June 2018 - Vol.53 No.6

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‘Beautiful ministry’ of unconditional love W W W. S O U T H T E X A S C AT H O L I C .CO M • J U N E 2018







bringing Christ’s love to youth.! The Diocese of Corpus Christi serves the spiritual and physical needs of our parishes and community through more than 30 ministries. We appreciate your generosity in sharing your blessings, so we are committed to you to be a good steward of the gifts you entrust to us. By participating in the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal you are saying – to bringing Christ’s love to youth in our diocese.

Diocese of Corpus Christi

Office of Parish Stewardship & Development P.O. Box 2620, Corpus Christi, TX 78403 • (361) 882-6191 www.diocesecc.org or email emartinez@diocesecc.org



VOL. 53 NO. 6



Longtime parishioners at Our Lady of Victory in Beeville, Nick and Oralia Cardenas dedicated 24 years of their lives serving the prisoners at four different detention centers (Garza East, Garza West, McConnell and the trusty camp) in Beeville. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic

PUBLISHER Bishop Michael Mulvey, STL DD MANAGING EDITOR Mary Cottingham MCottingham@diocesecc.org THEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT Ben Nguyen, JD/JCL. BNguyen@diocesecc.org OFFICE MANAGER Adel Rivera ARivera@diocesecc.org CORRESPONDENTS Luisa Buttler, Rebecca Esparza, Jessica Morrison, Omar Becerra, Dayna Worchel, Gloria Romero (translator)

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Angel Montana, the pastor of Sacred Heart Church, unveils the new historical 25 Father marker honoring the late Antonio E. Garcia outside the church on April 29. Pictured with him are Garcia’s daughters, Ana Davis (left) and Rose Garcia (right). Dr. Carey Rote (center, right) presented the research and she along with other members of the Nueces County, Historical Commission decided where the marker would be placed.


4 Fathers play important role in child’s


Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

NEWS FROM THE DIOCESE 18 Sons of the diocese to be ordained deacons

VOCATIONS VIDA CATÓLICA 5 Sacred 27 Heart of Jesus, I trust in you La Mujer: Corazón de la Iglesia BRIEFS 9 InNEWS Memoriam:

Father Charles Doherty and Sister Mary Lucy Garcia, IWBS

NATIONAL 31 New US immigration policy violates ‘sanctity of the family,’ critic says

VATICAN CATHOLIC EDUCATION 33 12 Valedictorians and Salutatorians of Pope Francis: Youth are lost in a ‘vir2018 excited for bright futures

tual world’, instead of reality

June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  3



Fathers play important role in child’s formation


ear friends, I want to wish each father a very happy Father’s Day. This is hopefully for you a special day, which your family can gather around you and show their love and appreciation for you. Each one of us should have very beautiful memories of our fathers. Fathers are certainly part of their child’s formation and education. Formation in the faith can be so strongly influenced by fathers, which can have a lasting impact for their children’s faith life. In my own case I recall my father getting up every Thursday morning and going to the church at 4 a.m. in the morning for Eucharistic Adoration. This is when it just began many years ago. His friends who were in the church with him often teased him about sleeping for most of the hour, but he used to say, “at least I’m there.” According to a research report, when a father is involved in the faith and the faith formation of their children that there is more of a chance that they will remain faithful to the Catholic Church. I want to encourage you as fathers to take on that role very seriously and I want to thank you for all that you do for your families, for your communities and for your parishes. May God bless you this Father’s Day and surround you with abundant love of your children.

A Prayer for Christian Fathers Heavenly Father, you entrusted your Son Jesus, the child of Mary, to the care of Joseph, an earthly father. Bless all fathers as they care for their families. Give them strength and wisdom, tenderness and patience; support them in the work they have to do, protecting those who look to them, as we look to you for love and salvation, through Jesus Christ our rock and defender. Amen. - Author Unknown

+Most Rev. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD Bishop of Corpus Christi 4  South Texas Catholic | June 2018


Father Romeo Salinas is Vocations Director for the Diocese of Corpus Christi.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you Father Romeo Salinas

A Contributor

Catholic thinker once wrote, “God is charity, and hence the mere enunciation of the most holy name of Jesus recalls the idea of love.” It is this all-encompassing love that led our Lord to become

a man. It also led to the passion with which he lived in abject poverty the first 33 years of his life. The love with which he blessed, cured and healed during three grueling years of evangelization, reaping mostly ingratitude in response. The passion with which he instituted the Holy Eucharist. The love with which he died on the cross for our salvation. And, finally, the love with which he bestowed on humanity the supreme grace of a Heavenly Mother. When the Church venerates the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is rejoicing in his love for us. Devotion to the Sacred Heart, according to the “Catholic Encyclopedia,” began to grow strongly

in the 11th and 12th centuries and reached a peak in the 1600s due to the visions of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690). Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary several times. He allowed her to rest her head upon his heart and asked of her a series of observances dedicated toward honoring, loving and making reparation to his Sacred Heart. The ingratitude of humanity wounded Jesus’ heart despite all the love and mercy Jesus had extended them. The Catholic Encyclopedia informs us that Jesus asked that we honor him under the figure of his heart of flesh. He requested frequent communion on the first Friday of each month, and he asked for Eucharistic Adoration during a holy hour (11 p.m.-12 a.m.) on each Thursday before the First Friday of each month. Additionally, Jesus requested the celebration of a feast of reparation (Feast of the Sacred Heart) on the Friday after the octave of the Feast of Corpus Christi.


I will give them all the graces necessary to their state in life. I will establish peace in their homes. I will comfort them in all their afflictions. I will be their secure refuge during life and above all in death. I will bestow a large blessing upon all their undertakings. Sinners shall find in my heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy. Tepid souls will grow fervent. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection. I will bless every place where a picture of my heart shall be set up and honored. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts. Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in my heart, never to be blotted out. 12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of my heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the first Friday in nine consecutive months, the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in my disgrace nor without receiving their sacraments; my divine heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment. June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  5


St. Margaret Mary wrote an “Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” We, in our quest to find our true vocation in life (the priesthood, the consecrated life, married life, or single life), we will do well to pray this Act of Consecration and ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus to guide us as we strive to do His holy will and to make the most important choice of our vocation in life.

ACT OF CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS St. Margaret Mary I give myself and consecrate to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, my person, and my life, my actions, pains and sufferings, so that I may be unwilling to make use of any part of my being other than to honor, love and glorify the Sacred Heart. This commitment to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is my unchanging purpose, namely, to be all his, and to do all things for the love of him, at the same time renouncing with all my heart whatever is displeasing to him. I, therefore, take you, O Sacred Heart, to be the only object of my love, the guardian of my life, my assurance of salvation, the remedy of my weakness and inconstancy, the atonement for all the faults of my life and my sure refuge at the hour of death.

Be then, O Heart of Goodness, my justification before God the Father, and turn away from me the strokes of his righteous anger. O Heart of Love, I put all my confidence in you, for I fear everything from my wickedness and frailty, but I hope for all things from your goodness and bounty. Remove from me all that can displease You or resist your holy will; let your pure love imprint your image so deeply upon my heart, that I shall never be able to forget you or to be separated from you. May I obtain from all your loving kindness the grace of having my name written in your heart, for in you I desire to place all my happiness and glory, living and dying in bondage to you. Amen.

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Sisters’ Corner

Love has no limit Sister Lucia D’Cunha, SSA Sister Lucia D’Cunha, SSA volunteers at Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi and Mother Teresa’s Transitional Housing for Men. She also teaches religious education at St. Joseph Parish in Corpus Christi.

T Contributor

he Congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann was founded in 1834 in the city of Turin, Italy. They are guided by the experience of the spirit of their founders, Carlo Tancredi Falletti, his wife Giulia Colbert and Mother Maria Enrichetta Dominici, S.S.A. God in His providence and mercy, guided our history and revealed His faithfulness even in times of trial. He inspired Sister Enrichetta Dominici, who, as Superior General, guided the congregation for 33 years. She consolidated and renewed the religious spirit, expanded its works and gave great impetus to the missionary nature of the Institute. She recognized the face of the Son, in the little ones, in the poor, in the unfortunate, stooping down to them with maternal love. She was aflame with the love of Christ, which she desired to spread throughout the world with missionary zeal. Mother Enrichetta was beatified by Pope Paul VI, on May 7, 1978. With this act the Church confirmed the richness of the gift received from the Spirit and encouraged the Institute to a creative fidelity. In 1992 Bishop René Gracida invited our sisters to Corpus Christi. We were located in Corpus Christi Academy building in Saratoga. We taught at the Academy and Most Precious Blood School. The Community is our tender mother–we receive everything from it with gratitude, and promote its good in all circumstances. Saints Joachim and Ann and the Holy Family of Nazareth orient us to build our community on the model of an authentic family. In a spirit of faith, we commit ourselves in times of trial and feel responsible for one another. Through our specific mission we are called to be “instruments of Divine Providence.” We have impressed in our minds and hearts that we are destined to glorify God through educating the little ones and the poor. With an attitude of mercy we dedicate ourselves to those who live in situations of injustice and help those struck by misfortune, emptiness and sadness, to

discover the presence and plan of God in which alone lies their true happiness. We walk in the footsteps of Christ Incarnate and Crucified, make of our lives a hymn of praise to the Holy and undivided Trinity. Through Mary, we receive the gift of consolation, becoming one with suffering humanity. Like her, a pilgrim in faith, we recognize the action of the Spirit to rejoice at the gift of salvation. The Eucharist, source and summit of our spiritual life, molds our existence, as consecrated persons. We make every effort to participate in the Eucharistic Sacrifice each day with faith, desire and a sense of wonder. We unite the offering of our life to the immolation of Christ: it is no longer we, who live, but He who lives in us. While fulfilling our service in fidelity we reserve during the day, a suitable time to visit and adore the Blessed Sacrament, to express our love and gratitude to Jesus and to receive strength, consolation and support. The Word of God is a pure and perennial source of our spiritual life. We listen to it and meditate on it daily to imprint in us the traits of the Incarnate Word. We joyfully share the richness of the Word, finding in it inspiration for ongoing renewal, the principle which unifies the Community and orients apostolic creativity. Through the Liturgy of the hours, we become the voice of the Church, the Bride that praises God and intercedes for humanity. In allowing ourselves to be molded by the Liturgical Year we relive the mysteries of the life of the Son of God in communion with the whole Church. We approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation with regular frequency to experience the joy of a new life and become witnesses of His Mercy. We are 1200 sisters in five Continents, ministering in 11 countries. Italy, Switzerland, India, United States, Brazil, Philippines, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Cameroon, Africa, and England. To learn more about SSA, visit www.suoredisantanna.org. June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  7


