Chancel Repair Liability Training 2013 - Booklet

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Diocese of Lincoln

Chancel Repair Liability Training 2013 Parish Information Pack

Index of Documents


Programme for the day


Glossary of terms


Powerpoint presentation: Greg Yerbury


Chancel Repair Liability PCC action sheet: Greg Yerbury


Researching Chancel Repair Liability: Greg Yerbury


Frequently asked questions: Church Commissioners


Land Commission Report from House of Commons 1887


Lincolnshire Enclosure Awards likely to have land with Chancel Repair Liability


Lincolnshire parishes with probably liability as a result of Enclosure Acts 1757 – 1771


Lincolnshire Enclosure Maps


Chancel Repair Liability Training Day Friday 15 February 2013 Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground

Programme From 9.30am

Arrival and registration


Presentation: Greg Yerbury


Coffee break


Presentation: Greg Yerbury


Break to collect lunch


The Bishop of Lincoln




Mike Rogers: how to do the research


Caroline Mockford: the registration process and the legal liabilities of trustees


David Millichap: the PCC experience



3pm End

Speakers The Reverend Greg Yerbury is Team Rector of Penkridge in the Diocese of Lichfield, and is a nationally recognized expert, advising parishes on how to research and register their chancel repair liabilities. Ms Caroline Mockford is the Diocesan Registrar Dr Mike Rogers is Collections Access Team Leader (Archives and Remote Access) at Lincolnshire Archives Mr David Millichap is Churchwarden of Lenton, St Peter, where the PCC has been through the process of research and registering or commuting liability Mr Keith Halliday is the Diocesan Church Buildings Advisor and DAC Secretary 3

Glossary of Terms Term



Prebend, Dean, Bishop, Chapter etc who collected the greater tithe and obligated to repair the chancel


The part of the church where the incumbent carries out his work

Clerical Rector

Incumbent who had at least some of the Greater Tithes may share it with Lay Rector

Commutation of Tithe

1836 Act that converted tithes into Tithe Rent Charge (monetary payment)

Commutation of Tithe Rentcharges

1936 Act abolishing Tithe Rentcharges removing chancel liability from some land apportioning it other places

Corn Rents

Tithe converted in monetary payment before 1836 by local act of parliament (enclosure award)

Ecclesiastical Commissioners

Between 1840-1890 took over most appropriators liability for chancel

Enclosure Act

Private Act of Parliament that re-organised local land ownership sometimes created land in lieu of Tithe or Corn Rents

Greater Tithe

The most valuable tithe, medieval owner obliged to repair Chancel

Impropriate Tithe

The same as the Greater Tithe


The person who owned the Greater Tithe or Rectory land obliged to repair the Chancel

Land in Lieu of Tithe

Tithe converted to land If given to an appropriator or impropriator for Greater Tithe this land bears the liability for the chancel

Lay Rector

Same as Impropriator

Lesser Tithe

Tithe for the Vicar no liability for the chancel attached to this can be owned by a lay person

Merger of land and Tithe

Legal event that happened in some places in 1830 and 40's transferred liability for Chancel from tithe owner to land owner


Informal conversion of tithe to money in medieval times

Perpetual Curate

Incumbent normally without any or very little Tithe

Record of Ascertainments

Document showing Rent Charge liability outstanding in a parish. Ignores all other liability & in many cases there is other liability

Rectory Glebe

Land owned by a Rector that probably carries liability for the repair of Chancel if has not been part of the benefice since 1532.

Rectory Tithe

The same as the Greater Tithe


Between 1836 and 1936 Rent tithe charge owners could redeem payment of tithe rentcharge (may have ended CRL)

Tithes of wool, lambs and wheat Same as greater tithes Vicar

Incumbent who owned at least some of the lesser tithe may own Greater Tithes as well

Vicarage Glebe

Majority of glebe lands and no liability for repair of chancel

Vicarial Tithe

The same as the Lesser Tithe




















Chancel Repair Liability PCC action sheet (updated on the 1


Feb 2013)

PCC responsibilities Each PCC should: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Understand the principles and ascertain their personal obligations as charity trustees Find the parish in ‘The Clerical Guide and Ecclesiastical Directory’ by Gilbert (available on line in Google books) Look up the parish in the series of books called “ Victorian County History” (some of this on the internet) Obtain or view all the parish tithe files from the National Archives or local archives if present. If the parish has several tithe districts there will a number of these files. The key files are:  Record of Ascertainments of 1936 found in IR 104 (Diocese may have a copy)  Tithe Apportionment file found under IR 29, which records mergers etc (or held in local archive)  Tithe file found under IR 18, which indicates whether there was any merger of land by deed. Some churches, such as Market Drayton, have dedicated sections.  Locate any deeds of merging of land and tithes (Tith 3) locate Rectorial glebe

5) Discover whether the parish underwent Enclosure files could be in national archives or locally held look on St Michael’s links page for help. 6) Look up the parish in Tate's book ‘Domesday of English Enclosure Acts and Awards ’if this fails. 7) If relevant, obtain or view a copy of the award to find out whether land was allocated in lieu of tithes or corn rents. 8) Locate the Enclosure maps and/or Tithe Maps for the parish, since a surveyor will need these to find any plots. 9) If the parish has any lay rectors such as Bishops or Cathedral staff and / or universities, contact either them or the church commissioners to ascertain whether they are aware of their liability. 10) Once all the research has been completed, the next stage is probably to engage a surveyor to determine the cost of locating the land.

Possible Outcomes Outcome 1. There is a small amount of land with a high proportion of apportioned liability or the land has non-apportioned liability and the plots are easily identifiable. Contact a surveyor to locate the land and engage a solicitor to gather the information to provide to the Land Registry, so that the liability can be recorded on the Land Registry. If the land had fallen into the hands of the church Commissioners (appropriators) they may accept liability but the PCC will have to prove this. Outcome 2. The amount of land is large in proportion to the liability Prepare a cost benefit analysis to provide evidence to the charity commissioners that the costs of imposing the liability exceed the benefits. To do this you will need to obtain:  

a surveyor’s estimate of the cost to find each plot of land an estimate of the legal costs of registering the liability on the land and dealing with contested claims

The PCC should then consider:  how much money the PCC has at present to cover the fees  how often claims would be made on the lay rectors and what the return would be  whether people will give less money to the church if they are upset about the liability, and if so, whether this can be proven


