Newsletter of the Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living • Diocese of Austin
Holy Week 2015: Much Movement & a Trip to Calvary by Mary Helen Russell
o better serve the diocese, personnel follow Christ’s example of unconditional and entire offices are being realigned love. God does not put conditions on us in to implement the new pastoral plan order for us to be loved by Him. He loves us IN THIS ISSUE Encounter That Leads to Transformation. In whether we are physically disabled, mentally fact, on the third floor of the Pastoral Center challenged, rich, poor, sinners, etc. In truth, Parish Pro-Life it seems that everyone and everything around He continues to love us when we do not me is moving. love Him. He loves us regardless of what sin Committee Updates Fortunately, with all the cleaning out of we have committed. With God, there is no page 2 desks, files and bookshelves several useful unforgivable sin. items have found their way into my possession. Out on the sidewalk, one quickly learns Special Recently, one such item pertaining directly to that only the movement of the Holy Spirit Announcement the pastoral work of the newly named Office can change minds when it comes to matters About the Future of Life, Charity and Justice, turned out to be of life and death. If you spend enough time of Life Times quite providential! It was a DVD containing there, you will also find that it is a gracea seminar on sidewalk counseling given by filled gift of encounter to witness a divine page 4 Msgr. Philip J. Reilly of the Brooklyn-based appointment when God touches a woman’s Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, Inc. — the heart, inspiring her to believe that she can Voltée para Español very group our diocesan sidewalk ministry become a mother when she does not see was originally modeled after. Moreover, it how she could possibly bring a child into the came to me just as I was preparing for Holy world at this time. Week when, for the 13th year, a peaceful I witnessed this firsthand on Good Friday prayer vigil outside of an abortion facility when a couple turned around without keeping located within the diocese was planned for Good Friday. their appointment at the abortion facility. I smiled as they drove I attend the monthly prayer vigils when I can (and I am a in. He looked away. I gently waved my pamphlets, mouthing the trained sidewalk counselor); but for some reason, I was feeling a word, “Information?” as they left; and I smiled again. When she little uneasy about this year’s Good Friday prayer vigil. Maybe it rolled down the car window to take the pamphlets, all I could say was because of the recent incident occurring during the Lenten was, “God bless you,” (thinking “so much for all that training” as 40 Days for Life campaign (when a woman threw something at I had no other words). those who were peacefully praying) or maybe it was just because Then, when she answered back, “God bless you,” we both the vigil was to be held on Good Friday — a day of remembrance smiled and I knew the Holy Spirit had moved in her. Out on the and remorse for the taking of another innocent life. sidewalk we may be cursed, misunderstood or unappreciated; but, I had considered spending some of Good Friday “out on the if we are loving and kind in return, others will be drawn to our sidewalk” but after viewing the DVD, I knew I just had to be goodness and to the light of Christ in us. there. You see, during the seminar, Msgr. Reilly explained that This Easter season, let us remember that we are a people when we pray outside of an abortion facility, what we are really of the light called to bring the light of Christ into places of doing is going to Calvary. darkness — illuminating everyday encounters and leading all to It is easy to forget that Jesus Christ had no enemies at Calvary. transformation. Even while dying on the cross, he prayed for those taking His All this is possible because Christ is risen from the dead, life and asked God, His Father, to forgive them. We must try trampling down death through death and, on those in the tombs, to follow His example in our own lives. Before heading out to bestowing life! pray in front of an abortion facility, remember that we are not there to protest. We are going to be witnesses like those who Mary Helen Russell is the pastoral care coordinator of the Office of stood at the foot of the cross at Calvary. To do so, we must Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living in the Diocese of Austin.
Around the Diocese
Parish Pro-Life Committee Updates St. Ignatius Martyr in Austin (Austin Central Deanery)
St. Ignatius has had a Respect Life Ministry since 2003, through which their Pro-Life and Prison Ministries collaborate with the Gabriel Project throughout the year to promote a culture of life at St. Ignatius Martyr. Although Thad Crouch is the new coordinator, Jennifer Leasure led the ministry for eight years, along with Julie Riojas. Prior to that time, Leasure was the Pro-Life Coordinator at St. Catherine of Siena Parish. There are 12 members who meet meet once a year in June for an annual potluck dinner and meeting to discuss the year at a glance. Communication is mostly through e-mail correspondence.