Sister Barbara Marie Netek, IWBS marks fifty years of profession of vows Sister Michelle Marie Kuntscher, IWBS

S Contributor

ister Barbara Marie Netek, St. Pius X Pastoral Minister and Leadership Team Member of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament of Corpus Christi, is celebrating her fiftieth anniversary of religious profession this year. Sister Barbara entered the congregation of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament in September 1965, professed first vows June 1, 1968, and made final profession on August 5, 1972. Born November 21, 1946, to Victor J. Netek and Mary Agnes Netek, Sister Barbara has fond memories of life on the farm with cattle in the green pastures and crops in the fields. In her eighteen years on the farm, where she prayed, worked and played with her parents, two brothers and two sisters. “Like all farm families,” she said, “we relied on the providence of God, our hard work, and good weather for the bounty of the crops, the livestock and the family garden. When things didn’t look good, my parents would always say, “God will look after us.” Barbara Marie followed her older sister, Bernice, to Incarnate Word Academy, Corpus Christi, as a boarder at the convent on Alameda Street, where she came to know the Incarnate Word Sisters. When she told her family she wanted to become a Sister, her father said, “If it is what you want to do, then go ahead, but I give you six weeks and you will be home.” He later realized that she had found her place in life. Sister Barbara pursued her education at Christopher College in Corpus Christi, Incarnate Word College in San Antonio, and the Universities of San Francisco, CA and Dayton, OH. She earned her Bachelor of Science in history and health/ physical education and her Master’s degrees in Catholic School administration. She also received graduate hours in theology. 8  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

In her years of ministry, Sister Barbara has taught at various grade levels and was school administrator for the Catholic schools in the dioceses of Brownsville and Corpus Christi. She was a director of the diocesan youth camp, Camp Corpus Christi, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, chair of the Council for Institutes of Consecrated Life, and a Safe Environment trainer for the Diocese of Corpus Christi. She has served many times as presenter for workshops, conferences, and retreats for faculty and parish groups. She currently serves in Pastoral Ministry at St. Pius X Parish, Corpus Christi. In her years of service within the congregation, Sister Barbara is currently on the Leadership Team and is Co-Director of Incarnate Word Associates. In her work in the General Administration, she helps plan and carries out congregational meetings, annual retreats, assemblies, on-going formation and justice and peace education and involvement. She serves on the Fannie Bluntzer Nason Renewal Center Board and the Facilities Committee of Incarnate Word Academy. She represents the congregation in the Socially Responsible Investment Coalition, where she has served as chairperson in the past years, and she helps in the planning for the reunification of Incarnate Word congregations worldwide. Sister Barbara enjoys “fixing things.” She has a tool for every kind of minor repairs in plumbing, carpentry, and auto-mechanics. She continues to enjoy the outdoors of her early farm life. Growing and caring for a garden, trimming trees, mowing yards, walking the dogs and any way of helping in the care of the earth and respect for God’s creation give her energy and peace .


Father Charles Doherty, who served as pastor at Our Lady of Assumption parish in Ingleside and in the Diocese of Corpus Christi for many years, died May 9.

IWA Track and field teams place at State

incarnate Word Academy’s varsity track and field teams competed at the TAPPS 5A State Meet from May 4-5 at Midway High School in Waco.

Students, families participate in STREAM Fair

Students and families from Sacred Heart School in Rockport participated in a STREAM Fair and PTA Meeting on May 7. The students and families, assembled in the Cafeteria and Gym and enjoyed the variety of displays and projects. Robotics and coding were popular aspects of the STREAM fair.

‘Coco’ Author Diana Lopez Visits IWA

Incarnate Word Academy excitingly welcomed author Diana Lopez to its campus on Thursday, May 3 in the school’s James R. Dougherty, Jr. Center. A Corpus Christi native, Lopez shared stories with Elementary and Middle-Level students about growing up in the city and offered Angel’s insight into how she became an author.

Schools participate in Academic Contest

Some Catholic schools students competed at the Spring Academic Contest sponsored by Bishop Garriga Middle Preparatory School on April 21. The contest was an opportunity for students to freshen up their skills and review their knowledge in Math and Writing.

Rotary Club volunteers paint inside of house

Students from St. John Paul II High School Rotary Interact Club partnered with Habitat for Humanity on April 20 by painting the interior of a house on Guadalupe Street which included the living room, dining area, closets and bedrooms.

USCCB Endorses USA Act and Calls for Immediate Legislative Solution for Dreamers

The chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Migration, Bishop Joe Vásquez, of Austin Texas, announces support for H.R. 4796, the “Uniting and Securing America” (USA) Act of 2018 as it is currently written. The USA Act is a bipartisan bill that offers a path to citizenship to Dreamers and augments existing border security technology at the U.S./Mexico border.

Sisters celebrate anniversaries

Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament celebrated the Anniversary of Religious Profession on April 14 at St. Patrick Church. Bishop Michael Mulvey concelebrated Mass with many priests throughout the diocese.

STREAM Family Night excite parents

St. Gertrude School in Kingsville held a STREAM Family Night on April 19. It was open to all families from pre-K2 through sixth-grade.

Sacred Heart School presents NED Show

After enduring a tough year following the destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey, Rockport students from Sacred Heart Elementary School were encouraged by the positive message of The NED Show held in the gym of school’s Interim

Campus on April 10. NED stands for Never Give Up Encourage Others Do Your Best Always! The presenter uses video clips, yo-yo tricks, characters, audience participation and visuals to get and keep the students’ attention.

JPII students placed in TAPPS Academic Competition

The St. John Paul II High School TAPPS Academic team placed in the state meet on April 9-11 in Waco. They competed against 38 TAPPS 5A schools.

Students learn skills and lessons at Camp Champion

Fourth and fifth-grade students from Sacred Heart School in Rockport attended their bi-annual three day trip to the outdoor school at Camp Champions in Marble Falls on April 11-13. Their lessons included water quality studies, archery, kayaking, astronomy, Greek mythology, nature studies, history, team building, conservation and universal respect.

Bishop blesses new playground, wellness stations

Bishop Michael Mulvey blessed the new wellness station and playground at SS. Cyril & Methodius School on April 18. Faculty, students and staff were in attendance as well as Pastor Msgr. Lawrence White, Parochial Vicar Father Sanish HGN, and Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Nannette Quintanilla-Hatch.

In Memoriam: Sister Mary Lucy Garcia, IWBS Sister Mary Lucy Garcia, IWBS went home to God on April 30. She had recently celebrated 70 years of consecrated life.

June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  9


In Memoriam: Father Charles Doherty


The Jimenez family outside their home. Pictured from left son Paul Jimenez, father Paul Jimenez and daughter Lydia Jimenez Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic 10  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

Mary Cottingham


South Texas Catholic

ince he became a single parent thirteen years ago, Paul Jimenez has always put his children’s needs before his own. He makes sure his children are happy, safe, well fed, protected and well educated. His daughter, Lydia, now a junior and his son, Paul, currently a freshman have been attending Incarnate Word Academy since they were able to go to school. Jimenez is the only maintenance person at IWA. He wears many different hats for the various jobs he does at the five-building complex. He is the plumber, electrician, painter and the general fixer-upper of any small repairs. Years ago, when good custodians were hard to find, he and his kids spent many a late night sweeping, mopping and cleaning the buildings. Since he began working at the school in 1986, the sisters from the convent and schools gave him the opportunity to start at the bottom. “I would take things apart and put them back together. It was fantastic they let me do that, and after so many years it’s like I know it like the back of my hand,” he said. Sister Annette Wagner, Superior General of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament said Jiminez “has been a hard worker and an amazing parent. He’s very attentive and is very focused on family. His kids were always with him, even during the summer months. All the employees who work for IWA get tuition assistance, but Jimenez’ long hours, working weekends and nights have made it affordable to send his children to a Catholic school. The spirit of the sisters and the school staff was like an extended family to them. “The sisters have been so great to me, and I got to show it. Other than being here

that’s all I can do, and I do my best. I’m so grateful that God let me send my kids to school here,” he said. Jimenez says his faith gets him up every day. Born and raised in Aransas Pass, his parents instilled in him and his ten brothers and sisters strong Catholic values. His mother used to tell him, “God comes first.” He attributes his current relationship with God to his mother, “she taught me that whatever God’s choice is for us we just have to abide by that.” He said one of the hardest things for him was bringing the kids to work with him every summer. “I felt bad for them. I didn’t have a place to take them, and I couldn’t afford daycare or babysitters. I was afraid to let them loose on the playground because I might be too far away if something were to happen to them.” “I’ve told them several times, that going to school here is one of the greatest opportunities in their life. College is going to be much easier, and your goals will be easier to reach–because of the education that you have, but you got to take advantage of it. It only sinks in so much, and then I’ll repeat it at the beginning of next year, Jimenez said. “I would love for them to go to college. I want them to pursue something they love.” Jimenez said his son Paul is a typical boy. He’d rather be around dad than anybody else. He’s very quiet and laid back.” Paul says he likes to focus on relaxing. He wants to go to school to become a game designer. “Lydia is very outgoing; she is in the school choir. She is sensitive and sings beautifully. She writes her own music and teaches herself how to play the piano and guitar,” Jimenez said. “He works so hard and so long to provide us with an education. Sometimes he

gets home at 8 or 9 p.m. For a single parent raising two kids in high school, it’s very difficult, but he always finds a way to make it work,” Lydia said. Lydia wants to become a nurse. When the children were younger, Jimenez said a regular day for him consisted of getting them up in the morning, making breakfast, then getting them ready for school. When the children would go to school, he would go to work at the school. After they got out of school they would come to where he was working, do their homework or sometimes help clean until he finished his work–sometimes 8 or 9 p.m. Afterwards they would go home, he’d cook, clean up and help them with their homework, get them ready for bed and continue the same routine every day. Malcolm Smith, Director of Campus Operations for IWA says Jiminez is great for the school. “He’s the head maintenance person. There’s not much that he can’t repair: the air conditioner; the lights; anything that goes wrong it falls on him. He checks the buildings every night to make sure the lights are turned off, and the doors are locked. On Saturday nights he normally goes to evening Mass at St. Patrick with the kids, then checks the buildings afterward. Between the work at the school and his kiddos he’s definitely a busy man,” Smith said. “I used to fish all the time, play sports with my brothers and friends, but when my kids came–you cant’ have time for yourself, you have to make that commitment when you’re a parent. My kids come first,” Jimenez said. On his own, Jimenez, couldn’t have afforded a Catholic Education for his children, on the other hand, he said, “it was something he couldn’t–not afford.” Luckily he didn’t have to. June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  11


Single father raises children in Catholic School


Class of 2018 valedictorians salutatorians excited for br

Dayna Worchel



ith plans that include being a Disney Imagineer, a nurse practitioner, an attorney, and a research scientist, the top ranked graduating seniors from St. John Paul II and Incarnate Word High Schools say they can’t wait to begin their post high school lives.


