Spreading the Good News SRE Newsletter - September 2014

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No 93 Term 4 2014

Spreading the Good News

Hail Mary, full of grace Our Lord is with you, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

CCRESS 4 - 6th November th

Holy Mary, Mother of God Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen

5th - 19th October

Dear SRE Teachers, Assistants and Members of the Clergy, Pope Francis exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium provides Catholics of today with many challenges. Pope Francis speaks of “the task which bears upon us in every age and place, for there can be no true evangelisation without the explicit proclamation of Jesus as Lord.” “Without the primacy of the proclamation of Jesus Christ in all evangelising work.” 77 p89 The lessons you prepare and give to the students is a wonderful means of evangelising. Communicating the message of Jesus to his little ones is a task for all in our Church. We have been given the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments, transforming us and enabling us to respond to his love by our lives and, like the thimble, over flowing to those you teach. As we begin term 4, please keep in your prayers; Father Carl Mackander as he recovers from an operation he had last week, the Bishop and Priests of the Diocese, who generously give of their time to work with us and also keep in your prayers the senior Priests of the Diocese.

of the population identified itself as Catholic. Croats are Roman Catholic and the Serbs belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church. We visited a number of Cathedrals and Churches which were prominent in the villages.

Getting ready for a gondola trip in Venice.

Switzerland was also an interesting country, coming out of winter, into spring. Many snow-capped mountains and wonderful colours everywhere. Again tourism and tourists everywhere. Both cities where we stayed, Interlaken and Luzern, were clean as was the transport. Having a Swiss Pass, we didn’t waste any time. We travelled by boat, train and post buses to many villages and towns. The places we found were amazing.

I hope you have enjoyed the school holiday break. I’m sure some of you had visits from family, grandchildren - a catch up time! A village in Switzerland we visited. My holiday to Croatia and Switzerland was something I never thought I would experience. It was remarkable! I thoroughly enjoyed every day. English was spoken everywhere. Menus were available in English. The cleanliness of both countries was obvious; in transport, trains, stations, boats and buses. Accommodation was comfortable, people were courteous and willing to help at all times. Croatia is continuing to recover from the war. We stayed around the Old City of Dubrovnik, exploring the city, walking the spectacular city walls, a claim to fame, which is about 2km long. The tourism accounts for about 15 per cent of GDP. Croatia joined the EU in 2012. The tour along the coast of Croatia was very interesting. The history of the country is everywhere, displaying architectural monuments, skills in building and beauty. In the recent census, 87.8 per cent

REFLECTION "Beginning with Mary's unique cooperation with the working of the Holy Spirit, the Churches developed their prayer to the holy Mother of God, centering it on the Person of Christ manifested in His mysteries. In countless hymns and antiphons expressing this prayer, two movements usually alternate with one another: the first "magnifies" the Lord for the "great things" He did for His lowly servant and through her for all human beings. The second entrusts the supplications and praises of the children of God to the Mother of Jesus, because she now knows the humanity which, in her, the Son of God espoused." - from the Catechism of the Catholic Church; 2675.


Thank you to each of you for sending in the WWCC information and the Engagement Form to the Chancery Office. For those who have yet to apply for the WWCC number, I would ask that you do so within the next couple of weeks as this is a required by the Department of Education and Communities (DEC). I will be required to assure the DEC that all SRE Volunteers in our Diocese have complied with the required conditions.

CCRESS ONLINE TRIAL FOR CATECHISTS We have six SRE Teachers participating in the CCRESS Online Modules Training Trial. It has been recommended that we finish working through the modules in the trial by the 10th October. Thank you to Jude, Peter and Trish from the Wollongong Diocese and the many people from other Dioceses for all you have contributed to bring this to fruition. It will be a valuable program for future training.

CODE OF CONDUCT A special thank you to John, Loretta and Jennie from Maitland/ Newcastle Diocese for updating the Code of Conduct and sharing it with each of the Dioceses. Vicki and I have adapted the document and will send it to each of you.

GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES ICCOREIS has issued a set of guidelines for conducting school assemblies. You can find the Guidelines on the ICCOREIS website. www.iccoreis.asn.au;

Families are the foundation of faith formation for their children. During the time of this synod we are asked to pray the prayer below for the Bishops, that they may be guided in the decisions they make over the next two years.

Prayer to the Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer! Amen.

