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Diocese of Corpus Christi Communications
The faithful of the Diocese of Corpus Christi are very generous. Each year, thousands of Catholics come together to fund ministries and Catholic programs throughout the twelve counties that make up the diocese.
T he Communications Department proclaims the Gospel at all times, in all places, and to all people. They do this through a variety of programs and initiatives. Many Catholics in the diocese are familiar with the South Texas Catholic magazine, but there is so much more being done to spread the good news and evangelize to a variety of people:
Podcasts, Radio and Videos
Our Shepherds View, which you can hear on 89.5 KLUX-FM every Sunday at 9 a.m., is produced by the Communications Team of the diocese. Each week, Bishop Mulvey gives a reflection on the readings and how they apply to our life right now. Did you catch the Lenten Series “Growing in Grace”? That was also produced in-house by the Communications Team. For those homebound or sick, English and Spanish Sunday Masses are livestreamed from the Cathedral each week.
Social Media
The Communications Team is proactively reaching those who may not be actively engaged at one of the 94 parishes and missions around the diocese. Social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram, plus the YouTube channel, help reach those people and invite them into a more personal relationship with Christ.
Events and Activities
T he State of the Diocese event had over 600 attendees from all across the diocese to grow in their faith, learn more about getting involved, and celebrate being Catholic. Events like this are great outreach tools to draw people deeper into their faith and involvement in the Church.
South Texas Catholic Magazine
The South Texas Catholic magazine is the official publication of the Diocese of Corpus Christi and was launched in 1966. It is still published each quarter and sent to more than 18,000 households. One of the many ways Bishop Mulvey and the diocese are able to evangelize and promote the work of the Church is through this wide-reaching publication.
The Official Diocesan Website
The diocesan website, diocesecc.org, is the #1 resource guide for all things Catholic in the Coastal Bend. The website is home to pages for each of the offices and ministries, plus directory listings of each parish and Catholic school. You can also find the daily readings, latest Catholic news, calendar of events and more.