Charitable Grants for Churches

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Charitable Grants for Churches

For many churches, knowing where to turn for charitable grants can be a confusing process. However, there are many grant-­‐giving organisa<ons available, as well as a large number of groups and ini<a<ves aiming to support parishes in church maintenance, adapta<ons and the development of community-­‐focused projects. Included in this guide are some of the grants available to churches, their contact details, their grant criteria, applica<on informa<on, and a poten<al grant figure. Where possible, it is strongly advised that churches consult the relevant website or personal contact for more informa<on. Where informa<on is unclear or not known, it has not been included within this guide. Statements of ‘grant poten<al’ should not be seen as a standard sum available to all churches, but instead as a helpful guide to parishes when planning fundraising campaigns. These figures are based on previous grants distributed by the charity, but will naturally be defined and distributed at the charity’s discre<on. The list of grant-­‐giving organisa<ons in this list is not exhaus<ve. New funding opportuni<es emerge from <me to <me and there are many small grants available through various bodies. We will endeavour to keep the list up to date; however, it is highly recommended that you also make use of the free ‘search’ facili<es provided by the websites iden<fied in the ‘Search for Funding’ sec<on of this document.

Contents Church buildings – Repairs and Adapta<ons Church Buildings – Conserva<on and restora<on of fixtures and fiNngs VAT Reimbursement Community, Arts and Heritage Projects Other Projects Professional Services Support for Church Halls Search for Funding Contacts

Building Repairs and Adapta3ons Name and contact details: All Churches Trust 01452 336370

Areas of interest: Offers grants for restora<on, repairs and the development of church buildings to accommodate addi<onal and community uses.

Ecclesias<cal Insurance Group Beaufort House Brunswick Road Gloucester GL1 1JZ

How to Apply In wri<ng – applica<on forms are available through the website.

Email: Grant poten<al Up to £5000


Name and contact details: The Alan Evans Memorial Trust 020 7753 1000

Areas of interest: Grants promo<ng the permanent preserva<on for the na<on of buildings of beauty or historic interest.

C/o Coues & Co. Trustee Dept. 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS

How to Apply In wri<ng, outlining the project, with a cost breakdown, informa<on about the size of the community and the benefit of the project to the community. State what other organisa<ons/ chari<es have been approached for funds for the project.

Grant poten<al c.£1000

Exclusions No grants for ''upda<ng"

Name and contact details: Arts Council of England (Loeery Department)

Areas of interest: Churches seeking to improve cultural facili<es, eg use for concerts, plays, etc. Major organ reconstruc<on projects for concert use.

General Enquiries: 0845 300 6200

How to Apply

Via their website, the applica<on form is online. Must speak directly to them before applying for grants-­‐arts building project grants. Grant poten<al Small grants: below £10,000 Large grants: above £10,000

Exclusions Around 45% of applica<ons are successful.

Name and contact details: Biffaward Main Grant Scheme 01636 670000

Areas of interest: Projects that provide or improve community spaces, cultural facili<es and places for outdoor recrea<on.

Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts The Kiln, Waterside Mather Rd Newark NG24 1WT

How to Apply Apply online via their website

Email: Grant poten<al £5,000 -­‐ £50,000

Exclusions Must be within 10 miles of a Biffa opera<on (e.g. Lincoln, Scunthorpe, Grimsby), cannot help provide facili<es for the disabled.

Name and contact details: CEMEX Community Fund

Areas of interest: Environment, society, innova<on, community rela<onships. Improvements or enhancements to social, built or natural environment.

Cemex Community Fund PO Box 53978 London SW15 1UU Email:

How to Apply Check eligibility using pre-­‐applica<on checklist available from website and apply online. Check proximity to CEMEX sites using www.cemexloca<

Grant poten<al Exclusions £1,000 -­‐ £15,000. Prefer to cover Must be within 3 miles of a CEMEX Site. total costs. Where the community and other stakeholders have not been included in the planning process. Name and contact details: Church and Community Fund (Formerly the Central Church Fund)

Areas of interest: Funds effec<ve and innova<ve community outreach projects. Will also fund new facili<es if they will have a significant and measurable impact on neighbourhood renewal. How to Apply Contact Andy Wright at The Old Palace – 01522 404064 Email:

Grant poten<al £5000 -­‐ £10,000

Exclusions Must fall within top 10% of areas of mul<ple depriva<on

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: Church Building's Council (Fabric Grants to assist with the repair of church buildings. Repair Grants) Diana Coulter 020 7898 1860 Conserva<on Grant Enquiries Church Buildings Council Church House Great Smith Street London SW1P 3AZ

How to Apply Apply online before 5 September 2012. Must have an architect specifica<on, es<mates, a statement of significance and a leeer of support from the Archdeacon. hep:// funding.php?IM Grant poten<al

Exclusions Parish must have 50% of the funds in place. Churches must be GI or GII* and built before 1850

Name and contact details: Church Extension Fund

Areas of interest: Grants towards toilets, serverys and mee<ng rooms.

Richard Wilkinson Secretary The Old Palace Minster Yard Lincoln LN2 1PU Grant poten<al Up to c.£2000 Name and contact details: Church Repair Society for the Diocese of Lincoln Hon. Secretary Hugh Tilney-­‐ Bassee Esq. Stocks House Faldingworth Market Rasen Lincolnshire Grant poten<al

How to Apply In Wri<ng. Exclusions Parish Share must have been paid in full for the past 2 years. Areas of interest: The society requires an annual subscrip<on of £30 which gives churches access to benefits such as the society’s exper<se, the repair scheme, and money off the cost of their Quinquennial Inspec<ons. How to Apply Write to Hon. Secretary Hugh Tilney-­‐Bassee Esq.


