Crosslincs - Issue 30

Page 1

Caring for the brave

A new ministry

Chaplaincy to the selfless crew of the Mablethorpe Lifeboat

Changing the way we think about ordination

page 20

page 7

No 30 Lent 2011 FREE Diocese of Lincoln newspaper


Diocese offers utility savings Will Harrison


ith the cost of utilities set to increase again this year, the Diocese of Lincoln is introducing a new service to help minimise the impact of higher costs and save churches money. The Diocese has partnered with a leading UK energy brokerage to create ChurchSave, a service which will enable churches, clergy and PCC members to benefit from the ability to benchmark their current costs and switch to a better-value tariff if appropriate. LSI Utility Brokers manage the energy portfolios of some of the largest UK businesses and the major charities, and are able to negotiate exceptionally good rates for churches. A full website is in development which aims to bring additional procurement opportunities for PCCs over the next year. Resources Consultant Simon Bland said: “As an absolute priority, benchmarking your utility costs is the easiest way to see if you can make savings. “Already during the pilot phase, we have seen savings of nearly £3,000 for an individual church, and where price rises are required, these have been at seven per cent rather than the 24 per cent quoted on renewal.”

ChurchSave benchmarking results Current tariff

ChurchSave tariff











rather than +24%

Church premises are now classified as ‘micro-businesses’ and have enjoyed better protection since 2010. Churches do not need to pay the Climate Change Levy and can reclaim any payments made in error. “As prices continue to rise, there has never been a better time to ensure that you are getting the best deal, and not wasting money stuck on an expensive tariff,” said Simon. The Diocese has also negotiated access to a domestic service for members of a congregation: more information can be found at “Even if you are currently in a contract you can register your interest at notifying us of your contract end date and we will contact you in plenty of time for you to make an informed decision,” said Simon.

Honours bestowed: Audrey Wayman, Jane Weeks, Jean Coates, and the Revd Mark Briscoe are pictured with the Head of the School of Theology, Canon Mark Hocknull on their graduation. They were each awarded the School’s BA(Hons) in Theology. The Revd Paul Salmon and the Revd Graham Thornalley also graduated in January.

No faith no bar to school access


lans for a brand-new Church school in North Lincolnshire are progressing as the newly-formed temporary governing body agrees the admissions policy. The governors and the Diocese of Lincoln have agreed the vision for the school, which is based on four principles and promotes a distinctive Christian ethos and value to achieve the overarching aim for pupils to become “confident, successful learners and ultimately responsible citizens.” St Peter and St Paul Church of England Primary School on Scunthorpe’s Lakeside development, on the eastern edge of the town, will be developing open-mindedness and will take spiritual development seriously, personalise the curriculum and learning experience for each child, foster a culture of

inclusion and partner with other community and church schools, the Diocese, the Local Authority and wider community. There will be 90 places available when the school opens next year. The Diocese of Lincoln’s Deputy Director of Education, Paul Thompson, who is overseeing the establishment of the school for the Diocese, said: “These places will be weighted towards Foundation Stage and Key Stage One where demand is expected to be greater. “The Foundation Stage children will be admitted under the normal co-ordinated arrangements and families with children in years one to six will be informed by public notice that they can apply for places from May 2012 following an open day.”

Paul explained that the governors have agreed that they will use the North Lincolnshire’s over subscription criteria. “From September 2013, the school will be able to accommodate 30 pupils in each year group equating to 210 pupils in the school,” he said. However, the school will not use faith criteria in its admissions policy. Having elected Dr Hilary Beverley as chair, and the parish priest the Revd Peter Liley as vice-chair, the governing body is now advertising for a head teacher for the school (see page 19). “Being a headteacher of a brand new school is a rare and exciting opportunity and it is hoped that the position will attract a strong field of candidates,” said Paul.


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Rewriting the Bible Nick Edmonds

“At first, the children were amazed by the old style of language,” he said. “But we compared the text with the same verses in modern language, and talked about the way it had changed. “One of the main discoveries we have made is that the Bible is a continuous, evolving text, with a message for every generation.” “The stories in it may have been told a long time ago, but this project has helped the children ask what the Bible means to them today.” When completed, the pupils’ written and pictorial contributions will then be photographed, collated and bound in leather to form part of a special exhibition at Lincoln Cathedral, entitled ‘The Bible in England’. Here, visitors will also have an opportunity to view the Romanesque Chapter Bible, given to the Cathedral around the year 1111, and a rare 1611 copy of the first printing of the KJV from nearby Aisthorpe. ‘The Bible in England’ runs in the Medieval and Wren Libraries at Lincoln Cathedral between 23 May and 30 July and will be open daily (except Sundays) between 1-3pm (11am-3pm on Saturdays), after which the Children’s Bible will be permanently chained to a 15th century reading desk.



s one of the most important publications of the last millennium prepares to celebrate a landmark birthday, children from Church schools across the Diocese of Lincoln have been working hard to create their own version. The work of 47 scholars, and completed in 1611, The Authorised King James Version of the Bible was the third official translation into English by the Church of England, and the most successful to date in appeasing all its factions. Now, with the‘KJV’approaching its 400th birthday, pupils from the diocese’s 137 church primary schools and five secondary schools have been creating a new copy of the celebrated text, which will be displayed as part of an exhibition of Bibles at Lincoln Cathedral. The Lincoln Children’s Bible, a joint project between the Lincoln Cathedral Library, the Diocesan Education department and Church Schools, features 3,000 verses from the original publication, painstakingly copied by out by primary school children, with illustrations provided by secondary school children. James Barker, RE leader at Bishop King C of E primary school, Lincoln, said that the project had been challenging, but rewarding.

Pictured following in the pen-strokes of the 1611 scribes are Bishop King C of E pupils Liam Lenton (11), Jordan Egan (11), Josh Pickersgill (11) and Faith Miyara (10)

Cartoonist wanted W

it, and a gift for drawing, could give you a chance to display your skills as a cartoonist on this page. A new cartoonist is required after the retirement from Crosslincs of Goom, who has produced the cartoon for almost five years. The editor of Crosslincs, Will Harrison, said that the cartoon had become a much-loved feature of the newspaper, which has a print-run of 11,000 copies. “Goom has produced masterpiece after masterpiece, and we have been incredibly lucky to have had his services. “He will be much missed, especially since people tell me they look forward to seeing what he has come up with next. “We spend a lot of time being very serious, so I think it is healthy for us sometimes to poke fun at ourselves. A good cartoon will do that, while sometimes highlighting a serious issue.” If you have the skill, send a cartoon to or to the editor at Crosslincs, The Old Palace, Minster Yard, Lincoln LN2 1PU. The best cartoons will be printed on this page, and if necessary, Crosslincs readers will be asked to vote on their favourite. Cartoons should reach the editor by 1 April 2011.

Lincolnshire cartoonist Goom ( created cartoons for Crosslincs for almost five years.



Crosslincs 01522 504034


Shining example of green endeavour

More than £1m for Diocese’s churches


welve churches in Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire are set to benefit from more than £1m in grants to support urgent repair work to Grade I and II* buildings. The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and English Heritage have pledged more than £15.7m nationally, with £1,006,000 coming to 12 churches in the Diocese of Lincoln under the organisations’ joint Repair Grants for Places of Worship scheme. The scheme, in a slightly different form, began in 1996. Before then it was difficult to secure funding on the scale required to help a place of worship facing closure or demolition because of high repair costs. Listed places of worship in England of all denominations and faiths are eligible for grants which support urgent repairs to the fabric of the building with a focus on projects costing less than £250,000. There is a two-stage application process with development funding available at Stage One to help work up proposals. The Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey, the Ven Jane Sinclair, said: “It’s wonderful to know that, even at a time of financial cutbacks, English Heritage has been able to offer significant grants to a number of our churches. “An English Heritage grant to a parish church represents an investment by the nation in a much loved building, and is a great boost to the tireless efforts of churchwardens and PCC members. “The Archdeacon of Lincoln and I are immensely grateful to all church communities which continue to care for and open up their buildings for all to enjoy, and to meet with God in worship.” Dr Simon Thurley, Chief Executive of English Heritage, said: “Thanks to the generosity of the Heritage Lottery Fund, and ultimately therefore of Lottery players, our historic places of worship in direct need still have the vital safety net of the Repair Grants scheme. “Without it, many brave but struggling congregations would be faced with watching their beloved churches and chapels falling into ruin. “Instead, the combination of Heritage Lottery Fund money and English Heritage advice is seeing these wonderful buildings revived and restored and becoming ever more central to their communities as places of prayer and celebration and as a hub for local services.”

Beneficiaries in Lincolnshire Crowland Abbey


All Saints, Wellingore


St Andrew, Cranwell


St Chad, Welbourn


St Cuthbert, Brattleby


St Mary, Weston


St Mary, East Barkwith


St Oswald, Blankney


St Peter and St Paul, Kirton


St Andrew, Wooton


St Lawrence, Thornton Curtis £68,000 St Martin, Owston Ferry


Bind us together


series of Lent addresses in a Lincolnshire market town will examine aspects of the relationship between faith, Church and community. This year’s Holbeach Lent Addresses take the title Bind Us Together, and each happens on a Tuesday at 7.30pm. On Tuesday 15 March, the Dean of Lincoln, the Very Revd Philip Buckler will share thoughts about the cathedral community and its relationship with the wider Diocese. On 22 March, the Revd David De Verny, parish priest of Donington, Bicker, Swineshead, Sutterton and Wigtoft, will speak about community in an area of significant immigration, both national and international. The Precentor of Lincoln, Canon Gavin Kirk, will talk about the relationship between worship and community on 29 March. The Rector of Grantham, Canon Christopher Andrews will share some of his knowledge about Islamic models of community on 5 April, and on 12 April Canon Andrew Hawes will discuss the relationship between the individual local church and its community. The addresses all take place at All Saints Church, Holbeach.


Will Harrison

Canon Richard Eyre switches on the £48,000 photovoltaic panels at St Hugh’s Church, North Hykeham.


second Lincolnshire church has made the headlines with the completed installation of eco-friendly photovoltaic solar panels. Following in the footsteps of a pioneering development at St Denys’s, Sleaford, St Hugh’s, North Hykeham in Lincoln hope that the project will save up to £80,000 on bills over the next 25 years. Situated on the flat roof of the 1969 church, the panels, which have received support from the Low Carbon Buildings Programme, the Community Sustainable Energy Programme and the Big Lottery Fund, now power both the church and adjacent hall. Costing £48,000, the cells, which do not require direct sunlight to operate, will produce up to 7000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, with an estimated annual carbon offset of three-and-ahalf tonnes. The parish priest, Canon Richard Eyre

paid tribute to congregation members who had spearheaded the fundraising. “This has been a lay project through and through, which is very good news for the Church,” he said. Richard explained that the principal motive for the installation had been ecological rather than financial. “We must all be concerned about sustaining God’s creation,” he said. “And there are lots of things, both small and great, which churches can do to help reduce our collective carbon footprint. “Fifty years ago, I recall a good number of scientists rubbishing the detrimental effects of tobacco smoking, and only in the fullness of time was the true effect realised. “I only hope the same mistake isn’t being made by those who underestimate humanity’s impact on climate change today.” The panels at St Hugh’s were installed by Lincolnshire-based company FreeWatt Ltd.


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Inaugural lecture for theological group


professor of theology at King’s College, London, and former Bishop of Oxford, will give the inaugural lecture for a new theological society. The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Lord Harries of Pentregarth will give the lecture, “Allies or Opponents? Secular and Religious voices in the public sphere” on 3 March at 7.30pm at Bishop Grosseteste University College in Lincoln as the first in the series for Lincoln Theological Society. Richard Harries was Dean of King’s College, London from 1981 to 1987, and then Bishop of Oxford until his retirement in 2006, when he was made a life peer. He is Gresham Professor of Divinity and an honorary professor of Theology at King’s College, London. He is often heard on BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day, and is the author of a number of books.

Tickets for the lecture, which will be held in the Robert Hardy Lecture Theatre, cost £5, and include wine. They are available on the door, or from Lincoln Minster Shop on 01522 561644.

Lord Harries of Pentregarth Future lectures include the Canon Stephen Dawes on Marcion − Heretic or Hero? on 24 May, and the Revd Joseph O’Hanlon on The Historical Jesus on 19 October.

Listening training for laity



course to help lay people refine their listening skills is being organised by the Diocese of Lincoln and the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation. The Listening for Life course begins on Tuesday 3 May, and continues on the following three Tuesdays at St John’s Church, Ermine, Lincoln, from 7.30pm to 10pm. The Acorn Christian Healing Foundation offers courses on listening, which encourages listening to others, to ourselves and to God which will help to improve relationships and deepen spirituality. The cost of this course is £36 per person, and enquiries should be made to Sue at e-mail by Fleshbourne or on 01522 829905.

