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WE ARE ONE CHURCH! W W W. S O U T H T E X A S C A T H O L I C . C O M • N O V E M B E R 2 018
Inside the newly built Newman Center Chapel at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi thanks to the diocesan construction team. Pictured from left Orlando Zepeda, Rose Wind and Jill Hundley.
building and maintaining our parish properties. The Diocese of Corpus Christi serves the spiritual and physical needs of our parishes and community through more than 30 ministries. We appreciate your generosity in sharing your blessings, so we are committed to you to be a good steward of the gifts you entrust to us. By participating in the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal, you are saying – to helping build and maintain places of worship, parish halls and schools, throughout our diocese.
Diocese of Corpus Christi
Office of Parish Stewardship & Development P.O. Box 2620, Corpus Christi, TX 78403 • (361) 882-6191 or email
VOL. 53 NO. 10 PUBLISHER Bishop Michael Mulvey, STL DD MANAGING EDITOR Mary Cottingham THEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT Ben Nguyen, JD/JCL. OFFICE MANAGER/ASSOCIATE EDITOR Adel Rivera CORRESPONDENTS Omar Becerra, Jennifer Branson, Luisa Buttler, Rebecca Esparza, Corinna Longoria and Rachel Rodriguez TRANSLATOR Gloria Romero
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2018 National V Encuentro delegates for the Diocese of Corpus Christi are in the back row, from left Lindy Nawrocki, Jaime Reyna, Therese Recinella, Sister Teresa Diaz, PCI and Romelia Torres, In the front row, from left, are Enrique Zarate, Jr., Vanessa Zarate, Leah Nawrocki, Stephanie Gallegos, Carolina and Fred Garza.
pilgrims and 25 Lourdes parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in
Portland Rob, Kathy and Jenna Schultz prepare for the Eucharistic Procession in Lourdes France. They found true peace on their pilgrimage thanks to the help of North American Lourdes Volunteers.
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(USPSN 540-860) Published monthly, excluding September, by the Diocese of Corpus Christi for $25 per year. Periodical postage paid in Corpus Christi, Texas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to South Texas Catholic, 555 N Carancahua St, Ste 750, Corpus Christi, TX 78401-0824. Keep up with the faith at
INSIDE FROM THE BISHOP NEWS FROM THE DIOCESE 4 MESSAGE Forming a Pastoral Plan is underway 13 New Marian Prayer Garden, for the diocese
a place of peace
NEWS BRIEFS 6 Official Assignment
PARISH LIFE 27 Parishioners find healing and compassion
7 So,VIEWPOINTS what is authority?
NATIONAL 29 Pilgrimage to Padre Pio relics
VOCATIONS 9 Sister Vimala Joseph, SABS
VATICAN 32 Pope Francis at canonization Mass
Celebrates 25 years
CATHOLIC EDUCATION 11 Angels enrich new Montessori building and rosary garden
at church-based support groups
OUR FAITH 35 Saints, who are they?
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 3
e are people of faith. The Holy Spirit is guiding us and we must listen to His inspirations and cooperate with His directions. This conviction motivated me to embark on a journey of discernment together with the “many voices” present in the diocese to form a Pastoral Plan for the diocese. Over a five-month period, we conducted ten focus group sessions with priests, religious men and women, and lay people representing Catholic Charities, schools, consecrated life, religious education, youth ministry, permanent deacons, chancery, Catholic daughters, parish secretaries, and family life. Additionally, there were six regional parish listening sessions including Alice, Kingsville, Corpus Christi, Beeville. Two of these meetings were conducted in Spanish. Finally, others completed an online survey. These listening sessions together with the results of the surveys were essential in understanding ourselves as the Church today. They helped us to rediscover our rich heritage and our trust in a Church that lives in communion and is committed to evangelization. We also reflected on the challenges that face us as a Church at this moment and what we can do to not let these challenges hinder us from being the Church that the Holy Spirit is calling us to be. Pope Francis in his Apostolic letter, “The Joy of the Gospel,” encourages the whole Church to become mission-oriented. The Pope writes, “Pastoral ministry in a missionary key seeks to abandon the complacent attitude that says, ‘We have always done it this way.’ invite everyone to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, style and methods of evangelization in their respective communities.” The Pastoral Planning discernment will give us the opportunity to be together to be unified in our desire and effort to bring God’s love and mercy to so many who
4 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
long to meet him. For this reason, last August, I convened a task force of people throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi, which gathered for a two-day summit to review the data that was gathered in the Spring of this year. During the summit, I asked attendees to be mindful of two key elements: 1. To be Co-essential; no one is superior to the other, we are equal and need each other to operate as one. 2. To be Co-responsible; to be responsible for the Church alongside the bishop. The diocese is not one person or group; it is the entire people of the Church. The structure is to be a Church of communion, to be co-responsible in the spirituality of the Church. I also invited them to “dream”, without putting any limitations. Many important contributions were given. These ideas will help give direction as the development of the new Pastoral Plan moves forward. This fall I will be meeting with priests of each deanery in the diocese to share the outcome of the August summit and get their input and ideas for further developing the Pastoral Plan. The accumulated information will then be presented at a follow-up summit in January 2019. There the task force will fine-tune a plan taking into consideration the information collected from the priests. We remain joyful and hopeful as we follow the Holy Spirit in this journey of discernment.
omos personas de fe. El Espíritu Santo nos guía y debemos escuchar su inspiración y cooperar con su dirección. Esta convicción me ha motivado a embarcarme en un viaje de discernimiento, aunado a las “múltiples voces” presentes en la diócesis para formar un Plan Pastoral. Durante un período de más de cinco meses conducimos 10 sesiones de grupos enfocados, con sacerdotes, religiosos hombres y mujeres, personas laicas representando a Caridades Católicas, escuelas, vida consagrada, educación religiosa, ministerio de la juventud, diáconos permanentes, cancillería, Hijas Católicas, secretarias parroquiales y vida familiar. Adicionalmente, seis parroquias regionales llevaron a cabo sesiones de escucha, incluyendo Alice, Kingsville, Corpus Christi y Beeville. Dos de esas reuniones fueron conducidas en español.Finalmente, otras completaron una encuesta en línea. Estas sesiones de escucha junto con los resultados de las encuestas, fueron esenciales para entendernos entre sí, como Iglesia de hoy en día. Ellos nos ayudaron a redescubrir nuestra rica herencia y nuestra confianza en una Iglesia que vive en comunión y está comprometida a evangelizar. También reflexionamos en los retos y desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos como Iglesia, en este momento y lo que podemos hacer para que estos retos no nos impidan ser la Iglesia que el Espíritu Santo nos llama a ser. El Papa Francisco en su carta Apostólica; “La Alegría del Evangelio” anima a toda la Iglesia a ser una Iglesia misionera. El Papa escribe; “El Ministerio Pastoral centrado en una actitud misionera, busca abandonar esa manera complaciente en que se refiere al pasado, como; “lo hemos hecho siempre de este modo”, invita a cada uno a ser atrevido y creativo en su esfuerzo por repensar las metas, estructuras, estilos y métodos de evangelización,
en sus respectivas comunidades”. El discernimiento de la Planeación Pastoral, nos dará la oportunidad de estar juntos para unificarnos en nuestro deseo y esfuerzo de llevar el amor y la misericordia de Dios a mucha gente que ansía conocerlo. Por esta razón, el pasado mes de Agosto, convoqué a un equipo de personas de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi a una reunión cumbre de dos días, para revisar la información obtenida en la Primavera de este año. Durante la reunión cumbre, pedí a los asistentes profundizar y ser significativos en dos elementos claves: 1. Ser co-esencial; nadie es superior al otro, somos iguales y nos necesitamos los unos a los otros, para operar como uno. 2. Ser co-responsable; ser responsable para la Iglesia al lado del Obispo. La Diócesis no es una persona o un grupo , es toda la gente de la Iglesia. Su estructura es ser una Iglesia de Comunión, ser co-responsables en la espiritualidad de la Iglesia. También los invité a “soñar” sin poner ninguna limitación. Muchas contribuciones importantes salieron de ahí. Estas ideas, ayudarán a dar dirección en el desarrollo del nuevo Plan Pastoral para que se agilice. Este Otoño me reuniré con sacerdotes de cada deanato en la diócesis para compartir los resultados de la reunión cumbre de Agosto y obtener sus ideas e impulsos para el futuro desarrollo del Plan Pastoral. La información acumulada será presentada entonces, en la reunión cumbre de Enero del 2019 para darle seguimiento. A este punto, el equipo afinará un plan, tomando en consideración la información recogida por los sacerdotes. Mientras tanto, permaneceremos alegres y esperanzados siguiendo al Espíritu Santo en esta forma de discernimiento.
+Most Rev. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD Bishop of Corpus Christi
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 5
Deacon Richard Longoria Diocese of Corpus Christi (361) 446-2291 Hello Friends: All the best to you and your families.With cooler weather now in our area as we approach All Souls Day/All Saints Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, perhaps it is time to consider donating a Saturday or a weekday to the victims of Hurricane Harvey. That storm has destroyed and damaged many south Texas homes and disrupted countless lives in our area. Life in south Texas along the coast of our Diocese is far from being returned to normal. Your help is needed. Your Christian charity can do so much for Harvey victims. Would any of your councils or parish organizations like to organize a day of Charity? I am so pleased to say that the Knights of Columbus council at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Portland has been so kind to organize a work day for a victim of Harvey in Rockport, a parishioner of Sacred Heart. There are also volunteer centers set up in Port Aransas, Rockport and Refugio County. They can match up volunteer skills with the work that is needed. If volunteers have no special skills, work can be found for them too. Please call me, a beggar for the Lord and his people, and together we can set up a meaningful charity-action for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. God bless you!
6 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
Bishop Michael Mulvey has made the following assignment:Father Jaison Mathew will be released from his duties as Parochial Vicar of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Parish and has been assigned as Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish in Alice, effective Oct. 17.
2018 Coastal Bend Day of Giving For the 2018 Day of Giving, 25 matching funders have come together to provide a matching fund of $900,000, enabling each of the 50 participating nonprofits to raise at least $36,000 if they make the match in individual online donations! This community give-together begins at 12 a.m. and will last for 24 hours on Nov. 13 with a minimum gift of only $10. Administered by the Coastal Bend Community Foundation, it is a community-wide
event to show off the Coastal Bend's spirit of giving, raise awareness about local nonprofits, and celebrate the collective effort it takes to make this area great. To participate, simply log on to on November 13, complete a few blanks, select your nonprofit(s) using the shopping cart feature, and make a donation using your credit or, debit card, or utilize eChecks ($10 minimum).
Bishop Mulvey's presents check to provide aid to dioceses in India Bishop Michael Mulvey presents a check to six of our diocesan priests from Kerala, India on Oct. 3. The check will be sent to archdioceses in Kerala where recent monsoons were reported to have
caused hundreds of deaths and over a billion dollars in property damage. There are currently 13 priests from Kerala who have been ministering in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
The priests receiving a check from Bishop Mulvey are, from left, Father Mathew Jaison, HGN from St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Parish, Father Philip Panackal from St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Father Raju Thottankara from Sacred Heart Parish in Mathis, Father Roy Jacob Kalayil from Our Lady Star of the Sea and Holy Cross Parish, Father Peter Thenan from Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Kingsville, and Father George Johnson Vallamattam from Saint George Parish in George West.