At this stage, the PCC could send a letter to the Charity Commissioners under s 110 of the Charities Act 2011, explaining the issues. If the Charity Commissioners do not agree with the proposals, it is possible to reapply, providing further information. There is no need to write to the charity commissioners in every circumstance or outcome 3 but I would recommend in many cases to protect individual PCC members. Outcome 3. The land is occupied by houses and to impose liability would hinder the charitable objectives of the church (Reputational damage to the charity). The Charity Commissioners have accepted this view and evidence would be needed to support this, and I think a cost benefit analysis would be helpful. A public meeting and letters from people affected to provide evidence could aid a PCC’s case. Work with your local community including MP and councillors. The Charity Commissioners are looking for a reasonable argument as to why the PCC have chosen this way forward Outcome 4. Notify the liability on limited number of plots of the land because doing it widely is too costly This could be a reasonable response if the plots are non-apportioned. It may, in fact, be the only option since some pieces will be untraceable or too expensive to trace. Outcome 5. The land is impossible to locate and or the legal issues are opaque This would be a possible argument when there are corn rents, where the merger documents are hard to understand or where the tithe or enclosure maps are poor. Some evidence from a surveyor and/or solicitor may be needed to support this option. Outcome 6. Do nothing This may apply where a non-land owning lay Rector has a large liability, where the liability has gone or where there never has been a lay Rector. It will be necessary to get authenticated copies of the relevant documents for the Land Registry. The cost of copying a whole file from IR 29 from the Archives will be at least £100 from IR 18 at least £20. Copying Enclosure awards from National archives could cost in excess of £500.Normally only a few pages should be authenticated Recording The PCC should record the reasons behind their decision whatever it is and keep the supporting paperwork with the minutes. What they decide should be what is best for the charity if in doubt write to the Charity Commissioners. There will be instances where there is no need to write (i.e. 10% liability over 300 allotments) Research Tip Search terms to use on Google and local archives are impropriate tithes, impropriator, great tithes, lay rector, Rectorial tithes, Glebe, merger of tithes, extinguishment of tithes, deed, commutation of tithes. Enter the current name of the parish but check also older names of the parish or alternative spellings. Sources: James Derriman ‘chancel repair liability how to research it’ Websites for Truro Diocese, Rochester diocesan, Durham Newcastle, Lichfield diocese National Archives website A place to start your research is Written by Rev Greg Yerbury Rector of Penkridge


Researching Chancel Repair Liability on Tithe Awards (Apportionments) and Maps Every Tithe Map and Tithe Award is unique and prepared in a particular style and each parish may consist of a number of townships each with their own Tithe map and Apportionment There are, however, key issues to investigate when trying to identify Chancel Repair Liability (CRL). Tithe Apportionment 1. Check to see who got the Rectory tithes (also known as the Greater or Impropriator tithes). If they were collected only by the incumbent at the time, i.e the Vicar, Rector or curate, then there will be no CRL for that tithe. If the tithes were collected by anyone else, such as the appropriator, a lay person or clergy person other than the incumbent, or a charity, CRL may continue to exist. 2. The introduction to Tithe award will note whether there has been a reduction in the titheable area as a result of an Enclosure Award made before the Tithe Apportionment. If this is the case, it is essential to read the relevant Enclosure Award. 3. A ‘merger’ of land and tithes is usually identified in the introduction to the Tithe Apportionment, and there may be a schedule(s) of properties later in the Apportionment. It is also possible that a merger will be noted only in the main body of the Apportionment. a) If the Tithe Apportionment notes a merger, but there is no accompanying schedule of properties, you should try to obtain a copy from the National Archive (Tith 3 section). b) After the various schedule of properties in the main body of the award the properties which are merged may be identified with a plot number or not or left blank or a name simply put on the map. c) If there is a merger of land and tithes, this land has non-apportioned liability under section 1 of the 1839 Tithe Act. A PCC need only register one plot of this land to protect their asset. d) It may be difficult to identify this merged land although there may be a separate map for ‘merged’ land, stored in another archive. If it is not possible to find the merged land then CRL cannot be proved 4. The Record of Ascertainments shows the liability for each plot of land in 1936 based on the rent tithe charge. The rent charge for a field may differ between the Tithe Maps from the 1840s and the Record of Ascertainments in the 1940s, indicating that the proportion of CRL may have changed. You could research this further at the National Archives You should work out what percentage of liability each field has. Bear in mind this liability is not in the related to any other liabilities and so zero record of Ascertainment’s from 1936 does not mean there is no other liability. 5. If there is a substantial difference between the Record of Ascertainments and the Tithe Apportionment the next stage is identify why. Some possible reasons are listed below: a) There may well have been an Enclosure Award after the Tithe Map, in which case this will need to be obtained. b) The tithe charge on the land could have been redeemed (between 1836 and 1936), suggesting that any CRL has been extinguished. c) There has been a special Apportionment (obtain a copy from the National Archives). d) There may be something unusual for your parish and you may need to visit the National Archives after searching through their online records. When researching the location of particular plots the District map of your particular parish may well be helpful found under IR90 at the national archive Rev Greg Yerbury (Team Rector of Penkridge)


Reading Enclosure Awards and Maps for Chancel Repair Liability Enclosure Awards were intended to make better use of land considered to be waste or common land and, possibly, to end the collection of tithes. Land with common grazing rights was apportioned between local landowners and others using a variety of criteria. As a result of the Enclosure Awards, the wealthy, including the owner of the tithes, gained significantly at the expense of the poor. Every Enclosure (Inclosure) Award and Map is a unique hand written document. It may be very long, requiring a lot of time to understand its implications. If the enclosure was authorised by a Parliamentary Enclosure Act, it would be useful to read the Parliamentary Enclosure Act also. For research into chancel repair liability the first point is to work out how many parishes are involved in each Enclosure Award and to be aware that land may transfer parishes. It is generally the allotment post the Enclosure Award, which determines the CRL for a particular parish. An example of the standard order of allotments in Enclosure Awards: 1. A preamble, which may refer to an allotment given in lieu of tithes or sometimes in lieu of tithes & manorial rights. It is this land which would carry the CRL and should be investigated. 2. Setting up, creating and closing roads and foot paths, and laying boundaries 3. An allotment for gravel for maintenance 4. Allotment(s) for manorial rights (may include tithes, and therefore CRL) 5. Allotment(s) for impropriate (greater) tithes carrying the CRL 6. Allotment for lesser tithes for the Vicar, curate or Rector (no liability) 7. Allotments to be sold for expenses 8. Allotment for cottage lands 9. Allotment for warren rights 10. Allotment for common rights 11. Allotments to local landowners who own nearby land 12. At the end there may well be some exchanges of land and if the land for tithes is exchanged it will be the new allotment that carries the liability Having read the Enclosure Award,   

Determine the parish in which the land allotted for tithes is included at the time of the Enclosure Award. It will be necessary to check your church’s files at the National Archives since sometimes corn rents were converted into tithe rent charges. If there are Corn Rents in lieu of tithes, which are still being collected, the CRL is held by those receiving the Corn Rents. If the allotments or Corn Rents were held by an Appropriator, contact the Church Commissioners since they may have a record of this land. An Appropriator is a church organisation or body (i.e. Bishop, Dean, Cathedral chapter, Prebend)

Post script 1) To prove liability for the Land registry the relevant documents should be authenticated this would typically be the map or part of and the parts of the Enclosure or Tithe awards that show he piece of land you are interested in. 2) If the parish had a particular private Act of parliament then a copy should be obtained from parliamentary archives Rev Greg Yerbury (Team Rector of Penkridge)


