Advent 2013 Booklet

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Welcome We would like to welcome you as you join us in our celebration of Advent. As Christians this is a very special time for us as we rejoice in the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was born in great humility in the stable in Bethlehem. In many churches in this country, we mark advent with an Advent ring or wreath, upon which are placed five candles. One candle is lit each Sunday of Advent, and the fifth is lit on Christmas Day. Traditions may vary - some use three purple and one pink candle, others four blue - but they all have one white candle in the centre, which symbolises the birth of Jesus Christ. This booklet is designed to take you on a journey through Advent to Christmas Day. Each day offers a bible passage, reflection and prayer, with an activity you may wish to complete. On each Sunday, in addition to the daily reflection, we offer further bible passages, with questions which can be used as part of a study group or course. We hope that you will join us in our discipleship, marking each week with the lighting of a candle symbols of hope, peace, love, joy, and new life. Each weekly theme will help remind us of those who prepared for the coming of Christ. • • • •

The Patriarchs, the Old Testament ancestors of Jesus The Prophets, who foretold the birth and life of Jesus John the Baptist, who went about proclaiming the good news of the Saviour Mary, the Mother of Jesus

1st Sunday of Advent - Sunday 1 December

The Patriarchs

It is commonplace to describe life as a journey. Discipleship is an understanding of life’s journey as a response to the call of the Lord. It is this understanding that links our journey of faith with our ancestors.

Bible Passage Genesis 12:1-8

Reflection The first eleven chapters of Genesis record God’s good creation slowly descending into chaos, ably assisted by his image-bearing creatures. Then suddenly, without warning, we read of God’s call to Abraham. The initiative is all God’s, and the promise attached to the call is global in its potential. We still await its fulfilment when the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ. (Revelation 11:15)

Activity Reflect on how your journey began. What potential for the future lay within your call? Has that potential been realised in full… in part… hardly at all? Maybe it is time this Advent to get back on track?

Prayer Almighty God, by whose grace alone we are accepted and called to your service: strengthen us by your Holy Spirit and make us worthy of our calling; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

For weekly study group For those who want to include a weekly group meeting. Read Hebrews 11:8-22 and James 2:14-26, and explore together the meaning of living by faith.

Advent 1 - Monday 2 December

The Patriarchs

Your Journey of Faith The Lord said to Abram “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you, I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great”. Genesis 12:1-2

Bible Passage Hebrews 11:8-22

Reflection At its heart, our journey of discipleship is one of faith. At every turn of the way we are faced with the question of whether we will respond ‘by faith’. Notice how three times in this passage this choice is expressed by the phrase ‘even though’ (NIV) - and that says it all. Faced with ‘the facts’ we are called to act ‘even though’.

Activity Think about your own journey of faith and illustrate it in some way, such as a map or a picture. To which parts of that journey could you attach ‘by faith’ and ‘even though’?

Prayer Lord Abraham responded to your call to leave all and follow you May we who journey in his footsteps Leave behind all that hinders our pilgrimage So that we may share with him In the glories of your kingdom Through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

Advent 1 - Tuesday 3 December

The Patriarchs

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it”. He was afraid and said ‘how awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; the gate of heaven.’ Genesis 28: 16-17

Bible Passage Genesis 28:10-22

Reflection Throughout the Bible there are places where heaven and earth overlap. Jacob stumbled quite unexpectedly on such a place. The Celts referred to them as ‘thin places’. In the future lies the time when heaven and earth will be one and “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea”. (Isaiah 11:9)

Activity Today think of the important ‘waypoints’ on your journey. The times when, maybe quite unexpectedly, God has met with you in a special way.

Prayer Lord You met Jacob through the medium of a vivid dream Thank you for the times you have spoken to me in unexpected ways and unexpected places Thank you for these turning points Through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

Advent 1 - Wednesday 4 December

The Patriarchs

So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying “It is because I saw God face to face and my life was spared”.