Bridget Lee Sang, 18, valedictorian at St. John Paul II, says her dream job is to become a Disney Imagineer, so she can design and create attractions for the Disney parks and cruise lines. “They get to tell a story with the ride they created. I really love the roller coasters and small kid rides,” says Lee Sang, who will head to Texas A & M University - College Station this fall. She will major in Structural Engineering and will be able to transfer 44

12  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

hours because of the dual credit courses she took while in high school. So she will begin her college career as a sophomore. “I really love math. It comes natural to me,” says Lee Sang, who lives in Portland with her parents Jerome and Cindy Lee Sang. Her service activities while at St. John Paul II have included Voices that Care, which organizes activities for special needs students, the Interact Club, a high school version of Rotary Club, and the St. Francis Gardening Club. She also serves in the Legati Circle, a group of 12 student ambassador leaders selected by teachers to promote enrollment activities at St. John Paul II High School. Lee Sang, who has been involved in the National Honor Society and the English and Spanish Honor Societies and a variety of service organizations during her years at St. John Paul II High School, was excited when she heard she was named valedictorian. “I had a slight advantage with the dual

credit classes. I wasn’t aiming for it, but I kept doing the best I could and it just sort of put me there,” she says.


Alexandria Serna, 18, salutatorian at St. John Paul II High School, has a special reason for wanting to become a Nurse Practitioner in pediatrics or endocrinology. “Since I was three years old, I’ve been a Type I Diabetic,” Serna says, adding that she also hopes to do missionary work in South America to help children who have faced similar challenges. She will head to Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi in the fall with 15 dual credit hours under her belt to begin her nursing program, with plans to earn her master’s degree in order to become a Nurse Practitioner. “My parents are both nurses and I realized early on that I had a knack for science and anatomy,” says Serna, the daughter of Roger


s and right futures and Marcy Serna. “They are happy I am staying close by for college,” she says. But her talents don’t stop with science. She says she loves sports. Throughout high school, she has played volleyball, basketball, and has participated in track and cross country running. Serna received an Honorable Mention in the naming of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times All South Texas Girls Basketball Team in 2018 and was named to the 2017-2018 TAPPS 5A Second Team for All State Girls Basketball. Serna also served in the Legati Circle, which promotes St. John Paul II High School to prospective students.


Robert Walsh, 17, valedictorian at Incarnate Word Academy says he’s “pretty excited” about receiving that honor and is even more excited about his plans to head

to Rice University in Houston in the fall. He has attended Incarnate Word Academy since the age of four. “I’m going to double major in biochemistry and mathematics. I hope to do medical research and find a cure for cancer,” says Walsh, who is the son of Johnny and Bobbie Walsh. His interest in science was ignited during his freshman year when one of his teachers, Debra Hernandez, gave in depth lessons and lectures about genetics. “She discussed many of the current problems in the world, which was very interesting to me,” Walsh says. He played basketball and was on the TAPPS Academic Team, where his specialties were mathematics and number sense. Walsh was a member of the National Honor Society and was president of the Incarnate Word Academy Chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, a mathematics honor society. He

also participated in a mission project this academic year, helping Hurricane Harvey victims in Beaumont.


Ashley Montgomery, 18, salutatorian at Incarnate Word Academy, will head to the University of Texas in Austin to attend both the McCombs School of Business and the Moody College Honors Program at the Moody School of Communication. “I want to study abroad and go to Law School,” says Montgomery, who is the National Honor Society President and editor in chief of the yearbook and student online newspaper. Her parents are Alvin and Theresa Montgomery. She hopes to be an attorney for a news corporation, and has represented her school on the TAPPS speech and debate team and has been in the TAPPS One Act Play competition. What Montgomery is looking forward to the most this summer is attending Camp Capers in the Episcopalian Diocese of West Texas. “I’ve been a camper there for four summers. I love being a part of the Happening movement, a weekend retreat for teens through the Diocese of West Texas,” she says. “I’m really looking forward to having the summer to relax and prepare for college,” Montgomery says. Bishop Michael Mulvey celebrated the Baccalaureate Mass May 25 and 26 for graduating seniors from Incarnate Word Academy and St. John Paul II High School.

Pictured from far left St. John Paul II High valedictorian Bridget Lee Sang, salutatorian Alexandria Serna, valedictorian Robert Walsh and salutatorian Ashley Montomery. Dayna Worchel for South Texas Catholic June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  13






S T. J O H






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pu i, s Christ


Naomi Alexander

Emily Ayala

Gabriella Ayarzagoitia

Kenneth Carel

Dylan Castaneda

Mark Castaneda

Jessica Castillo

Kim Cifuentes

Jacquelyn Conde

Gerardo Contreras

Kyrsten Cooper

Cristian DeLaRosa

Lucas DeLeon

Brianna Diaz

Julian Dominguez

Apolonio Esquivel

Shania Esquivel

Eugenio Garcia

Destinee Gonzalez

Isabella Gonzalez

Ryleigh Gonzalez

Kara Hall

Rylan Jimenez

Janelle Keeney

Cesar Landa

Austin Lara

Alex Lerma-Palacios

Gabrielle Lopez

Bridget Lee Sang 14  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

ons Graduates Megan Lopez

Natalia Lopez

Ryan Lopez

Savannah Martinez

Christian McAllister

Lonora McDonald

Ryan Mota

Jacob Munoz

Allianna Nava

Michael Nunez

Marcos Ortiz

Thorn Ortiz

Adrian Amad Perez

Brandon Perez

Gilbert Jordan Perez

Judith Perez

Zenaida Perez

Doanh Phan

Jacob Quintanilla

Ryan Quintanilla

Joshua Ramirez

Julian Rangel

Stalin Erasmo Rodriguez Morales Rodriguez

Bernadette Salazar

Josiah Salinas

Alexandria Serna Clayton S. Sims

Chi Hyun Sung

Maya Trevino

Sam Works June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  15

Congratulatio S I N C E

1 8 7 1

Sofia Aguirre

Sofia Alonso-Bauer

Millicent Alvarado

William Anderson

Diego Basaldu

William Beauchamp

Sara Beth Becker

Savannah Bevalet

Christiana Bocanegra

Amille Bottom

Alysa Brady

Allison Burda

Justin Cavazos

Nayah Chanyaman

Ava Constant

Romulo Corrada

Kelly Cortes

Sarah Cummins

Kaylyn Dinh

Nicholas Elizondo

Ashley Elliott

Remy Ellison

Mary Ann Fergie

Molly Flood

Joelle Francois

Joshua Guernsey

Jack Harrison

Sang Hoang

Isabela Huerta

Joyce Hunsaker

Donte Joseph

Claudette Lara

16  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

ons Graduates Thu Huynh Le

Hamilton Lee

Madison Leeves

George Malouf

Eleanor McClanahan

Desirae McCracken

Alexa Mendoza

Ashley Montgomery

Michael Morin

Herbert Morrison

Jacob Morrison

Kevin Morrison

Nicole Morrison

Carolina Munoz

Tho Nguyen

Michael Orgill

Evangelino Pangilinan

Madeline Peetz

Kyle Pekar

David Pierce

Jeremiah Ramirez

Kimberly Ramirez

Eric Rodriguez

Ashley Salinas

Abigail Sheets

Anna Simank

Natalie Smith

Gabriel Sohn-Hunt

Brigid Sorrell

Wilson Strain

Madeline Thorud

Daniel Tindall

Valeria Villagomez

Robert Walsh

Gabriella Ward

June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  17


Sons of the diocese to be ordained deacons Mary Cottingham


South Texas Catholic

“RJ” Regalado, Jr., was born ishop Michael Mulvey by it was one step closer to and raised in Falfurrias. the imposition of hands becoming “the man behind He attended Sacred Heart and the invocation of the the altar who got to have the Church and attributes his Holy Spirit will ordain three most fun, got to get up, walk vocation to his pastor at young men to the sacred around and talk to people that time, Father Matthew order of the diaconate on and people would listen to Stephan, who had asked him June 2 at 10 a.m. at Corpus Christi Cathe- him,” Gutierrez said. After high school, he to teach CCD classes to the dral. Seminarians Richard Gutierrez and elementary school children. Ramiro “RJ” Regalado, Jr. will become began having doubts–the Regalado was in high transitional deacons and campus minister idea of celibacy was intimischool when Father Stephan Santos Ruben Jones III will be ordained to dating to him. “I had a girlplanted the seed in his mind the permanent diaconate. The young men friend and I started dating Ramiro “RJ” Regalado, Jr. about becoming a priest. “So have faithfully been serving the church for a lot,” he said. Confused, about what to do, he prayed to Our Lady my vocation started with Father Matthew many years. Gutierrez, who grew up on the west side of Guadalupe. He asked her to give him as a witness to a happy, joyful priesthood– of Corpus Christi spent his early child- a sign to let him know if he was making being at the service of people and God,” the right decision. Her image Regalado said. hood years at Holy Family appeared in a statue, a paintThe idea of going to seminary scared Parish on Nogales Street. ing and a prayer card. him, so he went on to study music educaHoly Family was not just After his mother died in tion at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. his second home and playApril 2016, Gutierrez was While studying, he took a part-time job ground–the parishioners a wreck. He accidentally working for a Whataburger. The partwere his second family. He knocked over a book, and a time position became full time. He left also attended Holy Family prayer card landed face up his studies without completing them to Elementary School, Bishop with the image of Our Lady pursue a career with Whataburger and Garriga Middle Preparatory of Guadalupe, who at that was eventually running his own restaurant. School and Corpus Christi moment became his patron- He worked for them for about ten years, Academy, which is now St. ess saint. before he realized he wanted something John Paul II High School. “As I’m getting closer to more. He attributes his faith to Seminarian ordination its kind of a strugHe decided to try one semester in semthe love of three women, Richard Gutierrez gle because my mom really inary. One semester turned into eight who have since passed away: his grandmother, Maria Garcia, who wanted to be here,” Gutierrez said. When years, but it wasn’t easy. “What Seminary taught him how to pray; his aunt “Nana”, the doctors told her that there was noth- does is–it puts up this mirror, and you’re Narcissa Gonzalez, who always took him ing more they could do for her–she told looking at yourself in this mirror. Most to church; and his mother, Helen Gutier- Bishop Mulvey. “He held her hand and people don’t enjoy doing that, because it rez, who made sure he received a Catholic said that regardless of whether she’s there spurs you on to make changes to grow in or not–she was still going to have the best the spiritual life, recognizing that you’ve education. He was about eight-years-old when seat in the house,” Gutierrez said. “I pic- fallen short of what God wants for you,” Regalado said. he first realized he wanted to be a priest. ture her smiling.” Another native of the diocese, Ramiro With the help of great spiritual directors Instead, he became an altar boy, because

