Crosslincs April 2014

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CROSSLINCS News from around the Diocese of Lincoln



April 2014

St Mary the Virgin Church, Garthorpe.

Church in Garthorpe is thriving two years on from the brink of closure A VILLAGE church, on the brink of closure just under two years ago, is now turning around its fortunes. In May 2012, St Mary the Virgin, Garthorpe, had a congregation of just two for the occasional Sunday service and no PCC, so a closure procedure was started. But the move spurred concerned local villagers into action having recently lost their post office, village store and pub, and a meeting was held to see how the church could be saved. Churchwarden David Trinder, said: “A circular was produced and delivered to every household, asking if they, the villagers, believed that the church should be saved. If so were they prepared and willing to make annual donations to keep the church open, not for Sunday services, but for the use of the villagers, when required for their weddings, funerals, and baptisms.

“One villager’s response was, ‘I don’t go to church, don’t want to go to church, don’t want to be on your committee, but I do think that the village should have a church, so I am willing to donate £20, every year to help to keep the church open.’ “This was a typical response, with the overall result that the villagers promised sufficient funds to keep the church open. The church authorities were approached to stop the closing process, and after many local meetings a new PCC was formed in September of 2012.” Funds received from local residents enabled all outstanding bills to be paid, urgent and necessary maintenance to be carried out and services restarted with a Remembrance service, Carols round the Christmas tree, Mothering Sunday, and Easter with a couple of normal Sunday services thrown in to test the water. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3



Welcome to the new look Crosslincs

Gosberton gargoyle trunk removed

Get to know the new look Crosslincs for the Diocese of Lincoln, packed with news and events from right across the county.

Find out why this unique elephant gargoyle has had to have its trunk removed




Crosslincs is produced by the Diocese of Lincoln

Welcome to Crosslincs WELCOME to this first edition of the relaunched Crosslincs. After gathering your feedback, we have decided to move to an A4 format and will be publishing on a bi-monthly basis. One thing you have all been agreed on is that Crosslincs provides a vital resource for parishes to share ideas and learn more about what is happening across the Diocese.

The submission deadline for the next edition is Friday, May 23. Media Officer/Editor Sarah Baker T: 01522 50 40 37 M: 07885 99 99 06 E: Communications Officer Michelle Lees T: 01522 50 40 34 M: 07885 99 99 07 E: Diocesan Offices Edward King House, Minster Yard, Lincoln LN2 1PU. T: 01522 50 40 50 E: www.twitter/CofELincoln The Bishop of Lincoln The Right Reverend Christopher Lowson T: 01522 50 40 90 E: Interim Diocesan Secretary The Reverend Canon Richard Bowett T: 01522 50 40 30 E: PA to the Diocesan Secretary Mickey Tucker-Lowe T: 01522 50 40 32 E: The Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey The Venerable Jane Sinclair M: 07809 52 19 95 E: The Archdeacon of Lincoln The Venerable Tim Barker M: 07590 95 00 41 E: The Archdeacon of Boston The Venerable Dr Justine Allain Chapman M: 07715 077 993 E: W W W.LINCOLN. ANGLIC AN.ORG

Please let us know if there is something you would particularly like to be covered. We are interested in hearing about community developments and good news stories from where you are. Sarah Baker is the Media Officer at the Diocese of Lincoln and is happy to arrange a visit to your parish to discuss articles if you wish. If you have something you would like to include in Crosslincs please email or call 01522 50 40 37 / 07885 99 99 06.

From the Bishop... WE’RE in very exciting times in the Diocese of Lincoln. We’re moving ahead with ambitious plans to build the Church in the Diocese, as we grow in faith, confidence and joy. Excellent communication is central to our plans, and I’m delighted that Crosslincs is relaunched to tell the story of our great Diocese, enabling parishes to share their news and draw inspiration from what others are doing. We live in a fast-paced world, where the latest news is never enough. There’s the constant need for more information, and to be able to participate in the news. My grandparents would struggle to believe that I carry in my pocket a device that can give me access to almost the entirety of human knowledge and understanding, and which allows me to join conversations with people around the world. To communicate effectively, we need to communicate in a variety of ways. We need to combine the news-on-the-move technology – tweeting, Facebook, and our soon-to-be launched new website – with the universal appeal of the written word, printed on paper, that allows the in-depth and measured telling of our story. We can make our great Diocese even greater if we work together, building on our rich inheritance of mission and ministry. Crosslincs is going to be central to this. The Right Reverend Christopher Lowson The Bishop of Lincoln



St Mary the Virgin, in the Isle of Axholme, was consecrated in 1913 after a collection around the village raised £692 to enable the church to be built. With local support now proving strong, a centenary celebration service was held in September 2013, which attracted a congregation of 88. The service was led by the vicar, Reverend Mary Stonier, supported by Reverend Moira Astin and Reverend Jonathan Thacker. The service was followed by a buffet in the local village hall, where a cake the shape of the church was the centre piece - almost mirroring the celebrations 100 years previously.