Rachel Beck has joined the Diocese’s Resources Consultancy team

Warrant for nosegays


incoln Cathedral’s fundraising team is hosting a talk by the person whose responsibility it is to provide posies for an annual royal event. Organisers are hoping to gauge how many people would be interested in attending the talk and demonstration in the Spring of next year by Rosemary Mason who holds the Royal Warrant to make nosegays for the Royal Maundy Service each year. Rosemary’s talk will cover the

history of the Maundy Thursday service, the music and liturgy, the Royal connections and of course the usage of the nosegays and a demonstration of the arranging of the posies. Rosemary has been making the nosegays for 26 years and regularly gives talks about the Royal Maundy Service. To register your interest in attending the talk and demonstration, contact Carol Hill on 01522 723967 or at

Consultancy back to strength T

he Diocese of Lincoln’s Resources Consultancy Team has taken on a new member of staff. Rachel Beck joined the team in February, replacing Keith Halliday who is now the secretary to the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches. Rachel is well known throughout the Diocese as she is a member of the Diocesan Synod as well as being one of our elected members to the General Synod. She has also served on the Board of Mission in the

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Diocese of Sheffield and she worships at St Mary Magdalene Church in Lincoln. Rachel’s background is in teaching and has taught in a number of schools in Lincolnshire. “I’m really looking forward to meeting and supporting church communities right across the Diocese,” said Rachel. “This work is so important in helping parishes to deliver mission in their local area, something that I’m passionate about. I can’t wait to get stuck in.” lincss Crosssslincs ort Crosslincs su suppo deligh de d hted to support are re delighted We a We Fo a brochure For broc chure e and nd further furrther e cal call all 084 please on pl on 0320 tio mattion 88 0 45 880 45 nform informat in k isit www ww.sttreettswe or vvisit



Crosslincs 01522 504034


Church weddings on course Fair for the P engaged A arish clergy from the Diocese of Lincoln have attended an intensive two-day course which helps to encourage the use of churches for weddings. The Weddings Project, run by the Church of England, encourages parish clergy to think more about how they portray themselves and their churches to those who wish to get married. Around 20 priests attended the course, which shared statistics and research on people’s interpretations and expectations of the church and marriage. The Rector of Scartho, Fr Edward Martin, said: “The two-day presentation was both challenging and entertaining. “The extensive research provided a window into the hopes, dreams and spiritual questions that many couples have when they decide to get married in church. “The carefully-designed Weddings Project materials highlighted the way for clergy to make the most of the time they spend with wedding couples so that, hopefully, their contact with the church will endure beyond the big day.”

Marshlands uncovered Adrian Smith


rinted and published locally and for the benefit of the upkeep of St Margaret’s Church in the village, Huttoft – A Chronicle of a Marshland Community by Charles Hull is a remarkable piece of work. Initially intended to be a ‘minor project to revamp a small duplicated information sheet given out to visitors to the church’, Charles Hull has produced a fitting and beautifully-illustrated book that weighs in at some 340 pages. Structured so as to offer a thorough account of the history of the church, this book also serves as a valuable piece of social history, taking in local independent churches and chapels; matters of law and order, transport, geography and topography; Huttoft and the neighbouring Anderby in the First and Second World Wars; farming in the marsh; the Huttoft millers; and business of the past and present. In addition, there is a look ahead to the future, including an architect’s perspective of the projected North Sea Coastal

Observatory for Huttoft Bank Car Terrace, a subject of current local discussion. Furthermore, there is a chapter detailing the presence of Sir John Betjeman at a service of Evensong in the church, a visit that he would then later go on to describe in his poem, A Lincolnshire Church. In essence, then, it is clear that, for Charles, this work has been a real labour of love. It is impressive for its detail, its treasury of pictures and photographs, and its high standards of production. Huttoft – A Chronicle of a Marshland Community is a fine record of a beautiful part of the county and Diocese. Copies of this book may be ordered by calling Mrs Norma Ambler on 01507 490403. The book is priced at £15 and may be posted for an additional charge of £3.50.

Sponsor this page. Advertise your business* and support Crosslincs for £200 per edition. Contact 01522 504033 or for more information. *Terms and conditions apply. Call for more details.

Lincolnshire parish group is preparing local couples for their big day by holding a church wedding fair. The Withamside United Parish is holding the fair on Saturday 26 March, from 11am to 3pm, to help prospective couples plan for their weddings. The event will be held at St Michael and All Angels Church, Bassingham. The rector of the group, Canon Nick Buck, said that the Bassingham church was an ideal venue to showcase church weddings. “The historic church of St Michael and All Angels has a special atmosphere, particularly for weddings,” said Nick. “All the churches of the united parish will be present so for anyone interested in getting married at Aubourn, Bassingham, Carlton le Moorland, Norton Disney, Thurlby or Stapleford there will be somebody there to help you think about plans for your big day and to reflect on the significance of getting married in one of these beautiful churches.” Top wedding suppliers from across Lincolnshire will also be attending, including a fashion show by Caroline Wedding Dress Chamberlain, Couture. Other selected wedding businesses will be exhibiting to give a quality choice to people visiting on the day. “There will be plenty of opportunity to find the answers to your questions about a church wedding,” said Nick. “The rules relating to eligibility to get married in church have recently changed, and there are now more opportunities to get married in one of the beautiful Withamside churches even if you do not regularly go to church. “There will be advice on this together with lots of other information about the different churches, the wedding service, the marriage vows and essential other ingredients such as the flowers, music, church bells and much more.” Anyone who is thinking about getting married is encouraged to come along to get inspiration and to appreciate how meaningful and wonderful church weddings really can be.


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Children and Young People

Activity camp in the woods


oung people in the Diocese of Lincoln are being invited to take part in a Spring Activity camp. The camp, organised by the Diocese of Lincoln’s Children and Youth Service, will give people aged 16 to 19 the opportunity to work as a team on practical activities at Hill Holt Wood in Norton Disney, near Newark. The work will be supervised by members of the ranger team employed by the wood. Campers will need to provide a tent, and all personal equipment. Food will be provided, and campers will be expected to prepare all their meals. The programme is designed to meet the criteria of the residential component of the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme at Gold level, though those not on the scheme will be welcome. Attending the camp, which takes place between 11 and 15 April, costs £50. For more information call Suzanne Starbuck on 01522 504068.


Hill Holt Wood, near Newark.

Goodies in store for new group in Scunthorpe A

new youth project has been launched on a Scunthorpe estate aimed at young people aged eight to 11 years. The Riddings Brigade is a new group for youngsters which is organised by the Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade − the Church of England’s uniformed children’s and youth organisation − in association with the parish of Bottesford with Ashby. A free activity morning on 26 February gave people an opportunity to get a taste of what the group will offer, and those attending took away a goody bag. Capt Dave Rose CA, the Diocese of Lincoln’s Children and Youth Officer, said: “The new Riddings group intends to provide a space where members can have fun, make new friends and try new and exciting activities, while being challenged to do a bit more, go a bit further, try a bit harder to become the best that they can be. “Like most uniformed groups, there is a system of badges and awards, which will be augmented by the Diocese of Lincoln’s own Church Children’s Achievement Awards.” Dave explained that as the Brigade is a Church of England youth organisation, and as this unit is sponsored by the local parish, there will be the opportunity to learn more about what it means to be a Christian, and to make a link to the local Church. The group, however, is open to people of all faiths and none. “This new piece of work is aimed to make provision for the eight to 12 age band which is traditionally below that

Training day for youth workers

made by the youth services, which normally work with teenagers. “In an ideal world the voluntary sector and local authority provision should work in partnership to meet the needs of children and young people in our communities,” said Dave. The group will be led by Karen Boothman.

“I am very pleased that someone of Karen’s experience and skill has agreed to work with us on this project, and I am sure that she and her assistant Louisa will do a fantastic job in creating this new opportunity for the children of the Riddings area,” said Dave. Caroline Ridgway, the CLCGB Diocesan Commander said: “I compliment the local Church in being prepared to take on this project, and say thank you to the staff of North Lincolnshire Children’s Services for their help in getting started, especially Hillary at the Riddings Youth Centre.” The Riddings Project has been made possible because of grant aid from the Worsdall Trust, The Church Community Fund and Lincolnshire Community Bank. The first meeting of the Riddings Project is on 2 March. More details about CLCGB can be found at:

hurch youth workers in the region can take the opportunity to undertake some leadership training organised by a mission organisation. CPAS (the Church Pastoral Aid Society) is running the training event at St Lawrence’s Church, Skellingthorpe on 19 March. The event, called Growing Young Leaders, will look at why investing in leadership development at a young age is essential and provides practical insights into how to grow leaders in the local church. The course runs from 10am-3pm and will be led by Ruth Hassall, CPAS leadership development adviser. The cost of attending is £15, though this may be claimed against the training bursary by a registered worker. The training is designed to relate to the CPAS resource pack: Growing Leaders – Youth Edition which is available at the discounted price of £48 on the day. Parishes or projects which have registered their Children’s or Youth Work with the Diocese of Lincoln’s Children and Youth Service may claim a ‘new initiatives’ grant to pay for one pack per parish or project. For more information, or to book a place on the course, contact Dave Rose on 01522 504067.

Vocation exploration


oung people aged 15 years or older can attend a free event to explore what it means to have a Christian vocation. The exploration day to be held at St Lawrence’s Church, Skellingthorpe, is a chance for young people to find out what it means to be called, and how to recognise when it is happening. The day, called Your Servant is Listening, will be held on 26 March from 10.15am and finish by 3pm. Diocesan Children and Youth Work Officer, Dave Rose, said: “God continues to call, and it is part of the nature of being a Christian to be called − to follow Christ and to ministry. “Being called, having a vocation, having a ministry is not the exclusive experience of people who have dog collars or dress up on Sunday morning. “God calls everyone who follows Jesus to take a role, a ministry, within His Church; sadly we are not always that good at listening; not that good at saying ‘Speak, for your servant is listening’.” Lunch and refreshments will be provided. See for more details.



Churches festival opens 90 buildings Will Harrison


n annual festival which celebrates the many churches across west Lincolnshire will see 90 buildings open their doors to thousands of people. Last year, more than 10,000 people attended the West Lindsey Churches Festival, which this year runs on the two weekends of 7 and 15 May. The festival’s chairman, Mick Gough, said that the main purpose of the event is to encourage community involvement. “The idea is to get the community involved,” he said. “That’s our philosophy. We want people to see the potential of our incredible church buildings and get involved.” Now in its 15th year, the festival last year raised more then £18,500 for the participating churches.

Synod receives minister T

he meeting of General Synod in London in early February provided an opportunity to establish priorities for the next five years, and also to receive a visit from a Government minister, writes General Synod member, Canon Chris Lilley. The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell spoke about the UK commitment to the long-held goal of 0.7 per cent of GDP for international aid – a level no other country has achieved. He said that he wants to focus on ensuring funds are properly spent and is particularly keen on securing education, especially for girls, to meet Millennium Development Goals. Synod also received a presentation from the Ethical Investment Advisory Group, which advises the church bodies on invest-

ment policies. Their policy has switched in recent years from simply banning some sectors, such as armaments, tobacco and pornography, to combining this with engaging the companies in which we invest over areas of concern. The Archbishop of York’s presidential address restated the case for ‘reconnecting and refreshing the wellsprings of solidarity in England’ which connected with one of the agreed priorities for the next five years. Three themes and four questions will shape national church activity in the next five years. General Synod was called to take forward the spiritual and numerical growth of the Church of England including the growth of its capacity to serve the whole community of this country; to re-shape or

re-imagine the Church’s ministry for the coming century, so as to make sure that there is a growing and sustainable Christian witness in every local community, and to focus resources where there is both greatest need and greatest opportunity. Members of General Synod backed a House of Bishops statement permitting divorced clergy (or those marrying divorcees) to be appointed as Bishops subject to proper enquiry into the circumstances. At present, 12 per cent of ordination candidates are affected by divorce and this has an ongoing impact on some appointments of bishops. General Synod next meets in York from 8 to 12 July.


Bardney Church is among the 90 opening for the West Lindsey Churches Festival Among the churches being opened for the event on 14 and 15 May is St Lawrence’s Church, Bardney, which was built by the monks of Bardney Abbey in 1434 because the villagers ‘created a nuisance during the worship in the monastery.’ The church features historic wall paintings and charity boards which commemorate bequests to the village. And on 7 and 8 May, St Laurence’s Church, Corringham will be among those opening. Visitors will be able to see the fine Norman roll mouldings, and 11th century arcade, a late Norman mason’s mark, and the tomb of a former Archdeacon of Lincoln. Many of the churches open for the event hold flower festivals, recitals, exhibitions and tours. The festival is organised by a voluntary committee with the support of West Lindsey District Council, and has come to be regarded as one of the best festivals of its kind in the country. “We want to show people that churches are not just there for services,” said Mike. “They are very much a focus for the community.” For more information about the West Lindsey Churches Festival, visit

The Choir of Lincoln Cathedral Lindum Baroque


Carys Lane

Countertenor: Aric Prentice

(leader: Nicolette Moonen)


Director: Charles Harrison


Lincoln Cathedral Saturday 19 March 2011 7pm £12, £8 concessions, available on 01522 561644 or at


Alex Sprague Robert Rice

Richard Roddis



Re-interpreting the ordained ministry Jeffrey Heskins

To be ordained in 2011

Director of Ordinands and Vocations

Deacons: (in bold: Distinct Deacons) Bob Barrett (OLM)


Nikki Bates

East Holland

Frances Clarke (OLM) Skellingthorpe Sheena Cleaton


Roy Done


Martin Faulkner


Karen Gooding (OLM) Alford Kirkby Laythorpe

Steve Holt


Harry Jeffery


Nigel Panting


David Pickett

Beltisloe Deanery

Christine Sully

Trent Cliff

Dave Swannack


Richard Thornton


Sally Turnbull (OLM)


Rosemary Trevelyan Washingborough

Among the many new deacons to be ordained this year will be some who will maintain a distinctive ministry.