Bible Passage Genesis 32:22-31

Reflection Sometimes on our journey we, like Jacob, just run out of road. All our attempts to sort whatever problems we face come grinding to a halt and we are alone. How often this happens at night! And we wrestle with our thoughts and fears only to find that our adversary is not our demons but the Lord himself, wrestling with us to bring us into a new place and to bless us…if it’s happened to you, you will be able to enter into Jacob’s night of turmoil....

Activity If you have had such an experience, write an account of it for your reflection. How did you experience God wrestling with you?

Prayer Lord, I remember well the night I was alone with my fears for the future All seemed hopeless and I thought I was wrestling with an enemy Only to find at break of day that it was you - my adversary Struggling against my stubborn pride to bring me into a new place Thank you for winning with a touch That at once disabled me and then enabled me to reach out into your future. Amen

Advent 1 - Thursday 5 December

The Patriarchs

So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt. Genesis 37:28

Bible Passage Why not re-read the whole of Joseph’s story today, which can be found in Genesis 37:1-51:26

Reflection Sometimes, like Joseph, we find ourselves on a journey not of our choosing - for example, illness, redundancy or relationship breakdown. How can the Lord be in such disaster? Joseph must have pondered that over and over as things went from bad to worse - and yet in the end he was able to tell his terrified persecutors: “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now do not be distressed and angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you… So then it was not you but God who sent me here”.

Activity Reflect on where you are. Maybe like Joseph in his darkest hour you are still struggling to make sense of your unwelcome journey or maybe you have come through to the other side.

Prayer Lord, there are times in our lives that don’t make sense to us; times that feel like we are lost in the dark with no idea where to go. Thank you for the comfort in knowing you are always with us and shed your light into those places of darkness. Amen

Advent 1 - Friday 6 December

The Patriarchs

Then Joseph said to his brothers “I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”. Genesis 50:24

Bible Passage Hebrews 11:13-16

Reflection At Compline we pray: “The Lord Almighty grant us a quiet night and a perfect end”. Nothing could be further from the spirit of our age than the notion of a perfect end. Death is seen as the great adversary to be attacked with all the panoply of medical science-sometimes beyond anything that makes sense. For the disciple there is the possibility of a perfect end - perfect in the sense of bringing something to completion. Benedict urged the followers of his rule to “think often of death”. How morbid you may think…but unless the end of our journey is kept in view, what sense can we make of that journey?

Activity The Hospice Movement provides a wonderful antidote to our death denying culture. Why not today send a donation to your local Hospice.

Prayer The Lord Almighty grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen

Advent 1 - Saturday 7 December

The Patriarchs

They served him by himself, the brothers by themselves, and the Egyptians by themselves, because Egyptians could not eat with Hebrews, for that is detestable to Egyptians. Genesis 43:32

Bible Passage 1 Corinthians 1:20-31 and 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

Reflection We have come full circle. Note the use here of the word ‘Hebrews’. Today’s short verse is intended as a bridge into next week when we will explore the prophetic nature of discipleship. Is this the first reference in the bible to what we would today call racism? Yet, from these despised wanderers who would proclaim ‘A wandering Aramean was my father’, the Lord would bring a people for himself. Immigration is at the top of the agenda. Even rural Lincolnshire has found itself at the eye of this particular storm. Social networking sites bear increasing witness to the rising tide of racism in our society. And we are called to remember our spiritual roots.

Activity Reflect on how Christians should engage with the issues of the day. Can you find a biblical basis for your decision?

Prayer Lord of radical choices Help us, you present day disciples, to stand with those who have gone before Against the demonic forces that divide and embitter humankind. Amen

2nd Sunday of Advent - Sunday 8 December

The Prophets

Our pilgrimage through Advent allows us to reflect on where we have been, and anticipate what lies ahead. In the Prophets, we find encouragement and hope as we seek to find our way from the wilderness of this world, onto our homeland in heaven.

