Catholic Observer Magazine September 2011

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Volume 46, No 3 September 2011


World Youth Day 2011

“You cannot follow Jesus on your own” These words of Pope Benedict were the caption for a picture of the vast crowd at World Youth Day, published on the front page of a Madrid daily paper. To be part of a crowd of more than a million people, even part of a small pilgrim group, is to realise that it’s not always easy to walk together. But to follow Jesus, there is no other way. +Michael McKenna Bishop of Bathurst

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Bathurst Pilgrims Return

As we go to print, WYD Pilgrims from the Diocese have just arrived home, or are still making their way here. It certainly sounds like a wonderful experience was had by all and we look forward to reporting more about WYD 2011 in our next issue.

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New Vinnies store for Bathurst


n 29th July 2011, Bishop Michael McKenna blessed and officially opened the new St. Vincent de Paul store in Keppel Street Bathurst. The new store has been some time in the making, but now boasts a wonderful retail shop along with Conference and Welfare facilities. Once a butcher’s shop, the building has a long history. Used as a Vinnies store in the past, at one stage it was condemned, but a lot of work to repair and refurbish it in line with a Heritage listing, has seen the building given a new life. Around 140 people attended the Opening, including Mayor Paul Toole. Vicar General of the Diocese, Father Aeneas (Hugh) Delaney, led the prayer

saying he hoped the building would “….enliven our faith and make us grateful”. The new store has clothing, home wares, furniture and shoes and accessories. “The quality of donations is amazing and it is not just for people who are disadvantaged, Retail Manager Billie Kirkland said. “We want all cross sections of the community to shop here. All the clothes I wear are purchased here - we have really good items of clothing”. The store is on the look-out for more volunteers - if you can help, please call Billie on 0428 193 672. Right: President of the Bathurst Diocesan Conference of St. Vincent de Paul, Gillian Ferguson, cuts the cake with Bishop Michael McKenna.

Palms on the road


everal parishes and schools in the Diocese last month had a visit from some Palms Australia volunteers. They are part of the Palms Jubilee Roadshow travelling around the country to celebrate 50 years of service. Palms recruits, prepares, sends and supports skilled volunteers to reduce global poverty, at the request of partner communities in Asia, Africa, South America, Australia and the Pacific. Over the past half century, Palms Australia has met over 1,400 requests from their partners. Volunteers depart with Palms values - to live humbly, love tenderly, walk humbly - and as such

often are the last to blow their own trumpets and remind us of the value they have given. Since its beginning, this has amounted to over $200 million to the communities they have served. Our own Father Greg Bellamy, Assistant Priest in Mudgee, once volunteered with Palms and served in Kiribati. Palms aims to engage Australian and partner communities through Global Volunteers so that each increases their awareness and enthusiasm to encourage just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful development. If you’d like more information, go to their website:

Shop for Life - Visit Vinnies


When you shop at Vinnies you assist us to provide services to those in the Community who need a helping hand. Money spent in a shop goes directly back to the local Community. There are so many treasures just waiting to be discovered in our shops…. clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, books galore, toys and furniture and more. The list is endless. It is no secret that wonderful styles can be created by shopping at Vinnies at a fraction of what you would pay elsewhere. When you are donating to Vinnies please ensure your goods are in a clean, saleable condition. IF YOU HAVE SOME SPARE TIME AND WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER IN ONE OF OUR SHOPS, PLEASE PHONE BILLIE KIRKLAND ON 02 6362 2565. Happy Bargain Hunting!

Vinnies Shop for Life


National Vocations Awareness Week

Not a job to find…. Not an ambition to fulfill….. a calling from God to discover…..


ast month, the Church in Australia celebrated National Vocations Awareness Week. This annual event is a time to reflect on the fact that we are all called to a vocation by our Baptism. Be it as a single or married person, a priest or as part of a religious order, each and every vocation is precious and important.

Local Vocations Team Available


n the Bathurst Diocese Fr Pat O’Regan (Director) and Fr Greg Bellamy (Assistant) form our Vocations Team. One of the main roles of a Vocations Director is to directly engage with young people in a variety of settings, including the classroom. Vocations can be a difficult area to speak about to young people, especially religious vocations. The Vocations Team is here to help schools, parishes and youth groups engage in this important area of catechesis and formation. School Principals, RE Co-ordinators and Youth Ministers are invited to make the most of this service. If you would like to book a Vocations Director to come to your school or youth group during term 4 or the 2012 academic year, please contact Fr Greg Bellamy on (02) 6372 2122.

Vocation Prayer Heavenly Father, You love me and you call me every moment of my life. You have a plan for me, a plan that will help me grace the world in the unique way that only I can. Send your Spirit into my heart and mind. Enlighten me with your wisdom that I may come to know today where you are calling me in life. Give me the strength today to answer that call and inspire others to help me. I make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.

A message from the Vocations Director


here is a basic pattern in the life of faith: Call and Response. God calls, we respond. God’s call comes in many ways and it takes good judgement to discern the meaning of this call and the response that we ought make to it.

Yet this call could not be simpler for Christian people. We have the Lord Jesus, the anchor of our hope, who simply says, “Come, follow me” (Matthew 4:19). In the first instance we are called not to a system or a profession, but are called first and foremost to a person, “Come, follow me”. It is the “me” that is just as important here as the “Come follow”. Otherwise we could wander aimlessly rather than follow. Vocations Awareness Week seeks to get us to listen more actively to God’s call in our lives. It’s God’s quiet voice in the solitude of reflection that guides us. We need the space these

days to allow all the different strands of God’s call to touch our hearts. It is only then that we are able to truly and freely do our bit in responding deeply.

DISCERNING GOD’S CALL PRAY LISTEN ACT REPEAT Speak to God in prayer. Place your hopes, dreams, worries and fears in his hands. Be totally honest and open. Wait for God’s reply. Spend time being still and silent in a Church or other quiet place. Get going! Speak to a priest or someone trusted and experienced about your vocation. Do some apostolic work. Perseverance and patience. Discernment is an ongoing process. It takes time. Continue to pray, listen and act.



Fr Pat O’Regan Vocations Director

National Vocations Awareness Week

A Priest is the ‘Sympathy of God’


ishop Peter Ingham began his sermon at the Ordination of Fr. Shane Kelleher with a story. The climax occurs in the encounter between the young Deacon, soon to be ordained a Priest, and the poor beggar who frequents the back of the church, mouthing incomprehensible prayers, in whom the Deacon has come to see a certain holiness. This prompts him to ask the man: “What is a Priest?” Turning towards him with a momentary clarity in his eyes, he says distinctly: “A Priest is ‘the sympathy of God’”.

Shane, who took on this mantle on Saturday 16th July, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, was born in Auckland in 1955, the eldest of the five children of Patrick and Patricia Kelleher. Immigrating to Australia in 1975 he worked mainly in boat-building. After attending the “School of Prayer” held in Mount Carmel Retreat Centre at Varroville in 1985, he joined the Discalced Carmelites the following year. Professed in 1987, he studied theology in Melbourne and after taking his final vows in 1991 he departed for Africa where he became part of the recently established Carmelite mission in Nigeria. On his return to Australia in 2002 he worked at the formation house in Melbourne and with the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry there.

Fr. Shane Kelleher and especially with his Maori roots. From this experience he felt called, as he says himself: to some form of ministry among the growing number of Maori living in Australia.

love and appreciation with wonderful hospitality. Present also were members of the Maori community: some from New Zealand and others from the growing numbers here in Australia. Before the Ordination Mass, Fr. Shane was greeted in the traditional Maori fashion and his first Mass at the Chapel of the Retreat Centre was celebrated in the Maori language and with their wonderful singing.

His story was reflected in the congregation which gathered with him for his Ordination. The Carmelite Order, represented by his brothers, the Discalced Carmelite Friars, the Carmelite Nuns and many Secular Carmelites (Lay members of the In 2005 the relics of St. Therese were Order) as well as the Carmelite We wish Fr. Shane OCD years of brought to New Zealand and Shane Missionary Sisters, rejoiced in a brother fruitful priestly ministry. May he be the accompanied them on their journey. being ordained a Priest. ‘sympathy of God’ to many! This was a significant moment for him The Carmelite Parish of Varroville Fr Gerard Moran as he reconnected with his homeland hosted the event and showed their

Want to make C hrist the centre of your li fe? Then consider a Carmelite way of life Friars, Nuns & Seculars make up the Carmelite Family Learn more at: CATHOLIC CATHOLIC OBSERVER OBSERVER - SEPTEMBER SUMMER EDITION EDITION--PAGE PAGE 6

National Vocations Awareness Week

Vocation message from Bishop McKenna…… “….not about other people: it is about you and me - and Jesus”


ost people are aware that, in recent years, the number of priests in our local church has declined. Even more dramatic has been the fall in numbers of religious women available for that vital ministry. This means more demands on those now working and less time for the personal pastoral care that has been a feature of our life. Beyond those practical considerations, we have to recognise that vocations to the priesthood and religious life are an important sign of the health of a local Church. If we are not generating vocations, then we are on our way to becoming a mission field, relying on the resources of the wider Church. However, the challenge is not simply in the number of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. It is in vocations to Christian Marriage too. Simply having a wedding ceremony in a church does not guarantee a commitment to marriage in its full reality, as a permanent and exclusive relationship open to children. At the heart of our challenge is awakening Catholics to live out their Baptism. That is the basic vocation from which particular vocations flow. It means putting our relationship with Jesus Christ at the centre, not the margins, of our life. It means discovering that our participation in the Church is not an optional extra, but part and parcel of life in Christ. I pray that in Vocations Awareness Week we might all realise that it is not about other people: it is about you and me – and Jesus. + Michael McKenna Bishop of Bathurst

Srs of St Joseph, Perthville Want to... Live simply Serve others Dedicate your life to God?

