March 2020 - Vol. 55 No. 3

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South Texas



MARCH 2020

Fr. Frank X. Martinez, STL and Clergy of Our Lady Perpetual Help, along with our parish family, would like to invite everyone to The 99 Experience, a powerful spiritual experience that will be a springboard for deepening our faith as we grow in identity, purpose and community. Sessions will be held March 11th, 18th, and 25th, 6:30 pm beginning with dinner, in the OLPH Parish Hall. For more information call the Parish office at (361) 991-7891.

2  South Texas Catholic | March 2020


VOL. 55 NO. 3 Publisher Bishop Michael Mulvey, STL DD Director of Communications Julie Stark Communications Board Father Jose A. Salazar, Sister Rosa Maria Ortiz, IWBS, David Campa, Regina Garcia, Zach Everett, Shannette Hoelscher, Deacon Richard Longoria, Elizabeth Nguyen and Benjamin Nye


Pope Francis greets Bishop Michael Mulvey of Corpus Christi during a meeting with U.S. bishops from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas during their “ad limina” visits to the Vatican Jan. 20. The bishops were making their “ad limina” visits to report on the status of their dioceses to the pope and Vatican officials.


CNS photo/Vatican Media

Managing Editor Mary Cottingham Theological Consultant Ben Nguyen, JD/JCL. Office Manager Adel Sauceda STC Support Staff Elizabeth Morales Correspondents Jesse De Leon and Rebecca Esparza Translator Gloria Romero Photographers Ervey Martinez and David Mendez

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(USPSN 540-860) Published monthly, excluding September, by the Diocese of Corpus Christi for $25 per year. Periodical postage paid in Corpus Christi, Texas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to South Texas Catholic, 555 N Carancahua St, Ste 750, Corpus Christi, TX 78401-0824. Keep up with the faith at

10TH ANNIVERSARY 18 Bishop Mulvey celebrates 10 years as bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi.

SEE SPECIAL INSERT Pastoral Letter entitled, “I Am With You Always Until the End of The Age: A Pastoral Letter to the People of God in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.”

7 Seminarian reflects on ad limina visit NEWS BRIEFS 9 Official Assignments VOCATIONS

ISSUES 11 LIFE Working with children in crisis NEWS 29 NATIONAL Bishop Paprocki provides pastoral guide on gender identity

VATICAN NEWS 31 Pope emphasizes unity in message to bishops connected to Focolare Movement

March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  3

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4  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

L’Osservatore Romano


Pope Francis greets Bishop Michael Mulvey and Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody during a meeting with U.S. bishops from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas during Bishop Mulvey’s ad limina visit to the Vatican Jan. 20.

Bishop Mulvey discusses the state of the diocese on his ad limina visit


Catholic News Agency and South Texas Catholic

ishop Michael Mulvey and Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody touched down in Rome on Jan. 18 for the bishops “ad limina” visit, to pray and also to report on the status of the Diocese of Corpus Christi in meetings with other Region X bishops, the pope and Vatican officials. The trip to Rome also serves as a pilgrimage to “the threshold of the apostles,” giving the bishops, who are the successors of the apostles, the opportunity to pray at the tomb of St. Peter and St. Paul. In the early morning on Jan. 20, all the bishops of Region X concelebrated Mass at the tomb of St. Peter

and made a profession of faith singing together the Nicene Creed in Latin. Bishop Mulvey invited Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody and Seminarian Raymond Pendleton to join him on Jan. 20 for the initial meeting with Pope Francis in his library where he greeted them. After the warm welcome, Bishop Mulvey then joined other bishops from Region X, which included 26 diocesan bishops from Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, and they spent 2 ½ hours with Pope Francis talking in English and Spanish. The pope responded in Italian so his aide could translate the responses into English. “I would compare it to

sitting with a friend in open conversation,” Bishop Mulvey said of the occasion. “We were told to ask anything, and we did. It was a wonderful moment with the pope.” The topics were wide-ranging and included the clerical sexual abuse crisis, migration, the challenges of a media-permeated culture and forming Christian consciences, especially in a time of deep political divisions. Bishop Mulvey’s last ad limina was with Benedict XVI in 2011-2012, about two years after he became bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Since then much has changed in the American landscape, from the Obergefell U.S. Supreme March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  5


Paul Haring, Catholic News Service

Court decision legalizing gay marriage in 2015 to the heightened tension over immigration debates under President Donald Trump. The Catholic environment in the U.S. has itself undergone considerable transformation since Pope Francis’ trip to the United States in the fall of 2015. Ad limina visits typically take place every five years, as the world’s more than 5,300 bishops rotate through Rome. However, some countries have gone 10 years without an ad limina visit, as was the case with Taiwan. During Benedict XVI’s pontificate, bishops from nearly every diocese in the world visited within seven years. On his visit to the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul, Bishop Mulvey prayed for all the priests and seminarians of the dioceses, for all consecrated religious, the laity and for his episcopal ministry. Bishop said that each of the offices he visited in the dicastery strongly emphasized “communion” in all ways of life as the way of the Church today. “I continue to pray that as a diocese we will become more united as the Body of Christ both

Bishop Michael Mulvey and other U.S. bishops from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas concelebrate Mass in the crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica during their “ad limina” visits to the Vatican Jan. 20. The bishops were making their “ad limina” visits to report on the status of their dioceses to the pope and Vatican officials.

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L’Osservatore Romano


Pope Francis gives Seminarian Raymond Pendleton a rosary as Bishop Michael Mulvey and Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody look on during Bishop Mulvey’s ad limina visit to the Vatican Jan. 20.

Seminarian reflects on ad limina visit By Raymond Pendleton

D Contributor

uring “ad limina” visits, which usually occur every five years, bishops from every region in the world are called to meet with the pope. This meeting with the pope is a concrete expression of that unity between the apostles with Peter in Jesus Christ. The purpose of the visit is twofold – the bishops are also encouraged to pray in the tombs of Sts. Peter and Paul. When I saw the bishops of our region, venerate the tombs of Ss. Peter and Paul, I recognized something familiar about them. The way they gathered and prayed together reminded me of the twelve

apostles gathering together in the New Testament. It was like the memory of the apostles displayed in “a very real way,” right before my eyes! I believe this was God increasing their love and respect for each other. Many people say the Holy Land brings the Sacred Scripture to life. I do not doubt for even a second that there is something powerful about walking where Christ himself walked and where he died for our salvation. Pope Francis is the successor of St. Peter, on whom Christ built his Church. As the first pope, Peter was head of the apostles, who were also bishops. The apostles were not only under Peter, but

they were with him. I was not present at the bishops’ meeting with the Holy Father, but I had the privilege of meeting him. Bishop Mulvey had invited me to an audience with him a few days before. When this brief personal encounter with him occurred, I was nervous. It happened so quickly that I was not sure whether I was speaking in Spanish or Italian when I greeted him. I remember that he was smiling, and his handshake was firm. He looked me in the eyes and gave me a rosary. After Bishop Mulvey introduced me to Pope Francis, he joined other bishops from Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas in March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  7


preparation for their meeting. I appreciate the significance of the visit. The visit with the pope was no different than when the apostles were called to be in communion with Peter. All bishops are different. They have different personalities, opinions and ideas. However, they also have something in common; they are successors of the apostles that Jesus Christ himself had chosen from among the people.

Before studying in Rome, I did not know the importance of these visits. I only knew that bishops sometimes had to meet with the Holy Father in Rome to discuss things. Now I know differently. The primary reason for these visits is not just to have a meeting with the Holy Father; the primary reason is charity. It’s important to remember that Christ left us his Church as a sign of his great love for us. He gave us his apostles; he gave us

Peter and Paul, who were also instruments of God’s love for us. It is in the Church we receive the Eucharist, which strengthens our life in Christ and makes us holy. Rome can remind us of this reality. Raymond Pendleton is a seminarian from the Diocese of Corpus Christi. He is currently studying at the Pontifical North American College in Rome, Italy.



The mission of Mercy’s signature fundraising event, MASH BASH 2020, is scheduled for March 6, at the American Bank Center featuring country artist Tracy Byrd. Dress as your favorite Mash Character. Sponsorships start at $1,500

or $250 per couple. There will be dinner, dancing, silent auction, games, costume contest, raffle and more. For more information, contact Sherry Bowers, Executive Director at (361) 883-5500, ext. 104 or at

Congratulations Dr. Therese Recinella On Jan. 29 Dr. Therese Recinella was elected chairperson for the Texas Conference of Catholic Bishops Evangelization and Catechesis Executive Committee. She began her four-year commitment at the conclusion of the winter meeting gathering in San Angelo. Her duties as a chairperson-elect for the TCCB EC for two years she will: function in all capacities in the absence of the Chairperson; monitor the progress of all committees; perform any function assigned by the chairperson or the executive

Congratulations Monica Maldonado On Feb. 3 the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) based in Austin presented Maldonado with $500 and a plaque for being year’s Technology Administrator of the Year award. Maldonado is the director of technology for schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. These awards are given to educators who work to advance teaching and learning through innovative technology. TCEA Executive Director Lori Gracey in Austin congratulated all finalists, saying: “We couldn’t be more proud of these incredible 8  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

educators. Each one of them has displayed a remarkable commitment to teaching and learning and the wise use of technology to reach those learning goals. This year’s finalists reflect the spirit of TCEA, and the very best of their profession.” “We are very proud of her and her many accomplishments in advancing technology as a teaching and learning tool in our Catholic schools,” said Dr. Rosemary Henry, superintendent of schools for the diocese. “I’m super excited and blessed,” Maldonado said.

committee. In the next two years she will perform the duties of the chairperson: call and chair meetings of the TCCB-EC and of the executive committee of the TCCB-EC; facilitate communication between members and the Bishops of Texas, their appointed liaison to TCCB-EC and all other appropriate groups; represent TCCB-EC in all official relationships with other groups; and appoint the members of the nominating committee (at the September/October meeting) and any ad hoc committees as deemed necessary.


The Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey, Bishop of Corpus Christi, makes the following announcements: The Very Reverend Christopher Becerra, is released as Parochial Administrator of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Alice, effective February 27, 2020. He continues as Parochial Administrator of St. Joseph Parish, Alice, and as Vicar Forane (Dean) of the newly reconfigured Alice Deanery.

The Rev. Biju Joseph Thoompunkal, HGN, with the permission of the Reverend Saji Sebastian HGN, Provincial Superior of the Heralds of the Good News, is released as Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Corpus Christi, and is appointed as Parochial Administrator of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Alice, effective February 27, 2020. The Rev. Joseph Pradeep Puthan, HGN, with the permission of the

Reverend Saji Sebastian HGN, Provincial Superior of the Heralds of the Good News, is released as Parochial Vicar of St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Parish, Corpus Christi, and appointed as Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Corpus Christi, effective February 27, 2020. The Rev. Encarnación Julian Cabrera, has requested and has been granted a leave of absence.

In Memoriam

Msgr. Thomas McGettrick April 18, 1932 - Feb. 9, 2020

Msgr. Thomas McGettrick, Affectionately called “Father Tom” by his family, passed away peacefully on Feb. 9. He was 87 years old. Father Tom was the second of fifteen children, born on April 18, 1932, in Belfast Northern Ireland. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1956 at St. Peter’s Seminary in Wexford, Ireland and emigrated to serve the Church in Texas. For almost 64 years he ministered in McAllen, Laredo, Corpus Christi, Three Rivers, Robstown, Sinton and Arteaga, Mexico. Father Tom often said that his happiest years were serving the poorest of the poor in Arteaga where he traveled from ranchito to ranchito in his small Jeep. Father Tom earned a Master’s Degree in Education at Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio and a Master’s Degree in psychology from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. He also was a certified chaplain who spent many years ministering to the sick in local hospitals. Father Tom’s priesthood led him to many places around the world and with that, he enjoyed embracing different cultures. He was adventurous having obtained his pilot’s license in his early priesthood

years. Father Tom knew the value of balance in his life by enjoying his Tuesday golf rounds with his fellow priests as well as showing his competitive spirit in tennis with family and friends. One of Father Tom’s great passions was supporting and following Notre Dame Football. It was no coincidence that he scheduled sabbaticals during football season in South Bend. In his later years, Father Tom enjoyed being a part of medical missionary trips to Ecuador. He was instrumental in bringing to fruition the St. John Vianney Retirement Home for priests and was involved in constructing many churches in the Diocese of Corpus Christi and in Arteaga, Mexico. He is preceded in death by his parents and siblings Thomas, Bridie, Beryl, Colette, Gerard, Joseph, David, and sister in law Rita. He is survived by his siblings in Ireland, Raymond (Rita), Brian (Marie), Jimmy (Rita), John (Eileen), Una (Martin), Angela (Joe), Beryl (Desmond), Alice and Joan. Survived by his sibling in England is Mary (Danny) as well as those in Texas, Anthony (Ruth) and Malachy (Margaret). He is also survived by numerous nephews and nieces and many loving friends.

The family of Father Tom would like to thank in a very special way the care and support received from Dr. Miguel Berastain Sr., Delia Berastain, Dr. Mary L. Roper, Robin Dollinger as well as the wonderful staff at Angel Bright Hospice. Visitation will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14 at Corpus Christi Cathedral, with a Rosary to be recited at 7 p.m. The Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 11 a.m. at the Corpus Christi Cathedral. Burial will follow at St. Anthony’s Cemetery in Violet. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in his honor to the Mother Teresa Shelter in Corpus Christi. March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  9

Contributed photo


Robbie Rosas receives the Eagle Scout Award from The Knights of Columbus Council #1653 at St. Joseph Church in Beeville. Celebrating with Robbie at his award ceremony are, from left, Brendan D. O’Conner, Pat Del Rosario, Lorenzo V. Garcia, Robert M. Rosas, Father Richard Gonzales, John T. Veselka and Frank G. Cuevas.

Beeville Knights present Eagle Scout Award to Robert Rosas, Jr.


South Texas Catholic

he Knights of Columbus Council #1653 from St. Joseph Church in Beeville recently awarded Robert “Robbie” Manuel Rosas Jr. with his Eagle Scout rank, the highest rank offered by the scouts. According to Grand Knight Lawrence Garcia, Robbie demonstrates the Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath and Law. The Knights of Columbus have a history of chartering units that is almost as old as the BSA itself. Both are organizations with service to others as a core value; both require a belief in God for membership, and both exist for the promotion of ethical and moral choices. To earn the Eagle Scout rank, Robbie worked at the Iraq Afghanistan Veterans Organization (IAVO) Retreat Center. He cleaned, painted, built a ramp, put in barn doors and a side door, and created a memorial wall for Army Staff Sergeant Michael Collier and a sponsor wall to serve as a storage shed at the center. He was required to plan, develop, and lead to complete the

10  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

project. The scouts provide a series of surmountable obstacles and steps in overcoming them through the advancement method. Scouts plan their advancement and progress at their own pace as they meet each challenge. Scouts are recognized and rewarded for each achievement, which helps them gain self-confidence. The steps in the advancement system help a Scout grow in self-reliance and in the ability to help others. Robbie earned a total of 69 Merit Badges. Raised by his maternal grandparents Jesse and Rosie Soto, Robbie began scouting at age nine, and like most boys, he joined the scouts because it seemed like it would be fun. As he got older and his experience in scouting evolved, he realized that the fun was only one aspect of the scouting program. He began to thrive on learning and leadership positions. Robbie is currently a senior patrol leader for his troop; he has been the cub scout den chief for pack 451 for the last five

years for which he has been awarded the Den Chief Service Award, and he is a BSA certified lifeguard. Robbie has held positions as a chaplain aide for four years, a patrol leader, an assistant patrol leader, a Leave No Trace trainer, an Outdoor Ethics trainer and Quarter Master. Robbie is currently involved in the Sheriff’s Department Explorer Program. He helps at the St. Joseph’s Vacation Bible School summer program, First United Methodist Church Food Distribution on the second Saturday of each month, and St Joseph’s High School Confirmation Group. He has been an altar server at St. Joseph Church for the past eight years and has attended religious education since he was five years old. Robbie is now a ninth grader at A.C. Jones High School. At school, Robbie participates in the marching band, symphonic band, welding, law enforcement, and the high school tactical team. His goal is to continue as a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster until he ranks out at age 18.

By Rebecca Esparza


hen Sister Jo Ann Saenz, IWBS, saw a large group of immigrant children visiting a local doctor’s office, she knew she wanted to help in someway. “They were so well-behaved,” she recalled. “You could say they were even a bit stunned. I knew there must be something I could do for them.” She received her chance to help within days. Jaime Reyna, director of the Office of Multicultural and Social Ministry at the Diocese of Corpus Christi told her about the opportunity to sing songs for the children and teach them about the word of God through games and interactive sessions. Reyna explained there is a local children’s emergency shelter caring for children separated from families seeking refuge in this country. Most have experienced unimaginable trauma traveling thousands of miles through several countries to make it to the United States. “Volunteers go twice a month and the schedule varies, but one of the visits, Father Jose Gutierrez offers confessions and Mass to all the youth,” he said. “The facility can hold over 100 children and their ages range from 12 to 17 years of age. Many of them are from Latin American countries or Mexico. They are held here until they are reunited with family members or are returned to their home countries.” There are currently only four specially trained volunteers working with this special population of young people: Sister Saenz, Father Jose Gutierrez of Corpus Christi Cathedral, Maria Macias of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Corpus Christi and Jaime Reyna. Reyna said these young people yearn to learn more about God. “They enjoy participating in our group

Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels


sessions where we discuss what the Gospel means to them. We connect it to their family life because many times they are missing their parents, or brothers or sisters. A lot of them know their faith very well,” he said. Reyna said it is sometimes hard to build relationships with the children because they only stay at the facility for a short time, but that does not deter them from giving the children all the love and attention they deserve. Requirements are rigorous for becoming a volunteer, but the rewards are also quite bountiful. “Volunteers need to register with the Diocese as a volunteer working with children, as well as go through a background check. They will also be registering as a volunteer through the children’s home facility, as well,” he explained. “We also need a letter of good standing from your parish. Because they are minors, we want to make sure the children are protected.” Both Reyna and Sister Saenz believe helping these children is about bringing the Word of God to children who might be experiencing a frightening time.

