitable resources available for loan this term. DVDS The Jesus series- Read and Share Bible – CHRISTMAS Read and Share Bible -13 Stories from the Old and New Testament 9th story – John the Baptist 10th story –Jesus is Born, Mary’s Big Surprise

CDs Peter Combe’s Christmas Album Christmas in the Scrub by Leigh Newton King of Christmas by Colin Buchanan Celebrate by John Burland

Story books The Baby Born in a Stable – a little Arch book Gemma’s Christmas Eve by Colin Thiele & Robert Roennfeldt With Love at Christmas by Mem Fox The Christmas Book by Eastman & Poussard Little Benjamin and the First Christmas by Forell & Wind Christmas Activity books On the Trail of Jesus by Scripture Union includes activities, puzzles, games & bible stories Making the Most of Christmas by CPAS- ideas to help Churches celebrate Christmas, includes an Advent Play, Christmas stories and Banner Making. Advent Resource Pack- “Ronta the Lucky Donkey” by Shiro Fujimoto Easy Ways to Christmas Plays by Vicki Howie

Posters and Display Pictures There are a large range of pictures and posters for a variety of bible stories available to borrow on the bottom shelf of the SRE Resource Bookcase at the Chancery Office. Godly Play The Complete Guide to Godly Play by Jerome Berryman Volume 3 covers Advent and Christmas

ON THE NET Advent and Christmas Resources What is Advent Again? - Video for SRE teachers and older students in Catholic SRE classes to reflect on the season of Advent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSsMq6UXXwo He Came- video for SRE teachers and older students about Jesus coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=98&v=u65m__-LLfs If you use the Connect program don’t forget to sign up for a myconnect account and access the extra resources available there. https://cepconnect.com.au/myconnect If you teach Christ our Light and Life then you can find extension activities here https://ccd.sydneycatholic.org/publications/curriculum-resources/ Click the link to your year level on the left side of the screen and then click extension activities. There are also many videos at www.Max7.org that show the Christmas story. DIRECTORY

Vicki Mair Southern Region SRE Coordinator Home – 6332 2835 Email: Vicki.mair@bathurst.catholic.org.au

Jacinta Thatcher Northern Region SRE Coordinator Mobile – 0418 613 684 Email: sre2@bathurst.catholic.org.au

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