By Father James Stembler Contributor
Father James Stembler is Vicar General for the Diocese of Corpus Christi
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
ebster’s Dictionary defines the word ‘authority’ as the power to influence or command thought, opinion or behavior. Following this definition, are many examples of authority in our society. For many, social media has become that authority. People will believe some, if not all, they read on the computer or phone screens and accept it as truth. Websites are not always credible sources. I once heard someone say, they knew they were right because they read it on the internet. What we get from the internet websites, blogs and other social media outlets are the thoughts of one or several individuals. It doesn’t mean we’re getting the truth, but it may be a viewpoint we agree with. Sometimes we allow political figures, sports celebrities and entertainment celebrities to become authority figures and some of these are organizations that influence or command our thought. If we agree with someone or some group, we let them become our authority figure. By way of example, we shouldn’t get our theology from news networks. Sometimes I wonder if that is precisely where many people are getting their theology. The role of the news media is to give us the news, not to form our consciences. From a Christian standpoint the term “authority” is very different than how the word has been molded and defined by our world now. Perhaps it is a good time to review Jesus’ understanding of “authority.” Firstly, Jesus carried no scepter, wore no crown, had no identifying marks, etc. His authority came from within. When He spoke–His words were His authority, for he spoke the Word of God. He is the Word of God – there is Jesus’ authority. Jesus spoke with all kinds of people, from members of religious classes to public sinners. When He spoke, his authority was clear. If you and I truly carry the Word of God within us –there
is our authority. We do not have to take airs with it. For Jesus', hence for God's authority does not mean power, glory, honor, prestige or any of that. It means being one with the Truth of God’s Word. This concept was puzzling for the disciples because, in their day, authority meant power. The Roman Empire showed its authority by having great power and conquering many different peoples, among them the Jews. Authority was demonstrated through power and having the upper hand over someone. Perhaps in our day, many think the same thing. Jesus said the most puzzling thing about authority, which still causes us to scratch our heads, “I have come, not to be served, but to serve.” True authority shows itself in humility. As a priest, I do not want anyone putting me up on a pedestal, because all that will do is make it easy for me to get a broken hip! All members of the clergy are called to serve the people, not Lord it over them. A member of the clergy shows his authority when he is at the service of those he has been assigned to minister. To do anything else would be to disassociate from Jesus and a clear sign of going the way of our time. Perhaps while the Church is in passion at this time, there is an overall lesson being put before us. Unfortunately, there have been members of the clergy who have understood their role as to be one of power, even control over members of the flock. As a Church community, we need a reality check: Who are we – disciples of Christ? What exactly does that mean – working together as a community of people by carrying the authority of the Word of God that has been given to us? We will not show that by power, prestige, honor, glory or any of that. We will show it through our humility – if I may, our getting over ourselves – and giving God the opportunity to work through us. We don’t have to prove the truth of God’s Word – His truth simply flows forth from us. This is authority. November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 7
So, what is authority?
Sister Rose Jose, SJSM, Sister Moncy Joseph, SJSM and Sister Mary Sangeeta, SJSM. Contributed Photo
Sisters Corner
St. Joseph is their role model and patron saint By Sister Moncy Joseph, SJSM
T Contributor
he congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Saint-Marc (SJSM) was founded on March 3, 1845 by Father Pierre Paul Blanck (1809-1873) from Saint-Marc, France. Father Blanck had seen the results of wars that crippled 19th century France–utter poverty and unrest. It was during the chaos and turmoil that he learned to live his life according to Scriptures and to understand that every stroke of good and bad fortune is the will of God. Father Blanck, a zealous and untiring missionary, anchored his congregation in the Eucharist, the central mystery of the Church. He entrusted the new congregation of sisters and brothers and Oblates to St. Joseph and they were to live out their lives in perpetual Adoration of Eucharistic Jesus and service to the poor. We bear the name "Sisters of St. Joseph of Saint-Marc," because the founder put our congregation under the special protection of St. Joseph. Although not immediately evident, the link between Eucharistic spirituality and St. Joseph is 8 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
beautiful and very deep. St. Joseph weighs his decisions in his soul and conscience and surrenders himself entirely to God. God himself invests him with his authority and entrusts to him the role of the father for his begotten Son. St. Joseph, patron, and protector of our congregation guides us to co-operate in God's great work of salvation and lived out this plan of salvation together with Mary. His unquestioning obedience to the will of God always remains a model for us. Our charism is Adoration of the Eucharistic Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and service to the poor and needy. Moved by the great mystery of the total gift of Jesus in the Eucharist we are called to perpetual adoration in spirit and truth as witnesses for His love in the Church and the world. Our apostolate is to contribute to the renewal of life through parish ministries, family apostolate, counseling, education ministries, health care services, prison ministries, social work, the formation of the young and preaching ministry. On Oct. 28, 1974, In India, Bishop George Anathil, the Bishop of the Diocese
of Indore, started our congregation in Madhya Pradesh, India. From a tiny seed, the Province has grown into a mighty oak–the work of God. SJSM attained a speedy momentum and established many convents in Europe. Then our congregation spread out to Germany, Switzerland, U.S., India, Ukraine, Africa, Philippines and Italy. To pray for the dying at every hour is a special mission for us. Our congregation launched schools, hostels, hospitals, social work centers, a home for the elderly, a Leprosy Eradication Centre, a TB sanatorium, youth formation houses, etc. In 2008, Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody invited three of us to serve in Diocese of Corpus Christi. We work as nurses at CHRISTUS Spohn-South Hospital to continue the mission of helping the sick and preaching the message of Christ’s love to the people throughout the diocese. We desire to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ through our mission. May God be glorified, and message of the Gospel be proclaimed through our humble services, here in Corpus Christi.
Sister Vimala Joseph, SABS
Celebrates 25 years By Rachel Rodriguez
ister Vimala Joseph, with the Congregation of the Sisters of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (SABS), is celebrating the 25th anniversary of her religious profession this year. Sister Vimala was the fifth and last child born to parents Rosamma and PC Joseph. As a child in Kerala, India she recalls that her family had instilled within her a deep faith and love of God. She attended Mass daily with her parents and from elementary through high school attended Catholic school. When she received first Communion the sisters from her Catholic school told her she could ask Jesus for anything, so she prayed to Jesus saying, “…from my heart, I want to become a sister, so that I can serve you.” She was eight-years-old. In March 1989, after completing her high school studies, Sister Vimala informed her parents that she wanted to enter the convent.
"They were very attached to me–I was the baby and they didn't want me to leave them," she said. On the day she was to leave her family and enter the convent, her three brothers departed the house in the early morning hours because they did not want to see her go. She recalls feeling heartbroken, but her decision was firm. At one point in her novitiate, Sister Vimala experienced excruciating back pain. After the first treatment failed, her superiors told her that if the procedure was to fail again, she might not continue in her formation. Meanwhile, her father asked her to come home and let him take over her treatment. She was resolute and after a while, her back healed and she professed her first vows in 1993. After her profession, Sister Vimala studied nursing in college. “I enjoyed working as a nurse in India, wiping tears, praying, listening to complaints and being able to comfort my patients with the help of Jesus,” she said.
“Every morning, I place my patients in the merciful hands of Jesus and asked him to touch them and heal them and to wash them with his precious blood.” After working three years in India, the mother provincial sent her to the U.S. to help her sisters serving at the Indian Syro Malabar Church in Florida. During this time, she prepared and studied for the Registered Nursing exam and received her RN license. In 2009, Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody invited her to serve in Corpus Christ. Presently she works as an RN nurse at CHRISTUS Spohn–Shoreline. Sister Vimala believes she made the right choice in her profession and religious life because she sees Jesus in her patients' faces and she gets to take care of them. “I am very happy to be an instrument of Jesus’ healing ministry, and it is true, that if Jesus asks us to walk through the thorny bush, he will provide us with appropriate shoes to wear.”
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November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 9
Sister Rose Paul Madassery
Celebrates 25 years By Rachel Rodriguez
ister Rose Paul Madassery, a Sister of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of religious profession this year. Born in Kerala, India she grew up in a very tight-knit family of nuns and priests. Her brother was her greatest inspiration. He chose to be a Franciscan Capuchin priest, and like her two aunts, she decided to join the Congregation of the Sisters of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. At age 15 Sister Rose Paul expressed her desire to enter religious life, but her parents told her she was too young, so she continued her studies. She continued to pray and ask God for direction, but the inspiration to serve was too strong, so she entered the convent at age 18. On February 20, 1993, in her home state of Kerala, India she made her First Profession. Shortly after that, her superiors sent her to college where she earned a bachelor’s in Sociology
followed by a master’s degree in Social Work. When her superiors asked her to go to Corpus Christi–she knew she didn’t want to leave her family, she was oblivious to the world outside of India, so the idea of leaving her beloved country was frightening. But as a religious, she knew to obey and go wherever she was called. She said when she got to Texas, “she felt like a fish out of water.” Her ministry began at Catholic Charites of Corpus Christi and the Maurin Day Shelter where she ministered to the day to day needs of the homeless community. She continued her ministry at the present-day Mother Teresa Day shelter for the next five years until one day she was asked to manage the day shelter. Such a decision was hard to make on her own, so she went to the chapel to speak with Jesus – as if consulting him personally she asked, “What shall I do? What is your plan for me? Do you think I am able to do this?”
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Sister opened her Bible and was stunned to read, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Sister Rose Paul says she joyfully accepted the ministry and continues to serve the Lord through our less fortunate brothers and sisters. “During this period, God extended His graciousness to me through many wonderful people such as Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody, Bishop Michael Mulvey, my superiors and many friends who inspired me, strengthened me and guided me,” she said. “I thank God for all the blessings He has showered upon me in the last 25 years of my religious life.” Currently, Sister Rose Paul is Operations Supervisor for Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi Mother Teresa Day Shelter and last year she received the Humanitarian Award for her 15 years of support, dedication and commitment to the homeless of Corpus Christi.
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For H-D Radio Information:
Leighton Elizabeth McComb July 23, 2010 ~ May 24, 2015
Jonathan Andrew McComb June 16, 2008 ~ May 24, 2015
William Oliver Rumley Jan. 14, 2008 ~ Feb. 2, 2014
Ted "Trey" Turner III Aug. 10, 1993 ~ Nov. 11, 2013
Angels enrich new Montessori building and rosary garden By Raul Altamirano
L Contributor
ed in prayer by Bishop Michael Mulvey, students, faculty, staff, special dignitaries and friends of Incarnate Word Academy gathered outside of IWA’s new Catherine & Bob Hilliard Montessori Building and Memorial Rosary Garden for a special blessing and dedication ceremony on Sept. 26. The Memorial Rosary Garden contains a beautiful walking rosary path created in memory of three Angels, Leighton Elizabeth McComb, Jonathan Andrew McComb, and
William Oliver Rumley. A live oak tree was also planted within the garden in memory of Angel alumnus Trey Turner who graduated in 2012. The new Montessori building was the completion of a longtime dream of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, to expand the reach of the school’s elementary level by establishing a building for the Montessori program. “From every sister to all of the teachers, they bring love to our children; they bring a sense of community to our children; they
bring strong Catholic faith to our children. And because of that, they inspire us, the parents, to create something that will last when current students’ grandchildren come here,” Bob Hilliard said during the ceremony. “Part of the beauty and love we have for the students of IWA is because of what we see at the entrance of the Montessori building, which is the rosary garden.” For IWA parent Sherry Rumley, the completion of the new Montessori building and Memorial Rosary Garden gives her a deep sense of gratitude knowing current and November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 11
future students will have somewhere they can pray, whenever they choose. “When I heard there was going to be a prayer garden as part of this amazing Montessori building, I immediately thought ‘this is the perfect place to honor a few very special Angels who have already made their way to heaven,’” she said during the ceremony. “It gives me great hope that they are in a wonderful place, up there praying their hearts out. And now we have a place here on campus where their friends can come and they can be remembered forever.” The new $3.6 million facility was made possible through a $1 million gift from Catherine and Bob Hilliard, a high impact grant from the John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation and generous support from other foundations, parents, grandparents, past parents, alumni, and friends. After the ceremony, Bishop Mulvey blessed each room of the new 14,000-squarefoot building which includes the new Amor Meus Atrium, the new Mater Dai wireless computer lab, five new classrooms,
administrative offices, a faculty lounge, and walkway connecting the Traditional and Montessori Buildings. The building serves students from ages 3 to fifth grade. With prayer being a central part of the IWA experience, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd coordinator Mary Ellen Galvan says the new Atrium has brought a sense of awe and wonder to her students. “There is such a sense of reverence for this Atrium and it comes from all ages,” she said. “This new building is a commitment built in cement which is something I value every time I see the recognition in my students’ eyes, eager to build their foundations in Catholic Education. People walk in here and they know immediately this place is special.” For Heather Quintana, who teaches S.T.E.M. related classes at both the Elementary and High School Level, the new Mater Dai wireless computer lab offers her the opportunity to engage with students in a lively environment which sparks the imaginations of children interested in developing a future career in the fields of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. “I’ve heard from several parents that their kids, some ranging from first to fifth grade, have come home saying they want to become engineers,” she said. “When you can expose S.T.E.M. to a young person and elicit that kind of response, you know you’re doing something right. Our new S.T.E.M. and wireless computer lab has definitely facilitated that desire from my students.” IWA’s new building is the second and final phase of IWA’s Enlighten, Inspire, and Strengthen Campaign. Phase I included the construction of the Austin Street Athletic Complex and renovations to the Mother Patricia Gunning Gymnasium Lobby and basketball court. “The Sisters along with the rest of us are ecstatic to see this dream finally become a reality,” IWA Elementary Level Principal Pamela Carrillo said. “This new building gives us the ability to expand our program and meet the demands while providing a cohesive space for both Traditional and Montessori programs.”