“The church is now progressing slowly but surely, one step at a time and most importantly the church didn’t die.” David Trinder, Churchwarden, St Mary the Virgin, Garthorpe Mr Trinder added: “How lucky we were to have the support of those three vicars at our little village service, and we thank them for that. During the service, bible story books were presented by Rosemary Wheeler to all the children present, with those children not present receiving them at their school.

A lovely day was had by all and it was a real success story for a small village church which could so easily have been closed but is now alive and well, by the efforts of a few, and the support of the villagers. “The church is now progressing slowly but surely, one step at a time and most importantly the church didn’t die. Hopefully we now have a momentum which will continue and the church will live on for many more years.” Does your parish have an inspiring story? We’d love to hear about it by emailing

“I put my faith in God, my vision, did some research and found there isn’t anything quite like this in the city. Our belief statement will not discriminate against age or sex although our houses will not be mixed sex. I am personally funding the first two homes. I hope by the third home to be able to employ a Christian support worker.

New charity enables churches to house the homeless A NEW Christian charity is enabling churches to house the homeless and vulnerable in Lincolnshire. The Home Matchmaker charity has been set up by Ardva Boyes-Brewer in partnership with Hope into Action who currently work with 20 churches on 20 houses in Peterborough, Cambridge, Nottingham and Norwich. And now, the first tenants have already been housed in emergency accommodation in Lincoln. Ardva has so far self financed the project to enable the charity to purchase and refurbish its first home with a second home soon to be completed. She has been supported by fellow Christians from St Peter in Eastgate Church who have given up their time freely to support the project. Ardva, who has been a foster carer for 15 children, said: “Many children come into care as a result of domestic violence and having experienced similar childhood trauma myself, I understand first-hand the stress and desperation of needing a safe refuge to live in.

“The wonderful thing that makes it special is the church commits five to seven volunteers to come alongside the people in the home. They come as a friend – not to convert – but are there to stand as a witness of God and shine for God.” The vulnerable needing support from Home Matchmaker will come via referrals, which could be through the church. More than 40 volunteers from St Peter in Eastgate have so far helped to get the first home ready. Ardva said: “What’s exciting is many of the volunteers are those who are not currently in roles within the church and God had already put the care of the vulnerable on their hearts. People have helped us in so many different ways. Tenants could end up here through drugs, drink, domestic violence – fundamentally it’s because of relationships. Not feeling loved or not loving yourself. They have to be classed as vulnerable and need a home with an affordable rent. Ultimately we want them to gain employment. Hope into Action says on average people stay for around 15 months but the idea is to keep their momentum going. “The dream is for every church in Lincolnshire to house the vulnerable and enable them to rebuild their lives.” For more information, contact Ardva by email at or visit DIOCESELINCOLN



Central Services Review By Will Harrison

Work to implement ambitious plans to transform and support the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Lincoln has begun in earnest, with the development of several large projects and organisational changes. THE Diocese of Lincoln has responded to an independent review, which in 2012 recommended a raft of major structural and procedural changes, by putting in place proposals to build the life, mission, ministry and discipleship of the historic county of Lincolnshire.

time, the Bishop of Lincoln, the Right Reverend Christopher Lowson, shared his vision for the Diocese - to be faithful in worship, confident in discipleship, and joyful in service. To fulfil this work, organisational changes within the diocesan offices are being made, with the development of a new team structure to ensure more effective co-ordination of the many different areas of work. Each Archdeacon, the Bishop of Grimsby (when appointed), and the Diocesan Secretary now have leadership responsibility for a particular area of work - Ministry, Discipleship, Churches and Parish Operations, Mission, and Finance and Administration.

Last year, seven panels were established, with membership drawn from churches around the Diocese, each with the task of looking at an aspect of the life of the Diocese in response to the Central Services Review. This included church buildings, ministry, discipleship, governance, worship, parish share, and the release of money, through a ‘transformation fund’ to give a cash injection for initiatives and projects which build on mission.

With this new structure, support for parishes is being strengthened in several ways. Firstly, Discipleship Development Advisers, under the leadership of the Archdeacon of Boston, the Ven Justine Allain Chapman, will combine their post in parish ministry with working with parishes to help them realise their full potential for mission. This is being aided by a new scheme of ‘mission communities’, which parishes will be invited to consider over the next few months.

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Each of these panels reported to Synod late last year, and work has begun to refine their recommendations in consultation with deanery synods and widely throughout the Diocese, and to put their plans into operation. At the same

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“Mission communities will enable parishes to consider how they can best serve their localities, and plan their mission and ministry appropriately,” said the Ven Tim Barker, Archdeacon of Lincoln, who holds responsibility for Churches and Parishes Operations.