Be a Sister of St Joseph! To receive information contact: Sr Therese Patterson or Sr Mary Stafford Ph: 02 6355 5236 or 02 63319726 CATHOLIC CATHOLIC OBSERVER OBSERVER - SEPTEMBER SUMMER EDITION EDITION--PAGE PAGE 7

National Vocations Awareness Week Knights’ Prayer Crusade


ver 14,000 Catholics around Australia have agreed to participate in the 5th Knights of the Southern Cross National Prayer Crusade for Vocations, which will take place from 4th September 26th November 2011. A Papal Blessing has been granted to all who participate in the Crusade. The Prayer Crusade aims to pray for an increase in vocations generally, but more particularly that more priests and deacons will be released to provide badly needed military chaplains for the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Catholic members and their families number about 40,000. As the total commitment is to say the special Crusade Prayer every day for one week during the Crusade period, everyone can join! To take part in the KSC Prayer Crusade for Vocations, email Bob Perkins, National Executive Officer, Knights of the Southern Cross, at or call (02) 6247 2977 (Mon, Wed & Fri). Copies of the Registration Form can also be obtained from the National Website – - under “What’s New” .



e all have dreams. Mine as a high school student was to be a missionary nurse; the possibility of being a religious Sister was mixed with it. I entered the Little Company of Mary Congregation, a Marian order dedicated to the Maternal Heart of Mary on Calvary, with the spirit of prayer and care for the dying of the world. Becoming a Sister gave me the opportunity to be a missionary nurse in South Korea for many years, where I worked in hospitals and clinics. Having lived as a ‘foreigner’ in South Korea, I knew the trauma of limitation of language. So it was an honour to be asked to attend the Korean Youth Mass each Sunday at St Peter Julian Church in Sydney. I provide assistance, where I can, as the young people learn the English language. It has enabled me to repay the Korean people for the hospitality which they offered to me over the years. And it is good to be a presence there, to help and assist the young people on their journey.

the love, caring, constancy, concern for each other in that community; and endeavours to raise funds towards research for new drugs and treatments. Just being there with a smile, a greeting and a chat, a joke or interesting comment about football, helping with their morning tea or lunch, and especially, just listening Even though now I am ageing, I am with ear close to hear their often even happier than before, as I am weakened voice. living more fully as “Mary’s own,” For all this I thank God! which was what our Foundress, Venerable Mary Potter, desired us to Sr Mary Treacy, LCM be, in relationship with God, with Our Blessed Mother and their children. Now I have the privilege of being a support person with those living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and their carers in my local area. The varied degrees of disabilities is very moving; but overwhelming is the greatness of

N.B. The late Bishop Dougherty was the author of Mother Mary Potter: Foundress of the Little Company of Mary, published in 1961

Little Company of Mary Sisters Contact Sr Helen Kelly


National Vocations Awareness Week Fanning the flames of hope and faith



hree years ago, when I was a seminarian in Chicago, the Columban Missionary Society asked me to go to Taiwan for two years. The purpose of this overseas assignment was for me to live and work side by side with experienced Columban missionaries, learn one of the local languages (Chinese Mandarin), get to know the Taiwanese people, and learn about their life and faith. I was privileged to be able to visit the place where the founder of the Columbans, Bishop Galvin, and several of his missionary companions lived when they first arrived in China more than 90 years ago. However, I also learned that when the communists came to power 30 years later (1951), all Christian missionaries - including Columban priests - were expelled and the local Christians were persecuted. During my visit I spent time with Columban Fr Dan Troy and I began to realise how difficult it is to live in another country and befriend, almost in secret, its people. Despite being a priest, he has no church, no Sunday congregation, no catechism classes, and no Bible study groups. He believes, however, that all the people he encounters are children of God and that the only way that they might ever know the Bible will be through the Christian life he shows them. The gentle yet firm conviction of his faith as he lives his daily life among the Chinese people made me ask myself: How faithful am I in proclaiming the Good News of Christ’s love? How effective am I as a messenger of God not just on Sundays, but in my everyday humdrum life? Taaremon Matauea (Taaremon is a Seminarian from Fiji)

CALLING COLUMBAN MISSIONARY PRIESTS St Columbans Mission Society Our objectives are: • To establish the Church where the gospel has not been .preached. • To help local Churches grow into evangelizing communities open to all peoples. • To promote dialogue between Christians and those of .other religious traditions. • To facilitate interchange between local Churches. Contact Fr Patrick Mclnerney Columban Mission Institute


National Vocations Awareness Week

The Diaconate


n our Diocese, we presently have eight men who are aspirant Deacons. These men and their families are engaged in an ongoing process of education and discernment of their calling and suitability to this special Vocation.

The Diaconate functions as the service ministry of Christ. Deacons are called to embody the work of Christ in the service of promoting justice, breaking open the Word of God in preaching and witness, and at liturgical ministry at the altar. Deacons compliment the priesthood. Vatican II restored the office of the Permanent Deacon in 1967, paving the way for selected married men to be ordained. The first Australian Permanent Deacon was ordained in 1972 for the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn. There are now two in the Archdiocese and one who has been accepted by Archbishop Carroll as a candidate, before ordination.

PRAY. LISTEN. ACT. REPEAT! discerning God’s call priest deacon religious married committed single

YOU are called to be a saint! So what can you do? Discover and live the unique vocation God has for you. Just PRAY, LISTEN, ACT, REPEAT! Find our more on our website.

What’s a life for?

About 26,500 Permanent Deacons serve the Church throughout the world, with 49 in Australia, and others in formation throughout the country. Formation usually takes three years of theological, spiritual, pastoral and liturgical study plus a year of pastoral placement. Permanent Deacons are most often encountered preaching and ministering at the altar at Mass, baptising, celebrating weddings and funerals, and undertaking pastoral work in hospitals, home visitation, aged care facilities, prisons and law enforcement agencies. The wife and family of the Deacon are an integral part of this ministry. Their love and intimacy reflects their love and intimacy with Almighty God and forms what is often referred to as a diaconal heart. Information from Australian Catholic Deacons Association

A discernment weekend for single men, 19-40 years. This weekend is offered regularly and begins on a Friday night and includes prayer, meditation, reflection and self discovery. It is designed to help discern life: Married, Single, Religious, Priest…..

To make a booking or chat further please call Fr Chris McPhee msc 0419 149793 or (02) 4630 0217 St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park NSW

Seminarian Reynold Jabonata with Bishop McKenna


St. Raphael’s ~ Cowra High Achievers

mainly staff and students. Years 9 and 10 students responded magnificently to the challenges of running and recording t the conclusion of each semester at St Raphael’s, events and displayed great leadership. excellence in various areas of school life is rewarded. The final point score saw St Raphael’s as the winner of the In our school population of almost 500 students, there carnival and St Mary’s Wellington win the Sportsmasters’ Award. are many High Achievers, and competition for awards is The successful competitors will now take part in the Diocesan stiff. Semester One awards for 2011 focused on Academic Athletics Carnival which will be held in Bathurst. Congratulations Achievement. to everyone on a very successful event! Our assembly began with a prayerful liturgical movement Sue Whiteley focused on the great feast of Pentecost performed by Katiya Haran, Jasmine Sciberras and Demi Smith. Congratulations to all these High Achievers. Everyone is looking forward to a successful and productive Semester Two.


Athletes Shine


n a sparkling winter’s day blessed with glorious sunshine, the four Central Schools from the Bathurst Diocese came together in Cowra for the representative Athletics Carnival. With a large program of events to be completed, the carnival created a kaleidoscope of movement and colour as the many field and track sports took place continuously throughout the day. St Raphael’s was the host school for the carnival and many officials and helpers were provided by the school,

Stuart Town Visit

Pic courtesy: Wellington Times


n 23rdJuly 2011 Bishop Michael McKenna made his first formal visit to Stuart Town Catholic Community. He was principal celebrant at the regular 8.30 am Saturday morning Mass and confirmed Becki and Sam Cummings. He also gave a blessing to regular altar server Naomi Newenhay. The visit was a chance for the Bishop to view the newly painted interior of the church and join the community for morning tea. Fr. Tony Hennessy, Parish Priest of Wellington, says Stuart Town is a good and strong community for its size and age - “It is a place of faith and hope”.

ACBC General Secretary in Bathurst


r Brian Lucas, General Secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, made a special visit to Bathurst recently.

Fr Brian generously agreed to come and speak about ‘The Catholic Church in Australia: Structure, Organisation and Governance’ at Merrick Hall in Kelso. The seminar was originally primarily designed for our Catholic Education Council, but was opened to a wider audience including priests and members of Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils, the CDF Board and the Diocesan Finance Council. Fr Brian gave some historical background to some of the ways things are done in the Church and gave everyone present a better understanding of the how and why of Church structure and governance in a very interesting and entertaining manner.

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Building Bridges, Not Walls: Prisons and the Justice System


n the Social Justice Statement for 2011–2012, the Catholic Bishops of Australia urge all Australians to think about the conditions in our prisons, and to ask who are most likely to find themselves there and why.