Jan Vasey


Joan Vickers (OLM)

Saxilby and Stow



Gillian Barrow


Liz Brown (NSM)


Erica Crust (NSM)


Julie Donn


Georgina Huysse-Smith West Grimsby


ineteen new deacons will be ordained this summer in the Diocese of Lincoln. About half of those will look to proceed to ordination as priests the following year. This is fairly commonplace. All of our priests in the Church of England are ordained to the diaconate first and spend at least a year reflecting on what that means before ordination to the priesthood. This year however, just under half of those being ordained will remain as deacons in an order of clergy called the Distinct Diaconate. There are some people who think this is a new phenomenon. In fact it is the rekindling of an old one and one that both catholic churches and some of the reformed churches have rediscovered in recent years. In our Swedish link diocese of Harnosand I saw evidence of this when I visited for their ordinations two years ago. There the diaconate is never seen as a transitional order to the priesthood. Those who are ordained deacon have a distinct ministry of pastoral care. They are involved in social and community projects and are seen as a visible link between the Church and the wider community. Like the candidate in the picture here, they wear green clerical shirts or blouses to distinguish them from their priest colleagues. They are a vibrant order. But the Swedish Lutheran Church has a slightly different understanding of the office of a deacon. They are high profile in their practical ministries, but liturgically

Val Greene (OLM)

often do little more than lead the prayers of intercession in the Eucharist. Not so the distinct diaconate as understood in the Church of England where they play a much fuller part in the Eucharistic liturgy, leading the confession, proclaiming the gospel, sharing the peace, setting the altar table and dismissing the congregation at the end. All of which really ought to be reflected in a pastoral ministry which encourages everyone to a life of holiness, proclamation, reconciliation and outreach. As ordained ministers they will also be able to baptise, conduct weddings and take funerals. It is a true servant ministry but not one which absolves every other Christian from the same. In what way does this ministry differ from that of a Reader? Good question. In many respects a good number of the Readers who serve within the diocese do many of those things. That is the way the ministry of Reader has evolved and grown over the last

hundred and something years. We continue to be very blessed by the ministry of Readers who preach and teach and lead worship in so many of our churches. But I remember being reprimanded nearly 30 years ago when I gave a lunch-time talk in a city of London church, as a young deacon, on why I thought that all Readers should be made deacons. One of those listening to my sweet ounce of bombast was at pains to remind me that he felt particularly strongly about his ministry as a lay person. God had called gifts out of him to preach and teach, but he had never felt that it was a call to ordination. I learned then that whatever our call is it is not simply to something functional. It is to be in a way of life in which we can best model the way of Christ and that we have no business competing with each other over who can do what in worship. Instead, what we seem to have is a recovery of a facet of ministry which should be an inspi-

Liz Jackson


Hugh Jones


Peter Lister (OLM)


David Oxtoby


Julie Timings


Jon Wright


ration for the whole Church. Reader or Deacon; this visible ministry of lay and ordained needs to be in partnership to inspire the rest of us to discover what God has up his sleeve for us. There are already three distinct deacons ordained in the diocese and this new group (all volunteer ministers − unlike the Swedish deacons) will, together with them, form a new Order, acting as‘doorkeepers’to the local church as one of them put it to me recently; inviting the wider community to share the life of faithful Christian living and also inviting the faithful to get stuck into sharing the Christian life within the wider community. Will they ever become priests? It is fairly unlikely, but who can say? For now, I think it best that we simply give thanks for the revival of this distinct diaconate to serve alongside our distinct Reader ministers and pray for all those whose hearts have been stirred in this way. !



Letters to the editor, Crosslincs, Church House, Minster Yard, Lincoln LN2 1PU A name and address and telephone number must be supplied with every letter and e-mail. Letters may be edited for style and length.

Comment & letters Tirunelveli visit hugely inspiring From the Revd Edward Bowes-Smith Outstanding! That’s the word that comes to mind when reflecting on our recent 12 day visit to the Church of South India and the Diocese of Tirunelveli. In many ways, the church is far stronger in India than it is here in England. This is despite the many pressures on the church in this majority Hindu country. We found a deeply prayerful Christian people, who put their faith first before everything else. There was a real sense of love for Christ and love for one’s neighbour, especially the poor and disadvantaged. It felt, in some ways, like walking into the pages of the Bible, with Christians meeting daily together, the church growing rapidly and Church leaders being of one heart and mind (Acts 2.42-47). Over the years, St Peter-in-Eastgate in Lincoln has welcomed many visitors from Tirunelveli and the congregation has taken this overseas link to their hearts. It was a joy to pay a return visit and see something of the ministries with which our hosts were involved. The Revd Raja Christopher showed us the diocese’s extensive ministry to the deaf. For children there was an excellent school for the deaf. For adults, in addition to the deaf centre in the main city, we were privileged to be present as Bishop JJ Christdoss dedicated a new building for the deaf in a nearby town. Dr Prem Kumar’s work with lepers and their families was something Dr Carol Millns, one of our churchwardens, was keen to see. We joined a leper colony for a new year celebration and saw the nurses not just caring for their patients but sharing their faith through songs, sketches and a simple sermon. There are plans to build more homes and facilities for lepers in the future. We were also able to visit a packed cathedral Sunday service, and a number of local churches, orphanages and schools. The warmth of the welcome in each place we visited was overwhelming. Clergy all spoke of their dependence on the power of prayer as the key to their church’s growth and life. We participated in a Confirmation with all the candidates dressed in white (when did the custom die out here?) and looked in on a youth rally of more than 1,000 teenagers. Though, interestingly, we found many a young person’s ambition was to leave Tirunelveli and work as software engineers elsewhere in India or, in fact, anywhere in the world. The third member of our party, Margaret Ford, was also especially honoured as a retired CMS missionary. There is still a real sense of gratitude for the work of the early missionaries from England and Germany. I was challenged too by one theological college which makes all its students live in the slums among the poorest of the poor for the entire second year of their course. We came away stuck by the Bishop’s gentle godliness and his passion for mission. His goal was for every existing congregation to plant a new church over the next few years.



here is a very simple equation: (A political ideology for ‘small government’) + (A need to reduce government expenditure) x (A Prime Minister’s rhetoric) = (suspicion + cynicism). Such is the background to the ‘Big Society’ which the Prime Minster launched in July 2010. Cameron claims that the Big Society will be a “big advance for people power”, enabling people to feel “both free and powerful enough to help themselves and their own communities”. It will be a move away from centralised, top down solutions to problems which are complex and local. In the language of the Diocese of Lincoln, the philosophy and approach underpinning the Big Society is called “New Era”! Indeed parallels between New Era and the Big Society are evident. The challenge for those in leadership is to get beyond the suspicion and cynicism. Yet for David Cameron this will be an uphill task. We have developed a culture where individualism is out of balance with family and community; dependency has eroded responsibility; generosity comes out of surplus and not sacrifice; the marketplace for resources blesses the strong and the needs of the vulnerable are seen as someone else’s problem. Achieving a fundamental change in the balance between central and local empowerment cannot be delivered though process, finance or legislation. It has to be about the ‘soul’ of all who are involved, whether they are at the centre or working locally. It will be their inner drives and motives which enable or frustrate the sharing of power, the devolution of responsibility, the control of funds and in managing the risks involved. Big Society resonates with gospel values – trust, love of neighbour, dignity, jus-

A vow of poverty tice, mutual respect, responsibility for the vulnerable. Yet such values have to be underpinned by a culture of ‘mutuality’. In gospel terms this means faithful, loving, forgiving and generous hearts which enable us to see the image of God in each other and respond to that image socially, politically and economically. Like New Era, the Big Society can only come about if we are sacrificially generous in our approach to using the power channelled locally, imaginative in our response to local issues and, above all, willing to commit our time and energy to discharging the responsibilities we are given. Suspicion and cynicism are corrosive things, particularly when they come into contact with vision and passion. David Cameron offers a different vision for sharing power and responsibility. The substance of his rhetoric will be measured by how the funds flow, where decisions are made and legislation which moves power to the local. The success of his vision, however, will depend on our willingness to use local empowerment creatively and not just to further promote individualism. In the Church there is still much for us to learn and understand about a new era in balancing power between the centre and the local. By God’s grace we have prayer, scripture and worship to draw on in shaping our future, developing our attitudes and enriching our common life. The real question facing David Cameron asks how do you change the prevailing culture to encompass a vision for a Big Society which, in the end, is beyond politics? The mutuality he seeks is essentially a matter of faith and he has to decide whether his coalition government “does faith.” And more importantly, does he believe in us?

The Comment is written by a different anonymous author each edition with the intention of provoking thought and debate, and is not necessarily the view of the Diocese of Lincoln.

Already some 700 had been planted with another 300 planned over the next three years. A new church is recognised when it has 50 families on its books. I came away wondering how we could see the same dynamic at work here in England. There’s so much more I could mention: the diocese’s ministry, for example, to some 300,000 children—summer camps, memory verse calendars, monthly magazines, even Scripture examinations! Do we perhaps expect too little from our own children and is that why so many fail to take on the faith for themselves? We left physically exhausted but spiritually refreshed by all that we had seen. We also left with a deeper awareness of what a mission partnership means. It’s about giving and receiving and learning, from one another. It’s about thinking globally while living locally. Edward Bowes-Smith Lincoln

Thank you, and farewell From the Rt Revd Dr John and Mrs Jackie Saxbee Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the goodwill messages and promises of prayers which have been sent to us in the days leading up to our retirement. The Farewell Eucharist in the Cathedral was a wonderfully moving Act of Worship which will live long in the memory. We are only sorry that we were not able to meet and thank those present individually. By no means least, thank you for the extraordinarily generous gifts presented to us then and on other occasions. The Garden Room will be a great addition to our little bungalow in Pembrokeshire, and we hope to spend many a happy hour there reading, writing and simply relaxing with our memories of the wonderful times

From the Revd Canon Peter Godden Not many of us have taken a vow of poverty, and agreed to live as a poor person simply for the love of God, and in the sure belief that God will meet our needs. Not necessarily our wants, but certainly our needs. My sister became a nun many years ago. She owns nothing, and is content with a simple lifestyle because she and God know how much they love one another. She isn’t the only one. The Community of the Resurrection is a society of priests and laymen living at Mirfield, near Huddersfield, who have each taken a similar vow, together with vows of chastity and stability. In this way they have made themselves open to whatever work God has called them to anywhere in the world. Years ago, when many things were very different, they did sterling work in Southern Africa. We have all heard of Trevor Huddleston. We know of Desmond Tutu. They, and indeed Nelson Mandela, all have a part in the Community’s story in Africa. They still train priests in this country. I owe them a debt of gratitude for they were absolutely key people in my own journey to ordination. One of them is my Spiritual Director. He is, if you like, parish priest to a parish priest. They have fallen on hard times. Where they were once 60 in number, they are now fewer than 20. And their age profile goes in reverse; those whom I remember from my student days as in their 30s are now in their 70s. Not only are they old and worn out. So is their monastery. As a monastery, it is almost beyond repair. But it could be turned into something else, and they could move to a new, smaller, more appropriate building somewhere else on the site. Their very fine church, a place of pilgrimage for many, also needs major refurbishment. So they needed to get an appeal under way. They have managed to raise about £350,000 towards the £2 million they need. But not only are they poor men (by definition), also, they don’t know many rich people. The people they know are priests like me, comfortable, perhaps, but not wealthy. In this month of the Resurrection, might you, or someone you know, be able to do something too? Have a look at their website,, to get an overview. It would be wonderful if more of us could do something to support people who, for Jesus’ sake, have made themselves as poor as he was. Peter Godden Hackthorn we have enjoyed in Lincoln, and all of you who have made these last nine years so special. Now we go our several ways into God’s future and we pray that the peace of Christ and the comfort of the Holy Spirit will bless, preserve and keep you now and always. Thank you – and farewell. + John & Jackie Saxbee Haverfordwest



Led retreat explores Keating A

retreat for clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln will consider the contemplative pastor, and the challenges faced by the Church. The clergy retreat, to be held from 28 to 31 March, will be led by the Diocese of Lincoln’s ministerial development officer, the Revd David McCormick. He said: “The Church is beset by multiple challenges in a rapidly-changing world: ageing and dwindling congregations, acrimonious debates over women’s ministry and homosexuality, increasing financial constraints, reductions in the number of stipendiary clergy and shifting patterns of ministry. “The Church wrestles with a crisis of identity, so too the Clergy.” David said that clergy are expected to lead creatively and professionally, and to manage change for themselves and their congregations. “At every turn, clergy are told to think outside of the box. But which box?” asked David.

opportunity to consider and share in contemplative prayer. I shall use the teaching of Fr Thomas Keating to illustrate the place and practice of such prayer in the life of the contemporary pastor and you will be invited to use this form of prayer over the course of the retreat. “Together we will pray the Daily Office, celebrate the Eucharist, we will reflect on our ministry as pastors and be still before the God who calls us. There will also be the opportunity to receive the ministry of reconciliation and/or individual counsel.” For more information, contact the Edward King Centre on 01522 504075.