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This diagram sets out how the new team structure, borne out of the CSR review, will look. W W W.LINCOLN. ANGLIC AN.ORG

“It’s far more than a local means of organising operations administratively. Mission Communities are about sharing local strengths, skills, experience and resources to meet the needs of the area, and for parishes to work together effectively.” And Mission Communities will be able to apply for Diocesan funds to support their mission, through a Transformation Fund, to be launched later this year. As part of the Central Services Review, a £5million fund is being established to support social and mission projects. For more on mission communities in the Diocese, please turn to page 15.


The Mount will become the new home of the diocesan offices.

The Central Services Review also recommended that new office accommodation should be found, having deemed the current offices unsuitable for effective working. The Diocesan Board of Finance examined a number of options before choosing The Mount - an Edwardian former convent close to the existing offices. “The new offices represent an excellent investment for the Board of Finance,” said the Chair, Trevor Bush. “We wanted to find premises that would fulfil all the criteria, such as sufficient and flexible space and parking to allow the central services of the Diocese to function effectively, remaining close to the Cathedral, and appropriate space for certain events.

“By moving the offices and expanding the hotel, we hope to make huge strives towards boosting the quality of service and once fully developed, the profit from the hotel will contribute substantially towards the Diocese’s income and ultimately the ministry to the Diocese.” Numbers of parish clergy are also set to increase, with a number of posts being advertised. “Our parish clergy are key leaders in mission and to increase their number is to increase the opportunity of the church engaging with a wider range of people,” said the Ven Jane Sinclair, Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey, who has oversight of the Diocese’s ministry team.

“All this is done without any cost to the parishes, as we are transferring assets from one class to another.”

“If we are to see the Diocese of Lincoln flourish and make a real difference to people’s lives, we need to boost that ministry.

Meanwhile, another independent report has made recommendations to expand the Old Palace Hotel to occupy the whole of the building, to maximise the income it provides to the Diocese.

“We already have experienced, dedicated, talented and effective ministers, both lay and ordained, and we need to build on this to bring excellent ministry and worship to every part of the Diocese.”

“The Old Palace Hotel has been a great success which benefits every parish in the Diocese,” said Trevor.

For more information, go online to Or please call Will Harrison on 01522 50 40 33. DIOCESELINCOLN



ESSENTIAL WORKS TO BEGIN AT ST WULFRAM’S IN GRANTHAM ONCE described as “the finest steeple in England”, work has now started to carry out essential repairs to the spire of St Wulfram’s Church in Grantham. Following a quinquennial review in September 2012, it was discovered that the top 36 feet of the spire was unstable. The top 16 feet had previously been repaired in 1946 but it was the 24 feet below where the iron bracings had corroded and were splitting the stonework. Scaffolding was quickly put up to support the structure and a major fundraising appeal began to raise the £500,000plus needed for the work. Val York has been a churchwarden at St Wulfram’s for five years.


“People have been very generous with their time and their talents.”

She explained: “We launched a big fundraising appeal. A grant from English Heritage covered 48 per cent and we have had to raise the remainder.

Val York St Wulfram’s Churchwarden

“That figure was around £250,000 but we did have grants from some other grant making bodies. In just 18 months we are now down to our last £20,000 to raise.

“Ancaster Stone found a good seam and they have donated the stone needed.

“For a parish church that is quite an achievement.”

The spire itself is 283 feet tall with parts of the church dating back to around 900AD.

The complex scaffolding structure has been designed by Ed Morton from The Morton Partnership London. Work started last month and it will take 17 weeks to build the scaffolding before 12 weeks of repairs can begin. It will then take a further 15 to 17 weeks for the scaffolding to be removed. Val added: “People have been very generous with their time and their talents. Local businesses have also been supportive, many having collection boxes which have been a help.

“The biggest bulk of the expense is the scaffolding.”

Several events have been organised to support the Save Our Spire appeal including a Spring Food and Craft Fair in the George Centre on April 12 and a Hi-Notes concert with Songs from the Shows at Walton Girls’ High School on April 26. For tickets call 01476 40 61 58. Other events include an illustrated lecture on the Crown Jewels presented by GADDFAS in the Guildhall Theatre, on April 29 at 11am and on May 17, the Dowager Duchess of Rutland will open her gardens at Belvoir Lodge from 12 noon to 4pm with a Spitfire fly-past during the afternoon.


1. St Wulfram’s Church spire. 2. A complex scaffolding structure had to be designed.


Book Review: Going Home the Long Way Round By Avril Ford Paperback 95 pages: ISBN 987-0-9569729-7-2 ANDY Hawes reviews a new book by one of the first women priests in Lincolnshire... It is a courageous thing to do – writing a book, particularly one that is autobiographical. To place before the world the story of family and faith, of failures and frustrations is a costly and risky business. This is what Avril has done with an honesty and integrity which is both inspiring and illuminating. Avril describes the book as the story of ‘how a very ordinary little girl from Kent grew up to become one of the first women priests in Lincolnshire.’ It is a personal story but it provides a personal perspective on the changes