Bible Passage “Repent for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said, “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” Matthew 3:1-2

Reflection Julien Chilcott-Monk describes the Old Testament Prophets as Israel’s conscience, encouraging the return of moral and spiritual righteousness… When the prophets saw the moral and spiritual decline around them, they foresaw the sometimes dire consequences, interpreting the state of the nation as they saw it (2004; p.91). Justin Lewis-Anthony adds to this by saying that the prophet’s role is similar to that of being a watchman, like Habakkuk, who “is portrayed standing on the fortress walls, looking out for signs of God’s action” (2009; p.84). We are today’s Prophetic Disciples, looking for the signs of God at work in our lives, our world and our relationships.

Activity Call to mind those who have been most helpful to you as you seek to make sense of your journey through life. How might the Church sensitively continue to act as a people called to be prophetic disciples?

Prayer Lord, help us to live as prophetic disciples, calling your people back to you, and seeing your signs and wonders in the world. Amen

Weekly study Compare Numbers 11:29 with 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 and consider who is called to a prophetic ministry. Matthew 7:15 Discuss how we are to discern false prophets whose words lead us astray, and protect ourselves against their teaching. How might you serve God as prophetic disciples, encouraging others both to repent of their past, and look forward to the things to come?

Advent 2 - Monday 9 December

The Prophets

As the Church exercises her prophetic ministry, seeking both to encourage the world to conform itself to God’s will, and to enable the signs of Christ at work in the world to be discerned, we must always seek to move towards Christ, bringing with us those who are searching for him.

Bible Passage Just then some men came, carrying a paralysed man on a bed. They were trying to bring him in and lay him before Jesus. Luke 5:18

Reflection Today’s Daily Eucharistic Lectionary Gospel is the account of the men carrying the paralytic to Jesus, seeking healing and wholeness. Unable to get through the crowd, the men stop at nothing to bring their friend to Christ - even demolishing the roof and lowering him in. As we seek to live lives of prophetic discipleship, this passage has much to encourage us in our ministry. We know that our lives and the world contain many barriers which prevent us from reaching Christ, the things that get in our way. Yet we are also called to live in unity; and together, as we search for the signs of Christ’s presence and his work in the world, we will be able to move towards him, carrying with us those who seek his healing touch.

Activity As you seek to move closer to Christ, what hinders your journey, and how might you be able to let go of these things? As you look for the signs of Christ in your life, and in the world, how do the many provisions of the Church - her sacraments, the resources of the diocese, the encouragement of fellow Christians and so forth - help you to see him, and reach him? Pray for those who do not yet know God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and for all who engage in proclaiming him to the world.

Prayer Almighty God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you: pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself, and so bring us at last to your heavenly city where we shall see you face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Advent 2 - Tuesday 10 December

The Prophets

If we accept that part of our prophetic discipleship involves us looking for signs of God at work in the world, and helping those among whom we live to see those signs and make sense of them, today’s reading from Isaiah (40:1-11) exemplifies this. Not only does the author make a call for moral and spiritual re-ordering in the lives of those who hear him, he sees the signs of God at work as he surveys the landscape.

Bible Passage “Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all people shall see it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 40:5

Reflection Our journey through life is marked by the diversity of our feelings. Some days we seem to wake up in a grump, other days we can be overflowing with joy. The same is true of our spiritual lives. We sometimes feel so close to God, we can touch him, at other times we find it hard to find him. The times of sadness, distance and desolation are like wilderness experiences; the times of joy, peace and closeness are akin to mountain experiences. Yet in both, God is at work for us, in us and through us - we may just have to trust him, or look harder when we experience the bad times. In both, we should seek to glorify God.

Activity In those times of wilderness wanderings, alone and desolate, how are we able to see the signs of God’s love which guides us through? The opposite of our wilderness experiences would seem to be mountain experiences. (See Isaiah 40:9) How might you speak to others of the closeness we sometimes feel with God, the joys and hope our faith brings. What might you wish to give glory to God for this day, regardless of how you are feeling?

Prayer Almighty and eternal God, you have kindled the flame of love in the hearts of the saints: grant us the same faith and power of love, that as we rejoice in their triumphs, we may be sustained by their example and fellowship; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Advent 2 - Wednesday 11 December

The Prophets

We are not called to do nothing; rather, we are called to be something. As prophetic disciples we are called to watch for the signs of Christ. During Advent, we look to his Second Coming; the message we are called to share with the world is a message of comfort and hope.