T H E E D WA R D K I N G C E N T R E a t T h e O l d Pa l a c e

The Revd David McCormick TSSF During this led retreat participants will be invited to identify the boxes inhabited corporately and individually and to imagine what it might be like to think outside of them. “Through a series of addresses which draw upon the ordinal and insights from contemporary priests and pastors we take time to look at ourselves as the priests and pastors of God’s people here and now; to imagine anew our call to be walking sacraments, to challenge the pressures of managerialism and rediscover the radical nature of priesthood as God-bearing,” said David. “In order to create the space in which to ask such questions you will have the

crossllincs is available in a recorded format for the partially sighted. Call Dorothy Selfe on 01507 603809.

Welcome and Hospitality • Peace and Quiet • Reflection and Prayer In the heart of Lincoln’s historic Cathedral Quarter, the completely refurbished Edward King Centre hosts a series of retreats and quiet days throughout the year

Retreats and Quiet Days 2011 Saturday 5 March Quiet Day before Lent led by the Revd Elsie Butler

Saturday 11 June Quiet Day on the eve of Pentecost led by the Very Revd David Leaning

Monday to Thursday, 28 to 31 March Clergy Retreat led by the Revd David McCormick

Tuesday 12 July Quiet Day led by Pat Dale (Acorn Christian Healing)

Tuesday 12 April Quiet Day before Holy Week led by Canon Angela Pavey

Saturday 10 September Quiet Day with music led by Canon Peter Godden

Holy Week − 18 to 24 April Stay at the Edward King Centre and join the Cathedral in the Holy Week liturgy

Friday to Sunday, 7 to 9 October Weekend retreat led by the Revd Stephen Hoy

Friday to Sunday, 13 to 15 May Weekend Retreat led by the Revd Carolyn James

Saturday 19 November Quiet Day led by Nicola Slee Tuesday 6 December Quiet Evening led by Tracey Byrne

The Edward King Centre | The Old Palace | Minster Yard | Lincoln | LN2 1PU T: 01522 504075


A stitch in time

Matt Cooper

Historic Churches Support Officer

Early repairs will save money in the future.

Hidden gems of Lincolnshire: Algarkirk, St Peter & St Paul This church is grand in both scale and quality. Large, cross-shaped, and pierced by soaring stained-glass windows, it is a building designed to impress. It has every reason to be ambitious. Algarkirk dates back to Domesday Book (1086) and the fields next to the church cover the remains of the deserted medieval village. For centuries the church and village had a high status as the seat of the Beridge family, who were wealthy landowners and hereditary Rectors of Algarkirk, many of whom were also Archdeacon of Lincoln. The church was elaborately restored by the Beridges, with J G Crace (a Victorian designer who worked on Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament) commissioned to decorate the chancel with an intricate painted scheme. This building is vast, light, beautiful, and surprising. It has endless tiny details which continue to capture the imagination. Even within this Hidden Gem, there are further hidden gems waiting to be uncovered. Access to the church is via the key holders. St James, Dry Doddington Situated just off the A1, between Grantham and Newark, and east of the River Witham is the small picturesque village of Dry Doddington. An ancient settlement which appears in the Domesday Book of 1086, this village is the site of one of Lincolnshire’s most endearing churches; a church with a quirk; a church that has a leaning tower. Although St James’s was constructed between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries it was restored and altered significantly in 1876-7. The beautifully ornate carvings inside the east end of the church are the result of this Victorian intervention. As for St James’s fourteenth-century tower: it began its eccentric departure from the vertical many years ago, and appears determined to make its acquaintance with the beautiful green on which the church stands. Let us hope that it will be forever frustrated! A key for access to St James’s can be obtained from the Wheatsheaf Inn, which is located opposite the church.


n recent months certain phrases have come to define a dramatic change in our attitude to public action of all sorts: “austerity measures”, “current economic circumstances”, and the biggest of them all: “cutbacks”. At a time when the whole country is facing increasingly difficult financial circumstances, it is very tempting to see any kind of public project as an extravagance. So, what does this mean for the way we look after our parish churches? With church conservation projects often costing large amounts of money and requiring significant local support, is it better to leave repair works for more prosperous times? The answer can only be: no. William Morris, pioneer of the nineteenth-century Arts and Crafts movement, and founder of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings famously said: “Stave off decay by daily care”. What he hoped to instil with this advice, was the belief that buildings are more manageable, more affordable, and last longer if we look after them in the present, rather than allowing problems to mount up. This advice is as true today as it was in 1877. Although our historic buildings are sometimes challenging, dealing with the maintenance of our great places of worship in a timely manner is ultimately an investment for the future. It’s the old mantra that ‘a stitch in time saves nine’. At a time of increased financial scrutiny, it is absolutely the best use of resources to save money for the future by investing today. However, the benefits extend further than simply the fabric of the building. At a time when we are nationally looking towards economic regeneration and renewal, the regeneration and renewal of a historic and symbolic community landmark is an excellent means of bringing people together. Conservation work is an exciting opportunity to engage with a building’s history.


Head for heights: the spire at Haconby is under restoration. Each project provides a chance to investigate a church building with fresh eyes, and often turns up fascinating local stories. At the same time, such projects create new stories as part of the evolution of the building, and provide another chapter for the parish’s history books. It can be surprising how positively a community will take up the cause once they are given the chance to get involved. In a time of economic instability, we notice more the things around us which we value. As such we are still well-placed to look for local support, and to care for our church heritage. If your parish is considering repairs to its church building, it is important not to be discouraged. Grants and bodies offering charitable support for church buildings are still looking for projects to fund. Communities are

always keen to look after a much-loved part of their heritage. At a time when the future can seem unsure, it can be extremely rewarding to provide a project visibly displaying the continuity of a symbolic local treasure. One way I hope to encourage churches when listening to the challenges they face, is to draw their attention to the very special opportunities that conservation work presents. When we begin to look critically at why we value these extraordinary buildings given to us by our ancestors, we have a chance to renew their role in the community they serve. It becomes not just a restoration of bricks and mortar, but a chance to restore its place as a point of community focus and affection. !

St Peter’s Markby Only a few miles from the east coast, between the Georgian greenstone church at Hannah and the amalgam of medieval greenstone and brick that is Bilsby, Holy Trinity, behind some farm buildings is the only thatched church in Lincolnshire, St Peter’s, in the hamlet of Markby. The church stands on the site of an Augustinian priory, founded by Ralph, son of Gilbert (Sempringham) in about 1160. After the Dissolution of the Priory in 1534, the local people obtained permission to use a corner of it and, in 1611, to build a small church from the fast disappearing ruins. The medieval blocked north doorway, the chancel arch with dogtooth and font are probably from the Priory, the windows are 17th century and there is a former oak cross beam dated 1611. There are delightful box pews, a two decker pulpit and three-sided Georgian altar rails. This tranquil, atmospheric church is open during the day and refreshments can be organised for large parties by contacting Beryl Tommis on 01507 462310.



Accounting for tourism

As the funding for Lincolnshire’s only dedicated tourism agency ceases, what can the county learn from one of its most visited monuments?


or a millennium Lincoln Cathedral has endured, beautiful and imposing, at the apex of a city on Iron-age foundations. As each century has left its mark on the iconic building, so in turn have visitors in their millions crossed its threshold. Some have travelled from far-flung corners of the globe, some live a few metres from its great west door; some seek liturgy, some spiritual revelation, while others simply hanker for a glimpse of leftover props from the filming of The Da Vinci Code. Whatever their motives, these generations of pilgrims are an inseparable part of the building’s story. The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary brings about 200,000 visitors to Lincoln each


Nick Edmonds

year. During their time in the city, they spend more than £15 million, support 649 jobs, and account for almost seven per cent of all heritage tourism employment in the East Midlands region. Economic impact on this scale is comparable to the six internationallysignificant English Cathedrals (St Paul’s, Canterbury, York, Salisbury, Winchester and Durham). But as purse strings are yanked ever tighter, despite David Cameron’s aspiration of moulding a government which, in Cameron’s own words, ‘understands the huge potential of tourism and gives it the backing it needs,’ the tourism industry has become a tempting target for politicians and councils faced with the task of refining national spending. Consequently, from Bristol to Glasgow, budgets have become emaciated, staff have been laid off and projects shelved. And few regions have been hit harder than Lincolnshire, where the county’s only dedicated tourist organisation Visit Lincolnshire recently learned that all of its council funding was to be withdrawn, effectively putting it out of business overnight. Councillor Eddy Poll, Executive Member for Economic Development for Lincolnshire County Council, explained the decision, saying: “We were aware of the financial difficulties facing Visit Lincolnshire following the loss of their core funding from East Midlands Development Agency. “We all agreed that rather than continue to fund the organisation, taxpayers’ money would be much better used by taking a new approach to tourism promotion.” The Council’s alternative plan is to meet with local business representatives and discuss ways of increasing private-sector involvement in promoting Lincolnshire, hoping to retain a co-ordinated approach while giving residents the best value for money. However, Visit Lincolnshire’s interim Chief Executive Marc Etches hit out at the Council’s decision to apportion a budget of more than £200,000 itself, saying that national agencies such as Visit Britain would only deal with a professional organisation such as Visit Lincolnshire.

Lincoln Cathedral brings 200,000 visitors to the city each year. Photograph: Jim Newton “Visit Lincolnshire has been clear about how the money would be used if we were to receive it,” he said. “But such information from Lincolnshire County Council has not been so forthcoming.” But for all the words of discontent, including a petition with 100 signatures from county organisations and individuals who would be affected by Visit Lincolnshire’s demise, the decision abides. So how will this affect the Cathedral? At the time of writing, Visit Lincolnshire’s website was still in place, greeting visitors with an array of images, the first of which is taken from Steep Hill, accompanied by the alluring snippet “…and then we saw the cathedral!” − just one of a number of references to the building even on the very front page. And, as Head of Marketing Emma Tatlow explained, an apparently cathedral-heavy façade is no mistake. “We’ve played to our strengths,” she explained. “The Cathedral and the coast are Lincolnshire’s strongest assets, and statistically the most well attended, so yes, Lincoln

Cathedral is prominent in our publicity and has always formed part of our visitor itineraries.” Echoing her chief executive’s condemnation of cuts to Visit Lincolnshire’s support of the £1bn-a-year industry, Emma explained that the company had been bracing itself for funding cuts, but that total withdrawal had come as a shock. “It just seems short-sighted,” she said. “With the Olympics just around the corner, who is going to facilitate the county’s involvement? “There’s no route in now, and I think the organising bodies will just look elsewhere.” With the outlook bleak, despite being the envy of other Lincolnshire attractions in terms of visitor numbers, Lincoln Cathedral is having to tread a fine line in meeting a complicated folio of costs, which last year amounted to £4.2m. The Dean, the Very Revd Philip Buckler, knows that Visit Lincolnshire’s absence will be felt. “We are very sorry that Visit Lincolnshire has closed, especially since we have worked closely with them,” he said. Unlike many of their European counter-



parts, English Cathedrals receive no direct public funding, and Philip knows that there is no option of Lincoln resting its laurels. “Because we don’t get any support from the government, or indeed the Diocese, the Cathedral must be self supporting,” he said. “Unfortunately the costs of maintaining such a magnificent Cathedral are ever increasing − not only in the cost of the materials we must use and the wages we must pay, but also in the additional costs of increased legislation.” And legislation costs will be brought to the fore later this year, when work begins on the building’s south west turret, triggering a £250,000 bill for scaffolding alone, in order to meet the stringent Health and Safety requirements which now come hand in hand with any restoration initiative. But in addition to this, there is a unique conundrum for the Cathedral to consider when balancing its books. Put simply, if a museum wishes to add a few pounds to its ticket price, it may simply do so. If enough visitors consider the charge to be unreasonable, a drop in attendance numbers may then cause the museum to rethink. But a

Cathedral is also a working church, dutybound to fashion an acceptable compromise between mission and levy. As Philip points out, it is impossible to draw distinction between the tourist and the pilgrim. “People come to the Cathedral for all sorts of different reasons,” he said. “But we also hope that every visitor becomes a pilgrim.” “Those who come to admire the building’s history or architecture soon discover that it is still doing the work for which it was built, the worship of God in the regular rhythm of prayer and praise offered throughout each day.” Statistics show that, although its base of regular financial support is firmly rooted in the county, Lincoln Cathedral enjoys signifi-

There is a unique conundrum for the Cathedral to consider when balancing its books.

cant numbers of international visitors – a demographic which is not reproduced elsewhere in the county, where visitor origins are typically far nearer to home. “Of course the Cathedral’s links overseas are important in bringing many visitors from North America and elsewhere to Lincolnshire, but there is still a long way to go – not least in improving the transport networks to and within our county,” said Philip, who is also confident that, whatever their nationality, the numbers whose paths lead them to the Cathedral’s door are usually sympathetic to the building’s financial needs. “The need for charging is now much better understood by people, who are often keen to support us once they realise the enormity of the task we face,” he said. “But I always remind people that there is no charge for entry when they come to services – when they see and hear the Cathedral doing the work for which it was built. “And conversely, when we see how Lincoln Cathedral speaks to those who come here, how it changes lives and encourages faith, the heavy costs incurred in its upkeep are a price well worth paying.”