in English Society and the Church of England over half a century. Avril was a pioneer in many areas of life not least in local ministry in Lincolnshire and in being ordained priest. Although a Durham graduate in maths, Avril has creativity in spades expressed in an individual and lively writing style which can move from poetic descriptions of landscape and experience to hilarious story telling. Avril was greatly helped by the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius who said something like ‘an experience without reflection is a wasted experience.’ In this short but dense book Avril has taken all her experiences, including

a lengthy encounter with mental illness, and drawn fruit from it. This book is a basket of this fruit, some bitter and some sweet, but all has the goodness of Grace in it. Avril ends: ‘I only pray that I will have the courage truly to set out on my new course and will not waste overmuch time going home the long way round.’ Amen to that. Going Home The Long Way Round is available priced £10 from local bookshops (Unicorn Tree in Lincoln; Perkins, Joseph Banks Centre and St Mary’s in Horncastle; Olive Tree and two bookshops in Louth). Also direct from Avril for £12.50 (inc. p&p) email If you would like to submit a book review for possible inclusion please email it, together with a copy of the book cover, to


Could you capture the life of your church in a single photograph? That’s the challenge we are setting individuals across the Diocese as we launch our new photography competition. We know the Diocese is home to a wealth of beautiful buildings but we want your images to capture what goes on inside them, showing us the people and activities that contribute to life in your local community. In addition to building a library of images of church life across Lincolnshire, we hope that sharing some of your photos will also give inspiration to others.

A judging panel will select the winners and these will be announced and printed in the June edition of Crosslincs.

The closing date for entries is 12 noon on Friday, May 28.


First prize will win one night’s accommodation for two plus dinner at the Old Palace Hotel in Lincoln. One runner-up will receive a £50 meal voucher for a restaurant of their choice and the winning entries will feature in our 2015 calendar.

How to enter: Entries should be emailed to with ‘Crosslincs photography competition’ in the subject box, no later than 12 noon on Friday, May 28. All images should be submitted in jpeg format and be at least 1MB in size. Entries are limited to three images per photographer and must have been taken during 2014. Please include a line with each image to explain what is happening in the photograph. Entrants must provide their name, address and a daytime contact number.


The unusual elephant gargoyle.

rural England to have an elephant – we don’t know exactly why they chose one. It could be that the stonemasons of the time saw a book and were inspired by it.” The church is currently preparing for its annual 10day flower festival which runs from Saturday, April 26 to Monday, May 5 and brings in thousands of visitors to the village each year. The theme for this year’s event is Children’s Storytime, and will see the church filled with around 30 floral displays. Mr Walters said: “In this village we are very fortunate. We have a small group of awesome flower people led by Val Brocklehurst who has a wonderful organisational gift. Some of the exhibits really are wonderful and the village is filled with people. We get coaches from Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Derby.” Many visitors make a day of visiting other flower festivals in the area as many churches traditionally organise events to coincide with the Spalding Flower Parade which no longer takes place. St Peter and St Paul, Gosberton.

A gargoyle trunk removed and 10-day flower festival AN unusual elephant gargoyle at a Lincolnshire church is thought to be the only one of its kind in the country. Sadly, the trunk of the Gosberton church gargoyle has had to be removed because of safety concerns, but it is hoped that the rare feature will eventually be restored to its former glory. The 14th century tower of St Peter and St Paul is home to eight gargoyles but only one, located above the clock face, takes the unusual animal form. The creature had a very large, lead trunk, but this was removed last month. Reverend Ian Walters, said: “We noticed the stonework which the trunk goes into is crumbling and appears to have become rather detached. A church roof specialist said it was unsafe and had to be taken down. We are looking what our options are to restore the elephant. It’s likely to cost several thousand pounds. We hope people may like to start a fund or offer some help.” The significance of the elephant is unknown but it is thought to be particularly unique for a parish church to have such a feature. Mr Walters said: “Elephants were known even in biblical times but in the 1300s in W W W.LINCOLN. ANGLIC AN.ORG

Elephants were known even in biblical times but in the 1300s in rural England to have an elephant – we don’t know exactly why they chose one. Reverend Ian Walters St Peter and St Paul Church, Gosberton


Lincoln’s Magna Carta to tour the US LINCOLN Cathedral’s Magna Carta will embark on a tour of the United States later this year. The document will form part of three major exhibitions celebrating the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the document by King John at Runnymede in June 1215. The Lincoln Magna Carta will be exhibited first at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), from July 2 to September 1 and in partnership with the Massachusetts Historical Society, will be on view in the Art of the Americas Wing alongside other historical loans, as well as portraits and works of art from the Museum’s collection. Focusing on Massachusetts’ and America’s ongoing relationship with Magna Carta, additional objects include The MFA’s Sons of Liberty Bowl (1768) by Paul Revere which is engraved with the words ‘Magna/Charta’ and ‘Bill of/ Rights’ and two manuscript copies of the Declaration of Independence, originally penned by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Ann and Graham Gund Director at the MFA, Malcolm Rogers, said: “I am proud to bring Magna Carta to Boston, where it inspired so many Sons of Liberty and Founding Fathers to action, and am grateful to Lincoln Cathedral for this extraordinary loan. “This foundational document will hold a place of honour among American masterpieces and colonial treasures that bring some of Massachusetts’ most famous patriots to life. In September, Magna Carta will then move to the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts for an exhibition from September 6 to November 2. The final exhibition will be at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, where it will be on display from November 6 until January 19, 2015.