Bible Passage “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Reflection Sadly, for many with whom we seek to share the Good News, their image of God and his Church is a bleak one. Yet our lives of discipleship, and the message we proclaim through Christ abiding in us, is not bleak. It is a message which should help us to endure the pains and sufferings of this life. Our faith does not remove us from suffering and shame - in fact, we are guaranteed these as we imitate the Christ who suffered for the world (cf: Luke 9:23; John 15:18). As prophetic disciples, we are called to proclaim the hope of the cross and resurrection. We are able to point others to Christ, who invites us to turn to him and find rest for our souls.

Activity Reflect on who causes suffering - God or humanity? Is suffering God’s will? In what ways do you think God suffers at the hands of humanity? Could our message of hope to the world be that “These sufferings that we now endure are not worth comparing to the glory that shall be revealed”? How does this quotation from Romans 8:19 make you feel?

Prayer Loving Father, help us always to remember that in our sufferings, we share in Christ’s suffering for the world, and that being joined to Christ, we are called to share his glory. Amen

Advent 2 - Thursday 12 December

The Prophets

As we seek to be prophetic in our discipleship, we are supported in this - as in all other aspects of our lives - by God’s presence with us.

Bible Passage “For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’” Isaiah 41:13

Reflection The hymn of Advent antiphons, O Come, O Come Emmanuel reminds us that God is with us (Isaiah 7:14). Today’s reading from Isaiah 41:13-20, speaks to us of this fact. People’s lives have lows as well as highs, pain as well as joy. The God we are proclaiming is always present, loving us, holding us, and taking away our fear. We are called, through our Baptism, to shine as lights in the darkness of this world. As we do so, we remind the world that God is with us.

Activity Take time out of the hustle and bustle of life simply to be silent and still, to be with God who, although always present, can sometimes go unrecognised and unacknowledged.

Prayer Lord, we pray that in the darkness of this passing age, we may shine as lights, beacons which proclaim to the world that you are always with us. Amen

Advent 2 - Friday 13 December

The Prophets

God calls us to be his disciples in this generation, and to draw others to himself, that they too, may become disciples. We search the landscape for signs of God at work; but people do not always want to hear us, or see the wonders of God in our midst.

Bible Passage “O that you had paid attention to my commandments! Then your prosperity would have been like a river, and your success like the waves of the sea.” Isaiah 48:18

Reflection Both the Old Testament reading, and the Gospel in today’s DEL give warning to those who would exercise a prophetic ministry that we will not always be heard. The whole of human history is scattered with examples of God turning towards his creation, and humanity turning away, and yet he perseveres. Likewise we should not give up on our calling. We must keep trying, sowing the seeds of faith, and trusting God to harvest them in his own time. And we must do so confidently, knowing that God’s kingdom will come for those who love him.

Activity Give thanks for those, either known or unknown to us, who have come to Christ as we live the life of discipleship. What are the signs of God at work in the world which you wish to point others to?

Prayer Heavenly Father, we hold before you those who we, through our lives, have drawn to you. Help us always to live our lives to your praise and glory, for the good of your Church and the welfare of all humanity. Amen

Advent 2 - Saturday 14 December

The Prophets

Being prophets sometimes means saying things to the world which will be unpopular. We may even need to be counter-cultural as we serve God. In such times, braveness may not be enough.

Bible Passage When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what I may do for you, before I am taken from you”. Elisha said, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit”. 2 Kings 2:9

Reflection We are called by God. Christ gives us the example of how to live right before God. In the Holy Spirit, Christ dwells within us to guide, strengthen and inspire us as we call the wider world to repentance and moral and spiritual righteousness. In prayer and service, there are times when we feel unable to respond to God’s call. The task seems too great. Here we must, like Elisha, ask for a double share of the Spirit to help us through.

Activity Reflect on what it is God calls you to do. Is he leading you into a new form of vocation? What aspects of your own life are you unhappy with? What are your own ‘unpopular’ traits which cause you discomfort? Pray that the Holy Spirit may help you to overcome these.

