Archdeacons' Visitation News - issue 12

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Diocese of Lincoln

archdeacons’ visitation news Spring 2012 - issue 7

Dear churchwardens Welcome to Archdeacons’ Visitation News for 2012. Once again, we are very grateful to Ecclesiastical for producing this at no cost to the Diocese of Lincoln. We welcome you to the annual Visitation services, whether you are a new churchwarden, attending one of these services for the first time, or an experienced churchwarden, whom we are delighted to see once again. To the new churchwardens: welcome to this important task and thank you for being willing to take it on. To the returners: thank you for your faithful and careful exercise of this office and for your continuing commitment to the life and ministry of the people of God in your parish. The number of parishes in the Diocese of Lincoln (and, therefore, the number of churchwardens) is much greater than in many dioceses. This means that churchwardens and archdeacons may not know each other as well as is possible in more compact dioceses with a smaller number of parishes. Nevertheless, one of the archdeacons’ main responsibilities and privileges is working with the churchwardens, parishes and their clergy to support your ‘frontline’ work in mission and ministry. Please let us know how and when we can help you – even if we sometimes try your patience when other parishes’ needs have to take priority over yours. We have worked with many of you over the past year, though sadly it has often been because of the theft of lead and other metals from our churches. Whilst the vigilance of the Lincolnshire and Humberside Police and local communities, as well as greater public and political awareness of the problem of metal theft, has had some effect, we cannot be complacent. The Diocese of Lincoln has worked with English Heritage and local planners to make it easier for us to respond to the urgent needs of churches where metal has been stolen – and to allow the installation of wireless alarm systems. We are grateful to the Chancellor and the Registrar for their

assistance and support. Please contact us, or Keith Halliday (Secretary of the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches – 01522 504047 or keith.halliday@, for further advice or help. Last autumn, we welcomed the Rt Revd Christopher Lowson to Lincolnshire as our new Bishop. Bishop Christopher is working his way around the Diocese and getting to know our parishes and communities. One of his priorities has been a review of the relationship between the parishes and the ‘central services’ provided by the Diocese. We await the report of the independent group he has commissioned to offer some advice about how we can get the balance right and how we can make sure that the relationship between ‘central’ and ‘local’ works as well as it can. With our warm thanks and best wishes,

Supporting historic Lincolnshire churches Last year, we introduced Matt Cooper. He was the first Historic Churches Support Officer – a new post co-funded by English Heritage and Diocesan trust funds. Matt undertook a much needed survey of the condition of our churches as well as offering advice and support to individual parishes, for which we are most grateful. Matt has moved to a similar post in London. We are delighted to welcome Rebecca Burrows as Matt’s successor. She joins the Diocese of Lincoln from English Heritage. Rebecca and Ben Stoker (the Open Churches Officer) will be working closely together to support parishes with significant ancient churches and to develop the wider community use of, and support for, our churches.

Training for new churchwardens The Venerable Tim Barker Archdeacon of Lincoln

The Venerable Jane Sinclair Archdeacon of Stow & Lindsey

Tel: 01529 304348 Mobile: 07590 950041 Email:

Tel: 01673 849896 Mobile: 07809 521995 Email:


Saturday 25 June, 9.30 am until 1 pm in Horncastle For more information, contact Andrew Tyler, Discipleship and Lay Ministry Development Officer Tel: 01522 504024 Mob: 07768581679

covered. If you are planning something of this nature, it is essential that you contact Ecclesiastical and ensure that the correct cover is in place. If outside contractors are employed to provide major attractions or to run side shows such as roundabouts or displays, you must check that they hold adequate public and employers’ liability insurance with an indemnity limit not less than your own, and obtain written evidence of this. If they are organising a potentially hazardous activity, such as a firework display, you should take reasonable steps to ensure they are competent. The Institute of Fundraising produces a series of Codes of Practice providing guidance for organising fundraising events, including those contracted to specialist providers. These set out legal requirements, best-practice guidelines and checklists of issues for consideration.