ST RAPHAELS COWRA Vicki and I worked with ten Y9 students to complete the Student Catechist Helper Program at St Raphael's Catholic Secondary School at Cowra. The students are assisting at Mulyan and Holmwood Public Schools in the Special Religious Education (SRE) classes. The program completed by the students included an introduction to the Ministry of SRE, Child Protection and Safety, a look at the Curriculum used by the Catechists, Classroom Behaviour and Management and Nurturing their own Faith. A thank you needs to go to the Religious Education Coordinator of St Raphael's, Peta Bischof for her dedicated assistance to bring this program to fruition. Also, thank you to the Catechists who pick up and return the students to the school, another part of the ministry.


Mary our guide to Jesus. The Hail Mary. The Rosary. October the month of the Rosary, the Wedding Feast at Cana and Mary’s part. Called to follow Jesus, the Apostles. The Ten Commandments. The Beatitudes. Living in Peace. Advent – a journey to Christmas. Mary & Joseph journey to Bethlehem.

SUNDAY SCRIPTURES ALIVE (CEO CHRISTCHURCH NZ) This term, the Sunday readings are from Matthew’s Gospel chapters 22 through to 25. Some of the stories in these chapters are: the Lost Sheep,being aware that when two or three are together, Jesus is in the midst, forgiveness, Jesus blesses the little children, Jesus heals the blind man, etc. The Christmas stories.

CONNECT (CEP Connect Cycle A2 2011)

The theme is trusting and following Jesus. The stories of the Apostles, Paul and the people Paul met and converted to Christianity from the New Testament stories. LA SALLE ACADEMY LITHGOW Maryann and Marie, who teach a group of K6 students at Zig- Zag Public School, have a Student Catechist Helper to assist them each week with their class. Connie is one of the newly trained Student Catechist Helpers from La Salle. Vicki visited all three ladies at Zig-Zag recently and reported that Connie has settled extremely well into her new role. Thank you to Marie and Maryann for nurturing Connie and for your assistance with transport. Many thanks to you too, Connie. You're a great help in the classroom.

GODSPACE (Burst Christian Resources)

This term, the stories begin with Jesus telling us to follow Him. The story from Matthew 9:9-13. The lessons continue with how we can follow him in our lives, e.g. caring for the poor, being generous, use words that encourage and appreciate, try to make a difference in my own life and in the community. Jesus instructed the Apostles and us to respond to the needs of others that are appropriate for each student’s age. The lessons conclude with the Christmas Story.

COWRA SRE TRAINING Two days of SRE Training for SRE Teachers, Assistants and any person thinking about teaching SRE, will be held at Cowra. The venue is Cowra Baptist Church 2 Bourke Street, 20th & 21st October 2014 9.15 – 3.30 pm. If you wish to attend register online or contact Austin Griffiths 0429 421 294 or aggriff@westnet.com.au. If you are talking to some of your fellow SRE colleagues and they have not done training in the last three years, please encourage them to attend. The cost is $20.00 for each day. Guests with an SRE teacher can attend. RECRUITING NEW CATECHISTS

It is time to think about recruiting new catchists for 2015. New people can register their WWCC and fill in the new engagement form and be an assistant during the next few weeks in your class.

TERM 4 DATES Term 4: 7th October – 19th December 18th – 26th October, Children’s Week 31st October, World Teachers Day 26th January 2015 Australia Day

CELEBRATION OF SPECIAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 23rd October 2014 Celebrating the Faith of Our Families Special Guests: The Hon Adrian PiccoliMP (Minister for Education) And the Shadow Minister, Mr Ryan Park MP

Parliament House

Time 3.30 - 5.30 pm RSVP Friday October 10th Jenny Raposio on 02 4222 2411 or jenny.raposio@dow.org.au

CHURCH CALENDAR DATES 1st October 7th October 15th October 7th October 18th October 28th October

St Therese of the child Jesus Our Lady of the Rosary St Teresa of Jesus St Ignatius of Antioch St Luke, Evangelist Sts Simon & Jude, Apostles

1st November ALL SAINT’S DAY 2nd November Commemoration of all Faithful Departed ALL SOUL’S DAY 21st November Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 23rd November Christ the King 30th November 1st Sunday of Advent 3rd December St Francis Xavier 7th December 2nd Sunday of Advent 8th December Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 14th December 3rd Sunday of Advent 21st December 4th Sunday of Advent 25th December Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Day, Holy Day 26th December St Stephen, First Martyr 27th December St John Apostle & Evangelist 28th December Holy Family, Jesus Mary & Joseph 1st January Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 4th January The Epiphany 11th January The Baptism of the Lord 18th January 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time DIRECTORY Helen C Ryan P O Box 720 DUBBO NSW 2830 H: 02 6884 5848 Mob: 0407 001 196 Email: hcryan@nsw.chariot.net.au Vicki Mair 73 Freeman Circuit Bathurst NSW 2795 Home: 02 6332 2835

Catholic Resource Centre A multi-media lending library operated by the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Bathurst.