Chancel Repair Liability What is chancel repair liability? Chancel repair liability (CRL) is a long-­‐standing and legally enforceable liability to repair – or to contribute to the cost of repair of – the chancel (usually the easternmost part) of a parish church. Some chancel repair liability is attached to the ownership of particular pieces of land. That is because the land in question originally formed part of a rectory (an endowment including land to support the priest who serves a parish) or because it otherwise represents property that originally formed part of a rectory. During the middle ages monasteries acquired a large number of rectories. Following the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII, a large amount of property that had belonged to rectories came into lay ownership. The relevant Acts of Parliament made it clear that the new, lay owners of the land held the land on the same terms as the former monastic owners. That included the obligation to repair the chancel of the parish church. When a person acquires land to which CRL is attached, that person becomes liable to repair – or to contribute to the cost of repair of – the chancel of the parish church. CRL was formerly enforceable only in the church courts but in 1932 Parliament passed legislation – the Chancel Repairs Act 1932 – which provided that in future CRL was to be enforceable in the county court instead. The Chancel Repairs Act 1932 provides that the responsible authority for enforcing CRL is the parochial church council of the parish concerned. Is it not unfair that home buyers can find themselves subject to chancel repair liability even if they were not aware of it when they purchased their property? While in theory this might have been a problem, we are not aware of any recent case where someone has bought property without knowing it was subject to chancel repair liability and has subsequently faced a demand for payment. In any event, the issue has now been addressed by government legislation. In future CRL will need to be registered against the title of the affected land if it is to bind a purchaser of the land. With effect from 14th October 2013 purchasers, by inspecting the registered title of a property, will be able to discover definitively whether it is affected by chancel repair liability.


Are PCCs obliged to register and enforce the repairing obligation? A PCC is a charity so its members are subject to the usual duty of charity trustees to exercise their powers in its best interests. They cannot therefore simply choose not to register or enforce chancel repair liability. However, as Lord Scott noted in the Aston Cantlow case [paragraph 137], there may be circumstances in which a PCC can properly decide not to do so. A PCC could, for instance, in an appropriate case take into account the possibility of excessive hardship that might be caused to those liable if the obligation were enforced, or the damage that enforcing it could do to the mission of the Church in the parish. But the decision is one for the individual PCC. Advice from the General Synod’s Legal Advisory Commission is available here: Advice from the Charity Commission is available here: Is the Church nationally co-­‐ordinating the registering of chancel repair liability? No. It is a matter for individual PCCs, with the benefit of advice from their diocesan registrar. Is the Church nationally co-­‐ordinating the chasing of chancel repair payments? No. It is again a matter for individual PCCs. Are grant-­‐making bodies such as English Heritage insisting that parishes pursue chancel repair liability before they will make grants to those parishes? The policy of English Heritage has been that it will not provide grant aid to a PCC in respect of repairs to the chancel of a church where there is a lay rector who is responsible for its repair. However, responsibility for grants for places of worship is to be taken over by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) with effect from 1st April 2013. HLF have said the following: “One of these key alterations to the grants repair scheme to be introduced from 01/04/2013 will be the way in which we assess financial need. Whilst we will still look at the value for money applications offer, we will no longer follow the highly detailed financial needs assessment model as currently used. Neither will we continue with the blanket policy that considers chancel repairs where there is a lay rector to be outside the scope of grant aid. Instead, we will take account of the financial needs of the applicant with regard to future development plans for the long-­‐term sustainable use of the building. We will also be realistic about their ability to fund raise, and therefore we will not encourage the PCC to pursue Chancel Repair Liability on occasions where it is evidently unreasonable for them to do so.”


Will the Aston Cantlow case lead to a flood of similar claims? No. The principles involved were established in 2003 when the House of Lords gave judgment. We are not aware of any increase in the number of chancel repair claims since then. Is it right that the Church of England continues to benefit from this historic liability? The Church of England has financial responsibility for 45% of the nation’s Grade 1 listed buildings and many other architecturally important churches. 70% of repair bills are met by local fundraising, with only a minority coming from English Heritage, lottery funds and other non-­‐church sources. This places a considerable financial burden on PCCs, which largely rely on voluntary giving to support their work. Against that background, the Church cannot be expected to forego sources of funding to which it is entitled unless it receives adequate compensation


Land Commission Report from the House of Commons 1887

County at the 6me Linclonshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire

Probable loca6on of enclosure plan Hunts RO SF 451 LAO Lindsey Award 2 NaKonal archive PRO MPL 1/51 ( LAO Barton St Mary parish 1/2) nat archive PRO C54/9575 [m.15] LAO Kesteven Award 22 LAO Dunston Par. 17 LAO HD 67/3/A-­‐C LAO Appleby Par. 17/1 LAO Faldingworth Par. Co. 17 LAO Holland Award 28 LAO Lindsey Award 25 naKonal archive PRO MPL 1/1 Grimsby AO 1/901/2 LAO Lindsey Award 216 and nat archive PRO MPLL 1/10 NaKonal archive MR 1/847 LAO Lindsey Award 221 LAO Kirton Manor Aslaco Court Book 1790-­‐1811 ERRO IA Holme upon Spalding Moor LAO Lindsey Award 43 LAO Kirkby cum Osgodby Par. Co. LAO Kesteven Award 95/9 LAO Kesteven Award 7 NaKonal archive PRO CP 43/892 [rot 2] naKonal archive MPLL 1/3 LAO Lindsey Award 56 LAO Middle Rasen Par. 17 NaKonal archive PRO MPLL 1/7 LAO Saleby Par. 17 LAO HD 67/17 LAO Kesteven Award 66 LAO Lindsey Awrd 101 naKonal archive PRO CP 43/885 [rot 161] LAO South Witham Par. Co. LAO 3 Cragg 1/36 LAO Swaton Par. Co. NaKonal archive MR 1/140 and LAO T.D.E. MISC. A.1/3 LAO Kesteven Award 51 Please see notes at the end Greg

Approx year of Act 1791 1819 1793 1811 1806 1793 1810 1821 1794 1784 1817 1795 1832 1813 1792 1792 1792 1779 1803 1795 1794 1801 1791 1806 1772 1775 1803 1810 1794 1776 1801 1794 1795 1806 1792 1794

Enclosure Awards which are highly likely to have land with Chancel repair liability

Parish(es) and/ or area (s) of the enclosure Alconbury-­‐cum-­‐Weston Alvingham Barton upon humber Cabourn Deeping St James Dunston East and West Fens East Santon or Upper Santon (Appleby) Faldingworth Frampton Fulstow Gainsburgh and Thonock Grimsby Great Haburgh Helpringham Hemswell Holme upon spadling moor Hu^o_ Kirkby cum Osgodby Londonthorpe Long Bennington Louth Ludford Mareham on the Hill middle Rasen (Raisen) Quadring Saleby with Thoresathorpe Sibsey Skillington South and North Killlingholme south Ferriby South Witham Swarby swaton Tealby Timberland MarKn