Name and contact details: Cory Environmental Trust 07971 277 123 Barrie Billinghay Secretary Cory Trust Lincoln City PO Box 942 Lincoln LN5 5EB

Areas of interest: Restora<on of the built environment, including historic or religious buildings; facilita<ng work with species and habitats through biodiversity conserva<on. Installa<on of community facili<es. How to Apply Contact the Secretary.

Email: Grant poten<al Annual budget of £40,000

Exclusions Must be within the City of Lincoln.

Name and contact details: Diocesan Church Buildings CommiEee 01427 617938

Areas of interest: Grants from this source are small but larger amounts can be loaned to suitable parishes, interest free, with repayment spread over up to five years.

Reverend Neil Brunning 11 Cavendish Drive Lea Road Gainsborough DN21 5HU

How to Apply

Grant poten<al

Exclusions Provided parish share has been paid in full for at least two years. Improvements.

Name and contact details: The Duke of Devonshire’s Charitable Trust 01246 565438

Areas of interest: Have funded parish church restora<on in the past. Make grants to other chari<es.

Mollie Moseley Private Household Chatsworth House Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1PJ

How to Apply

Grant poten<al


Contact the secretary, the Reverend Neil Brunning.

Contact the trust directly. Grant decisions are made by the trustees.

Name and contact details: English Heritage (Grants for Places of Worship) Contact Jon Breckon 01604 735 427 Grants Officer, English Heritage Jon.breckon@english-­‐ www.english-­‐

Areas of interest: High level structural repairs urgently required within two years. These include masonry repairs, tower works, roof and rainwater repairs and associated drainage. How to Apply Grade I and Grade II*: apply by June 30th Grade II: apply by September 30th

Make contact with English Heritage before Or contact Rebecca Burrows beginning a large project. 01522 504028 Historic Churches Support Officer Applica<on forms and guidance notes can be found at the Diocese of Lincoln. online. These need to be submieed to English rebecca.burrows@lincoln.anglican Heritage by the stated deadlines. Your Archdeacon .org will need to sign these off first. Grant poten<al £20,000 to £250,000

Exclusions Will not fund the replacement of stolen roofing materials as a stand alone project. Church must remain open 40 days a year.

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: The Garfield Weston FoundaMon Can even contribute to running costs. 020 7399 6565 The trustees favour projects which benefit large numbers of people and are inclusive. How to Apply No formal deadlines. Applica<ons take 4 months. Rural churches likely to achieve between £1000 and £5000. Grant poten<al Exclusions Give a very large number of small Grants are typically made for one year only. grants; £1000 to £20,000 Name and contact details: G C Gibson Trust ('Religion' grants) 029 2048 1111 Karen Griffin C/o Deloiee & Touche Blenheim House Fitzalan Court Newport Road Cardiff CF24 0TS Grant poten<al £2000 -­‐ £5000

Areas of interest: Following the Trust's current policy guidelines, grants are made in a number of categories, one of which is "Religion". Under this heading, the Trust will consider giving grants for the preserva<on of religious buildings of historic or architectural interest. How to Apply Apply by October, trustees meet in December, cheques sent out in January. Exclusions No individuals, PCCs are accepted.

Name and contact details: Glass-­‐House Trust (Sainsbury Family)

Areas of interest: Concerned with the built environment.

Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts How to Apply Allington House 1st Floor Trustees ini<ate process. 150 Victoria St London SW1E 5AE­‐house Grant poten<al

Exclusions Do not accept unsolicited applica<ons.

Name and contact details: Headley Trust (Sainsbury Family)

Areas of interest: Repair work to large Anglican ecclesias<cal buildings of architectural merit; fabric repair of medieval parish churches in sparsely populated areas.

Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts How to Apply Allington House 1st Floor Apply by post (no more than two sides of A4). No 150 Victoria St deadline. Should receive an answer within 8 weeks London of acknowledgement. SW1E 5AE Grant poten<al Average grant: £2,000 -­‐ £3,000; max grant: £5000


Name and contact details: Heritage LoEery Fund Heritage Grants 0115 9349050

Areas of interest: Projects of a regional rather than local focus. At least 5% partnership funding.

Chiltern House St Nicholas Court 25-­‐27 Castle Gate NoNngham NG1 7AR

How to Apply Decisions taken quarterly. Two stage process (18 months between stages). Find applica<on details and pre-­‐applica<on forms online.

Email: Grant poten<al £50,000 and above

Exclusions Another organisa<on’s work, core/staff running costs, overseas travel, vehicles, crea<ng new artwork not linked to heritage.

Name and contact details: Idlewild Trust Email:

Areas of interest: Educa<on, Performing Arts, Preserva<on of historic buildings; will also support preserva<on of contents e.g. historic furnishings and wall pain<ngs.

How to Apply Download applica<on form from website.

Grant poten<al Average grant: c.£2000 Maximum grant: £5000.

Exclusions Prefers projects of na<onal importance.

Name and contact details: The Jill Franklin Trust

Areas of interest: Restora<on (not improvement) of architecturally significant (half a page in Pevsner) churches.

Norman Franklin Jill Franklin Charitable Trust Flat 5, 17-­‐19 Elsworthy Rd London How to Apply NW3 3DS Contact the trust first; they do not appreciate en<rely unsolicited applica<ons. Email: jy@jill-­‐franklin-­‐ By leeer or e-­‐mail. Must not be too professionally presented as they discourage 'glossy brochures' www.jill-­‐franklin-­‐ Grant poten<al £500 -­‐ £1000

Exclusions Church must be open for visitors every day.

Name and contact details: The John Warren FoundaMon 01536 513195

Areas of interest: Gives grants in Lincs, Bedfordshire, Northants., and Noes. To projects which promote religion, relieve poverty, or improve church buildings and facili<es.

