Spreading the Good News sre newsletter july 14

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No 92 Term 3 2014

Spreading the Good News

“The Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Luke 18:16b

Dear SRE Teachers, Helpers and Members of the Clergy, Welcome to Term 3 and welcome back to Helen. Helen has been overseas for the past five weeks and we look forward to hearing about her travels and adventures. I hope that you have all had a good break and are ready for the winter term ahead. As the winter term approaches I am aware that it is often a difficult term due to the cold weather and people often become unwell. Don’t forget that if you are unwell and not able to attend Scripture to let your School or Coordinator know as soon as possible. As I drive across the countryside visiting Catechists in the schools in which they teach, I am able to see the seasons changing and I can’t help but be reminded of God’s presence in all that I see, which can so easily be taken for granted. Try to instil within the children you teach to never take for granted God’s goodness to us in the forever changing beautiful nature that surrounds us. Try to remember that Christ is at work through us and that the Spirit is at work in the hearts of our students. God uses us as instruments to help develop and nurture that relationship. I never cease to be inspired and amazed by the generosity of our Catechists who give their time to teach SRE each week. May God bless each and every one of you for all that you do for his little ones. Thank you and keep up the good work! REFLECTION The following Reflection was given to me by Sr Maureen Schiemer some years ago and has since been one of my favourites. JESUS THE TEACHER

He has never taught a lesson in a classroom... He had no tools to work with, no blackboards, maps or charts... He used no subjects outlines, kept no record, gave no grades, And his only text was ancient and well worn... His students were poor, the lame, the deaf, the blind, The outcast and His method was the same with all who came to hear and learn...He opened eyes with faith... He opened ears with simple truth...and opened hearts with love, a love born of forgiveness...A gentle man, a humble man, He asked and won no honours, No gold awards of tribute to his expertise or wisdom... And Yet this quiet teacher from the hills of Galilee has fed the needs, fulfilled the hopes and changed the lives of man millions... for what He taught brought heaven to earth and God’s heart to humankind. TEACHING TIPS

1. Follow a set routine, especially at the beginning and at the end of the lesson.

2. Make sure that your lesson has structure and keep it simple eg: Welcome - Prayer - Motivation - Story and Questioning - Song - Activity/Bookwork Farewell and Concluding Prayer If you don’t have time for the song, why not play it during the bookwork time. The children will enjoy singing along while they are doing their activity. LESSON PREPARATION

Try to look at your lesson briefly at least a week before, so that you will have time during the week to gather any resources and teaching aids which you may need. You’ll be surprised the difference it will make when you do finally sit down to prepare your lesson, if you have a rough idea what the lesson is about before you start. Little ideas will often come to you during the week. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT

If you find that little ones become restless while you are telling the story, why not choose a child to sit up the front next to you to look for the best girl and boy listener, for a sticker, while you tell the story. It works wonders in the Infant classrooms. PRAYER

Always remember to pray with your class .It is a skill that the children can take with them for the rest of their lives. There are some lovely prayers at the back of the Student Activity books. Spontaneous prayer is also a good way to teach the children how to pray. By the end of Primary School, it would be hoped that all children would know how to pray the Lord’s Prayer. The Teaspoon Prayer-tsp T-thank S-sorry P-please Ask children to close their eyesThis prayer is between them and God. 1. Ask them to think of something that they would like to thank God for..... 2. Ask children to think if they have been unkind to anyone or if they have deliberately done something which they know to be wrong, if so children tell God that they are sorry.

3. Ask children to think about anything that may be troubling them, if there is anything that is making them sad or if they have a problem, if so, ask the children to ask God to help them. This prayer is said in silence, but there is no reason why it could not be shared with the class if you wanted to use it that way.



Don’t forget to sign on at the School Office before you enter the classroom. Begin your lesson on time and finish on time. If you need a few extra minutes, don’t forget to ask the classroom teacher first if it is alright, as they too have much to get through during their day. Always remember that we are guests in the schools in which we teach SRE and it is a privilege that we are able to be there. STUDENT CATECHIST HELPER PROGRAMME

During the first half of Term 2, Helen and I went down to Lithgow each Thursday to train PROGRAM Constance Young a Year 9 student from La Salle to become a Student Catechist Helper. Constance is now assisting Marie Marjanac and Maryann Torok with their K-6 class each Wednesday at 12.30 at Zig-Zag Public School. Congratulations Constance, Well done !

On the first Monday after the break Helen and I are off to St Raphael’s in Cowra to speak to the Year 9 students there, to see if we can inspire some of them to want to train to become Student Catechist Helpers also. ST RAPHAEL’S COWRA, 125 YEARS

As part of their anniversary celebrations the parish of St Raphael’s hosted a Conference titled - Liturgy, ”Celebrating Life in Christ” on the weekend of May 24th, 25th and 26th. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend one of these days. The weekend was made up of a series of workshops, which were presented by many well-known presenters such as: Monica Brown, Sr. Michelle Connolly, Deacon Matt Ransom, Sr Ann Morrison, Paul Dunn, Margaret Stewart, Sr Ann-Maree O’Brien RSM, David Nelson, Br Paul Scippen, Patrick Nesbit, Lesley Zickefoose, Sue Rolls and Terry Mahony. Some of the things I learnt and experienced on the weekend in a nutshell were as follows: During one of the sessions I attended presented by Deacon Matt Ransom from Canberra-Goulburn Diocese, I learnt how to do Meditation with young children using a guide of one minute for each year of age of the child eg if the children are five years of age, you could spend five minutes in meditation time with them. Matt stated that“Christian Meditation helps create a sense of wonder in children, also that Christian Meditation helps to create a sense of God in those who meditate.” Apparently 70% of all illness is due to stress. Perhaps we should all find some time to do some meditation. A workshop which I particularly enjoyed was presented by Br Paul Skippen. The title of his workshop was “Celebrate often and celebrate well’. His session gave us much to take away and think about. Some of Br Paul’s points were as follows:  as Catholics and Christians “we” do things together.  the Liturgy should be enjoyable, but not entertaining  think of the Church as on the move  the Church is the hands and feet of Jesus Christ  you are the Church