Approx year of Act 1811 1801 1776 1772 1801 1813

Probable loca6on of enclosure plan LAO Lindsey Award 121 LAO Kesteven Award 80 (LAO Barholme Par. 17) LAO Lindsey Award 193 LAO Lindsey Award 95 LAO Kesteven Award 24 LAO Kesteven Award 86

Rev Greg Yerbury (Team Rector of Penkridge)

Please see notes at the end Greg

Examples of enclosure award chancel repair liability notes This informaKon is derived from House of common Papers 30 and 44 where they list the effect of many of the enclosure award from 1771 to about 1830. The Acts of parliament that I have listed seem to give land in lieu of Kthes to a lay person or an appropriator. I have cross-­‐referenced the places with various search engines to find plans of the enclosure awards. The places listed may well not be the place to where the church with the chancel liability is and a study of the relevant Kthe apporKonment maybe needed. The intenKon of the enclosure act might well be contradicted by the award hence the act award and plan have to be read together to ascertain what actually happened. The Award that goes with the enclosure plan is likely to be in the same or a related file. These are only examples and not a definiKve list of parish with enclosure awards giving land in lieu of Kthes since I did not examine every parish and I have excluded those if I could not locate a plan and those on the order papers which only had a Clerical Rector, and there will be enclosures not included on order papers 30 and 44. I would guess that about 95% of the places listed will have the liability since some churches will either be redundant or have been rebuilt in a different place or without a chancel. Ordinary rebuilt churches almost certainly retain the liability. There are many enclosure awards that at first glance do not seem to have a plan but that does not mean that the land is untraceable just that is significantly harder. Plans or awards may well be unreadable or the land so changed that finding any liability is impossible. The counKes and spellings are based on what was correct or known to the Houses of Commons in the late 1830’s and may not be correct today. There are other sources of chancel repair liability in the non-­‐apporKoned form including merged land and Kthes and Rectory Glebe but this may well be found by looking at Kthe maps and doing local research. My church’s website carries some further advice h>p://

County at the 6me Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire

Enclosure Awards which are highly likely to have land with Chancel repair liability

Parish(es) and/ or area (s) of the enclosure Trusthorpe and hannah Uffington, Barholm, Greadord, Spalding Upton Welton West deeping and Tallington Witham on the Hill with Manthorpe, To_



County Linclon Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln .

Parish or area of enclosure award

Houghton-­‐in-­‐the-­‐Marsh, alias Holton in the clay Beckingham and SuAon billingborough and Birthorp Bishop Norton Common fen, Boston West Marton Scawby Scothorn and Sudbrook Skirbeck Subbrook (Ancaster) West Willoughby Winterton Aukborough Barnetby-­‐upon-­‐the wolds Bicker . Billingborough Bourn Coleby Donnington and Westborough Fotherby Glentham Grimoldby Harmston Heckington Horbling Ingham Keddington Keelby and Stallingbrough Langton and Woodall Morton Newton North Cockerington South Cockerington Scamblesby Searby South Reston Stainton in the Hole Threekingham Toynton Supra Wellingore West Ashby willoughton WooAon Boothby Graffoe LAO Lindsey Award 6 LAO Lindsey Award 91 and LAO Willoughton Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 99 and LAO WooAon Par Co LAO Boothby Graffoe Par. 17/

LAO Lindsey Award 83

LAO Scamblesby Par. Co. LAO D&C C ii 90/18

LAO Kesteven Award 54 LAO Kesteven Award 56

LAO Yarb. 4/16/2

LAO Heckington P.C. 1 plan LAO Kesteven Award 42 LAO Lindsey Award 44

LAO Kesteven Award 8 LAO Bourne Par. 17/1 reconstructed plan KESTEVEN AWARD/95/4. LAO Kesteven Award 88/7

LAO Marton Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 77 and LAO 2 NEL 7/1 and Grimsby AO 390 LAO Lindsey Award 79 LAO Holland Award 24A LAO Scothern Par. Co. 17/1 NaBonal Archives MPL 1/42 LAO Winterton Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 1 and Grimsby RO 484/1

North Lincoln record office 204 Holton le Clay Parish NaBonal archives PRO MPL 1/28 LAO Kesteven Award 8 LAO Lindsey Award 60

Probable loca5on of Enclosure Plan

Two copies?

NaBonal archive CP 43/725 rot 119


lincolnshire libraries BRN0228001




later plan and award LAO KESTEVEN AWARD/19

LAO LINDSEY AWARD/197 later map LAO Smith 9/1/8 award LAO HOLLAND AWARD2

naBonal archives CP 43/765 rot 151

uncertain if 3 awards or three copies

lincoln archives HOLLAND AWARD/26 (no map)

NaBonal archives CP 43/749 rot 171

Other related informa5on

Parishes with probable chancel repair liability as a result of Enclosure Acts 1757-1771


Rev Greg Yerbury Rector of Penkridge

There are other sources of chancel repair liability in the non-apportioned form including merged land and tithes and Rectory Glebe but this may well be found by looking at tithe apportionment and doing local research. My church’s website carries some further advice

The counties and spellings are based on what was correct or known to the Houses of Commons in the late 1830’s and may not be correct today.

The enclosure awards that do not seem to have a plan but that does not mean that the land is untraceable just that is significantly harder. Plans or awards may well be unreadable or the land so changed that finding any liability is impossible. Those that are on list that are blank may well have a plan or an award but I can’t find them on the web, the other information are possible locations of an award.

I would guess that about 95% of the places listed will have the liability since some churches will either be redundant or have been rebuilt in a different place or without a chancel. Ordinary rebuilt churches almost certainly retain the liability.

The places listed may well not be the place to where the church with the chancel liability is and a study of the relevant tithe apportionment maybe needed. The intention of the enclosure act might well be contradicted by the award hence the act award and the plan have to be read together to ascertain what actually happened. If there is an enclosure plan listed it is likely the award will be in the same or related file.

Enclosure award chancel repair liability notes


Alford Alford Algarkirk cum Fosdyke Althorpe Alvingham AmcoLs AmcoLs Anderby Anderby Anderby Out Marsh Anwick Ashby Ashby de la Laund Ashby de la Laund Ashby juxta Partney Ashby juxta Partney Aubourn Aubourn Aukborough Aukborough Bardney Bardney Drainage Barholm Barholm Barnetby Costhills Barnoldby le Beck Barnoldby le Beck Barrow Barrowby Bartnetby Costhills Barton upon Humber Barton upon Humber Bassingham Baston and LangtoY Baumber or Bamburgh Beckingham and SuLon Beckingham and SuLon Belchford Belchford Belchford Belchford

1838 1838 1772 1794 1822 1780 1780 1850 1805 1850 1794 1809 1815 1815 1817 1817 1853 1853 1768 1768 1847 1857 1809 1801 1839 1779 1770 1803 1763 1841 1796 1796 1654 1813 1759 1770 1770 1805 1804 1804 1804