“We come in there to remind them of God’s love, to bring some joy and bring them into a moment of prayer. We want to remind them even though their parents or brothers or sisters are far away, we too, are their brothers and sisters in Christ,” Reyna said. Since the children are from Latin American countries, more Spanish speaking volunteers are needed to interact with the children, Sister Saenz noted. Reyna added they could use volunteers with musical gifts and talents who could possibly even teach the children how to play certain musical instruments. “We’re also looking for volunteers over 18 years of age who are trained to teach about our faith,” he added. “They are beautiful children and I really enjoy working with them,” Sister Saenz marveled. “What these children need most is to interact with volunteers with big hearts. They need to be reminded that perfect strangers care for them.” For more information on volunteering, contact Jaime Reyna at the Office of Multicultural and Social Ministry at (361)882-6191, ext. 637. March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  11


Working with children in crisis


Trabajando con niños en crisis Por Rebecca Esparza

C Corresponsal

Photo by Pragyan Bezbaruah from Pexels

uando la hermana Jo Ann Saenz, IWBS, vio a un grupo numeroso de niños inmigrantes visitando el consultorio de un médico local, supo que quería ayudarles de alguna manera. “Eran tan bien portados”, recordó. “Se podría decir que incluso estaban un poco asustados y temerosos. Al momento supe que debía haber algo que yo pudiera hacer por ellos”. Ella recibió la oportunidad de ayudarles en unos cuantos días, a través de Jaime Reyna, director de la Oficina del Ministerio Multicultural y Social de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, él le habló sobre la posibilidad de cantar para los niños y enseñarles sobre la Palabra de Dios a través de canciones, juegos y sesiones interactivas. Reyna explicó que hay un refugio local de emergencia que asiste a niños que han sido separados de sus familias, las cuales buscan refugio en este país. La mayoría de ellos, ha experimentado un trauma inimaginable viajando miles de millas a través de varios países para llegar a los Estados Unidos. “Los voluntarios van dos veces al mes y el horario varía, pero una de las visitas es

12  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

la del padre José Gutiérrez, quien ofrece confesiones y misa para todos los jóvenes”, dijo él. “La instalación puede albergar a más de 100 niños, cuyas edades oscilan entre los 12 y los 17 años. Muchos de ellos son de países latinoamericanos o de México. Están retenidos aquí hasta que se reúnan con miembros de su familia o regresen a sus países de origen”. Actualmente, hay solo cuatro voluntarios capacitados, entrenados especialmente trabajando con esta población especial de jóvenes: la hermana Sáenz, el padre José Gutiérrez de la Catedral de Corpus Christi, María Macías de la Iglesia Católica de San José en Corpus Christi y Jaime Reyna. Reyna dijo que estos jóvenes anhelan aprender más acerca de Dios. “Disfrutan participando en nuestras sesiones de grupo, donde discutimos lo que significa el Evangelio para ellos. Lo conectamos con su vida familiar porque muchas veces extrañan a sus padres, hermanos o hermanas. Muchos de ellos conocen muy bien su fe ”, dijo Reyna, añadiendo que a veces es difícil establecer relaciones con los niños porque solo se quedan por un corto tiempo, en ese lugar pero eso no los disuade de darles todo el

amor y la atención que se merecen. Los requisitos para ser voluntarios son rigurosos, pero las recompensas son abundantes. “Los voluntarios necesitan registrarse con la Diócesis como voluntarios que trabajan con niños, así como pasar por una verificación de antecedentes. También es necesario que se registren como voluntarios a través de la casa- hogar para los niños” explicó él. “También necesitamos una carta de buena reputación de su parroquia. Como son menores de edad, queremos asegurarnos de que los niños estén protegidos”. Tanto Reyna como la hermana Sáenz creen que llevarles la Palabra de Dios, ayuda mucho a los niños porque quizás muchos de ellos están viviendo momentos aterradores. “Entramos allí para recordarles el amor de Dios, para alegrarlos y llevarlos a un momento de oración. Queremos recordarles que a pesar de que sus padres, hermanos o hermanas están muy lejos, nosotros también somos sus hermanos y hermanas en Cristo”, dijo Reyna. Dado que los niños son de países latinoamericanos, se necesitan más voluntarios de habla hispana para interactuar con ellos, señaló la hermana Sáenz. Reyna agregó que podrían usar voluntarios con dones o talentos musicales, que incluso podrían enseñar a los niños a tocar ciertos instrumentos musicales. “También estamos buscando voluntarios mayores de 18 años que estén capacitados para enseñar sobre nuestra fe”, agregó él. “Son niños hermosos y realmente disfruto trabajar con ellos”, exclamó la hermana Sáenz. “Lo que más necesitan estos niños es interactuar con voluntarios de buen corazón. Se les debe recordar que un perfecto extraño, también se preocupa por ellos”. Para obtener más información sobre el voluntariado, comuníquese con Jaime Reyna a la Oficina del Ministerio Multicultural y Social al (361) 882-6191, ext. 637.

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St. John Paul II High School students lead a group in front of the state Capitol in Austin. Thousands of demonstrators took part in the anti-abortion rally this year.

United we stand By Thérèse Castillo

M Contributor

y name is Thérèse Castillo. I’m seventeen-years-old, and I am a part of the pro-life generation. I was born on Jan. 31, 2003 – just thirty years after the tragic ruling of Roe v. Wade. At the time, I had no idea about its impact on the country or the lives of those around me, but I’d soon come to learn just that. Although I’ve been in the pro-life movement for quite some time now, I never took the initiative to learn about the laws currently in place. It was just a week before the Rally for Life this year when I learned that the ruling of the Supreme

Court case, Roe v. Wade, was made into law based on false information about Norma McCorvey (Roe), who never had an abortion even after Roe v. Wade passed. I knew that she joined the pro-life movement many years after the case, but I never actually knew about the nature of the law. I couldn’t believe that I had gone so long without realizing this. Gaining this knowledge shortly before the Rally, encouraged and prepared me for the event. In the days leading up to this year’s Rally for life, I began to reflect on my life and my history with the pro-life movement. The first time I heard about abortion was when I was nine years old. I saw someone with a “Pray to End Abortion” shirt

on, so I asked my mom what abortion was. She explained it to me as much as a mother could, and I remember thinking, “How could anyone think this is okay?” I never doubted for a moment that what I heard was wrong. Even as young as I was, I knew that all life was sacred and deserved to be protected by all means necessary. In middle school, I became more involved in the pro-life movement as I felt a responsibility to protect and defend life. When I was in the sixth grade, I attended Rally for Life in Austin with Bishop Garriga Middle Preparatory School for the first time. I had only heard about protests and marches on TV… I had never seen one, and it was difficult, March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  13


to say the least. As our group marched, I kept staring at the opposite side of the street and watched the counter-protestors scream and chant. My gaze met one sign that said, “Keep Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries.” It was fitting as many people who were around me were praying the rosary. That struck a nerve in my eleven-year-old mind, and my heart ached for them as I struggled to hold back tears. I wasn’t afraid, though. Even though it broke my heart, I knew that I had to keep going back because if I didn’t, then they would be successful. I asked God for the strength to endure the pain. Now I am a junior in high school and a sixth-time attendee of the Rally for Life. The size of the counter-protesters is decreasing drastically. Several speakers from the Rally noted that while the counter-protesters were falling, the pro-life crowd was increasing. We are winning. I found myself in constant wonder as I looked at the crowd and helped lead the march. I found myself trying to hold back tears again, but this time they were tears

of joy. I still get goosebumps when I think about it. We were all at least or under the age of eighteen, fighting fiercely for a cause we strongly believe in: life is beautiful. In our youth, we’ve come to understand this to be the truth – not a truth – the truth. And I promise that we’ll fight with our lives to make sure that every person’s right to life is respected, protected and kept. I am so grateful that I get this opportunity to attend the Rally for Life every year with St. John Paul II High School and for giving me a platform to speak the truth. To young people I say, “stand up for life even if it means standing alone.” There are so many organizations dedicated to helping students become activists and leaders in their community. The future depends on us, and once the world sees they have produced a united front of young people who are unafraid of the truth, they will back down. In the words of St. Teresa of Avila, “Let nothing trouble you, let nothing frighten you. Everything changes, but God does not. With patience, you will obtain

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everything; whoever has God is lacking nothing. Only God is enough.” (“Nada te turbe, nada te espante, todo se pasa, Dios no se muda. La paciencia todo lo alcanza quien a Dios tiene nada le falta: sólo Dios basta.”) My name is Thérèse Castillo. I’m seventeen-years-old, and my generation will end abortion.

Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero

Obispo Michael Mulvey y el personal de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia se comprometen a ayudar en el proceso de curación de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de abuso. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está en necesidad de estos servicios, llame a Stephanie Bonilla, Directora de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia: (361) 882-6191 para asistencia inmediata.

Thérèse Castillo

La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero.

Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia

La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.

Llamada 1-877-571-9748

Gloria Romero | para South Texas Catholic

Sandra Castillo Juarez, coordinadora del evento dijo: “Somos una comunidad formada por familias de inmigrantes que venimos de diferentes países de habla hispana unidos por la Fe Católica, con diferentes costumbres y tradiciones; cada pedacito de nuestro país lo mezclamos y hacemos una infusión del Espíritu Santo en comunidad”

En Favor de la Vida Por Gloria Romero

E Corresponsal

ra una mañana lluviosa cuando por primera vez, un grupo de la comunidad Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos, Madre de la Iglesia salió en procesión por las calles del barrio de los Encinos, a elevar la consciencia de los ciudadanos sobre el valor de la vida humana. Alrededor de 60 miembros de familias acudieron al llamado del Ministerio Juvenil, coordinado por Sandra Castillo Juárez apoyada por la diócesis de Corpus Christi a través de Jaime Reyna, y por la parroquia a través del Padre Fernando Gámez y del Diacono Manny

jóvenes frente a la vida. “Corpus Christi necesita de estas marchas en defensa de la familia. Nuestro mensaje busca; crear

Gloria Romero | para STC

Durante el tiempo de recreación, los niños del evento dibujaron carteles “de amor”, y los padres los llevaron durante la marcha parroquial por la vida.