Bishop Mulvey blesses a sign made in honor of four IWA Angels Leighton Elizabeth McComb, Jonathan Andrew McComb, William Oliver Rumley and alumnus Trey Turner. The sign pictured all four students and was placed at the entrance of the Memorial Rosary Garden and the new Montessori building. Assisting Bishop Mulvey are, from left, Sister Annette Wagner, IWBS, Elementary Level Assistant Principal Claudia Rybalka, Allie Salazar, Tobin Hilliard and Jack Rumley. Raul Altamirano for South Texas Catholic 12 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
New Marian Garden offers open space to pray the Stations of the Cross and rosary around a pavilion topped with a smaller version of the blue dome. Contributed photo
New Marian Prayer Garden, a place of peace By Jennifer Branson
t night, the path is gently lit, but even during the day there seems to be a glow that comes to those who enter the Marian Prayer Garden at Our Lady of Corpus Christi (OLCC). The garden, a result of great love, hard work,
and a bit of divine inspiration, has finally reached its completion. The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT), headquartered at OLCC, has created this garden as part of their mission to lead people to Jesus through Mary. The garden path follows three rings which represent the Holy Trinity as in
the image of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. The path diverges two ways to allow for visitors to pray the rosary or the Stations of the Cross, around a pavilion topped with a smaller version of the iconic blue dome that has become the identifying mark of OLCC. Inside the pavilion is a beautiful marble November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 13
image of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, lovingly carved in Italy and shipped with care to Texas to reside in the garden. True to the SOLT mission, the path eventually leads to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, present in their 24/7 adoration chapel. There are many reasons to visit OLCC. Adoration is the center and soul of their campus under the famous blue dome, and of course with so many priests on site there are plenty of daily Masses and confession times. They also offer a robust retreat schedule for groups or individuals and a counseling center with a Gospel vision of healing. The campus also offers a gift shop and coffee shop. The special genius of the garden is that it doesn’t just meet a spiritual or a physical need but meets a physical and spiritual people in the right place. Those who are intimidated by going into a church building can still experience the benefits of meditative prayer in this outdoor sacred space. The space includes a picnic area and barbecue pit so that visitors can find refreshment and peace for both body and soul. Father Samuel Medley, director of OLCC, envisions the garden drawing even more people to the already popular retreat center. “I think there’s a great need for people to have a place of peace,” he said. He envisions it as a place where people can wander to pray after their daily noon Masses or any time they happen to be on the OLCC campus. He is also excited about having a place parents can bring their
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14 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
children to pray. Because of the open space and the structures of the stations and the rosary, it allows children to use their natural inclination toward curiosity in a prayerful way. It “speaks a language to people of living theology,” Medley said. Sister Mary Mediatrix of all Grace, Director of Mission Advancement at OLCC, is excited about the focus the garden will bring to the Blessed Mother and to the Trinity. “Fullness of relationship with God is a relationship with all three persons of the Holy Trinity,” she said. The celebration of Our Lady in the role of beloved daughter of the Father, mother of the Son, and spouse of the Holy Spirit contained in every aspect of the garden helps to highlight their mission of bringing people to Jesus through Mary. Sister Mediatrix was animated as she explained that this garden will be a beautiful centerpiece of the campus and community, an investment in SOLT headquarters. It also represents a great love and trust for Our Lady in the SOLT community. The Marian Prayer Garden, like the adoration chapel, is available 24/7. At night the path is gently lit, but visitors just might find that the true light comes from imitation of Our Lady, who points to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop Mulvey presided over the Blessing of the Marian Prayer Garden on Oct. 24. See photos of the event at southtexascatholic/news/garden.
Choosing a patron saint deepens the spiritual journey By Corinna Longoria
hen Chris Vega came to the Lord five years ago through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program, she knew immediately who her confirmation saint would be. I chose St. Joan of Arc because of her strength and her courage,” she said. Vega is an elementary school custodian and previously worked as a welder, a job that is traditionally not associated with women. St. Joan of Arc was a perfect choice for her because she embodied inspiring spiritual fortitude in the face of great adversity. “What I love about her is that she did all the things that women were not supposed to do at that time,” Vega said. “Not only did she fight for God, but she also did it better than anyone else.” Choosing a confirmation saint is an essential personal matter for adults who complete RCIA, as well as teenagers taking traditional confirmation classes. Sister Barbara Netek, a Sister of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament and director of religious education at St. Pius X Parish, said she talks to her confirmation students about their baptismal call to be followers of Christ. “First I talk about the many men and women, people who made a difference in the world, who lived as called to live by their God,” she said. “Then I encourage them to ask themselves what they think they might want to be as they move toward their independence as young adults. “Then I ask them to research a saint whose calling is similar to what they think theirs may be. I ask questions about the saint they choose and how it fits with what they think they may be called to as a young Catholic adult,” Sister Barbara said
Lori Valverde, a teacher at Mireles Elementary, said she knew right away her saint would have to reflect her profession as an educator. She chose Saint John-Baptiste de la Salle, who was a French priest, an educational reformer, and founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. He is a patron saint for teachers. “I wanted a saint who described me,” Valverde said. “Finding a saint that a person can identify with is the most important part of the process,” said Lupita Alvarado, who is a youth RCIA instructor at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. “We remind them that saints are humans and made mistakes like we do every day. We guide them by reflecting on how they make a connection and how they relate to that particular saint,” she said. In addition to reading the “Lives of the Saints,” Alvarado said her students are encouraged to do research and actually write a report once they have determined who their saint will be. Among some of the questions she asks are, “Which saints are located inside our church? Do your parents or grandparent have a devotion to a particular saint? How does this particular saint fill a need in your life?” David Espinosa, Alvarado’s counterpart at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, teaches adult RCIA. He said his class begins by introducing the seekers to what a patron saint is and why we choose a name, about midway through pre-catechumenate. “We have a list of patron saint names we hand out as well as multiple online resources we recommend them to use to research their patron saint,” he continued. “We consult with them on this throughout their RCIA journey. After the period of purification and enlightenment, we ask the elect to give a verbal report to the class
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Saint Dymphna
on their patron saint and why they chose this saint; it is always a beautiful evening.” Espinosa stressed that it is an important decision among many throughout their spiritual journey. “We explain how a patron saint can assist us when we strive to model our lives of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God,” he said. While some know right away who their saint will be, for others it is more of an arduous task that takes some serious soul-searching. Espinosa recalled one story about a female catechumen who “was more scrupulous than most about choosing her saint.” “When she finally found Saint Dymphna, with great joy in her voice and tears in her eyes she came to me and said, ‘My holy saint found me!’ I replied, ‘praise God!’,” he recalled. “Her dedication and devotion were a great inspiration to our entire class.” November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 15
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Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero. La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.
Llamada 1-877-571-9748 Obispo Michael Mulvey y el personal de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia se comprometen a ayudar en el proceso de curación de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de abuso. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está en necesidad de estos servicios, llame a Stephanie Bonilla, Director de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia: (361) 882-6191 para asistencia inmediata.
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Programa de Radio en Español en KLUX 89.5 HD-1 y “Listen Live” en Domingos a las 7:30 a.m. con el P. Julian Cabrera y Gloria Romero
16 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
2018 National V Encuentro delegates for the Diocese of Corpus Christi are energized to bring back the message of unity for the whole Church. 18 out of 19 delegates pictured here represent the diocese are in the back row, from left, Sister Maria Casas, PCI (visitor from another diocese), Sister Teresa Diaz, PCI, Rosemary Henry, Katy Cedillo, Enrique Zarate, Jr., Deacon Santos Jones III, Jaime Reyna, Carolina Garza, Fred Garza, Lindy Nawrocki, Leah Nawrocki, Father Pedro Elizardo and Bishop Mulvey. In the front row, from left, are Sister JoAnn Saenz, IWBS, Vanessa Zarate, Stephanie Gallegos, Therese Recinella, Romelia Torres and Virginia Noyola. 2018, los delegados de la diócesis de Corpus Christi que participaron en el V Encuentro Nacional han regresado emocionados y llenos de energía para entregar el mensaje de unidad para toda la Iglesia. 18, de los 19 delegados que representaron a la diócesis están en la fila de atrás, de izquierda a derecha, la hermana Maria Casas, PCI (visitante de otra diócesis), la hermana Teresa Dias, PCI, Rosemary Henry, Katy Cedillo, Enrique Zarate, Jr., diacono Santos Jones III, Jaime Reyna, Carolina Garza, Fred Garza, Lindy Nawrocki, Leah Nawrocki, el Padre Pedro Elizardo y el Obispo Michael Mulvey. En la primera fila de izquierda a derecha; la hermana Joann Saenz,IWBS, Vanesa Zarate, Stephanie Gallegos, Therese Recinella, Romelia Torres y Virginia Noyola.
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 17
V Encuentro, a spiritually charged experience
South Texas Catholic
– Stephanie Gallegos, president of Young Catholic Adults (YCA) and parishioner at Ss. Cyril & Methodius
“ It was a lot bigger than I ever imagined it would be. It was a very festive environment also because everyone was generally–celebratory of their background, wherever they came from and were happy to come together as one body in the Church and offer their input for whatever section they were charged with. It was also encouraging to see so many young people. People from the Diocese of Brownsville said current young adults are being a bridge between cultures. They were calling us bridge people ‘gente puente.’” “ Era mucho más grande de lo que nunca imaginé que sería, también era un ambiente festivo porque en general cada uno celebraba sus antecedentes, de donde quiera que vinieran estaban felices de estar reunidos, como un solo cuerpo en la Iglesia, ofreciendo su opinión, acerca de cualquier sección de la que estuvieran a cargo. Era también alentador ver a tanta gente joven. La gente de la Diócesis de Brownsville, dijo que los adultos jóvenes de hoy en día, están siendo un puente entre las culturas. Nos llamaban “gente puente”.