Tel: (02) 6338 3022 - If phone diverts to

voicemail, pleases DO leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Email recentre@bth.catholic.edu.au Fax: (02) 6338 3001 P O Box 725 Bathurst NSW 2795 Gilmour Street Kelso NSW 2795 ONLINE CATALOGUE: http://library.bth.catholic.edu.au/ The Centre holds a wide range of picture sets, children’s stories, DVDs, music CDs available for loan about the Bible, Jesus’ life, Advent, Christmas and more. The sample of books and DVDs give an idea the range. You can reserve a DVD in advance for a particular time. If outside of Bathurst, items will be posted out for free to you. The Centre is able to suggest web sites for classroom stories and activities using Interactive White Boards. Contact the Centre for assistance or resource suggestions for your SRE lessons.

Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries. (Relevant to Christ Our Light and Life) Go look in the manger & The candy maker's Christmas: the witness of the candy cane [1 DVD - 53 min. total] Fenton, Mo.: Morning Light. Two stories for Christmas, in the first Ricky learns breaks a promise and has to face the consequences. He learns about the true gift of Christmas. A candy maker learns the lesson of humility and love. The King is born [DVD - 30 min.] Nest Entertainment. (Animated Stories from the New Testament) A colourful, animated, scripture based story of the birth of Jesus from Annunciation to Mary; Jesus' Birth; the coming of the Three Wise Men and the Flight into Egypt. Interactive DVD with Bonus features; website access feature requires a computer with DVD drive and internet access. Computer not required for other DVD-video bonus features. Special features: Scripture reference subtitles -Chapter access. In English and Spanish. The little drummer boy [1 DVD -ca. 49 min. total] Burbank Animation Studios / The classic Christmas story. Bonus features include: trailers, the making of a Burbank animated movie, video clip from Jungle girl and the lost island of the dinosaurs. Magic wool: creative activities with natural sheep's wool [BOOK]/ Dagmar Schmidt and Freya Jaffke. Edinburgh: Floris, 2000. Shows how to make figures with coloured wool -- Using unspun sheep's wool in a kindergarten setting.

50 interactive bible stories for children ages 5-8 [BOOK] / Phyllis Vos Wezeman New London, CT: Twenty Third Publications, 2009. Includes a couple of rhythm poems for the Christmas season. Animated rosary for kids [2 DVDs -80 min. total] Eternal Word Television Network, USA, 2006. Summary: Angelito, a lovable Guardian Angel, explains each Mystery so that children can understand the wonders of Jesus' life, death and Resurrection. After each Mystery, kids recite the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be - all presented karaoke-style on the screen. Includes the Joyful, Luminous,

Nicholas, the Boy Who Became Santa [DVD - 30min] Creative Communication Center. As a wealthy Roman boy, living in pagan times, Nicholas saw the evils of slavery. Nicholas spent his time helping the needs of the local people, giving them things from his parents' fortune. Nicholas was made bishop of the local church and he was thrown in jail, but he inspired everyone with his faith and generosity. Animated. The parables of Jesus [1 DVD - 32 min.] / Nest Family Entertainment, USA Back cover : ... transports children to Nazareth for the story of Jesus' birth, follows his life and miracles along the shores of Lake

Galilee and ends in Jerusalem with his arrest, crucifixion and resurrection...simple, straightforward narrative. Animated. Toymaking with children [BOOK] / Freya Jaffke. Edinburgh: Floris, 2010. Table of contents includes: The nature of play -Which toys for which ages? -- Play and clean-up time -- Building on a large scale -Building on the floor or on tables -- A doll corner -- A play store -- A dollhouse -- A farmyard -- String puppets or marionettes - Other toys -- Outdoor play.

HOURS: TERM 4 – 2014: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9 am – 12 noon & 1 pm – 5 pm Tuesdays: 2 pm – 5pm - Outside these hours by appointment. There are odd, unscheduled times when the Centre may be closed during standard hours. It is strongly recommended to telephone the Centre in advance to ensure staff availability, especially if coming from a distance. Hours of opening and advance notice of any changes to standard hours (whenever possible) are advertised on the REgathering web site at http://regathering.weebly.com/ Topical information about resources and web sites for Christian education are discussed in the blog which is searchable by a number of subject tags is located at http://regathering.weebly.com/resources.h tml

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