Maldonado. El propósito de este evento es proteger a la Familia y a sus valores, así como elevar el nivel de consciencia de los

March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  15


16  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

Gloria Romero | para STC

Sandra Castillo Juarez, coordinadora del evento dijo: “Somos una comunidad formada por familias de inmigrantes que venimos de diferentes países de habla hispana unidos por la Fe Católica, con diferentes costumbres y tradiciones; cada pedacito de nuestro país lo mezclamos y hacemos una infusión del Espíritu Santo en comunidad”

cuando vienen personas con necesidades diferentes, jovencitas que necesitan ayuda y se sienten avergonzadas, yo les digo toda esa vergüenza se convierte en amor cuando veas nacer a tu bebe”. Además de la marcha el evento incluyo una conferencia sobre las enseñanzas de la Iglesia fundamentadas en el ‘Evangelio de la Vida’ de San Juan Pablo II , el cual estuvo a cargo de Jaime Reyna. En la última etapa del día las familias se separaron; los niños se fueron a dos salones en donde de acuerdo a Beatriz y Diacono Manny Maldonado. su edad llevaron a cabo actividades recreativas, juegos y explicaciones sobre la protección de la vida y los adultos escucharon de familia detenido y arrestado por oficiaemotivos testimonios sobre las experien- les de inmigración. Mas detalles de este cias de tres madres en situaciones críticas evento puede encontrarlos en SouthTexasde embarazos de alto riesgo y de un padre

Gloria Romero | para STC

un Santuario de la vida, para el niño no nacido, para el que está por nacer, para la madre embarazada, para los niños y personas maltratadas, para los inmigrantes, para los ancianos. Es crear una ‘consciencia constante’ para rescatar el valor y la dignidad de la vida humana”, dijo Sandra Castillo. Para el Diacono Manny Maldonado dar testimonio de la necesidad de llevar una vida espiritual y compartir los dones que Dios le ha dado es trascendental. “Este evento, nació del pueblo, pues nosotros no podemos ir a Austin y participar en el movimiento Pro-Vida. La vida es algo tan sagrado, tan precioso que nos ha dado Dios para que nos ayudemos los unos a los otros para llegar hasta El. A veces andamos tan perdidos en el camino de la economía y el materialismo y en realidad hay mucho más que eso porque Dios provee”, dijo Maldonado quien es consejero profesional y a través de sus 40 años de servicio ha orientado y ha ayudado a mucha gente. “De vez en


In favor of life By Gloria Romero



t was a rainy morning when, for the first time, a group from Nuestra Señora de San Juan de Los Lagos, Madre de la Iglesia Parish made a procession through the Encinos neighborhood, to raise citizens’ awareness on the value of human life. Some 30 families of the small Church attended the days’ events, coordinated by Youth Minister Sandra Castillo Juárez, supported by Parochial Vicar Father Fernando Gámez, the parish’s Deacon, Manny Maldonado and the Diocese of Corpus Christi through Jaime Reyna, Director of the Offices of Multicultural and Social Ministry. The purpose of the event is to protect family values and raise awareness of young people regarding the sanctity of life. “Corpus Christi needs these marches

to defend the unborn, promote family values, and raise awareness of the abuse of children, immigrants and the elderly,” said Sandra Castillo. Deacon Manny Maldonado, who is also a professional counselor, gave an inspirational message encouraged living a spiritual life, and he shared as a witness the gifts that God has given to him. “This march for life was initiated by the parish because we could not go to Austin and participate in the pro-life rally. Life is something so sacred, so precious that God has given us to help each other reach him,” Deacon Maldonado said. “Sometimes, we are so lost because we are concerned with money, material things and more, but God always provides.” Over the last 40 years, Deacon Maldonado has guided and helped many people. “Every now and then, people come with

Marriage Retreat March 27-29, 2020

different needs, young women who need help and feel ashamed. I tell them all that shame becomes love when you see your newborn baby.” In addition to the march, the event included presentations given by Reyna on the Church’s teachings based on the encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) by Pope St. John Paul II, which was published on March 25, 1995. In the last stage of the day the families separated and the children went to two classrooms where, according to their age, they participated in recreational activities, games and explanations about the sanctity of life. The adults heard emotional testimonies about the experiences of three mothers in high-risk pregnancies and a father arrested and detained by immigration officers. For the complete story, go to

Good Friday Shrimp &

Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center

Apr. 10th, 11:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. St. Theresa Catholic Church 1302 Lantana St., C.C.

$10 per plate Fish & Shrimp 2 Sides & Drink

Register online at

Knights of Columbus March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  17

Ten years as our bishop


South Texas Catholic

ishop Michael Mulvey was installed on March 25, 2010 as the Eighth Bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Pope Benedict XVI named him bishop on January 18, 2010. Early in his tenure, Bishop Mulvey led the diocese in its Centennial Celebration with more than 5,000 people in attendance. Concern for the poor, incarcerated and homeless are a priority in his episcopacy through expansion and support of Catholic Charities and Mother Teresa Shelter. The youth and young adults of the diocese have also been at the heart of his work. He has regularly visited the Catholic schools of the diocese for Masses, dedications, and Catholic Schools Week. He placed a special focus on religious education classes in parishes. He expanded and developed programs and new facilities for young adults at the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Newman Center, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Newman Center and Coastal Bend College-Beeville Newman Center. Furthermore, Bishop Mulvey has been a driving force behind the construction and implementation of the St. John Vianney Residence for Priests, a home for retired priests. Bishop Mulvey’s dream was to bring together everyone, Catholics and people of all faiths, in the Diocese of Corpus Christi in celebrating the beautiful celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi in the city of Corpus Christi with a procession to witness to everyone that we “are one body” (1 Cor 12:12). Included in this issue is his Pastoral Letter entitled, “I Am With You Always Until the End of The Age: A Pastoral Letter to the People of God in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.” This document is the foundation for the renewal of faith and communion, leading to the first Eucharistic Congress to be held in the diocese in 2022.

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March 2020

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Jesse DeLeon | for STC


Msgrs. Michael Howell, Marcos Martinez, Matthew Stephan, Lawrence White and Mark Chamberlin enjoying each others company at St. John Vianney Retirement Home for Priests.

Residence for priests enables retired clergy to stay connected By Jesse DeLeon



t the corner of Saratoga Boulevard and Kostoryz Road, there is a group of well-appointed and understated buildings that draws minimal attention to itself. Surrounded by a black iron fence, the entrance gate is usually open along the driveway that leads to the most significant building at the center of the property. These buildings make up the St. John Vianney Residence for Priests, and it is home to several familiar faces who, despite being nominally retired, remain very active as they continue to serve various parishes in the 20  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

Diocese of Corpus Christi. The idea for this unique community has a history that extends back over fourteen years. Msgr. Thomas McGettrick began exploring the possibilities of creating a residence for retired priests. However, it was not until Bishop Michael Mulvey and contributions from many donors in a diocesan campaign that the future of retired priests became much more focused and was soon on its way to becoming a reality. “This place is truly a blessing,” said Deacon Freddy Perez, who oversees the day-to-day operation of the residence. He is quick to point out that the

environment is always one of serenity and respect. “I was ordained a deacon in 2016, but have worked here for only a few months,” he said. “Interacting with the priests on such a personal level is such a blessing, and I feel the work I do here is very satisfying and meaningful.” Through managing the residence, Perez has a deeper understanding of what the planning may have been like for this somewhat complex project when it was only a set of sketches and blueprints. The residence includes nine duplex units, a chapel, a community center, a gym, and an assisted living facility. It


also features a dining room where the priests often share meals. That sense of community is truly palpable, as each of the priest’s distinctive personality complements the other, commonly resulting in animated, amusing conversations punctuated with plenty of wit and several smiles. “I have been here since July,” said Msgr. Michael Howell, who retired from his pastorally duties at St. Andrew By the Sea. “We all get to have our privacy when we want, but we also come together for meals, as well.” Msgr. Lawrence White echoes Msgr. Howell’s sentiments. “We get to experience a level of tranquility as well as a very real sense of community. Msgr. White was pastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish for 28 years before he retired. “Now I get to cook, exercise, and spend a good amount of time reading,” he said. “We have more time for personal prayer and reflection.” Another resident at St. John Vianney, Msgr. Mark Chamberlain, was born in Boston but grew up in Corpus Christi. He served as pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Portland for 19 years before his retirement. He says that even though the priests at the residence

are retired, they are still called upon to celebrate Mass, perform baptisms and officiate funerals. “The people in the parishes make us who we are,” Msgr. Chamberlain said. Though retired, “We still relate to and identify with the people of the parishes, whether we have ever been there before or not. Availability is the main goal for a parish priest, which we are still able to provide because this facility makes it possible for us to still be of service,” he explained. “It feels like we are out in the country, but because of its location, we can get to any parish in about 15 minutes,” Msgr. Matthew Stefan added. “I was originally at the Kingsville Deanery, so I am used to being out in a natural setting. “Being here has allowed me to become familiar with the various parishes, and the people are great. It is amazing to me how, as priests, we are involved in the lives of so many of them. Things like that always remind me that we are always here to help,” Msgr. Stefan said. Despite such diverse backgrounds, each of the priests at St. John Vianney Residence for Priests finds that a more relaxed lifestyle does not necessarily mean

a more comfortable work schedule. “We have done so many baptisms, first communions, and weddings, we are reminded that when we go to different parishes to help out, we are part of so many families,” Msgr. Howell added. The peaceful, symbiotic environment at St. John Vianney is one in which our retired priests can relax and reflect yet continue to minister to parishioners from parishes all over the diocese. It is mutually beneficial and would not have been possible without Bishop Mulvey’s foresight and determination to create a place where members of the clergy could live modestly but comfortably while remaining connected to people in so many parishes. Msgr. Marcos Martinez, who served at Our Lady of Pilar in Corpus Christi for 26 years, speaks for his fellow priests at the residence when he sits back and shares a wide smile. “This place is beautiful, and the company is beautiful. I have been here six months, and it is a very relaxing place,” he says as everyone prepares to gather together for a meal. “We thank Bishop Mulvey for the blessing of being here. There is time to reflect, time to pray, and we still get to serve, and that makes all of us very happy.”

Jesse DeLeon | for STC

Deacon Freddy Perez oversees the day-today operation of the residence

The chapel at St. John Vianney Retirement Home for priests gives priests the opportunity for reflection, prayer and daily Mass. March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  21


Mary Cottingham | STC

Students at the Newman Center from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi gather around a newcomer (baby). They are, from left, Regan Rodriguez, Hannah Atteberry, Birgit Oberhofer, Natasha Medina, Andres Trevino, Jessica Reyes, Avery Rodriguez and Lisette Luna.