In addition to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, the exhibition will also commemorate the 75th anniversary of the November 1939 deposit of the Lincoln Magna Carta at the Library for safekeeping during World War II.

The Lincoln Cathedral Magna Carta is a source of great pride for the people of Lincoln and its Cathedral. The Very Reverend Philip Buckler The Dean of Lincoln

There are four 1215 Magna Carta in existence. Two are held by the British Library and one by Salisbury Cathedral. All four of the original surviving 1215 Magna Carta manuscripts will be brought together for the first time in history at a three day event at the British Library from February 2 to 4, 2015. The Dean of Lincoln, the Very Reverend Philip Buckler said: “It has been met by great enthusiasm whenever it has travelled to the United States in the past and we look forward to it being a source of inspiration to all those who visit the exhibitions, so much so that they are encouraged to come and visit Lincoln – the place where so much of the story begins. The Lincoln Cathedral Magna Carta is a source of great pride for the people of Lincoln and its Cathedral.”


Diocesan Synod votes in favour of women bishops LINCOLN’S Diocesan Synod has voted, by a large majority, in favour of legislation to allow the consecration and ordination of women bishops. The vote was cast at its meeting on Saturday, March 29 held at Bishop Grosseteste University. General Synod gave overwhelming support to new draft legislation on the matter in February 2014 and asked every Diocese to vote on the proposal before it holds its final approval debate in July 2014. Back in November 2011, the Diocese of Lincoln had given its support to previous draft proposals which failed to secure a majority in the three Synod houses back in November 2012. In the 15 months since then, much work has been done to identify a new approach with a new package of proposals. The revised legislation takes a much simpler form with a so-called ‘single clause measure’ which means all references to women not being allowed to be bishops are removed. It also sets out a procedure for the resolution of disputes involving an independent reviewer. The Diocesan Synod vote on the motion ‘That this Synod approve the proposals embodied in the draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure and draft Amending Canon No 33’ was carried in all houses as follows: House of Bishops 1 in favour House of Clergy 57 in favour, 3 against House of Laity 43 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstention If approved at General Synod in July, the first women bishops could be consecrated in 2015. DIOCESELINCOLN




Second school to join multi-academy trust A SECOND school is expected to join the new diocesan multi-academy trust later this term. The Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust (LAAT) was formed on October 17, 2013 and diocesan director of education, Jackie Waters-Dewhurst is the chief executive officer. She is joined by a board of directors who are a group of professionals with a wealth of expertise in education and business, rooted in Christian values. Ulceby St Nicholas Church of England Primary School was the first to join the Trust at the start of the term. Ulceby head teacher, Chris Smith, said: “The new opportunities and the drive to continue to raise standards is at the heart of the LAAT and I am very excited to be a part of that. “Furthermore the work the school has done with the LAAT has already raised standards; it is a new era, one that will reap rewards for all of our children.”

or historic foundation to provide the best possible education. The Trust recognises that one size does not fit all and so it is driven to provide tailored school improvement support for each of the schools in the Trust. “In time it is anticipated that there will be a rich mix of church and community schools spanning the whole spectrum of academic and educational achievement and every school will both share and glean good practice from each other.”

The Trust has access to the Diocesan Education Team, a range of external school improvement providers and a network of 141 church schools to support the academies. The Magdalen Church of England and Methodist Primary School in Wainfleet is due to be the next school to join LAAT We are looking forward to later this term.

being part of a very exciting and forward thinking ‘Church family’ in the form of LAAT.

Their headteacher, Gareth Smith, said: “All of the staff and pupils are very excited at the prospect of joining LAAT Last term, the Trust developed a range this term, we have already benefitted of policies, procedures and mechagreatly from the continued support of nisms needed to successfully sponsor a the Diocese but we are looking forward number of academies. It has appointed Gareth Smith The Magdalen CoE and Methodist to being part of a very exciting and formembers to serve on the Local GovernPrimary School ward thinking “Church family” in the ing Body at each of the schools. form of LAAT. As a school we cannot Jackie Waters-Dewhurst, said: “Every school in the Trust will wait to start on our journey with LAAT and all feel, that this retain their individual identity and build upon their Christian is a tremendously exciting next step for our school.” Alison Rashley from Circle Up Drama group prepared the script for the film and managed the whole project, including casting 173 children in their roles. Pupils worked with a professional crew, former pupils and a team of dedicated parents to record the film and were particularly excited when they heard that Joe Dempsie, of ‘Skins’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ fame, would attend for three days of filming and feature as a headteacher in the film.

