South Texas Catholic - April 2014

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VOL. 49 NO. 4 Publisher Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL DD Editor Alfredo E. Cárdenas



Manuel Martinez prays inside the Queen of Peace Chapel at St. Joseph Church in Beeville. Martinez has remained deeply devoted to

the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus Christ for more than six decades. Photo by Rebecca Esparza for the South Texas Catholic

Theological Consultant Father Joseph Lopez, JCL Associate Editor Mary E. Cottingham Web Coordinator Julissa Rokohl Administrative Assistant Adel Rivera Correspondents Rebecca Esparza, Luisa Scolari, If you or someone you know would like to receive the South Texas Catholic call us at (361) 882-6191 Office Address: 620 Lipan Corpus Christi TX 78401-2434 E-MAIL: FAX: (361) 693-6701


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Contributed photo, Focolare Movement



Holy Cross honors St. Katharine Drexel as part of centennial observance...... 6-7

Lessons in Style: Pope’s gestures, choices are teaching moments �������������������������������24



Grupo ‘Caminando en la Fe’, es ejemplo de la respuesta a la nueva evangelización ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 VOCATIONS Vocation awareness retreat slated for June �������������������������������������������������������������������13 CATHOLIC EDUCATION

Keep up with the Faith at

Bishop Michael Mulvey with Markos Gebremedhin, Apostolic Vicar of Jimma-Bonga in Ethiopia at Focolare conference at Castel Gandolfo.

St. Pius’ Enriched Program provides extra challenge ����������������������������������������������21

With help of legacy members Serra Club restored in diocese ���������������������35 VATICAN Cardinal calls to maintain, yet reinterpret, doctrine to help families ���29 VIEWPOINTS Rediscovering the Martyrology ���������������37 OUR FAITH The Eucharist is our very life ���������������������41 APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  3

Focolare Bishop Mulvey assists Auxiliary Bishop LisaneChristos Matheos Semahun, of Addis Ababa in Ethiopa on his presentation while conference moderator Archbishop Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij of Bangkok, Thailand looks on.

Contributed photo, Focolare Movement


By Alfredo E. Cardenas


South Texas Catholic

ishop Michael Mulvey was among 65 bishops from throughout the world who traveled to Castel Gandolfo, the location of the pope’s summer residence, on Feb. 24-28 to take part in the 37th international meeting of bishops and friends of the Focolare Movement. Pope Francis granted the group an audience on Feb. 27. “It was truly an experience of affective and effective collegiality,” Bishop Mulvey said. The pope told the bishops that they are “called to be carriers of the beauty of the church” and that


what they received at the meeting “should benefit the whole church.” The meeting’s theme was the “reciprocity of love among the disciples of Christ” based on Christ’s

❝I found that the

Gospel was not just a beautiful theory to talk about, to interpret, to pray over, but it was words that give life. It seemed that word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence, parable-by-parable, the Gospel came to life within me. ❞ –Bishop Mulvey

new commandment to “love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” ( Jn 13:34). “It is you who always encourages us to live and express the joy that the Gospel life provides. This was stated right at the beginning of Evangelii Gaudium: ‘With Jesus Christ always comes and revives the joy.’ And we are witnesses,” Archbishop Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij of Bangkok, Thailand, said to Pope Francis. The archbishop served as moderator of the conference. In a reference to Blessed John Paul II’s call for communion, Pope Francis said “‘To make the Church the home and school of communion’ is really critical to the effectiveness of any commitment to evangelization, because it reveals the deep desire of the Father that all of his children live as brothers; reveals the will of the heart Christ ‘that all may be one’ ( Jn 17:21), reveals the dynamism of the Holy Spirit, its force of attraction free and liberating. Nurturing the spirituality of communion also helps to make us more able to live the ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.” “The Holy Father is very sincere and fraternal. Being with the pope was encouraging,” Bishop Mulvey said.

Maria Voce, president of the Focolare Movement, visits with, from left, Bishop Michael Mulvey of Corpus Christi, Bishop Paul Dennis Etienne of Cheyenne Wyomng and Archbishop Gustavo GarciaSiller of San Antonio. A fourth bishop from the U.S. in attendance, not pictured, was Bishop Emeritus Charles Victor Grahmann of Dallas. Contributed photo, Focolare Movement


Bishop Mulvey is a longtime member of the Focolare Movement, which as an ecclesial movement promotes spirituality of unity and communion worldwide and across different religious faiths. He first became acquainted with the movement in 1976, the year after being ordained a priest. In 1980-81, he spent a year on sabbatical with the Focolare Movement and from 1995-99 he directed centers for Spirituality for Diocesan Priests of the Focolare Movement, first in Florence, Italy and then in Hyde Park, N.Y. “I was struck by the message of living the Gospel in daily life. I was also moved by the spirit of fraternity and communion among the priests whom I met at that first encounter. They were from more than 60 nations-100 of them were living, working and praying together. That impressed me deeply,” Bishop Mulvey is quoted in the book “Focolare: Living a Spirituality of Unity in the United States.” Bishop Mulvey explained that as he began to explore the spirituality itself and to actually live the Gospel, he began to experience a new sense of life within him. “I found that the Gospel was not just a beautiful theory to talk about, to interpret, to pray over, but it was words that give life. It seemed that word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence, parable-by-parable, the Gospel came to life within me. In finding that life, I knew that it was something that I wanted to share. My homilies began to take shape around not just a theory, but an experience of truth and life. I was able to pass that on by bringing the gospel to a point of application in life experiences,” he said. “Focusing my ministry on the prayer of Jesus for unity and communion among peoples has given me the direction for which I had been searching. I have also found the fruitfulness of living the cross. In the spirituality of the work of Mary, the cross comes alive as I recognize the forsaken Christ in each difficulty. I have discovered that he is the way to building communion,” Bishop Mulvey said. Upon his return from Rome, on March 19 Bishop Mulvey met with priests from the Diocese of Corpus Christi interested in learning more about the Focolare Movement. He shared with them a newly published manual for parish use entitled “Called to be Community: A call to living a spirituality of communion.” The priests will continue to learn about the Spirituality of Communion at noon meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at Holy Family Parish in Corpus Christi. On April 14, Bishop Mulvey will speak at the University of St. Thomas in Houston on “Living a Spirituality of Communion: In the thought and experience of the Focolare Movement.” The talk is free and open to the public.


For the good of the people of God in the Diocese of Corpus Christi Bishop Michael Mulvey appointed Father Edgardo Barrameda, SOLT as Administrator of Christ the King Parish in Corpus Christi, effective March 10. Bishop Mulvey called Brother Beau Allen Schweitzer, SOLT and Brother Jeremy Neil Davis, SOLT to the Sacred Order of Deacon. They will be ordained on April 12 at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit by Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton of Steubenville.

Persons with a disability celebrate Ash Wednesday with Vietnam Vets

Deacon Michael Rauen administers ashes to persons with disabilities in attendance at an Ash Wednesday celebrated at the United Vietnam Veterans of Texas VFW Post 2397 on March 5. The Mass was held as part of the Catholic Charities Office of Ministry and Life Enrichment for the Disabled program to minister to the disabled. The veterans cooked, served and paid for plates of fried fish and sides distributed after the service. This is the fourth year the veterans have hosted this service for the community. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic


Black Madonna visits Corpus Christi

To see more photos of this event

Father Peter J. West speaks to students on the meaning, history and worldly travels of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa in the chapel on Blessed John Paul II High School campus Feb. 24. Father West is on an “Ocean to Ocean” Pilgrimage for Human Life International. He accompanied the traveling icon to Corpus Christi and concelebrated Mass with Father Ogie Rosalinas at St. Joseph Church in Corpus Christi. Many people from around the diocese gathered to see the traveling icon. The following day some of the faithful processed to Crosstown and Morgan to pray the rosary in the icon’s presence outside the abortion clinic. Adel Rivera, South Texas Catholic

Holy Cross honors St. Katharine Drexel as part of centennial observance To Celebrate the Feast Day of St. Katharine Drexel and to give the parishioners a better understanding of the historical significance of the creation of the Holy Cross Parish, Msgr. Michael Howell gave a history of the origination of the Holy Cross Church and buildings and how St. Katharine Drexel was so instrumental in the purchasing of these

buildings. Holy Cross celebrated the feast day of St. Katharine Drexel–which fell on March 3–on Sunday, March 2, with a Mass and a luncheon. Msgr. Howell celebrated the Mass with Holy Cross Pastor Father Eulalio P. Ibay, STD concelebrating the Mass with him. The Liturgical Readings were appropriate

for the occasion of St. Katharine Drexel Feast Day; giving of oneself to those that are less fortunate. Immediately after Mass a luncheon was served in the Drexel Parish Hall. At the luncheon, Msgr. Howell spoke of the historical presence of Holy Cross Church in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  7

Grupo ‘Caminando en la Fe’, es ejemplo de la respuesta a la nueva evangelización Coordinadoras de el Grupo Caminando en la Fe, de izquierda, son Claudia Casas, Carolina Garza, Mary Maldonado, Gaby Pinedo, Celina Muraira y Magdalena Rodríguez. Luisa Scolari para el South Texas Catholic

Por Luisa Scolari

H Corresponsal

ace 14 años en la ciudad de Corpus Christi que se formo el grupo Caminando en la Fe, un grupo de oración que surge como respuesta a un llamado que siente su fundadora Gaby Pinedo de “evangelizar y enseñar a las personas a conocer a Jesús para que pasara de ser algo disperso a algo concreto.” El grupo Caminando en la Fe, es un ejemplo de la respuesta que la Iglesia espera al llamado que Católicos deben de tener a la nueva evangelización. Pinedo sintió un ardiente deseo de “ayudar a la mujer Católica hispana en mi medio ambiente a crecer en


su amor por Dios y por la Iglesia, y que crezcan en la oración espontánea y de corazón y no solo quedarse en los rezos, incluyendo el estudio Bíblico por su gran importancia.” Antes de organizar este grupo en San Philip, Pinedo