J E Lamb C/o Lamb & Holmes, Solicitors West Street Keeering Northants NN16 0AZ Grant poten<al £500 -­‐ £1,250

How to Apply Apply in wri<ng.

Exclusions Must be small churches: no big churches or cathedrals.

Name and contact details: J W Wright Trust 01522 512123 Mrs A C Short Andrew & Co. LLP Solicitors 1 Flavian Rd Lincoln LN2 4GR

Areas of interest: Makes grants to other chari<es.

How to Apply Contact Mrs A C Short.

Grant poten<al Typically £500 -­‐ £1000

Exclusions Normally confines its grants to projects happening in the historic county of Lincolnshire.

Name and contact details: The Leche Trust 020 8870 6233

Areas of interest: Preserva<on of buildings and their contents, of churches and their furniture -­‐ with par<cular emphasis on the Georgian period (1714-­‐1820).

Mrs L Lawson 84 Cicada Rd London SW18 2NZ

How to Apply There is no applica<on form. Ini<al approach should be made by leeer (with accompanying evidence) or by phonecall to the secretary.

Grant poten<al £1,500 on average.

Exclusions Structural Repairs.

Name and contact details: Lincolnshire CooperaMve 01522 544632

Areas of interest: Projects which benefit the local community – including church repairs.

Membership and Community Lincolnshire Co-­‐opera<ve Stanley Bee House Tentercroy Street Lincoln Email: membershipandcommunity@linc

How to Apply There is no formal applica<on form for a dona<on from your local members' group. Simply write to them. Make sure that you give details about your organisa<on, what fundraising you are doing and what the dona<on will go towards. Grant poten<al £500


Name and contact details: Lincolnshire Churches Trust 01400 250 855 J P Milnes Lincolnshire Churches Trust PO Box 195 Lincoln LN6 9XR Email: secloct@b<

Areas of interest: Structural repairs to churches within the historic boundary of Lincolnshire which are over 100 years old. Ensuring that buildings are wind and water<ght. How to Apply Commieee meet in March, June, September and December. You will need to apply at least 21 days before the mee<ngs. Applica<on forms are available through the website. Discussing applica<ons before submission is advised.

www.lincolnshirechurchestrust.or Grant poten<al Exclusions From £500 to c.£8,000 Must be over 100 years old. Name and contact details: Lord Barnby's FoundaMon

Areas of interest: Buildings of cathedral scale.

Mrs Jane Lethbridge PO Box 71 Plystock Plymouth Devon PL8 2YP

How to Apply

Grant poten<al £1000 -­‐ £5000

Exclusions Small churches.

Name and contact details: The Manifold Charitable Trust 01784 497787

Areas of interest: The Trust will consider grant-­‐aiding the preserva<on of any building of historic or architectural interest.

Studio Coeage Windsor Great Park Windsor Berkshire SL4 2HP

By leeer describing the applicant organisa<on and the project. A copy of the last year's audited accounts should be enclosed. Deadlines are 20th December, 20th April, 20th August. Do stress the architectural significance.

How to Apply

General enquiries may be made by post, email or phone. Applica<ons should be made by leeer, describing the project, sta<ng the total cost, how much is available from the applicant's own funds Email: and other funds received or promised. Include a photograph of the building, a short history and .uk accounts. Applica<ons are considered quarterly. Grant poten<al Exclusions £1,000 -­‐ £5,000 (usually £1,000) Improvements will not be eligible.

Name and contact details: Marshall's Charity 020 7407 2979 Email:

Grant poten<al £1000 -­‐ £5000

Areas of interest: Anglican parish churches and cathedrals in the historic (1855) coun<es of Lincolnshire, Surrey and Kent. Will fund repairs, toilet facili<es, crèche facili<es and improved disabled access. How to Apply You need to write a leeer or send an e-­‐mail to the Clerk to the Trustees, giving the name and loca<on of the Church and a brief (30 – 40 words maximum) descrip<on of the proposed work. Exclusions Applica<ons for 2012 have closed. Apply 1 January 2013

Name and contact details: Monument Trust (Sainsbury Family)

Areas of interest: Arts and Heritage – arts, architectural and environmental projects of na<onal or regional importance, including galleries, museums, and Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts historic houses and gardens. Proposals are Allington House par<cularly welcome for cultural projects which will 1st Floor make a major contribu<on to improving 150 Victoria St economically depressed areas. London How to Apply SW1E 5AE Apply to Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts, unlikely to respond unless a connec<on to the Sainsbury Family can be established.

Grant poten<al


Name and contact details: NaMonal Churches Trust 020 7600 6090

Areas of interest: Repair Grants: Urgent repairs to roofs and rainwater goods with es<mated costs of above £50,000.

Na<onal Churches Trust 31 Newbury Street London EC1A 7HU

How to Apply Download guidance notes and enquiry form online, submit applica<on by e-­‐mail.