Claypole Church of England Primary School marks its 150th anniversary by making a film celebrating its history THE film has been based on log books that have been kept by every headteacher since 1863, giving an uninterrupted insight into the daily life of the school, its rural nature, and the impact of national events on the lives of the pupils. W W W.LINCOLN. ANGLIC AN.ORG

Current headteacher, Heather Burns, said: “The project has had support from the whole community who have helped by allowing the school to use locations around the village and providing authentic props, including a vintage tractor which had to be towed out of the mud afterwards. We are now waiting with great excitement to see the film which will be screened for the first time at a premiere in May.”



New higher education advisor appointment THE Church of England has appointed a new higher education advisor. Reverend Duncan Myers has an extensive and varied experience of university life which includes serving as a Chaplain in four higher education institutions, most recently at London South Bank University. He has also held a number of management positions including international student co-ordinator at the University of Durham, tutor for postgraduate students at Hatfield College, and senior pastoral advisor at Nottingham Trent University. Mr Myers said: “The Church has a long and important tradition of commitment to higher education, which opens new doors to so many people and involves a significant proportion of the nation as students and staff. I am delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to this mission, supporting colleagues who are chaplains and helping to inform the

Church of England’s response to this changing environment. “I am also looking forward to working with the Cathedrals Group of Universities, which have a distinctive Christian ethos, in their important contribution to higher education.” Mr Myers took up the post on April 7, replacing Stephen Heap who retired as national advisor for higher education at the end of 2013. Reverend Jan Ainsworth, the Church of England’s chief education officer and general secretary, national soci-

ety, said: 
“Duncan Myers has a sharp understanding of the issues in higher education facing both students and institutions. “Based in Church House, he will be a member of the Education Division working ecumenically to support and resource HE Chaplains as well as developing the Church of England’s policy response to developments in the sector. “He will also work closely with the Cathedrals Group of Church Foundation Universities to develop their distinctive contribution to higher education.”

Freiston Church celebrates 900th Anniversary THE community of Freiston were joined by local dignitaries to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the founding of a priory in the village. The occasion was marked with an event at St James’ Church and guests included Mayor and Mayoress of Boston Paul and Pam Kenny and Boston Borough Council leader Peter Bedford. The priory was founded in a ceremony at Crowland Abbey in 1114. The Norman Baron Alan de Croun and family gave lands and the churches in Freiston, Butterwick, Fishtoft and Burton Pedwardine for the founding of a priory. More than half of today’s Freiston Church includes the nave of the Norman priory project that started 900 years ago. To leave a legacy for future generations, The Boston Guild of Embroidery decorated four beautiful new altar cloths for the church which were dedicated by the Archdeacon of Boston, the Venerable Dr Justine Allain Chapman. The cloths show the cross with the scallop emblem of St James in black and gold, a purple cloth of crosses including a crown of thorns emblem, a green cross with a gold cup

and a red cloth with a dove over flames. The Mayor and Council Leader then jointly cut a 900th anniversary cake to celebrate the founding. The event marked a week of celebrations which included a visit by Butterwick Primary School Year 5 and Year 6 classes to Crowland to re-enact the founding ceremony, pancake races on Shrove Tuesday, a coach party to Crowland for members of the congregation and a Messy Church for children within the local parishes. Forthcoming events include a pilgrimage walk from Crowland to Freiston on April 12 and 13, a monastic weekend to understand medieval life in the Priory on May 17 and 18 and a grand summer fete on July 20 to mark the festival of St James. DIOCESELINCOLN



By Sarah Baker

STONES CRY OUT: EXAMINING THE SITUATION OF CHRISTIANS IN PALESTINE A NEW film looking at the situation of Christians in Palestine will be shown in Grimsby next month as it tours the UK.

The Stones Cry Out has been created by filmmaker Yasmine Perni and has been brought to the Diocese at the request of Deborah Mullins, wife of Peter Mullins, Team Rector of West Grimsby. The pair spent three months studying in Israel and Palestine while based at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute in the autumn, during which time they attended the film’s premiere. Canon Mullins said: “The institute organised lectures and trips covering everything from biblical archaeology through to modern architecture in Jerusalem. The thing that got under our skin however was the situation of the Palestinian Christians, particularly as the institute sits right next to the separation wall between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. “On our trips we found ourselves visiting churches, Orthodox, Greek Catholic and in one case Anglican, in remoter parts of the West Bank and the most striking thing was how grateful in every case they were that we had gone to see them.

“It’s important, helping people to be more aware of what life is like for Christians in the place where Jesus was born, lived and died”

And an olive grove just beneath their seminar room window belonged to people on the other side of the separation wall, who were not able to tend their trees. Mrs Mullins said: “We take our freedom of movement for granted. I had read a fair amount before going but actually seeing the reality on the ground and people who have to make up reasons to get a permit. Sometimes it forces people to not live as honestly as they would want to. “It’s important, helping people to be more aware of what life is like for Christians in the place where Jesus was born, lived and died. People were so grateful anyone goes to see them because they feel so cut off from the western Christian world. One priest who spoke with us hoped we would go away and tell people what the situation is like. “In Europe, the important thing has been about building up relationships between Jews and Christians. Some of the Jewish speakers we heard from were very keen to say ‘don’t equate Judaism with the actions of the Israeli Government – they are two separate things’.”