So, although the future for tourism within the county has been blurred by the closure of Visit Lincolnshire, the Cathedral which John Ruskin famously described as being‘out and out the most precious piece of architecture in the British Isles’and ‘roughly speaking, worth two of any other’ continues to command huge loyalty of support within the county, and by its shear scale and intrigue, drawing high numbers of visitors from further afield. The task of fulfilling the Dean’s wish of stimulating tourism throughout the wider county in the absence of an organising body, however, may prove more complex. In the meantime, though, the message for churchgoers in the Diocese is to realise their ownership of the cathedral, and take advantage of the ways in which it can be visited without the constant need to pay. Two free admission passes are sent to every incumbent to allow regular worshippers across the diocese to come to their Cathedral free of charge. Membership of the Friends of Lincoln Cathedral now carries with it free admission, and those who pay the entry charge and are willing to GiftAid it are given free admission for a whole year. !



Illumination and space Nick Edmonds


isitors to Lincoln Cathedral during the month of March will encounter a brand new artistic installation set to be unveiled in the cloister, which will invite viewers to ‘experience the space through a composition of radiant light-lines sourced by natural energy’. Created by artist Martin Griffiths, First Light, which echoes the architecture of Lincoln Cathedral, will then embark on a tour of the diocese. Accentuating perpendicular angles and rising light, it is inspired by spiritual sources including Sir John Tavener, Robert Grosseteste and Meister Eckhart. Constructed in the main part from wood and steel, the eight-piece installation con-

sists of seven small ‘portals’, echoing the seven free-standing pillars which run the length of the cathedral’s nave, and a central perpendicular light spire which will stand in the middle of the cloister garth. Visitors will be able to circulate among the elements of the installation, passing through what Martin describes as ‘a series of upwardly rising colour and light effects.’ “Meister Eckhart said that a Christian must become an empty echoing chamber; a complete void, before giving birth to God in the ground of the soul,” Martin told Crosslincs. “And the viewer, having passed through the emptiness signified by the portals will find their attention drawn up in a movement of focus towards the sky by the vertical light-line.” All eight pieces will incorporate a special Plexiglass which captures natural light, concentrating it into a luminosity which Martin, who lives and works in Anderby Creek, said will be almost too bright to look at directly during strong sunlight. The project is being supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, and will be open to the public throughout March, with admission included within the Cathedral entry charge. The project also includes a further light sculpture I Am, which will be on view concurrently in the Orientation Space at The Collection, Danes Terrace, Lincoln, with free admission. Following exhibition in the cathedral, First Light will tour churches in the diocese, including St Botolph’s, Boston (1-28 May), All Saints’, Nocton (1-30 June), St Mary’s, Marshchapel (14-17 July), and St Denys, Sleaford (26 Oct – 9 Nov). Martin Griffiths will also give a free lecture, entitled Experiencing the Spiritual in Art, at 7pm on 1 March in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral, to which all are welcome.

Holy Week & Easter Services 2011 1 7 A pri l 07.45 08.00 10.30

Palm Sunday Litany Holy Communion Procession with Palms and Sung Eucharist 12.30 Holy Communion 15.45 Evensong

1 8 A pri l 07.30 08.00 12.30 17.30 19.30

Monday in Holy Week Morning Prayer Holy Communion Holy Communion Evensong Holy Communion with Address

1 9 A pri l 07.30 08.00 10.30 12.30 17.30 19.30

Tuesday in Holy Week Morning Prayer Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Evensong Holy Communion with Address

2 0 A p r il 07.30 08.00 12.00 12.30 17.30 19.30

Maundy Thursday Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Chrism Eucharist Eucharist of the Last Supper and Watch of the Passion

2 2 Apr il 08.00 09.30 12.00 17.30 19.30

Good Friday Morning Prayer Liturgy of the Cross Three Hours' devotion Evening Prayer Good Friday concert with the Lincoln Chorale

2 3 Apr il 08.00 17.30 20.00

Holy Saturday Morning Prayer Evening Prayer The Paschal Vigil

2 4 Apr i l 07.45 08.00 Wednesday in Holy Week 09.30 Morning Prayer 11.30 Holy Communion 12.30 Litany 15.45 Holy Communion Evensong Holy Communion with Address

Experience the Bible through: ! Drama ! Music ! Talks & seminars ! Craft & Activities ! Exhibitions

Martin Griffith’s First Light installation

2 1 A p r il 08.00 17.30 11.00 19.30

1 - St Botolph’s 2 - St Peter @ Gowts 3 - Central Methodist 4 - St Mary le Wigford 5 - St Bendict’s 6 - St Swithin’s 7 - New Life Christian 8 - Lincoln Quakers 9 - Trinity URC 10 - St Hugh’s RC 11 - Bailgate Methodis

Easter Day Litany Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Mattins Holy Communion Solemn Evensong and Procession



Is the Church the ‘Big Society’?

Nikki Waddie Has the Church forgotten what it means to play its part in society?


he Church cares about people; not to demean the idea but it’s virtually obligatory, isn’t it? David Cameron introduced the “Big Society”, a nebulous theme which Quentin Letts (Daily Mail) defined as government “talking church” and which the Archbishop of Canterbury welcomed as an “extraordinary” opportunity to debate issues of “character, virtue, generosity and justice”. Isn’t the concept of a “Big Society” what Church is all about? Don’t Christians volunteer apparently unendingly despite having jobs, organising children, cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing? How do they find time or energy to fly in the face of recent reports suggesting volunteering, far from burgeoning, is in decline? Consequently, the Church has potential connections with every societal nook and cranny where other organisations (charities, government, educational, health and social care) simply aspire. Is the Church the outworking of David Cameron’s vision? Should someone tell Number 10 the dream is alive, well and working? Actually, probably not. I don’t want to

diminish or belittle the outworking of Christ’s love occurring each day. The question is more to consider if we do enough, care enough and put into practise enough, the principles and faith we profess in the pews on Sunday. Some years ago, my godson wore a wristband with WWJD woven into the fabric. I naïvely asked what it meant. He replied, incredulous at my ignorance, “What Would Jesus Do?” Not a bad concept to carry on your wrist as a reminder. So faced with the prospect of the “Big Society”, what would Jesus do? I sat at a meeting recently with clergy and what could be called ‘professional’ Christians, by which I mean laity, employed by the Church. They appeared to know the Church was an interpretation of the Big Society. The more they talked, the more agitated I became, despite their earnest and undeniably greater capacity to interpret the living Church than my own, it didn’t resonate. The more they spoke, the less convinced I became. It would be true to say I had a bit of an on-my-high-horse moment but their exclamations lacked something. The Churches may be the living embodiment of Christ, but if I have trouble seeing it from within, then what about those who do not occupy pews on Sunday or contemplate Church, except as a method to deal with the births, marriages and deaths? Do they recognise Christ in us and what we do? Harping back again, I once had a Keith Green (remember him?) recording in which he asked, and I paraphrase, why do we need soup kitchens, teenage pregnancy services, prison welfare, homeless shelters and the like, if Christians are out there doing Christ’s work today. If we are the

embodiment of Christ, shouldn’t we be healing, feeding, providing-for and nourishing, cherishing, supporting, helping, advising, counselling, lending a practical hand and caring for those around us, in compassionate ways acknowledging the spirit of God in all people: body, mind and spirit? Shouldn’t we be doing this for everyone, or at least for anyone, not just people we know, people like us or the ones we like, but also the ones we don’t know, would prefer not to engage with and those who are frankly not only not like us, but live on the fringes of society in a daunting world most, thankfully, do not experience. It isn’t a case of slipping coins into an envelope or collecting box when it’s rattled in front of us, or responding to a television appeal where we see, in our own homes, distressing faces and scenes of poverty, disaster and abuse, although money helps charities fulfil their objectives. It can be a general “excuse” for not doing something more personal, which costs us time, effort or energy, as well as reducing our bank accounts. So with increasing cynicism and pessimism, I was startled to read a number of fans of the recent 3D movie Avatar experi-

I know Christians do good works, and without waving their hands in the air and attracting attention, acting rather in all humility to pursue justices.

ence depression and some contemplate suicide as reality cannot compare with the “Avatar” fantasy. My horror grows as the media portrays a nefarious world, focussed on greed, inequality, squalor, corruption, torture and brutality, with an accompanying litany of profanity and vice; with prospective budget deficits, job losses and hard times to come, can I find the outworking of Christ’s love in our world? Is the voice of the Church speaking out in condemnation of evil and cultural disarray? Do Church leaders call us to stand and challenge diminishing moral and spiritual values, in what the Archbishop of Canterbury called our ‘broken world’, or does the Church accept prevailing vilification following societal trends? Who leads the Church? In reality, I know Christians do good works, and without waving their hands in the air and attracting attention, acting rather in all humility to pursue moral, social and economic justices. Some work to pressure political leaders to pursue these same ends. This is not something we can fix. We must trust God to deal with the unremitting imperfections and resultant culture of blame and retribution which surrounds us in our world. The Church is indeed the living embodiment of Christ, whether we do it well or otherwise. We all need to play our part, not to rival Cameron’s Big Society; it isn’t about the latest political proclamation, however auspicious or pertinent, or even necessarily to form part of it. Perhaps my friends were right and the Church is doing what it should do, perhaps it isn’t. We surely have a distinct agenda. We have a living, loving God and we carry His love to a world much in need of it – or we don’t, that is our choice and our challenge. !



Churches prepare response to disasters Will Harrison

Faith and hope become especially important during an emergency, and Lincolnshire has trained chaplains prepared to help.


hurches and members of other faiths are preparing to help people in the event of a emergency. The Inter-faith Emergency Planning Group is preparing chaplains to help respond to crises by learning from the experiences of the past, particularly the London Bombings in July 2005, when interfaith chaplains were on hand to assist those caught up in the events, and even as far back as the Aberfan disaster in 1966, when a landslide killed 116 children and 26 adults. The chair of the Inter-faith Emergency Planning Group, Canon Andrew Vaughan, said that the role of the group is to co-ordinate the faith community’s ability to respond if ever there is an emergency in Lincolnshire. “We’ve got a lot of people on the ground, but it is no good letting people turn up unco-ordinated without proper support,” said Andrew. “Our first step has been to put together a properly supported response team.” The group has provided training to voluntary chaplains − lay and ordained − who have examined various aspects of emergency response, from psychology to handling media interviews. “We want to make sure that the faith communities play an active role in an emergency,” said Andrew. “We want to be part of the solution, not the problem.” During the Great Floods of 1953, when a high spring tide and a severe storm caused a storm tide, the sea level of the North Sea rose by almost six metres, overwhelming sea defences and causing the deaths of 307 people in Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex.