Email: info@na<< Grant poten<al Exclusions Repair Grants: £10,000 to £40,000 Hea<ng and ligh<ng. for projects with costs over £50,000

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: Peter and Gwyneth Hodgkinson Makes charitable dona<ons to causes with a Trust Lincolnshire focus. C/o Mr Peter Hodgkinson Carlton How to Apply House Carlton-­‐le-­‐Moorland Make contact with organisa<on. Lincoln LN5 9HL Email: Grant poten<al Exclusions

Name and contact details: The Pilgrim Trust Contact the CBC and NCT Clutha House 10 Storeys Gate London SW1P 3AY Tel: 020 7222 4723 Email: Grant poten<al

Name and contact details: The Sainsbury Family Trust

Areas of interest: Emphasis is placed on projects that seek to conserve historical buildings, monuments and collec<ons. Grants are available for fabric repairs and for the conserva<on of historic contents – including structures in the churchyard. How to Apply Apply for fabric repairs through the Na<onal Churches Trust. Apply for conserva<on of historic contents through the Church Building Council. Exclusions

Areas of interest: Applica<ons sent to the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trust will be passed on to the relevant trustees for The Sainsbury Family Charitable considera<on. Trusts How to Apply Allington House (1st Floor) 150 Victoria Street A two page descrip<on of the proposed project, London covering the organisa<on (PCC), its most recent SW1E 5AE annual income and current financial posi<on; the project in need of funding (why it is needed, who will benefit and how); the funding (breakdown of costs, any money raised so far, how the balance will be raised). Grant poten<al Exclusions

Name and contact details: SITA Trust Enhancing CommuniMes Programme -­‐ Fast Track Fund 01454 262910 SITA Trust The Coach House Eastwood Park Falfield South Gloucestershire GL12 8DA Grant poten<al Up to £20,000 grant for projects with costs of £40,000 or less.

Name and contact details: The Wolfson FoundaMon 0207 898 1885

Areas of interest: Support is provided for community projects in qualifying areas of England, Scotland and Wales. The type of projects supported include improvements to community ameni<es such as village halls, public parks and sports facili<es, and improvements to historic buildings and structures. How to Apply For 2012, applica<ons are due by 10 am on: 20 February; 16 April; 18 June; and 19 October. Check eligibility and apply through the SITA website. Exclusions Require 11% of the money provided to be recovered from third par<es. Grade I places of worship only. Areas of interest: Must be Grade I or Grade II* and pre-­‐date 1850.

Andrew Argyrakis of the Church How to Apply Buildings Council (CBC) The programme is administered through the Church Email: andrew.argyrakis@c-­‐of-­‐ Building Council (see the Repair Grant Scheme above) Grant poten<al Generally grant up to £4000

Exclusions Cathedrals, closed churches.

Name and contact details: WREN (Heritage Fund) 01953 717 165

Areas of interest: Priority heritage projects urgently in need of repairs within 2 years. Capital costs of fabric repair/ restora<on.

Peter Moralee Tel: 01379 687226 Email: heritage-­‐fund Grant poten<al £15,001 -­‐ £50,000

How to Apply Must be recommend to WREN by the Na<onal Churches Trust. Contact Peter Moralee for more details. Annual deadline.

Exclusions Must be Grade I or Grade II* listed, within 10 miles of a landfill site.

Name and contact details: WREN (Small Grant Scheme) 01953 717 165

Areas of interest: Funding applica<ons between £2000-­‐£15000 for projects cos<ng under £50,000 in total. Must be completed within 12 months of funding decision.

Cheryl Raynor: Grant Manager for Lincolnshire & NoNnghamshire: How to Apply 01623 755319 All informa<on must be provided before the project is considered. Email: Applica<on form and guidance notes are downloadable from website. Grant poten<al £2000 -­‐ £15,000

Exclusions Project must be within 10 miles of a Waste Recycling Group Landfill site.

Name and contact details: WREN (Main Grant Scheme) 01953 717 165

Areas of interest: The provision, maintenance, or improvement of a public park, or other public amenity in the vicinity of a landfill site.

Cheryl Raynor: Grant Manager for Lincolnshire & NoNnghamshire: How to Apply 01623 755319 Contact WREN house for area eligibility: 01953 717165. Email: Applica<on form and guidance notes are downloadable from website. Grant poten<al £15,000 -­‐ £50,000

Exclusions Project must be within 10 miles of a Waste Recycling Group Landfill site.

Church Buildings – Conserva3on and Restora3on of Fixtures and Fi;ngs Name and contact details: Arts Council of England (Loeery Department) General Enquiries: Tel: 0845 300 6200

Areas of interest: Churches seeking to improve cultural facili<es, eg use for concerts, plays, etc. Major organ reconstruc<on projects for concert use. How to Apply

Via their website, applica<on form is online. Must speak directly to them before applying for grants-­‐arts building project grants. Grant poten<al Small grants: below £10,000 Large grants: above £10,000

Exclusions Around 45% of applica<ons are successful.

Name and contact details: The Barron Bell Trust

Areas of interest: The Trust makes grants towards the provision, installa<on, inspec<on, repair and maintenance of carillons of bells in churches.

Ian H Walrond 01892 823 289 (private number)

How to Apply

71 Lower Green Road Pembury Tunbridge Wells Kent TN2 4EB

Contact Ian Walrond. Trustees meet twice a year.

Grant poten<al Must have 50% funding

Exclusions Only give to low church parishes.

Name and contact details: The Central Council of Bell Ringers

Areas of interest: Bell restora<on: priori<se urgent repairs cos<ng over £5000, and, where augmenta<on is proposed, rings of five or six bells. bellrestora<on/fund

How to Apply Contact secretary Peter Wilkinson:

Grant poten<al Ordinarily no more than £1000

Exclusions Churches where a band of ringers is not in place or hoping to con<nue.