What we do:
• participate in the Diocese of
Austin Catholic Pro-Life Day participate in a Blessing and Commissioning of the Gabriel Project Angels during a weekend Mass in March host the diocesan Vigil for Life offer a Mass each month for a different pro-life intention take part in the Baby Bank Campaign provide an annual “Remember the Babies” Prayer Service to help support families who have been touched (Top) St. Ignatius Respect Life by miscarriage(s) Ministry at the Pro-Life Day or stillbirth Rally. (Bottom) Julie Riojas, Jennifer Leasure and Thad Crouch gather the parish during our October Respect community to pray a Rosary Life Month. | photos courtesy of of Mercy when an execution Jennifer Leasure is scheduled in the state of Texas (they pray for those being executed, the victims, their families and all the victims of violence) assemble and distribute Hope Bags for a donation by parishioners who purchase them to gift to people in need (money collected is used to purchase items needed for future Hope Bags) co-sponsor the Consistent Life Ethic Conference (February 2015) at St. Edward's University, featuring Sr. Helen Prejean and Abby Johnson
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St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School (Austin)
St. Dominic Savio has had an active Pro-Life Club since it opened in 2009. Kelly Leary, the student coordinator, has been involved with the ministry since 2012. With about 20 active members, along with other student volunteers for various activities, the group meets twice a month.
What we do:
• attend and participate in the Rosary, Mass, March and Rally for Life • participate in Pro-Life Cupcake Day • attend the Texas Alliance for Life and the diocesan benefit dinners • announce pro-life prayer intentions throughout the month of October during announcements • lead an all-school Pro-Life Rosary on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade • help with the Living the Good News Conference held at the school sponsor a school-wide presentation about the Gabriel Project distribute and collect Baby Banks participate in the Spiritual Adoption program ending with a baby shower benefiting Gabriel Project
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This year we have had various speakers present to our group, including a live ultrasound viewing!
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Quarterly, all three ministries come together to provide dinner and fellowship for guests who lodge at St. Ignatius through the Interfaith Hospitality Network.
Life Times • Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living
(Top) Volunteers prepare Christmas baskets for the homeless. (Middle) Guest speaker, Mrs. Uriegas, presents information on a pro-life topic. (Bottom) Student volunteers attended the JPII Life Center Benefit Dinner: (Back) Patrick Goertz, Joseph Prybyla, Andrew Kalamarides, Daniel Warfield, Felipe Quijano-Ortiz and Kelly Leary; (Front) Andres Uriegas, Sofia Kalamarides, Michael Leary, Ben Shrader, Sabrina Uriegas and Amanda Fuentes. | photos courtesy of Kelly Leary
Around the Diocese
Holy Trinity in Llano (Lampasas/Marble Falls Deanery)
When Liz Ellis, the current Pro-Life Coordinator, joined Holy Trinity Parish in 2006, Pat Chirpich had been in that ministry for several years. Liz has been coordinating since October 2014. With four volunteers who have had Gabriel Angel training, they plan to meet monthly.
What we do:
• erect a symbolic Cemetery of Remembrance with the 57 crosses
built to represent the millions of aborted babies since the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973 send parish representatives to the Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day activities organize the Baby Bank Campaign introduce the Gabriel Project and campaign to recruit volunteers give out information about human trafficking to parishioners raise awareness of prisoners facing executions in Texas participate in Catholic Advocacy Day by meeting with our state Senator’s staff encourage contacting legislators by educating parishioners on pro-life issues create ways to promote Child Abuse Awareness Month
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St. Mary, Our Lady of the Lake in Lago Vista (Austin North Deanery)
Under Pastor Rev. Don Loftin and coordinator Jacque Tate, the ProLife Committee promotes an enhanced respect for all human life, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
What we do:
• participate in Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day activities • sponsor a Renewal of Vows and reception for married couples after on the Feast of the Holy Family organize a service project by preparing care packages for the homeless host Youth 2000 Retreat Celebrate church family at our annual Feast of St. Valentine dance where funds are raised to benefit Annunciation Maternity Home
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Our Gabriel Project is just getting started at Holy Trinity! Our pastor, Rev. Melvin Dornak, has recently approved the parish sponsorship of this ministry and we are discussing size and location for Gabriel Project signs on the church grounds. We are planning a commissioning ceremony for Gabriel Angels in May. We have identified a room in the parish hall which can be utilized for an office for Gabriel Project meetings and the room also has a closet which can serve as a pantry for emergency supplies to aid the client moms.