Prayer Lord, as we seek to make your ways known upon the earth, overcome our fears, and help us always to remember that you are always with us; strengthen us in your service as we glorify You in our daily lives. Amen

3rd Sunday of Advent - Sunday 15 December

John the Baptist

Today, for the third week of Advent, we begin a series of reflections on John the Baptist. We are considering his place in God’s plan for salvation; as the one to announce the coming of the Messiah, his birth, ministry, death and place in Jesus’ story. There is a short key note passage, questions to help reflect on John, our own spiritual journey on the King’s Highway and our discipleship. The short prayer is to help start meditation, and a time of personal prayer for oneself and for the Kingdom of God.

Bible Passage Many came to him (Jesus), and they were saying, “John performed no sign, but everything that John said about this man (Jesus) was true”. John 10:41

Reflection This week we reflect on John the Baptist. Use the verse above to help begin meditating on John, and particularly all that he has to say to us about Jesus—both in his adult ministry, and also as we look ahead 10 days to celebrating the coming of Jesus as told in the Christmas story.

Activity Spend time considering the bible verses on John, given below, and consider the part he had to play in God’s overall plan in announcing the coming of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Lord, help me accept the challenges made by John the Baptist in the way he pointed all comers to Jesus as the Lamb of God. Give me strength to speak and act boldly. Amen

Weekly study Bible passages: Luke 1:5-25, 57-80, John 1:15-28 and Matthew 11:7-19

For consideration: Read these three passages which introduce John’s birth and ministry, and Jesus’ summary of John. Discuss the prophetic role of his parents, the outworking of God’s plans for individuals’ lives, and John’s own fearless declaration of God’s requirements for living. Consider the challenge of the ministry of repentance and forgiveness as represented by John. At this time of approaching Christmas, discuss how best to point friends and family to Jesus.

Advent 3 - Monday 16 December

John the Baptist

God prepares the way ahead - for the coming of Jesus; for us.

Bible Passage A voice cries out: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God”. Isaiah 40:3 (see Isaiah 40:3-8)

Reflection Have you heard what God wants you to be about? Are you ready to announce the coming of the Saviour, Jesus Christ? How much have you been preparing the way for others to meet Jesus Christ?

Activity How has your journey along the King’s Highway reflected the call of John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord? Have you given thanks to God for those who have been “John the Baptists” to you?

Prayer God our Father in heaven, help me point others to Jesus, and help me to be ready to meet with him. Amen

Advent 3 - Tuesday 17 December

John the Baptist

God at work in the lives of ordinary people: the birth of John the Baptist.

Bible passage Then there appeared to him an angel of the Lord...the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John”. Luke 1.8,13 (see Luke 1:5-25)

Reflection As Zechariah went about his temple duties and worship, God spoke to him. Are you like Zechariah when at worship - going about the routines and not really expecting God to speak to you? Do you feel too old or too young to be used by God? Zechariah did!

Activity Consider your own life in terms of regular worship of God, and its routines against the power of God coming directly into your life and doing wonderful things. Think on the part that Zechariah and Elizabeth played in carrying out God’s plan of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Prayer Lord God, Father in heaven, help me as I worship you in your church to be ever ready and eager to hear your word to me. Give me strength to believe you and act on what you tell me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Advent 3 - Wednesday 18 December

John the Baptist

A life of service pointing to Jesus - John baptises Jesus.

Bible passage The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and declared “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks ahead of me because he was before me’. I myself did not know him, but I came baptising with water for this reason, that he might be revealed to Israel.” John 1:29-31 (see John 16:9, 15-34)

Reflection John is busy about his ministry - he knows Jesus is about to come and is ready to play his part in Jesus’ life. He identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God. Are our lives so lived in a consciousness of being about God’s work and pointing people towards the Lamb of God? What are our priorities at this time? Are you ready to leave all and go out into the “wilderness” faithfully living for God?

Activity Think about your daily life of ministry and love and how it interacts with others to point them towards God. Consider a willingness to say the hard things that sometimes need to be said to help people in their own journey along the King’s Highway.