LAO HIG 16/1 LAO Lindsey Award 131 LAO Algarkirk Par. 17 PRO MPL 1/53 LAO Lindsey Award 2 LAO Lindsey Award 3 LAO AmcoLs Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 5 LAO Lindsey Award 4 PRO MAF 1/842 LAO Kesteven Award 2 LAO Kirton Court Manley Court Book 1808-­‐1811 Kesteven Award 3 LAO Ashby de la Launde Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 7 LAO Ashby by Partney Par. 17/1 LAO Kesteven Award 5 PRO MAF 1/678 LAO Lindsey Award 1 Grimsby RO 484/1 PRO C54/13617 LAO Lindsey Award 178 LAO Kesteven Award 6 LAO Barholme Par. 17 LAO Stubbs 3/7 LAO LD 19/2 Grimsby AO 205 PRO MPL 1/6 LAO Barrowby Par. Co. PRO KB 122/1344 [rot 2143] PRO MPL 1/51 LAO Barton St Mary parish 1/2 LAO Bassingham Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 45 LAO Lindsey Award 9 PRO MPL 1/28 LAO Beckingham Par. Co. PRO MPLL 1/8 PRO MPLL 1/8 LAO Chat 5/9 LAO Chat 5/9

Enclosure maps


Benington Benington Bicker Billingborough and Birthorpe Billinghay Billinghay, Walcot and Dogdyke Bilsby with Asserby and Thurlby Binbrooke Binbrooke Binbrooke Cow Pasture Binbrooke Cow-­‐Pasture Binbrooke Cow-­‐pasture Bishop Norton Biskathorpe Blankney Bliton Bliton, Wharton, Pilham and Gilby Bolingbroke Bolingbroke Boothby Graffoe BoLesford and Yaddlethorpe Bourn Bourn Braceborough and Wilsthorpe BraLleby BraLleby Brinkhill Brocklesby and Great Limber Broughton Broughton Common Brumby Brumby Brumby Brumby Moors Bucknall Bucknall Burgh Burgh Burringham Burton or Burton upon Stather, and Stather, Darby, Thealby and Coleby Burton upon Stather

1813 1819 1839 1769 1779 1779 1839 1740 1740 1806 1806 1806 1772 1738 1799 1808 1797 1800 1800 1772 1795 1777 1770 1817 1779 1780 1774 1815 1849 1846 1875 1865 1865 1865 1866 1865 1839 1839 1843 1806 1806

LAO Holland Award 1 LAO Benington (in Holland) Par. 17 LAO Smith 9/1/8 LAO Kesteven Award 8 LAO Kesteven Award 9 LAO Billinghay Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 159 LAO Lindsey Award 14 LAO Binbrook Par. Co. 9 PRO MPL 1/80 LAO Binbrook Par. Co. 11 LAO Lindsey Award 201 LAO Lindsey Award 60 LAO Misc Don. 277/2 LAO Kesteven Award 10 LAO Kirton Manor Corringham Court Book 1798-­‐1808 LAO 2 Sandars 8A PRO MPL 1/76 LAO Mavis Enderby Par. 17 LAO Boothby Graffoe Par. 17/2 LAO Kirton Manorial Manley Court Book 1790-­‐1807 LAO Bourne Par. 17/2 LAO Bourne Par. 17/1 LAO Kesteven Award 14 LAO Lindsey Award 15 LAO LPC 1/14 LAO Lindsey Award 10 PRO C54/9575 [m.20] LAO Lindsey Award 124 PRO MAF 1/22 LAO Lindsey Award 119 PRO MAF 1/519 LAO Lindsey Award 154 PRO MAF 1/353 LAO Lindsey Award 126 PRO MAF 1/606 LAO Burgh le Marsh Par. Co. (Par. Plans) LAO Lindsey Award 167 LAO Lindsey Award 160 PRO CP 43/892 [rot 87] LAO Burton Stather Par. Co. 17

Enclosure maps


Cabourne or Caborn 1815 Caistor 1796 Caistor Moor 1814 Candlesby 1780 Canwick 1787 Carlby 1806 Castle Bytham, Counthorpe, Holywell and LiLle Bytham 1807 Claypole 1770 Claypole 1770 Claypole 1770 Clee 1843 Clee 1846 Clee 1846 Colsterworth, Woolsthorpe and Twyford 1808 Colsterworth, Woolsthorpe and Twyford 1808 Coningsby or Conesby 1850 Conisholme 1840 Covenham St Bartholemew and Covenham St Mary 1793 Covenham St Bartholomew and Covenham St Mary 1797 Crosby 1807 Crowland 1823 Crowland 1823 Crowland 1823 Crowle, EastoY and Ealand 1822 Crowle, EastoY and Ealand 1822 Croxton 1812 Croxton 1810 Cumberworth 1822 Dalby and Dexthorpe 1839 Deddithorpe or Derrythorpe 1832 Deeping Common 1811 Deeping Saint James and Market Deeping 1815 Deeping, LangtoY, Baston, Spalding and Cowbit Commons, Crowland Common or 1819 Goggusland, Bourn, Thurlby, Pinchbeck Deeping, LangtoY, Baston, Spalding, Pinchbeck and Cowbit Commons 1819 Denton 1791 Doddington and Westborough 1771 Donnington upon Baine 1789 Donnington upon Baine 1789 Dorrington 1789 Dowsby 1840 LAO Market Deeping Par. 17/2 LAO Kesteven Award 25 LAO Kesteven Award 88/7 LAO Lindsey Award 20 LAO Donington on Bain Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 26 LAO Kesteven Award 28

PRO C54/9575 [m.15] PRO MPL 1/7 LAO Lindsey Award 16 LAO Lindsey Award 108 LAO Canwick Par. Co. LAO Carlby Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 15 LAO Kesteven Award 18 LAO Tallents 3/4 LAO Misc. Dep. 81 LAO HIG 18/2/11 LAO Lindsey Award 169 Grimsby AO 1/920/1 LAO Kesteven Award 20 LAO Colsterworth Par. 17 PRO CP 40/4035 LAO Lindsey Award 163 PRO MPLL 1/11 LAO Covenham St Mary Par. 17 PRO CP 43/917 [rot 124] LAO Holland Award 3 LAO Crowland Par. Co. LAO Crowland Par. 17/1,2 LAO Crowle Manor 9/5 LAO Crowle Par. 17/2 LAO Yarb. 4/11/1 PRO CP 43/917 [rot 64] LAO Lindsey Award 19 LAO Lindsey Award 168 LAO Lindsey Award 162 LAO Kesteven Award 23 LAO Kesteven Award 22 LAO Holland Award 10

Enclosure maps


Dunston Dunston and Metheringham Eagle Eagle East Firsby East Halton East Halton East Keal or Easter Keal East Marsh Pasture East Ravendale East Santon or Upper Santon East and West Allington East and West Fens Easton Epworth, Haxey, Belton and Owston Ewerby Ewerby Waith Faldingworth Farlesthorpe FishtoY Foston and Long Bennington Frampton Frampton Freiston and BuLerwick Frieston and BuLerwick Friskney Friskney Frodingham, Scunthorpe and Gunhouse or Gunnas Fulbeck Fulbeck Fulletby Fulstow Gainsburgh Gainsburgh and Thonock Gedney Gedney Gedney Gedney and Gedney-­‐Fen Gosberton Gosberton Goulceby, Asterby and part of Stennigot

