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From the OGL President

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No Planet B



You will be reading this edition of Dio Today late in 2021 when I hope our freedom of movement has been restored. However, this column is being written from Level 4 lockdown as my husband and I juggle work from a shared study and our youngest daughter is immersed in her Diocesan online learning at the dining table.

I’ve talked before about how proud I believe you as Old Girls of Dio would be of the incredible initiative, diligence and simple caring that Dio has shown to its community throughout the various lockdowns – and this one has been no exception. Without a doubt, the School is fit for purpose for 2021 and beyond.

The Diocesan School Old Girls’ League is founded on a timeless principle: to carry out the School motto ‘Ut Serviamus’, to encourage fellowship among Old Girls of the Auckland Diocesan School for Girls, and to foster their continued association with and interest in the School. The world has changed vastly since the League was established and, just as Diocesan works hard to continue to fulfil the vision of the School’s founders in today’s world, so must the League. Over the last 12 months we have been focusing on what this means. What should we do so that the body that represents Dio Old Girls is fit for purpose for current and future generations of Dio women? group of people who are invested in the School and its alumnae – Old Girls on the Committee and outside it, as well as School management, staff and the board. In addition, we have looked at what other schools are doing in this area and sought to learn from those observations.

“The world has changed vastly since the League was established and, just as Diocesan works hard to continue to fulfil the vision of the School’s founders in today’s world, so must the League.”


Email oldgirls@diocesan.school.nz for all enquiries.


Jenny Spillane (Orsborn) M. 027 603 6990


Felicity Buche (Olson) P. 09 521 8387


Tania Fairgray (Railley) P. 09 529 1736


Emma Cleary (Dillon) P. 09 522 9564


Sarah Couillault (Willis) Annabel French (Smaill) Penny Tucker (Macdonald) Sheryl Tan Lena Saad Rachael Brand

Dio Today Editor, League pages Deirdre Coleman

E. d.g@slingshot.co.nz

Diocesan School Old Girls’ League PO Box 28-382, Remuera, Auckland 1541

thinking. I simply want to highlight two things. Firstly, we take the privilege of representing all the Old Girls of Diocesan very seriously. Our aim is to respect the heritage heart of our organisation while also evolving as an organisation that is inclusive of, and relevant to, all our members. Secondly, we are merely representatives of the Diocesan Old Girls.

On Saturday 6 November, we held our 110th Annual General Meeting of the Auckland Diocesan School Old Girls’ League (Inc). Unfortunately, like many events this year, the AGM was held virtually due to COVID restrictions. We were also very disappointed at having to cancel our much-anticipated Founders’ Day events.

Ut Serviamus

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