18  South Texas Catholic | June 2018


Father Ken Davis at St. Joseph Abby and Enrichment for Persons with Disabilities. Seminary College and the diocesan vocaHe is presently studying at the Theologtion director at the time, Father Joseph ical College, the national seminary of The Lopez, he was able to grow. The hardships Catholic University of America in Washthat he experienced in seminary “were ington D.C. He completed his deaf studsoftened a bit by the loving care of his ies at Gallaudet University but continues spiritual director and vocation director.” to work with the Office of Disabilities at At one point he decided he needed Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of to take a break from the seminary, but Washington D.C. Bishop Mulvey convinced Like the two seminarhim to do his pastoral year ians, Santos Ruben Jones at St. Paul, the Apostle ParIII has always been active ish instead. “I spent two in the life of a church. He years with that community was born and raised in Alice in flour bluff–they really and attended Our Lady of taught me a lot about love Guadalupe Parish in Alice and service. They taught me where he was an altar boy, about loving one another Master of Ceremony, a sacand loving God through ristan and a member of the one another,” Regalado said. youth group. In 2001 he “Father Peter Martinez was graduated from Alice High an incredible help to me and Santos Ruben Jones III School and entered the semfriend, a brother, a priest inary. In 2006 he left semiand mentor. He was very supportive of nary to pursue another calling. what I wanted and needed to take care of “It was a struggle to realize I wasn’t during my pastoral year.” called to celibacy. I’ve always felt called At the request of Bishop Mulvey, Regal- to ministry and to be of service, that’s ado began taking courses on American one of the reasons I went to seminary. I Sign Language. “It was a great joy for was actively involved in the church and me–I studied for two years, was able to it seemed like the next logical thing to get a certificate of completion, and during do,” Jones said. “Through discernment, those two years I got to work with the deaf I realized God was not calling me to be a community in Corpus Christi at Catho- priest, but he was still calling me to serve lic Charities Office of Ministry and Life in a special way.

“Even in seminary the first thing they tell you is just because you’re here doesn’t mean you’re going to be a priest, but you’ll be a better a man, husband, and father.” After he left seminary, he taught Theology and Social Studies in San Antonio at St. Gerard’s High School, while working on his Master’s degree in Theology at the Oblate School of Theology. Father Patrick Donohoe, who was then pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Beeville enlisted Jones for Director of Religious Education for the parish in 2008. Soon after becoming DRE he was also appointed Chaplain for the McConnell Prison Unit. In 2010 he married Kayla Jones and they had a son, Landon, who is now six years-old. “They had a baby shower for him in prison,” Jones said. When he became a dad, Jones realized he could no longer work full-time as an on-call chaplain. He got a job at Coastal Bend College in Grants Management and is now Director of Campus Ministry at the Newman Center. Throughout his ministry on campus, he has continued work as a DRE at St. Joseph Parish and became Pastoral Associate for Father Richard Gonzales. His favorite assignment is teaching RCIA at St. Joseph. At 35 years old Jones will be the youngest permanent deacon of the diocese.

June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  19


Church needs heart Luisa Buttler

O Correspondent

ver one-hundred women throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi attended the fourth annual conference, entitled, “Women: Heart of the Church.” The event, hosted by the Catholic Daughters of America (CDA) Court #2433, commenced with Mass at St. Theresa Church on April 28. “The goal as a whole is to bring women together to see the important role they fill in the Church. Every year we pick a theme that’s concentrated on the role Mary plays and how we aspire to be like her in our daily lives,” Irma Rodriguez, CDA Court #2433 Treasurer said. 20  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

Dr. Ben Nguyen, Chancellor of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, presented the first session of the conference. Nguyen is a canon lawyer and licensed attorney, who serves as the Canonical Council and Theological Advisor as well as Promoter of Justice in the Diocesan Tribunal. In his talk entitled “Woman as the First Evangelizer,” Nguyen laid out the scriptural and theological foundation revealing Mary as the perfect model for every woman to follow in leading family and loved ones to faith in Jesus. “When Jesus enters the world, it’s because of Mary. At the beginning of his ministry, she is there; at his suffering, she is there; at the resurrection, she is there; and at the

outpouring of the Holy Spirit, she is there. Her presence in evangelization and at every important stage of salvation history creates not just an inspiration, but a model for us and the whole Church to spread the gospel in everything we do.” Nguyen explained that at the heart of the gospel are relationships, including our relationships with God and the Church, and when women come together, as they do at women’s conferences such as this one, they exemplify and nurture that relational aspect of the gospel. “It’s important to have gatherings like this because it models and enhances the important relationship and connection we have with each other in moving closer to God,”


Over one-hundred women throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi attended the St. Theresa’s Fourth Annual Conference, entitled, “Women: Heart of the Church.” The event was hosted by the Catholic Daughters of America (CDA) Court #2433. Luisa Buttler for South Texas Catholic

Nguyen said. “Men don’t necessarily think in these terms immediately. Men tend to be more analytical and talk about structure versus talking about relationships. We need the presence of women to remind us that our Gospel is a relationship with God and that’s where the genius of women comes in.” Sister Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS was the second speaker, her talk entitled “Woman: Living the Joy of the Gospel.” Through personal stories and short readings from her book of poems, “she: robed and wordless.” She examines Mary’s lived response to God and how the life of the Mother of the Redeemer informs women today how to live and impart the joy of the gospel. “From the beginning, Mary permitted

God to enter her life,” Sister Lou Ella said. Sister Lou Ella shared a story from her youth, one that involved her mother hiring a young girl from their conservative North Texas town as a mother’s helper and babysitter. The hiring was probably controversial, as it was the 1950s, and the young girl had just come home after running away with her boyfriend. “My mother planted within me a seed of vocation for having tremendous compassion for those who were outcast,” Sister Lou Ella said. “Our table at home prepares us for the Eucharist. Ask yourself, what would Mary do? Who would she invite to her table? Who in your community should you welcome back to the table?”

Sister Lou Ella ended her lecture by asking each of the women at the conference to pair up and host a “modern-day intersession,” by praying for a family member or friend, and then sending a selfie and letting them know they are praying for them. “We are citizens and saints of the household of God,” Sister Lou Ella said. “We are women at the heart of the Church, and we should pray without ceasing.” The final speaker was Ofelia De Los Santos, Texas CDA Spiritual Enhancement Chairperson and Court Mother of Divine Grace for CDA Court #2717 from Sacred Heart Church in Edinburg. De Los Santos shared experiences from her life of service and ministry, led her to strive to live a life June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  21


Speakers from the women’s conference at St. Theresa Parish are, from left, Ofelia De Los Santos, Dr. Ben Nguyen and Sister Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS. Luisa Buttler for South Texas Catholic

of beatitude. Her talk entitled “Woman: Fulfilled Today in Your Hearing” was named based on a passage in Luke 4:21. “When you evangelize a woman, you evangelize a family,” said De Los Santos. “And when you evangelize the family, you evangelize the whole world.” De Los Santos also spoke about the

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different incarnations of the Virgin Mary, including as Arc of the Covenant, as Woman and the Dragon, as La Virgen de Guadalupe, as Warrior Queen, as Mary of the Apocalypse and more. “Mary is the key to whatever prayer request you have,” said De Los Santos. “She stomps on that devil when he tries to get your child, your boyfriend, your husband,

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22  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

your son, your daughter. I promise you that if you are faithful to our Blessed Mother, she will break any chain, bond or addiction in your family.” The conference ended with lunch and door prizes, but most importantly, with a renewed spirit of evangelization with a reminder of their role as “Women: Heart of the Church.”

Rebecca Esparza



hen people would ask Nick Cardenas why he and his wife Oralia dedicated 24 years of their lives serving the prisoners at four different detention centers (Garza East, Garza West, McConnell and the trusty camp) in Beeville, his answer was always the same: “Who are we to judge these people? We need to do the work of the Holy Spirit.” Longtime parishioners at Our Lady of Victory in Beeville, he and Oralia both felt compelled to share the Word of God with the incarcerated. Over the years, their roles working

with the local prisons have evolved. When they started the prison ministry back in 1994, their entire Sunday would consist of visiting each prison in Beeville. Eventually, other volunteers were found so the couple could concentrate their ministry at one prison. People would frequently ask the couple if they were in fear for their lives while at the prison, considering the inmates would freely walk around them during their ministry time together. “In the 24 years we worked with the prisoners, we never had one incident,” said Nick Cardenas. “And we’re in a non air-conditioned gymnasium with 50-100 men and one unarmed guard.

Nick and Oralia Cardenas in Our Lady of Victory Church in Beeville, felt compelled to share the Word of God for 24 years. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic

The prisoners know we are volunteers and there is a level of respect there.” “It’s a beautiful ministry if people would only try it,” added Oralia. She recalled one year while visiting a downtown San Antonio parish, a former prisoner recognized her and politely approached her with a warm hug. “For the next three years, we came back around the same time because of a conference Nick had to attend in San Antonio. On the third year, this same man we had worked with in prison went straight to the front of the church. I figured he didn’t see me, so I did not say anything. When I realized he was up there as an Extradordinary Minister of Holy Communion, I


Ministry of Unconditional Love


burst into tears. I pray our work with him in prison made even a small difference in his life,” she said. A licensed counselor and veteran of the United States Army, Nick Cardenas had previous experience working with prisoners through his professional work at Beeville’s local community college. Adding prison visits from the church was an easy fit. Even a diagnosis of prostate cancer soon after the prison ministry program started in 1994 did not stop Nick. While he was recovering from surgery and treatments, his wife Oralia stepped in and filled his role. Once he recovered, she loved the prison ministry and added it to the long list of other volunteer roles she fills with the church. “In addition to assisting our priest with Mass, I would sing with the prisoners, we’d share funny stories and talk about God,” recalled Oralia. “But after 24 years, we decided it was time to retire and last December we handed over the ministry to other volunteers.”