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asistía a un grupo de oración en la parroquia de San Patricio en Corpus Christi. Organizo un grupo igual en San Philip en el año 2000, ambos en inglés. Pinedo sintió un ardiente deseo de formar el grupo en español. La idea del grupo en español se realizo en 2002 cuando unas compañeras de Pinedo le dijeron que tenían amigas que les gustaría mucho pertenecer a un grupo así pero en español. En sus inicios el grupo contaba con solo 10 asistentes, incluyendo las señoras Martha García, Mary Maldonado, Celina Muraira, Pinedo, Olaya Solís y Rosie Villarreal. El grupo se fue extendiendo cuando las primeras integrantes fueron invitando a otras más, haciendo crecer cada vez mas el grupo hasta contar ahora con cerca de 50 asistentes. La misión de el grupo es “Ayudar a la mujer hispana a crecer y profundizar en su fe Católica como respuesta a la iniciativa del amor de Dios hacia ella, convirtiéndola así en una activa discípula de Cristo en su vida diaria y en la vida de la Iglesia. A través de un ambiente vibrante de evangelización y oración, buscamos promover una fe madura y adulta en las mujeres hispanas que asisten al grupo. Este es un ministerio de enseñanza enfocado en una relación personal con Cristo y en obediencia a la Iglesia Católica, teniendo como patrona nuestra Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe, a quien deseamos imitar con todo nuestro corazón.” Sus objetivos son ayudar a la mujer hispana a entender que la vida de fe significa una transformación gradual en Cristo para llegar a la santidad, imitando la vida de los santos; motivar

la perseverancia en la oración diaria, desarrollando la alabanza, acción de gracias y petición; enfatizar que nuestra vida en Cristo se profundice continuamente a través de la participación de los sacramentos, especialmente la Eucaristía y la reconciliación; fortalecer el regalo de nuestra feminidad en la vida de la Iglesia; y contestar preguntas de moral y religión basándonos en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, la tradición y las Sagradas Escrituras.

Ana Rocío León con la Virgen de Guadalupe que cada semana se lleva a visitar a una casa diferente de las integrantes del Grupo Caminando en la Fe. Luisa Scolari para el South Texas Catholic


Gaby Pinedo en computadora comparte clase de la Biblia mientras Claudia Casas presenta la lectura. Luisa Scolari para el South Texas Catholic

Un grupo de coordinadoras, inclusivas de las señoras Claudia Casas, Carolina Garza, Paty Fernández, Maldonado, Magdalena Rodríguez y Muraira, se reúnen una vez al mes en sesión de trabajo y planeación. Al principio solo oraban y no cantaban, pero después de que varias de las integrantes del grupo asistieron al retiro Alfa–que es muy carismático, Pinedo un día sacó su guitarra para hacer cantos de alabanzas. Desde entonces, así inician cada clase, alabando y entonando cantos al Señor, para continuar con oración y después con el estudio de la Biblia. “Mi mamá ha sido mi mayor influencia en la fe que he transmitido en mi hogar,” Pinedo dijo. La Diócesis de Corpus Christi se ha beneficiado por el impacto que ha trascendido de ella a su familia y de su familia a la sociedad, incluso, a otras diócesis. A través de los años, varias de las integrantes del grupo han emigrado a otras ciudades en las cuales, en las parroquias a las que ahora pertenecen, han ido formando nuevos grupos similares a éste. “Mi deseo es proveer a las hispanas de un conocimiento que las ayude a crecer en su fe Católica, a través del estudio de la Biblia que fomente su vida espiritual,”


Pinedo dijo. El grupo es muy diverso, ya que en él participan miembros de diferentes parroquias como St. Helen of the True Cross of Jesus, Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos, Madre de la Iglesia, San Philip, St. John the Baptist, Most Precious Blood, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Our Lady of Perpetual Help y St. Pius X. También es internacional, ya que cuenta con miembros de diferentes países como Colombia, El Salvador, México, Perú y Venezuela. “Mi esposo es bautista y estuve asistiendo a su iglesia por mas de 20 años,” dijo la Señora Patricia McClellan, actual miembro del grupo. “Por el comentario de un sacerdote me alejé de mi iglesia Católica, pero por invitación de mis amigas Carolina Garza y Ximena Narváez, empecé a asistir al grupo. Ahora regresé a mi Iglesia, rezo el rosario, asisto a la Misa y a los sacramentos y me siento en casa con toda mi familia Católica.” El grupo también está conformado de diferentes edades y generaciones, formando una gran familia que celebra unida cumpleaños, bodas, bautizos, nacimientos y brinda su apoyo cariñoso y necesario en momentos difíciles como enfermedades y fallecimientos.

“El grupo es como alimento spiritual en donde nos podemos mantener vivas en la fe y creciendo constantemente. Recibimos motivación y aliento y estamos aprendiendo. Es una gran bendición y regalo de Dios pertenecer a este grupo, en donde he recibido amistad, cariño, apoyo y convivencia,” Carolina Garza dijo. Obdulia Vallejo dijo que cuando vivía en México ayudaba mucho en su parroquia, pero cuando se caso se alejo mucho de la Iglesia. “Primero me invito una cuñada a asistir al grupo pero no me llamó mucho la atención,” dijo Vallejo. “Después empiezan a asistir mis hermanas y a invitarme y por curiosidad vine y dije, que suave grupo, aquí me quedo. Ahora hasta estoy dando catequesis en mi parroquia de San Juan de los Lagos. Es como recordar todo lo que estudié, ya tengo mas tiempo con mis hijos y estoy muy contenta y feliz.” Eliza Gallegos dijo que llego al grupo “por invitación de mi buena amiga Bertha Martínez y el venir al grupo ha impactado mi vida porque ahora ya comprendo más lo de el Viejo Testamento y entiendo más en Nuevo Testamento. Comprendo más la Biblia y puedo compartir con más gente lo que aquí aprendo.” Margarita Toledo de Gómez empezó a asistir al

grupo hace siete años por invitación de Pinedo. “Estaba pasando por el momento mas obscuro de mi vida y gracias a Dios recibí esta invitación, volví a nacer y a ver la luz. He aprendido y estoy conociendo al Señor en este grupo divino que ya es mi familia. Esta relación con Dios es la cosa mas maravillosa y sigo creciendo. Todavía me falta mucho pero es lo mejor que me ha pasado,” Gómez dijo. Maldonado, una de las fundadoras de el grupo, empezó a asistir al grupo en inglés en el 2000 pero sentía que algo le faltaba. Cuando murieron sus padres el grupo le dio consuelo y cuando estuvo enferma rezaron por ella. “Empecé a venir al grupo. He crecido mucho en mi fe. Cuando empecé, venía solo a una clase y no a hacer amigas, pero encontré una familia; te cuidan mas que una hermana,” Maldonado dijo. El grupo Caminando en la Fe cuenta con el Padre Henry Artunduaga como director espiritual y el Padre John Xaviour Amepparambil les brinda su apoyo y les presta las instalaciones de San Philip, en donde se reúnen todos los Jueves de 9:30 a 11:30 a.m. Si alguna persona está interesado en pertenecer al grupo puede comunicarse a la iglesia de San Philip en el numero telefónico (361) 991-5146.

El Grupo Caminando en la Fe son, de izquierda de atrás hacia adelante, Luisa Angulo Scolari, Carolina Garza, Lucy Salazar, Blanca Palacios, Cecilia Ortiz, Gaby Pinedo, Claudia Casas, Patricia McClellan, Obdulia Vallejo, Conchita Rhode, Maribel Gonzáles, Rosie Villarreal, Mary Maldonado, Beatriz Melendez, Eliza Gallegos, Ofelia Castañeda, Magdalena Rodríguez, Rocío León, Margarita Gómez, Celina Muraira, Irene Pérez, Ernestina Mata, Erika Vargas, Marisol Castro, Enriqueta Fernandez y Alicia Valdéz. Norma Cordero T. para el South Texas Catholic


Mary, mother of vocations By Father John Hardon, S.J.



hen M a r y told the angel at the Annunciation, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word,” she became the patroness of every priest and religious until the end of time. Her acceptance of God’s invitation to become his mother made her the mother of all vocations to the priesthood and religious life. When she conceived Jesus Christ, she brought into the world the one from whom every vocation is derived. Except for him, no one would be called, and except for his call, no one could respond. Mary is, therefore, Mother of Vocations because she is the mother of the great high priest who calls others to share in his priesthood, and she is Mother of the First Religious who invites others to follow in his footsteps. Mary is mother of vocations also by her example. It is by imitating her practice of faith, hope and charity that men and women are inspired to give themselves to her son in the priesthood or the lifetime practice of the counsels. We all have a vocation; those who trust


implicitly in God’s promises respond to God’s call; and above all only those who love God in others deeply are preserved in priestly or religious commitment. In all of these, Mary is their model, and the more devoted they are to her, the more secure is their consecration. Finally, Mary is the Mother of Vocations by her heavenly intercession at the throne of God. It is through her maternal prayers that Christ gives certain people the grace to give themselves entirely to his service. She obtains from him the grace for them to be called; but she also tells them, as she told the servants at Cana, to be sure to do whatever he tells you.

There is no more effective way of fostering vocations than asking the mother of Jesus to ask her Son to extend the invitation. And there is no more effective way of remaining firm in the priesthood and the religious state than to beg the same mother for the grace of perseverance. “Mary, mother of vocations, pray for us,” should be our daily invocation.