Name and contact details: Charles Hayward FoundaMon (also called Haywood) 020 7370 7067 Hayward House 45 Harrington Gardens London SW7 4JU

Areas of interest: Heritage and Conserva<on: industrial heritage, conserva<on and preserva<on of pictures, manuscripts, books and artefacts; purchase of land as nature reserves and public gardens. How to Apply

Do not accept applica<ons by correspondence or e-­‐ mail. Must phone between 9.30am -­‐ 1pm or 2pm-­‐5.30pm on weekdays. Must be directed at conserva<on of a par<cular www.charleshaywardfounda<on. ar<s<c asset, and not church fabric restora<on. Grant poten<al £1,000 -­‐ £20,000

Exclusions "Church restora<on"

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: Church Building's Council (Historic Grants for historic furnishings and artworks. Furnishings are Artwork Grants) Grants for fabric repairs: sculpture and furnishings, 020 7898 1866 glass, pain<ngs and wall pain<ngs, bells and bell frames, organs and organ cases, clocks, books and Church House manuscripts. Great Smith Street How to Apply London Contact CBC for deadline details, these vary SW1P 3AZ depending on the type of work required. Must have a full plan developed, including future sustainability Email: and protec<on of work carried out. cathandhurchbuild/index.html

Grant poten<al

Exclusions Parish must contribute towards the costs.

Name and contact details: Diocesan Church Buildings CommiEee 01427 617938

Areas of interest: Grants from this source are small but larger amounts can be loaned to suitable parishes, interest free, with repayment spread over up to five years.

Reverend Neil Brunning 11 Cavendish Drive Lea Road Gainsborough DN21 5HU

How to Apply

Grant poten<al

Exclusions Provided parish share has been paid in full for at least two years. Improvements.

Contact the secretary, the Reverend Neil Brunning.

Name and contact details: The CoEam Will Trust 020 7236 3934

Areas of interest: Commissioning art for churches: statues, stained glass, paschal candles etc

Distributed by the Friends of Friendless Churches

How to Apply

Execu<ve commieee meet in November, February/ Email: March, and June/July. office@friendsoffriendlesschurche Make personal contact before beginning applica<on. www.friendsoffriendlesschurches. Grant poten<al Exclusions c.£1,000 The church must have an element of medieval fabric. Name and contact details: Idlewild Trust Email:

Areas of interest: Educa<on, Performing Arts, Preserva<on of historic buildings; will also support preserva<on of contents e.g. historic furnishings and wall pain<ngs.

How to Apply Download applica<on form from website.

Grant poten<al Exclusions Average grant: c.£2000; maximum Prefers projects of na<onal importance grant: £5000. Name and contact details: Ironmongers' Company Ironmongers' Hall Shayesbury Place Barbican London EC2Y 8AA Email:

Areas of interest: Repairing interes<ng, or commissioning crea<ve ironwork. How to Apply Follow details given on website. Submit completed applica<on summary form, and outline of project and organisa<on in no more than three sides of A4. Grant poten<al Exclusions Maximum grant is £5000. They Building work, large projects. prefer to fund the en<re project.

Name and contact details:

Areas of interest:

The Leche Trust 020 8870 6233 Mrs L Lawson 84 Cicada Rd London SW18 2NZ

Preserva<on of buildings and their contents, of churches and their furniture -­‐ with par<cular emphasis on the Georgian period (1714-­‐1820). How to Apply There is no applica<on form. Ini<al approach should be made by leeer (with accompanying evidence) or by phonecall to the secretary.

Grant poten<al £1,500 on average.

Exclusions Structural Repairs

Name and contact details: Memorials Grant Scheme 0845 600 6430

Areas of interest: Construc<on, renova<on, and maintenance of memorials. Only available to chari<es and religious groups. Must be a tangible memorial which required construc<on (window, plaque, cross etc.). VAT only! How to Apply

Memorials Grant Scheme PO Box 609 Newport NP10 8QD South Wales

Download applica<on form and submit via post. Applica<ons will be processed quarterly. Grants will be made according to available funds and may be lower than the sum of VAT which was originally spent. Consult website guidance.

Grant poten<al Exclusions Maximum poten<al is full VAT Consult ‘eligibility checklist’ on website; applica<ons rate (20%) on eligible expenditure must be made in arrears. Does not cover private memorials or mausolea. Name and contact details: Mercers' Company 0207 776 7239 The Mercers' Company Mercer's Hall Ironmonger Lane London EC2V 8HE

Areas of interest: Material or fabric conserva<on and refurbishment.

How to Apply Apply online: Commieee mee<ngs held April, July and October. Ensure a valid connec<on with the company is made before applying.

Email: Grant poten<al

Exclusions Only give to churches with a Mercer's connec<on or patronage

Name and contact details: NaMonal Churches Trust 020 7600 6090 Na<onal Churches Trust 31 Newbury Street London EC1A 7HU

Areas of interest: Community Grants: awards towards new capital works such as toilets and catering facili<es. How to Apply Download guidance notes and enquiry form online, submit applica<on by e-­‐mail.

Email: info@na<< Grant poten<al Exclusions £10,000 to £50,000 Name and contact details: NaMonal Manuscripts ConservaMon Trust hep:// applying.html

Areas of interest: Grants will be made towards the cost of repair, binding and other preserva<on measures, including reprography of manuscripts which are of na<onal importance or significance and thus deserving special conserva<on treatment beyond the applicant's normal resources. How to Apply Deadlines of 1 April and 1 October Apply via the applica<on form on their website. Contact the Secretary, Nell Hoare for further advice and an informal discussion.

Grant poten<al Up to 90% of costs

Exclusions Projects must cost over £1,000

Name and contact details: O N Organ Grant

Areas of interest: Grant for places of worship undertaking restora<on projects on organs in the Bri<sh Isles. The O N Organ Grant is provided and administered by The O N Organ Fund and is available for places of worship in the UK. The scheme is intended to support churches undertaking restora<on or repairs on organs. How to Apply

Dr Alan Thurlow The On Organ Fund 8 Old Bakery Gardens Chichester West Sussex PO19 8AJ

At least 50% of the project costs must be raised prior to applying. Applica<ons should be submieed in wri<ng. Deadlines of 30 April, for considera<on in May and 30 September, for considera<on in November. Grant poten<al £100 to £1000

Exclusions Eligible projects will only be considered for the main organ in the church.