– Deacon Santos Jones III, Campus Minister at Newman Catholic Student Center in Beeville
ardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, welcomed more than 3,200 people to the Fifth National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry to Grapevine on Sept. 20 that was both “electrifying and spiritually charged,” said Jaime Reyna, diocesan director of the Office of Multicultural and Social Ministry and V Encuentro Coordinator. In his opening remarks Cardinal DiNardo said, “Amidst this darkness, the Encuentro is a light that shines and illuminates the way forward. The enthusiasm, the passion, the love, and the joy of the Encuentro process is a means of grace, a gift to us as we rebuild the Church.” Eighteen delegates from the Diocese of Corpus Christi participated in the national conference “with a goal on how to mobilize more Hispanic/Latino Catholics to be full and active participants in the Church and how the Church can help bridge that communion,” Reyna said. The ultimate goal of the V Encuentro is to continue the excellent work, which began in 1972 with the First Encuentro–to discern ways in which the Church in the United States can better respond to the Hispanic/Latino presence and strengthen the ways in which Hispanics/Latinos respond to the call to the New Evangelization as missionary disciples serving the entire Church. Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, Archbishop of San Antonio and chairman of the Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement on Oct. 1, writing, “The V Encuentro process, and especially the national gathering, will go down in history as a special moment of grace for the Church in the United States in these turbulent and difficult times. The delegates, “went wild when Pope Francis came on the big screen, also welcoming 3,000 lay leaders from every state, 130 bishops, one papal nuncio, many priests, deacons and religious in attendance. It took almost 30 seconds just to calm down to hear his message,” Reyna said. “The overall message from Pope Francis was that he was pleased to know that many were gathering to have a dialogue and to listen to the needs of all people, including our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters,” Reyna said. “It was beautiful.” In between speakers, there were group discussions, workshops and opportunities for people to share their ideas for strategic planning at the parish or diocesan level. Areas that were selected ahead of time for these sessions were: Campus Ministry, Care for Creation, Continued on page 20
“ One of the genuine concerns was youth and young adult ministry and how to engage youth to still remain active in the church and how does the church work with them. I’m exiting that generation, because I turned 35, but I was able to speak with them. They feel like sometimes they are turned away from adult organizations, because they are too young and they are told they don’t know what they're talking about or they don’t really have experience.”
18 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
“ Una de las preocupaciones genuinas era cómo involucrar a los jóvenes y a los adultos jóvenes para que permanezcan activos en la Iglesia y de cómo la Iglesia trabaja con ellos. Yo estoy saliendo de esa generación, porque acabo de cumplir 35 años pero aún puedo hablar con ellos. Algunos jóvenes sienten que a veces son rechazados por las organizaciones de adultos porque son demasiado jóvenes y se les dice que no saben de qué están hablando o que en realidad no tienen experiencia.”
V Encuentro, una experiencia de gran emoción espiritual
South Texas Catholic, Traducido por Gloria Romero
l cardenal Daniel DiNardo, presidente de la Conferencia Nacional de Obispos Católicos, dió la bienvenida a más de 3,200 personas al Quinto Encuentro Nacional del Ministerio Hispano/Latino que se llevó a cabo el 20 de septiembre en Grapevine. Fue “electrizante, una gran recarga espiritual”, dijo Jaime Reyna, director diocesano de la Oficina del Ministerio Multicultural y Social y Coordinador del V Encuentro. En su introducción, el Cardenal DiNardo dijo, “En medio de esta oscuridad, el Encuentro es una luz que brilla y ilumina el camino a seguir. El entusiasmo, la pasión, el amor y la alegría del proceso del Encuentro es una gracia, un regalo para que reconstruyamos la Iglesia." Dieciocho delegados de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi participaron en la conferencia nacional "con un objetivo aprender a movilizar a más católicos hispano/latinos para una participación plena y activa en la Iglesia, y también, cómo la Iglesia puede ayudar a ser puente de esa comunión," dijo Reyna. El objetivo final del V Encuentro es continuar el excelente trabajo, que comenzó en 1972 con el Primer Encuentro, para discernir las maneras, mediante las cuales la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos pueda responder mejor a la presencia hispana/latina y fortalecer las formas en que los hispano/latinos respondan al llamado de una Nueva Evangelización, como discípulos misioneros sirviendo a toda la Iglesia. El Arzobispo Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, Arzobispo de San Antonio y presidente del Comité de Diversidad Cultural en la Iglesia de los Estados Unidos para La Conferencia Nacional de Obispos Católicos emitió una declaración el 1 de octubre, escribiendo, "El proceso del V Encuentro, y especialmente la reunión nacional, pasará a la historia como un momento especial de Gracia en la Iglesia de Estados Unidos, particularmente, en estos tiempos difíciles y turbulentos.” Los delegados, "se volvieron locos de emoción cuando apareció en pantalla grande el Papa Francisco, dando la bienvenida, a 3,000 líderes laicos de todos los estados, 130 obispos, un nuncio papal, muchos sacerdotes, diáconos y religiosos que asistieron al evento. Pasaron casi 30 segundos, antes de que se hiciera la calma para escuchar su mensaje," dijo Reyna. "El mensaje general del Papa Francisco expresaba su complacencia al saber que muchos se habían reunido para dialogar y escuchar las necesidades de todas las personas, incluyendo la de nuestros hermanos y hermanas de habla hispana," dijo Reyna. "¡Fue hermoso!" Entre una y otra conferencia, hubo discusiones de grupo, talleres y oportunidades para que la gente compartiera sus ideas y hiciera una planificación estratégica a nivel parroquial Continúa en la página 21
“ It was a very important rally cry. It was an educational conversation that brought a lot of diverse opinions that circled around one central truth, but I think it brought out a lot of things people wouldn’t have thought of, just because everyone has such different backgrounds and experiences. They left us with a good conversation, but I don’t think the conversation ended–they want us to go for it and spread the seeds–It was a great weekend.”
“ La reunión fue una manifestación muy importante. Fue una conversación educativa en donde convergieron diversas opiniones que giraron alrededor de una verdad central. Creo que salieron a relucir muchas cosas que la gente no había pensado, simplemente porque cada quien tiene diferentes antecedentes de origen y experiencias. Nos dejaron con una buena conversación, que tendrá que continuar porque no ha terminado, por ahora quieren que vayamos a esparcir las semillas que recogimos. Fue un gran fin de semana.”
– Fred Garza, Chapter Director for ACTS and parishioner of St. Philip the Apostle
“ Phenomenal! It was a very unique experience seeing so many bishops at one time in one place. Over 3,000 people with all these wonderful ideas: how to bring churches together; how to bring communities together; how to develop communities. I mean It was great. A lot of think tanks that went on throughout the days we were there and all very positive. We are moving in the right direction.” “¡Fenomenal! Fue una experiencia única, ver a tantos Obispos al mismo tiempo en un solo lugar. Más de 3,000 personas con estas maravillosas ideas; cómo unir iglesias, cómo unir comunidades y cómo desarrollar comunidades. Quiero decir que fue genial. Muchos talleres de ideas que se desarrollaron a lo largo de los días que estuvimos allí y todas muy positivas. Nos estamos moviendo en la dirección correcta.”
– Lindy Nawrocki, Young Catholic Adults and parishioner of Corpus Christi Cathedral
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 19
“ I was surprised to see a lot of
young groups. We need community to come together, both Spanish and English-we can learn from each other.” “ Me sorprendió ver muchos grupos de jóvenes. Necesitamos que la comunidad se una, tanto en Inglés como en Español, porque podemos – Enrique Zarate, Jr., parishioner of aprender los unos de los otros.” Nuestra Senora De San Juan De Los Lagos, Madre De La Iglesia
Diocesan delegates for the V Encuentro, from back, Santos Jones III, Stephanie Gallegos, twins Leah and Lindy Nawrocki and Jaime Reyna. In the photo below Reyna with Bishop Mulvey are excited by the energy at the national conference.
Catholic Education, Communications and New Media, Ecclesial Movements, Ecumenism, Evangelization and Mission, Faith Formation and Catechesis, Family Ministry, Global Solidarity, Higher Education, Hispanics in Public and Professional Life, Human Development and Immigration. –Sister JoAnn Saenz, IWBS In addition, other areas such as: Intercultural Competencies, Justice and Peace, Latinas in “ It was a very Positive Church and Society, Leadership Development experience. I was happy to go and and Ministry Formation, Liturgy and Spirituality, grateful to the diocese and now I’m Migrant Ministry, Ministry Among People with ready to do my part. Disabilities and the Deaf Community, MinI would like to see at least one istry of Hispanic Young Adults (Young Adult Spanish Mass at every parish. I Ministry), Ministry with Hispanic Adolescents miss my culture–I like the singing. (Youth Ministry), Ministry with the Incarcerated It would require a delegation and and Detained, Pro-Life Ministries, Scripture and team work and the cooperation of Theology, Stewardship and Development and the priest.” Vocations. “ Fue una experiencia muy Stephanie Gallegos, president of Young Cathpositiva. Estoy muy contenta de olic Adults (YCA) in the Diocese of Corpus haber ido y me siento agradecida Christi, and members Leah and Lindy Nawrocki con la diócesis. Ahora estoy lista represented young adult delegates. They particpara hacer mi parte. ipated in small table discussions with Cardinal Me gustaría ver al menos una DiNardo about building up young adults in the Misa en español en cada parroquia. Church. “I was so happy to be part of this,” GalExtraño mi cultura, me gustan legos said. “I hope to learn so much from these las canciones. También sé que talks and discussions and share it with our group.” requeriría una delegación y trabajo The days also consisted of moments of prayer, en equipo así como la cooperación Mass and amazing lively music that was sung del sacerdote.”
in English and Spanish. “It was beautiful to see so many people gathered together united for a common goal, to see how we can identify in our diocese and our parishes who is missing from the table,” Reyna said. “My goal is to see how to incorporate all that was presented back to the diocese and work with parishes and the Diocesan V Encuentro team to build up the Church and bring all God’s people to active participation in everything we do.” Bishop Michael Mulvey, who attended the conference with the Corpus Christi delegates said the conference had been an amazing experience. “We are all immigrants in the United States. The reality is that we can be ‘One Church.’ I would love to bring back the message of unity–working together, crossing parish boundaries and ministries, so we can feed each other. We don’t have to compete with each other–we can help each other,” Bishop Mulvey said. “Our success as a diocese, as a Catholic Church is to fulfill the prayer of Jesus, ‘Father, may they all be one.’ We do that or work towards that through mutual love and mutual respect and mutual understanding.” For more information, documents and videos, you can visit the V Encuentro website or you can also visit the Diocese of Corpus Christi website Multicultural and Social Ministry for upcoming events and trainings.
USCCB presented the “working document,” complied through the commitment and efforts of 100,000 missionary disciples in which the Diocese of Corpus Christi played a role. The document is available online and has every region’s summary of main contributions and concepts by ministerial areas. This document will then go to the USCCB to review for the best strategic ideas and top concerns of the people and the Church. Then dioceses will decide which ones they want to implement. The Diocese of Corpus Christi will also look at a post V Encuentro, so parishes can participate in this plan of evangelization and how best to accompany all of God’s people and invite them to the table. 20 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
Delegados diocesanos del V Encuentro, de atrás para adelante, Santos Jones lll, Stephanie Gallegos, las gemelas Leah y Lindy Nawrocki y Jaime Reyna. En el fondo, Jaime Reyna y Obispo Mulvey están emocionados por la –Vanessa Zarate, parishioner of energía transmitida Nuestra Senora De San Juan De Los en la conferencia Lagos, Madre De La Iglesia nacional.
o diocesano. Las áreas que se seleccionaron con anterioridad para estas sesiones fueron: Ministerio de Campo, Cuidado de la Creación, Educación Católica, Comunicaciones y Nuevos Medios de Comunicación, Movimientos Eclesiales, Ecumenismo, Evangelización y Misión, Formación de la Fe y Catequesis, Ministerio Familia, Solidaridad Global, Educación Superior, Hispanos en la Vida Pública y Profesional, Desarrollo Humano y Inmigración. Otras áreas que se discutieron fueron: Competencias Interculturales, Justicia y Paz, Latinas en la Iglesia y la Sociedad, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Formación de Ministerios, Liturgia y Espiritualidad, Ministerio de Migrantes, Ministerio entre las Personas con Discapacidades y la Comunidad Sordo-muda, Ministerio hispano de Adultos Jóvenes, Ministerio para Adolescentes Hispanos (Ministerio de Juventud), Ministerio con los Encarcelados y Detenidos, Ministerios Pro-Vida, Escrituras y Teología, Administración y Desarrollo así como Vocaciones, fueron temas que se discutieron. Stephanie Gallegos, presidenta de, Adultos Jóvenes Católicos o Young Catholic Adults (YCA) en la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, y los miembros Leah y Lindy Nawrocki representaron la delegación de adultos jóvenes. Participaron en pequeñas mesas de discusión con el cardenal DiNardo sobre la formación de adultos jóvenes en la Iglesia. "Estaba muy feliz de ser parte de esto," dijo Gallegos. "Espero aprender mucho de estas conversaciones y debates y compartirlo con nuestro grupo."