Lincolnshire County Council has drawn up leaflets to prepare people in the event of flooding on the east coast. The Lincolnshire Resilience Forum is joining a national operation to test strategies for evacuating people near the coast in the event of another tidal surge. Exercise Watermark is a national flooding exercise that will take place between 7 and 11 March 2011, which will include exercises across England and Wales to respond to all aspects of severe, wide-area flooding. In Lincolnshire, the scenario will be a breach of sea defences at Sutton on Sea, where volunteers will be evacuated to rest centres in the area. Paula Ireland, a Senior Emergency Planning Officer for Lincolnshire County Council, said that although the likelihood of further floods is low, there are 20 points along the Lincolnshire coast where a breach could occur. “For all those points to breach is very unlikely,” said Paula. “The impact of any breach would be huge, and we need to be prepared. “On paper, the 1953 floods should never have happened, so it’s always a case of being prepared, even if the risk is considered to be very low. “For Exercise Watermark, we will be evac-

uating 70 school children as well as several hundred other people. It will really give us an idea of what would be necessary during a real emergency.” She said that the inter-faith group would be invaluable in the event of a disaster. “When people come face-to-face with a disaster, it will be the inter-faith chaplains who will give them some comfort,” she said. “The evidence has shown that even those who would claim to have no faith, when faced with a life-changing situation,

Coastal flooding killed 307 people in 1953 have valued talking with someone who has a different world-view and who isn’t going to judge them but is supportive and caring,” said Canon Andrew Vaughan. “We’ve got 65 people who have gone through our early stages of training, and

we feel as though we are getting into a position where we can offer an adequate response to a disaster. “What we always emphasise is that the chaplains have to look after themselves to look after others, and that is a recurring theme in our training.” Andrew explained that more volunteer chaplains, whether lay or ordained, are still being sought. “We are always looking for more. If we had a disaster which went on for days or weeks, 65 people would be tired very quickly,” he said. The next stage-one training is on 5 April, and anyone interested in joining the response group should contact Alison McNish on 01522 504073. “I would want to say how supportive the emergency planning department have been,” said Andrew. “They have taken our participation seriously and other Emergency Planning Units have been very impressed with the way we have been operating.” For more information about Lincolnshire County Council’s emergency plan, visit !



Sweet crop with a bitter history Lizzie Rushton

Fairtrade Fortnight is an opportunity to break the chains of modern-day slavery.


s part of my doctoral studies, I travelled to the little known Central American country of Belize (formerly British Honduras) last November. My research is focused on exploring changing landscapes and civilisations at an ancient Mayan site called Lamanai, using pollen and archival analysis, but this is not the story I want to explore here. As I travelled through the north of the country I saw the dense tropical forest make way for cleared lands of agricultural produce, especially sugar cane. This changing landscape was not simply the result of 21st century commercial investment, but part of a centuries-old development of trade between the Central American state and the UK. These Belizean landscapes have much to tell us about British involvement in slavery throughout the early part of the 19th century, when men came from Britain to Belize in the hope of making their fortune from, among other crops, sugar. Sugar was an extremely desirable commodity in the 19th century, where, as it does today, it sweetened that other very British beverage – tea. In order to produce the ‘white gold’, land needed to be cleared of dense tropical forest, sugar planted and cultivated and then harvested and processed to produce sugar. Each stage of this industry required human physical labour and this was shipped in to Belize from the slave markets of Jamaica, where African men, women and children were sold into the latest stage of their journey of often permanent enslavement. The census of 1790 records the names of some of the slaves and, imbedded in the names assigned by their owners are references to their now distant homes, including Congo Will, Angola Will and Guinea Sam. These slaves worked on sugar plantations, logging mahogany and other timber as well as serving as domestics, cooks, bakers and butchers. Their toil and labour formed the foundation for British profit and monopoly of landownership that is still visible in Belize today. The concentration of landownership in the hands of the few

Evidence of Belize’s colonial past is still visible today. dates from 19th century colonial practice and is still the dominant model for the 21st century Belizean economy, engendering limited economic diversity and promoting vulnerability to the whims of both climatic and financial whirlwinds; that are beyond the control of Belizean government. This is part of the British colonial legacy for Belize and other nations, where slavery has dominated during all centuries since the 17th.

Fairtrade Fortnight (28 February to 13 March 2011) reminds us that for many across the globe, their future depends on the western world giving them a fair price for the goods they produce. 21st century slavery is one that keeps the many in poverty so that the few can enjoy products that are kept at artificially low prices, that gives rise to a world where every aspect of the environment is disposable and replaceable, including other humans.

This outlook is not so very far away from the 19th century slave owners who oppressed generations of men, women and children for the purposes of commercial profit. The chains of modern day slavery are made of permanent, hopeless poverty, less visible than those of iron, but should be, must be and can be broken by our positive and immediate action to purchase fairly priced and sold products during Fairtrade fortnight, and beyond. !

100 years ago

From the Lincoln Diocesan Magazine, March and April 1911

The problem of village life The Earl of Ancaster presided at a public meeting in the Corn Exchange, Bourne, under the auspices of the committee of the Arts and Industrial Exhibition, and he explained that the object of the meeting was to improve the rural parishes. During the long winter evenings something was necessary to occupy the time of those living in the rural districts. Many occupied the time in smoking. He had done so himself, and when ordered by the doctor to leave off smoking he took to knitting. Machinery had done a great deal to lessen interest in hand-made articles, and, therefore, had had its effect on the pursuits of many in the rural districts. Nevertheless, he was sure that the hand-made articles were the best. He would not like to produce his own knitted stockings at the price of machinemade ones, but they wore very much longer, and were more comfortable.

The Lincolnshire Labourer Lincolnshire is a large county, and as it has various soils, clays, sands, loams, chalks, &c., so with its inhabitants. These

differ amongst themselves in dialects, customs and temperaments. I say this to disarm the criticism of those who do not live in this locality of Folkingham. In the good old days as a “Lay-lad” I have shared the labourer’s “clocking,” pitched and loaded with him, and sampled his “tot” on my father’s glebe; now I am “the Parson,” or “the Reverend,” and a possible finder of faults touching Saturday nights at the Red Lion and non-attendance at Church or the “Sacrament.” So a slight hedge of circumspection has grown up between us, and he does not speak quite so freely as of old. Yet as a Lincolnshire man by right of long residence, and having similar tastes (pigs, cows, gardens and potatoes), I can, and am allowed to, speak more freely to him than a “stranger” from Norfolk, or a parson who may even be a townsman.

Reduced payments to clergy The committee of the Additional Curates’ Society (14 Great Smith Street, Westminster) decided at the February meeting that their payments to clergy must be reduced. The change, which affects the clergy in more than a thousand

parishes, will commence with the June quarterly payments. The committee feel the very deepest regret in having to take this course, knowing as they do the anxiety and inconvenience which will come to many hard-working clergy in consequence, and knowing the special importance of the society’s grants at the present time owing to the recently increased ordinations and the larger number of men who have lately been taking up service in the poor parishes which are assisted by the A.C.S.

Review HOW TO DEAL WITH LADS. By Rev. Peter Green, Canon of Manchester, with an introduction by the Bishop of Gloucester. Arnold. Price 2/6 net. This interesting Book is the outcome of rich and successful experience. Canon Green understands boynature, and is able to communicate his enthusiasm to his readers. Though his handbook deals mainly with town boys. it is equally valuable, mutatis mutandis, for those who have to do with country lads.



New clergy rules ensure good practice Tim Barker

Archdeacon of Lincoln

Under new rules, clergy hold their offices with greater understanding about their rights and responsibilities.


he last day of January was significant – not just because John Saxbee retired as Bishop of Lincoln, but because many Church of England clergy awoke to a new way of holding their parish posts, whether as priests-in-charge or assistant clergy. Responding to concerns expressed by the previous Government about the ‘employment rights’ and conditions of service of ministers of religion and some other groups, the Church of England spent a number of years preparing for new conditions of service for all clergy, whether or not they receive a stipend. The Ecclesiastical

Offices (Terms of Service) Measure became law in 2009, and we have spent the last eighteen months preparing for the law to become ‘live’ on 31 January 2011. The new terms of service are described simply as ‘Common Tenure’. This well describes the object of this legislation – which is to put all the clergy onto a common basis which provides equal security for everyone. Under the new legislation existing team vicars, priests-in-charge, assistant curates, non-stipendiary ministers and ordained local ministers and a few other groups of clergy are automatically being transferred onto Common Tenure. They will hold their offices with much enhanced security of tenure and much greater clarity about their rights and responsibilities. Clergy on Common Tenure will serve normally until the retiring age, but subject to removal on grounds of discipline, redundancy or after a new form of ‘capability procedure’ that would be invoked where a post holder is failing to reach minimum standards. Clergy concerned will be receiving letters from the Bishops of Grantham and Grimsby before the end of February, explaining the

new arrangements in greater detail. Common Tenure confers rights such as proper entitlement to time off, including maternity, paternity and other forms of leave; access to a grievance procedure; and a right of appeal to an employment tribunal in certain circumstances. It also carries responsibilities to participate in ministerial development review (MDR), continuing ministerial education (CME), to report absence through sickness and gives access to a capability procedure. Freehold clergy have the choice as to whether they transfer from freehold to Common Tenure, but all new appointments (whether as vicars or rectors or as priests-incharge) will be on Common Tenure. This will apply equally to the new Bishop of Lincoln, who will hold his office on Common Tenure. As the legislation was being prepared, much time was given to the question of whether clergy should become employees. It was concluded that this was not appropriate. There are several complicated legal issues concerning whether the relationship of a clergyperson to her or his superior can be expressed in employer/employee terms.

But the main reason it was felt that this was inappropriate was the employer’s entitlement − and also opportunity − to control the work of an employee (if necessary on a day-to-day basis). This, it was felt, would be alien to the relationship between a bishop and his clergy. And so, largely for this reason, the idea of making clergy employees was rejected, and it was recommended that the officeholder status of clergy should be retained through the medium of Common Tenure. Arising from that was the recommendation that the Church must put in place proper mechanisms designed to ensure good practice and to foster deeper relationships of trust and partnership, including the provision of professional human resources advice and appropriate training for bishops and archdeacons. Ministerial development review will be vital in the working out of this process, as will be the preparation of a clear ‘role description’ for all clergy. In future, when their parish priest leaves, parishes will work with the archdeacon to prepare a role description, alongside the parish profile and the statements of their needs and hopes for their new priest. !

I believe in God Mark Hocknull

Head of Ministry Training, Head of the Lincoln School of Theology and Chancellor of Lincoln

Mark continues his exploration of the Apostle’s Creed: Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and was buried.


n the reflection on creation, I promised that we would return to the theme of suffering again later in the series. Now as we reach the clause of the Apostles’ Creed which deals with the death of Jesus it is time for that return. Mention of the name of Pontius Pilate is a reminder that the events to which the creed bear witness took place at a particular time in history and in the full public glare.

They are by any meaning historical events: they are events that took place in history and are as open as any historical event to investigation. The remarkable thing about this clause is that the creed is here testifying to the fact that the Son of God, the incarnate God, is the one who suffers and dies on the cross. As Charles Wesley, in the eighteenth century, wrote, ‘Tis mystery all, the immortal dies’. In the passion of Jesus, we see God entering into, and embracing fully, the condition of suffering and death. The creed then does not speak of a remote distant God, but of a God prepared to enter into the world, to embrace the conditions of life on earth and to pay the high cost of creation in full. The Cross is the vindication of God against the accusation of unjust suffering in the world, and it is the redemption of the world in the face of sin and evil. In choosing freely to suffer and to die, Jesus, the Son of God, identifies himself with all who suffer as a consequence of evil and human sin. The deepest dimen-

sion of the cross is reached with Jesus’ abandonment by the Father in the moment of death. According to Mark’s gospel Jesus’ final words are a cry of desperation and abandonment: ‘My God my God why have you forsaken me?’ (Mk 15: 34). Suffering and death have been pursued by God to their very end. The full affect of evil and human sin, separation from God, is tasted and experienced by God himself. In the moment of death, God the Son dies alone. The Son experiences the loss of the Father and death, and in the moment of death, God the Father experiences the death of the Son. The Father, in other words, experiences grief. Because of the cross, God achieves something that would otherwise be utterly impossible. The experience of separation and suffering is taken up into the very heart of God. The cross is an act of divine solidarity with the suffering and sinful world. On the cross is not Jesus the human being, but Jesus the incarnate Son of God. Jesus most emphatically does not set us an example of meekly suffering, of pas-

sively accepting suffering and sin. This is God taking a defiant stand against the worst that evil and sin can do. Taking a defiant stand, and as we shall see in a later column, overcoming. This way of interpreting the cross, as the overcoming of evil, sin and suffering, has a very important consequence for those who accept the divine solidarity with them that Jesus offers. It is no justification of evil and suffering. It is instead an invitation to join with God in the ongoing work of overcoming evil and suffering. If on the cross, God identifies with the sufferings of humanity as a consequence of the fallenness of the world, then those who in turn identify themselves with Christ must also commit themselves to work to overcome injustice and suffering. Evil, sin and suffering are never justified, and are certainly not justified by the cross. The effects of evil, suffering and sin are redeemed by the cross and we are invited to both celebrate this overcoming and seek to extend the boundaries of those who have discovered it. !