The Pilling Trust 01254 51123 Waterworth Central Buildings Richmond Terrace Blackburn Lancashire BB1 7AL Grant poten<al

Name and contact details: The Pilgrim Trust 020 7222 4723 Contact the CBC and NCT Clutha House 10 Storeys Gate London SW1P 3AY

The Pilling Trust is par<cularly interested in churches that maintain an ac<ve choral tradi<on. They will consider new organs and electronic instruments. How to Apply Make contact with organisa<on.


Areas of interest: Emphasis is placed on projects that seek to conserve historical buildings, monuments and collec<ons. Grants are available for fabric repairs and for the conserva<on of historic contents – including structures in the churchyard How to Apply Apply for fabric repairs through the Na<onal Churches Trust. Apply for conserva<on of historic contents through the Church Building Council.

Grant poten<al


Name and contact details: The Sharpe Trust

Areas of interest: Funds for bells and restora<on of bells. Very worthwhile reading their website.

How to Apply Applica<on Deadlines: 1st February or 1st September Do not chase up applica<ons. Grant poten<al Exclusions £50 -­‐ £500 (average grant is £150) Must take place within 12 months.

Name and contact details: The William and Jane Morris Fund 020 7479 7080

Areas of interest: Conserva<on of decora<ve features; stained glass windows, sculpture, furniture, internal monuments and tombs, and wall pain<ngs.

Burlington House Piccadilly London W1J 0BE

How to Apply


31st March for considera<on in May, or 31st August for considera<on in November. 12 copies of the completed applica<on form should be sent in. Forms available from the website.

Grant poten<al £1,000 (not normally above)

Exclusions Anything ayer 1896, bells, organs, decora<on, altera<on, electrical or hea<ng installa<ons

Name and contact details: The War Memorials Trust 020 7233 7356

Areas of interest: Conserva<on, preserva<on, protec<on and access for war memorials. Work is priori<sed according to importance and urgency.

The Conserva<on Team War Memorials Trust 2nd Floor 42a Buckingham Palace Rd London SW1W 0RE

How to Apply Complete an ‘expression of interest’ form online or by contac<ng the charity. If you are hoping to have work completed before Remembrance Sunday it is recommended that applica<ons are made well in advance.

Email: conserva< Grant poten<al Exclusions 50% of costs up to £2,500 Crea<ng new war memorials. Memorials under 15 years old. Anything which is not a war memorial. Name and contact details: The Worshipful Company of Glaziers 020 7403 6652

Areas of interest: Grants to churches and public buildings exclusively for the restora<on and conserva<on of historic and important stained glass.

The Secretary The Glaziers Trust c/o the Stained Glass Museum South Triforium Ely Cathedral Ely CB7 4DL

How to Apply Grant poten<al £1,500 Name and contact details:

Mee<ng dates for 2011 are: 11th April, 11th July, 20th October, 20th January 2012. Applica<ons must be received at least two weeks before these mee<ngs are held. Ensure glaziers report is prepared before applica<on is sent in. Exclusions Must be stained glass, before 1900, or very important. Do no repair brick or stonework. Areas of interest:

The Veneziana Fund The Trust Administrator The Veneziana Fund White Horse Court 25C North Street Bishop's Stor}ord Herts. CM23 2LD Grant poten<al

Buildings originally constructed before 1750; the fixtures and fiNngs of such buildings; restora<on or purchase of artwork created before 1750. How to Apply Applica<ons to the address given.

Exclusions Anything ayer 1750.

VAT Name and contact details: Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme Listed Place of Worship Grant Scheme PO Box 609 Newport NP10 8QD South Wales Tel: 0845 601 5945

Areas of interest: Repairs and maintenance to listed places of worship

How to Apply Download applica<on form and submit via post. Applica<ons will be processed quarterly. Grants will be made according to available funds and may be lower than the sum of VAT which was originally spent. Consult website guidance. Grant poten<al Exclusions Maximum poten<al is full VAT Invoices cannot be more than one year old. rate (20%) on eligible expenditure Professional fees. Must be made in arrears. Must have at least six services per year. Contractor must be VAT Registered. Improved access, electrics, hea<ng, plumbing,

Community, Arts and Heritage Projects Name and contact details: Arts Council of England General Enquiries: 0845 300 6200

Areas of interest: Arts Projects. How to Apply grants-­‐arts Via their website, online applica<on.

Grant poten<al Small grants: below £10,000 Large grants: above £10,000

Exclusions Around 45% of applica<ons are successful

Name and contact details: ASDA FoundaMon

Areas of interest: Chari<es, people and projects in need of financial assistance. Must have the support of ASDA staff.

ASDA Group plc. Southbank Great Wilson Street Leeds LS11 5AP hep://chari<­‐ founda<on

How to Apply For projects which benefit from the support of a member of ASDA staff. Applica<ons should be submieed through the company.

Grant poten<al

Exclusions Projects not already supported by ASDA staff.

Name and contact details: Bernard Sunley Charitable FoundaMon 020 7408 2198

Areas of interest: To give grants to charitable ins<tu<ons. Majority of grants are for community projects and where there is a focus on environmental issues.

20 Berkeley Square London W1J 6LH

They will fund ameni<es within a church building for use by the whole community, including toilets, kitchen facili<es, disability access and re-­‐ organisa<on of internal space. How to Apply

Applica<ons are con<nuous, leeer should be sent to The Director with the latest set of approved Reports and Accounts. See website for guidance on what should be included in the leeer. Grant poten<al

Exclusions Repairs and restora<on.

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: Big LoEery Fund Community projects, both large and small. (various programmes, each with a dis<nct focus) 0845 40102030 How to Apply Loeery Funding Advice Line: 0845 Guidance notes for each programme are available 2750000 online. Applica<ons can also be made online. Telephone the Loeery Funding Advice Line for more details.