Newman Centers in the diocese continue to draw students By Mary Cottingham


South Texas Catholic

n 2012, Bishop Michael Mulvey had a vision. He saw an urgent need to bring the Catholic faith to young adults. Youth who are on the cusp between their teenage years and becoming full adults. He, spearheaded an effort, along with the help of a priest advisory committee, architectures, construction workers and many contributors, to erect Newman Centers and chapels in strategic areas of universities and college campuses in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Where a Newman Center existed at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, the student center was expanded, and a chapel was built to accommodate a growing student population. New chapels and Newman Centers were erected in Kingsville and Beeville for students from Texas A&M University-Kingsville and Coastal Bend College-Beeville. The centers now a reality, provide students with a faith-based community and are a “home away from home” to members

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of the Catholic Student Organization (CSO). These centers are a respite for others seeking meaning, community and love. Dino Quiocho, a junior at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, who hails from Houston and who is currently an intern working at the Newman Center, says the community at the Center is the best. At first, it was awkward to form relationships, “but once you see other people striving to be the light of Christ and striving to be closer to God, that pushes you to be closer to God. I mean, that was just like the best thing for me. Whenever I go back home, it’s hard to be away from here, because I have so many people pushing me towards God.” The Newman Center in Corpus Christi is managed by Amy Barragee, director of Campus Ministry for Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. She, along with the help of two consecrated lay members of the Focolare movement, Bea Romo and Birgit Oberhofer, offers spiritual direction

as students transition to adulthood. Barragee says many students stress about their majors or grades and are trying to decide if they should still be in school and “the ones who are graduating are asking themselves, ‘What am I going to do with my life now?’ they also have family and relationship issues that they struggle and stress over.”, but the students are enthusiastic about the Newman center and are the ones making phone calls, cleaning up, making prayer intentions, printing bulletins and doing social media stuff for the Newman Center. They’re the ones doing the fundraising for the mission trips, but sometimes they don’t know how to do a big project – that’s where Bea and Birgit help,” she said. “They take them through steps and see them through to where they want to be.” Romo’s and Oberhofer’s role is one of accompaniment. Romo has skills as a life coach and Oberhofer is in the process of becoming a Catholic spiritual director.


schedule is like,” said student Hannah Atteberry. The Newman Center at St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel and Newman Center in Kingsville is “booming,” says Nina Joiner, Director of Campus Ministry in Kingsville. In just a few short years, the Center has produced five young seminarians. Joiner is responsible for making sure the Center continues to run smoothly, but five interns are charged with cleaning and running the place. Every Thursday during the school year, the Kingsville Newman Center hosts a free lunch for anywhere Intern Dino Quiocho, a junior at between 500-600 students, thanks to about Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi 20 members of Kingsville parishes who are chillaxes after lunch with his CSO happy to volunteer. buddies after Free Lunch Wednesday. “The thing is Bishop Mulvey got everything started. But he had to make sure “One of the ideas of the bishop was to that the right person was in place, and offer accompaniment to students here,” that person was Nina,” Chaplain Father Romo said. This idea is also one that Pope Richard Gutierrez said. “She brings in all Francis has been stressing – to accompany these people, and they turn around and each other. inspire the students to keep coming in.” “Bishop Mulvey’s suggestion, in terms Thanks to Bishop Mulvey’s vision and of what our role would be here, part of Head Chaplain Father Joseph Lopez, who that is forming ourselves to accompany got the ball rolling, the Center has recently students by giving them life tools and acquired four missionaries from Fellowship knowledge. A huge part of it is listening of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), and directing and providing a space where who are actively promoting the joy of the they can talk openly and to help them gospel all around the Kingsville campus. identify what is going on inside and what Members of FOCUS are Samantha Ayers, God might be telling them,” Romo said. “Also, we provide the faith and offer our own experience.” Avery Rodriguez, whose home is in Bandera, said that when she started coming to the Newman Center, she didn’t know much about her faith. “I learned a lot more about myself thanks to Amy, Bea, and Birgit to show me like different parts of the faith that I hadn’t discovered before for myself,” she said. “Ever since I got here, I’ve been much happier.” “It’s just really great because everybody here is really striving for holiness, and we challenge one another to go deeper in our prayer life. We got a group together and started going to daily Mass at different parishes, depending on what our class

Jesus Lopez, Maria Diaz and Eddie Valdez. “Everybody contributes, everybody does something, and everybody has their own little niche. But one of the big things is they remember that they’re just part of something bigger than them. But we can’t do it without them – that is the way, I also feel, the Catholic Church is run,” he said. “You get a small taste of something universal.” After students graduate, Father Gutierrez hopes that students feel comfortable enough where they don’t think that because they go back home, there’s no place for them at church. He wants them to remember they are welcomed everywhere. But the most important thing is that they don’t let go of their faith. Father Gutierrez says when students are praying, other students are respectful. “They’re doing it on their own. “We’re not forcing it on them. And I feel that that’s very important,” he said. Members of the CSO meet once a week, and the Newman Center is open Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m.-9 p.m. and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday. Mass is on Sunday at 1 p.m. and daily Mass will begin again in the Fall. Students can utilize the computer lab, watch television, hold Bible study, host retreats and pray. “Last semester anywhere from 10-20 students would show up for daily Mass,” Father Gutierrez said.

Mary Cottingham | STC

Matthew Cruz, left, visits with seminarian Carlos De La Rosa and Father Chaplain

Father Richard Gutierrez. Cruz frequents the Newman Center at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  23

Mary Cottingham | STC


Students in the Newman Center at Texas A&M University-Kingsville play UNO during their lunch break. The Center serves between 500-600 students on Free Lunch Thursday.

Where Newman Centers are thriving in Corpus Christi and Kingsville, the Newman Center in Beeville has an opportunity to grow. The Coastal Bend College-Beeville has always had a small student residential life, and some students who use to attend the college are now taking classes online. “We’re trying to get it off the ground this semester. Every semester there are different issues that pop up. Like we might have a strong contingency in the Fall, but in the Spring, it drops down because a lot of those were nursing or radiology students who now go to hospitals or doctors’ offices in the afternoons. So, they’re no longer on the campus,” said Deacon Santos Jones, who is the part-time administrator and spiritual director at the CBC Newman Center. “The Bishop asked that we offer various programs for the Catholic community in Beeville as campus ministry does not fill the center’s schedule,” Deacon Santos said. “The Center is also unique in that

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a city-wide baptismal prep program by the summer. Currently, we do offer the program baptismal prep for St. Joseph, but we’re working out the kinks before we open it up to the other parishes,” he said. Bishop Mulvey’s vision of offering the Catholic faith to the young adults and youth has come to fruition. All three Newman Centers continue to have opportunities to grow and reach those who need spiritual nourishment.

Mary Cottingham | STC

Students in the Newman Center at Coastal Bend College in Beeville eat a free lunch served by volunteers from parish groups at St. Joseph, Our Lady of Victory and St. James. The group in the background are from the Altar Society at St. Joseph Parish in Beeville.

they facilitate middle school and high school programming once a month. A time when all three parishes come together to learn and grow in faith. The Center has led churches to combine efforts for trips to the March for life, retreats and Steubenville events. “We facilitate a combined RCIA program for all three parishes as well for those students needing the sacraments at the college. We are also working towards offering

Archived photo


More than a 1,000 people joined the procession during the Feast of Corpus Christi Celebration last year. The Diocese of Corpus Christi is expecting 2,000 people for this year’s festivities.

Feast of Corpus Christi By Rebecca Esparza



sabel Gonzalez-Jones will never forget the day she learned she would be moving to Corpus Christi, Texas back in 2000. “I was so excited because every city I’ve lived in before had a beautiful Feast of Corpus Christi event, so I thought a city named after the Body of Christ would have the most significant event of them all, but I couldn’t understand why there was nothing,” she said. When she was invited to participate in the Feast of Corpus Christi event last year, she jumped at the opportunity. Over 1,000 participated in the Feast of Corpus Christi, a number double the anticipated crowd. This year’s event is anticipated to draw even more people, according to Jaime Reyna, director of the Office of Multicultural and

Social Ministry. “We are Catholics, but we are also brothers and sisters. It was beautiful because in our procession, we had three stops strategically arranged, starting from the Corpus Christi Cathedral. Our first stop was Mother Teresa Shelter, which serves the homeless. The second stop was at Sacred Heart Church and the third stop was in front of the Nueces County Jail,” he said. “We returned to the Cathedral and there were refreshments afterwards.” Three choirs from different cultures were present at each stop, including a Filipino Choir at Mother Teresa Shelter, a mariachi group at Sacred Heart and a Vietnamese choir at the Nueces County Jail. Reyna noted people have been thanking Bishop Michael Mulvey all year for bringing

a Feast of Corpus Christi event to the streets of Corpus Christi. “We are inviting everyone to join us for the procession, even non-Catholics. Perhaps others can understand us a little better, as to why we have our beliefs and who we are. It is a chance for people to understand how the Eucharist is central to our faith,” he said. “We are coming together as one body, to be the Diocese of Corpus Christi and the City of Corpus Christi: the Body of Christ.” Gonzalez-Jones also feels like not enough people understand the mystery of the Eucharist. “The miracle of the Eucharist is not known enough. Events like this bring about more awareness to the true presence of God in the Eucharist. It also helps us reach out to other communities who are not part of March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  25