Vocation awareness retreat slated for June By Sister Annette Wagner, IWBS



n June, Catholic men and women between the ages of 18-35 will have a unique opportunity to support each other in their quest to discover God’s plan for them. The Vocations Office of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, assisted by a volunteer committee of women religious, is hosting the first Diocesan Vocation Awareness Retreat the weekend of June 20-23 at the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center. Based on the conviction that God has made everyone for a purpose, the effort to discover that purpose is called “discerning my vocation.” The weekend retreat is designed to help young adults discover that purpose, to explore vocations to which they may be called. Discernment can never be done alone; so priests and seminarians, religious and those in religious formation, members of lay organizations who wish to support vocation discernment will all join their efforts to assist in this discernment occasion. Some young adults may never have discerned seriously, others may just be starting to think about it and still others

may already be deep into discernment. Wherever they are in their journey, they will have the time, setting and opportunity of gaining information; meeting those living the lives they are thinking about; and sharing with those pursuing the same quest through discussion, fellowship and prayer. Originally designed by the Serra Club to assist young adults in discovering God’s plan for them, this retreat structure—identified as Life Awareness Retreat—has been used successfully by dioceses in Texas, Louisiana and Pennsylvania. Participants’ comments at the end of the retreat reflect enthusiasm for the opportunity: “This was an amazing experience that

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has changed my life.” “It was nice knowing I have different paths I can choose.” “It changed the way I see things.” “[It] gave me the confidence to enter the religious life.” “I rediscovered joy. I discovered I’m not alone on this journey of discernment.” “This was the most spiritual and wonderful experience of my life. It has taught me about myself and God…” For anyone who is seeking to know God’s call, attending this retreat is a timely opportunity. For more information, call the Vocations Office at (361) 882-6191. To register online go to

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‘It’s a very rewarding and happy life,’ says Sister Catherine By Mary Cottingham


South Texas Catholic

ister Mary Catherine Brehony, IWBS is not just a math teacher, she teaches people. White-haired now and standing Sister Mary Catherine Brehony at all of 5’2”, she may be overlooked not just for Contributed Photo her stature but as described by former student, Sister Annette Wagner, IWBS, “as humble and self-effacing, but with a delightful sense of humor which she can dish out with a twinkle in her eyes.” After just a few moments in her presence, though, the contradiction shines through. It is easy to see her in command of a high school classroom. Baptized Teresa Evelyn Brehony, Sister Catherine felt God calling her at an early age. Her parents John and Catherine McDonagh Brehony were devout Catholics who taught their seven children to pray the rosary every night. The family farmed for their livelihood in Sligo, Ireland where Sister Catherine grew up. Sister Catherine became curious about consecrated life when she met two Sisters of Mercy, who taught in her secondary school, but it was not until her mother’s sisters wrote about their consecrated life in Texas that she knew she wanted what they had, a life given over to God. Her aunts’ lives unfolded on paper as they wrote about being a part of a


group of nuns in a convent far away in a place called Corpus Christi, Texas, the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament. In 1947, at the age of 18 and just two months after her father’s death, Sister Catherine and her cousin, Sister Kathleen McDonagh, IWBS left their family in Ireland to join their aunts in the IWBS convent and begin formation in consecrated life. At that time she did not know if or when she would ever see her family again. Sister Catherine began teaching at St. Patrick School in 1950—when it was still next to the cathedral, then at St. Theresa School in 1954 and Christopher Junior College—now closed—in 1964. She began teaching secondary level math at Incarnate Word Academy in 1959 until she retired in 2011. She coached IWA’s team in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial

Schools competition and is very proud that her students won first place eight years in a row. Sister Catherine received part of her education by attending night classes at Del Mar College and the University of Corpus Christi, while she taught children at IWA during the day. During the summers she went to school to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in mathematics at the University of Incarnate Word in San Antonio and the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, respectively. She also attended the University of St. Thomas in Houston for religious studies. Sister Catherine humbly gives credit to God for the insight she gained in her first year of teaching. “I thought I had to be very strict, then it dawned on me I’m not going to just teach math, I’m going to teach people,” Sister Catherine said. She found her niche teaching high

❝I thought I had to be

very strict, then it dawned on me I’m not going to just teach math, I’m going to teach people.❞

–Sister Catherine

school students. “I like the older ones better, my sense of humor didn’t fit the younger ones,” she said. She taught everything from algebra to calculus. She loved teaching math and she was good at it. Stacks of thank you notes and letters from former students attest to it. “I looked forward to going to her class even though geometry wasn’t my favorite subject,” Sister Annette said. “She was very fair, hard and easy. She had her standards and if you made a grade you deserved that grade.” Sometimes Sister Annette would interrupt class to get Sister Catherine to open up about her life in the convent. “I was attracted to her enjoyment of teaching. It was so natural for her. She has been a good role model, a great example of religious life,” Sister Annette said.

Sister Catherine retired from teaching in 2011 but still manages to stay busy. She tutors and helps manage the IWA bookstore. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic


Sister Catherine is as invaluable to the IWBS congregation as she is to IWA. She served as Coordinator of Initial Formation and Director of Postulants for 12 years. She was Vocation Director for six years, a Councilor in the General Administration for three terms and served on many commissions and committees. Math was not the only subject Sister Catherine taught. She feels her contribution to religious education was just as important. “I feel I have a better flair for math, but I wanted to do more than math, something that would involve emphasizing the Word of God,” she said. For many years she and Sister Agnes Marie Tengler, IWBS spent nights and weekends teaching CCD at Our Lady of Refuge Parish in Refugio and St. Paul the Apostle and Holy Cross Parishes in Corpus Christi. Sister Catherine enjoys saving memorabilia from former students. One is an excerpt from a valedictory speech written by former student Brigid Tinning delivered in 1995. It read, “What greater gift can one human being give to another than to encourage him to reach outside of himself to help another? This is what you have taught me, Sister Catherine.” Tinning is also in consecrated life, living in

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Rome. In 1988, Sister Catherine received a certificate from the Red Cross thanking her for bringing aid to victims of Hurricane Gilbert. She remembers piling in a van driven by Bishop Danny Flores, who was a seminarian at the time. They went to Bishop and the surrounding area to deliver food to shelters and churches. Sister Catherine retired from teaching in 2011 but still manages to stay busy. She tutors and helps manage the IWA bookstore. Her advice to those interested in consecrated life is “it’s a very rewarding and happy life.” “Your reward comes from the fact that you have an opportunity to give to the Church, build up families and prepare them to take over to make our society better by the way they live and their values. You are going to have to work for it, you have to sacrifice yourself and see it as building up the kingdom of God within and through Jesus,” Sister Catherine said. This year Sister Catherine celebrates her 65-year jubilee. She taught future priests, nuns, doctors, teachers, parents and more. She taught the person not the subject.

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Sister Barbara Bluntzer loves to travel but keeps God uppermost in her mind By Mary Cottingham


South Texas Catholic

Sister Barbara Bluntzer, SP

Sister Barbara belongs to the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-Motherof-the-Woods, a congregation of nearly 350 women religious based in Indiana. She is on the Associate Program Advisory Committee for the Sisters of Providence and goes to the Motherhouse in Indiana about seven times a year. The congregation is mostly involved in education, but also work in parishes, diocesan administration, social justice services, counseling and health care. Their mission is to further God’s plan by serving others through works of love, mercy and justice. They minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Described by friend DeAnna Havel as the energizer bunny, Sister Barbara just keeps on going. Havel met Sister Barbara at a women’s retreat at St. Pius X Parish at a time when she felt alone after losing her husband and both

ister Barbara Bluntzer, SP, who this year celebrates 65 years of living a consecrated life, finds God not only in the church, but also “on the shores of Oregon and in the Rocky Mountains of Canada.” She loves to travel but she keeps God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit uppermost in her mind throughout every day.

her parents. She said Sister Barbara encouraged her to come out of her shell. She inspired Havel to become

➤ Described by friend DeAnna Havel as the energizer bunny, Sister Barbara just keeps on going. more active in the parish. Havel also became a Providence Associate. “Sister Barbara is an amazing woman. I was searching for something and providence provided. I feel like

more of a yearning to give my yes,” Havel said. When she’s not traveling the world and going to her Motherhouse in Indiana, Sister Barbara can be found at St. Pius X Parish answering phones, writing articles in the parish bulletin, teaching classes on Earth Day, and facilitating retreats for Catholic school children on Lent and Advent. She helps with Mission of Mercy, collects items for Coastal Bend Troop Support, visits the sick and serves on the Vocation Committee and the Committee for Institutes of Consecrated Life. In her spare time she enjoys watching the televison show Jeopardy or going to the gym. Sister Barbara was born in Corpus Christi to Frank and Mildred Bluntzer. When she was four-yearsold her family moved to the “Bluntzer Ranch,” as she calls it. It was mostly a farm where geese, goats, horses and APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  17