Grant poten<al Depends upon the programme


Name and contact details: The Chase Society 01235 820044

Areas of interest: The "Local People, Local Places" scheme is their most generous fund. Important to stress a community need and a community use.

Email: How to Apply You can apply at any <me. Applica<ons will receive some sort of response within one month, further work could take up to six months. There are six grant mee<ngs a year. Grant poten<al Generally falls between £5,000 and £40,000

Exclusions Only fund projects, rather than ‘items’ such as hea<ng or WC. Will not give funds for projects without a social focus.

Name and contact details: Church Urban Fund (Mustard Seed Grants) 01522 504064

Areas of interest: Suppor<ng the ini<a<on and development of community work in deprived communi<es.

Andy Wright Church House Minster Yard Lincoln LN2 1PU

How to Apply Contact Andy Wright (ley). Grant poten<al Up to £5000

Exclusions Campaigns not directly concerned with poverty.

Name and contact details: Church and Community Fund (Formerly the Central Church Fund)

Grant poten<al £5000 -­‐ £10,000

Areas of interest: Funds effec<ve and innova<ve community outreach projects. Will also fund new facili<es if they will have a significant and measurable impact on neighbourhood renewal. How to Apply Apply online via their website. Roughly two weeks to receive acknowledgment, average three months to receive outcome. Exclusions

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: Community AcMviMes Grant Aid – Financial assistance is available to assist groups with Lincolnshire the revenue costs associated with delivering arts, 01522 552834 heritage, sports, community and community radio projects that benefit Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire County Council How to Apply County Offices Download applica<on form and guidance notes Newland from website. Deadlines are 1st March and 1st Lincoln August annually. Do not include any suppor<ng LN1 1YL documenta<on at this stage. Grant poten<al 50% of project costs. Aid up to £20,000

Exclusions Must be for the benefit of the whole community.

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: East Lindsey -­‐ Coastal AcMon Zone Relevant objec<ves are; (CAZ) LEADER Programme Encouragement of tourism ac<vi<es – Working to Tel: 01754 610 557 develop dis<nc<ve coastal ac<vi<es such as Mobile: 07827 083 405 fes<vals, the expansion of rural enterprises and redevelopment of key sites. Conserva<on and upgrading rural heritage -­‐ Jo Finlow Enhancing buildings and the character of rural Coastal Ac<on Zone areas, research studies to iden<fy informa<on 5 Rutland Road currently available on the historic coastline, opening Skegness up access to historic sites, conserva<on-­‐led Lincolnshire regenera<on ac<vity. How to Apply For further informa<on on how to obtain this funding opportunity contact Jo Finlow. Grant poten<al £3,500 to 200,000

Exclusions The applicant must be based in the Lincolnshire Coastal Ac<on Zone (CAZ) in the East Lindsey district

Name and contact details: Esmée Fairbairn FoundaMon 020 7812 3700 Kings Place 90 York Way London N1 9AG Email: k hep:// Grant poten<al Upwards of £5000

Areas of interest: Innova<ve projects principally in the areas of Arts, Educa<on and Learning, Environment, Social Change. How to Apply There is a two-­‐stage applica<on process. It is preferred that you apply online in the first instance.

Exclusions See the website for more details.

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: The Garfield Weston FoundaMon Can even contribute to running costs. 020 7399 6565 The trustees favour projects which benefit large numbers of people and are inclusive. How to Apply No formal deadlines. Applica<ons take 4 months. Rural churches likely to achieve between £1000 and £5000. Grant poten<al Exclusions Give a very large number of small Grants are typically made for one year only. grants, between £1000 and £20,000 Name and contact details: Heritage LoEery Fund (various programmes) 0115 9349050

Areas of interest: Community based heritage projects.

Chiltern House St Nicholas Court 25-­‐27 Castle Gate NoNngham NG1 7AR

How to Apply Find applica<on details and pre-­‐applica<on forms online. Decision within ten weeks. Can fund capital/revenue projects. No fixed matched funding criteria (can fund up to 100%). Grant poten<al £3000+


Name and contact details: J R Halkes Trust 01522 512123 Mrs A C Short Andrew & Co. LLP Solicitors 1 Flavian Rd Lincoln LN2 4GR

Areas of interest: The trust uses half its income to make grants to projects or causes for the benefit of the ci<zens of Lincoln. How to Apply Please note that the limita<on is to the City of Lincoln. To qualify under this you will need to show the Trustees that a good number of the ci<zens of the City will benefit from your proposal. Contact Mrs A C Short.

Grant poten<al


Name and contact details: Lincolnshire CooperaMve 01522 544632

Areas of interest: Projects which benefit the local community – including church repairs.

Membership and Community Lincolnshire Co-­‐opera<ve Stanley Bee House Tentercroy Street Lincoln

How to Apply

There is no formal applica<on form for a dona<on from your local members' group. Simply write to. Make sure that you tell us all about your organisa<on, what fundraising you are doing and membershipandcommunity@linc what the dona<on will go towards. Grant poten<al Exclusions £500 Name and contact details: Monument Trust (Sainsbury Family)

Areas of interest: Arts and Heritage – arts, architectural and environmental projects of na<onal or regional importance, including galleries, museums, and Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts historic houses and gardens. Proposals are Allington House par<cularly welcome for cultural projects which will 1st Floor make a major contribu<on to improving 150 Victoria St economically depressed areas. London How to Apply SW1E 5AE Apply to Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts, unlikely to respond unless a connec<on to the Sainsbury Family can be established.