The Statement, titled Building Bridges, Not Walls: Prisons and the justice system, points out that between 1984 and 2008, while rates of crime either stayed steady or fell, the number of Australians in prison per 100,000 people almost doubled. The majority of Australian prisoners come from the most disadvantaged sections of the community: the underprivileged, those suffering from mental illness, and especially Indigenous people, who make up about 2.3% of the Australian population but about a quarter of those in prison. The incarceration rate for young Indigenous people is even higher. The disproportionate growth in imprisonment has come about in part because of repeated law-and-order election campaigns and sensationalist reporting, which encourage the idea that crime is out of control.

contribute to crime; to maintain the dignity of prisoners; to help prisoners after release; and to seek practical alternatives to imprisonment.

our communities, let us consider how we can make a difference for those in prison and seeking bridges to a new life.

Certainly there will always be a need No crime can diminish the fact that The full Social Justice Statement will be for prisons, but it is time for Australians we are all created in the image and available at to ask what they expect from their likeness of God. In our parishes and or phone (02) 8306 3499. prison systems. Is jail simply somewhere to warehouse wrongdoers until they have served their sentences, or can it be a place where inmates learn to become responsible members of the wider society? How can we support those who have committed no crime but suffer terribly because their loved ones are incarcerated? This is an issue that especially affects children with a parent who has been imprisoned. And what can we do to support those who have paid their debt to society but must overcome obstacles to finding work, a place to live and a place in our community? The Statement celebrates the work of chaplains and all who work to bring hope and support to prisoners. Jesus Christ never neglected outcasts and criminals – in fact, he sought them out to bring them his message of salvation and redemption. Inspired by the message and ministry of Jesus, the Bishops present us with five challenges: to confront fear campaigns about law and order; to address the social factors that

Prison Chaplains for the Diocese of Bathurst - Sister Mary Stafford rsj (Bathurst), Di Frost (Wellington) and Sister Christina Aitkin rsm (Lithgow Kirkconnell) - with Bishop Michael McKenna.


PRISONS! GAOLS! CORRECTIONAL CENTRES! What do you know about these facilities? Test your knowledge - are you able to answer these questions?......... How many prisons are in our Bathurst Diocese? There are five Correctional Centres in the Diocese - Bathurst, Lithgow, Wellington, Kirkconnell and Oberon. There are approximately1,800 prisoners in these facilities.

Who are the people in prison?

within the prison system, so that in our Catholic community, and in the wider society, debate is refocused on people, not just on law and order.

Can you suggest ways in which you and you Church Community may assist Prison Chaplains?

Prisoners represent the diversity of Australian society. While they § Praying regularly for prisoners, their Chaplains and the Staff of correctional centres at your weekend Mass would be a have been judged guilty of breaking the Law of the Land, and worthwhile and positive measure. Why not suggest adding are paying their debt to society, they are still the fathers and a petition to the Prayers of the Faithful if your church has not mothers, the sons and daughters and the neighbours who a done so already? At Chapel Services in Prison, worshippers might have led a ‘normal’ life until a wrong choice was made are encouraged to join their prayer with those who are by them. Eventually, these people return to the community to praying in the outside Community. take up their lives again. § Some Communities select a different correctional centre Do any of these people venture into the community in each month and pray for all involved i.e. prisoners, chaplains preparation for their reintegration into society? and other staff. The answer is ‘Yes’. Some prisoners with a low classification § It has also been suggested that individuals at prayer select a take part in Community projects under the supervision of a particular number and pray for the person in that cell at each Correctional Officer. Others, also with a low classification, are of the correctional centres. If you choose this course, your eligible for Day and Weekend leave under the supervision of a prayerful support may help change lives in positive ways. Sponsor. § If you are passing one of the correctional centres you may Who cares for the Spiritual welfare of people choose to whisper a prayer for all inside.

incarcerated in these facilities?

If you answered ‘Chaplains-‘- full marks! There are three full time Catholic Prison Chaplains employed by the Bishop. These chaplains are located at Bathurst - Sister Mary Stafford RSJ; Wellington - Mrs Di Frost: Lithgow and Kirkconnell - Sister Christina Aitken RSM.

What is the ministry these Chaplains carry out? Chaplains bring the Good News of God’s love to these incarcerated people, who are made in the image and likeness of God. Chaplains stand with people and treat them with respect and compassion. People in prison are often at their most vulnerable, having lost their freedom, reputation, employment, housing and sometimes their support networks. Chaplains do not judge nor deal with the individual situations that caused a person to be incarcerated. Standing in solidarity with prisoners is often as simple as being on hand to listen and help hold a person’s pain for a time. A privilege of chaplaincy is helping people process their lives, if they choose, so that they may come to some peace from which to deal with life in prison. Chaplains deal with many who have never had the opportunity to discover their own goodness and the unconditional love of God for them. Chaplains endeavour to model acceptance of each person and their dignity as they show forth the love of God. The work of Chaplains is quite diverse. Conducting Chapel Services, leading a Memorial Service and attending to such practicalities as supplying clothes to those who are to be released or attending court, are aspects of a typical week.

§ Accept the challenge to stand up for Christian values with regard to prisoners and ex-prisoners:Ø Speak positively about people in prison and against reactionary law and order groups. Ø Treat former prisoners as people with dignity, give them a fair go. Some former prisoners have reported that the way they are treated by some makes them feel like the ‘lepers’ of biblical times. The challenge for the rest of us is to be Christlike and help change this situation. Ø Investigate joining Prison Fellowship and undertake training so that you may work with others for the good of prisoners, both within and outside the prison. Ø Sponsors are always needed for prisoners eligible for day release but who have no one to take them. There can be more than one sponsor to share the task. Why not find out what is involved? Chaplains can guide you in this area. Ø Work towards implementing realistic alternatives to incarceration - maybe by joining a group with this focus and/ or having input to your local Social Justice Group.

Who can be a Catholic Prison Chaplain? Chaplains come from many backgrounds and life experiences. The main qualities are commitment to the Catholic Church and its values and a compassionate interest in others and their life journey. Practical skills in interpersonal communications, flexibility and commonsense are also essential in the prison situation Training for the spiritual side of Chaplaincy and in security awareness is available to those entering the ministry. Any of the current Chaplains can be contacted to answer any other queries.

Chaplains work closely with other Staff in correctional centres and support, and are supported by, these dedicated professionals. Congratulations on undertaking this Quiz. Next time you think or Advocacy that promotes the dignity of all involved is a vital part speak about this topic, you may have more information and a of Chaplaincy. Chaplains work consistently to address society’s different point of view. negative perceptions of prisons and prisoners. They are aware Sr Christina Aitkin, rsm of their responsibilities to put forward the human face of those Sr Mary Stafford, rsj


Centacare Sunday


nce a year, we take a moment to reflect on and celebrate the work of Centacare for the welfare of families and communities within our Diocese. We are reminded that this work is the Mission of the Church in our Diocese. Since its beginning in 1988, Centacare has assisted thousands in our Diocese, strengthened families and communities, helped people to enrich their lives and their relationships with others. To do this work, every year the Centacare team travels over 100,000 kilometres within the Diocese. The spirit of the Good Samaritan guides Centacare and its workers are grounded in the foundational value of Centacare - Jesus came into this world so that everyone can have the fullness of life. I have an immense sense of appreciation for the hard work of the Centacare team, the support from congregations across the Diocese, the leadership provided by Bishop McKenna, and the commitment of a vibrant and dynamic Advisory Board. I am grateful to Sr Mary Comer, the founding Director and Vivienne Llewellyn, the former Director, for their vision and wisdom. Centacare works with the Catholic Education Office for the pastoral care of the school communities in our Diocese. The Federal and State governments continue to be our major sources of funding. We value their partnership and together we work for the welfare of our families and communities. Last year Centacare received nearly $10,000 by way of donations on Centacare Sunday. This has assisted us to provide services to the needy and the disadvantaged families in our community. I solicit your continued prayerful support for Centacare and its Mission, the people we strive to serve, and our dedicated staff. Robert George Director

Skills for a successful relationship

“We had an enjoyable, fun time and learned a lot about each other our relationship. I was surprised. It was time well-spent” (feedback from a participant)


ver the past couple of flexibility. Contact Centacare on decades, Centacare has 6331 8944 (Bathurst) or 6885 0277 provided relationship skills (Dubbo). training to thousands of couples entering into marriage. In the recent past, we have seen a surge in the number of couples - already living together, planning to live together, contemplating marriage, already married, with children, without children - participating in our relationship education programmes. Centacare now has, more than ever before, a number of trained facilitators across the Diocese to assist couples explore their relationships and gain skills and insight. The programmes are designed to suit the needs of the participants and delivered with

The Centacare team

Centacare Prayer


lessed are you Lord, God of mercy and love,

who through your Son gave us a marvellous example of charity

and the great commandment of love for one another. Send down your blessings upon us so that when we are called on in times of need, we will faithfully show your light and love to our neighbour. May we go forward confident in the intercession of your mother Mary, and in the name of our creating, liberating and ever loving God.

Anne Burke, Centacare’s Premarriage Education Co-ordinator.



Crafty SREs


he Dubbo Special Religious Education group invited SRE Teachers from the communities of Coonamble, Coolah, Gilgandra, Coonabarabran, Narromine, Wellington, Dunedoo and Mudgee to attend a training day in craft and drama suitable for scripture lessons. Mrs Mary Smith from Greta, Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, was invited to present the day. The group enjoyed the creativity in both sessions and have since used some of the activities. Afterwards, the teachers finished lessons at Cowra Primary School and Mulyan Primary School, had a meeting and shared lunch together.