Los días también consistieron de momentos de oración, Misa y increíble música en vivo, que se cantó en inglés y español. "Fue hermoso ver a tanta gente reunida formando unidad por una meta en común, a ver cómo podemos identificar en nuestra diócesis y parroquias qué y quienes faltan en nuestra mesa," dijo Reyna. "Mi objetivo es ver cómo incorporamos todo lo que se presentó a la diócesis para trabajarlo con las parroquias y el equipo Diocesano del V Encuentro, para construir la Iglesia y llevar a todo el pueblo de Dios a una participación activa en todo lo que hacemos." El Obispo Michael Mulvey, quien asistió a la conferencia con los delegados de Corpus Christi, dijo que la conferencia había sido una experiencia increíble. “Todos somos inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos. La realidad es que podemos ser 'Una Iglesia'. Me encantaría traer de vuelta el mensaje de unidad–trabajar juntos, cruzar fronteras y límites parroquiales y ministeriales, para que podamos alimentarnos mutuamente. No tenemos que competir entre unos y otros, sino ayudarnos entre sí," dijo el Obispo Mulvey. "Nuestro éxito como diócesis, como Iglesia Católica es cumplir la oración de Jesús, 'Padre, que todos sean uno.' Hacemos eso o trabajamos para lograrlo mediante el amor, el respeto mutuo y la comprensión mutua." Para mas información, documentos y videos, puede visitar la pagina del V Encuentro en el sitio web o el sitio de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, Ministerio Cultural y Social para entrenamiento y eventos futuros.
“ It was wonderful. They were very clear. I loved it. Nice to see that the problems we have in our parish it’s all over. It’s mostly that we need to unite.” “ Fue maravilloso. Fueron muy claros. Me encantó. Me alegra ver que los problemas que tenemos en nuestra parroquia se han terminado. Es sobre todo que necesitamos unirnos.”
–Therese Recinella, Director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Corpus Christi
“ One thing I want to take back with me is to continue to move forward with our initiatives in our office in providing Spanish Language Catechesis Formation online and live and be able to reach those within our diocese that would benefit from Spanish Language courses for Catechist certification.” “ Una de las cosas con las que me quiero regresar, es continuar avanzando en las iniciativas de nuestra oficina para brindar formación de catequesis en español, tanto en línea como en vivo, para poder llegar a aquellos, en nuestra diócesis que se beneficiarían de los cursos en español para obtener la certificación de catequista.”
La USCCB presentó el "documento de trabajo", cumplido con el compromiso y los esfuerzos de 100,000 discípulos misioneros en los que la Diócesis de Corpus Christi tuvo un papel. El documento está disponible en línea y tiene el resumen de cada región de las principales contribuciones y conceptos por áreas ministeriales. Este documento luego irá a la USCCB para revisar las mejores ideas estratégicas y las principales preocupaciones de la gente y la Iglesia. Entonces las diócesis decidirán cuáles quieren implementar. La Diócesis de Corpus Christi también examinará un V Encuentro posterior, para que las parroquias puedan participar en este plan de evangelización y la mejor manera de South Texas Catholic 21 acompañar a todos los pueblos de Dios eNovember invitarlos2018 a la | mesa.
Help Us Prevent Financial Abuse
Bishop Michael Mulvey and the staff of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources are committed to assisting in the healing process for victims and survivors of abuse. If you or someone you know is in need of such services, call Stephanie Bonilla, Director of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources at: (361) 882-6191 for immediate assistance.
Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources
The Diocese of Corpus Christi at the recommendation of the Diocesan Financial Council and Presbyteral Council have furthered their commitment to good stewardship and nancial accountability on behalf of generous donors by instituting a nancial abuse hotline. The Diocese of Corpus Christi has selected an independent third party, The Network, to provide you with a new way to anonymously and condently report nancial abuse and fraud. Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties will be encouraged to report concerns they have regarding nancial misconduct within the Diocese of Corpus Christi. All inquiries will be treated promptly and discreetly. Callers will have the right to remain anonymous. Call 1-877-571-9748
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Deacons and their wives contribute to the vitality of the Church at the 2018 Diaconate Congress in New Orleans at the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the permanent diaconate as an active, permanent order of ministry in the Church in the U.S. Representing the Diocese of Corpus Christi in the back row, from left, are Deacon Bill and Sofia Boostroom, Deacon Michael and Elva Mantz, Deacon Ron and Olivia Martinez, Deacon Bob and Genny Allen and Deacon Hector and Diana Salinas. In the front row are Deacon Paul and Gloria Moore.
Permanent Diaconate celebrates 50 years
Contributed photo
By Deacon Michael Mantz
T Contributor
he 2018 Diaconate Congress, held in New Orleans, Louisiana from July 22-26, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the permanent diaconate as an active, permanent order of ministry in the Church in the U.S. “Permanent deacons have shown themselves to be able co-workers with their bishops, priests and lay faithful in
many dimensions of ecclesial life, wrote Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S., in his letter of congratulations to the congress, “including apostolic works; sacramental preparation, administrative and financial matters; hospital and prison chaplaincy; and many other important ministries. “With generosity, permanent deacons have served as men of communion modeling Christ the servant, to those at the November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 23
❝ With generosity, permanent deacons have served as men of communion modeling Christ the servant, to those at the peripheries especially to the poor, carrying out my mission in this country. I have seen the vast network of permanent deacons contributing to the vitality of the Church, making God’s love known through humble service.❞
–Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. peripheries especially to the poor, carrying out my mission in this country,” Archbishop Pierre said. “I have seen the vast network of permanent deacons contributing to the vitality of the Church, making God’s love known through humble service.” Deacons and wives from across the U.S. as well as Europe, South America and other parts of the globe were part of the 2,600 people in attendance. They were treated to presenters from such dignitaries as Cardinal Joseph Wm. Tobin, Archbishop from the of the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ and Cardinal Daniel Dinardo, Archbishop from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The crowd also listened to Bishops Gregory Aymond, Fredrick Campbell, Shawn McKnight, Gerald Kicanes and Samuel Aquila. There are more than 18,000 deacons in the U.S. and that amounts to about 50% of all permanent deacons worldwide. This is an amazing statistic considering that the U.S. has only about 6% of all worldwide Catholics. Currently there are 100 deacons in the Diocese of Corpus Christi: 73 are active and serving in their ministries; and 27 are retired, semi-retired, or inactive due to health or personal issues. There are also 13 men in formation with a tentative ordination date scheduled for the latter part of 2020. Deacons in the U.S. come from all walks and professions in life with a full spectrum of educational backgrounds. Locally, there are representatives from the medical and legal profession as well as educators, engineers, accountants, tax professionals, appraisers, builders and many more. These men have varying levels of education. Most have college degrees, several have master’s degrees and some hold doctorates. The majority are married with children and grandchildren. Most deacons have parish assignments with some also having an additional diocesan assignment. Deacons are more than just functionaries at Mass. At ordination deacons become clerics (clergymen) in the order of deacon. As clerics, they receive faculties from the local ordinary (bishop). Faculties for deacons are: to take part in liturgical functions assigned to a deacon in the approved liturgical books; to baptize children under the age of seven; to give holy Communion; to administer viaticum; to give Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament; to preside at funeral and burial rites; to proclaim the Gospel; to preach and to instruct the faithful; and to witness marriages and to impart blessings in accord with the norms in the liturgical books. In the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Bishop Michael Mulvey expects his deacons to bring the good news to the peripheries 24 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
of the diocese and to be in touch with those on the “outer-rim” of our society. A deacon should contact and minister to those who normally are forgotten. At a recent convocation for deacons, Bishop Mulvey expressed his feelings that deacons need to be more than parish ministers. He said, "deacons need to think out of the box." The Bishop Mulvey expects deacons to share in his own apostolic and pastoral ministry to care for the faithful of the diocese. The deacons of this diocese Deacon need to consider themselves as missionary Michael Mantz deacons. is Director of Cardinal Walter Kasper, a theologian, the Office of from Rottenburg, Germany has written Permanent that priests and deacons are like “the two Diaconate for arms of the bishop.” I think this is sigthe Diocese nificant, because in 1968, Rottenburg, of Corpus Germany was one of the first cities worldChristi. wide to ordain men to the permanent diaconate. Deacons should be comfortable and fully aware of the three-fold diaconal duties: minister of the Word, minister of the altar (sacrament) and minister of charity. All three of these should be fully integrated into the life of the deacon. The deacon should be competent in all of these diaconal ministries and not ignore one or two to just concentrate on the other. Some deacons may have a gift to preach, or to visit the sick, or be prison ministers. Some may have an aptitude to serve at the altar or plan liturgies. There is nothing wrong with having a strength, but deacons should be able to handle all aspects of their diaconal ministry with competence. One has to “walk the walk.” A deacon’s ministry of charity inevitably leads to being able to deliver God’s word with charisma and conviction and to truly be his humble servant at the Eucharistic celebration. The service ministry of the deacon has its foundation in a solid and authentic prayer and interior life. A fruitful diaconate ministry springs forth from a steady and deepening life of prayer. The permanent diaconate continues to grow nation-wide as well as in the diocese of Corpus Christi. Since 2008, the Diocese of Corpus Christi has ordained over 50 deacons. The restored diaconate has come a long way in a very short time–both in this diocese and in our country.
A Longing for Lourdes A family’s faith is strengthened thanks to a special needs ministry Kathy Schulz
t the urging of Monsignor Richard Shirley, the seed was planted back in 2005 for the Schulz family to visit Lourdes, France. Our first daughter, Jenna Schulz, was experiencing idiopathic seizures, that were relentless and which continue today. Our family had planned the trip back in 2006 when doctors from Driscoll Children’s Hospital were monitoring Jenna and later by Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. We had our passports ready and then the night before we were to board our transatlantic flight, Jenna had to be hospitalized for a delayed swallow reflex which resulted in aspiration. We had to cancel the trip. Years later, after having two more children, normal concerns for raising a special needs child surfaced. As
Jenna grew, critical pediatric milestones were missed. At age three, Jenna started school in Portland under the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD). PPCD helps kids to prepare for the school environment. As time passed, our worst fears were alleviated and our best hopes emerged. Today, Jenna is 14; Cole is 11 and Natalie is 9-yearsold. As a family, we decided to move forward with our long-awaited trip to Lourdes. After lengthy research and prayer, we discovered North American Lourdes Volunteers. Lourdes volunteers bring the seriously ill and disabled to Lourdes. The organization lovingly serves Mary and her pilgrims both in the sanctuaries of France and back at home through living and sharing the Gospel message of Lourdes. We set our sights on a June 2018 Special Needs Pilgrimage. With Jenna totally dependent for care, non-verbal,
The Schultz family (from left) Cole, Jenna, Rob, Natalie and Kathy are sightseeing at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Lourdes thanks to North American Lourdes Volunteers. Mary Suddath, North American Lourdes Hospitality medical volunteer
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 25
and non-ambulatory, the thought of taking a plane to Europe was daunting. Trips to San Antonio in the past had been overwhelming. With doctor and nurse volunteers on our pilgrimage, God paved the way. Our experience was beyond our dreams. For over ten years we had a longing to make the pilgrimage. In the past, we had just dreamed of running away from our suffering, but our trip to Lourdes helped us to embrace suffering. Changes happened both interior and exterior. Prayer and holiness increased internally, and externally our devotion to Mary and unity in the Body of Christ was revealed. The love we encountered at home and abroad truly increased our Catholic faith. We were able to see life through a “new” lens. The pilgrimage felt like a real miracle
with signs and wonders. During our one week stay, we honestly felt like “heaven met earth." We found true peace. Seeing everybody pray to Mary was breathtaking. We truly walked in the Body of Christ during the candlelight procession and the Eucharistic procession. Partaking in the sacrament of reconciliation and the baths was most cleansing, spiritually. The message of the Lourdes: prayer, penance, and poverty have changed our family forever. St. Bernadette of Lourdes pray for us! Our Lady of Lourdes pray for us! “When our Lady asked Bernadette if she would be so kind as to return to the Grotto, the young soon-to-be saint did as she was asked. In St. Bernadette, God gives us a model of obedience, humility, and cooperation. Will you be so kind as to go there?”