Finding funds for your church Fundraising is something that is part and parcel of parish life, but in these cash-strapped times, with more charities chasing less money, churches are having to ‘compete’ harder than ever for every penny they raise. The approach you take to fundraising will vary depending on the scale of project you are planning. However, it is always worth remembering that many charities employ professional fundraisers and you would do well to take a leaf out of their book by approaching the task in a planned, systematic way. Start with planning and setting goals and decide what type of fundraising activity you want to launch. This can include fundraising activities by members of the church or applications to grant-giving organisations. For larger-scale projects particularly, you should aim to have a dedicated fundraising team, harnessing any specific skills or contacts members of the congregation may have. Community involvement is important and by organising events that are fun and easy for people to take part in you can add a social element to your fundraising activities. Popular activities include fundraising dinners, duck races, talent shows and concerts – the list is endless. Alternatively you could look at offering a service like a regular hand car

wash in a local car park. The internet offers options too. If you have someone in your church who is an e-Bay expert, you could run an online charity auction and your church could even benefit from its members’ day-to-day online shopping. Hundreds of retailers have signed up to and to donate money to charity, making a donation to shoppers’ chosen charities every time they make a purchase, at no additional cost to the shopper. One fundraising challenge is to find ideas that make you stand out from the crowd. Some charity supporters are prepared to go to quite extreme lengths to garner publicity and raise funds, but any high-risk activity must be approached with caution. The majority of Church-organised fundraising events carried out by the Church are covered by your insurance policy, but anything that could be regarded as having a risk of injury – such as abseiling or bungee jumping – may not be

If you are raising funds for major projects such as building works or the creation of new facilities, there may be opportunities to apply for grants. This is where a dedicated fundraising team can prove an asset because they will be able to familiarise themselves with the processes involved and the requirements of different funding organisations. Applying for grants can be a time-consuming process, so it is important that this task is delegated to someone who really does have the time to dedicate to it.

More information Sources of information and inspiration on fundraising ideas include,, which is a website packed with handy information about all aspects of fundraising, and The Institute of Fundraising on The internet is also an excellent source of information on grant-giving organisations such as Ecclesiastical’s owner, Allchurches Trust Limited, and the Heritage Lottery Fund at, while The Big Give is a website used by donors with substantial amounts to find projects that could be of interest. On the Church of England Churchcare website you will find information about the grants available to PCCs and friends groups for conservation projects in Anglican churches in England. For more on grants, try and If you are planning an event or function, you can also find guidance notes from Ecclesiastical at

Hands Off Our Church Roofs! Ecclesiastical launches a new campaign to fight metal theft...

The system requires no user intervention and works for years.

Large roof areas can be covered cost effectively.

If the security system is activated, a planned response based on your specific instructions is carried out – perfect for buildings in remote or rural locations.

If you install an Ecclesiastical-approved roof security system and have also complied with the theft of external metal policy condition, Ecclesiastical may be able to increase your metal theft cover, depending on your individual circumstances. The roof alarm FAQs mentioned below include more information about this.

More information If you would like to arrange a free* no-obligation alarm survey for your church, or if you have any queries about the alarm system, please contact us on 0845 600 9659 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays) or by email at

the effectiveness of roof alarms on a widespread basis, at a local level, and to encourage more churches to install alarms, Ecclesiastical is currently investing £500,000 to install systems on selected ‘at risk’ churches across dioceses in England, Wales and Scotland.

Last year was the worst on record for the number of claims for the theft of metal from churches, with claims exceeding 2,500 by the end of the year. In fact, over the past four years, metal theft claims from churches Ecclesiastical insure have now exceeded £25m, with over 9,000 claims. More than seven churches a day are falling victim to the attacks† and, unless action is taken now, the wave of metal theft raids can only continue throughout 2012 causing untold distress to our parish communities. This is why Ecclesiastical has recently launched the ‘Hands Off Our Church Roofs’ anti-metal theft campaign, to deter criminals and protect places of worship from this crime.