Sister Barbara Bluntzer, SP teaches Catholic school children about Lent at a retreat held in St. Pius X Church. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

cattle were plentiful. Although she was not much of a farmer–she picked one row of cotton and decided it wasn’t for her–she loved the animals. Her father and mother worked hard. Sister Barbara helped take care of the animals and went to school in a one-room rural schoolhouse that served 12 students in grades one through six. While living with her grandmother, she attended Incarnate Word Academy for a year. She then moved to Robstown with her parents and younger brother John Lloyd to finish school at Robstown High. In those days the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods served at St. John Nepomucene Parish and School in Robstown. What she remembers most about the sisters was going to their convent on Saturdays and being there at the auspicious moment when cookies were coming


out of the oven. Smiling she said, “I made it my business to show up at just the right time.” She would sit out on the back porch, eat cookies and visit with the sisters. Sister Barbara’s sense of adventure can be attributed to her fond memories of going to summer camp with the Girl Scouts. “I was not a member of the scouts, but my mother was able to pull some strings. I have many happy memories of singing, dancing, arts and crafts, archery, horse riding, learning the Pledge of Allegiance and sleeping outside under the stars,” she said. After high school she went to Seton School of Nursing for six months, only to realize nursing was not for her. At this point in her life she had never considered entering the convent. It was not until she went to visit a friend who was to receive her habit at the Motherhouse in Indiana

that she discovered she loved their way of life. “I experienced a change when I went to visit the Sisters of Providence,” she said. After two and a half years of being a novice she began teaching. “Teaching is the congregation’s predominate mission. I prepared to be a grade school teacher,” she said. “In those days you learned as you taught. The education came later.” Sister Barbara earned her bachelor’s at St. Mary-of-theWoods and her master’s degree in education from Indiana University in Bloomington. In 1952 she began teaching in elementary schools, eventually teaching seventh and eighth graders. She taught in Indianapolis and Terre Haute, Indiana, St. Louis, Missouri, Oklahoma City and Robstown. She was a Director of Religious Education for a number of years in parishes in Portland, Texas, La Feria and Mission, Texas, Somerset, Kentucky, Benton, Illinois and taught in the schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi from 1993-2004, including St. John Nepomucene in Robstown, Archbishop Oscar Romero Middle School (then at St. Joseph Parish in Corpus Christi) and St. Pius X. For

La Tiendita

20 years Sister Barbara was on the Literacy Council in south Texas and held workshops helping migrants learn how to read. Sister Barbara loves to travel and she also works with a travel agency to organize trips. She spent a month in China, has been to Rome several times, including when their congregation’s foundress was beatified. She has taken people on trips to Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, the Netherlands, Alaska and places in between. Presently, she is getting a group together to go to Ireland in June. Although she is now retired, Sister Barbara continues to dedicate her life to the ministry of being God’s Providence in the world. She shows no sign of slowing down and continues to stay busy from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and then some. She begins the day with a short form of the Liturgy of the Hours and does a spiritual reading at night just before she goes to bed. Sister Barbara’s advice to discerning women interested in joining a congregation is to, “ask themselves, what are my values? Do I want to be a member of this congregation, are the sisters happy and are they being fulfilled?”

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Carolyn McNiff, left and Hannah Cazales, both fifth graders at St. Pius X School, work on a math enrichment puzzle in Casey Walter’s class. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic



Third grader Allison Kostoch, 8, uses a new classroom computer to access math exercises as teacher Katie Hyatt observes during Enriched Math class at St.Pius X School. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic

St. Pius X School’s Enriched Program provides extra challenge By Rebecca Esparza Correspondent


or more than 25 years, St. Pius X School has offered an Enriched Program for children who need an extra challenge in the classroom. Today, it still stands as the APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  21

Teacher Katie Hyatt instructs third grader Pierson Cazalas, left, how to draw geometric shapes while JP Hyatt looks on. The boys are in the Enriched Program at the school, which is the only one of its kind in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.

only program of its kind, offering parochial students in grades 1-6 a unique opportunity to excel in the classroom.

“There are many benefits of an Enriched Program,” Bryan Krnavek, principal at St. Pius X, said. “It reduces class size, so teachers can focus on students who might need a little extra help. Students who need to be challenged can then move on to the next level. Plus, we’ve found a smaller learning group is always better for the children.” Krnavek, who started at the school in June of last year and has been a parishioner for more Rebecca Esparza for than 20 years, added if children South Texas Catholic are not challenged, they typically become bored. According to the school’s handbook, children qualify for the Enriched Program on the “basis of standardized test scores, report card grades, STAR Reading and Math evaluations and teacher

recommendations.” The students are also required to maintain an 80 average throughout the school year. “In this day and age when teachers are faced with students of varying abilities and backgrounds all of our schools do a wonderful job meeting the needs of all their students,” she said. “Whether a student is above average or academically challenged our

❝The relationships you develop as a teacher are absolutely amazing. You are meeting people at a critical point in their life and having a chance to build their lives. It’s fantastic! ❞ –Casey Walters, teaches enriched math.


schools are prepared for them.” Katie Hyatt has taught school for eight years, with the last three at St. Pius X as the reading and math Enriched Program instructor for first, second and third graders. “Teaching the enrichment classes at St. Pius X is wonderful. My teaching schedule is full and classes change about every hour. No two days are the same, which I love. The children come to class ready to learn and I get to know the students very well over the span of three years, which helps in their educational progress,” she said. For Casey Walters, teaching at St. Pius X means coming “back home.” She attended elementary school there from kindergarten through sixth grade. Walters teaches enriched math to fourth, fifth and sixth graders and said her students move at a steady

pace with the enriched program and love to learn new skills in math. “The excitement on their faces is amazing when they realize how much they have accomplished in a day or week, they are so proud of themselves,” she said. But for Walters, the best part about being a teacher in the Enriched Program is seeing her students “get it.” “The relationships you develop as a teacher are absolutely amazing. You are meeting people at a critical point in their life and having a chance to build their lives. It’s fantastic! You see your students every day, or every other day, and you get to know their minds, and their hearts. It is a great privilege, and such a wonderful thing about being a teacher,” Walters said.

Teacher Casey Walters plays a math quizzing game with fifth grader Tess English during math at St. Pius X School. The school offers an Enrichment Program for all grades in math and reading. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic


LESSONS in : Pope’s gestur


By Cindy Wooden

are teaching

Catholic News Service


rom the moment Pope Francis, dressed simply in a white cassock, stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica for the first time and bowed, he signaled his pontificate would bring some style differences to the papacy. Some of the style changes are simply a reflection of his personality, he has explained. Others are meant to be a lesson. But


sometimes the two coincide. Answering questions from students in June, he said the


res, choices moments Apostolic Palace, where his predecessors lived “is not that luxurious,” but he decided to live in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, a Vatican guesthouse, “for psychiatric reasons.” Living alone or in an isolated setting “would not do me any good,” he said, because he’s the kind of person who prefers living in the thick of things, “among the people.” However, he added that he tries to live as simply as possible, “to not have many things and to become a bit poorer” like Christ.

Pope Francis introduced to the faithful at St. Peter’s Square surprised everyone with his humility. Paul Haring , Catholic News Service

Unlike his choice of residence, his decision to travel in Rome in a blue Ford Focus instead of one of the Mercedes sedans in the Vatican motor pool was meant to be a message. Meeting with seminarians and novices in July, he said too many people—including religious—think joy comes from possessions, “so they go in quest of the latest model of smartphone, the fastest scooter, the showy car.” “I tell you, it truly grieves me to see a priest or a sister with the APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  25


➌ latest model of a car,” he said. For many priests and religious, cars are a necessity, “but choose a more humble car. And if you like the beautiful one, only think of all the children who are dying of hunger.” A few days after his election, Pope Francis told reporters who had covered the conclave, “How I would like a church which is poor and for the poor.” In October, he traveled to the birthplace


of St. Francis of Assisi and met clients of Catholic charities in the room where St. Francis had stripped off his cloak and renounced his family’s wealth. The pope said he knew some people were expecting him to say or do something similarly shocking with the church’s material goods. Living simply is important, he said, not just out of solidarity with the poor, but

because it is so easy to get attached to worldly possessions, turning them into idols. The church, he said in Assisi, “must strip away every kind of worldly spirit, which is a temptation for everyone; strip away every action that is not for God, that is not from God; strip away the fear of opening the doors and going out to encounter all, especially the poorest of the poor, the needy, the remote, without

CELEBRATING THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE PONTIFICATE OF POPE FRANCIS waiting.” The first year of Pope Francis’ pontificate also has been one of encounters. A pope, like priests around the world, celebrates Mass every day. Before he became very infirm, Blessed John Paul II would invite visiting bishops and special guests to attend his early morning Mass in the chapel of the papal residence. Pope Benedict XVI’s morning Mass generally was more familial, including his secretaries, his butler and the women who ran the apartment.

With a much larger chapel in the Domus Sanctae Marthae and more priests and bishops in residence there, Pope Francis has had a larger congregation for his morning Masses. Although the Masses are considered private by the Vatican, Pope Francis has been inviting Vatican employees to attend, beginning with the garbage collectors and gardeners. While transcripts of his morning homilies are not printed in the Vatican’s official daily news bulletin, excerpts are

provided by the Vatican newspaper and Vatican Radio. In the first months of his papacy, especially as the weather warmed up, he’d go for a walk, dropping in on Vatican workers in the garage or the power plant. And, when he has a request of a Vatican office or wants to make sure something he requested is being done, he simply picks up the phone. Every Vatican office—not to mention the Jesuits and other religious orders—has a funny story about someone answering

➎ ➏ ➊ Pope Francis gives a thumbs up as he greets the crowd at the 2013 World Youth Day welcoming ceremony in Rio de Janeiro.

➋ Pilgrims hold Argentina’s flag in St. Peter’s Square before Pope Francis’ recitation of the “Regina Coeli” in 2013 at the Vatican. Argentines have embraced Pope Francis’ election, but the lasting impact remains unknown.

➌ Pope Francis greets Rabbi Daniel Goldman of Bet El Synagogue in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during

a meeting with an interreligious delegation from Argentina at the Vatican Feb. 27. Rabbi Goldman said Pope Francis has exhibited the same warmth, intelligence and openmindedness in the Vatican as he did in Buenos Aires.