The SRE Teachers immersed themselves in the drama session at Dubbo Training day

Fr Laurie Beath, Annie Meyers, Anne Dernee, Jann Whitty (Co-ordinator), Sister Robyn McNamara (Parish Pastoral CareCanowindra and Cowra)

Catholic Development Fund Interest Rates from December 1, 2010 Koala Club and Savings Accounts First $4,999 Balance $5,000 - $19,999 Balance $20,000 and over

0.50% 0.75% 1.00%

Cash Management (Min deposit $50,000)


Christmas Club (Min deposit $5)


Term Deposits 12 months (Min deposit $500) Deposits $500 - $49,999 Deposits $50,000 and over

4.50% 4.75%

Short Term Deposits (Min deposit $5,000) Deposits $5,000 – 49,999 Deposits $50,000 and over

3 months 4.00% 4.25%

6 months 4.15% 4.35%

9 months 4.35% 4.50%

Rates are calculated on daily balances and subject to change without notice. Disclosure: The Catholic Development Fund Diocese of Bathurst (CDF) is not subject to the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001 nor has it been examined or approved by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Deposits with CDF are guaranteed by CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference for this purpose. We welcome your investment with the CDF rather than with a profit oriented commercial organisation as a conscious commitment by you to support the Charitable, Religious and Educational works of the Catholic Church. CDF, nor the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Bathurst are prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority; contributions to CDF do not obtain the benefit of the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act 1959; CDF is designed for investors who wish to promote the charitable purposes of CDF


St. Brigid’s ~ Coonamble NAIDOC Celebrations

Visit to Koonambil


AIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC celebrations are held around Australia, in the first week in July each year, to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In support of the 2011 theme, Change: the next step is ours, each student at St Brigid’s decorated a copy of one of their feet and displayed it on a class poster. The posters were a feature of the prayer service that was held in the assembly room. There was story telling, a chat about Aboriginal artifacts, Aboriginal games and dancing. All children wore black, yellow and red clothes and thoroughly enjoyed the variety of activities provided for them by community members and staff. Trish Crawley


he Y4 students and members of the School Choir travelled to Koonambil Hostel recently to sing for residents. Their enthusiasm was evident in their performance, the way they chatted to the residents afterwards and their fabulous behaviour. The students are true performers; they adapted to the area had that had been cleared for them and they danced and sang their little hearts out. Pam Storer had prepared the students for this great activity - her enthusiasm is infectious, as is the children’s delight in performing and singing. We are most appreciative of the staff and residents allowing us to visit.

Many questions were directed to Lachie, guest at the cultural chat

Curriculum Writing Staff of St Pius X School Dubbo being inducted into the new Kindergarten to Year 6 Religious Education Curriculum. Angelo Belmonte and Lorraine Short have run seminars for each primary school for the implementation of the new program.

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A Message from the Executive Director of Schools‌..


n the past couple of years Catholic education in this country has undergone arguably the most significant change since the introduction of compulsory education in the 1870s. One area that continues to experience constant change is the moving mosaic of information and communication technology (ICT). The recently published Horizon Report 2011 identifies keeping pace with the rapid proliferation of information, software tools and devices as a critical challenge in itself for students and teachers alike. One of the other major challenges for Catholic schools in the Diocese of Bathurst is cost inequity compared with metropolitan rates for the supply of bandwidth.

come from and given what we know at this point in time look ahead to where we need to get to in terms of the provision of ICT to enhance high quality teaching and learning and administration systems. We were also able to celebrate that all systemic Catholic schools in the Diocese of Bathurst are now connected to the Wide Area Network receiving connectivity through Catholic Network Australia (CNA) and its business partner Telstra. Through our service agreements with CeNet all schools are now using corporate email and have access to enterprise standard antivirus protection. In addition to this all schools have access to procurement agreements with major vendors to enable the purchase of new equipment with industry grade warranty and service agreements to enable substantial cost savings.

Last term I joined with three senior colleagues from the Catholic Education Office to provide schools with a snapshot of the changes that have occurred in ICT for Catholic education and The Catholic Education Office has commenced work on a the strategic direction for the provision of ICT in the Diocese of Diocesan identity management system and it is likely that this work will be completed by the end of the year. Completion Bathurst. During the presentation that was repeated in Bathurst, Orange of this work will enable a single sign-on for students and staff and Dubbo, we were able to look back to where we have when accessing services and this also represents the first step in preparation for the implementation of a Diocesan learning management system (LMS).

This is my final message as Executive Director of Schools before I commence my new role as Director Employee Services with Brisbane Catholic Education. I have developed a deep affection for the Central West of New South Wales and the people of the Diocese of Bathurst. I am so pleased that I attended to the whisperings of the Spirit in my heart and accepted the role of Executive Director of Schools. It has been a privilege working with people committed to the flourishing of young people and ministry of Catholic education. I will cherish many fond memories and I leave the Diocese of Bathurst confident that Christ is at the centre of the Catholic school and students are the focus of the work of Catholic education. Peter Hill Executive Director of Schools

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Our Josephite Heritage


thriving little community that certainly lives its motto ‘Learning, Understanding, Peace’. Father Filby as Parish Priest and regular visitor alternates his role between ‘extremely honoured guest’ and ‘part of the furniture’ in response to the particular needs of the day.

he Josephite charism remains an integral part of many of the schools in our diocese, and the influence of the Sisters of St Joseph intentionally permeates their school culture, mission and vision, despite the fact that most of these schools have been without the ‘Sisters’ for many years. Mary MacKillop and other religious symbols and statues are given great prominence. The Sisters of St Joseph are hoping that schools will be interested in introducing the Junior Josephite Associates (JJAs), a contemporary program which focuses on engaging upper Primary students in activities and monthly meetings to keep this alive for another generation of country Catholics. St Joseph’s in Molong is one of our schools founded by the Sisters. It was established in 1881 with the arrival of the Sisters of St. Joseph, a congregation founded by Blessed Mary MacKillop and Fr Tenison Woods to provide education, particularly education in faith, for the children in remote areas of the Australian colonies. They would certainly be proud of the current school environment with its state of the art facilities, including a beautiful and functional new hall, exciting and innovative teaching and learning and strong and active connection to parish and community. Walking through the classrooms, the students’ engagement in learning and the teachers’ enthusiasm and sound pedagogy are evident. The

students are given many opportunities to develop leadership skills through public speaking and involvement in community activities. They also assume leadership roles in the School such as leading the daily PE and prayer. Everyone has the responsibility for ensuring the school runs smoothly and the playground is a place of fun and laughter. Students, teachers and parents are justly proud of their School, and parents, visitors and members of the community are always given a warm welcome in this

St Joey’s in Gilgandra provides a Northern aspect to the Josephite heritage. ‘For The Glory of God We Give of Our Best’ is a motto that not only sits well but also is woven into the fabric of this vibrant school community. During our time spent at St Joey’s this term we were privileged to witness ‘the tunnel’ and ‘roar’! This is the whole school’s welcome home and affirmation for students who have represented the school in local, community, diocesan and state events. Regardless of the result or the level of the event, ALL students are given a rousing welcome by those remaining as they run through the human tunnel created by their peers and are then engulfed in the rousing roar of praise led by Mr Muz! The particular event on our day was the Year One and Two Verse Speaking at the Dubbo Eisteddfod. I believe the children came in second (or maybe third!). It didn’t matter! They were made to feel that they had done their school proud by ‘giving of their best’! One bemused mother told me that she was driving to the eisteddfod and had told her daughter she could come in the car and they would go to MacDonald’s after (at the top of her daughter’s treat list) but was greeted with: “No way mum! I have to go on the bus, because the tunnel starts as soon as you get off and drop your bag!”. Obviously much more of a drawcard than Macas! This ‘give of your best’ attitude pervades all aspects of school life at St Joey’s from the strong connection to Parish and community, and involvement of both in the life of the School, to the teaching and learning, management and strategic resourcing. They too, also have a beautiful new library that can cleverly transform into an amazing extension of their established hall, and what amounts to a brand new school with all classrooms extended and refurbished. St Joseph’s was established in 1909 and celebrated its centenary in fine style in 2010. It is certainly a fine example of a vibrant professional learning community where ‘the people’ are what makes this a very special school. Janine Kearney CEO Dubbo


Quality Catholic Education Framework “With Jesus Christ as our inspiration and guide, we are called to provide high-quality Catholic education in the Diocese of Bathurst”


his Vision for Catholic education in the Diocese of Bathurst has guided the development of the new Diocesan Quality Catholic Education (QCE) Framework. The Framework outlines and describes the essential components of a Catholic school and aligns school review, leadership and planning to enhance student achievement. It is written in the four Key Areas of Catholic Life and Religious Education, Learning and Teaching, Leadership for School Improvement and Strategic Resourcing and is a tool by which schools reflect on their practice and identify ways to improve student learning and develop as effective Catholic schools. Last month, CEO personnel, Principals and Assistant Principals from 17 schools in the Diocese gathered in Orange to

Religious Education Co-ordinators’ Assembly “The REC and Religious Leadership in Today’s Catholic School”

learn about the Framework and how to align Framework processes with school plans and practices. All 34 schools in the Diocese have now completed the introduction to QCE. At the workshops, the Executive Director of Schools, Mr Peter Hill, identified the importance of School Improvement: } School Improvement is our Mission and Moral Purpose - it is our core business } A Catholic school must be a good school and provide quality education } We must lead students to come, to know and to love Jesus } We must reinforce Christ as the foundation of the whole educational enterprise of the Catholic school.

Professor Michael Bezzina from Australian Catholic University, leading Religious Education Co-ordinators on a two day conference on the “The REC and Religious Leadership in Today’s Catholic School”

The key messages from the workshops centred on the themes of reflection, quality culture, local context and ownership, dialogue and evidence. Central to all of this is the student. Feedback from participants indicated that the Framework will provide them with a valuable school improvement resource. Throughout 2011, the CEO focus has been on school improvement and several professional learning opportunities have been provided for schools. These have included a two day Leadership for School Improvement course for all Principals and Assistant Principals. 2012 will see the full implementation of the Quality Catholic Education Framework.

