6 minute read
Dear sisters and brothers,
I want to let you know that starting August 2020, the South Texas Catholic will begin publishing as a quarterly magazine with Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer issues. Each edition will focus on a theme. This new format will offer a strong emphasis on evangelization to lead the reader to an encounter with Christ and a clear understanding of the Gospel and our Catholic faith.
The Fall issue will focus on Fighting Racism, based on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) 2018 pastoral letter against racism, “Open Wide Our Hearts, the Enduring Call to Love.” It will feature other articles ranging from the dignity of the human person to holy friendships.
Other standard features that will be a part of this quarterly magazine are Jesus Said – a look at readings from the Gospel and explanations; Catholic Schools, Prayer, Being A Witness to Love – focused on marriage; and Spread the Light – accompanying young people on their journey of faith; and Vocations. Another feature will bring important news from the Diocese and from around the world, including news and events of the Holy Father.
The South Texas Catholic website (www.southtexascatholic.com) will now exclusively feature Diocesan up-to-date news and events. You will also be able to view and read the quarterly issues and archived issues of the South Texas Catholic online. It is my sincere hope that this new quarterly publication schedule will be well received by all our readers and that the South Texas Catholic website will assist you to be in tune with the life of the Church.
May God bless and give you peace,
+Most Rev. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD Bishop of Corpus Christi
Queridas hermanas y hermanos:
Quiero hacerles saber que a partir de agosto del 2020; el South Texas Catholic iniciará su publicación como revista cuatro veces al año con ediciones de otoño, invierno, primavera y verano. Cada publicación tendrá un tema central. Este nuevo formato busca enfatizar en la evangelización, con la intención de conducir al lector a un encuentro con Cristo y a una comprensión clara del Evangelio y de nuestra fe católica.
La edición de otoño se centrará en combatir el racismo, con base en la emisión de la carta pastoral de 2018, de la Conferencia de los Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (USCCB) en contra del racismo, “Abre nuestros corazones, a perseverar en el amor”. También presentará artículos con temas comunes a la revista, que van desde la dignidad de la persona humana hasta las amistades sagradas.
Algunos de los temas regulares que formarán parte de esta revista trimestral son: Jesús dijo - un vistazo a las lecturas del Evangelio y a sus explicaciones; las Escuelas Católicas, la Oración, Ser Testigo del Amor - enfocado en el matrimonio; y difundir la Luz - acompañando a los jóvenes en su viaje de fe; y Vocaciones. Otros artículos traerán noticias importantes referentes a la Diócesis y a todo el mundo, incluyendo noticias y eventos sobre el Santo Padre.
El sitio de internet del South Texas Catholic (www.southtexascatholic.com) ahora presentará exclusivamente noticias y eventos diocesanos actualizados. También podrá ver y leer los números trimestrales y los números archivados del South Texas Catholic.
Espero sinceramente que este nuevo calendario de publicaciones trimestrales sea bien recibido por todos nuestros lectores y que el sitio web del South Texas Catholic, les ayude a estar en sintonía con la vida de la Iglesia.
Que Dios le bendiga y le de paz
+Reverendísimo Michael Mulvey, STL, DD Obispo de Corpus Christi
By Jesse De Leon
For Deacon David Brokke, SOLT family has always been an integral part of his life. The youngest of four children, the Baltimore, Maryland native, grew up in a home filled with love and packed with a nonstop flurry of activity that comes from having three older siblings. Symbolically, it was also in this setting that seeds of spiritual growth were calling him to a vocation to the priesthood.
As Deacon Brokke looks to his upcoming ordination, he takes a little time to reflect on how family, faith, and an extraordinary sense of community, led him to the sacrament of Holy Orders.
“My dad asked me how I felt about the priesthood early on,” Brokke recalls, adding, “I admit I felt I heard saintly whispers, but as you can imagine, I was still unsure about it.”
Undeterred, Brokke became involved in various church activities, which led him to search for a deeper understanding of his faith. In high school, he traveled to Jamaica as a missionary, a decision that he said had a profound effect on his spiritual journey.
“Through that experience of talking to the people I met about Christ and what he meant to me, I realized that I did have a desire to teach others about Jesus and the Church,” Brokke said.
That trip as a missionary set the stage for his future, and he was eager to continue to travel and work with different people in various parts of the world.
As he logged more miles and embraced different cultures, he made another important discovery when he volunteered for the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) mission in Belize.
For three years, he taught high school religion at the SOLT mission. During that time, Brokke became acutely aware of the inner workings of the Holy Spirit and discovered he was being used by God to make a difference in the lives of the people he encountered on his journeys.
“Through teaching the kids about Christ and seeing them receive the sacraments of confession and Communion, I felt like these were my happiest moments,” he said. “I felt like the Lord was knocking on the door of my heart, calling me to become a priest.”
Deacon Brokke admits he initially did not know how to respond to what the Lord was asking of him. He always believed in God, but as he prayed about his decision, his reflection led him to the profound discovery that God has a personal love for each one of us. That revelation made him fall in love with his faith even more deeply.
Recalling an experience with Jesus in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, he remembers that he was filled with such peace, love and joy that he thought, “how can I not want to share him with others?”
Brokke entered the seminary in 2012 in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Once he began his studies, he heard another call, connecting him to one of his early experiences as a missionary with his newfound vocation.
He felt like the Lord was calling him back to mission work, and he joined the SOLTs in 2013, made First Profession in 2014, and began attending Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He graduated last April of 2019.
Deacon Brokke has been serving as director of religious education, assistant youth minister, and assistant RCIA coordinator, as well as deacon for St. Joseph Parish in Corpus Christi since August of 2019. He is
In the forefront, Deacon David Brokke prays during his diaconate ordination at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit on April 13, 2019.
happily anticipating his ordination and upcoming assignment in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
In reflecting on his experiences
inspires De acon Brokke to answer the call
and the people he met over the years, Deacon Brokke said he is incredibly thankful for his dad Vernon, mom Gwendolyn, sisters Emily, Alison, and
Tim Fuller | for South Texas Catholic
brother Vernon and their continued love and support. “When I told them that I wanted to be a priest, my family was happy, shocked, but not at all surprised,” he said.
Deacon Brokke will be ordained a priest on July 18 at 9 a.m. in Corpus Christi Cathedral.