➍ A young girl kisses Pope Francis as he arrives to lead his general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican March 5.

Cagliari, Sardinia, Sept. 22.

➏ Domenico Giani, head of the Vatican police, in glasses behind Pope Francis, looks on as the newly elected pontiff greets people after celebrating Mass at St. Anne’s Parish within the Vatican March 17. Pope Francis’ style of breaking away from his security detail and diving toward the crowds means his protectors have had to do a quick rewrite of strategy, sometimes on the spot.

➎ Pope Francis kisses a sick man inside the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria in

Photos by Catholic News Service



➐ Pope Francis tries on an alpine hat given by someone in the crowd as he arrives to lead his general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican March 5.

➑ Pope Francis rides in a bus with cardinals and bishops at the end of their weeklong Lenten retreat in Ariccia, Italy, March 14. Pope Francis said he and his closest collaborators at the Vatican “want to follow Jesus more closely, without losing hope in his promises and without losing a sense of humor.”

➒ A lamb sits around the neck of Pope Francis as he visits a Nativity scene at the Church of St. Alfonso Maria dei Liguori in Rome Jan. 6.

Photos by Catholic News Service

the phone and thinking it’s a joke when they hear, “This is Pope Francis.” But his phone calls go well beyond the inner circle of the Vatican and the church. Pope Francis has called journalists and people either he has read about or who have written to him with stories of suffering and desperation. His telephone calls, in some ways, have taken the place of his Buenos Aires habit of riding public transportation and walking the streets of the poorer neighborhoods to stay in touch with how people really live.


While he will pose with pilgrims for photos and “selfies,” reciprocate when given a big hug, sign autographs for children and accept cups of “mate”— an herbal tea popular in parts of Latin America—he learned in Argentina that there are times when the ministry of an archbishop or pope can be used by the powerful, and he has taken steps to make sure that does not happen. At his morning Mass and at his large public liturgies, Pope Francis gives Communion only to the altar servers and

deacons, then he sits down and prays. In a 2010 book written with Buenos Aires Rabbi Abraham Skorka, Pope Francis said that at large Masses for special occasions—Masses attended by government officials and leading business people—“I do not give Communion myself; I stay back and I let the ministers give it, because I do not want those people to come to me for the photo op. One could deny Communion to a public sinner who has not repented, but it is very difficult to check such things.”


Cardinal calls to maintain, yet reinterpret, doctrine to help families By Carol Glatz


Catholic News Service

n its approach to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, the Catholic Church needs to find a middle ground that does not destroy or abandon doctrine, but offers a “renewed” interpretation of church teaching in order to help those whose marriages have failed, Cardinal Walter Kasper said. “I propose a path that goes beyond strictness and leniency,” the German cardinal and theologian told Vatican Radio March 10. An approach that avoids the two extremes “isn’t against morality, it isn’t against doctrine, but rather, (is meant) to support a realistic application of doctrine to the current situation of the great majority of people and to contribute to people’s happiness,” he said, speaking in Italian. The cardinal was referring to a lengthy talk he had given to introduce a Feb. 20-21 discussion by the College of Cardinals on family life. The talk, titled “Gospel of the Family,” was to be published in German and Italian by

private publishing houses. Cardinal Kasper said that the responses to a widely distributed Vatican questionnaire about Catholics’ family life—drawn up in preparation The Catholic Church, Cardinal Kasper said, needs to find a middle ground that does not destroy or abandon doctrine for October’s Synod in order to help those whose marriages have failed. of Bishops on the Maria Grazia Picciarella, Catholic News Service family—showed “there is a difficulty, an abyss” between “does not mean pure appeasement Church teaching and the actual situa- policies, but the Church must explain tion of many people. in a new way what family and matri“The Church has to bridge this abyss,” mony are in order to help people and he said, speaking in English; but that at the same time remain faithful to the APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  29

Gospel.” The cardinal said a similar process might be seen in how the Church developed its current approach to ecumenism. “There were doctrines of the Holy Office (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) before the (Second Vatican) Council against ecumenism, yet the council found a way not to destroy or negate the doctrine but found ways to interpret it in an adequate way,” he said. “I ask myself why it could not be possible also with other doctrines,” he said. He said he would not call such changes “a revolution, as much as a deepening and a development because the doctrine of the Church is a river that develops and also the doctrine of matrimony has developed like this.” “It’s not about something new as much as a renewal of Church practice,

which is always necessary and possible,” he said. The primary purpose of his speech to the cardinals, he said, “was not to speak about divorced and remarried people, but to speak about the Gospel of the family” and to foster “a new, better, more deep understanding of family life” as God intended—built on a faithful, exclusive and lifelong union between one man and one woman. “I think the majority of young people want stable relationships, want to live in a family... and therefore, the Church has to help them,” he said. “We have to once again strengthen” the sacramental and indissoluble bond of marriage, especially as families today are facing a number of crises, including severe economic difficulties. The Church must also take into

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account the many situations of Catholics who have failed marriages, he said, “the Church has to be close to them, to help, support and encourage them.” “I maintain the full teaching of the Church, but the teaching has to be applied to concrete situations, as Jesus did it and as Pope Francis does very often,” he said. “The doctrine of the Church is not an ideology in the clouds, but God wants to be present, close to his people,” he said. To see more Vatican News go to: South Texas






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Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero. La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.

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Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Some quiet time alone with Jesus

Father Richard Gonzales closes the curtains to cover the Blessed Sacrament at chapel in St. .Joseph’s church in Beeville. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic

By Rebecca Esparza Correspondent


eeville resident 78-year-old Manuel Martinez has a reverent devotion to perpetual adoration dating back to the 1950s. And despite many setbacks in his life, including losing two sons to muscular dystrophy, he has remained deeply devoted to the eucharistic presence of Jesus Christ for more than six decades. “I just had surgery on my knee and I still come to adoration every Wednesday and Friday, after my physical therapy appointments,” he said, with a shy


smile. “I say the rosary and the chaplet of divine mercy for the conversion of sinners.” April is dedicated to the devotion of the Eucharist


❝Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a place to get focused and relaxed. It is a place where you can feel like the weight of the world is not on your shoulders all of the time. It’s a chance to allow God to speak directly to you and give you a much needed moment of peace.❞ –Father Richard Gonzales and while many parishes have allocated special times for adoring the presence of Christ, only a handful devote an entire chapel for perpetual adoration. St. Joseph Parish in Beeville not only hosts 24-hour devotion of the Blessed Sacrament seven days a week, but the faithful visit from numerous parishes throughout the Beeville community and beyond. “The combination on the door to enter the chapel is the worst kept secret in Beeville,” said Father Richard Gonzales with a laugh. “Everyone knows the password and that is a good thing. I love seeing

people going in and out of the chapel all the time.” The Queen of Peace Chapel, located inside the church itself, is an ideal place for people to pray, reflect and even gain knowledge about the Catholic faith. The chapel has an extensive selection of reading material about the Catholic Church. “Some people just want to pray in a small, intimate space, instead of a giant church. I’ve had many people tell me they feel more comforted by praying inside the chapel,” Father Gonzales said. And having a special time during a hectic week to

Manuel Martinez prays inside the Queen of Peace Chapel at St. Joseph Church in Beeville. Martinez has remained deeply devoted to the eucharistic presence of Jesus Christ for over six decades. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic


Manuel Martinez prays the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the conversion of sinners in the Queen of Peace Chapel in St. Joseph Church. Despite many setbacks in his life, Martinez remains deeply devoted to the eucharistic presence of Jesus Christ. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic

“unplug” is important for a person’s spiritual health, too, he said. “Smartphones and technology are a blessing, in many ways, but we are inundated with electronic devices beeping and chirping all around us. Many people actually look forward to some quiet time alone with Jesus. Adoration of the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ is the perfect way to grow closer to God and shut off the real world for awhile,” he said. Father Gonzales, who has been pastor at St. Joseph for almost three years, said the chapel was built in 1992 and can be accessed from both inside and outside the church. “It was originally a sacristy for the priests,” he said, “but Father Tim Kinast decided the space would be better suited as a chapel for perpetual adoration. I know parishioners love the fact it is located inside the church and not in a separate building.” Finding people to ensure the Blessed Sacrament is adored every single hour of each day is no easy task, but Father Gonzales said it is not uncommon to have a steady stream of people flocking to the chapel in the wee hours of the morning.


“It’s actually perfect for shift workers, like those employed by the hospital, prison or oil field. They routinely come in at two or three in the morning after work.” When adorers are ready to leave and there is no one there to take their place, visitors know to close the curtains to cover the Blessed Sacrament, so it does not go exposed without someone to revere the presence of Jesus. Although Father Gonzales said there is no shortage of people willing to spend at least an hour in the adoration chapel, more people are always welcomed, anytime. “If you are looking for a place of quiet intimacy with God, a place to open up your heart to the Lord, this is the perfect place,” he said. “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a place to get focused and relaxed. It is a place where you can feel like the weight of the world is not on your shoulders all of the time. It’s a chance to allow God to speak directly to you and give you a much needed moment of peace.” To schedule a time for perpetual adoration at St. Joseph Church in Beeville, call the parish office at (361) 358-3239.