Oralia Cardenas, 78, regretfully admitted the ministry simply became too physically demanding. And her husband Nick, 77, works a full-time job in Karnes City as a case manager, so time is a precious commodity for both. The couple recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and family life also keeps them busy with two children, nine grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Each has multiple volunteer roles at Our Lady of Victory, with Nick serving as a lector, Extradordinary Minister of Holy Communion, parish council member, president of the finance committee and working bingo every Thursday at the parish. Oralia is a fixture in the parish office handling administrative duties two days a week and serving as a sacristan, while also directing the children’s and adult choirs. “Yes, we are pretty much always at church,” laughed Oralia. “But we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Father Luke Thirunelliparambil, the

pastor at Our Lady of Victory in Beeville, said he’s amazed by the couple’s energy, which has never wavered throughout the 14 years he has known them. “They are involved in just about every church activity we have. I consider Nick and Oralia pillars of our church community. Being members of this church so long, everyone knows them and the good deeds they do,” he said. Nick hopes to inspire younger generations to volunteer at least one hour a week at their local parish. He thinks if they start small, it will open up other avenues for volunteerism. “I’d like to ask our youth to consider what you are doing for your fellow man. What are you doing for other people, not just for yourself,” he said. “I’d also like to remind parents, your children learn by example. It’s important for children to see their parents helping others, caring for people. Serving others has to come from your heart and with guidance from the Holy Spirit.”

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Father Angel Montana, the pastor of Sacred Heart Church, holds up the flag after unveiling the new historical marker honoring the late Antonio E. Garcia outside the church on April 29. Pictured with him, from left are Ana Davis, Dr. Carey Rote and Rose Garcia. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

Marker at Sacred Heart Honors Life of Catholic artist Omar Becerra



ather Angel Montana delivered the invocation and blessing after the unveiling of a new historical marker, honoring the late Antonio E. Garcia outside Sacred Heart Church on April 29. The Nueces County Historical Commission members Anita H. Eisenhauer, Debbie Zuniga and Carey Rote, Ph.D. were

responsible for delivering the dedication and choosing the site for the marker. About 100 people attended the event. Garcia’s daughters Ana Davis and Rose Garcia were also in attendance. Antonio Garcia was a skilled artist, whose career spanned more than 50 years. The artist left his mark in the frescoes and murals he was commissioned to paint in several churches and chapels throughout

South Texas. He also dedicated his life to art education. His paintings include the Sacred Heart of Jesus and stories of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which adorn the walls inside Sacred Heart Church. He painted them over a two-year period during the early 1940s. He was also a member of Sacred Heart Church. According to his daughter Ana Davis, June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  25


Antonio Garcia’s fresco can be seen above the sanctuary in Sacred Heart Church. The painting depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus appearing to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and in Spanish is the quote “He aqua el corazon que ha amado tanto a los hombres” (“Behold his heart which has so loved men.”) Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

her father didn’t paint the religious pieces for notoriety or financial gain. “I think that the artwork in churches was done out of the love of the church,” Davis said. “He cared about having it done for God.” Antonio Garcia’s works include a 44-foot tall fresco depicting the Immaculate Conception of Mary, which was Davis’ favorite of her father’s creations. The 1960 mural can be viewed in the Immaculate Conception chapel at St. John Paul II High School. Although Antonio Garcia displayed his skill and talent early on, Davis recalls that her father’s pursuit of higher education was not entirely successful. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago but was unable to obtain a degree because the program changed from three years to four years and he did not have the money to finish. His 1946 fresco “Mexican Annunciation” can be found inside Our Lady of Loreto Chapel at Presidio La Bahia in Goliad. The Goliad Massacre of Colonel James Fannin and his troops occurred at the 26  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

Spanish fort during the Texas Revolution in 1836. The site became a National Historic Landmark in 1967. Among Antonio Garcia’s secular works is “Juneteenth Revue” that he painted in 1939, and is part of the permanent collection at the Art Museum of South Texas, and the 1933 mural “March on Washington” now on display at the Duval County Historical Museum in San Diego, TX. He taught at Del Mar College for more than 20 years and was a founding member of the South Texas Art League. Davis remembers as a child going every summer to Saltillo, Mexico where Garcia would teach drawing classes in a park. Through her father, Davis developed an appreciation of art, nature and scenery there and in hometown Corpus Christi. “He would take us to the T-heads after Mass and we would go down by where the Art Center of Corpus Christi is now and watch the ships come in,” Davis said. “I still do that today.”

Davis later studied art and took an art history class from one of her father’s former students. The South Texas Institute for the Arts renamed in 1998, the Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center, is supported in partnership with Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The center provides educational opportunities, including a free after-school program, in arts and literacy for everyone in the community. The center also offers family services and counseling. According to an article published by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times on April 25, blindness forced Garcia into retirement during the 1980s. He passed away in 1997. Davis sees the marker as a sign that people acknowledge and appreciate what Garcia did for the community. Unveiling it was a special moment for her. “I’ve always known that he was a great artist,” Davis said. “It indicates that they cared about what he did, about him and about his work.”

Luisa Buttler, Corresponsal Gloria Romero, Traductora


as de cien mujeres de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi asistieron a la cuarta conferencia anual, titulada “La Mujer: Corazón de la iglesia.” El evento fué, patrocinado por las Hijas Católicas de América (CDA) Corte #2433. La conferencia se inicio con una misa en la Iglesia de Santa Teresa el 28 de abril. “Tenemos como meta reunir a las mujeres para concientizarlas a cerca del importante papel que tienen en la iglesia. Cada año escogemos un tema concentrado en el papel que María juega en la iglesia y cómo nosotros aspiramos a imitarla en nuestra vida diaria.” dijo Irma Rodriguez, CDA Corte #2433, tesorera. El Dr. Ben Nguyen, Canciller de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, presentó la primera

sesión de la conferencia. Nguyen es el abogado canónigo y Licenciado en leyes quien presta sus servicios como Consejero Canónigo y Teológico tanto como Promotor de Justicia en el Tribunal Diocesano. En su platica, titulada “La Mujer como la primera evangelizadora,” Nguyen puso de manifiesto los fundamentos teológicos de las escrituras Bíblicas, que revelan a María como el modelo perfecto para cada mujer a seguir en conducir a la familia y a sus seres amados para tener fe en Jesús. “Cuando Jesús vino al mundo lo hizo gracias a María. Desde el principio del ministerio de Jesús, ella esta allí, en Su sufrimiento, ella está allí, en Su resurrección, ella está allí, y en la fusión y entrega del Espíritu Santo, ella está allí. La presencia de María en la evangelización y en cada etapa importante de la historia de salvación, crea no solo una inspiración sino

también un modelo, tanto para nosotros como para toda la iglesia en la difusión del evangelio, a través de todo lo que hacemos.” Nguyen explico que en el corazón del evangelio están las relaciones incluyendo nuestra relación con Dios y con la Iglesia, y cuando las mujeres se reúnen como lo hacen en las conferencias como esta ellas ejemplifican y nutren el aspecto relacionado con el evangelio. “Es importante tener reuniones como esta porque nos moldea y aumenta la importancia de las relaciones y conexiones que tenemos los unos con los otros y nos motiva a acercarnos a Dios.” dijo Nguyen. “El hombre no piensa necesariamente en estos términos. Los hombres tienden hacer mas analíticos y hablan mas de estructuras que de relaciones. Necesitamos la presencia de mujeres para recordarnos que el evangelio es nuestra relación con Dios y es en donde

Los oradores Dr. Ben Nguyen, Ofelia De Los Santos y la Hermana Lou Ella Hickman se unen a Catholic Daughters of America en la conferencia de mujeres organizada por CDA Court # 2433. Luisa Buttler para South Texas Catholic

June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  27


La Mujer: Corazón de la Iglesia


el ingenio de la mujer interviene. La Hermana Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS fue la siguiente oradora su platica se tituló: “La Mujer: Viviendo la alegría del evangelio.” A través de historias personales y lecturas cortas de su libro de poemas, “ella: nos dejo atónitos” al examinar la respuesta viviente de María a Dios y como la vida de la madre del Redentor informa a la mujer de hoy en día, la manera de vivir e impartir la alegría del evangelio. “Desde el principio, María permitió que Dios entrara en su vida” dijo la hermana Lou Ella. Ella compartió una historia de su juventud, una que involucra a su madre empleando a una joven proveniente de una ciudad conservadora del norte de Texas, como nana y ayudante. El emplearla era probablemente controversial, como lo era en los años cincuenta y la jovencita vino a la casa después de haberse escapado con el novio. “Mi madre planto en mi la semilla de la vocación por tener una gran compasión por

aquellos marginados que rompen las estructuras sociales” dijo la hermana Lou Ella. “Nuestra mesa en casa, nos preparo para la Eucaristía. Pregúntate a ti misma, ¿que haría María? ¿a quien invitaría a su mesa? ¿A quien en tu comunidad deberías darle la bienvenida de vuelta a tu mesa? La hermana Lou Ella terminó su conferencia preguntándole a cada mujer asistente, cómo sería en los días modernos la intercesión de María y como lo haríamos nosotras, si rezando por una familia o un amigo o si después enviándole una “selfie” para dejarle saber que estamos rezando por ellos. “Somos ciudadanos y santos de la casa de Dios,” dijo la hermana Lou Ella. “Somos las mujeres el corazón de la iglesia y debemos orar sin cesar. La última oradora fue Ofelia De Los Santos (CDA de Texas), a cargo de la catedra sobre incremento de vida spiritual y de la Corte de Madre de la Divina Gracia de CDA Corte #2717 de la Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón en Edinburg. De Los Santos, compartió experiencias de su vida de servicio

y ministerio, que la condujo a llevar una lucha para vivir una vida de beatitud. Su plática se titulo “Mujer te maravillas al Escucharlo…” De acuerdo con el pasaje de San Lucas 4:21 “Cuando tu evangelizas a una mujer, tu evangelizas a toda la familia,” dijo De Los Santos, “Y cuando tu evangelizas a la familia, tu evangelizas a todo el mundo.” De Los Santos también habló sobre las diferentes encarnaciones de la Virgen María, incluyéndola como el Arca de la Alianza, como la Mujer y el Dragón, como la Virgen de Guadalupe, como la Reina Guerrera, como la María del Apocalipsis, y otras. Ella aplasta al demonio cuando trata de tomar a tu niño, a tu amigo, a tu marido, a tu hijo o hija. Yo te prometo que si tu eres fiel a la Santísima Virgen, ella romperá cualquier cadena, cualquier lazo de adicción en tu familia.” La conferencia terminó con una comida y unos premios de entrada, pero lo mas importante es que terminó con un espíritu renovado de evangelización recordando el papel que juegan; Mujer Corazón de la Iglesia.

Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero. La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.

Llamada 1-877-571-9748

Obispo Michael Mulvey y el personal de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia se comprometen a ayudar en el proceso de curación de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de abuso. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está en necesidad de estos servicios, llame a Stephanie Bonilla, Director de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia: (361) 882-6191 para asistencia inmediata.

28  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia

Programa de Radio en Español en KLUX 89.5 HD-1 y “Listen Live” en KLUX.org Domingos a las 7:00 a.m. con el P. Juan Fernando Gámez P. José Naúl Ordóñez


El padre Angel Montana da la bienvenida a miembros de la Comisión Histórica del Condado Nueces, miembros de la familia y muchas personas más que asistieron a la bendición y presentación de una nueva placa histórica, en conmemoración al artista Antonio E. García afuera de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón el 29 de abril. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

Una Placa en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón honra la vida de un artista católico Omar Becerra, Corresponsal Gloria Romero, Traductora


l padre Angel Montana pronunció la invocación y la bendición al develarse la placa histórica que honra la memoria del artista Antonio E. García, afuera de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, el 29 de abril. Los miembros de la Comisión Histórica del Condado Nueces; Anita H. Eisenhauer, Debbie Zuniga, y Carey Rote, Ph.D. fueron los responsables de la dedicación de la Placa Histórica, así como de la elección del sitio en

donde la colocaron. Cerca de 100 personas asistieron al evento, incluyendo a las hijas del artista., Ana Davis, y Rose García. Antonio E. García, fue un pintor diestro y sensible que plasmó gran parte de su obra en imágenes santas. Su carrera se expande a lo largo de más de 50 años. El artista dejó su huella en los frescos y murales que le encargaron pintar en varias iglesias y capillas a través del sur de Texas. También dedicó su vida a la educación del arte. Sus pinturas incluyen al Sagrado Corazón

de Jesús e ilustran narraciones de la Santísima Virgen María, ellas se encuentran en las paredes de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de la cual era fiel miembro. Las pintó durante un período de dos años durante la década de 1940. De acuerdo a su hija Ana Davis, su padre no pintó las piezas religiosas para su vanagloria o ganancia financiera. “Creo que la obra de arte que hizo en las iglesias fue hecha verdaderamente por amor a la Iglesia,” dijo Davis, “a él le importaba hacerlo por amor June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  29


a Dios.” Entre las obras de Antonio García, se encuentra un fresco de 44 pies de altura que representa la Inmaculada Concepción de María, que es el favorito de las creaciones de su padre para Davis. El mural de 1960 se encuentra ahora dentro de la capilla de la Escuela Secundaria St. John Paul II. Aunque Antonio García demostró su habilidad y talento desde el principio, Davis recuerda que la búsqueda por educación superior de su padre no fue del todo exitosa.

Estudió en el Instituto de Arte de Chicago, pero no pudo obtener su título porque el programa cambió de tres años a cuatro años y no tenía el dinero para terminar. Su fresco de 1946 “La Anunciación Mexicana” se encuentra en la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Loreto en Presidio La Bahía en Goliad. La masacre de Goliad del Coronel James Fannin y sus tropas se produjo en el fuerte español durante la Revolución de Texas en 1836. El sitio se convirtió en un Monumento Histórico Nacional en 1967.

Entre las obras seculares de Antonio García se encuentra “Juneteenth Revue” que pintó en 1939, y es parte de la colección permanente del Museo de Arte del Sur de Texas, y el mural de marzo de 1933 “March on Washington” se encuentra ahora en exhibición, en el Museo histórico del Condado Duval, en San Diego, Texas. García también dió clases en Del Mar College por mas de 20 años y fue miembro fundador de - South Texas Art League.Davis recuerda que cuando era niña, iba todos los veranos a Saltillo, México, donde García enseñaba a dibujar en un parque. A través de su padre, Davis desarrolló una apreciación al arte, la naturaleza y el paisaje, tanto allá como en su ciudad natal Corpus Christi. Recuerdo, dijo Davis, “que nos llevaba a los T-heads después de misa y bajábamos por el lugar donde esta ahora el Centro de Arte de Corpus Christi, allí veíamos como entraban los barcos. Todavía hago eso hoy en día.” Mas tarde, Davis estudió arte y tomó clases de historia del arte con uno de los alumnos de su padre. El Instituto de Artes del Sur de Texas cambió su nombre en 1998, al de Centro de Artes y Educación Antonio E. García, es apoyado en sociedad con la universidad de Texas A&M Corpus Christi. El centro ofrece oportunidades educativas, e incluye un programa extracurricular gratuito, de artes y alfabetización para todos en la comunidad. El centro también ofrece servicios familiares y de orientación. De acuerdo con un articulo publicado por el periódico Corpus Christi Caller-Times el 25 de abril, la ceguera obligó a García a retirarse durante la década de 1980. Falleció en 1997. Davis ve la Placa conmemorativa como una señal de que la gente reconoce y aprecia lo que García hizo por la comunidad. Develar la placa significó mucho para ella. “Siempre supe que mi padre era un gran artista,” dijo Davis, “esta placa me indica que les importó lo que hizo, su trabajo su persona y su vida.” Fresco de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón pintado por el artista Antonio E. García en la década de 1940. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

30  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

By Kevin Jones


Catholic News Agency

he Trump administration’s new “zero tolerance” policy for illegal entry into the U.S. is inhumane and will split up families seeking safety, a Catholic analyst of migration policy warned. “If implemented this will lead to a drastic increase in forcible family separation at the border,” Ashley Feasley, director of policy for Migration and Refugee Services at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, told CNA May 10. “Most importantly it is inhumane and goes against our Catholic values and the sanctity of the family,” she said. The policy change means prosecution of people who illegally cross the southwest border and the separation of many children from their parents. Feasley stressed that entering the border with one’s child is not automatically an instance of child smuggling. “Many of these families are willingly turning themselves over to Border Patrol. They are not hiding. They are asking for protection, they are vulnerable and looking for safety,” she said. “[The policy change] will also erode judicial efficiency, taking away resources to prosecute the most dangerous, in favor of prosecuting every parent,” she said. The new policy could cost up to $620 per night to detain a family of one parent and two children. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed law enforcement officials in Arizona and California in two May 7 speeches. “If you cross this border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. It’s that simple,” Sessions said, according to National Public Radio. “If you smuggle illegal aliens across our border, then we will prosecute you. If you are smuggling a child, then

we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law. If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.” Border agents detained close to 40,000 unauthorized immigrants on the Mexico border each in March and April alone. They include 5,000 to 10,000 families and underage minors traveling alone. The Department of Justice will send 35 more prosecutors and 18 more immigration judges to handle the caseload, Sessions has said. The attorney general said there is now “zero tolerance” for illegal border crossings. The goal is for “100 percent” of all people who cross the border illegally to face charges of “improper entry by an alien,” which can result in up to six months in prison. Alleged violators will be referred to federal prosecutors through the Department of Homeland Security. Thousands more migrants could be held in detention facilities or children’s shelters. Families with juveniles will be separated

and the minors will be sent to separate facilities. Under previous practice, people caught illegally crossing the border were returned to Mexico after a guilty plea and a brief detention. The violation is a misdemeanor under federal law. Sessions said the Department of Justice would take up as many referrals from DHS “as humanly possible.” However, Feasley warned that there are many dangers of family separation. It is “extremely traumatic” for children to experience, especially after a lengthy, stressful trip to the U.S. Very young children have been separated and left with strangers, many of whom do not speak their language. “Then these children are put into shelter facilities which are confined spaces. The experience is doubly traumatizing,” Feasley continued. “The American Academy of Pediatrics has cautioned against the long lasting emotional trauma and harm that separation can cause children.”

June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  31


New US immigration policy violates ‘sanctity of the family,’ critic says


Some migrants have tried to challenge their treatment under U.S. authorities. One Honduran woman, Olga George, was charged with illegal entry and separated from the four young children accompanying her. She has retained lawyers who charge that the Justice Department is discriminating against her for being a Central American. A Congolese woman who sought asylum was detained and separated from her young daughter for months until DNA testing during court proceedings confirmed their identities. If immigrants detained at the border have valid asylum claims, they could still receive federal criminal convictions on their record regardless if they are judged to have a right to stay in the U.S., CNN reports. However, there are no special arrangements under the current plan for those who claim asylum when they are detained. Department of Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen officially enacted a “zero-tolerance” policy on Friday May 3. Nelsen has said that families are separated only for the children’s safety or when family relationships can’t be proven. Under federal law and court decisions, children must be released from detention quickly. Previously, this meant entire families were released rather than separated. Feasley said the new policy will not address “the pervasive root causes of migration.” Migrants are fleeing state- or community-sanctioned violence, poverty, lack of educational opportunity, forced recruitment into gangs, and domestic abuse, among other grave problems that compel children and families “to take the enormous risks of migration.” “These are the factors that must be addressed as we look to repair our broken immigration system,” she said. Feasley also had particular recommendations for Catholics. “Catholics should try to remember the human dignity of all families and children who arrive and look to assist these families in productive ways that help them comply with our immigration laws--ensuring that they know their rights and responsibilities in this country,” she said. She suggested helping migrants get legal counsel, accompanying them to legal proceedings, and “welcoming and praying with and for these families in our parishes.” “As Pope Francis says, they are not a problem or a burden but an opportunity for encounter,” she told CNA. 32  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

This ‘pilgrim grandmother’ walked 570 miles to pray for families


Catholic News Agency

mma Morosini has been called the “pilgrim grandmother.” Earlier this month, at the age of 94, she earned that nickname by concluding a 570-mile walking pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her 40 day pilgrimage took Morosini from Monterrey, in northeastern Mexico, to Mexico City, where she prayed at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, before the tilma of Saint Juan Diego. Morosini, a native of Italy who for more than 25 years has made pilgrimages to shrines around the world, arrived the afternoon of May 12 at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, to pray for families, young people, and “world peace.” The “pilgrim grandmother” has visited shrines in Portugal, Spain, Poland, Israel, Brazil and Argentina. During this pilgrimage, Morosini began walking each day at 6:30 am, carrying a small suitcase and an umbrella, and wearing a reflective vest as a safety precaution. For food, Morosini carried milk, juice, bread, and water, receiving along the way some donations of fruits and vegetables. At various points on her way she was accompanied by medical and civil defense personnel or by Mexico’s Federal Police. She was often housed by municipal authorities along her route. During a 2015 pilgrimage in

Emma Morosini, “pilgrim grandmother” concluded a 570-mile walk at age 94. She prays for peace in the world and families. Sebastián Volterri (@SebaVolte) (pic.twitter.com/zwXJFnIRFw)

Argentina, when she was 91, Morosini told reporters that she was praying for “peace in the world, for young people, for all these families that are divided. Many are separated, some live together but aren’t spouses, or they don’t have children. It’s very sad.” The “pilgrim grandmother” was applauded by fellow pilgrims when she arrived at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Before entering the church, she woman knelt down, kissed the ground, made the sign of the cross and prayed silently for a few moments.