Deborah Mullins “Palestinian Christians feel a little bit forgotten. Quite rightly, churches in places like England have a major investment in things like Christian/Jewish dialogue and finding a group of Christian people across the centre of the Holy Land who don’t quite fit into that is almost an embarrassment for churches.” Yasmine Perni moved from her native Italy to the Middle East at the age of 13. She was inspired to create the documentary by the Christians of Palestine whose story is often obscured by the headlines. The film tells their story, in their own voices, from 1948 to the present day. Construction of the separation barrier began in 2002 and permits are now needed to move outside of the West Bank. During their time at Tantur, Canon and Mrs Mullins recall seeing people who had permits to work in Israel queuing up at the checkpoint from 3am.


The Stones Cry Out will be shown at Oasis Academy Wintringham on Wednesday, May 7 at 7pm. Entry is free but donations are invited. Filmmaker Yasmine Perni will be attending for a discussion and to take questions and answers. There will also be a sale of Fair Trade Palestinian produce. For more information please get in touch by calling 01472 34 69 86, or email


News in brief Sleep Easy 2014

TWO diocesan staff members were amongst those to sleep rough for a night in aid of Lincoln’s homeless. Jennifer Dyke and Annie Gash joined more than 100 other people taking shelter under cardboard boxes in the grounds of Lincoln Cathedral on February 28. The 12-hour Sleep Easy 2014 event was in support of the Lincolnshire YMCA and The Nomad Trust who are working in partnership to fund a new night shelter, providing short term accommodation for regular rough sleepers. Jen and Annie raised more than £820, contributing to more than £8,700 raised in total from the event. Matthew Stanton, a labourer at Meddo construction who sponsor Sleep Easy every year, said: “The experience was such an eye opener. It just goes to show that we take for granted our comforts at home.”

Ride and Stride

SPONSORSHIP forms are now available for this year’s Lincolnshire Churches Trust bike, ride and stride. 2014’s event takes place on Saturday, September 13 from 10am to 6pm and raises funds for local churches. The Trust was founded to help preserve churches and chapels by raising money which is then distributed in the form of grants. It is non-denominational and will help any church or chapel which is more than 100 years old. A spokesman said: “Throughout Lincolnshire there are wonderful places of worship which are part of our heritage, and with your help they can be preserved. Why not join your friends or family for our Ride and Stride event or have a peaceful day on your own, visiting Lincolnshire’s beautiful and historic churches, and be sponsored for every church you visit.” The ride and stride event can be done by cycling, walking, running or even riding your horse between churches to raise funds. Last year’s event raised more than £24,000.

For more information contact Sarah Roberts on 07760 46 80 52. Or, to take part, download the sponsor form from

Numbers of young Ordinands at twenty year high NEW statistics for 2013 show that the number of young people aged under 30 accepted for training for Church of England ministry continue to be the highest number in the past 20 years. The figures now represent 23 per cent of those entering training. The Ministry Division of the Archbishops’ Council is continuing to be proactive in recruiting young ordinands through providing conferences and training opportunities such as the Ministry Experience Scheme being piloted in 2013/14, which is looking to be extended for the academic year 2014/15. Young Vocations Advisor, Liz Boughton said: “We are delighted with the number of young adults recommended for ordained ministry last year. “It’s great that a substantial number are having the confidence and support to hear and respond to God’s call to the priesthood. We welcome young people and value the gifts, enthusiasm and insights that they bring.”

Prayer Pilgrimages

A SERIES of Prayer Pilgrimages are taking place in Lincolnshire in 2014. The events have been organised by the Lincolnshire Fresh Expressions Area Strategy Team, part of Churches Together in All Lincolnshire, and will visit many of the significant places of God’s activity in the county over the centuries. The first pilgrimages took place last month with further events scheduled in September and October. The pilgrimages are titled Discovering the Ancient, for the Sake of the Future. Pilgrims will be praying for the county, visiting sites of importance

and seeking insight and learning the lessons from the past that will help to navigate the future of the church in Lincolnshire. The start of each day will involve gathering for worship before the pilgrims walk towards the next destination. At the end of each day, as the pilgrims arrive, there will be opportunity to celebrate and worship the day’s events and recognise the importance of the place in the history of the church in Lincolnshire. The remaining two pilgrimages take place as follows: September 22-25: Bardney - Lincoln, Lincoln - Stow, Stow - Gainsborough, Gainsborough - Epworth. Contact Ian Silk E: T: 01522 87 08 81 October 6-8: Revesby - Spilsby, Spilsby - Monksthorpe. Contact David Newlove E: T: 01507 60 34 02 If you are able to offer refreshments or accommodation, contact Simon Dean