Ron Alonzo, new president of Serra Club addresses group’s meeting as Sondra and Chuck Cazalas listen. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic

With help of legacy members Serra Club restored in diocese

By Alfredo E. Cardenas


South Texas Catholic

n 1953, 33 Catholics came together in the Diocese of Corpus Christi to organize a Serra Club to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life in their diocese. After celebrating 50 years of successful ministry, many members began to age or pass away and a few years short of its 60th anniversary the Serra Club became inactive. Earlier this year, with the encouragement and assistance of Father Joseph Lopez, JCL the Serra Club came back into existence and has renewed its commitment to growing vocations in the diocese. Under the direction

of its new president, Ron Alonzo, and the help of some elder statesmen of the previous organization, the Serra Club is on its way to being a key player in supporting vocations once again. APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  35

“The first event that they assisted with was the very successful Project Andrew Dinner held in January,” Father Lopez, vocation director for the diocese, said. Approximately 42 young men, high school age and above, have expressed an interest in discerning a vocation to the priesthood and are contacted by Father Lopez on a monthly basis to keep the conversation going. Twelve of those young men are actively in a discernment group that meets monthly. Twelve young ladies are also considering a vocation to consecrated life. Providing support to these young men and women as well as the 12 currently in the seminary is a vital role of the Serra Club. They also provide support for priests and sisters. The main function of the club is to foster and promote vocations to the ministerial priesthood in the Church as a particular vocation to service, and to support priests in their sacred ministry. They are also called to encourage and affirm vocations to consecrated religious life in the Church. A third goal of the group is to assist its members to recognize and respond in their own lives to God’s call to holiness in Jesus Christ and

through the Holy Spirit. They pray for vocations and members receive enrichment through a worship element provided by its chaplain, Father Lopez, and through fellowship. Fray Junipero Serra, OFM, who founded a chain of missions along the California coast, is the organization’s patron and a role model on how to live a life of heroic virtue. Other role models for the new group of Serrans are some members from the old group who provide institutional memory on the group’s mission and past activities. Legacy members such as Alfred and Adele Hesse, Dr. Mike and Francette Meaney and Jim Ridley provide the new group with a much-needed foundation. The new group met on Feb. 27 and approved payment of dues to Serra International to reinstate their membership with the national group. There are currently more than 750 Serra clubs in 42 countries with a total membership of more than 20,000 laywomen and men. Membership in local Serra clubs is restricted to Catholic laywomen and men, and to those who have been ordained to the permanent diaconate.

The club tabled action on setting of membership dues and received a report from the treasurer that they had some $68,000 in the bank left by the previous Serra club. Father Lopez informed the group that he would like their assistance with the upcoming vocation awareness retreat to be held on June 20-22 at the new Pax Christi Retreat Center; some 80-85 participants are expected. Other officers, in addition to Alonso, are President-Elect Chuck Cazalas; Vice-President for Vocations Andrew Aguirre; Vice-President for Membership Robert Gough; Vice-President for Programs Neil Hayes; Vice-President for Communication Alfred Hesse; Treasurer Paul Laudadio; and Secretary Margo Alonzo. They meet monthly, on the fourth Thursday of each month. While the new club is still getting on its feet, Father Lopez is optimistic that the Serra club will be a valuable asset in the work of cultivating vocations in the diocese. He believes the diocese is big enough to foster additional clubs in the outlying communities such as Alice, Beeville and Kingsville.

Legacy members, from left, Alfred Hesse, Adele Hesse, Francette Meaney and Dr. Michael Meany provide anchor to new Serra Club. Alfredo E. Cardenas,


South Texas Catholic


Rediscovering the Martyrology By George Weigel



George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.

he Catholic Church began compiling “martyrologies”—lists of saints, typically martyrs—during the first centuries after Constantine. In the pre-Vatican II breviary, a reading from the Roman Martyrology, or what we might call the Catholic Book of Witnesses, was an integral part of the Office of Prime, the “hour” recited after sunrise. The day’s date was given, followed by a reading of the names of the saints commemorated that day, with information about each saint’s origin and place of death—and, if the saint were a martyr, the name of the persecutor, a description of tortures endured and the method of execution. It was a bracing way to begin the working day and a reminder of Tertullian’s maxim that the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. It is somewhat ironic that the loss of Prime from the Liturgy of the Hours—and thus the loss of a daily liturgical reading from the Roman Martyrology—coincided with the greatest century of persecution in the history of the Church. It’s a point well-established but little appreciated within American Catholicism: we have been living, and we are living now, in the greatest era of persecution in Christian history. More Christians died for the faith in the 20th-century than in the previous 19 centuries of Christian history combined. And while the character of the persecutors has changed, from the lethal heyday of the 20th-century totalitarianisms to the first decades of the 21st century, the assault on the Christian faithful today is ongoing, extensive and heart-rending. Solidarity with the persecuted Church is an

obligation of Christian faith. Reflecting on how well each of us has lived that obligation is a worthy point on which to examine one’s conscience during Lent. And that brings me to a suggestion: revive the ancient tradition of daily readings from the Roman Martyrology this Lent by spending 10 minutes a day reading John Allen’s new book, “The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution.” The longtime Vatican correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and CNN’s senior Vatican analyst, Allen has recently moved to the Boston Globe as associate editor, where he (and we) will see if talent and resources can combine to deepen a mainstream media outlet’s coverage of all things Catholic, both in print and on the Web. Meanwhile, Allen will continue the Roman work that has made him the best Anglophone Vatican reporter ever—work that has given him a unique perspective on the world Church, and indeed on world Christianity. His extensive experience across the globe, and his contacts with everyone who’s anyone in the field of international religious freedom issues, makes him an ideal witness to what he calls, without exaggeration, a global war on Christian believers. APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  37

➤ More Christians died for the faith in the 20th-century than in the previous 19 centuries of Christian history combined. And while the character of the persecutors has changed, from the lethal heyday of the 20th-century totalitarianisms to the first decades of the 21st century, the assault on the Christian faithful today is ongoing, extensive and heart-rending.

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That witness includes, in his book, a continent-by-continent overview of anti-Christian persecution, a debunking of various myths about anti-Christian persecution, and some counsel on what can be done to support those who are literally putting their lives at risk for love of the Lord and the Gospel. Most poignant for Lenten reading, of course, are those parts of Allen’s book that truly are a contemporary martyrology: his telling of the stories of such martyrs of our time as Shabhaz Bhatti of Pakistan, Ashur Yakub Issa of Iraq, the Tibhirine monks of Algeria and the pastors and church elders who were crushed to death by a bulldozer in front of their North Korean place of worship. In pondering these cases, and the hundreds more that Allen cites, one gets a new understanding of “hatred of the faith,” that ancient odium fidei that identified the deaths of martyrs. Odium fidei expresses itself in many way, of course, not all of them lethal. Allen’s close focus on those who really are at risk of life and limb for the faith is a useful reminder that, whatever the contempt orthodox Christians are called to suffer today for fidelity to biblical truth in the comfortable, decadent and increasingly intolerant West, others are being called to suffer far more. Their witness should strengthen ours.


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The Holy Spirit, together with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified By Father J. Patrick Serna

Father J. Patrick Serna is pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Sinton

H Contributor

istory shows us that sons and daughters of Mother Church have paid the highest price for upholding and defending what they believed to be true about God. Catholic teaching about the procession of the Holy Spirit is as theologically rich as it is historical, and the culmination of this teaching, as found in the Nicene Constantinopolitan Creed, reflects the primacy that our Church gives to sound dogma. At the first ecumenical Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. there were approximately 300 bishops in attendance, and Eusebius of Cesarea recounts that many of those bishops were blind or lame, on account of being tortured for defending true Christian teaching from the poison of heresy. The bishops in attendance at Nicea reflected in their maimed bodies the seriousness that should always be given to true teaching, which is now embodied in our Nicene Constantinopolitan Creed. The Catholic teaching on the Holy Spirit coming from both the Father and the Son, referred to in the original Latin as “filioque,” is the result of hundreds of


years of devoted prayer and study. We who inherit true teaching about the Holy Spirit do well to study and appreciate it. Once we understand the third person of the Trinity more intimately on the intellectual as well as personal level, we can then adore and glorify him more intimately. The Council of Nicea only had this to say about the third person of the Blessed Trinity: “And in the Holy Spirit.” After the Council of Nicea there were heretics referred to as the “Pneumatomachi,” who denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit. In response to the heretical pneumatomachi, the Catholic Church convened at the Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D., and developed a fuller

dogmatic expression about the Holy Spirit with these words: “And in the Holy Spirit the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who together with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified...” At the third council of Toledo in 589, the following filioque articulation was explicitly made: “The Spirit is also the Paraclete, who is himself neither the Father nor the Son, but proceeding from the Father and the Son. Therefore the Father is unbegotten, the Son is begotten, the Paraclete is not begotten but proceeding from the Father and the Son.” Photius of Constantinople, author of the Photian heresy and chief inspiration for the Schism