A Virtual Pilgrimage will be offered at Most Precious Blood Parish on Nov. 7 from 6:30-8 p.m.; Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish on Nov. 9 from 6:30-8 p.m.; and Corpus Christi Cathedral on Nov. 10 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. This Virtual Pilgrimage is a 90-minute prayerful experience of drawing nearer to God in the company of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette. There will be projected images of what pilgrims would see in Lourdes; music similar to what pilgrims hear in Lourdes; a piece of the Grotto rock from Lourdes; precious water from the Grotto spring; Eucharistic blessing as in Lourdes; and Candlelight Rosary Procession. Virtual Pilgrimages are offered in parishes, schools, prisons and to groups across America and beyond. For more information call Kathy Schulz at (361) 244-1786 or email
The Breton Calvary Cross overlooking the basilica’s from the St. Michael gate entrance to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes. North American Lourdes Hospitality Volunteer 26 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
Janie Gonzales, holding her favorite picture of her late husband Eddie, relies on her faith in God's plan to make it through each day. Gonzales is grateful for the unwavering support of the friends she has made at the Grief Support Group at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, which meets every Tuesday. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic
The grieving are never alone: Parishioners find healing and compassion at church-based support groups By Rebecca Esparza
C Correspondent
hoking back tears, Janie Gonzales described why her husband, Edward Gonzales, who died of liver disease in June of this year, was such a remark-
able man. “He was devoted to his family, willing to help others learn and always saw the best in other people,” she said. “He loved his children and grandson more than anything in the world.”
Gonzales explained her husband of 29 years was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver in March of 2017. One year later, the disease had progressed so fast; her husband entered hospice care at home. By June of this year, her husband was gone. Edward Gonzales was only 54. An elementary school counselor, Janie Gonzales had the training to help children cope with loss, but she knew this loss, something so incredibly personal and profound, would require assistance.
“My hospice nurse gave me a list of grief support groups,” she said. “I knew instantly I wanted something Catholic and was relieved to see there was a group at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It took a couple of months to gather the courage, but I went to my first meeting in August.” Gonzales said the openness of the group and being able to talk about loved ones with others who have been through the same experiences has been a lifesaver. “Thanks to the group, I learned there November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 27
is no roadmap for grief. I’m learning how to go on with life in baby steps, but my grieving has been very difficult,” she said. “The spiritual and emotional support I’ve received from my fellow support group members has been truly amazing.” Chaplain Ray Claveria, facilitator for the support group at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, said he formed the group in February of 2016 at the urging of Father Frank Martinez and Deacon Ron Martinez. Claveria was a Chaplain for 11 years for the CHRISTUS Hospital System before retiring in 2017. A certified chaplain and Christian counselor, he is set to receive his doctorate in theology later this year. “After the loss of a loved one, we experience a wide variety of feelings and emotions,” he noted. “The ever-changing emotions we experience with grief can catch us off guard, causing us to act out of character, or differently than our typical personality and demeanor. We all need a support system to help us as we move through our grief journey.” Gonzales praised Chaplain Claveria for being there during the most difficult time in her life. “He is always there to talk by phone when I might experience a trigger event that brings a wave of grief which seems
overwhelming at the time it is happening,” she said, through tears. “Chaplain Ray has such great empathy for us that makes it so easy for us to express what we are going through.” Grief can be never-ending for some, explained Gonzales. She recommends the grief support group for anyone who has experienced a loss, no matter when the loss occurred. “It doesn’t matter if your loved one has recently passed away or it has been ten years; it’s important to get help,” she added. “I feel strongly that God put Chaplain Ray in my life to help me get through this.” Joan Bostwick, a parishioner at Sacred Heart Church in Falfurrias, first attended her parish’s grief support group meeting three years ago after the loss of her father. She was even able to get her mother to join her for a couple of sessions. “My mom passed away last year and in the three years since I first went to a meeting, I have lost nine extremely close family members. It has been difficult,” Bostwick said. “It was healing for me to share what I was going through. Attending the meetings was an eye-opening chance for me to learn what I do and don’t have control over on a daily basis.” Bostwick added thanks to the tools used
in the program; she also learned one doesn’t simply “get over” a loss of a loved one. “Within the last three years, I lost my adoptive parents, as well as my birth mother. One of the things you learn in a group is you are never alone. Everyone at these meetings has either lost a spouse, child, parent or someone close to them. It helps to know someone else is feeling what you are feeling,” she said. Chaplain Claveria added grief support groups offer a special kind of companionship from others who have also experienced loss. “In a culture that often avoids talking about loss, support groups give you the opportunity to share your story openly and guilt-free. You also have the opportunity to hear the stories of others and talk about coping day-to-day, as well as on the most difficult days of our grief journeys,” he said. For more information on the Grief Support Ministry at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, call Chaplain Ray Claveria at (361) 947-8146. The group meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. More information on the Grief Support Group at Sacred Heart in Falfurrias can be found by calling the parish at (361) 325-3455.
Janie Gonzales shares a funny memory of her late husband, Eddie Gonzales, during a recent Grief Support Group meeting at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Corpus Christi, while fellow support group members Gena Lerma (center) and Tess Gonzales (right) laugh along. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic 28 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
Pilgrimage to Padre Pio relics Stella Hatch
P Contributor
ilgrims from all over south Texas and northern Mexico traveled to see, venerate and touch the relics of St. Padre Pio at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan de Valle on Oct. 9. Many devotees brought their own religious items to touch to the relics, so that their items would become third class relics. Bishop Michael Mulvey celebrated Mass for pilgrims at 6 a.m. that morning at Pax Christi Chapel in Corpus Christi. Afterwards three busloads including two priests; 10 Pax Christi sisters and 143 Padre Pio devotees made their way to San Juan with envelopes filled with petitions; intentions; rosaries; Padre Pio prayer cards and medals. Upon arrival and seeing the long lines of worshippers, hearts raced with joy and anticipation. Though the lines were long, the movement was constant, and pilgrims were in the Basilica shortly. The six relics available for public veneration included Saint Pio's glove; Saint Pio's crusts of the wounds; Cotton-gauze with Saint Pio's blood stains; A lock of Saint Pio's hair; Saint Pio's mantle; Saint Pio's handkerchief soaked with his sweat hours before
he died. The Padre Pio Relics Pilgrimage left the faithful with full hearts, faith and hope as they left their petitions, prayers, worries and burdens at the foot of the Cross. As Padre Pio said: “Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.” The PAX Christi Sisters felt honored to have Father Don Downey, Chaplain of Pax Christi Chapel and Father Jaison Mathew of St. Peter Prince of the Apostle church concelebrate the 11:30 a.m. Mass at the Basilica. Pilgrims joining us came from Annaville, Calallen, Corpus Christi, Robstown, Banquete, Alice, Orange Grove, Odem, Sinton, Kingsville, Portland, Beeville, George West, and Three Rivers. The Saint Pio Foundation sponsored this historic tour of the United States, celebrating the 50th commemoration anniversary of his passing. Padre Pio, a friar, priest, stigmatist and mystic was known for his piety and charity and the gift of the stigmata. He was recognized for his gifts of levitation, bilocation, the ability to perform miracles and his special ability to read the souls of individuals in the confessional.
In the left photo Sister Teresa Diaz, PCI receives a blessing from a lady in Brownsville who assists pilgrims with the relics at the Basilica de la Virgen de San Juan. Photo at right, shows six relics available for public veneration. The relics include Saint Pio's glove; Saint Pio's crusts of the wounds; Cotton-gauze with Saint Pio's blood stains; A lock of Saint Pio's hair; Saint Pio's mantle; Saint Pio's handkerchief soaked with his sweat hours before he died. Many pilgrims brought religious items to touch to one of these relics. Stella Hatch for South Texas Catholic
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 29
At the age of 31, Padre Pio became the first stigmatized priest in the history of the Catholic Church. The painful wounds and marks of the stigmata that he bore on his hands, feet, and side for 50 years appeared on Sept. 20, 1918, while he was praying before a crucifix. Surrendered to death on Sept. 23, 1968, at the age of 81, Padre Pio died
as he had lived, with a rosary in hand. He loved to pray the rosary and encouraged other people to do the same. He felt that through prayer and meditation the soul could be brought into union with God. Saint Padre Pio was canonized on June 16, 2002, by Pope Saint John Paul II.
The altar at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan de Valle. Stella Hatch for South Texas Catholic
“Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” – Padre Pio
30 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
Is it weird that Catholics venerate relics? Here's Why we do In the following interview with CNA, Mary Rezac, Father Carlos Martins, CC, a Custos Reliquiarum, which is an ecclesiastically appointed Curate of Relics with the authority to issue relics, answers questions and dispels some common misunderstandings about the tradition of relics. To view the unabbreviated version to and search for relics.
What is a relic? Relics are physical objects that have a direct association with the saints or with Our Lord. They are usually broken down into three classes: • First class relics are the body or fragments of the body of a saint, such as pieces of bone or flesh. • Second class relics are something that a saint personally owned, such as a shirt or book (or fragments of those items). • Third class relics are those items that a saint touched or that have been touched to a first, second, or another third class relic of a saint. The word relic means “a fragment” or “remnant of a thing that once was but now is no longer.” Thus, we find in antique shops “Civil War relics” or “Relics of the French Revolution.” Obviously, we are not talking about these kinds of relics but rather sacred relics. Where did the Catholic tradition of venerating saints’ relics come from? Scripture teaches that God acts through relics, especially in terms of healing. In fact, when surveying what Scripture has to say about sacred relics, one is left with the idea that healing is what relics “do.” • (2 Kings 13:20-21). • (Matthew 9:20-22). • (Acts 5:12-15). • (Acts 19:11-12). In each of these instances God has brought about a healing using a material object. The vehicle for the healing was the touching of that object. It is very important to note, however, that the cause of the healing is God; the relics are a means through which He acts. In other words, relics are not magic. They do not contain a power that is their own; a power separate from God. Any good that comes about through a relic is God’s
doing. But the fact that God chooses to use the relics of saints to work healing and miracles tells us that He wants to draw our attention to the saints as “models and intercessors” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 828).