1793 1792 1840 1840 1819 1802 1802 1774 1857 1841 1833 1798 1820 1808 1803 1863 1863 1795 1831 1844 1796 1791 1836 1820 1820 1847 1847 1834 1804 1804 1776 1819 1795 1795 1799 1879 1872 1795 1799 1801 1778

LAO Dunston Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 30 LAO Kesteven Award 31 LAO Eagle Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 22 LAO Yarb. 17/2 PRO CP 43/884 [rot 47] LAO Lindsey Award 45 Grimsby AO 1/922/3 LAO Lindsey Award 153 LAO Appleby Par. 17/1 LAO Kesteven Award 1 LAO HD 67/3/A-­‐C LAO Kesteven Award 32 LAO Epworth Par. 17/1 LAO Kesteven Award 33 PRO MAF 1/971 LAO Faldingworth Par. Co. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 161 LAO Holland Award 14 LAO Long Benington Par. 17 LAO Holland Award 28 LAO Frampton Par. 23/8 (Par. Plans) LAO Holland Award 7 Frieston Par. 17/1 LAO Friskney Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 166 LAO Lindsey Award 125 LAO Kesteven Award 34 LAO Fulbeck Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 106 LAO Lindsey Award 25 LAO Gainsborough Par. Plans PRO MPL 1/1 LAO HD 70/5/2 LAO Holland Award 20 LAO Holland Award 20 LAO Gedney Par. 17 LAO Holland Award 40 LAO Gosberton Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 31

Enclosure maps


Goxhill Goxhill Grainthorpe Great Corringham, LiLle Corringham and Springthorpe Great Gonerby and Manthorpe cum LiLle Gonerby Great Gonerby and Manthorpe cum LiLle Gonerby Great Gonerby and Manthorpe cum LiLle Gonerby Great Grimsby Great Grimsby Great Ponton Great Steeping Great Sturton Great and LiLle Corringham with Springthorpe Greaeord Greaeord Greetham Gunby and North Witham Haburgh Haburgh Haburgh Hagworthingham Hagworthingham Haltham and Roughton Hammeringham Harlaxton Haeield Chase Haunt Huntre or Holland Fen Haut Huntre or Holland Fen HaycroY and LiLle Field Estate Haydor, Aisby, Oseby and Culverthorpe Haydor, Aisby, Oseby and Culverthorpe Healing Healing Healing Healing Heapham Heapham Heckington Heckington Helpringham Helpringham

1774 1774 1840 1851 1808 1808 1808 1840 1840 1772 1839 1778 1851 1798 1798 1795 1776 1813 1820 1813 1796 1795 1775 1773 1796 1639 1769 1769 1876 1804 1804 1853 1853 1853 1848 1775 1775 1765 1765 1774 1774

LAO Lindsey Award 107 LAO Goxhill Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 132 LAO Lindsey Award 109 LAO Kesteven Award 35 LAO Great Gonerby Par. Co. LAO Grantham St Wulfram Par. 17/2 LAO Lindsey Award 116 Grimsby AO 1/901/2 LAO GM C/8 LAO Lindsey Award 128 LAO Lindsey Award 67 PRO MAF 1/29 LAO Kesteven Award 37 LAO Greaeord Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 30 PRO MPL 1/79 LAO Lindsey Award 216 PRO MPLL 1/10 LAO Habrough Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 103 LAO Hagworthingham Par. Co. 1-­‐3 LAO Lindsey Award 111 LAO Lindsey Award 34 LAO Harlaxton Par. 17/1 NoLs AO YKS 1 S LAO Holland Award 33 LAO Holland Award 32 Grimsby AO 1/922/4 LAO Kesteven Award 45 LAO Heydour Par. Co. LAO Healing Par. Co. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 145 PRO MAF 1/1132 LAO COR B/4/4/41/7 LAO Kirton Manor Court Book 1775-­‐1780 LAO Lindsey Award 222 LAO Kesteven Award 88/3 LAO Heckington P.C. 1 -­‐ plan. PRO MR 1/847 LAO Helpringham Par. 17

Enclosure maps


Hemingby Hemswell Hemswell Hibaldstow Hibaldstowe Hogsthorpe and Mumby-­‐cum-­‐Chapel Hogsthorpe and Mumby-­‐cum-­‐Chapel Holbeach and Whaplode Holland Fen Horbling Horncastle Horncastle Horsington Howton in the Clay or Holton in the Marsh Hundleby HuLoY Immingham Ings Ingham Ingham Keadby Keelby and Cotham Kelby Kelby Killingholme Kirkby cum Osgodby Kirkby-­‐cum-­‐Osgodby Kirmington Kirmington Kirton Kirton Kirton in Lindsey Laceby Leadenham Leake Leasingham Leverton Leverton Lincoln Lissinglea Field Lissinglea-­‐field LiLle Bytham

1778 1794 1794 1796 1796 1811 1811 1818 1769 1765 1850 1850 1775 1765 1804 1780 1841 1769 1769 1858 1766 1803 1803 1779 1806 1806 1778 1778 1873 1873 1801 1838 1778 1813 1822 1846 1846 1811 1849 1849 1804

LAO Lindsey Award 42 LAO Kirton Manor Aslaco Court Book 1790-­‐1811 LAO Lindsey Award 221 LAO Lindsey Award 38 LAO Hibaldstow Par. 17/1 LAO Mumby Par. 17 Lindsey Award 123 LAO Holland Award 9 PRO MR 1/842 LAO Kesteven Award 42 LAO Lindsey Award 147 LAO Horncastle. Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 36 LAO Lindsey Award 40 PRO CP 43/889 [rot 296] LAO Lindsey Award 43 LAO Stubbs 3/36 LAO Lindsey Award 44 LAO Ingham Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 143 LAO Yarb. 4/16/2 LAO Kesteven Award 45 LAO Heydour Par. Co. LAO Yarb. 4/17/1 LAO Kirkby cum Osgodby Par. Co. PRO MPL 1/80 LAO Lindsey Award 48 LAO Kirmington Par Co. LAO Holland Award 27 PRO MAF 1/498 LAO Kirton in Lindsey Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 138 LAO Kesteven Award 47 LAO Holland Award 1 LAO Kesteven Award 48 LAO Holland Award 13 Leverton Par. 17 LAO Lincoln City MAF 1/669 LAO Lindsey Award 115 LAO Kesteven Award 16

Enclosure maps


LiLle Bytham and Aunby LiLle Cawthorpe LiLle Ponton LiLle Ponton Londonthorpe Long Bennington Long SuLon Louth Louth Ludborough Luddington and Garthorpe Ludford Mablethorpe Mablethorpe Maltby le Marsh Maltby le Marsh Manby Manton Mareham le Fen Mareham le Fen Mareham on the Hill Markby Markby Market Deeping and Deeping Saint James Market Raisin Market Raisin Marsh Chapel and Grainthorpe Marshchapel Marshchapel Marshchapel and Grainthorpe Marshchapel and Grainthorpe, Out Marsh Margn Margn, Blankney and Timberland Marton Mavis Enderby Mavis Enderby Merton Messingham Metheringham Metheringham and Dunston Fens Middle Raisin