Get to know your churches Ben Stoker

Open Churches Officer

Exploration of our remarkable churches could help to secure their future, and also bring enjoyment and fascination to many people.


rowland Abbey; Stow Minster; St Peter and St Paul, Algarkirk; the Diocese of Lincoln is blessed with some of the most remarkable churches in the country. But how well do you know them? That may seem like a silly question: everyone’s heard of Crowland Abbey. But when was the last time you paid this most wondrous of buildings a visit? Have you marvelled at the breathtaking majesty of Stow Minster recently? And what about St Peter and St Paul, Algarkirk; do you know this hidden gem at all? Everyone is proud of their parish church, and rightly so. But we should also be proud of our neighbouring village’s church; the local town’s church; all of our county’s churches. They really are magnificent, and each one of them exists for every one of us. As custodians we have the responsibility of maintaining and preserving our churches for the next generation. Of course this is an honour, but it can also be demanding and difficult, perhaps particularly so in 2011. In this increasingly tough economic climate we must look to each other for support and sustenance. This support can take many forms; both moral and practical. So what can we do for one another? In what ways can we help? Here’s one way that might, in fact, be many: we could get to know Lincolnshire’s churches, and by doing so give muchneeded support to our county’s economy. Visit a church you have never been to before; visit a few, plan your own churches trail incorporating places you hadn’t even heard of; if you live in the south of the Diocese travel to the north, or vice versa; make a donation to another church’s fundraising appeal, especially if they have provided you with a warm welcome; stop for lunch at a local restaurant or pub; buy a

Crowland Abbey from the tower. snack from the corner shop; go shopping in the local town centre; stay the night at a B&B. Just think of the number of day-trips or mini-breaks you could enjoy exploring Lincolnshire’s churches, villages and towns; not forgetting the enchantingly varied landscape in which they nestle. There are hundreds of churches waiting to be discovered from the Humber to the Wash: each has its own unique character, history and beauty; each is at the heart of our Diocesan community. It is essential that whoever arrives at your parish church—for whatever reason, from wanting to say a prayer to having a general interest in the building—knows that they are expected and welcome. The notion of ‘welcome’ is very important. It is a sad fact that we occasionally find ourselves locked out of our churches. Of course we must be sensitive to those who have suffered the veritable violation of theft or violence against their parish church in the past, sometimes the recent past, and as a result are understandably apprehensive about unlocking the doors. But think for a moment: if every church in the Diocese of Lincoln opened its doors outside of scheduled times of worship, even if only for two hours a week on a Saturday afternoon, what an opportunity we would be presented with to experience the unique and splendid atmosphere that each one gives as its gift to us all. We live in a beautiful county that is home to many hundreds of splendid churches. Let’s share, explore and enjoy them, and in doing so lend our support to each other and our county’s economy. Use the The Church of England’s A Church Near You website to plan your visits: !

Head Teacher Lakeside, Scunthorpe

for January 2012 L13 ­ L19 £50,359 ­ £58,372

The Governors are seeking an enthusiasdc and caring Head Teacher to develop and lead our new St Peter and St Paul Church of England Primary School. This is a unique and excidng opportunity to create a school from the beginning, shaping the structure, ethos and curriculum. You should have significant experience of primary educadon and of raising standards and will be able to lead, inspire and show that you can provide a clear direcdon. The development of the whole child in a nurturing capacity will be central to your own philosophy. The school will serve the new Lakeside housing development on the southern outskirts of Scunthorpe. The new build is currently at design stage with a capacity for 210 pupils (recepdon – year 6). The successful candidate will take up the appointment in January 2012 with the school opening in September 2012. Any offer of employment to this post will be subject to receipt of a sadsfactory Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau. The full version of our Recruitment of ex­offenders and Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure procedure can be found at For an applicadon pack please contact: Catherine Shillito, Children’s Services HR Team PO Box 35, StaOon Road, Brigg, DN20 8XJ 01724 297007 Closing date: 18 March 2011 Interview dates: 4 & 5 April 2011



Mablethorpe Lifeboat 1883 Mablethorpe Lifeboat Station replace to opened was Theddlethorpe, three miles to the north. 1920 Owing to continuing shortage of crew, the station was closed permanently. 1965 Inshore lifeboat station established in May with the placing on service of a D-class lifeboat.


1975 The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum was accorded to Helmsman Bernard Tuplin and crew members John Mayfield and Michael Westfield in recognition of their courage, determination and skill displayed by them when the lifeboat rescued two swimmers who were in difficulties off an outfall pipe protected by a groyne structure, a quarter of a mile north of the lifeboat station in a light south easterly and a heavy surf on 6 August.

The Revd Ali Harvey with award-winning lifeboatman, Tom Freeman

Private ministry for a public sacrifice Will Harrison


hortly before 3am on a Saturday morning, the mobile phone of a Lincolnshire parish priest bleeps to indicate the arrival of a text message. It’s very cold, very dark and very windy outside, and she can hear the roar of the sea, even though she’s half-a-mile away. The message is very matter-of-fact: the lifeboat crew has been called out on a ‘shout’ − the moment for which their very regular training prepares them. Ali Harvey, the parish priest of Mablethorpe and several other coastal parishes, quickly wraps up warmly and jumps in the car. By the time she arrives at Mablethorpe Lifeboat Station, the crew is already out at sea. The ten-ton water-tight tractor has pushed the trailer carrying the 7.5m B-Class lifeboat into the raging swell and is making its way back up the beach.

Ali puts the kettle on and waits for the crew to return. “They’re an incredible group of people,” she said. “They will always talk about their work in very pragmatic terms, I suppose because that’s what allows them to keep going. “What they witness and experience, however, is unlike anything we would experience, and they are never comfortable talking about it.” So in speaking to the members of Mablethorpe’s lifeboat crew, I found them only really happy to talk about the mechanics of the lifeboat, and how welcome a good cup of coffee was when they returned from a shout, while they awkwardly avoided any conversations about spirituality or the need for prayer. They don’t, I supposed, like to feel vulnerable. If they did, they might not volunteer to venture out into a storm on a very dark and very cold night. Tom Freeman is the volunteer mechanic for the two Mablethorpe lifeboats. By day, he is a car mechanic in the town, and spent 30 years as a lifeboatman, being awarded a bronze medal for valour when helmsman of the station’s smaller D-class lifeboat. Nowadays, he is the tractor driver and

Since 1965 Mablethorpe’s inshore lifeboats have responded to 646 calls and have saved 361 lives.

maintains the engines and equipment on the boats and the other machinery. “It’s great that Ali is around,” he said. “We’ve never really had any sort of chaplaincy here before, and it’s great to know that she’s around for us. “She has joined us out on trips when we have scattered ashes for people, and she’s been really great with the crew when they’ve come back from a shout.” But neither he, nor any others in the crew, will comfortably talk to me about Ali’s real ministry to the crew of men and women. “The conversations I have with the crew remain between us,” she said. “I’ve seen members of the crew affected by what they’ve seen, and talked to them about it, but they wouldn’t admit that to you or to anyone else. “It’s a very informal chaplaincy. Even if it’s simply a case of putting the kettle on so there’s a hot coffee ready for them when they come back, that’s fine. “But I’m also here if they need to talk, which sometimes, they need to.” With 15 volunteers currently available to respond to a shout in Mablethorpe, Ali has got to know a lot of people, including the families of the crew. “I’m called on to do the marriages and the baptisms, which is really lovely,” she said. “The volunteers here form a large family really, and they all share in their experiences, whether they’re good or bad. “They are so dedicated and very brave, and it’s a privilege to be here for them when they need me.” !

1980 A framed letter of appreciation signed by the Chairman of the Institution, The Duke of Atholl, awarded to the crew and helpers in recognition of their determination and skill when the crew of three of a coble were rescued. The coble which had engine trouble was towed to Mablethorpe. The lifeboat had to be launched under difficult conditions due to the heavy surf and the recovery of the lifeboat and coble was also hazardous. 1982 Framed letters of appreciation, signed by the Chairman of the Institution, The Duke of Atholl, presented to Helmsman William Tuplin and crew members John Mayfield and Wayne Docking in recognition of their meritorious action when the lifeboat rescued the crew of three, two of whom were injured, from the barge Almeco on 12 October. 1996 New D-class lifeboat D506 placed on service on 9 July. 1998 Bronze Medal awarded to the helmsman, Thomas Freeman for a service on the 12 April, when the Dclass inshore lifeboat rescued the crew of two and saved the fishing vessel Lark. Mablethorpe’s lifeboat was launched in extreme conditions for this class of lifeboat to go to the assistance of the 17ft fishing vessel which had broken down in the surf off the coast. There was a Force 6 to near gale Force 7, wintry showers and a heavy swell. The helmsman had considerable difficulty in negotiating the rough seas in order to reach the fishing boat, which was drifting helplessly towards the shore, having lost her anchor. He decided that it was too hazardous to take off the crew and therefore passed a line and towed her away from danger − a considerable feat in the huge seas for a lifeboat smaller than the fishing boat and powered by one 40hp outboard engine. Thomas Freeman was also awarded the 1998 Miss Maud Smith’s Reward for Courage in Memory of John 7th Earl of Hardwicke for this rescue.



Deanery Diary

Advertise your event in the Deanery Diary for free. Visit

See more events at

19 March 2011

Grimsby’s Orpheus Male Voice Choir in concert at All Saints, Winterton, at 7.30pm. Tickets, £8 including refreshments, from Ida Liversidge on 01724 732268. Under 16s free.

8 April 2011

A Village Lent at All Saints, Winterton at 5pm. A service/rehearsal for the congregations, clergy and lay-leaders from the Manlake and Axholme Deaneries to attend together. Led by Rosemary Field, Diocesan Music Development Officer. For more information see

15 April 2011

Ancholme River Jazz Band in concert at All Saints, Winterton at 7.30pm. For more information see

18 March 2011 Scunthorpe

An evening with Garth Hewitt at St Hugh’s Church, Old Brumby, Scunthorpe, at 7pm. Amos trusts Director Garth Hewitt will be giving a concert at St Hughs Church, singing songs and telling stories inspired by Amos trust’s partners around the world. The concert will feature music from his latest album, Moonrise. Tickets: £7/£5 concessions. Contact Julia Clark at or on 07790 847402.


18 March 2011

Louth Male Voice Choir in concert at St Peter and St Paul Church, Tetney, at 7.30pm, in aid of Church funds. All tickets £6, including light refreshments. See

26 March 2011


Market Rasen


Recital at All Saints Church Hall, Waltham by mezzo-soprano Adele Dixon, accompanist Barry Whitfield at 7.30pm. Followed by cheese and wine. Retiring collection for All Saints organ fund.

5 March 2011

An evening of popular classical and fun music at Faldingworth All Saints Church at 7.30pm. The organ is reputed to be one of the finest small organs in the area and these organist will make it dance. Entrance is free but a collection will be taken with proceeds to the church building maintenance.

Lincoln Horncastle

9 April 2011

The Dream of Gerontius at Lincoln Cathedral, performed by Lincoln Choral Society and The Lincolnshire Chamber Orchestra. Composed in 1900, Sir Edward Elgar’s work sets the words of John Henry Newman’s poem to choral music. It is considered by many to be Elgar’s finest choral work and a masterpiece. The performance starts at 7.30pm, and tickets cost £20, £16 and £12, available from Lincoln Cathedral Shop on 01522 561644, Counterpoint on 01522 560065 and on the door. For more information visit www.



2 April 2011


Lindum Ladies’ Choir at Ashby de la Launde Village Hall at 7.30pm. Concert followed by supper and raffle. Tickets £7. All proceeds to St Hybald’s Church and Ashby Village Hall. For tickets ring 01526 320345

12 March 2011


Lunchtime organ recital at St Denys’s Church, Sleaford by Alan Underwood of Woodhall Spa. Begins at 12 noon. A freewill offering is taken.

10 April 2011

The Messiah by Handel performed by Sleaford Choral Society at St Denys’s Church, Sleaford at 7.30pm. Full orchestra and soloists from the Royal Academy of Music. Tickets £10, concessions £8, on the door.


12 March 2011


E-quip training day at Grantham Christian Fellowship, Belton Avenue, Grantham. A training day for all those who work with children or would like to. Keynote speaker Colin Draper, Scripture Union evangelist. Emphasis on Holiday Clubs. Choice of workshops. Booking highly recommended. Cost £10 inc. lunch & resource materials. For more information see

12 March 2011

Coffee Morning at St James’s Church, Sutton, and on the second Saturday in every month from 10am to noon. Church fundraising event; tea, coffee and homemade cakes plus a raffle and sale table offering seeds, homemade jams and chutneys and small gifts, plant sales in the spring and summer.

20 March 2011

Son et Lumiere: Celebrating, in words and music, the new lighting system at St Wulfram’s Parish church, Grantham at 6.30pm. Tickets £5 including refreshments available from the Parish Office of St Wulfram’s Church.