What is the ‘Hands Off Our Church Roofs’ campaign? Ecclesiastical is determined to do all it can to reduce metal theft. Over the last two years, Ecclesiastical has been piloting the use of electronic roof security systems on churches in metal theft hot spots. The systems have proven to be very effective at preventing further losses and the insurer is now taking this initiative to the next stage. To demonstrate

Once Ecclesiastical has protected the selected churches in a diocese by installing the alarm systems, they will let all the other churches in the diocese know by sending them an information pack. The pack will contain information about the alarm system, including details of where parishes can go to see a system in operation near them (Ecclesiastical recommends that you see for yourself how effective the system is). It is expected that this will encourage many more parishes to install alarms as a solution to the church metal theft problem. To help deter thieves further, the information packs will include two weather-resistant, glow-in-the-dark campaign posters (see picture above), which Ecclesiastical is encouraging all parishes to display prominently. You can also download a copy of the poster at

Roof alarms – key benefits ■

Highly effective at deterring metal theft as demonstrated in recent trials in theft hot-spot areas.

The system is specifically designed to detect and deter intruders before any damage is caused.

The technology used is virtually invisible and reversible.

Passive infrared (PIR) motion detectors prevent false alarms.

For more information about the campaign including a video, roof alarm FAQs and a tool which will help you understand how at risk your church is from metal theft, please visit

Other ways to protect your church Top tips include: ■

Applying a forensically based security marking product, such as SmartWater** to external metal, prominently displaying associated signage and registering the kit with the supplier. For SmartWater supplies (at a 40% discount), please call 01952 204 102.

Engaging with your community – join the local Neighbourhood Watch scheme and urge the church’s neighbours to keep a watchful eye out for anything suspicious around the church.

Make theft more difficult by removing any easy access onto building roofs, such as water butts, waste bins and tall trees located near to the building. Remember to get any necessary approval for tree cutting e.g. from the local authority, before work starts.

More advice and detailed guidance notes can be found at

† In 2011, according to claims figures available up to the

end of December. *UK mainland only – travel expenses may be applicable offshore. **The registration and use of SmartWater, or an alternative forensic marking system approved by us, is a policy condition on both our Parishguard and Hallguard policies.

Support for you at ‘Church Matters’... As well as addressing spiritual matters, today’s churches are faced with what can seem like a maze of administrative and legislative issues. Like any other organisation, churches are subject to health and safety legislation, risk assessments are required for a wide range of activities and there is always the general issue of security to be addressed.

Ecclesiastical is proud to reach its 125-year milestone in 2012. The anniversary is a great opportunity to celebrate, but also a time to look back and plan for the future. During this important year, Ecclesiastical will be providing even greater support to the Church, charities and the not-for-profit sector, both nationally and locally. For example, one of the initiatives the insurer is undertaking is to provide funds to enable the Church of England to produce a new and improved Churchcare website. The website is designed to help everyone involved in caring for church buildings through offering practical advice, guidance and links to other useful sources of information. In a world that seems increasingly to take the short term view, 125 years is a long time in anyone’s book. Ecclesiastical is proud to have played a part for such a long time in helping churches to make a difference in local communities and looks forward to continuing to do so for many years to come.

NEW Interactive forms

As part of its service to the Church, Ecclesiastical has set up a dedicated website called ‘Church Matters’ where you can find a wealth of advice and practical assistance on these issues. With spring now here, many churches will be turning their attention to essential building work whether that involves carrying out general repairs or undertaking major alterations. If you are contemplating any such work, it is essential that you advise Ecclesiastical before any works start. This is easy to do by using the on-line Commercial Building Works questionnaire that you will find on the Church Matters website.