the Catholic faith,” she explained. Last year, Jones worked in a group of volunteers who set up an altar honoring St. Maximilian Kolbe in front of the Nueces County Jail. “It was an emotional experience. The inmates kept looking at us through their windows. Once they noticed we were setting up for a church event, they held up their rosaries and Bibles; showing their appreciation for what we were doing,” she said. While the volunteers were setting up, the inmates would make noise and bang on their windows. But once Jones and her group were done setting up, they decided to pray the rosary. Inmates inside the jail understood what they were doing and they quieted down in reverence. “All of a sudden, inmates on all floors were silent, all at the same time. You could just feel God was there. I was so touched and grateful to have the opportunity to experience it. There were so many blessings that came from the Feast of Corpus Christi, not only for me but for all those who participated,” she said. Reyna said that volunteers are needed in many areas, including as ushers, parking, decorating altars, those with social media skills. They are also seeking donors for bottled water or monetary donations. Luis Lozano, a seminarian in his second year of theology, assisted Reyna with many logistical details with the event, from coordinating with the traffic officers at the Corpus Christi Police Department to helping organize volunteers who had signed up to set up the different altars at the various locations. “It was very beautiful to see various communities throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi, representing different cultures, parish groups and organizations coming together for one mission: to be with Jesus Christ and bring him present in our outside community,” he said. Seeing the joy and passion for the Eucharist among such a cross section of groups throughout South Texas touched his heart in a special way. “As a seminarian, from this event, I grew in a deeper love for the people of the Diocese who I hope to one day serve as a priest. And I saw a desire in many hearts for Jesus and the joy and peace that is accompanied by his true living presence in the Eucharist,” he added. Sign up to receive news regarding the 2020 Feast of Corpus Christi by texting the word “CorpusChristi” to “84576” on your smartphone. Or visit for more information. This year’s Feast of Corpus Christi will be on June 11 and will begin with Mass at 12 noon. Adoration will begin at 1 p.m., then every hour until 6 p.m. Parishes and groups who wish to participate in an hour of adoration call Jaime Reyna at (361) 882-6191. The Liturgy of the Word will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the Eucharistic Procession will begin at 7 p.m. followed by a reception at 9 p.m. All are invited. 26  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

La Fiesta de Corpus C

Por Rebecca Esparza



sabel González-Jones nunca olvidará el día en que supo que se mudaría a Corpus Christi, Texas, en el año 2000. “Me sentí muy emocionada porque en cada ciudad en donde había vivido la Fiesta de Corpus Christi, era celebrada muy bellamente, así que pensé que en la ciudad que lleva el nombre del Cuerpo de Cristo, el evento sería aun más significativo. Sin embargo me fue difícil entender por qué aquí no se hacía nada”, dijo ella. Pero el año pasado, cuando fue invitada a participar en el evento Fiesta de Corpus Christi, salto de gusto y aprovechó la oportunidad. Más de 1,000 personas participaron en la Fiesta de Corpus Christi, el doble de lo esperado. En los preparativos de este año, el evento programado para el 11 de junio, espera atraer a muchas personas más, según Jaime Reyna, director de la Oficina del Ministerio Multicultural y Social. “Somos católicos, pero también somos hermanos y hermanas. Fue hermoso porque en nuestra procesión, nos detuvimos frente a tres lugares estratégicamente planeados, partimos en procesión desde la Catedral de Corpus Christi, hacia el refugio Madre Teresa, donde se sirve a las personas sin hogar. El segundo lugar en donde nos detuvimos fue en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón y la tercera vez fue frente a la Cárcel del Condado de Nueces”, dijo el. “Regresamos a la Catedral y después hubo refrigerios”. Tres coros de diferentes culturas estuvieron presentes en cada lugar en donde nos detuvimos, incluido un coro filipino en el refugio Madre Teresa, un grupo de mariachis en el Sagrado Corazón y un coro vietnamita en la cárcel del condado Nueces. Reyna señaló que la gente ha estado agradeciendo al obispo

Michael Mulvey por la celebración durante todo el año; dicen gracias por llevar la Fiesta de Corpus Christi a las calles de la ciudad Corpus Christi. “Estamos invitando a todos a unirse a nosotros para la procesión, incluso a los no católicos. Quizás así, otros puedan entendernos un poco mejor, a cerca de nuestras costumbres, creencias y de quiénes somos. Es una oportunidad para que la gente entienda que la Eucaristía es fundamental para nuestra fe”, dijo el. “Nos unimos como un solo cuerpo, para ser la Diócesis de Corpus Christi y la Ciudad de Corpus Christi: el Cuerpo de Cristo”. González-Jones también siente que no hay suficientes personas que entiendan el misterio de la Eucaristía. “El milagro de la Eucaristía no se conoce lo suficiente. Eventos como este traen más conciencia a la verdadera presencia de Dios en la Eucaristía. También nos ayuda a llegar a otras comunidades que no son parte de la fe católica”, explicó ella. El año pasado, Jones trabajó en un grupo de voluntarios que montaron un altar en honor a San Maximiliano Kolbe frente a la Cárcel del Condado Nueces. “Fue una experiencia muy emotiva. Los presos nos miraban a través de sus ventanas. Desde que notaron que estábamos preparando un evento para la iglesia, empezaron a levantar sus rosarios y a mostrar sus Biblias, en señal de aprecio por lo que estábamos haciendo “, dijo ella. Mientras los voluntarios preparaban el sitio para orar, los presos hacían ruido y golpeteaban las ventanas. Pero una vez que Jones y su grupo terminaron de establecerse, decidieron rezar el rosario. Los internos dentro de la cárcel se dieron cuenta de lo que estaban haciendo y se callaron en un acto de reverencia. “De repente, todos los presos en


Christi todos los pisos guardaron silencio, todos al mismo tiempo. En ese momento podías sentir que Dios estaba allí. Me sentí conmovida y agradecida por tener la oportunidad de experimentarlo. Fueron muchas las bendiciones que se desparramaron de la Fiesta de Corpus Christi, no solo para mí sino para todos los que participaron”, dijo ella. Reyna dijo que se necesitan muchos voluntarios para diversas áreas, incluso personas para coordinar el estacionamiento, para la decoración de los altares, para transmitir mensajes e información, aquellos con habilidades en las redes sociales. También se buscan donadores de agua embotellada o donaciones monetarias. Luis Lozano, un seminarista en su segundo año de teología, ayudó a Reyna con muchos detalles logísticos necesarios para el éxito del evento, desde coordinar el trafico con oficiales del Departamento

de Policía de Corpus Christi, hasta ayudar a organizar a los voluntarios que se apuntaron para instalar los altares en las diferentes locaciones. “Fue muy hermoso identificar a varias comunidades de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, representando diferentes culturas, diferentes grupos parroquiales y organizaciones eclesiásticas unidas en una misión: estar con Jesucristo y traerlo presente a nuestra comunidad externa”, dijo el. Contemplar la alegría y la pasión por la Eucaristía entre tantos sectores y grupos entrecruzados de todo el sur de Texas, tocó su corazón de una manera especial. “Como seminarista, a partir de este evento, crecí en un amor más profundo por la gente de la Diócesis a la que espero algún día servir como sacerdote. Y vi un deseo ardiente por Jesús en muchos corazones así como la alegría y la paz que nos

acompaña de su verdadera presencia viva en la Eucaristía”, agregó el. Regístrese para recibir noticias sobre la Fiesta del 2020 de Corpus Christi enviando un mensaje de texto con la palabra “CorpusChristi” al “84576” en su teléfono inteligente. O visite para obtener más información. Este año la Fiesta de Corpus Christi será celebrada el 11 de junio. Se iniciará con una Misa a las 12 del mediodía. La Adoración al Santísimo empezará a la 1 p.m. y después cada hora hasta las 6 p.m. Las parroquias y grupos que quieran participar en una hora de Adoración, comuníquense con Jaime Reyna al: (361) 882-6191. La Liturgia de la Palabra empezará a las 6:30 p.m. La Procesión Eucarística se iniciará a las 7 p.m. seguida por una recepción a las 9 p.m. Todos están invitados.

June 11, 2020 Corpus Christi Cathedral


Corpus Christi 2020 Sponsored by The Office of Multicultural Ministry

Sign up to receive news regarding the 2020 Feast of Corpus Christi, by simply texting the word, “CorpusChristi” to the number “84576” on your smartphone.

W W W.DIOCESECC.ORG/CORPUSCHRISTI March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  27

“Con Permiso” Programa de Radio en Español

en KLUX 89.5 HD-1 y “Listen Live” en Domingos a las 7:30 a.m.

