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SPREADING THE LIGHT Faith • Knowledge • Service
Deacons are meant to be heralds of the good news of Jesus Christ outside the confines of the church. As part of his ministry of charity, the deacon must bring the Church to the wounded world.
The Diocese of Corpus Christi will begin a series of inquiry meetings for diaconate formation beginning in August 2023. Bishop Michael Mulvey will be asking his brother priests and pastors to recommend individuals who might have a calling to this ministry.
I invite any man between the ages of 31-55 to visit with their pastor about this ministry of service in the Church.
Men (and their spouses) who might be considering this call to a ministry of service should have zeal for working in their parishes as well as a desire to interact and communicate openly with people. Potential candidates for the Permanent Diaconate should already be actively involved in ministry, and if married, they should have a solid, healthy, and sacramental marriage.
Announcing the Gospel of Jesus Christ outside the church walls should not be extraordinary or something we must plan or think about. For deacons, announcing the good news should be as innate as breathing. It is part of who the deacons are, as we forever carry the indelible imprint from our holy orders.