Church Matters also includes a range of downloadable guidance notes on topics such as, security, health & safety and fire safety, together with a range of useful interactive forms that you can personalise for your church and save for your records. To find out more, visit

A passion for churches Ian Giles thoroughly enjoys visiting churches – so much so that he chose a career which allows him to visit most churches within 100 miles or so of Bristol!

To visit the Churchcare website, please visit

Ian is an Insurance Consultant and Surveyor (IC&S), part of a team of highly respected professionals who work for Ecclesiastical advising PCCs on health & safety risk management and the insurance of their church premises.

For more information about Ecclesiastical’s 125 celebrations, please visit

With over 30 years in the insurance industry, Ian, like his colleagues across the country, is qualified to tackle most risk management issues churches raise with

New technologies – new challenges Both the Church of England and the Church in Wales aim to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 (in line with government targets) to help meet the global challenge set by climate change. To that end, both Churches are running environmental campaigns – in England Shrinking the Footprint and in Wales

them. “People usually want to know how I value their church and what impact it will have on their premium. Rebuilding works and repairs are other major issues.” Ian and his colleagues have a rolling programme of church visits, however team members are often called out more frequently to inspect damage, the aftermath of a metal theft or building modifications. IC&S teams also deliver tailored presentations on topics including fire and security, health & safety, metal theft and insurance protection to supplement published guidance notes and are happy to undertake presentations on other related topics. To find out who your local IC&S is, visit and enter your postcode.

CHASE (Church Action on Sustaining the Environment). Churches nationwide are looking at ways they can reduce their carbon impact and green technologies are being considered to save, or even generate, energy. One approach to energy generation is to install a photovoltaic (PV) system. For any church considering installing such a system, Ecclesiastical has produced a brief guide which is available at

Are you heading for a fall? It may have been just a small set of steps, but it was tall enough to send Ecclesiastical Insurance Consultant and Surveyor Peter Halden crashing to the concrete floor of a church, smacking his head on a radiator as he fell.

Don’t trip up on health and safety... Minor accidents can happen in any building to which the general public has access – and the older the building, the greater the risk of what the insurance industry terms ‘slips, trips and falls’. In a litigious society, minor, sometimes spurious, accidents can expose churches to potentially significant public liability claims.

With this in mind, the importance of having up-to-date health & safety records becomes evident, as Bob Johnson of Ecclesiastical

explains: “It is vital to have a specific individual responsible for health & safety within the PCC. It is their responsibility to ensure the completion of the necessary risk assessment forms which will be the main form of defence against any spurious insurance claim.”

Further advice is included in the Health & Safety guidance notes at

Health & safety risk should be a regular agenda item at PCC meetings and further guidance on this topic can be found at

Electrical safety matters... Faulty electrical wiring is the second biggest cause of fires in churches after arson and, according to Ecclesiastical, the full scale of the problem is difficult to measure because in some cases the damage is so severe that the fire authorities are unable to pinpoint the specific cause of the fire.

Chancel Repair Liability – a trustee responsibility Parishes have until October 2013 to investigate the position of their church relating to chancel repair liability and, if appropriate, note their interest with the Land Registry. Because of a well-publicised court case, Aston Cantlow PCC v Wallbank (2001), the Government included provisions relating to this liability under the Land Registration Act 2002. Under this order chancel repair liability needs to be registered as a notice (or caution in respect of unregistered land) before 13 October 2013. Failure to do this could risk losing the benefit of a traditional and valuable gift.

The first requirement for electrical safety is to ensure that wiring is up to date and thereafter that it is inspected and tested at minimum intervals of five years. For additional safety, routine checks should be carried out on an annual basis. While routine checks can be carried out by someone who is competent to understand the electrical system, this person need not be electrically skilled. For the five-year inspection and test, however, the services of a suitably qualified professional are required. Ecclesiastical recommends that this should be an NICEIC (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting) registered contractor, a member of the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) or a member of The National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT). Registration or membership must be on a full scope basis.