When did the veneration of relics begin? From its outset the Church practiced devotion to the remains of the martyrs. What is the spiritual significance of relics? We venerate relics only for the sake of worshiping God. When we collect relics from the body of a saint, what part of the body do we use? Any part of the saint’s body is sacred and can be placed in a reliquary. Any and every bone may be used. In addition, flesh, hair, and sometimes blood, are also used. Sometimes everything from the tomb is dispersed from it. Sometimes a tomb is preserved. At what point in the canonization process are items or body parts considered official relics by the Church? Only the Church has the juridical power to formally recognize the sanctity of an individual. When the Church does this – through beatification and canonization – their relics receive the canonical recognition as being sacred relics. Whereas beatification permits local devotion, canonization, on the other hand, mandates universal devotion. It grants to the canonized individual the rights of devotion throughout the universal Church. What is the proper way to keep relics? Are lay Catholics allowed to have first class relics in their homes? Relics are very precious. To protect relics, the Church only issues them to Churches, chapels, and oratories. November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 31
Pope Francis at canonization Mass:
'Jesus is radical' By Courtney Grogan
Catholic News Agency
esus is radical,” Pope Francis said in his homily at the canonization of Pope Paul VI, Oscar Romero, and five other new saints. “He gives all and he asks all: he gives a love that is total and asks for an undivided heart,” the pope told the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square Oct. 14. Christ “gives himself to us as the living bread; can we give him crumbs in exchange?” the pope asked. Francis officially recognized Pope Paul VI, Oscar Romero, Vincent Romano, Francesco Spinelli, Nunzio Sulprizio, Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa, and Maria Katharina Kasper as saints at the Mass. “All these saints, in different contexts, put today’s word into practice in their lives, without lukewarmness, without calculation, with the passion to risk everything and to leave it all behind. May the Lord help us to imitate their example,” Pope Francis said at their canonization. Oscar Romero, who was beatified by Pope Francis in El Salvador in 2015, was the archbishop of the nation's capital city of San Salvador. He was shot while celebrating Mass March 24, 1980, during the birth of a civil war between leftist guerrilla forces and the dictatorial government of the right. An outspoken critic of the violence and injustices being committed at the time, Romero was declared a martyr who was killed in hatred of the faith for his vocal defense of human rights. Saint Oscar Romero “left the security of the world, even his own safety, in order to give his life according to the Gospel, close to the poor and to his people, with a heart drawn to Jesus and his brothers and sisters,” Pope Francis said in his homily Sunday. “Let us ask ourselves where we are in our story of love with God. Do we content ourselves with a few commandments or do we follow Jesus as lovers, really prepared to leave behind something for him?” the pope asked. Pope Saint Paul VI, like St. Paul, his
namesake, “spent his life for Christ’s Gospel, crossing new boundaries and becoming its witness in proclamation and in dialogue, a prophet of a Church turned outwards, looking to those far away and taking care of the poor,” Francis said. As pope, Paul VI oversaw much of the Second Vatican Council, which had been opened by Pope St. John XXIII, and in 1969 promulgated a new Roman Missal. He died in 1978, and was beatified by Pope Francis Oct. 19, 2014. Apart from his role in the council, Paul VI is most widely known for his landmark encyclical Humanae Vitae, which was published in 1968 and reaffirmed the Church’s teaching against contraception in wake of the sexual revolution. This year marks the 50th anniversary the encyclical. “Pope Saint Paul VI wrote: ‘It is indeed in the midst of their distress that our fellow men need to know joy, to hear its song,’” Pope Francis said. “Today Jesus invites us to return to the source of joy, which is the encounter with him, the courageous choice to risk everything to follow him, the satisfaction of leaving something behind in order to embrace his way. The saints have travelled this path,” he continued. The pope encouraged Catholics to imitate the saints’ detachment, “Is Jesus enough for us or do we look for many worldly securities?” “Let us ask for the grace always to leave things behind for love of the Lord: to leave behind wealth, the yearning for status and power, structures that are no longer adequate for proclaiming the Gospel, those weights that slow down our mission, the strings that tie us to the world,” he said. “Without a leap forward in love, our life and our Church become sick from ‘complacency and self-indulgence,’” he continued. “The problem is on our part: our having too much, our wanting too much suffocates our hearts and makes us incapable of loving,” the pope said.
32 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
Obispos de o a Dios canon
Catholic News Agency
os obispos de origen hispano en Estados Unidos agradecieron a Dios la canonización de Monseñor Romero este domingo 14 de octubre en el Vaticano. El Arzobispo de Los Ángeles, Mons. José H. Gomez, agradeció “a Dios por estas canonizaciones” y resaltó que “Monseñor Romero fue un obispo heroico y mártir por la fe. Pero no es santo por la forma en que murió sino por la forma en que vivió”. Según informó la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, el Arzobispo de origen mexicano resaltó que Monseñor Romero “lo dio todo por Jesús. Él lo dio todo por el amor de Dios y el amor de sus hermanos y hermanas”.
Monseñor Oscar Romero Canonization Daniel Ibanez, Catholic News Agency
rigen hispano en EEUU agradecen ización de Monseñor Romero De otro lado, Mons. Jorge Rodríguez, Obispo Auxiliar de Denver, presidió una Misa con miles de salvadoreños para dar gracias por la canonización. En la parroquia Reina de la Paz, el Prelado de origen mexicano resaltó este domingo que “San Oscar Romero apostó por los pobres, por los oprimidos, por los perseguidos por la justicia, por aquellos cuya dignidad y derechos eran pisoteados impunemente para ser, como él mismo decía, ‘voz de los que no tienen voz’”. Tras resaltar que los pobres “pesaban en el corazón de Monseñor Romero”, el Obispo aseguró que “nosotros también vivimos en medio de injusticias, de hermanos nuestros privados de su libertad en los centros de detención por no tener documentos; de inmigrantes cuyos
derechos humanos no son respetados y se ven separados de sus familias; de hermanos y hermanas nuestros que tienen que salir todos los días con el temor de ser arrestados por la policía inmigratoria, mientras trabajan honradamente por proveer un futuro a sus hijos”. “San Oscar Romero, desde el cielo, nos urge a salir en ayuda de estos hermanos, a ponernos de su lado, a denunciar los atropellos contra su dignidad, y a participar en la lucha política por una reforma inmigratoria comprensiva”, añadió. El Obispo Auxiliar de Denver recordó que El Salvador sufrió una grave guerra civil entre las décadas de 1980 y 1990, por lo cual “muchos de ustedes o de sus familiares llegaron a este país huyendo de la muerte”.
“Sobre tanto sufrimiento, y sobre el presente de ustedes y de sus familiares hoy en El Salvador, vela un salvadoreño santo: San Oscar Romero, que incluso algunos aquí presente conocieron personalmente”, dijo el Prelado. “Que la sangre de este mártir, derramada como la de Cristo por amor a sus hermanos, germine en El Salvador con frutos de fe, paz y bienestar para su querido pueblo de El Salvador”, resaltó el Obispo. “¡Que por la intercesión de San Óscar Romero, Dios bendiga a la República de El Salvador! ¡Que por la intercesión de San Óscar Romero, Dios bendiga a la comunidad salvadoreña en los Estados Unidos! ¡San Romero de América, ruega por nosotros!”, concluyó. November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 33
November Liturgical Calendar
1 | Thu | ALL SAINTS | white | Solemnity | [Holyday of Obligation] Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a (667) Pss Prop 2 | Fri | The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed | white or violet or black (All Souls’ Day) Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 (668) or any readings from no. 668 or from the Lectionary for Mass (vol. IV), the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Pss Prop 3 | Sat | Weekday | green/white/white [Saint Martin de Porres, Religious; BVM] Phil 1:18b-26/Lk 14:1, 7-11 (484) 4 | SUN | THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green Dt 6:2-6/Heb 7:23-28/Mk 12:28b-34 (152) Pss III 5 | Mon | Weekday | green | Phil 2:1-4/ Lk 14:12-14 (485) 6 | Tue | Weekday | green | Phil 2:5-11/ Lk 14:15-24 (486) 7 | Wed | Weekday | green | Phil 2:1218/Lk 14:25-33 (487) 8 | Thu | Weekday | green | Phil 3:3-8a/
Lk 15:1-10 (488) 9 | Fri | The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica | white | Feast | Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 (671) Pss Prop 10 | Sat | Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church | white | Memorial | Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 (490) 11 | SUN | THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green 1 Kgs 17:10-16/Heb 9:24-28/Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (155) Pss IV 12 | Mon | Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr | red | Memorial | Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 (491) 13 | Tue | USA: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin | white | Memorial | Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 (492) 14 | Wed | Weekday | green | Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 (493) 15 | Thu | Weekday | green/white [Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church] Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 (494)
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16 | Fri | Weekday | green/white/white [Saint Margaret of Scotland; Saint Gertrude, Virgin] 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 (495) 17 | Sat | Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious | white | Memorial | 3 Jn 5-8/ Lk 18:1-8 (496) 18 | SUN | THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green Dn 12:1-3/Heb 10:11-14, 18/Mk 13:24-32 (158) Pss I 19 | Mon | Weekday | green | Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 (497) 20 | Tue | Weekday | green | Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10 (498) 21 | Wed | The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | white | Memorial | Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 (499) 22 | Thu | Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr | red/white | Memorial [USA: Thanksgiving Day] Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:4144 (500) or, for Thanksgiving Day, any readings from the | Lectionary for Mass (vol. IV), the Mass “In Thanksgiving to God,” nos. 943-947 23 | Fri | Weekday | green/red/white/
red [Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr; Saint Columban, Abbot; USA: Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, Priest and Martyr] Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 (501) 24 | Sat | Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs | red | Memorial | Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 (502) 25 | SUN | OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE | white | Solemnity | Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37 (161) Pss Prop 26 | Mon | Weekday (Thirty-Fourth or Last Week in Ordinary Time) | green Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4 (503) Pss II 27 | Tue | Weekday | green | Rv 14:1419/Lk 21:5-11 (504) 28 | Wed | Weekday | green | Rv 15:1-4/ Lk 21:12-19 (505) 29 | Thu | Weekday | green | Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28 (506) 30 | Fri | Saint Andrew, Apostle | red | Feast | Rom 10:9-18/Mt 4:18-22 (684) Pss Prop
Saints, who are they? Father Rodolfo D. Vasquez
Father Rodolfo Vasquez is pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish.
he author of Psalm 24 in his hymn commonly used for the procession with the Ark of the Covenant into the sacred temple, asks “Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who can stand in his holy place?” (Ps. 24:3). The Psalmist must have personally witnessed such an impressive procession and was left to wonder how anyone could enter the holy dwelling of God. The Church throughout the centuries stands in wonder as she witnesses the vast number of those who processed up the mountain of God into his heavenly dwelling place. She too asks, “who are they?; who can be counted in their number?” The annual celebration of All Saints Day and the daily procession of saint feast days and memorials in the Roman Calendar reveals the answer. They are our brothers and sisters, members of the household of God. They are the pure of heart, the merciful, they courageously suffered persecution, they are the faithful disciples that endured the time of trial. The saints encourage us to join them in this procession to the Lord’s mountain. They accompany us through our trials, struggles, even in our failures. This is what St. Therese of Lisieux meant when she wrote; “upon my death, I will let fall a shower of roses; I wish to spend my heaven in doing good upon the earth.” Catholics, indeed all Christians, should carefully examine the lives of the saints. Reading the accounts of their lives so greatly benefits our spiritual growth because we see their struggles, their challenges, and how they overcame their own weaknesses to shine so brightly. How could we not be encouraged when we read in “St. Augustine’s Confessions" about his own pagan youth, and how far from God he was even in his quest for wisdom, or the worldly, coldhearted St. Thomas Becket who after his conversion became poor, and gave supreme witness by his infamous murder in his own cathedral? Consider the saints who were never expected to amount to much, the simple hearts who became brilliant witnesses like St. John Vianney or St. Joseph Cupertino. How could we forget the witness of children who in spite of their youth left us giant heroic examples, like little St. Maria
St. Therese of Lisieux
Goretti or the boy, St. Jose Sanchez del Rio? Among the saints are those who endured so much suffering in their lives then turned to prayer which sanctified them, particularly women like St. Rita of Cassia or St. Monica. Some of our blessed heroes surprisingly struggled with doubt. St. Jane Frances de Chantal struggled with faith all her life after her fairytale marriage abruptly ended with the tragic death of her husband. St. Theresa of Calcutta, amazingly once wrote, “where is my faith? Even deep down, right in, there is nothing but emptiness and darkness, my God, how painful is this unknown pain.” Even the Little Flower was “overwhelmed by temptations of atheism.” As we make our way in this procession to the Father, we often do so limping, barely progressing, and sometimes on the verge of surrender. As we look up to and marvel at the vast array of the saints we find our strength and resolve to one day, with God’s grace, be counted among their number. November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 35
Ongoing Calendar Events
Holy Hour followed by a Healing Mass
Nov. 1 and every first Thursday of the month from 5-6:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Chapel Jesus Nazareno in Corpus Christi followed by a Healing Mass.