La Liturgia Católica en Español se transmite por Internet todos los domingos por la mañana a las 11 a.m. en vivo, desde la Catedral de Corpus Christi, y disponible para todo el mundo en: La santa misa se retransmite a traves de los sistemas de cable de Corpus Christi (public access cable) los martes a las 10 a.m. y los jueves a las 7 p.m. Todas las transmisiones en vivo y grabadas son producciones de CCN “Catholic Communications Network”. Ver transmisiones por cable en

con el P. José Salazar, Jaime Reyna y Gloria Romero

Patrocinado por la Oficina del Ministerio Multicultural 28  South Texas Catholic | March 2020


Catholic News Agency

ishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield in Illinois issued a pastoral guide last month regarding diocesan policies on gender identity, expounding on existing policy that schools and other diocesan institutions will recognize students and adults by the biological sex with which they were born. In the guide, Paprocki noted the need to approach the issue with compassion and sensitivity, while also adhering to Church teaching and the truth. “Gender dysphoria is a real psychological condition, in which a biological male or female believes he or she is the opposite gender,” Paprocki noted. “It is of paramount importance to handle such situations with gentle and compassionate pastoral skill and concern. All forms of discrimination and harsh treatment must be strongly resisted and corrected,” he said. Families face great difficulties when they have a child experiencing gender dysphoria, Paprocki said, and he encouraged parents to help their child through their confusion without reinforcing the confusion and making their child think their problem will be “solved” with surgical or hormonal interventions. “Such treatments, especially for children, are invasive and disruptive physically, chemically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually,” Paprocki said. “Fueling the confusion that families face in these circumstances is not merciful. For the sake of the family and the loved one, it is imperative to be clear on the reality of human biology as a gift from God that we cannot change.” The bishop also noted that Pope Francis has expressed concerns with transgender ideology. In an April 2015 general audience, Pope Francis said: “the so-called gender theory is not an expression of frustration and resignation, which seeks to cancel out sexual difference because it no longer knows how to confront it. Yes, we risk taking a step backwards. The removal of difference,

in fact, creates a problem, not a solution.” Paprocki said that “The Holy Father’s concerns are grounded in the Church teaching, that our identities as male and female are part of God’s good design in Creation, that our bodies and sexual identities are gifts from God, and that we should accept and care for our bodies as they were created.” According to diocesan policy, students and adult employees or volunteers in all diocesan agencies and activities will be referred to by pronouns that correspond with their biological sex, and will be expected to use bathrooms and other facilities according to biological sex. All diocesan records will also record the person’s biological sex. The policy notes that it encourages counseling with a counselor who has a Christian anthropology and adheres to Catholic teaching. It adds that “the Church recognizes that appropriate medical care may be necessary in rare cases of true genetic or physical anomalies, such as hermaphroditism or intersex.” “A person cannot change his or her gender. A person should accept and seek to live in conformity with his or her sexual identity as determined at birth,” Paprocki said. According to a Catholic understanding of the human person, people are a union of body and soul, and that body is “created male or female,” Paprocki said, which is a “constitutive aspect of the human person.” The Church considers any medical interventions that remove or destroy healthy reproductive organs as “a type of mutilation and intrinsically evil. Procedures, surgeries, and therapies designed to assist a person in ‘transitioning’ his or her gender are morally prohibited,” he noted. Just as anorexia is a condition in which one’s perception is separated from reality, Paprocki noted, gender dysphoria is a similar separation of perception and reality, and those with the condition should be helped to accept reality rather than their

false perception of it. “None the less, the presentation of this truth must be made with love, compassion, and patience. As the policy itself states, our schools, parishes and other institutions embrace with compassion those families and individuals with gender dysphoria and patiently supports them in their journey,” he said. “However, it must be clear that our schools and Church institutions (including sacramental records and school records) will refer to such persons with the gender pronouns, along with bathroom and locker room use and sports activities that acknowledge their God-given biology.” “Some families may not be willing to agree with this approach, and we need to respect their freedom; but they must likewise respect the Church’s duty to adhere to revealed truth if they are to participate actively and fully in our faith community, especially our Catholic schools,” he added. One group that has expressed disagreement with and dismay at the policy is DignityUSA, an advocacy group “Celebrating the wholeness and holiness of LGBTQI Catholics.” In a statement, Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA, said Paprocki’s pastoral guide is “perilous to the physical and mental health of transgender and nonbinary people” because it displays “a dangerous and willful ignorance of current medical and mental health standards.” In his guide, Paprocki noted that it was not sufficient as a whole response to the growing transgender movement and the threats that it poses, but that it was “a foundation of clarity and certainty regarding Church teaching regarding human biology, sexuality, and morality.” He urged pastors and school leaders to come to the Vicar for Priests and the Vicar General or the Superintendent of Schools for further guidance on particular situations involving gender dysphoria and gender identity. March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  29


Bishop Paprocki provides pastoral guide on gender identity

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(361) 884-2411 (361) 994-6551 Bishop Michael Mulvey and the staff of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources are committed to assisting in the healing process for victims and survivors of abuse. If you or someone you know is in need of such services, call Stephanie Bonilla, Director of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources at: (361) 882-6191 for immediate assistance. 30  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources

The Diocese of Corpus Christi at the recommendation of the Diocesan Financial Council and Presbyteral Council have furthered their commitment to good stewardship and nancial accountability on behalf of generous donors by instituting a nancial abuse hotline. The Diocese of Corpus Christi has selected an independent third party, The Network, to provide you with a new way to anonymously and condently report nancial abuse and fraud. Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties will be encouraged to report concerns they have regarding nancial misconduct within the Diocese of Corpus Christi. All inquiries will be treated promptly and discreetly. Callers will have the right to remain anonymous. Call 1-877-571-9748


CSC Audiovisivi Archivio | CNA

Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement.

Pope emphasizes unity in message to bishops connected to Focolare Movement By Hannah Brockhaus


Catholic News Agency

ope Francis emphasized unity in a message sent Monday to bishops connected to the Focolare Movement, which is celebrating 100 years since the birth of its founder. “The charism of unity is one of these graces for our time, which is experiencing a momentous change, and calls for a simple and radical spiritual and pastoral reform which brings the Church back to the ever new and current source of the Gospel of Jesus,” the pope said in the Feb. 10 message. The pope referenced John 17:21, in which Christ prays, “so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.” “Through the charism of unity, fully attuned to the magisterium of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, the Holy Spirit concretely teaches how to live the grace of unity” according to Christ’s prayer, he said. The message from Pope Francis was read aloud at the opening of a conference of seven cardinals and 137 Catholic bishops from 50 countries Feb. 10. The bishops and cardinals are connected to the Focolare Movement and referred to as “friends” of the group. The meeting, titled “a charism at the service of the Church and humanity,” took place Feb. 10-12 in Loppiano, Italy. The Focolare Movement is a Catholic organization focused on the principles of unity and fraternity; it began in northern Italy

in 1943. In 2020, the movement is celebrating the centenary of the birth of its founder, laywoman Chiara Lubich, whose cause for beatification was opened by the Vatican in 2015. Lubich was born on Jan. 22, 1920 in Trento and died March 14, 2008 in Rocca di Papa, surrounded by members of the movement. In the days leading up to her death, she was visited by many people, including important political and religious leaders. Her funeral was celebrated at St. Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome and was attended by nearly 40,000 people. In his message, the pope also spoke about the Holy Spirit’s invitation to choose Christ Crucified as the “compass of our ministry” and to become “one with everyone, starting from the least, from the excluded, from the discarded, to bring them light, joy, peace.” “The Spirit opens the dialogue of charity and truth with every man and woman, of all cultures, religious traditions, ideal convictions, to build the new civilization of love in encounter,” he continued. “The Spirit puts us at the school of Mary, where we learn that what is worthy and remains is love.” The president of the Focolare Movement, Maria Voce, sent a video message to the bishops’ meeting Feb. 10. Voce said they want to promote “a lifestyle of fellowship and communion with Jesus among Catholic bishops from all over the world... Such a lifestyle contributes to making collegiality ever more effective and affective.” March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  31

March Liturgical Calendar 1 | SUN | FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT | violet Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7/Rom 5:12-19 or 5:12, 17-19/Mt 4:1-11 (22) Pss I 2 | Mon | Lenten Weekday | violet | Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 (224) 3 | Tue | Lenten Weekday | violet [USA: Saint Katharine Drexel, Virgin] Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 (225) 4 | Wed | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Casimir] Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 (226) 5 | Thu | Lenten Weekday | violet | Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 (227)

1:8b-10/Mt 17:1-9 (25) Pss II 9 | MON | LENTEN WEEKDAY | violet [Saint Frances of Rome, Religious] Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 (230) 10 | Tue | Lenten Weekday | violet | Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 (231) 11 | Wed | Lenten Weekday | violet | Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 (232) 12 | Thu | Lenten Weekday | violet | Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 (233) 13 | Fri | Lenten Weekday | violet | Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 (234)

6 | Fri | Lenten Weekday | violet | Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 (228)

14 | Sat | Lenten Weekday | violet | Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 (235)

7 | Sat | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs] Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 (229)

15 | SUN | THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT | violet Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 (28) Pss III

8 | SUN | SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT | violet Gn 12:1-4a/2 Tm

16 | Mon | Lenten Weekday | violet | 2 Kgs 5:1-15b/Lk 4:24-30 (237)

17 | Tue | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Patrick, Bishop] Dn 3:25, 34-43/Mt 18:21-35 (238)


18 | Wed | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church] Dt 4:1, 5-9/Mt 5:17-19 (239)

25 | Wed | THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD | white | Solemnity | Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 (545) Pss Prop

19 | Thu | SAINT JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY | white | Solemnity | 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a (543) Pss Prop

24 | Tue | Lenten Weekday | violet | Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16 (245)

26 | Thu | Lenten Weekday | violet | Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47 (247) 27 | Fri | Lenten Weekday | violet | Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 (248)

20 | Fri | Lenten Weekday | violet | Hos 14:2-10/Mk 12:28-34 (241)

28 | Sat | Lenten Weekday | violet | Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 (249)

21 | Sat | Lenten Weekday | violet | Hos 6:1-6/Lk 18:9-14 (242)

29 | SUN | FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT | violet Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:811/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45 (34) Pss I

22 | SUN | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT | violet or rose 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 (31) Pss IV 23 | Mon | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop] Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54

30 | Mon | Lenten Weekday | violet | Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Jn 8:1-11 (251) 31 | Tue | Lenten Weekday | violet | Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30 (252)

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2-6 2

The 5-day KLUX 89.5 H-D On-Air Fundraiser will be from March 2-6. Each of the 5 days of the campaign will contain 3 major segments from 7-9 a.m., 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 4:30-6:30 p.m.




What is my Personal Ideal Presentation

Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers™

Begins on March 2 for 9 weeks from 3-4:30 p.m. at Lindale Senior Center (3135 Swantner Dr.) in Corpus Christi. The program is available at no cost for family caregivers of a loved one with dementia.