Grant poten<al


Name and contact details: The Ouseley Trust PO Box 281 Stamford Lincolnshire, PE9 9BU Email: ouseleytrust@b<

Areas of interest: Choral courses for groups/individuals; scholarships; purchase of liturgical music; promo<ng and maintaining choral services at a high standard. How to Apply Applica<on deadlines: 31st January and 30th June. Grant poten<al c.£5,000

Exclusions Building projects, recordings, or objects and furniture

Name and contact details: Areas of interest: Peter and Gwyneth Hodgkinson Makes charitable dona<ons to causes with a Trust Lincolnshire focus. C/o Mr Peter Hodgkinson Carlton How to Apply House Carlton-­‐le-­‐Moorland Make contact with organisa<on Lincoln LN5 9HL Email: Grant poten<al


Name and contact details: Rank FoundaMon

Areas of interest: Leadership amongst young people; suppor<ng vulnerable people; the promo<on of the Chris<an religion.


How to Apply Apply online at any <me.

Grant poten<al No more than £7,500

Exclusions Church buildings, except where facili<es are a part of a community appeal.

Name and contact details: Skipton Building Society Charitable FoundaMon Secretary to the Charitable Founda<on Skipton Building Society The Bailey Skipton North Yorkshire BD23 1DN

Areas of interest: Where the objec<ve is to benefit children, through educa<on and/or welfare, or the elderly and their care. How to Apply Download applica<on form from website; include latest 2 years’ accounts and covering leeer. Trustees meet quarterly.

www.skiptoncharitablefounda<on Grant poten<al £500-­‐£10,000

Exclusions Building restora<on or upkeep, construc<on work or any building costs

Name and contact details: The Tudor Trust 020 77278522

Areas of interest: Community-­‐led groups and projects which support people on the margins of society.

7 Ladbroke Grove London W11 3BD

How to Apply


Two-­‐stage applica<on process – guidelines and details are available from the website

Grant poten<al Based on 2011 figures, up to c. £200,000


Name and contact details: Warburtons – SupporMng ChariMes and CommuniMes 01204 556600

Areas of interest: Projects that have a posi<ve effect on young people, families, healthy lifestyles, local environment.

Hereford House Hereford Street Bolton BL1 8JB

How to Apply

Grant poten<al

Exclusions Projects must have a community, rather than religious focus.

Online through the website.

Name and contact details: Wash Fens Rural Development Programme 01775 764496

Areas of interest: Relevant objec<ves are; Heritage, tourism, rural community ac<vi<es

How to Apply Frances McIntyre Local Ac<on Group Manager For further informa<on on how to obtain this Wash Fens Rural Development funding opportunity contact Frances McIntyre. Programme c/o South Holland District Council Priory Road Spalding Lincolnshire PE11 2XE www.washfens-­‐ Gra£3,500 to £10,000 nt poten<al

Exclusions The applicant must be based in the Lincolnshire Wash Fens Area.

Other Name and contact details: E.ON Sustainable Energy Fund www.eon-­‐

Areas of interest: Aid in gaining sustainable energy (solar cells, wind turbines etc.) How to Apply Pending applica<on opening for 2011

Grant poten<al Do not apply for more than £20,000

Exclusions Buildings exclusively for religious use

Name and contact details: High Sheriffs’ Fund

Areas of interest: Crime reduc<on and crea<ng a safer society. Funds can be used for young people (diversionary ac<vi<es, raising aspira<ons, reducing isola<on); intergenera<onal ac<vi<es (reduce fear of crime, promote community cohesion); older people (resident groups, clubs or socie<es). How to Apply

Contact: Sue Fortune Tel: 01529 305825

Closing dates are 1st February and 1st August each year, contact Sue Fortune to apply. Grant poten<al Maximum: £5,000 (£1,000 -­‐ £2,000 average grant)

Exclusions Must have income of less than £200,000

Name and contact details: Police Property Act Fund 01522 558146

Areas of interest: Suppor<ng community safety and crime reduc<on projects

Gill Finn Community Safety Officer Deepdale Lane Lincoln LN2 2LT

How to Apply Request copy of guidance notes and applica<on form (available via website). Applica<ons can be made at any <me.

Email:­‐ Centre/Campaigns/Police-­‐ Property-­‐Act-­‐Fund Grant poten<al £20 -­‐ £500

Exclusions Must target crime reduc<on and community safety.

Professional Services Name and contact details: ProHelp Lezli Hall Prohelp Co-­‐ordinator Tel: 0115 924 7404 Email:

Areas of interest: ProHelp provides free professional advice and support to community groups and voluntary organisa<ons. They can offer support such as accountants, solicitors and public rela<ons. For buildings projects it is advisable to consult your own architect. How to Apply Check you meet the eligibility criteria for support then fill in the online applica<on form. If they can help, a suitable firm will then arrange a mee<ng. Response <me is usually within a couple of weeks.

Grant poten<al Exclusions Free professional advice for the You must be a community-­‐based, not-­‐for-­‐profit first applica<on. Subsequent group working for the social and economic applica<ons incur an admin fee of regenera<on of your local area. £100 + VAT

Support for Church Halls Lincolnshire Samantha Smith, Senior Rural Officer (Community Facili<es), Community Lincs Tel: 01529 302466 Email: North and North East Lincolnshire Margaret Kirk, Village Hall Adviser, Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council Tel: 01430 430904 Email:

Search for Funding Funding advice services for community and voluntary groups to help with funding, run by the East Midlands Funding Advice Network. Free to search: Funding search facility funded by the Cabinet Office. Free to Search: Heritage, Restora<on and Conserva<on Projects:

For further advice please contact: Ben Stoker Lincolnshire Open Churches Officer Tel: 01522 50 40 25 Becky Burrows Historic Churches Support Officer Tel: 01522 50 40 28

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