Pope Francis at the general audience in St. Peters Square on April 18. Daniel Ibanez, Catholic News Agency

Pope Francis: Youth are lost in a ‘virtual world’, instead of reality By Hannah Brockhaus


Catholic News Agency

ope Francis said Monday he is worried that youth are too enmeshed in a virtual world of cell phones and other technology, separated, in particular, from the real human contact experienced by performing works of mercy. Answering a question about youth during a visit with the people of the Diocese of Rome May 14, the pope said that the works of mercy “help young people so much,” because they force them to be grounded in “concreteness” and to “enter into a social relationship.” “It worries me that they communicate and live in the virtual world,” he said, noting that on a recent visit with youth, instead of extending their hands when they saw him, they “greeted” him with their phones held up, taking photos and selfies. “Their reality is that… not human contact. This is serious,” he continued. “We have to make young people ‘land’ in the real world. Touch reality. Without destroying the good things the virtual world

can have,” because some things are needed, he acknowledged. Pope Francis spoke during a visit to the cathedral of Rome, the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, for a moment of prayer and to hear about the activities of the diocese. The encounter included Rome’s bishops, priests, religious, and members of the laity, among them representatives of the Catholic schools and various groups. During the visit, the pope answered four questions, among them a question about young people and what he thought about the pre-synod meeting of over 300 young adults which took place in Rome in March ahead of the Synod of Bishops on young people and discernment. He said that he had a good impression of the pre-synodal meeting and noted the participants’ hard work during the week to create the pre-synod document, which he said was “very beautiful… strong.” The young people present “had courage to speak” and “really wanted to speak seriously,” he said. June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  33


Immediately following the Q&A, the pope gave a prepared speech, in which he spoke about what Catholics can learn from the Israelite’s exodus from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. “The story of Exodus speaks of slavery, of an exit, of a passage, of an alliance, of a temptation and an entrance. But it is a journey,” he said. The pope’s meeting with the Diocese of Rome concluded a period of reflection by the parishes and prefectures of Rome on “spiritual diseases,” which was begun during Lent. “As you will have understood, I am inviting you to undertake another stage of the journey of the Church of Rome,” he said. “In a certain sense a new exodus, a new departure, which renews our identity as God’s people, without regrets for what we must leave.” This period of self-reflection should lead to discernment of where God is present, even “in very ordinary forms of holiness,” he said, such as those people who are already living the Gospel in friendship with the Lord. It will also be necessary, he continued, to listen to the cry of the people, as Moses was urged to do, “knowing how to interpret, in the light of the Word of God, the social and cultural phenomena in which you are immersed.” Reflecting on weaknesses and sharing those with others may take time, Francis said, but having done it, Catholic communities and individuals are better prepared to serve others because they have felt and experienced the “gift of mercy and fullness of life for us and for all.” The pope explained that Christ has loved everyone and continues to love everyone, demonstrating his care for people’s lives, that they are not “creatures abandoned to their destiny and their slavery. That everything is for our conversion and for our good.” He also stated that Catholics should understand the truth that God did not make any mistake in putting him or her in this place at this time and with these challenges, and that if they find themselves “in a condition of slavery,” it was brought about by a dependence on created things. The journey to the Promised Land was long for the Israelites – “40 years, eh?” – but they did not get tired, he said, inviting the Catholics of Rome to “spend some time” preparing to “reach the new land that the column of cloud and fire” will reveal. “New conditions of life and pastoral action... To no longer be afraid of what we are and of the gift we have, but to make it fruitful,” he urged. 34  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

Pope Francis decries ‘spiral of violence’ in Middle East Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Service

Expressing his sorrow for those who have lost their lives, Pope Francis Wednesday called for peace and dialogue in the Middle East, which has faced increased violence during the transfer of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. “I am very worried and distressed by the escalation of tensions in the Holy Land and in the Middle East, and by the spiral of violence that is increasingly moving away from the path of peace, dialogue and negotiations,” the pope said May 16 at the end of the general audience. Deadly protests along the Israel and Gaza border over the last seven weeks escalated Monday after Israeli troops opened fire on protesting Palestinians, resulting in 58 dead and another 2,700 injured, most from sniper-fire, according to the ministry of health. Eight children under the age of 16, including an eight-month-old baby, were among Monday’s dead. The conflict coincided with the United States’ inauguration of its first embassy in Jerusalem, a controversial move, which Palestinians have taken as US-backing of Israeli control of the city. Pope Francis Wednesday invited “all the parties involved and the international community to renew their commitment so that dialogue, justice and peace prevail.” He also led Catholics in praying a Hail Mary to ask for the intercession of Mary, Queen of Peace. In his catechesis for the weekly audience, Pope Francis concluded his commentary on the sacrament of Baptism with reflections on the symbolism of the white garment and baptismal candle. These items make visible the invisible spiritual effects of the sacrament, he said, noting how the white garment reminds us

of St. Paul’s words: “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” St. Paul goes on to explain, the pope said, that to “have clothed” one’s self with Christ means to live and cultivate virtue. Again quoting the words of St. Paul, he said: “Clothe yourselves with sentiments of tenderness, of goodness, of humility, of meekness, of magnanimity, enduring each other and forgiving one another. But above all these things, clothe yourselves with charity, which unites them in a perfect way.” Pope Francis also explained that the baptismal candle reminds us that the Light of the World is Jesus Christ, “who, having risen from the dead, has conquered the darkness of evil.” “We are called to receive [the candle’s] splendor!” he said. “As the flame of the paschal candle gives light to individual candles, so the love of the Risen Lord inflames the hearts of the baptized, filling them with light and heat.” Francis explained that in the early years of the Church, Baptism was also called “illumination,” and the newly Baptized were called the “illuminated,” following Jesus words that he is “the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” “To always walk as children of light, persevering in faith,” as it says in the Rite of Christian initiation of adults, is the Christian vocation, the pope said. Concluding his reflection, Pope Francis quoted a line from his latest apostolic exhortation, “Gaudete et Exsultate,” telling Christians to “let the grace of your Baptism bear fruit on a path of holiness… Do not be discouraged, because you have the power of the Holy Spirit so that it is possible.”

Father Patrick Higgins is administrator of Our Lady of Assumption Parish in Ingleside.

Father Patrick Higgins



ust seven weeks into my new assignment Hurricane Harvey hit the coastal bend and devastated many towns and communities. Ingleside suffered significant damage, but other areas were much more affected: Rockport, Fulton, Aransas Pass and Refugio. In Ireland, we didn’t have to deal with hurricanes. I remember driving from Ingleside to Aransas Pass and then on to Rockport after things died down. I was speechless when I saw the destruction Harvey caused. Unable to hold back tears, I just broke down and cried. In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, our parish community rallied together. Our various church ministries donated their time to assist those in need. Since that terrible day in August 2017, it gives me great joy to see Ingleside rebuilding again, to be stronger than ever. Many homes have been repaired. Most of the businesses are open and life is beginning to get back to normal. It is in times of disaster when people come together to help one another that the real strength of a Christian community comes to light. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus reminds us, “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did it for me.” I saw first-hand the entire parish community coming together to assist those in need. Our Knights of Columbus, under the excellent leadership of the then Grand Knight, Brian Thibodeaux, sprang into action to assist the Ingleside community. They provided a hot meal for over 1,500 people, many of whom were without

power at the time. This self-giving and practicing of Jesus’ corporal works of mercy from our Knights, along with the assistance of the Guadalupanas, members of the Altar and Rosary Society and parish volunteers brought great joy to my heart. When Bishop Mulvey announced a “Diocesan Hurricane Harvey Recognition Award” will be awarded to people who went over and above what was expected. I felt this was a beautiful gesture on the part of our bishop to honor, recognize and pay tribute to the individual heroes within our communities. We continue to pray for those parishioners still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. It is always comforting to any new priest coming into a parish to know that he has parishioners who are loving, caring and supportive of their church. Our Knights of Columbus Council #11070, members of the Altar and Rosary Society and Guadulpanas are still active. Many parishes within our diocese have an ACTS program. We were planning on having our very first retreat in 2018, but due to Hurricane Harvey, it has been delayed to May 2019. It has been a great experience to serve the parishioners of Our Lady of the Assumption this last year. I would like to especially thank Bishop Mulvey for his support and the trust he has placed in me. I also want to thank all the people of the parish for their warm welcome and continued support they have shown me. I feel that these are exciting times for our parish and our community.