Br Paul stated that within the Church all should be welcomed, acknowledged and accepted. He said in concluding“We are the Church, the Church is everywhere and that all of us are welcome.” The weekend was truly uplifting and educational. One of the highlights was the beautiful Vigil Mass which was celebrated at St Raphael’s. Fr Laurie and his team are to be congratulated for hosting such an outstanding Conference. Many thanks Fr Laurie I was so thrilled to have been able to share part of it. HISTORY OF CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) IN THE DIOCESE OF BATHURST


Many of you have already obtained your Working With Children Check. Thank you to those of you who have already obtained your number. The Working With Children Check can be obtained by visiting http://www.kids.nsw.gov.au/Working-withChildren-Check and completing the online form. If you need assistance phone 02 9286 7219. We are aware that Volunteers have been given until March 2015, but it would be appreciated if you could register for the check as soon as possible and have your forms to Mr Tony Eviston, Chancery Office PO Box 246 Bathurst NSW 2795. TERM THREE OVERVIEW OF CURRICULUMS

Did you know that in 1974 two Perthville Josephite Sisters began to staff a Motor Mission established under Bishop ARE Thomas to provide religious education for students in small rural centres. The Motor Mission Sisters were based in Dunedoo and served Dunedoo, Coolah, Gulgong and Mendooran. In the early 1980’s the mission extended to Kandos and Rylstone and by the mid 1980’s when the Sisters relocated to Gulgong, they also visited Goolma. This Motor Mission was terminated when four Josephite Sisters were entrusted with the task of coordinating the state school ministry throughout the diocese. TEACHING AN ECUMENICAL CLASS

Most of our SRE classes around the Diocese are now Ecumenical with the exception of Cowra, Lithgow and Canowindra where Catholic Scripture is taught. When teaching SRE in an Ecumenical classroom we concentrate on what unites us as followers of Jesus, not on what divides us. In order to avoid controversy over differences, it is recommended that you do not attempt to teach your class to make the Sign of the Cross or say the Hail Mary or any other specifically Catholic prayer.

CHRIST OUR LIGHT AND LIFE (Archdiocese of Sydney)

The focus for this term is “We Belong” The Catholic Church, a communion of Churches. East and West. We gather to Worship - The Mass, the Eucharistic Celebration, The Sacraments, The Gospels. Some stories that are looked at in the Infant grades include:-

The Loaves and Fish Being a Good Neighbour Jesus teaches us how to pray David and Goliath Joseph and his coloured coat Moses

Some topics covered in the Primary grades include:- Our Parish, Our Church, Wedding Feast at Cana -

Mary- Our Guide to Jesus St Paul The Sacraments of Holy Orders and Marriage Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Daniel and the Lions Bartimaeus


The Term begins with the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A. The chapters used for this term come from Matthew’ Gospel and the focus is on The Kingdom of Heaven

16th Sunday17th Sunday- Hidden Treasure/A Valuable Pearl -


Matt 13:44 - 52

18th Sunday- Jesus Feeds 5000 - Matt 14:13-21 19th Sunday- Jesus Walks on Water - Matt 14:22-23 20th Sunday- A Woman’s Faith - Matt 15:21-28 21st Sunday- Who is Jesus - Matt 16:13-20 22nd Sunday- Jesus speaks about His Suffering and Death Matt 16:21-27 23rd Sunday- When Someone Sins Jesus is with us Always - Matt:18:15-20 24th Sunday- The Official who Refused to Forgive Matt 18:21-35

25th Sunday- Workers in the Vineyard - Matt 20:1-16 CONNECT (CEP Connect Cycle A2 2011)

This term Connect A2 concentrates on the New Testament and(cep takes students through Jesus’ Connect Cycle teaching aboutA22 Faith and Trust in God. 1. Stephen -Trusting Jesus as Saviour 2. Parable of The Sower 3. Jesus teaches about Real Treasure - A Valuable Pearl 4. A Rich Fool 5. The Good Samaritan 6. The Great Party 7. Lost and Found - The Prodigal Son 8. The Rich Important Man 9. True Greatness 10. Matthew - A follower of Jesus


15th 22nd 25th 26th 31st

St Bonaventure St Mary Magdalene St James, Apostle Sts Joachim &Anne St Ignatius of Loyola


1st 4th 6th 8th 15th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 27th 28th 29th

St Alphonsus Liguori St John Mary Vianney The Transfiguration of the Lord St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary St Bernard St Pius X The Queenship of Mary St Rose of Lima St Bartholomew Apostle St Monica St Augustine The Beheading of St John the Baptist


3rd 8th

St Gregory the Great The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary

CATHOLIC RESOURCE CENTRE GODSPACE (Burst Christian Resources 2011)

1. Using modern stories and examples of followers of Jesus such as Paul, Barnabas, Timothy, Peter’s nephew, Apollos, Priscilla and Aquila who were all members of the early church, to encourage the children that God wants them to use their skills to help others. 2. Children are introduced to Daniel and Friends as models of courage and Faith. TERM DATES 2014

Term 3 14th July - 9th September Term 4 7th October -19th December EDUCATION WEEK- 2014

28th July - 1st August

See attached sheet


HOME: 02 6884 5848 MOBILE: 0407001196 EMAIL: hcryan@nsw.chariot.net.au VICKI MAIR 73 FREEMAN CIRCUIT BATHURST NSW 2795 HOME: 02 63322835

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