Advertise your event in Crosslincs. Visit



Eight miles from Bardney

The Director of the Diocese of Lincoln’s Resources Consultancy spends a lot of time negotiating Lincolnshire’s roads.


inding your way around the Diocese of Lincoln can be a complex and challenging thing. However, there are a number of skills and strategies that you can adopt that will make this task easier. Whichever road you take to leave the city of Lincoln, the A15, A46, A158 or any other route, at some point you will come across a sign that says ‘Bardney 8 miles’. That’s my theory anyway. I’ve tried it many times and have discovered over the years that wherever you are in Lincolnshire, Bardney is only a stone’s throw away. Clearly, in mathematical terms, and geographical, that simply cannot be true. Yet there it is upon the sign posts. This is clearly a very useful fact − unless you’re trying to get to Bardney itself, of course. I remember as a child living near Doncaster a similar phenomenon when returning home from a family day out or a trip to visit relatives. Whenever we reached the A1 I knew that I must be nearly home. Again, given that it stretches from London to Edinburgh, this was impossible, yet it seemed to have a truth of its own. However, as a navigation tool in the Diocese of Lincoln, reaching the A1 means that you’re about to fall off the end of the world. Unless you’re going to Colsterworth, that is; one of those special villages that prove the rule by being the other side of the A1 yet still in this Diocese. Distances and scales may be regular, even and measured on OS maps and in atlases and SatNav but in the mind, time and space are, in the words of Douglas Adams, not just warped, but positively bent. Why is it that the journey home always seems shorter than the outward journey? I used to think of SatNav units as an agent of the devil, trying to destroy my sense of direction, de-skilling me. However, they can provide genuine fun and entertainment if you try to defy them. I don’t mean deliberately driving the wrong way up a one way street, of course. What I mean


Andy Wright

Bardney often seems to be eight miles away. is deciding on your route before switching it on and seeing whether your route matches his/hers/its preferred journey. I’m surely not alone in gaining real pleasure from beating the SatNav. I also have a handheld outdoor GPS unit that can be programmed simply to point directly at your destination, taking no regard for roads at all. The challenge then is to find the most direct route just by following the arrow on the screen and your nose-

Churches were built high and proud so that God Himself would know where they were and that the worshippers within would feel closer to Him.

a wonderful challenge and test of local knowledge − unless you’re in a hurry, that is. However, GPS can be useless if what you’re trying to find is a church. Some are designated ‘points of interest’ and so can be selected as destinations that way. Very few, however, have postcodes as they are not postal addresses unless they have a parish office. Another problem is that you can no longer assume that the big house next to the church is still where the vicar lives. Many villages have an array of dwellings called The Old Vicarage, The Rectory, and The Parsonage, but rarely are they still the residence of the cure of village souls. So using the parish priest’s postcode can sometimes get you in the right vicinity, but these days not necessarily even in the right village. The churchwarden’s address can be much more effective here. (Incidentally, and sometimes amusingly, we have discovered that using certain SatNav systems to find your way to the Old Palace in Lincoln can bring you not to the main reception, car park etc, but to the rear door on Steep Hill, a place of poor access and challenging contours − beware!) So here, one needs to utilise a little gumption. The Diocesan website can help you search for a church and so you can at least find the road that it is on. However, if we dare to lift our eyes from the LCD screen for just one moment, and take in the world beyond the wind shield, a far more useful skill can be deployed. One which has been used to find churches for centuries. In fact, one which in part helped those who built them the come up with some of the classic designs that we see around us. I’m talking, of course about actually using our sight. Many are floodlit, others are located on Church Lane or

Church Street. Navigating your way from village to village without SatNav or topographical map was, for centuries, helped by the fact that most communities has enormous beacons of hope and destiny in the form of spires and towers. For most of the year and in most communities, finding a church is simply a matter of spotting the spire and pointing yourself towards it. Everyone in a village, worshipper of otherwise, knows where their parish church is. St Botolph’s in Boston is a fine example of a lantern tower, where the church was designed to be used as a literal beacon for seafarers navigating their way home and to safety. In part, churches were built high and proud so that God Himself would know where they were and that the worshippers within would feel closer to Him. Driving across the fens, at most points you can see around six or eight parish churches. In the Wolds, the welcoming sight of a parish spire emerging from a fold in the countryside declares your imminent arrival. Even in the dark, the shadowy silhouette created by the mass of a high nave or soaring tower can guide you to the parish church and many are, quire simply and literally, at the centre of the village. Buses and trains stop when we reach our destination. Motorists have a range of technologies now to find their way around. We all have our own tricks and rules of thumb that make us feel always eight miles from Bardney. But the biggest trick, using the church itself as a way to find your place in life, not only gives us the ultimate SatNav, but an analogy that represents the privilege that we have both as custodians of ancient architecture and as stewards of a little bit of the Kingdom of God here on Earth. !



Dropping in

Crosslincs 01522 504034


Nick drops in to Scothern, north of Lincoln.


ifteen minutes to the north west of Lincoln is the small picturesque village of Scothern. The first surprise for visitors to Scothern’s Grade II* listed church of St Germain, is that inside, it bears little resemblance to an apparently homogenous medieval exterior. The church, which is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1068, has undergone various modifications and reordering over the years, giving today’s building an eclectic feel. From the blond oak, glass and stainless steel west doors through to a reredos which houses a painting believed to date to the 16th century, the building is full of intrigue. The church’s ground plan is L-shaped, with a large space to the north of the nave, which houses a gallery and toilets. The roof of the


Nick Edmonds

Mike Mills, Elizabeth Selka and Philip Manser at Scothern Church. nave is unusual insomuch as it is flat, painted white and clad in ornate cornicing, with the chancel aligning to the south wall.

Who’s who? We met with Mike Mills, Churchwarden Philip Manser, who is also organist, and Secretary Elizabeth Selka. The Parish Priest is the Revd Jenny Rowley. Service Style There is a service every Sunday at St Germain’s; on the first and third Sundays of the month, this is in the form of morning prayer, with Common Worship Eucharist in modern language on the second Sunday, and in traditional language (order 2) on the fourth Sunday. Links are also fostered with the village’s Methodist chapel, with whose congregation joint services are held. What’s going on? St Germain’s, which is very popular for

weddings, is a lively influence within the village, with excellent bells and organ, and strong links with nearby Ellison Boulters C of E Primary School. A ‘House Group’ meets regularly to discuss history, and on the first Saturday of every month there is a PCC coffee morning, which is used as both a social occasion and to discuss relevant issues. Jenny also runs a welcome event for families in preparation of Baptism. The building is always open for visitors, and boasts a 30strong choir, some of whose members travel from a number of miles away. Another notable strength is the success of the Parish Magazine, which combines church and secular village news, and is sent to all 300 houses in the village. !


Contact Information The Bishop of Lincoln Vacant

Gazette Appointments The Revd Susan Allison, Priest-inCharge of the Fotherby Group of Parishes, has also become Rural Dean of the Louthesk Deanery.

Deputy Senior Chaplain and Deputy Bereavement Services Manager at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (Licensed General Preacher).

The Revd Adrian Sullivan has retired as Rector of the Marden Hill Group of Parishes and Priest-in-Charge of the Stickney Group of Parishes.

The Revd Lilian Hall, Assistant Curate in the United Benefice of Ludgvan, Marazion, Perranuthnoe and St Hilary (Truro) has become Assistant Priest in the Barkston Group of Parishes.

The Revd Alison Seymour-Whiteley, Diocesan Curate in the Clogher Cathedral Group of Parishes (Diocese of Clogher, Church of Ireland) has become Chaplain at HMP Morton Hall (Licensed General Preacher).

The Revd Canon John Moore has retired as Rector of The Bain Valley Group of Parishes.

The Revd Frances Jeffries, Ordained Local Minister in the Gainsborough and Morton Team, to be Assistant Priest in the Skegness Group of Parishes from 1 March 2011. The Revd Alan James Littlewood, Priest-in-Charge of the Ancaster/Wilsford Group of Parishes, has also become Priestin-Charge of the Barkston and Hough Group of Parishes. The Revd Michelle Massey, Priest-inCharge of the Saxonwell Group of Parishes, has also become Priest in Charge of the Claypole Group of Parishes. The Revd Canon Jeremy Pemberton, Community Chaplain for Nottinghamshire County Teaching Primary Care Trust (Southwell and Nottingham) has become

The Revd Christopher Wedge, Deputy Manager of Chaplaincy in the United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, has become Associate Rector and Parish Missioner in the Parish of Boston.

Resignations The Revd Jane Holmes, Assistant Curate Stamford Christ Church, has become Incumbent of the Gayton Group of Parishes (Norwich). The Revd Canon Nicholas Thornley, Team Rector of the Gainsborough and Morton Team Ministry, to become Priest-inCharge of the Benefice of Broughton and Duddon (Carlisle).

The Revd David Beverley will retire as Vicar of the Trentside East Group of Parishes on 2 April 2011. The Revd Canon Michael Hunter has retired as Team Rector of the Grimsby Team Ministry. The Revd John Cotton has retired as Incumbent of Broughton. The Revd Canon John Wickstead will retire as Vicar of Holbeach on 31 May 2011.

Death The Revd Bernard Parsons, born 1926, ordained Deacon 1962, Priest 1963, Assistant Curate of Bourne 1962-64, Vicar of West Pinchbeck 1964-71, Vicar of Sutton Bridge 1971-83, Rector of Coningsby with Tattershall 1983-93, retired 1993 died on 13 February 2011, aged 84 years.

The Bishop of Grimsby The Right Revd David Rossdale ℡ 01472 371715 # The Bishop of Grantham The Right Revd Dr Tim Ellis ℡ 01400 283344 # The Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey The Venerable Jane Sinclair ℡ 01673 849896 # The Archdeacon of Lincoln The Venerable Tim Barker ℡ 01529 304348 # Diocesan offices The Old Palace, Minster Yard, Lincoln LN2 1PU ℡ 01522 504050 " 01522 504051 # " The Chief Executive Mr Max Manin ℡ 01522 504030 #



The Church in stitches W

e’ve all heard of knitting in church – but what about a church in knitting? Strange as it sounds, it is exactly this idea which forms the basis of a new project commissioned by The Collection in Lincoln, in conjunction with artsNK. Lincolnshire has long-established wool links, with many of its churches originally bankrolled by affluent landowners who had earned their fortunes in the wool trade, and the Woolly Spires project is jumping on the back of this cashmere connection by challenging communities to knit sheepish sculptures of their local churches. And the first of these laniferous landmarks is already complete, in the form of a fleecy St Denys’, Sleaford (pictured). As it was handed over for display within its full-size twin, St Denys’ Parish Priest, Canon John Patrick, said he was absolutely amazed and truly grateful for the time and skill that had gone into producing the merino masterpiece. “The woolly church has been a great talking point and a good number of people have come and visited the church to see it,” said John, who even managed to preach a sermon on the topic. “I got in a line about being a good liberal and preaching a woolly sermon!” he said. “A few folk have even suggested we create a life size woolly coat for the church to keep us nice and warm in the cold winters!” Now parishioners across the county are being encouraged to get their needles clicking and create an ovine opus depicting their church. parish own Anyone interested is invited to contact Marion on 01529 410595











Prize crossword The first correct entry to crossword number 27 to be opened on 1 April 2011 will win £25.


Send to: Crossword, Crosslincs, Church House, The Old Palace, Minster Yard, Lincoln LN2 1PU


The editor’s decision is final. Photocopies acceptable. One entry per person















number 27


Across 9 Not present outside can and dieting in 8d (9) 10 Fish (on ice?) (5) 11 Peddle round right food in 8d. Might be tickled (5) 12 Dull metre cooked up for 8d (3,6) 13 10ml ahead of time obviously (7) 23 14 Used by divers flyers (7) 17 Country found in diagonal formation (5) 19 Make music? Our lips are sealed (3) 27 20 Work stations (5) 21 How you sleep when snoring? (7) 22 Threatened by blokes confusing dace (7) 24 Fish pole weapon used by “Stupid Boy” plainly (9) 26 Bin inside on a cruise (5) by Kettlebird 28 May form a great barrier (5) 29 Inelegant form of sweet brier (9)

Scribble pad

is published by the Diocese of Lincoln.

The views of contributors do not necessarily reflect those held by the Diocese.

Deadline for the next issue: 1 April 2011 Will Harrison Editor Reporter Nick Edmonds

Printed by Mortons Print Ltd, Horncastle, Lincolnshire

Telephone: 01522 504034


Down 1 Rapid time for the 9a (4) 2 Not afloat (6) 3 Area behind 2d (10) 4 How often 8 comes round (6) 5 Where shirt fastenings are bred? (4,4) 6 Found a use for a hairy man from Genesis (4)

7 Found on rear of planes and fish (4,4) 8 Temporarily given to bride for a season (4) 13 Eaten with 10,11,12,25,27 and produced from old blocks (5) 15 With which one will not make a net profit (3,3,4) 16 Lessened and, topped by 100, stopped completely (5) 18 Rolling English road maker (G K Chesterton) (8) 19 Swinging punch while the sun shines (8) 22 Quieten kiln (6) 23 Is able so acted frankly (6) 24 Sprite on ice (4) 25 Only fish underfoot (4) 27 Fish eggs came up we hear (4) solution number 26

Congratulations to Lesley Duff of Hibaldstow, the winner of crossword 26.

M E S S \ K I T C H E N M O P







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