Gabrielle Sinclair, Steve Dwyer (Redbend College) Mary Liesch (CEO), Brigid Carrigan (St Matthews Mudgee) listening to Professor Bezzina

Gene Smith, Chris Derwin, Sue Dickson


CEO Bathurst

Pearls of Wisdom


was fortunate enough to attend the 30th Anniversary Parent Conference held at the beautiful Shoal Bay Resort in July. The Conference was hosted by the Federation of P&F Associations from the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and was definitely worth the six hour drive from Dubbo. My reasons for attending the conference were so that I can report back to parents of our Diocese the importance of networking together and appreciation for what the Catholic School Community does for our children.

that this would not appeal to me greatly, but I left feeling inspired and determined not to be an impressionable image on my nieces, friends’ children and to the girls I teach. I had never realised the impact that society has on our girls to such a damaging degree. Leading Melbourne psychologist Andrew Fuller talked about Boys, Boys, Boys and Girls Too. He too led a motivational presentation to describe boys to a tee - I think there may be hidden cameras in my house because

assist them in their faith, education and personal development so that they can lead rewarding and joyful lives as adults. I came away from the parent conference with a new zest for life and for my family. I also realised that I’m not doing the worst job as a parent but the speakers and workshop presenters gave me a few tips that I can draw on that will help me and my kids to live a more fulfilling relationship. Ali Cant

The Conference was more than I expected. There were fantastic keynote speakers, inspirational workshops and the buzz of parents all talking about how they love the enthusiastic Catholic school environment. The structure of the weekend was to cover as many different areas of parent engagement as possible from the classroom to homework, special needs to gifted and talented, adult relationships, home/school relationships, testing behaviour, additive free lunch box ideas, promoting a healthy body image for our kids, dealing with boys and the generation gap. The leading keynote speakers described accurately the face of our youth today. Michael McQueen described Understanding Generations at Home a humorous and truly valuable tool for looking at the way our kids of Gen Y and Gen Z now see the world compared to Gen X, the Baby Boomers and The Builders. Dannielle Miller presented Raising Amazing Girls - having only boys I thought

he knew exactly what was going on with my 8 and 5 year old sons. Our role as parents, carers and educators is to guide our children on their journey to adulthood; to encourage them and

Allen Bennett (Bathurst), Karen Christie (President P&F Federation MaitlandNewcastle), Ray Collins (Director of Schools - Diocese of MaitlandNewcastle), Ali Cant (Dubbo)

Vocational Student Prize for MacKillop students


warm congratulations is extended to 2010 Year 12 students Amelia King and Grace McAuley. The girls are the recipients of the recently announced Australian Vocational Student Prize, sponsored by the Federal Government. Amelia and Grace studied 2 Unit Hospitality as well as Extension Hospitality in Year 12. Students undertaking Hospitality as part of their senior studies become involved in developing practical skills in training for work in the hospitality industry. As well as theory-based work, students are required to complete a compulsory 70 hours of work in the hospitality industry. Upon successful completion of the course, they may be eligible for a Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations). Amelia and Grace were nominated as worthy candidates for the prize as they both achieved Band 6 results in the Hospitality HSC Exam and demonstrated exceptional skill, commitment and achievement in the Commercial Cookery component of the course.

$2,000 for their efforts in this course. Amelia and Grace will be further acknowledged with a presentation at the College’s annual MacKillop Dinner in September.

The girls have each been rewarded with a certificate and


Ximena McPhillamy Hospitality Teacher

Godly Play Workshops


s part of the Implementation of the new K-6 RE Curriculum, presence in their lives. It’s about understanding how each about 120 teachers in the Diocese participated in 3 one of the stories of God’s people connects with the child’s own experience and relationship with God. Godly Play respects day workshops on Godly Play. Godly Play teaches children the art of using Christian language the innate spirituality of children and encourages curiosity and - parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action - helping imagination in experiencing the mystery and joy of God. Angelo Belmonte

them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s

Teachers gather in Bathurst to explore the Godly Play approach

Courageous Conversations and Contemporary Learning


ne of the key ‘discoveries’ to come out of the delivery of our Quality Catholic Education (QCE) framework to School Leaders has been the importance of engaging in conversations and professional dialogue around learning and teaching in order to ‘grow’ our professional learning communities. The second ‘Lightening the Load’ session for Principals at the end of Term 2, looked at this dialogue from a different perspective, and at our learning communities in light of contemporary learning theory. There are times in everyone’s life when it is necessary to engage others in conversations we would rather avoid. Leaving an issue alone in the hope that it will ‘get better over time’ or sort itself out rarely results in a positive outcome. In our school communities these conversations can be critical in improving our children’s opportunity to learn. Our workshop on Day One, facilitated by Dr Michelle

Mulvihill, focused on how to have courageous conversations to affect positive outcomes. We looked at the five purposes of a courageous conversation in the workplace- to interrogate reality, provoke learning, tackle tough challenges, enhance relationships, and to find a solution that is creative, innovative and realistic. We learnt (and practised) a 3-step model that develops a courageous conversation. We also had fun in the process…. AND discovered that some of our Principals really COULD have a career on the stage! Day 2 began with a review and refresher on using our cluster Wiki to ‘share’ resources, ideas, programs and policies. Vickie Vance, our diocesan ICT ‘guru’, walked us through this and is available for ongoing support in this area (and much in demand since the very successful ICT Roadshow). We were also very fortunate to have access to the skills and experience of Steve Marchant to

‘fly’ us through the incredible possibilities in contemporary learning. We looked at how it integrates technologies, engages students in ways not previously possible, is not restricted to a physical space (the classroom) or time (the school day) or location (extending interactions with local and global communities). It is sobering to think that we are teaching children to actively contribute to a world that will be totally different to ours today and with technologies beyond our imagination. One of the ongoing and important benefits of taking time out to reflect on Learning as Leaders is that it gives everyone the opportunity to share and laugh about their daily highs and lows and engage in informal conversations that strengthen the bonds of the leadership network. Our final workshop in Week 8 continues our contemporary learning focus and our Wiki workout! Janine Kearney CEO Dubbo


Teachers collaborate for 21st Century Learning


ver 75 teachers collaborated to analyse the future of technology in education in schools within the Diocese of Bathurst in early June this year. The “ICT Roadshow 2011” hit the road and travelled to three locations throughout the Diocese. Principals, teachers and technical assistants from all schools were invited to attend to hear presentations from Peter Hill, Executive Director of Schools; Josephine Chirgwin, Chief Financial Officer; Matt Bourke, Network Operations Manager and Vickie Vance, Education Officer for Technology in Teaching and Learning. The ICT Roadshow covered a variety of topics about technology in schools. Information about the state of technology in the Diocese now, why it is where it is and where it is heading was presented in a variety of information tools, including talk, diagrams, plans, and multi-media. The current plans for increasing the connectivity of schools and ways of resourcing to replace school devices were discussed. The messages centred around the facts that the amount and type of technology is increasing and schools will need to plan, on an individual basis, to ensure equitable access by all students in the most appropriate way for their situations.

Participant analysis of information in all three areas was consistently positive. The information presented in Bathurst, Orange and Dubbo was both broad and complex, and in all venues participants commented on the value of such an approach – giving three venues the same information at the same time. Excitement was another common theme The importance of technology in education was emphasised from the groups that analysed the information, with positive at all locations. Technology is seen as a tool that enhances comments about ‘heading in the right direction’ seen in all good teaching practices. It broadens the horizon for learning venues. opportunities as well as the breadth and depth of learning in The ICT Roadshow looks set to become a continuing event. all areas of the curriculum. Technology can also allow better Feedback encouraged the approach to continue the administrative practices and more collaborative links between dialogue and collaboration across the Diocese in the future home and school for parents and students. Many of the skills to inform schools of Diocesan approaches to assist individual needed for the graduates of school in the 21st Century can be schools facilitate a modern, contemporary education for all learnt through or enhanced by the use of technology. It was students. these messages and the current state of school technology that teachers worked together to analyse to help plan the Vickie Vance forward path for technology in all schools across the Diocese. Education Officer, Curriculum ICT K-12

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Focus on Anniversaries


ext year marks the 50th Anniversary of the beginning of the Second Vatican Council. On 11th October 1962, Pope John XXIII opened the Council at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. To commemorate the Council’s Golden Anniversary, the Australian Catholic Bishops are declaring a “Year of Grace” as an “opportunity for Catholics to come together with a renewed sense of grace and joy in their experience of the Church”. The first document produced (promulgated) by the Council was the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy known in Latin as Sacrosanctum Concilium on 4th December 1963. A copy of Sacrosanctum Concilium can be accessed on the Vatican website at Sacrosanctum Concilium ushered in the changes to the liturgy that had a profound effect on congregations including the use of English in the liturgy, the congregation and the priest celebrant gathering around the altar and the active participation of the congregation in the liturgy.

gestures that are part of the liturgy.