Prayer God, Father in Heaven, help me be about your business, open to Jesus, the Lamb of God, and help others to see him. Amen

Advent 3 - Thursday 19 December

John the Baptist

Even as we come towards Christmas, John reminds us of a message of repentance and baptism.

Bible Passage John said to the crowds that came out to be baptised by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruits worthy of repentance... Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise”. Luke 3:7-8, 11 (See Luke 3:1-22)

Reflection John challenged those who came to him with a clear message of true worship of God and love for one’s fellow. This was a challenging spiritual and practical message rooted in the Old Testament. How far does your life reflect these values? Will John’s teaching make any difference to the way you celebrate Christmas this year?

Activity Think about your own lifestyle and what it may or may not say about your love of God in Christ Jesus. Are there even just some small actions that you could make that could begin to make a difference - at home, in your neighbourhood, or more widely?

Prayer God, Father in heaven, I thank you for your forgiveness in your Son, the Lamb whose blood was shed for me. Help me to show and share your love this Christmas time and always. Amen

Advent 3 - Friday 20 December

John the Baptist

A life given up for God - John’s forceful declaration of God’s ways leads to his life being taken from him.

Bible passage Immediately she rushed by back to the king and requested, “I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter”. Mark 6:25 (see Mark 6:14-29)

Reflection John’s uncompromising stand on God’s word led him into trouble with the authorities, and in the end to his early death. This is a challenging passage about being willing to speak out for the gospel and for the truth. How willing are we in these days to make a stand? John had spoken out about the King’s marital relations. Is God challenging you to be his spokesperson on a theological or moral issue?

Activity Over the years, speaking God’s word in faith has not been popular. How confident do you feel about speaking out in the name of Jesus Christ? What has been the effect when you have done so? Do you need help and encouragement to do so?

Prayer Lord God, I thank you for the bravery and strength of John to speak out without compromise. Please give me the strength to so speak out for you and your truth. Amen

Advent 3 - Saturday 21 December

John the Baptist

Who was John the Baptist? - people’s reaction to John.

Bible passage Jesus said “What did you go out into the wilderness to look at?... A prophet? Yes I tell you, and more than a prophet”. Matthew 11:7,9 (see Matthew 11.7-19)

Reflection Scripture gives a clear verdict on John, and Jesus praises John that he is greater than all who have lived, but he is less than the least in the Kingdom of God. As you reflect back this week on the life of John, how do you see yourself in terms of being “greater than him”? Does his life inspire you with confidence in what God can do through you? How does John’s life and ministry help you to think about the Christ child of Christmas celebration?

Activity As John pointed crowds to Jesus, how far does your life do this? What can you be doing this Christmas to help family, friends and neighbours come to the Christ of Christmas in penitence and faith?


Johannes der Täufer in der Wüste by Berner Nelkenmeister, used under GNU Free Documentation License from The Yorck Project:

God, Father in heaven, I thank you for the love you have shown to all of us in sending John to show us yourself in Jesus. Help me come to Jesus afresh this year in praise and worship for the very Lamb of God. Amen

4th Sunday of Advent - Sunday 22 December


God’s invitation to enter into relationship with him requires us to respond. Part of our response must be to share with others the good news which transforms our lives. We are called to become Evangelistic Disciples, encouraging others to make their response to God’s invitation.

Bible Passage In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country. Luke 1:39


In From the Abundance of the Heart: Catholic Evangelism for all Christians (2006; DLT), Stephen Cottrell concludes with a closing meditation, entitled, Mary the Evangelist: The meditation begins by pointing out that Mary’s missionary journey preceded Paul’s by quite some time. “When she said ‘yes’ to God, and received the Christ-child, her first response was to go and visit her cousin Elizabeth… she wanted to share with someone else the good news… Mary gives from the overflow of what she received” (p131) and Cottrell concludes the meditation by pointing out that, “Her Magnificat shows that the proclamation of salvation is properly bound up with the proclamation of the kingdom and that the two should not be separated… What was true for Mary can be true for us. We can be Christ’s witnesses today. We can become an evangelising Church. Nothing is impossible to God. We do, however, need to say ‘yes’ to the invitation (p133).”.