“The steps Peter was given were too weak for the job,” said Bob Johnson, Ecclesiastical’s Technical Risk Services Manager. “He’s lucky not to have been seriously injured. We recommend that PCCs check our guidance notes on working from heights. If the steps Peter climbed had been of commercial strength, they would have supported him properly. If you need to use a ladder, for example to change light bulbs high in the roof, these need attaching to an anchor point to ensure they are safe for use.”

Where a PCC is a charity, its trustees have a duty to safeguard its assets, which would include registering the chancel repair liability. Failure to register could render trustees personally liable for any shortfall in the cost of repairs that would have otherwise been covered by chancel repair liability.

For more information, please download the Health & Safety policy with guidance document at

To find out more about the insurance implications of chancel repair liability, please call 0845 777 3322.

Home insurance from one of the best It is widely accepted that endorsement from Which?, the UK’s leading consumer rights group, recognises companies that offer the best products and services. That is why Ecclesiastical is particularly proud to have been named again in January 2012 as a Which? ‘Recommended Provider’ for home insurance. For members of the church community there is even more good news because you can save over 30% on Ecclesiastical’s Home Insurance when buying a combined building and contents policy online (subject to minimum premiums and terms and conditions). For your free no-obligation quote, please call 0800 917 3345 and quote ‘AV news’ (8.00am to 6.00pm weekdays) or visit

Renewal date not due yet? Simply go to avnews and enter your details. Ecclesiastical will be in touch with a quote nearer the time.

Is it time to give your parish funds a makeover? With interest rates remaining at record lows and costs rising, the need for careful stewardship of parish funds has never been more critical. Independent Financial Advisors (IFAs) who specialise in financial advice for the clergy and church people. EFAS advice takes into account the Church of England Ethical Investment Advisory Group and the Church in Wales Ethical Policy Statements and any key ethical criteria set by individual investors.

Each PCC is the custodian of parish funds and members are charity trustees with a duty to manage and use their financial resources to achieve their greatest potential. Part of a trustee’s role – indeed a legal obligation – is to periodically review investments to ensure they remain suitable according to the Council’s investment policy statement. Responsibilities also include exercise of skill and care when making investment decisions, deciding on the right investments, their suitability and diversity – and deciding when to take expert advice. Ecclesiastical Financial Advisory Services (EFAS), part of Ecclesiastical, is a national company of

For parishes with funds typically of £25,000 or more available, EFAS can help review investment policy and advise whether it may be possible to achieve better returns than existing deposit arrangements. The aim is to help parishes build an ethical investment approach, generating income while avoiding excessive or unnecessary risk. Because of its unique understanding, EFAS can also advise individuals on the legal responsibilities of being a warden and treasurer in relation to church finances. The aim is to build a partnership supporting treasurers in their financial stewardship responsibilities and help maximise parish income. Please remember the value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested. To find out more about EFAS, please call 0800 107 0190 and quote ‘AV news’ or visit

Ecclesiastical supports Christian Aid Ecclesiastical is again working with Christian Aid in 2012 to support its work in the fight against global poverty and has introduced a new money-raising initiative.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll Diamond Jubilee Gas beacons insurance cover In June 2012, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will become only the second monarch in British history to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee. As part of the celebrations, 2,012 beacons will be lit across the country on 4th June, including some gas beacons on church and cathedral towers. The beacons are fuelled by liquid petroleum gas (LPG), which is extremely flammable and readily combines with air to form an explosive mix. Ecclesiastical would like to offer churches assurance that insurance cover is in place but asks that if you are intending to use gas beacons on your church building, please call 0845 777 3322. Ecclesiastical can then talk to you about your cover and offer you tailored advice in addition to the dedicated risk management advice which can be found at

Ecclesiastical is continuing to provide ‘bags for life’ for use by collectors and volunteers during the UK’s biggest house-to-house charity collection. In addition to that, the company has introduced a scheme that could see Christian Aid benefiting from thousands of pounds in additional donations. The idea is very simple: Ecclesiastical is asking Christian Aid supporters to let them know the month in which their household insurance policy is due for renewal. For every date they receive, the company will donate 50p to Christian Aid.

encouraging your friends and family to do the same.