Active participation doesn’t end with the dismissal. Having actively participated in the Mass we go out to actively participate in the mission of the Church, to live out the gospel values and be Christ to our world. This is called living a liturgical spirituality or living a Participation in the liturgy is described Eucharistic life. in Sacrosanctum Concilium as ‘full, Another important component of conscious and active’. Quite a Sacrosanctum Concilium is that the challenge. When we come to Mass faithful be given the opportunity to we come as a community, to gather understand and learn about the liturgy. together to praise God and to be This aspect has recently been given a transformed into ‘the body of Christ’. voice with the parish seminars and music For some people this means taking workshops on the new translation of the on a ministry or role in the liturgy. For Roman Missal and regional seminars others active participation means just held in 2009 on the General Instruction getting to Mass. Whatever our level of on the Roman Missal (GIRM). participation it is worth remembering that participation has an internal as well The Liturgy Commission hopes to provide as an external element. We need to more opportunities to learn about the prepare our hearts and minds to ‘tune liturgy in October and November this in’ to the action of the liturgy. We also year. need to pray, sing and respond and Sacrosanctum Concilium is a good perform the common postures and place to start learning about the liturgy

especially for liturgy planning groups. Sections of Sacrosanctum Concilium could be used as a basis for a parish ministry day where people involved in ministries and roles in the parish liturgy could come together to learn and share their experiences of the liturgy. There are, of course, more formal opportunities for learning. The Australian Catholic University is offering a Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies (Liturgy). The Graduate Certificate consists of four units and is offered via online learning, weekend intensive units or vacation schools. For more information go to Anniversaries are a good opportunity to refocus on where we have come from and importantly, where we are going. 2012 and 2013 gives us time to ‘rediscover’ the spirit of the Second Vatican Council in the liturgical life of our Diocese. David Nelson Chair, Diocesan Liturgy Commission

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The ‘Malaysian Solution’


The burden of irregular migration flows is one which needs to be shared more equally between countries based on their capacity to care for asylum seekers.

talian-born Fr Maurizio Pettena CS is Director of the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (ACMRO). He has studied Theology in Toronto, Canada and at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, and has a particular academic history in refugee movements worldwide. He speaks various languages and has worked extensively with migrants and refugees in a number of different countries. “ACMRO represents the commitment of the Catholic Church in Australia to offer an ecclesial response to the reality of migration” says Fr Maurizio - who is a Missionary of the Congregation of St. Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinians). Fr Maurizio’s publications include: Migration in the Bible; The Teaching of the Church on Migration, Dynamics of the Scalabrinian Response, Migration and Pastoral Models; The Migrant and Itinerant Family.

Australia has one of the most successful resettlement programs in the world and it is appropriate that the number of refugees under this program be increased. Australia is better placed than other countries in the region to resettle refugees due to the economic success underpinning our Nation.

refugee places them in precarious situations and it is important for nations to pursue the safety and protection of forced migrants. This concern for their welfare must not stop at our border.

The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office acknowledges Here he reflects on the ‘Malaysian the policy of sending the next 800 Solution’ to refugees and asylum boat arrivals to Malaysia might be seekers…. a deterrent for further boat arrivals. Of fundamental importance in any However cannot condone this policy; policy dealing with forced migration as essentially swapping human life is the dignity of human life. Through goes against the moral teaching of the a commitment to respect and build Church. up people from all nations, the global ACMRO has grave concerns for the phenomenon of migration, voluntary welfare of the potential 800 candidates or compelled, can be successfully that may be sent to Malaysia due managed and beneficial. It remains to the already heavy burden that essential for Australia to hear asylum Malaysia carries. While Malaysia seekers when they knock at our door. appears willing to uphold the key The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office acknowledge the purpose of the Australian government’s negotiations with Malaysia is to address people smuggling. The journey of a

aspect of the Refugee Convention to not return asylum seekers to the origin of danger; this alone does not afford asylum seekers the opportunity of a sustainable life.

The negotiations between Australia and Malaysia represent a bilateral agreement and a step towards a regional framework for managing and protecting forced migrants. Any regional framework is likely to include countries that are not signatory to the Refugee Convention. What is not negotiable, is the welfare, dignity and respect of migrants both forced and voluntary. It is important to remember that people smuggling is merely a symptom of the underlying problem of war, poverty and inequality in the world. This underlying problem does not disappear by decreasing boat arrivals to Australia. The people smuggler business model is diminished by increasing Australia’s humanitarian intake. By providing desperate people with a valid pathway into Australia they do not need to risk their lives on a boat. Irregular flows of forced migrants do not continue indefinitely; but how we respond as a nation will be remembered. Fr Maurizio Pettena CS

Norman J Penhall Funerals Deidre and Norman Penhall Established 1962 Head Office and Chapel 33-35 William Street, Orange 2800 For personal attention 24 hours Ph: (02) 6362 3751 Mrs Vonnie Ryan 21 Marsden Street, Blayney 2799 Ph: (02) 6368 2180 • Locally owned and proudly Australian • Prepaid and Pre-arranged Funerals Servicing Orange, Blayney, Molong, Manildra, Canowindra and surrounding districts

Our family caring for your family CATHOLIC OBSERVER - SEPTEMBER EDITION - PAGE 24

Bishops unite to support local Refugee Support Group


n Friday 29th July, Bishop Michael McKenna and Anglican Bishop of Bathurst, Bishop Richard Hurford, visited Rahamim (Ecological Learning Centre) in solidarity with the Bathurst Refugee Support Group to welcome a group of 20 Chaldean Christian women who came for a retreat weekend with STARTTS (Service for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors). This visit was the highlight of the weekend for the women as, in their own words, “two humble Bishops sat at our table and treated us so specially!” Time was not an issue, despite the busy schedule of both Bishops, and it was very evident that each woman relished the opportunity of being able to gather, share their story and ‘break bread’ in the spirit of Eucharist. The two Bishops have agreed to be Patrons of the local Refugee Support Group. With xenophobia so prevalent in today’s society, the small but committed group see the readiness of the Bishops to support their efforts as a providential sign. As Bishop Hurford left, his parting words were……“The women thought we gave them our blessing, when indeed they have blessed us by sharing their stories and encountering their deep faith”.

Bishop Hurford and Bishop McKenna with the Chaldean women and some of the Rahamim Community Sr Pat Linnane, rsm

Bishop visits Rahamim


ishop McKenna recently visited the folks at Rahamim Ecological Learning Centre in Bathurst for morning tea.

The visit gave the Sisters of Mercy, Rahamim Board Members, Staff and Volunteers an opportunity to welcome Bishop Michael and share with him the work and hopes of Rahamim. The Centre offers educational opportunities such as workshops, seminars and retreats, conducted by local people and visiting speakers. In the grounds, Rahamim is developing a demonstration site for permaculture, community gardens, habitat and ecofriendly water, wind and solar technologies. More information is available at their website - Right: Morning tea at Rahamim Below: Rahamim’s Project Officer, John Fry, took the Bishop on a site tour, explaining the benefits of organic planting using special pink tree guards

Recommended repairer and stockist for

Renovations almost complete! 71 Keppel St, Bathurst Ph/Fax (02) 6331 7544 CATHOLIC OBSERVER - SEPTEMBER EDITION - PAGE 25

James Sheahan Catholic High School Bringing Hope to Japanese Sister School


hen the students at James Sheahan Catholic High School heard of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated Japan they wanted to help. ‘Sheahan’ has a sister school in Ushiku and knew that their friends were suffering. Physical support was not possible but our School’s Japanese teacher, Michelle Whiteley, suggested the idea of sending a message of hope and love from our students to those in Japan in the form of 1000 paper cranes. The first 1000 paper cranes were made by Sadako, a young Japanese girl who was affected by radiation after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. She believed that if she folded a thousand paper cranes, her life would be saved. In Japanese culture the crane is a symbol of good luck. Sadly her life was not spared but her action has now come to represent the need for hope, harmony and peace in the world. The whole School Community willingly

embraced the project in their desire to demonstrate compassion and give emotional support. Year 7 spent a class period in the School Hall learning how to fold the cranes and then the project permeated throughout the other Years of the School, as one student after another demonstrated the technique

required so that all students could be involved. The thousand cranes were completed and sent to Japan. It was an amazing effort and is a wonderful reflection of the huge hearts of our students. Lynelle Maguire

Winter Challenge at Oberon


n Friday 17th June, St Joseph’s Catholic School Oberon’s Mini Vinnies group held a Winter Sleep Out. The Winter Sleep Out is an national initiative of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The event aims to recognise the needs of the homeless people and offer an experience of what it would be like to be homeless. The Oberon Sleep Out raised over $750 which will be donated to the local St Vincent de Paul store. The night began at 6pm with the celebration of Mass. Then there was a soup kitchen meal, followed by games that made participants really appreciate what they have in their own lives and what they could give to make the community a better place and try to address social justice issues such as homelessness and poverty. something participants will always The night was a very bitter one in remember. “We often take for granted Oberon and the experience was having a warm bed and a meal and

we now have a better appreciation for homeless people” said one. Erin McCort


Assumption School ~ Bathurst

Dianne Walkowiak from Assumption School making a presentation to Father Elio Capra at the recent Teachers’ Inservice in Bathurst

The snow fall in Bathurst didn’t bother these Year 4 students at Assumption School

All Hallows ~ Gulgong


Confirmation Retreat was recently attended by students from All Hallows Gulgong and St. Matthew’s Mudgee. A wonderful day of activities, reflection, prayer and friendship was held and this was a terrific way to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation at Gulgong

First Holy Communion at Gulgong

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88 Bentinck Street, Bathurst 2795 CATHOLIC OBSERVER - SEPTEMBER EDITION - PAGE 27