1804 1837 1813 1813 1796 1794 1790 1805 1805 1775 1797 1792 1840 1840 1842 1840 1817 1829 1744 1798 1826 1843 1843 1815 1780 1780 1857 1846 1846 1857 1857 1795 1789 1772 1800 1800 1768 1804 1779 1792 1774

LAO LiLle Bytham Par. Co./3/1 LAO Lindsey Award 165 LAO Kesteven Award 59 LAO LiLle Ponton Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 95/9 LAO Kesteven Award 7 LAO Holland Award 38 PRO CP 43/892 [rot 2] LAO Louth St James Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 52 LAO Crowle Manor 9/4 PRO MPLL 1/3 LAO Misc. Don. 154/2 LAO Lindsey Award 136 LAO Maltby le Marsh Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 142 LAO Lindsey Award 58 PRO KB 122/1196 [rot 3068] LAO Lindsey Award 55 PRO MPL 1/82 LAO Lindsey Award 56 LAO Thimb. 10/1/4 LAO Lindsey Award 135 LAO Market Deeping Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 112 LAO 4 BM 15 LAO Marsh Chapel Par. 17/2 LAO Lindsey Award 139 LAO Marsh Chapel Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 175 MAF 1/549 LAO Kesteven Award 51 LAO Kesteven Award 50 LAO Marton Par. Co. PRO MPL 1/76 LAO Mavis Enderby Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 51 PRO CP 43/886 [rot 65] LAO Metheringham PC 2. LAO Metheringham PC 4. LAO Binnall 6/8

Enclosure maps


Middle Raisin Moorby cum Wilksby Morton Morton Morton Carr Morton Carr Moulton Moulton and Fosdyke Navenby Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall Nene Oueall NeLleham NeLleham NeLleham NeLleton New Sleaford and Holdingham Newbold Common Newton Normanby by Spital Normanby next Spital Normanton North Kelsey North Kelsey North Rauceby and South Rauceby North Somercotes North Somercotes North Thoresby North and South Stoke Northcotes Northcotes Orby Osbournby and Mickling Meadow

1774 1773 1771 1771 1801 1804 1803 1879 1771 1927 1918 1911 1873 1867 1862 1862 1847 1836 1836 1836 1777 1777 1777 1794 1795 1859 1768 1790 1791 1756 1840 1840 1790 1842 1842 1846 1796 1857 1857 1838 1796

LAO Middle Rasen Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 57 LAO Kesteven Award 54 LAO Bourne RDC LAO 2 Sandars 8A LAO Bacon Plans 30. LAO Holland Award 37 LAO Holland Award 25A, also Holland Award 35 LAO Kesteven Award 55 LAO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 LO Holland Award 41 LAO Holland Award 41 PRO MPZ 1/6 (10) PRO MPL 1/85 LAO 2 CC 62/21415 LAO Lindsey Award 174 LAO Lindsey Award 61 LAO Kesteven Award 67 PRO MAF 1/808 LAO Kesteven Award 56 LAO TSJ 5/C/Plans LAO 2CC58/12674 LAO 2CC70/7-­‐8 LAO Stubbs 3/42 PRO MPN 1/26 LAO Kesteven Award 60 LAO North Somercotes Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 134 LAO Lindsey Award 137 LAO Kesteven Award 70 LAO Lindsey Award 110 PRO MAF 1/493 LAO Lindsey Award 146 LAO Kesteven Award 58

Enclosure maps


Osbournby and Mickling Meadow Owmby Owmby Owston Pointon PoLer Hanworth PoLerhanworth Quadring Quadring and Quadring Hundred Quarrington Raithby Reepham Reepham Reepham Rippingale and Kirkby Underwood Ropsley, Great Humby and LiLle Humby Ropsley, Great Humby and LiLle Humby Ruskington Ruskington, Dorrington and North Kyme Saleby with Thoresthorpe Salmonby Saleleetby St Peters Saxelby and Harby and Broadholm Scamblesby Scartho Scawby Scawby Scawby Scopwick Scothern and Sudbrooke Scothorn and Sudbrooke ScoLer ScoLer ScoLon ScoLon ScoLon Scredington Scredington Scremby Scremby Searby

1796 1774 1795 1791 1791 1775 1775 1776 1776 1794 1777 1864 1864 1864 1806 1796 1796 1780 1839 1804 1838 1838 1804 1769 1795 1770 1771 1771 1799 1766 1768 1820 1820 1884 1885 1885 1797 1797 1811 1811 1764

LAO Osbournby Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 62 PRO MPL 1/44 PRO C54/7095 [no.16] LAO Pointon Par. 17 LAO PoLerhanworth Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 39 PRO MPLL 1/7 LAO Quadring Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 67 LAO Lindsey Award 65 PRO MAF 1/989 LAO Reepham Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 150 LAO Rippingale Par. 17/1 LAO Kesteven Award 62 LAO Ropsley Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 64 LAO Kesteven Award 63 LAO Saleby Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 149 LAO Lindsey Award 148 LAO Saxilby Par. Co. 1 LAO Scamblesby Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 71 LAO Lindsey Award 77 LAO 2 NEL 7/1 Grimsby AO 390 LAO Kesteven Award 10 LAO Lindsey Award 79 LAO Scothern Par. Co. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 122 LAO ScoLer Par. 17 PRO MAF 1/521 LAO ScoLon Par. Co. 11 LAO Lindsey Award 176 LAO Kesteven Award 65 LAO Scredington Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 80 LAO Scremby Par.17/1 LAO D&C C ii 90/18

Enclosure maps


Sibsey Sibsey Skellingthorpe Skellingthorpe Skidbrook cum Saleleet Skidbrook cum Saleleet, Salt-­‐marsh and Warren Skidbrooke cum Saleleet Skillington Skillington Skirbeck Skirbeck Skirbeck Quarter SniLerby Somerby Sotby Sotby South Ferriby South Ferriby South Hykeham South Kelsey South Kelsey South Kelsey South Somercoates, Salt Marsh and Warren South Somercotes South Somercotes South Somercotes South Somercotes South Willingham South Witham South and North Killingholme Southrey SpiLlegate Spridlington Stainton Stainton Stamford and Tinwell Stamford and Tinwell Stow Stowe, Sturton and Bransby Stowe, Sturton and Bransby Strubby cum Woodthorpe

1810 1810 1830 1830 1852 1852 1838 1797 1797 1833 1833 1772 1001 1813 1805 1804 1804 1804 1803 1794 1794 1794 1852 1852 1852 1842 1842 1772 1794 1779 1840 1796 1775 1860 1860 1875 1875 1769 1804 1804 1843