You too can get involved in supporting Christian Aid by letting Ecclesiastical know your home insurance renewal date and

Just call Ecclesiastical on 0800 917 4154 or visit for more information or to leave a renewal date.

Do you have a charity linked to your church? If so, is it insured with Ecclesiastical? You might not know, but Ecclesiastical has been insuring church-related charities and voluntary organisations for many years. With a dedicated charity policy Ecclesiastical protects you, your property, your activities, your volunteers and your trustees.

For more information, please call 0845 777 3322 and quote ‘AV news’.

Hiring of church premises to organisations... Concerts, keep-fit classes, youth clubs, business meetings and even kick-boxing classes are just some of the events regularly taking place in churches and church halls today. In addition to helping the church reach out into the local community, hiring premises to outside groups and organisations can generate a useful source of income. Ecclesiastical is often asked about the insurance impact of hiring out church property. So what do churches need to consider when hiring out church premises to outside organisations?

The booking agreement Whenever the premises are hired, a formal booking agreement setting out the conditions of hire should be agreed and signed. As this is a

legal document, it should be drawn up following consultation with the church’s legal advisers.

Health & Safety It is very important that the premises are safe for the use intended. For example, your venue may be suitable for a weekly youth club or business meeting, but not for keep-fit classes. This should form part of the church’s Health & Safety policy. To help you with this, Ecclesiastical has produced Health & Safety Guidance Notes and a model Health & Safety policy template. These documents can be downloaded from our

website at Printed copies are also available by calling our customer services team on 0845 777 3322.

Public liability insurance The public liability (third party) insurance under Ecclesiastical’s Parishguard policy provides an indemnity to the PCC as property owners if held legally liable for accidental bodily injury to members of the public or accidental damage to their property while the premises are being hired. However, this insurance does not extend to indemnify any outside groups (such as local clubs or associations) hiring the premises. With this in mind, the PCC should obtain written confirmation from any hirers that they have adequate public liability cover for the activities taking place at the hired church premises. Under our Parishguard policy, there is an extension to the Public Liability Insurance where, at your request, we can include liability incurred by any persons hiring your premises. Please contact us if you wish to insure on this basis.

Child protection The hiring of church premises to children’s groups is a common scenario for many churches and the PCC should refer to the Diocesan Child Protection Guidelines and/or the Diocesan Child Protection Adviser for specific advice and guidance on this matter. Ecclesiastical considers it best practice for the PCC to obtain written confirmation from any such group that it has a child protection policy in place and that it uses the Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure Service. If you have any queries or for more information about hiring out your church premises, please contact our customer services team on 0845 777 3322.

Churchwardens’ checklist The role of churchwarden is extremely varied. Although duties differ across parishes, the following list of questions offers some general guidance on key tasks and responsibilities. 1. At the last annual meeting, was a report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church presented?

(ii) Are you satisfied that all church registers, records and books are in a satisfactory condition and properly stored or deposited with the archives?

2. (i) Are any essential works for the church building, as indicated on the last quinquennial report, in hand or planned?

4. (i) Are you satisfied that external and internal noticeboards are in good order and up to date?

(ii) Are arrangements in hand for regular clearance of blocked gutters, downpipes and other routine maintenance?

(ii) Is the current Table of Parochial Fees clearly displayed in the church?

Church/churchyard and fabric

(iii) Are arrangements in hand for proper maintenance of the churchyard? Presentation and care of church records 3. (i) Are your burials/baptisms/marriage registers and service book records up to date?