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Hear my Voice – Believe Annual Appeal for the Missionary Church


ishop Michael McKenna has appointed Michael Deasy, known to many in the Diocese of Bathurst from his work with the Catholic Development Fund in the 1980s and strong family links in Bathurst, as the Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission. The appointment is for a term of 12 months. Bishop, in his letter of appointment, said: “I am pleased to welcome you to this work and wish you every success in furthering an awareness of the universal mission of the Church and encouraging ongoing work for the work of Catholic Mission. Please be assured of my support as you take on this important role of leadership within the Bathurst Diocese.” Mr Deasy is based in Wollongong and will continue in his role as Catholic Mission Diocesan Director in that Diocese. His role has been expanded with the approval of Bishop Kevin Manning, Apostolic Administrator, to include the Diocese of WilcanniaForbes. This appointment is also for 12 months.

in Australia will not be fully the Church that Jesus wants her to be until you have made your contribution to her life and until that contribution has been joyfully received by others”. Pope Benedict XVI expands on his predecessor’s invitation ‘to express the living word of Jesus’’ in his World Mission Sunday Message 2011: “The universal mission involves everyone, everything and always. The Gospel is not an exclusive possession of those who have received it, but it is a gift to be shared, good news to be passed on to others. And this gift-commitment is entrusted not only to some, but to all the baptised, who are ‘a chosen race ... a holy nation, God’s own people’ (1 Peter 2:9), in order that they may proclaim his marvellous works”

The World Mission Month Appeal for the Church of Bathurst invites parish and school communities to join with indigenous communities in Australia and South America and hear the stories of their leaders proclaiming the Mr Deasy’s appointment is timely, Word of God, giving witness to a life with Glenn Smith’s retirement from the of service and preserving, for future position as the Diocese of Bathurst’s generations, their languages, cultures, part-time Mission Director (a role traditions and Catholic belief. largely undertaken in a voluntary capacity) and the approaching mission appeal in parishes during the month of October. World Mission Sunday is celebrated in all Catholic dioceses and mission territories of the universal Church on Sunday 23rd October. The appeal with its challenging theme ‘Hear My Voice ... BELIEVE’ has a dual focus: the home missions (outreach and pastoral ministry to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia’s large rural dioceses) and the overseas missions, featuring the indigenous Q’eghi people of Guatemala, South America. The Catholic Church has a distinguised The foundation for the appeal for the record in its advocacy and outreach home missions is an extract from Pope to peoples of all cultures coming John Paul’s moving speech that he together as one, in the name of Christ. gave to the people of Alice Springs This tradition continues today through during his historic visit to Australia the Church’s religious congregations in 1986: “The church invites you to and in the Diocese of Bathurst, express the living word of Jesus in especially by the representations of ways that speak your Aboriginal the Sisters of St Joseph and the Sisters minds and hearts, Jesus calls you to of Mercy on behalf of the exploited, accept his words and his values into marginalised and oppressed. your own culture... The Church herself Two bishops working with indigenous

people from opposite sides of the world have lent their personal endorsements to this vital annual appeal. Bishop Eugene Hurley of Darwin: “The great privilege for me is being able to discover the depth and prayerfulness of Indigenous faith, Catholic faith, and their association with nature and the land of God’s creation”. Bishop Gabriel Penate of Guatemala: “God has visited the Q’eqchi culture even before Christianity arrived. Jesus Christ is the greatest visitor and the Q’eqchi have welcomed him.” Mr Deasy said that he welcomed the opportunity to build on the foundations so successfully laid by his predecessors in the position. He particularly looked forward to working closely with Bishop McKenna, the Presbyterate for the Church of Bathurst and the Catholic schools and religious communities represented in the Diocese for the good of the missionary Church. He also acknowledged the past generosity of parishioners in all parishes in their support of a variety of Church appeals over many years, including those presented by Catholic Mission, or as it is known internationally, the Pontifical Mission Societies.


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10/08/2011 1:17:33 PM

Parish Secretaries meet in Bathurst


arish Secretaries from around the Diocese met in Bathurst for their annual two day Seminar last month. A job of tremendous importance, the role of Parish Secretary can often be one undertaken in a degree of isolation. These amazing women are often the first encounter people have with our Church and the annual Seminars aim to affirm and encourage them in their vital roles, as well as provide some professional development opportunities. This year, the Secretaries had a presentation from Tom Shaw from the NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages on registering marriages online. Other matters addressed were Occupational Health and Safety issues, including a presentation from Tianna Waite from Catholic Commission for Employment relations. There was also some social time, with the ladies being joined for dinner by Chancery and CDF staff - a rare opportunity for people who liaise regularly to meet face to face. On the second day, Sr Helen Saunders, rsj from Orange, led a reflection time for the Secretaries which concluded with Chancellor Fr Mark McGuigan celebrating Mass with the ladies.


Kids Page The Beatitudes

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the __________________for they shall be called the children of God Blessed are they that __________for they shall be comforted Blessed are the __________ for they shall inherit the __________ Blessed are the clean of _________for they shall see God Blessed are they who hunger and __________after justice ____________ are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy Blessed are the __________ in spirit Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the ___________ of heaven The Catholic Observer is published by the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst (Diocesan Publications) PO Box 246, Bathurst, NSW, 2795 ph:(02) 6334 6400 fax:(02) 6331 9453 email: Editor/Advertising ~ Fiona Lewis Designer ~ Jacqui Callcut Printed by Rural Press Printing, Richmond NSW All material in this magazine is copyright and may be reproduced only with the written permission of the Editor. The Catholic Observer is a member of the Australasian Catholic Press Association and the Australasian Religious Press Association.

Colouring Competition Winners The winners of the June Observer Mass Book Competition were: Will Barrett, Molong; Lizzie Heilman and Imogen Chambers, Cowra; and Kate McPhillamy, Bathurst. Thank you to everyone who sent in an entry to the colouring competition - it was very hard to choose the winners! The Editor


St. Pius X ~ Dubbo SRC Fundraiser

dancing, decorating boomerangs, learning about different Aboriginal tools and their uses and a poetry writing task based on Australian animals. Morning tea was supplied by teachers who cooked kangaroo meat for taste testing (this was an acquired taste!) but everyone enjoyed their Johnny cakes and golden syrup. At lunch time, we had a sausage sizzle and a piece of our special NAIDOC Day cake. That certainly seemed to fill any gaps left over from morning tea. Therese Jones


ur SRC and the Year 6 students combined to organise a fundraiser for the St Vincent de Paul Society Winter Appeal. The children came to school dressed in their pyjamas to accentuate the point that some children do not have warm pyjamas. The senior students conducted many activities some of which were cake stalls, guessing competitions, basketball hoops and hair styling. One of the favourite activities was the ‘Most popular teddy bear’ competition won by Hannah Hodgkinson. The competition was stiff as there were many much-loved bears! The students thoroughly enjoyed the event and raised a lot of money for the cause. Mrs Carole O’Connor, a representative from the local St Vincent de Paul group, was invited to the School Assembly to accept the cheque from School Captain, Holly Taylor.

with a flag-raising ceremony where Mrs Irwin read the ‘Welcome to Country’ before we moved into the ITC Centre for a very moving liturgy. The theme of the liturgy was this year’s theme for NAIDOC Week, Change - the next step is ours. The activities planned for the day NAIDOC Day AIDOC Day at St Pius X was a occurred in rotation as the children fun-filled day with lots of different moved around in peer support groups. activities. We began the day They included face painting, puppetry,


CCRESS Bi-Annual Conference

The Archdiocese of Sydney’s CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) hosted the bi-annual conference for CCRESS (Catholic Conference of Religious Educators in State Schools) at the Polding Centre recently. Bathurst’s Director of CCD, Helen Ryan, with Cardinal Pell at the Conference dinner

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St. Patrick’s Parish and School ~ Lithgow First Communion


n the weekend of 25th and 26th June we celebrated First Eucharist in St. Patrick’s Parish, Lithgow. Congratulations must go to each of the First Communicants as they continue on their journey of faith. We thank Fr. Owen, Sr Anne, Mrs Ticehurst, Mrs Brown and the many parents and carers who guided, supported and helped the students to grow spiritually during the wonderful time of Eucharist. On Wednesday 27th July, we celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass for First Eucharist with St Patrick’s School. Tracy Young

World Youth Day

Rosary Group

n Sunday 31st July our WYD candidates, Jane Donaldson, Nicholas Purnell and Reynold Jaboneta, were commissioned as they headed off to World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain. We wished them a safe trip and hoped they were inspired in their faith as they joined other pilgrims in Madrid. We look forward to hearing and sharing their stories and photos.

he Home Rosary Group from Lithgow celebrated their 10th anniversary on Tuesday 19th July. They celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church with Rosary, Mass and of course, a very large anniversary cake. The group has been meeting every week in various members’ homes over the last ten years.





xciting times have been had over the last few months at St Patrick’s School, Lithgow with the Primary girls travelling to Mudgee in June to compete with 12 other schools from the Diocese in the annual netball Gala Day, organised by St Matthew’s Mudgee. The girls from all schools played well on the day and were a credit to our Diocese with their competitive spirit strong, The girls played on grass and cement courts, with the grass courts proving to be a challenge for the players who had not experienced them before. A huge thank you must go to St. Matthew’s for the great organisation of the day and also for catering. They kept everyone well fed and refreshed.