LAO HD 67/17 LAO 3 Cragg 1/33 LAO Lincoln City LAO TLE 38/23 LAO Lindsey Award 117 PRO MAF 1/711 LAO Lindsey Award 133 LAO Kesteven Award 66 LAO Skillington Par. 17 LAO Holland Award 24A LAO Holland Award 1 LAO Holland Award 18 LAO BH 11 LAO Kesteven Award 68 PRO MPLL 1/8 LAO Sotby Par. 17 PRO CP 43/885 [rot 161] LAO Lindsey Awards 174 LAO South Hykeham Par. Co. (Par. Plans) PRO MR 1/227 LAO South Kelsey Par. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 209 PRO MAF 1/846 LAO Lindsey Award 130 LAO South Somercotes Par. 17/2 LAO South Somercotes Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 118 LAO D & C C v/15/9 LAO South Witham Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Awrd 101 LAO Lindsey Award 152 LAO Grantham St Wulfram Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 68 LAO Lindsey Award 78 LAO Stainton by Langworth Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 69 PRO MAF 1/183 LAO Kesteven Award 71 PRO MPL 1/34 LAO Stow in Lindsey Par. 17 LAO Strubby Par. 17

Enclosure maps


Strubby cum Woodthorpe Sudbrook Surfleet Surfleet SuLon in the Marsh Swaby and Belleau Swaby and Belleau Swaby and Belleau Swallow Swarby Swaton Swayfield Swineshead Swineshead Swinstead TaLershall, TaLershall Thorpe and Kirkby super Bane Tealby or Tevilby Tealby or Tevilby Tetney Tetney Tetney The Haut Huntre or Holland Fen The Haut Huntre or Holland Fen The Haut Huntre or Holland Fen The Haut Huntre or Holland Fen. The Haute Huntre or Holland Fen The Haute Huntre or Holland Fen Thimbleby and Edlington Thimbleby and Edlington Thoresway Thorpe on the Hill Thurlby Tid St Mary`s Timberland Timberland and Timberland Thorpe Toynton Supra Toynton Supra Toyntons Trusthorpe Trusthorpe and Hannah cum Hagnaby Uffington

1843 1770 1778 1778 1840 1789 1789 1789 1806 1796 1806 1797 1774 1774 1778 1798 1793 1793 1778 1779 1778 1769 1769 1769 1769 1769 1769 1779 1779 1817 1774 1810 1793 1760 1789 1770 1770 1774 1827 1827 1794

LAO Lindsey Award 157 PRO MPL 1/41 PRO MPL 1/81 LAO Surfleet Par. 17/2 LAO Lindsey Award 129 LAO Lindsey Award 76 LAO Swaby Par. 17/1 LAO Swaby Par. Co. 1 PRO MPL 1/83 LAO 3 Cragg 1/36 LAO Swaton Par. Co. LAO Kesteven Award 74 LAO Holland Award 36 LAO Swineshead Par. 17 LAO Kesteven Award 75 LAO Lindsey Award 105 LAO T.D.E. MISC. A.1/3 PRO MR 1/140 LAO TETNEY PAR CO LAO Lindsey Award 215 PRO CP 43/785 [rot 244] LAO WigtoY Parish 17/1 LAO SuLerton Par. 17/1 LAO Boston St Botolph Par. 17/1 LAO Swineshead Par. 17/1 LAO Smith 5 -­‐ Holland Fen Enclosure Award LAO Misc. Dep 112/3 LAO Lindsey Award 83 LAO Lindsey Award 21 PRO KB 122/987 [rot 46] LAO Kesteven Award 76 LAO Kesteven Award 77 LAO Misc. Dep. 245/3 (ii) LAO Timberland Par. 23/1 LAO Kesteven Award 79 LAO Lindsey Award 83 LAO High Toynton Par. Co. 17 LAO Lindsey Award 87 LAO Trusthorpe Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 121 LAO Kesteven Award 80

Enclosure maps


Ulceby Ulceby with Fotherington otherwise Fordington otherwise Forthington Upper Santon Upton and Kexby Waddingham Waddingham, Cow Fold Waddington Wainfleet All Saints Wainfleet Common Wainfleet Saint Mary Waithe Waltham Washingborough and Heighington Welby Welby Welton Welton, Boothby and Hanby West Ashby West Deeping and Tallington West Fen West Halton West Keal West Rasen West Willoughby West Willoughby Westborough and Doddington Westborough and Doddington WhiLon Wildmore Fen Wildmore Fen and West and East Fens Wildmore Fen and West and East Fens Willingham Willoughby with Sloothby Willoughby with Sloothby Willoughton Willoughton Wilsford or Willesford Wilsthorpe Winterton Wintringham Witham on the Hill with Manthorpe, ToY and Lound

1833 1836 1833 1777 1847 1847 1770 1867 1867 1856 1811 1771 1834 1776 1776 1773 1792 1773 1813 1820 1773 1775 1803 1773 1773 1771 1771 1775 1816 1820 1801 1780 1838 1838 1769 1769 1775 1819 1772 1795 1818

LAO Lindsey Award 155 LAO Lindsey Award 156 LAO Lindsey Award 151 LAO Lindsey Award 193 LAO Lindsey Award 158 PRO MAF 1/857 LAO Waddington Par. 17/1 LAO Wainfleet All Saints Par. 17/1 PRO MAF 1/759 LAO Lindsey Award 141 LAO Lindsey Award 89 -­‐ LAO Kesteven Award 82 LAO Kesteven Award 95/7 PRO MPL 1/79 LAO Lindsey Award 95 LAO Lindsey Award 93 LAO Lindsey Award 6 LAO Kesteven Award 24 LAO HD 67/1 LAO West Halton Par. 17/1 LAO Lindsey Award 46 PRO CP 43/884 [rot 92] PRO MPL 1/42 LAO Ancaster Par. Co. 1. Par. Plans PRO MPL 1/11 LAO Westborough Par. Co. 1O LAO WhiLon Par. 17/1 LAO Holland Award 22 LAO HD 67/3/A-­‐C LAO HD 67/3/A-­‐C Willingham by Stow Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 144 LAO Willoughby with Sloothby Par. Co. LAO Lindsey Award 91 LAO Willoughton Par. Co. PRO MPL 1/25 LAO Kesteven Award 85 LAO Winterton Par. 17 PRO MPL 1/22 LAO Kesteven Award 86

Enclosure maps


Withcall Withern Wood Enderby WooLon WooLon Wrangle Wrawby cum Brigg Wyberton Wyberton Yarburgh

1834 1840 1798 1767 1767 1807 1805 1791 1791 1813

LAO Lindsey Award 140 LAO Lindsey Award 127 PRO MPL 1/82 LAO Lindsey Award 99 LAO WooLon Par Co. LAO HD 67/12 LAO Lindsey Award 94 LAO Holland Award 39 LAO Holland Award 8 LAO Lindsey Award 100

Enclosure maps

DIOCESE OF LINCOLN Church Buildings Department

Keith Halliday, Church Buildings Adviser & DAC Secretary 01522 50 40 47 | Becky Burrows, Historic Churches Support Officer 01522 50 40 48 | Ben Stoker, Church Development Officer 01522 50 40 49 | Gillian Cooper, Church Buildings Administrator 01522 50 40 45 | Website:

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