Activity What is the Good News that draws us to say “Yes” to God’s invitation? What is the Good News that you long to share with others? How is your parish church currently evangelising? Pray for this work over the coming days.

Prayer God our redeemer, who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the Mother of your Son: grant that, as she looked for his coming as our saviour, so we may be ready to greet him when he comes again as our judge; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Weekly study Bible passage Luke 1:46-55 Discuss the implications of each line of the Magnificat for you individually, and for your Church, reflecting on the good things God promises those who are faithful to him. How might the words of the Magnificat shape your parish’s programme of evangelism?

Advent 4 - Monday 23 December


Every single person within the Church has been evangelised. Whether it was our parents bringing us to Church as children, or a conversation with a charismatic person about their faith, as a result of a pastoral encounter or by any other means - someone, by their example, has drawn us into the life of the Church.

Bible Passage Then their eyes were opened, and they recognised him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’ Luke 24:31-32

Reflection Christ reveals himself to us in many and varied ways, but perhaps most commonly through the people we encounter in our daily living. As his disciples we are called to draw others into his Church.

Activity Who ‘introduced’ you to Christ? Who has been most influential in your life of discipleship? Pray for grace to follow their example and walk continuously the way of Christ, drawing others into a relationship with him.

Prayer Almighty God, by whose grace alone we are accepted, and called to your service: strengthen us by your Holy Spirit and make us worthy of our calling; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Advent 4 - Tuesday 24 December


As the Church on earth prepares to celebrate the good news that God became human in order that we might become divine, we do so proclaiming the “true light, which enlightens everyone” (John 1:9), who is Christ, Our Lord. As we are called and commissioned as his disciples he says to us, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Bible Passage And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age”. Matthew 28:18

Reflection Often, when we think of discipleship, we tend to think of our own formation and transformation. But Christ has called each of us, as his disciples, to make disciples of others, enabling them to respond positively to God’s invitation. Our model for this work of being evangelistic disciples must be Christ’s own words, life, teaching and example. As we believe, we must be faithful and obedient to Christ’s words in order that others see Christ in us. As we model our own lives on Christ, we open ourselves up to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, and through us, in order to draw others into the life of Christ’s Body on earth - his Church.

Activity Pray for those who you wish to see take their place in the Church, that they may glorify God. Reflect on how our example might draw others into the Church.

Prayer God our Father, whose Word has come among us in the Holy Child of Bethlehem: may the light of faith illumine our hearts and shine in our words and deeds; through him who is Christ the Lord. Amen

Christmas Day - Wednesday 25 December So what now…? Today we celebrate God breaking through the darkness of this world bringing light and hope to all people. The long expected Jesus, born to set his people free, is greeted this happy morning as Lord of Lord and King of Kings.

Bible Passage The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1:5

Reflection Our journey through Advent has led us to reflect upon many wonderful themes. At the heart of each theme and each day has been the Good News that God became human in order that we might come to know him, love him and serve him. Today, we rejoice in this knowledge, and so call to mind our own baptismal charge to ‘shine as lights in the darkness’ to the glory of God the Father. By our attentiveness to the working of the Holy Spirit within us, and by our imitation of Christ, we dedicate our lives in service to the Father that all humanity may come to know, love and serve him. We do so in the sure and certain hope that at the end of time, when Christ returns to judge the living and the dead, we may all find our home in Heaven.

Activity Spend a few minutes in quiet reflection calling to mind all God’s blessings in your life, and those who dwell in darkness. Hold before God any who will be working today, seeking to bring light to the world in the emergency services, the medical professions, and all who volunteer to give their time in the service of others.

Prayer God our Father, today the Saviour is born and those who live in darkness are seeing a great light. Help us, who greet the birth of Christ with joy, to live in the light of Your Son, and to share the good news of Your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ, the Light who has come into the world. Amen

THE DIOCESE OF LINCOLN faithful º confident º joyful

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