➤It is in times of disaster when people come together to help one another that the real strength of a Christian community comes to light. June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  35


Parish in Ingleside still strong

June Liturgical Calendar 1 | Fri | Saint Justin, Martyr | red | Memorial | 1 Pt 4:7-13/Mk 11:11-26 (351)

11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/Jn 19:31-37 (171) Pss Prop

2 | Sat | Weekday | green/red/white [Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs; BVM] Jude 17, 20b-25/Mk 11:27-33 (352) 3 | SUN | THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST | white (Corpus Christi) Solemnity | Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:1115/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 (168) Pss Prop 4 | Mon | Weekday (Ninth Week in Ordinary Time) | green 2 Pt 1:2-7/Mk 12:1-12 (353) Pss I 5 | Tue | Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr | red | Memorial | 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18/Mk 12:13-17 (354) 6 | Wed | Weekday | green/white [Saint Norbert, Bishop] 2 Tm 1:1-3. 6-12/Mk 12:18-27 (355) 7 | Thu | Weekday | green | 2 Tm 2:815/Mk 12:28-34 (356)

9 | Sat | The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary | white | Memorial | 2 Tm 4:1-8 (358)/Lk 2:41-51 (573)

25 | Mon | Weekday (Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time) | green 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Mt 7:1-5 (371) Pss IV

10 | SUN | TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green Gn 3:9-15/2 Cor 4:13—5:1/Mk 3:20-35 (89) Pss II

19 | Tue | Weekday | green/white [Saint Romuald, Abbot] 1 Kgs 21:1729/Mt 5:43-48 (366)

26 | Tue | Weekday | green | 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36/Mt 7:6, 12-14 (372)

11 | Mon | Saint Barnabas, Apostle | red | Memorial | Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 (580)/Mt 5:1-12 (359)

20 | Wed | Weekday | green | 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 (367)

27 | Wed | Weekday | green/white [Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church] 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Mt 7:15-20 (373)

12 | Tue | Weekday | green | 1 Kgs 17:716/Mt 5:13-16 (360) 13 | Wed | Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church | white | Memorial | 1 Kgs 18:20-39/Mt 5:17-19 (361) 14 | Thu | Weekday | green | 1 Kgs 18:41-46/Mt 5:20-26 (362)

16 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] 1 Kgs 19:19-21/Mt 5:33-37 (364)

Help Us Prevent Financial Abuse The Diocese of Corpus Christi at the recommendation of the Diocesan Finance Council and Presbyteral Council has furthered their commitment to good stewardship and financial accountability on behalf of generous donors by instituting a financial abuse hotline. The Diocese of Corpus Christi has selected an independent third party, The Network, to provide you with a new way to anonymously and confidentially report financial abuse and fraud. Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties are encouraged to report concerns they have regarding financial misconduct within the Diocese of Corpus Christi. All inquiries will be treated promptly and discreetly. Callers will have the right to remain anonymous. Call 1-877-571-9748

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1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17 (586) Day: Is 49:1-6/ Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 (587) Pss Prop

18 | Mon | Weekday | green | 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Mt 5:38-42 (365)

15 | Fri | Weekday | green | 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Mt 5:27-32 (363)

8 | Fri | THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS | white | Solemnity | Hos

17 | SUN | ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green Ez 17:2224/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34 (92) Pss III

(361) 854-1853

36  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

21 | Thu | Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious | white | Memorial | Sir 48:114/Mt 6:7-15 (368) 22 | Fri | Weekday | green/white/ red [Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Saints John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs] 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Mt 6:19-23 (369) 23 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] 2 Chr 24:17-25/Mt 6:24-34 (370) 24 | SUN | THE NATIVITY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST | white | Solemnity | Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/1 Pt

28 | Thu | Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr | red | Memorial | 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Mt 7:21-29 (374) 29 | Fri | SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES | red | Solemnity | Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:15-19 (590) Day: Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 (591) Pss Prop 30 | Sat | Weekday | green/red/white [The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church; BVM] Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/ Mt 8:5-17 (376)


June 2 and every first Saturday of each month from 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. at Corpus Christi Cathedral Room 4. Come and see if you are being called to a vocation as a Secular Franciscan. If you are already professed, are you looking for a local fraternity? For more information contact Liz at (936) 344-1353 or email: ofscctx@gmail.com.


Blessing of the 7 Altars

June 2 from 6-6:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church (1322 Comanche St.) in Corpus Christi. Grupo de Oracion, Coro, San Pablo Apostoles, Catholic Daughters, Blue Army, Guadalupanas, Nocturnal Adoration immediately after the 5 p.m. Mass in the Grotto.



Blue Army Mass

June 2 and every first Saturday of the month in the Jesus Nazareno Chapel at Sacred Heart in Corpus Christi. For more information call the church at (361) 883-6082 or email sacredheartchurch001@stx.rr.com.

Book signing at La Tiendita

June 2 from 1-5 p.m. at La Tiendita (4906 Everhart Rd.) in Corpus Christi. Sister Lou Ella Hickman, I.W.B.S. will be having a book signing event her book, entitled “she: robed and wordless”, which offers possible insights from women of the Bible.


Alzheimer’s & General Support Group • June 5 and every first Tuesday of the month at Y.W.C.A (4601 Corona Drive) in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • June 6 and every first Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. at SCC River Ridge Nursing Rehab Center located at 3922 West River Dr. (off FM 624)

in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 767-2000. • June 12 and every second Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Woodridge Nursing & Rehab Center located at 600 So. Hillside Dr. in Beeville. For more information call (361) 358-8880. • June 13 and every second Wednesday of the month at 12 p.m. at Lindale Center/ Caregiver SOS located on 3133 Swantner St. in Corpus Christi. For more in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 826-2343. • June 14 and every second Thursday of the month at 3 p.m. at Mirador Plaza (back side of facility) located at 5857 Timbergate Drive in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • June 19 and every third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at Brookdale (formerly Homewood Residence) located at 6410 Meadow Vista in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 980-0208. Facilitator is Anita Valle. • June 21 and every third Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at Ed & Hazel Richmond Public Library Central Library, located on 110 N. Lamont Street in Aransas Pass. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • June 26 and every fourth Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. at Alice Public Library (401 E. Third Street) in Alice. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • June 28 and every fourth Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m. at Kleberg County Nursing & Rehab located on 316 General Cavazos Blvd. in Kingsville. For more information call (361) 883-3935.

Study at St. 5 Bible Patrick Church

June 5 and every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. at St. Patrick Church, Our Lady of Knock Hall (the corner of S. Alameda and Rossiter Street.) For more information call the parish office at (361) 855-7391.


Hora Santa y Misa de Sanación

7 de junio cada primer jueves del mes de 5-6:30 p.m. en la Capilla del Sagrado Corazón Jesús Nazareno en Corpus Christi.


Holy Hour followed by a healing Mass

June 7 and every first Thursday of the month from 5-6:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Chapel Jesus Nazareno in Corpus Christi.


Healing Mass and Prayer Service

June 8 and every second Friday of the month at 6 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (1123 Main Drive) in Corpus Christi. Call Parish office with questions (361) 241-2004.


Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus June 8 from 6-8:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church. Mass at 6 p.m. followed by a reception in Central Catholic School cafeteria. For more information call (361) 883-6082 or email sacredheartchurch001@stx.rr.com.

13 14

Father Walsh’s Summer Camp


Care Provider Training

June 13-14 at Our Lady of Corpus Christi (1200 Lantana). For all persons with intellectual and physical disabilities....Everyone is invited to this fun day!

June 13 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Area Agency on Aging (2910 Leopard St.) Free 8-hour care provider training on learning how to provide personal care to seniors and persons with physical disabilities to enhance and promote the “quality of care in the home”. Seating is limited, call to reserve your space. Certificate of completion will be awarded at end of class. June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  37



Secular Franciscan Gathering



HIP Summer Resource Fair at Mother Teresa Shelter June 14 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at 513 Sam Rankin St. HIP Summer Resource fair offers resources to the homeless population and partners with other agencies to provide a continuum of care. For more information visit homelessissuespartnership.com or call (361) 658-6405.

Healing 15 Weekend - Retreat 17

June 15-17. Begins Friday 5:30 p.m. and ends Sunday 2 p.m. The weekend consists of a series of talks on healing, periods of quiet reflection asking God to reveal where we need healing, and concludes with a Healing Service. Register at deepprayer.org or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.

Family 16 Natural Planning (NFP)

June 16 from 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Natural Family Planning at 1426 Baldwin Blvd in Corpus Christi. NFP allows couples to plan pregnancies while following the teachings of the Church and respecting the gift of their married love. For more information visit diocesecc.org/nfp.


Grounded in Truth at OLCC

June 16 and every third Saturday of the month. An hour of Adoration with Praise and Worship in the OLCC Perpetual Adoration Chapel 7-8 p.m., followed by music and fellowship in Cafe Veritas (attached to Our Lady of Corpus Christi’s Bookstore) from 8-9:30 p.m. All music led by talented local musicians. Call (361) 289-0807 for more information.

Education 19 Religious town hall with Bishop Mulvey

June 19 from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Anthony Parish Hall in Robstown. All religious education

38  South Texas Catholic | June 2018

coordinators are invited to attend a town hall with Bishop Mulvey. Please R.S.V.P. to Nellie Serna nserna@diocesecc.org by Monday, June 18. Light refreshments provided.

will allow the young man to better understand his faith, to know himself better, meet other young men from the diocese, and to have fun. Retreat fee is $60 for a week-long experience. EXPLORE is for young men who are enrolled in high school or who will be enrolling this fall. Deadline to register is June 8. For more information about Camp Aranzazu go to camparanzazu.org. To register go to ccpriest.org. For more information call Edith Balderas at (361) 6191, ext. 657 or ebaderas@diocesecc.org.

23 King of the Court

June 23 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the John Paul II High School Gym. The 3-3 King of the Court Basketball Tournament is to provide more diocesan sports related events for the youth in our diocese and to bring all youth together in fellowship, prayer, and games while reminding ourselves that everything we do should be to give glory to God.

Heart 24 Sacred Annual Chicken

BBQ Fundraiser

26 & 28

June 24 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Central Catholic School Cafeteria. Tickets selling at the parish office for $8. Dinner includes chicken quarter leg and sausage with trimmings. Pick up your plates from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or dine in the school cafeteria. For more information call (361) 883-6082 or email sacredheartchurch001@stx.rr.com.

Theresa Parish


June 25-29 at Camp Aranzazu in Rockport. Hosted by the Office of Vocations, EXPLORE

• June 26 and every last Tuesday of each month from 10-11 a.m. at Greenwood Senior Center (4040 Greenwood Drive). For more information call (361) 826-1368. • June 28 and every last Thursday of each month from 6-7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church (900 South Shoreline Blvd.) in Corpus Christi (2nd floor–Rm #216 / parking and entrance behind church). Facilitated and presented by MCH Family Outreach. Please call if you bring your grandchild(ren). Classes for all ages. For more information call (361) 334-2255.

Chicken Fried 24 CDA Steak Dinner at St. June 24 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at St. Theresa Parish Hall (1302 Lantana Street) in Corpus Christi. The meal includes chicken fried steak, gravy, green beans, mashed potatoes, bread, dessert and drink for a donation of $10. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to fund scholarships for high school seniors, sponsor Morning of Reflection in October for men and women, women conference in spring and works of mercy. For more information or to purchase tickets call or text Irma Rodriguez at (361) 774-6660 or Maria Evens (361) 249-2004.

Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children Support Group

29 1

Marian Devotion Retreat at OLCC

Begins Friday, June 29 at 5:30 p.m. and ends Sunday, July 1 at 1:30 PM. Register deepprayer.org or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.

To see more calendar events go to: SouthTexasCatholic.com/events To submit calendar events go to: SouthTexasCatholic.com/ send-calendar-items


June 2018 |  South Texas Catholic  39

June 2018 Issue SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC 555 N Carancahua St, Ste 750 Corpus Christi, TX 78401-0824 (361) 882-6191

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