that lasted from 863 to 867 A.D., which the schismatic Orthodox Church agreed that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the then culminated in the Great Schism of to conciliation and unity for a brief Father through the Son are proper and 1054, promoted the teaching that the period in those early years, their choice fitting and are not at odds with filioque Holy Spirit proceeded from God the was ultimately one of disunity, and the expressions, “... provided it does not Father alone. While western theologians disunity continues to the present. become rigid, does not affect the idenlike Augustine, Ambrose, Hilary and Where the Church of Rome chose tity of faith in the reality of the same Tertullian have historically adopted a a both/and comprehensive approach to mystery confessed.” (CCC 248) pro filioque (i.e., “Father and the Son”) understanding the Holy Spirit’s proSt. Augustine was known for drinking expression of the Holy Spirit’s proces- cession, the Eastern position that chose deeply at the well of theological insight, sion, the Roman Church and her Latin schism took a closed either/or position, and the following is reflective of his fathers have also been open to articu- which does not allow filioque language. piercing capacity to unveil in simple lations which promote expressions that The orthodox schismatics, who were terms what is veiled and complex: the Holy Spirit comes from the Father theologically rigid against filioque lan“When our Lord breathed on his disthrough the Son. guage, also took rigid positions against ciples, and said, ‘Receive ye the Holy In the ninth century, during the time papal authority and the use of unleav- Spirit,’ he certainly wished it to be of the Carolingian Dynasty, the emperor ened bread in the Divine Liturgy. understood that the Holy Spirit was Charlemagne requested that the pope The Catholic Church officially teaches not only the Spirit of the Father, but of enforce filioque language as universally that Eastern expressions, which state the only begotten Son Himself. For the binding for all Christians, same Spirit is, indeed, the and even though Pope Leo Spirit of the Father and of III agreed that filioque lanthe Son, making with them guage was both fitting and the trinity of Father, Son, proper, he refrained from and Spirit, not a creature, taking such action because but the Creator.” City of I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven of hypersensitivity in eastGod, ch.24 and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one ern leadership. As is usually While filioque language Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of the the case, however, there of the Roman Church is Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true comes the point when fear scorned by those who chose God from true God, begotten not made, consubstantial with of rocking the boat must schism in 1054, they nonethe Father; through Him all things were made. For us men be dismissed, and acting on theless find no obstacle and for our salvation He came down from heaven, and by the what is right becomes an with the West’s adherence Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became obligation. to the teaching that one man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, In 1024, Pope Benedict person of the Trinity is the He suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the VIII officially added the unoriginate source, and third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into filioque clause to the creed we call him the Father; heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will that was recited during the another person in the Trincome again in glory to judge the living and the dead and His Mass, and the fear of Pope ity is the eternally begotten, kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Leo III became reality. The and we call him the Son; Lord the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the universal insertion of the another person in the TrinSon, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, filioque clause was offensive ity is in eternal procession, who has spoken through the Prophets. I believe in one holy, to overly sensitive leaders and we call him the Holy Catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the in the East who were too Spirit. Just as we adore and forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of eager to cry “injustice,” and glorify the Father and Son, the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. the Great Schism of 1054 so too we adore and glorify resulted. While fathers of the Holy Spirit.

Nicene Creed


The Eucharist is our very life By Father Rodolfo Vasquez



Father Rodolfo Vasquez is pastor at St. John the Baptist Parish in Corpus Christi

he oldest biblical account of the institution of the Eucharist comes to us from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. At the end of the narrative, St. Paul says something that is not found in either one of the four Gospels, but it is reflected in the Liturgy’s Memorial Acclamation options; “for as long as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes” (1 Cor. 11:26). This passage is read at the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. Two points can be derived from this brief statement, the first is “proclaim” and the second is “hope”. The Apostle speaks of a frequent communication of the Eucharist and which calls the Christian to “proclaim”, to “evangelize” to partake of his baptismal role as prophet. Consider that at every Eucharist in which we receive communion we participate in a prophetic witness to the Lord’s salvific act. We “proclaim the death of the Lord” as St. Paul writes. In fact we can say that at every communion we are given a summons or issued a mandate to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. This is a serious commitment we make. For not only do we unite ourselves to the Lord and to one another (communion) but we are also called to preach Jesus Christ and him crucified (cf. 1 Cor 1:23). We can take the liberty to use play on words for we are called to “communicate” the Gospel. This means that as Christians none of us can keep our faith to ourselves, it cannot be a private matter. Faith is never a private matter, but always one that must be lived in public, for others to see. When we express our belief in the Lord’s Real Presence, we are proclaiming to the world that we

worship the God who was crucified on Calvary and rose from the dead and is now seated at the Father’s right hand. This has been the constant theme of Pope Francis’ call for the New Evangelization, for we are all called to be “missionary disciples,” taking what “I received from the Lord” and “handing it on” to others. There is another message hidden in our frequent communions, and that is this hope in the Lord’s second coming. We Christians are convinced of the Lord’s promise of eternal life for those who “eat the flesh of the Son of Man” and “drink his blood” (cf. Jn 6). This Eucharist, which we partake of at each Mass, is the foretaste, a pledge of heaven, of the fulfilled promise of eternal life. This promise then gives us hope in a future free from the domain of sin and death, a future teaming with God’s everlasting love. The future, this promise is encompassed in Paul’s words “until he comes again”, referring to the second coming of the Lord, radically different from his first coming. This second coming ushers in the final judgment which for the faithful Christian, forged in union to the Lord by the Eucharist, is the day of victory. Every Eucharist we partake of is a “communion of hope,” that forges in us a burning desire to be with the Lord forever. APRIL 2014  |  SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC  41

➤ This Eucharist, which we partake of at each Mass, is a foretaste, a pledge of heaven, of the fulfilled promise of eternal life. This promise then gives us hope in a future free from the domain of sin and death, a future teaming with God’s everlasting love. In the Church’s spiritual heritage, the mystic saints like St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Ignatius of Loyola, all had their sights, their hopes, their dreams on a future in heaven. They were radically convinced of the Lord’s promise to be with them in eternity, a conviction that can only be shaped and formed in them by the Eucharist. We can therefore say that at every communion, our hearts ache with a greater desire to be with the Lord in heaven. The more we receive Holy Communion, the greater our desire. Hidden in each Eucharistic banquet, is a wealth of treasures that await us. The Eucharist is our very life, our direction, and our hope.

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Oct. 13-22

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Our Lady of Conquering Love By Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT Contributor

Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT is a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity


t Calvary, where Jesus conquered sin, the f lesh, the devil, death and all of hell, Mary was given to us to be our mother. In his last moments Jesus shared his love for Mary with us that we might love her too and entrust ourselves to her care just as he did. It is a love upon which he bestows boundless blessing. Mary is neither a passive woman, nor a pushy, aggressive one either. This is the valiant woman par excellence, who is as active a mother in the world today as she was when she mothered all those Jesus gave to her care during his hidden life, his public ministry and in the early Church as it struggled through persecution to establish itself and evangelize the world. One of the great stories of Our Lady’s care for us, from our recent history, comes to us from the Philippines. The Philippines is a poor country, and the trials and sufferings of its people are immense. At the same time the people have a vibrant, living faith that freely expresses itself in their culture. In 1986, after having suffered for 20 years under the corrupt, oppressive, authoritarian regime of President Ferdinand Marcos, the Archbishop of Manila and spiritual leader of Asia, Cardinal Jaime Sin, called for a Marian year. People attended

rosary rallies, processions and special Masses by the millions, imploring Our Blessed Mother’s help. At the end of 1986, the

➤ Her humility, simplicity and modesty are more feared by the powers of darkness than the greatest preaching on earth. people, including priests and religious, took to the streets, again by the millions, praying, carrying banners and demanding that Marcos step down. Marcos responded by sending tanks into the streets and ordering his soldiers to fire upon the crowds. The soldiers looked into their gun sights to take aim but saw images of Our Lady everywhere. They could not, would

not fire. In the end Marcos was airlifted out of the country and democracy was restored. This was an unheard of thing, a completely bloodless, nonviolent revolution. Secular media called it the People Power Revolution. The Spanish of another era, here in our own country, would have called it the work of La Conquistadora, Our Lady of Conquering Love! And the Filipinos themselves know from whom the real victory came. Blessed John Paul II took his cue from the events in the Philippines and called for a Marian year for the whole world from June 7 (Pentecost), 1987 to August 15 (the Assumption), 1988. Following the close of the worldwide Marian year, the Iron Curtain fell, and shortly thereafter the Soviet bloc disintegrated, all to the utter astonishment of the secular press. Coincidence? Don’t believe it! They say the most common word heard on the battlefield is “mother.” But this is the Mother


we need in the battles we fight today. We are all her children and she is ready to help any who approach her. Praying the rosary, asking Mary’s intercession, and honoring her in different ways have so much more efficacy and meaning when we know and understand her as she really is. Mary is more favored, has a richer personality, more gifts, deeper emotions, greater wisdom, profounder graces, more sensitive, loving virtue and a more heavenly human beauty than anyone who ever was or ever will be born, aside from Jesus himself. No one sways the heart of God nor reaches it as quickly as she

does. And no one aside from God Himself loves us as much as she does. She is ours! This is who God gave us to be our Mother; the very one he singled out and prepared for himself. This is the woman of unshakable faith that in the midst of suffering and sorrows we will never even remotely comprehend or appreciate. This is a woman of invincible charity, hope and courage, who comes up from the desert like an army in battle array and crushes the head of the ancient enemy with her heel. Her humility, simplicity and modesty are more feared by the powers of darkness than the greatest preaching

on earth. This is the soul so full of grace and light, and adorned with such great fruits that it alone ravishes the heart of God and causes him to send floods of grace upon the whole world, beginning with the greatest gift of all, the sending of Jesus to be our savior. With grateful hearts, we ask Mary Our Mother, Our Lady of Conquering Love, to obtain for each of us the light, charity and strength that routs the enemy, overcomes the immense dangers of our present existence, and helps us in peace to continue the work of building the kingdom of God.