BLAST at Lithgow and Portland Some reflections from this year’s BLAST participants from Lithgow and Portland…… Nicholas Purnell, BLAST Youth Leader – La Salle Academy Lithgow BLAST was an unforgettable experience for me, leading the young kids through a series of fun challenges and deep thoughtful moments. It was a great feeling seeing these kids contribute to discussions and work together for the weekend. Amanda Thien, BLAST Youth Leader – La Salle Academy Lithgow AS one of the leaders at BLAST, I found it inspiring that there were many young people that wished to know more about God and their spiritual side, considering that the world we live in presently, is busy with very little time for ourselves. Having a retreat like this helps revive the relationship between young people and God. For me, BLAST was a blast. Lorna Nicholson, BLAST Leadership Team – Portland It’s amazing what can happen when a group of enthusiastic, energetic and caring young people step up into the leadership role. These young adults worked tirelessly all weekend to ensure each participant felt a part of something special. A big thank you goes to Nick and Amanda who shared the leadership role as ‘Partners in Crime’ in their small groups. It’s awesome to see these guys growing and maturing in their own abilities and faith. This year for the first time we ran BLAST Radius – Adult Sessions. Three adults from Lithgow and Portland attended; Jane Donaldson, Anneke Baker and Sr. Therese Patterson. These sessions aim to nourish their own spiritual journey and equip them with the tools needed for their ministry with young people. A lot of Youth Leaders have been attending Manna Fest since its first or second year. Over time, the ‘seed’ planted during those early years has matured and grown. How awesome to witness this crop ready for harvest! They are amazing young people leaving this weekend and going back to their own parishes. Please be patient as they find where they ‘fit in’ and encourage them as they find their way. How great is the Spirit who works through us! Lorna Nicholson

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St. Joseph’s ~ Blayney on an adventurous excursion to the Bathurst Goldfields. Students were very excited and couldn’t wait to see how people lived during the Gold rush era. On arrival, students went on a tour back in time into a replica of an old mine. They went into a house that resembled a home from the 1850s very different to houses today. They had a demonstration of a steam train, and some volunteered to be the Blacksmith’s apprentices.

Going for Gold

Grandparents Celebrated


ears 5 and 6 from St Joseph’s Blayney recently braved the cold weather conditions and went

The final activity for the day, which caused great excitement, was the gold panning. It took a while, but most students found specks of real gold which was very exciting! Students had a fantastic day going back in time to the Gold rush era, reinforcing what they had learnt at school.

Confirmation at Eugowra


elebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation recently with Bishop Michael McKenna and Fr Joe were Yr 6 students; Emmy Den, Sophie Welsh, Amy Wallace, Blake Myors and Sophie Huckel. The children were joined by Cudal candidates Oliver Dean, Georgia Thornberry, Katia Whiteman and Liam Treavors for the ceremony. Fellow Yr 6 students Troy Park and Anika Heinzel were there to support their friends in their commitment to their faith. All enjoyed a lovely Mass and families and friends helped with the celebrations afterwards with a gathering in the Community Hall. The students were prepared for receiving the Sacrament by Mrs Therese Welsh and Mrs Rosemary Townsend during the past few months. As a part of the Confirmation preparation, the Yr 6 children enjoyed a Retreat Day with Gabrielle Sinclair - Youth Ministry Co-ordinator for the Bathurst Diocese - and staff. Apart from hot chips, lollies and playing games, the children discussed their chosen Saints, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they incorporate them in their daily lives and with each other. The children will head off to Lake Burrendong early next Term for three days of Christian Living Camp fun and friendship with other Yr 6 students from around the Diocese.

Year 4 student Liam Burrell with his Grandmother Margaret Burrell at St Joseph’s


t Joseph’s Blayney recently held a Grandparents Mass and luncheon to celebrate the special work of grandparents. The Mass coincided with the feast of Saints Anne and Joachim who were the Grandparents of Jesus. At the Mass the students were able to acknowledge their grandparents who have a special place in our families, our society and our world. Over 70 Grandparents and parents took up the opportunity to experience this special day. The Grandparent’s Mass and luncheon reinforced that grandparents can bring much joy into their families and especially the lives of their grandchildren.


Back: Katia Whiteman, Georgia Thornberry, Sophie Huckel, Bp Michael, Emeila Den, Fr Joe Dooley Front: Liam Treavors, Oliver Dean, Blake Myors, Amy Wallace and Sophie Welsh

St. Joseph’s ~ Eugowra

Senator Steve Hutchins, Cathy Eppelstun (Principal), Peter Hill (Executive Director Oldest living ex-student Ron Sloane and of Schools), Mayor Bob Dowling (Cabonne Council) and Brian Morrissey (CEO) at youngest St Joseph’s student Olivia Holthe Hall opening. land cutting the celebratory cake.

A dream realised gether on paper, Mr Brian Morrissey and Mr Gerry Lynch from the Bathurst Diocese’s Catholic Education Office for their financial, legal and building management, Canowindra builder James Isaacs and his team for their It was also a time to recognise the construction skills and the staff of St efforts and contributions made by Joseph’s for their ideas and support the team who put it all together. during the building process. The results speak for themselves; Fr. Joe Dooley blessed the buildings St Joseph’s and the community of and Senator Steve Hutchins officialEugowra have a wonderful asset ly unveiled the plaque. Mr Peter Hill in the Hall which has already been used on many occasions. The official opening of the St. Joseph’s Community Hall recently was an exciting day for the staff, students and families of St Joseph’s School and the community of Eugowra.

In her welcoming speech, Principal Cathy Eppelstun spoke of her dream (as a student, parent and now Principal!) to be able to have a hall large enough to seat people comfortably, with air conditioning and heating - and a stage with good visibility, curtains, lighting and sound system. Thanks to the Building Education Revolution (BER) and stimulus package from the Australian Federal Government, her dream - one shared by many - came to fruition. Mrs Eppelstun gratefully acknowledged the support of Sr. Kathy Jennings in the planning process, Architect Martin Tonks (Corella Designs Orange) for putting their ideas to-

(Executive Director of Schools in the Bathurst Diocese) related his speech particularly to the children of St Joseph’s; to the value of their pocket money compared to the money spent on the hall (and library extensions) and how we should value and look after both. Afterwards, the community celebrated with a lovely morning tea prepared by the parents and staff of St Joseph’s.

St Joseph’s Primary School Eugowra

Pye Street, Eugowra Ph: (02) 6859 2485


Many reasons to celebrate at Dunedoo


big weekend was had by the parishioners of St Michael’s Parish on 16th/17th July including Dunedoo, Coolah, Elong and Mendooran. The occasion was the blessing of St Michael’s School Hall (original Dunedoo Church built in 1911) and the blessing of St Joseph’s House, built in 1920 and opened as the convent and school for the Sisters of St Joseph in January 1921. This two storey building was renovated this year and is now the priest’s residence on the upper level, with parish Revolution program). offices and community centre rooms on Sr Therese McGarry, Congregational the ground level. Leader of the Sisters of St Joseph, Bishop Michael McKenna commended Perthville, spoke on the front verandah the Sisters of St Joseph, Perthville, for of the former convent about the happy their role in education and pastoral memories of the Sisters who ministered care in Dunedoo from 1921-2007, noting in the district. She unveiled a plaque to the extensive part the Josephites have acknowledge the history of the building, played in the faith life of the Diocese now called St Joseph’s House, and commended parishioners on the drive since their arrival in 1872. As part of the blessing, the children and and activity which brought the building staff of St Michael’s School led prayers, (beside the school and church and scripture and song in the refurbished the empty since December 2007) back to hall (financed by Federal Government life. grants





P & F and parishioners to the visitors, which included several Sisters of St Joseph.

The Parish also celebrated the 40th anniversary of the opening of the “new” church in 1971 and the 50th anniversary of the opening, by Cardinal Gilroy, of the first three classrooms of St Michael’s School in May 1961. Before this the children from Kinder to Intermediate levels were taught in the convent building where the Sisters lived; in the 1920s and ‘30s, a number of boarders were also accommodated during the week. Heroic living and working conditions for the three or four A BBQ lunch was served by the School Sisters in residence!

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Cathedral Restoration Fund Committee commissioned


ishop Michael McKenna commissioned members of the newly established Cathedral Restoration Fund Committee at the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. John on 29th June 2011. The day was also the Feast of the Dedication of the Cathedral.

Pic courtesy: Chris Seabrook - Western Advocate

Committee members and co-patrons, Mr Paul Toole and Mrs Maureen Pike, attended the 5.45pm Mass on the Solemnity of St. Peter and Paul. In his homily, the Bishop noted that any Church building is a symbol of Faith. He compared restoration work on the Cathedral with the faith life of the people of the Diocese. “….the work we do with bricks and mortar ought go hand in hand with the work we do to renew the faith life of the Local Church”. Bishop Michael said that what we have inherited – our Faith and the Cathedral – from those gone before us “…we are called to care for, to use and to improve”. “Over the years, different people have tried different things to repair the Cathedral – not always with success; and sometimes they were just ‘surface’ repairs. Now that we understand better what needs to be done, we need to fix it”. He said any work done towards the Cathedral or the lives of the Faithful should not be ‘just on the surface, but in ways that make them better and will let them improve with time”.

Patrons Maureen Pike and Paul Toole with Bishop McKenna and Dean of the Cathedral, Father Patrick O’Regan

The Bishop thanked the Co-Patrons and Committee members for being prepared to give so generously of their time and talent and urged all to pray for them and their families. The Committee members are Mrs Catherine Hines, Mr John Fish, Mr Glenn Smith, Mrs Maria Arrow, Mr Phil Burgett and Mrs Monica Morse. Bishop McKenna also commended the Cathedral Restoration Project Committee which has been working on plans for the restoration, saying it “..already has many months work behind and many years more ahead”. Bishop McKenna prayed for blessings on the project, asking “…for the courage and faith to do the work God calls us to do in this moment, in this place”.

Bishop Michael McKenna (centre) with Glenn Smith, Monica Morse, Maria Arrow, John Fish, Catherine Hines and Phil Burgett

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