Holy Trinity parishioners erected this Cemetery of Remembrance to reflect abortion's toll since the Supreme Court's decision to legalize abortion-ondemand in the United States. While they were in the process of erecting the crosses, someone driving by slowed his vehicle, rolled down his window, waved and said, "Thank you." Several parishioners have thanked them for creating the "mock cemetery," but having a "thank you" from someone outside the parish community really put the icing on the cake. | photo courtesy of Liz Ellis
(Top left) Volunteers dedicate their time during Advent for the service project for the homeless. (Top right) Feast of The Holy Family: We had all married people renew vows after Mass and had a cake reception with the Knights of Columbus’ help. (Middle) Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day: Morning Vigil. (Bottom) Youth 2000 Retreat: This event with the youth from St. Mary, Our Lady of the Lake promotes the beauty of Truth with the Franciscans from the Bronx. | photos courtesy of Jacque Tate
Spring 2015
Events special announcements
Life Times Newsletter Transitioning Appropriately, we find the Easter Season and Spring a time of transformation. Along with some pastoral changes at the Diocese of Austin, the Life Times newsletter will also undergo transition. Thank you for your interest and readership to use the newsletter as a resource of pro-life and chaste living issues.
Calendar of Events Saturday, May 16
Austin Prayer Vigil St. John Neumann Parish, Austin
May 22–24
Project Rachel Retreat
Monday, May 25
Diocesan Offices Closed for Memorial Day
Saturdays, June 6 & 13
Theology of the Body Leadership Training Waco
June 8–10
Catechesis on Human Love (English) classes
Saturday, June 13
Helpline Training St. William Parish, Round Rock
Saturday, June 13
Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise Retreat (healing for miscarriage, stillbirth and early infant loss) St. Martin de Porres Parish, Dripping Springs, 9 a.m.
Saturdays, June 13 & 20
Theology of the Body Leadership Training College Station
Saturday, June 20
Austin Prayer Vigil TBD
Saturdays, June 20 & 27
Theology of the Body Leadership Training Temple
Sunday, June 21 Father’s Day
We will keep you informed of this publication’s developments.
June 21–July 4
Fortnight for Freedom: Freedom to Bear Witness
Saturday, July 18
Austin Prayer Vigil TBD
God bless you,
July 19–25
NFP Awareness Week
Claudia Meserole, Editor
Wednesday, July 22
Future Full of Hope Prayer Service (for couples struggling to conceive) St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Austin, 7 p.m.
July 22–August 7
Catechesis on Human Love (Spanish) classes
Saturdays, July 25 & August 8 Theology of the Body Leadership Training Austin Saturday, August 29
“Pro-Life: A Ministry of Hope” Diocese of Austin Annual Pro-Life Gathering St. Stephen Parish, Salado
For more information, contact the Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living at (512) 949-2486.
is the quarterly publication of the Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living in the Diocese of Austin.
Marie Cehovin with her husband, Matteo, and their daughter, Karolina. | photo by Arlen Nydam www.nydamphoto.com
Most Rev. Joe S. Vásquez
With our love and gratitude, we wish Marie Cehovin much happiness and success in her new position at St. Theresa Parish in Austin. May your family be blessed as we have been blessed with your gifts! 4
Bishop of Austin Most Rev. Daniel E. Garcia Auxiliary Bishop of Austin Rev. Alberto Borruel Priest Moderator Claudia Meserole Valerie Pokorny
Life Times • Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living
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Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living Diocese of Austin P.O. Box 13327 Austin, Texas 78711 (512) 949-2486 CentralTexasProLife.org