April Liturgical Calendar 1 | Tue | Lenten Weekday | violet | Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16 (245) 2 | Wed | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit] Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30 (246) 3 | Thu | Lenten Weekday | violet Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47 (247) 4 | Fri | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church] Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 (248) 5 | Sat | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest] Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 (249) 6 | SUN | FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT | violet | Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45 (34) Pss I 7 | Mon | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest] Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Jn 8:1-11 (251) 8 | Tue | Lenten Weekday | violet | Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30 (252) 9 | Wed | Lenten Weekday | violet | Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Jn 8:31-42 (253) 10 | Thu | Lenten Weekday | violet

| Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59 (254) 11 | Fri | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr] Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42 (255) 12 | Sat | Lenten Weekday | violet | Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56 (256) 13 | SUN PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD | red | Mt 21:1-11 (37)/ Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/ Mt 26:14—27:66 or 27:11-54 (38) Pss II 14 | Mon | Monday of Holy Week violet | Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 (257) 15 | Tue | Tuesday of Holy Week | violet | Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 (258) 16 | Wed | Wednesday of Holy Week | violet | Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:1425 (259) 17 | Thu | Thursday of Holy Week (Holy Thursday) violet/Mass: white Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3ab, 6a, 8b-9/ Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21 (260) | Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 (39) 18 | Fri | Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) red | Is 52:13—53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn


18:1—19:42 (40) Pss Prop 19 | Sat | Holy Saturday | violet/ Mass: white | Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:118 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/ Ex 14:15—15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/ Bar 3:9-15, 32—4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/ Rom 6:3-11/Mt 28:1-10 (41) Pss Prop 20 | SUN | EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD | white | Solemnity | Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 (42) or Mt 28:1-10 (41) | or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Lk 24:13-35 (46) Pss Prop 21 | Mon | Monday within the Octave of Easter | white | Solemnity | Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:815 (261) Pss Prop 22 | Tue | Tuesday within the Octave of Easter | white | Solemnity | Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 (262) Pss Prop 23 | Wed | Wednesday within the Octave of Easter | white | Solemnity | Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 (263) Pss Prop 24 | Thu | Thursday within the

Octave of Easter | white | Solemnity | Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 (264) Pss Prop 25 | Fri | Friday within the Octave of Easter | white | Solemnity | Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 (265) Pss Prop 26 | Sat | Saturday within the Octave of Easter | white | Solemnity | Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 (266) Pss Prop 27 | SUN | SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER | white (OR SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY)Solemnity | Acts 2:4247/1 Pt 1:3-9/Jn 20:19-31 (43) Pss Prop 28 | Mon | Easter Weekday | white/red/white [Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest] Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8 (267) Pss II 29 | Tue | Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church | white | Memorial | Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15 (268) 30 | Wed | Easter Weekday | white/white [Saint Pius V, Pope] Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21 (269)




Lenten Parish Mission at St. Anthony’s

With Father Jim Blount. Begins with Mass on March 31–April 4 at St. Anthony Church on 204 Dunne Street in Robstown.

‘Catch Me If You Can’ CMS 5K Run/Walk– Register by April 1

The Calallen Middle School NJHS/Student Council students presents the second annual CMS 5K Run/Walk on April 12 beginning at 8 a.m. The purpose of the run is to promote the CATCH school health program. All proceeds from the race will go to The ARK, Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth, located in Calallen. Our minimum sponsorship is $200. Sponsors must be registered by April 1.


2 4

Robstown. Every year, the Diocesan Youth Ministry Office sponsors a Diocesan Retreat for those parishes that are unable to conduct their own retreat or for those candidates that missed their parish confirmation retreat. The deadline to register is Friday, April 4. For more information or to download registration form go to:

True Devotion to Mary at St. Anthony’s

On Wednesdays, April 2 and April 9 at 7 p.m. at St. Anthony Church (204 Dunne Street) in Robstown.

Confirmation Retreat Register by April 4

On April 12 at Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish in




St. Pius X School 11th Annual Golf Classic

On April 4 at the Corpus Christi Country Club (6300 Everhart Rd, Corpus Christi) in memory of Chairman Bob Paskill. Registration begins at 12 p.m. with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. For more information contact Principal Bryan Krnavek (sponsors and donations) or Matt Woodard (players and teams) at (361) 992-1343 or at


Lenten Bible Study

Islander Catholics are hosting a Lenten Bible Study on April 1 from 4-6 p.m., April 7 from 2-4 p.m. and April 8 from 4-6 p.m. at the Texas A&M Corpus Christi Campus. Join Father Rudy Vasquez, Pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish, in exploring the Gospel of Matthew. For more information visit



Incarnate Word Academy’s 8th Annual Seafood Feast On April 4, at 6:30 p.m. at the IWA Pavilion, which is located on the corner of Austin Street and Chamberlain Street. The Seafood Feast will include fried fish, boiled crawfish and shrimp, etoufee, gumbo and sides. The cost is $35 for adults, $15 for students 11 years old and up, and $5 for children 10 years old and under. For more information, please contact JoAnn Garcia at (361) 883-0857, ext. 111 or; Reynaldo Garcia at (361) 883-0857, ext. 166 or; or Sandy Silva at (361) 947-8700 or

St. Thomas the Apostle Youth Group - Rummage Sale

On April 4-5 from 8:30 a.m.4 p.m at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Hall (16602 F.M. 624) in Robstown. The sale will feature quality furniture, housewares, appliances, toys, sporting goods and much more. For more information call John Harris at (361) 946-9104.

Matt Maher in Concert

On April 5. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds (1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd., Robstown). St. Anthony Church, in celebration of its Centennial presents Matt Maher in Concert. Presale tickets are $15. Purchase at St. Anthony Church (204 Dunne Street, Robstown) or on their website: www. Tickets at the door are $20. For more information see the Web site, or call the Parish Office at (361) 387-2774.


Day of Reflection and Prayer


Spring Fest at Immaculate Conception Parish

On April 5 from 8 a.m- 2:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Parish in Corpus Christi (710 S. 19th Street). Day begins with Mass. Light breakfast and lunch provided. The day will be led by members of Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center. Register at or call (361) 289-9095 ext. 321.

On Sunday, April 6 from 11 a.m.–5 p.m. at 107 Church Street in Gregory. Brisket barbecue plates with trimmings


will be available for a $7 donation from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. There will be live music, an auction and games and activities for the children to enjoy. For more information call our church office at (361) 643-4505 or committee member Naida Rios at (361) 774-3778 or at

6 12

and Golf Course. Tee Time starts at 8:30 a.m. Registration deadline is April 15. For more information or to register call the school at (361) 855-5744 or go to:


Help Feed the Homeless

On April 6 Join the Cursillo Movement to Help Feed the Homeless at 8 a.m. at Mother Theresa Shelter, located at 513 Sam Rankin in Corpus Christi.

Natural Family Planning Class


On April 12 from 10 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. at 1426 Baldwin Blvd, Corpus Christi. Registration is $125, which includes a six hour introductory class, materials and unlimited follow-up as needed. Register and pay online at:


The Melchizedek Project Meeting Day of Reflection

On April 12 from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. and April 26 from 10–11:30 a.m. The Melchizedek Project is a discernment group for high school seniors and above who love Jesus Christ and his Church. For information on location please contact Rachel Dimas at (361) 882-6191 or


Annual Blessed John Paul II High School Golf Tournament

On Monday, April 21 at the North Shore Country Club


Methodius Church (3210 SPID) in Corpus Christi. Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated with the 3 O’Clock Prayer of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. The Holy Rosary and blessing of religious articles will follow. Refreshments will be served in Msgr. Kasper Youth Center following the service. For more information, contact Chairperson Mira Smithwick at (361) 510-5754, or at

Divine Mercy Weekend Retreat

On April 24-27 at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). Begins Thursday 5 p.m. and ends Sunday 1:30 p.m. Register or call (361) 289-9095 ext 321.

OLCC Golf Tournament


On Friday, April 25 from 12-6 p.m. at the OSO Beach Municipal Golf Course (5801 S. Alameda) in Corpus Christi. Proceeds benefit Our Lady of Corpus Christi. For more information call or email: Al Lujan at (361) 215-8173, or Carlos Trujillo at (361) 7422946, golfsmith3@yahoo. com or go to www.olcc-golf.


Queen of Hearts Casino Night

On April 25 from 6:30-11 p.m. Bishop Garriga Middle Preparatory School will host the 3rd Annual Queen of Hearts Casino Night at the Holiday Inn Airport (5549 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi). Enjoy dinner, casino, tables, silent auction, a raffle and a cash bar. For more information contact Athletic Director, Jack Tanny at (361) 851-0853 or at


Divine Mercy Sunday

On April 27 from 2-5 p.m. at St. Joseph Church in Port Aransas. Celebrate with Mass at 2 p.m. followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Divine Mercy Devotion, procession and benediction. After the celebration in the parish hall a light reception will be offered and the Divine Mercy movie will be shown. For more information contact the Parish Secretary, Ninfa Jacobs at (361) 7495825 or at


A Look at Discipleship: Authentic

On April 29 from 5:307:30 p.m. at Hester’s Café at Six Points. The presenter is Father Rodolfo Vasquez, pastor St. John the Baptist Church.

To see more calendar events go to:

Divine Mercy Sunday

On Sunday, April 27 from 2–5 p.m. at Ss. Cyril &

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In Loving Memory



THROUGH CHILDHOOD, we have you covered.

se at the u a C d o o G a r fo g Take a Swin


AT THE OSO BEACH MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 5801 S. ALAMEDA CORPUS CHRISTI CHRISTUS Health Plan offers you great benefits like: 4 Hospitals to choose from in every community 4 Clinic locations close to home for mother and child checkups & well care 4 Care at the children’s hospital closest to you 4 Faith-based care

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April 2014 Issue

SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC P.O. Box 2620 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 (361) 882-6191

Palm Sunday, April 13

Holy Thursday, April 17

Sunday Vigil Mass Saturday Evening at 5:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. (En Español) & 12:30 p.m.

7 p.m. – Mass of the Lord’s Supper, transfer of Blessed Sacrament and stripping of the Altar 11:45 p.m. – Night Prayer in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Chrism Mass, April 15

Good Friday, April 18

Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. – Blessing of the Holy Oils for use during the coming year

12 p.m – Communion Service and Veneration of the Cross 6 p.m. – Solemn Stations of the Cross

Saturday Easter Services, April 19 8 p.m. – Easter Vigil and reception of Candidates and Catechumens

Easter Sunday Masses, April 20

7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. (En Español) & 12:30 p.m.

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