Virtual Dementia Tour®


OLPH Annual Fish Fry

March 4 from 1-4 p.m. at St. Gabriel of Corpus Christi Memory Care (7245 McArdle Road) in Corpus Christi. The event is free. Limited availability, call to reserve your space. To register or for more information call Shantel Morin at (361) 882-2711. Every Friday from March 6-April 3 from 3-7 p.m. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish (5830 Williams Drive) in Corpus Christi. For a donation of $8.75 per plate choose between the fish plate, which includes two fish fillets, French fries, hush puppies, coleslaw and tea; or the shrimp plate, which includes five shrimp, French fries, hush puppies, coleslaw and tea. Add ons include 3shrimp for $2 more and 2 crab cakes for $3 more. Dine-in or carry-out. Drive-thru is available. All proceeds benefit the OLPH Academy.


St. Anthony Fish Fry


St. Andrew By the Sea Fish Fry

Every Friday during Lent from March 6-April 3 from 4-7:30 p.m. at St. Anthony Parish Hall (204 Dunne Avenue) in Robstown. $8 donation. Dine-in or carry-out is available. For more information call (361) 387-2774.

Every Friday during Lent from March 6-April 3 from 5-7 p.m. at St Andrew By the Sea Parish Family Life Center (14238 Encantada Avenue) on Padre Island. An $8 donation per plate includes fish fillets, french fries, coleslaw, green beans, coffee or tea. Dine-in or carry-out. All proceeds benefit the Knights of Columbus many charities.

March 6 at American Bank Center. The event will feature country artist Tracy Byrd. Dress as your favorite Mash Character. Sponsorships start at $1,500 or $250 per couple. There will be dinner, dancing, silent auction, games, costume contest, raffle and more. For more information, contact Sherry Bowers, Executive Director at (361) 883-5500, ext. 104 or at

March 6 at 6 p.m. at the Schoenstatt Movement Center (4343 Gaines St.) in Corpus Christi. Dinner with Father Francisco Series “What is my Personal Ideal” Everyone has a personal mission that God has given them. What is God’s plan for my life? In today’s complex society, it is hard to find what it is. So, how do I discover my own personal mission that God has given me? What are the clues that God has used to show me what it is that I am called to be or to do? Come visit with Father Francisco to find out what your Godgiven mission is and what you can do about it. For childcare, call Roseanne (361) 215-7299.


The 99 Experience


Free Legal Clinic Alternatives to Guardianship

On March 12 meet one-on-one with volunteer attorneys and law students to discuss powers of attorney and supported decisionmaking agreements. To sign up, call (361) 880-5456.


Annual St. Elizabeth School 5K Glow Run 6 5th 13 March 6 at 6 p.m. at the Alice Municipal Golf Course (2300 North Texas Blvd.) in Alice. The annual run holds a standing record as the largest 5K in Alice – over 800 people registered last year. More support means more GLOW! If you would like to participate in or sponsor the 5th Annual St. Elizabeth Catholic School 5K Glow Run, please contact St. Elizabeth Catholic School at (361) 548-7868. Online registration is also available: running/5th-annual-st-elizabethschool-5k-glow-run-2020-2

Well with Diabetes,’ 7 ‘Live a Diabetes SelfManagement Education March 7 at 9 a.m. at Holy Family School (2526 Soledad Street) in the Cafeteria.

March 11, 18 and 25 beginning with dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall at Our Lady of Perpetual Help (5830 Williams Drive) in Corpus Christi. Father Frank X. Martinez, STL and clergy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, along with our parish family would like to invite everyone to a powerful spiritual experience that will be a springboard for deepening our faith as we grow in identity, purpose and community. For more information call the parish office at (361) 991-7891.


Men and Women Spiritual Exercises Retreat March 12-15. The retreat begins on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. and ends on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). Register or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.

Schoenstatt Lenten Mission

March 13 from 5-8 p.m. at Schoenstatt Movement Center (4343 Gaines St.) in Corpus Christi. There will be confessions and Stations of the Cross with Mary at 5:30 p.m. Presentation by Father Francisco Rojas at 6 p.m. Holy Mass followed by Lenten fellowship. For more information call Olivia Botello at (361) 992-9841 or email 6th Annual Shamrock Shuffle – St. Patrick School 2020Saturday, March 14, 2020, 9:00 AM

6th Annual Shamrock Shuffle – St. Patrick School 2020

St. Patrick School and Corpus Communities will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and share the message of faith, while encouraging healthy lifestyles and family fitness on March 14 beginning at 9 a.m. meet at Cassidy’s (601 North Water Street) March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  33


MARCH KLUX 89.5 Campaign 2020


in Corpus Christi. The 6th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 5k Run/Walk and 1K Leprechaun Chase will be the official kick-off for the Annual St. Paddy’s Day Festival. Please join us to WALK, RUN or even SHUFFLE!



Care Provider Training

March 18 from 12-4:30 p.m. at Area Agency on Aging (2910 Leopard St.) in Corpus Christi. Free 4.5-hour training to enhance and promote the “quality of care in the home” to persons living with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Lunch sponsored by Del Cielo Hospice.

Weekend Healing Retreat Begins Friday, March 20 at 5:30 p.m. and ends Sunday, March 22 at 2 p.m. at Our Lad of Corpus Christi Retreat Center. Register or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.


What’s a Sister?


Schoenstatt Rummage Sale

March 21-22 on 515 S.W. 24th Street in San Antonio (78207). This event is offered at no cost. For more information contact us at or (210) 587-1135.

March 27-28 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Schoenstatt Movement Center (4343 Gaines St.) in Corpus Christi. Accepting donations beginning March 16-25. For more information call Olivia Botello at (361) 992-9841 or email


Marriage Retreat


17th Annual St. Pius X School Golf Classic

March 27-29, 2020. This retreat offers tools based on the Theology of the Body for discovering your spouse anew, the opportunity to meet with a marriage counselor, Spend time together in Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and a romantic evening of dinner and dancing! A member of our team is a priest who specializes in marriage ministry and a licensed marriage counselor. Register or call (361) 289-9095 ext. 321.

March 27 beginning at 1 p.m. at Corpus Christi Country Club (6300 Everhart Road) in Corpus Christi. For more information or to register or

34  South Texas Catholic | March 2020

Rediscovering the Power & 28 create a team go to


Purpose of the Holy Spirit

March 27 and 28 begins at 7 a.m. in the St. Juliana Family Center at Most Precious Blood Parish (3502 Saratoga Boulevard) in Corpus Christi. The Fullness of Truth and the Augustine Institute present “Veni Sancte Spiritu: Rediscovering the Power & Purpose of the Holy Spirit.” Join us for a Friday evening kick-off with music, prayer, and adoration led by hometown artists David and Lauren Moore...and the “Catholic Music Initiative.” Buy tickets now at veni-sancte-spiritus-rediscoveringthe-power-purpose-of-the-holyspirit-corpus-christi-2020-tickets89057404093?aff=FoT.

Schoenstatt Marriage Camino

March 28 from 6-8 the prayerful setting of the South Texas Botanical Gardens (8545 South Stapes) in Corpus Christi. The Schoenstatt Marriage Camino invites married and engaged couples to follow the pilgrim pathway of your marriage together through a series of 15 stations.


Ss. Cyril and Methodius 15th Annual Gala

March 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Mansion Royal (8001 SPID) in Corpus Christi. There will be a Western Casino Night. For more information call the parish office at (361) 853-7371.

Billings Ovulation Method Natural Family Planning

A two-part NFP series is offered Saturday, March 28 and April 18, at 10 a.m. at St. George Parish in George West. Couples and individuals are invited to learn about the signs of fertility. This series, which includes both dates, and individual chart follow-up sessions will be $50 per couple or individual. Members of St. George Church in George West and St. Joseph Church in Beeville may attend these sessions free of charge. Couples preparing for marriage who complete this entire course (including follow-up meetings) will earn their certificate of completion for NFP in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. The teacher is Elizabeth Nguyen, BOMA Teacher in Practicum. Register online at

To see more calendar events go to: and click on Ongoing

Upcoming Schedule/Horario Fish Fry Fridays of Lent

Los Viernes de Cuaresma


Stations of the Cross Via Crucis

Los Jueves (Español) Fridays(English)

6:30pm 6:30pm

Lenten Penance Service

April 1,2020

Servicio de Penitencia


Palm Sunday

Domingo de Ramos

April 4,2020 5:00pm Mass: Sunday April 5,2020 7am,9am,12am,1pm,5pm,7:30pm Vigil Mass -Saturday

Dine-In or Carry-Out ~ Drive-Thru Available!


$ .75 PER PLATE (Fish may contain bones)

Add on: Fish Plate: 2-Fish Fillets, French Fries, 3 Shrimp - $2.00 Hush Puppies, Coleslaw & Tea 2 Crab Cakes - $3.00

Shrimp Plate: 5 Shrimp, French Fries, Hush Puppies, Coleslaw & Tea

Holy Thursday

Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Foot Wash Santa Misa de la Cena del Señor y Lavado de pies

7:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoracion del Santísimo Sacramento

8:30pm – 11:00pm

Night Prayer

11:30pm – 12:00am

Good Friday

April 10,2020

Oración Nocturna Viernes Santo

Call in orders to (361) 991-7891


Ye a r O f E v a n g e l i z a t i o n

He left the 99 to rescue me Luke 15:4

April 9,2020

Jueves Santo

Live Stations of the Cross - Gospel Drama Via Crucis en Vivo - Drama Evangélico 11:00am Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Celebración de la Pasión del Señor 3:00pm Holy Saturday

Sábado de Gloria

Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday

Domingo de Pascua


April 11, 2020 8:00pm April 12, 2020


5830 WILLIAMS DRIVE ~ CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78412 ~ 361-991-7891


March 2020 |  South Texas Catholic  35

March 2020 Issue SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC 555 N Carancahua St, Ste 750 Corpus Christi, TX 78401-0824 (361) 882-6191

March 21-22

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