(iii) Is the Churchyard Directive prominently and publicly displayed? 5. Are you satisfied with arrangements for the care and cleaning of the church interior, church linen and other ornaments and vessels? 6. Do you have up-to-date church guidebooks available and, if

appropriate, are they available in other languages? 7. Is there a logbook for your church and is it up to date? 8. Is there a plan of your churchyard and is it up to date? Finance 9. Did you pay your clergy expenses in full last year? 10. Is all your church insurance up to date and does it give you appropriate cover? Other matters 11. (i) Has your PCC discussed the Equality Act and Health & Safety issues and has an audit been carried out? (ii) Do you have a policy and a person(s) with responsibility for the issues? If there are matters you wish to raise with the archdeacons directly, please do not hesitate to contact them.

Church security: prevention is the key Every day ten places of worship are likely to suffer from theft, arson or vandalism. This equates to an attack on one in every four places of worship every year. Such incidents are stressful and inconvenient for you, your colleagues and the wider community.

While it’s nice to know you have insurance cover from Ecclesiastical, this can provide financial protection but can never compensate for the loss of part of your church’s history. That’s why it’s important you take all reasonable precautions possible to try and reduce the risk of these incidents happening in the first place. Often low or no-cost preventative measures can have a very positive impact. All churches are unique. They can be rural or urban, isolated or highly visible, rarely visited or a tourist attraction, locked or open and unattended or stewarded. The challenge

is to implement an individual security solution for your church. There are a number of key measures that you can take to help secure your church: ■

Make the church harder to gain access to by using appropriate locks, bars, grilles and intruder alarms

Encourage people to use the church as much as possible. The presence of legitimate visitors will help deter those with a criminal intent

Store portable items in a secure area, such as a locked vestry, when not in use

Security mark all portable items of value and store them in a modern safe when not in use. Items such as the Communion Plate could be engraved with the name of the church or alternatively use a security marking product such as SmartWater*

If valuables cannot be locked away, consider securing them to the fabric of the building in some way to deter thieves

Keep photographs of valuable items along with an inventory. We suggest you include a ruler or similar in the picture as an indication of scale

Consider storing any valuable items not in regular use in a bank deposit facility

Remove temptation by replacing valuable silver and brass altarware with cheaper wooden substitutes when the church is left open and unattended. The more valuable altarware should be stored in a locked secure area and taken out for services

Check that church buildings and grounds are adequately secured at night and install floodlights in vulnerable areas of the church grounds

Ensure any combustible materials are not left in any location around the church and grounds and that any ladders used for maintenance work are stored securely.

To see more preventative measures (including those for metal theft), please see the other articles (centre pages). For more information, you can download guidance notes from or call us on 0845 777 3322. Your local Insurance Consultant and Surveyor will also be pleased to help you. *The registration and use of SmartWater, or an alternative forensic marking system approved by us, is a policy condition on both our Parishguard and Hallguard policies.

This advice and information is given in good faith and is based on our understanding of current law and practice. Neither Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc nor its subsidiaries accept any liability whatsoever for any errors or omissions which may result in injury, loss or damage, including consequential or financial loss. It is the responsibility of the insured or any other person to ensure that they comply with their statutory obligations. The interpretation or implementation of the notes contained in this newsletter is at the sole discretion of the insured or any other party who may read these notes.

For more information call 0845 777 3322 email visit Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Ecclesiastical Insurance Group plc (EIG) Reg. No. 1718196. Ecclesiastical Life Ltd (ELL) Reg. No. 243111. Ecclesiastical Investment Management Ltd (EIM) Reg. No. 2519319. Ecclesiastical Financial Advisory Services Ltd (EFAS) Reg. No. 2046087. Ecclesiastical Services Ltd (ES) Reg. No. 1811698. E.I.O. Trustee Ltd Reg. No. 941199. All companies are registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO, ELL, EIM & EFAS are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and are members of the Financial Ombudsman Service. EIO & ELL are members of the Association of British Insurers and EIM is a member of the Investment Management Association. © Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2012


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