Secular Franciscan Gathering
Nov. 3 and every first Saturday of each month from 9:30 a.m.12 p.m. at Corpus Christi Cathedral Room 4. Come and see if you are being called to a vocation as a Secular Franciscan. For more information contact Liz at (936) 344-1353 or email
Blue Army Mass
Nov. 3 and every first Saturday of the month in the Jesus Nazareno Chapel at Sacred Heart in Corpus Christi. For more information call the church at (361) 883-6082 or email
St. Peregrine Healing Mass
Nov. 4 and every first Sunday of each month from 5-6 p.m. at Our Lady of Corpus Christi (1200 Lantana St.) St. Peregrine is the patron saint of people suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other illnesses.
Tea Time and Book Study
Nov. 4 and every Monday from 12:30-2 p.m. at Schoenstatt Movement Center in Corpus Christi. “Brushstrokes of a Father” Reading: Volume 2 Reading about Father Joseph Kentenich, Founder of the Schoenstatt Movement.
Alzheimer's & General Support Group • Nov. 6 and every first Tuesday of the month at St. Paul United Church of Christ (5525 Lipes) in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • Nov. 7 and every first Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. at SCC River Ridge Nursing Rehab Center located at 3922 West River Dr. (off FM 624) in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 767-2000. • Nov. 8 and every second Thursday of the month at 3 p.m. at Mirador Plaza (back side of facility) located at 5857 Timbergate Drive in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • Nov. 13 and every second Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Woodridge Nursing & Rehab Center located at 600 So. Hillside Dr. in Beeville. For more information call (361) 358-8880. • Nov. 14 and every second Wednesday of the month at 12 p.m. at Lindale Center/Caregiver SOS located on 3133 Swantner St. in Corpus Christi. For more in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 826-2343. • Nov. 15 and every third Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at Ed & Hazel Richmond Public Library Central Library, located on 110 N. Lamont Street in Aransas Pass. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • Nov. 20 and every third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at Brookdale (formerly Homewood Residence) located at 6410 Meadow Vista in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 980-0208. Facilitator is Anita Valle. • Nov. 22 and every fourth Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m.
36 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
at Kleberg County Nursing & Rehab located on 316 General Cavazos Blvd. in Kingsville. For more information call (361) 883-3935. • Nov. 27 and every fourth Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. at Alice Public Library (401 E. Third Street) in Alice. For more information call (361) 883-3935.
OLPH Grief Support Ministry
Nov. 6 and every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the St. John Paul II Conference Room at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Rectory (5830 Williams Drive). These sessions are intended for adults who have experienced the death of a loved one. For more information call Chaplain Ray Claveria at (361) 215-4395.
Bible Study at St. Patrick Church
Nov. 6 and every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. at St. Patrick Church, Our Lady of Knock Hall (the corner of S. Alameda and Rossiter Street.) For more information call the parish office at (361) 855-7391.
Immigration Services at Catholic Charities
Nov. 8 and every Thursday starting at 7:30 a.m. at Catholic Charities (615 Oliver Court) to discuss client eligibility according to USCIS qualifications. The first 15 people who sign in will be seen in order of arrival; there is a $25 consultation fee. Information on government and legal fees as well as needed documents are given to persons who qualify for an immigration process.
Healing Mass and Prayer Service Nov. 9 and every second Friday of the month at 6 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (1123 Main Drive) in Corpus Christi. Call Parish office with questions (361) 241-2004.
Grounded in Truth at OLCC • Nov. 17 and every third Saturday of the month. An hour of Adoration with Praise and Worship in the OLCC Perpetual Adoration Chapel 7-8 p.m., followed by music and fellowship in Cafe Veritas (attached to Our Lady of Corpus Christi's Bookstore) from 8-9:30 p.m. All music led by talented local musicians. Call (361) 289-0807 for more information.
Tuesday Tea with the Saints
Every third Tuesday of the month at St. Joseph Hall at Pax Christi Institute (4601 Calallen Dr.) in Corpus Christi. 2018 Saints of Study: Saints that witnessed an apparition of Our Lady. For more information call (361) 241-2833.
Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children Support Group • Nov. 27 and the last Tuesday of each month from 10-11 a.m. at Greenwood Senior Center (4040 Greenwood Drive). For more information call (361) 826-1368. • Nov. 29 and the last Thursday of each month from 6-7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church (900 South Shoreline Blvd.) in Corpus Christi (2nd floor–Rm #216 / parking and entrance behind church). Facilitated and presented by MCH Family Outreach. Please call if you bring your grandchild(ren). Classes for all ages. For more information call (361) 334-2255.
Saturday, Nov. 3 from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. and Sunday, Nov.4 from 2-5 p.m. on the grounds of St. Anthony Church (204 Dunne Avenue) in Robstown.
St. Joseph CC Fall Festival
Nov. 3 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at St. Joseph Church grounds. There will be live music, raffle, multi-ethnic food booths (American, Mexican and Filipino), roasted corn, roasted turkey legs, funnel cakes, silent auction, children's games, Loteria, general store and more. For more information call the parish office at (361) 882-7912.
of Hungary Fall 4 St.FestElizabeth & 11th Annual BBQ
7 Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience 9 & 10
• Nov. 7 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Most Precious Blood Parish (3502 Saratoga Boulevard). • Nov. 9 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish (1008 Austin Street) in Portland. • Nov. 10 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Corpus Christi Cathedral (505 N. Broadway). There will be projected images of what pilgrims would see in Lourdes; music similar to what pilgrims hear in Lourdes; a piece of the Grotto rock from Lourdes; precious water from the Grotto spring; Eucharistic blessing as in Lourdes; and Candlelight Rosary Procession. Virtual Pilgrimages are offered in parishes, schools, prisons and to groups across America and beyond. For more information call Kathy Schulz at (361) 244-1786 or email
Nov. 4 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at Jim Wells County Fairgrounds in Alice.
4 6
Movie Series "Schoenstatt Covenant of Love"
Nov. 4 at 5 p.m. Schoenstatt Movement Center (361) 992-9841) located at 4343 Gaines St. (Behind Seaside Cemetery) in Corpus Christi. Come find out how Our Blessed Mother can work in your life. For more information call Maria at (361) 991-3356 or Roseanne at (361) 215-7299.
8- Women's English Cursillo 11
Nov. 8-11 at the Cursillo Center (1200 Lantana). Christ is Counting on you. Make a friend, Be a friend and bring your friend to Christ. For more information call Emma Botello, Pre-Cursillo Chairperson at (361) 853-2754 or any Cursillo leader for information or applications.
'Dr. Arthur Spohn' book signing
Nov. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church in Corpus Christi. The book is a biography of Dr. Arthur Spohn and will be available on Amazon Oct. 15. Authors Jane Clements Monday and Frances Brannen Vick with the
8 177 Project
Thursday, Nov. 8 from 6:45-9 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church (217 W. San Patricio Ave) in Mathis. The evening will be centered around a Holy Hour. Upon conclusion of the Holy Hour, attendees will have the chance to enjoy a concert. During the event, attendees will have opportunities for confession, to hear about the importance of vocations, pray the rosary, and be able to engage with local and national ministries. For more information contact Justine Sablatura, Director of Evangelization, at (361) 547-9181.
Our Lady of Consolation Church 2018 / 104th Annual
Thanksgiving Day Picnic Thursday, Nov. 22 Vattmann, Texas South of Kingsville on Farm Road 628
(5 miles east of US-77/as if you’re going to King’s Inn)
Family Style Turkey Dinner (all you care to eat) 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Includes: fresh baked turkey, homemade dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, cucumber and green bean salad, bread, coffee, tea and desserts (pies/cakes – limited to one serving) soft drinks and beer are available. Dinners to go also available. Donation: Adults $15 and Children (10 & under) $7
Turkey Shoot (Trap and Target) H Country Store H Kids Games H Fish Pond H Ring Toss H Raffles H Drinks H Silent Auctions H Centennial Memorabilia H Cook Books H Daub Bingo (2-6 p.m.) Country Western Dance featuring
8 p.m.–12 midnight Donation: $10 per person Drinks and setups available
Women’s Spiritual Exercises Retreat
Nov. 8-11 begins Thursday at 5:30 p.m. and ends Sunday at 1:30 p.m. A weekend to go deeper in our relationship with Jesus through the power of prayer and quiet time with the Lord. Take a quiet vacation with Jesus and let your spirit be renewed. Register or call (36) 289-9095, ext. 321.
9- Diocesan Vocation Awareness Retreat 11
Nov. 9-11 begins at 5 p.m. on Friday and ends Sunday at 2 p.m. at Pax Christi Retreat Center (4601 Calallen Drive) in Corpus Christi. Cost is $25. Registration deadline is Oct. 26. Register at For more information call the Office of Vocations at (361) 882-6191 or
10 Marriage Prep Workshop For Directions using Google, Bing or Yahoo Maps: 204 Palm Avenue, Riviera, TX
Nov. 10 at 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. at St. Joseph in Beeville. Couples preparing for marriage from around the diocese are invited to attend this workshop that covers topics such as the Meaning of Christian Marriage, Communication, Finances, The Language of the Body and more! Please register online at
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 37
Nueces County Historical Society will have a presentation and book signing of "Dr. Author Spohn: Surgeon, Inventor, and Texas Medical Pioneer."
St. Anthony Catholic Church & School Fall Festival
One-day Diabetes class at St. Anthony School
Christmas Bazaar at St. Patrick
Birthright 40th Anniversary Celebratory Talk
Saturday, Nov. 10 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at St. Anthony School (203 Dunne Street) in Robstown in the Mother Julia Hall, Cafeteria. To support your family’s journey toward healthy living, Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi has teamed up with Texas A&M Coastal Bend Health Education Center to provide a FREE program, so you can prevent diabetes and other chronic diseases. For more information visit Nov. 10 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish Hall (3350 S. Alameda). There will be crafts and collectibles, baked goods, silent auction and Raffle. Other vendors will be in attendance. Please join us and get some of your Christmas shopping done. For more information call the parish office at (361) 855-7391. Nov. 15 from 7-9 p.m. at Our Lady of Corpus Christi's St. Joseph Hall (1200 Lantana). Speaker Dr. Joseph Meaney will give a talk entitled, "Conscience." All are welcome to attend the 40th Anniversary Talk and Reception and are encouraged to bring a material or financial donation. Seating is limited, so interested parties should call that iconic Birthright phone to RSVP at (361) 884-2662.
16 Weekend Healing Retreat 18
Nov. 16-18. Begins Friday 5:30 p.m. and ends Sunday 2 p.m. Discover the ways we block God’s grace in our life and remove obstacles that prevent us from growing in our relationship with God. The weekend consists of a series of talks on healing, periods of quiet reflection asking God to reveal where we need healing, and concludes with a Healing Service. Register at or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.
Our Lady of Refuge Fall Festival
Nov. 18, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Events scheduled will be a Thanksgiving meal for $10/plate. A silent auction consisting of gift baskets of various themes and items will be available for bidding during the meal. Our Sweet Shop will be filled with homemade goodies for guests to purchase items for their upcoming family Thanksgiving gathering. Additionally, winners of the MEGA Raffle, for which only 500 tickets are being sold, will be announced. Contact the OLR office for more information at (361) 526-2083.
To see more calendar events go to: To submit calendar events go to:
Sacred Heart in Odem
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
FALL FEST & 11TH ANNUAL BBQ BBQ • Prize Bingo• Silent Auction Music • Kids Games • Rides • Family Fun
Sunday November 4th 11:00AM - 5:00PM
invites you to a 6 mile procession to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Edroy in celebration of our
SUNDAY, DEC. 9, 2018 The celebration will begin at 9 a.m. with a 6 mile walk from Sacred Heart (401 W. Willis St.) in Odem to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Edroy (18012 CR 1598) where we will serenade our Blessed Mother before 12 p.m. Mass.
Jim Wells County Fairgrounds • Alice, TX For more information contact the Parish Office at (361) 664-6481
38 South Texas Catholic | November 2018
For more information call Servando Gomez at
(361) 688-0842
November 2018 | South Texas Catholic 39
November 2018 Issue SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC 555 N Carancahua St, Ste 750 Corpus Christi, TX 78401-0824 (361) 882-6191