EQUIP expo

VARIOUS organisations will exhibit at a special event to provide resources for Christians in mission and discipleship. The EQUIP expo will take place at the Lincolnshire Showground on Saturday, October 4. Organised by Churches Together in All Lincolnshire, it offers an opportunity for people to see the wide range of resources available to support mission, discipleship and growth. Alongside the exhibition there will also be a programme of seminars and workshops to further support and equip people. For more information and regular updates visit DIOCESELINCOLN



Celebrating Volunteers’ Week June 1-7 2014

PEOPLE across the Diocese are being invited to join in an annual celebration of volunteering. Volunteers’ Week runs from June 1 to 7, starting on Trinity Sunday, and is organised by Volunteering England on behalf of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations.

THIS is the 30th year of Volunteers’ Week, which makes the occasion even more special. Volunteers have a key role to play in the life of the church as well as the wider community. In the Diocese of Lincoln, around 85 per cent of all organised and authorised ministers are volunteers including non-stipendiary clergy, local ministers, readers and authorised lay ministers.

roles played by volunteers in the life and witness of the Church. In many parts of the Diocese regular Sunday services, pastoral ministry, Christian nurture and a host of other activities rely heavily on volunteers. The same is true of most other mainstream denominations. Celebrating Volunteers’ Week is a way of marking the dedication and contributions of all these people and thanking God for their service.

and within virtually all the world’s major religions; an expression of selflessness and concern for one’s neighbour.”

Reverend Dr Neil Burgess explained: “Within the church, celebrating Volunteers’ Week is a public recognition of the indebtedness of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Lincoln and elsewhere, to the considerable

“Volunteering is an expression of altruism, a willingness to help and work for others without expecting any financial or other reward for so doing. Altruism is a virtue celebrated in many systems of belief

For more information visit or contact your local Voluntary Centre Services organisation.

New Daily Prayer App

Safeguarding Training

Church Legacy

INDIVIDUALS considering leaving a gift in their Will to their local church can now access key information through a new website. The Church of England has launched its new Church Legacy website which will provide further information on leaving a legacy, example wording for your Will and information for solicitors and PCCs. Legacies are an important source of income for parish churches, contributing £44.8-million to parish income in 2011 – almost £3,000 per parish church, per year. Eleanor Gill, National Legacy and Funding Officer, said: “Legacies are life driven; they’re only activated by death. When remembering gifts generously left, we give thanks and recall the story of the individual’s life and commitment to their church.”

A NEW app will enable people to pray using their smartphone or tablet. Church House Publishing is to release Daily Prayer for iPhone/iPad which gives people the ability to follow the daily pattern of morning, evening and night prayer in the words of the Anglican liturgy as part of the rhythm of prayer followed by Christians across the globe. Using text from both Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer, the app provides an easy to use platform for accessing the Church of England’s Daily Prayer website. The app offers text for every day of the year, with the ability to select between traditional or contemporary language. The app is free to download and includes access to online material up to one month in advance.

For more information, visit the website or call the free Church Legacy information line on 08445 87 08 75.

Daily Prayer is available now from the iTunes store and details can be found at our-apps


The Community Life Survey, conducted in 2013 on behalf of the Cabinet Office, noted that those who actively practice a religion (40%) were more likely to volunteer or contribute to charity than those who did not (25%).

THE Diocese of Lincoln provides a three year rolling programme of safeguarding training for all its clergy, lay ministers, and those who have responsibility for managing or running events and providing care for children, young people and vulnerable adults. To find out whether you are required by the Bishop to undertake a safeguarding course provided by the Diocese, visit the link available under the ‘safeguarding training’ section of our website. Places are now available for safeguarding training events in 2014 and these can also be booked through the website. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Johnson on 07712 32 13 61 or email


Poppies COMMUNITIES are being asked to help commemorate all those who lost their lives during The Great War by sewing a patch of poppies.

Forces Community. Seeds are available in B&Q stores throughout 2014.

The Royal British Legion Centenary Poppy Campaign hopes to see the UK awash with flowers to mark 100 years since the start of the First World War.

A new set of resources has also been published by the Church of England’s Liturgical Commission for parishes and groups to use to commemorate the cenIt’s hoped that poppies will be grown in churches and church tenary of World War One. The resources include prayers, schools across the Diocese as a joint act of remembrance. music, literature and art, with further material that will be The Bishop of Lincoln, the made available throughout the Right Reverend Christopher years of commemoration up Loving God Lowson is urging churchgoto 2018. ers and church school puAs we plant these poppies, pils to take time out to sow Chairman of the Commission, together with people across our Diocese, their poppies. Bishop Stephen Platten said: “It we remember with gratitude and love all those who is hard to underestimate the gave up their lives in the First World War. Bishop Christopher said: “Popsignificance of the First World pies are as evocative as the War for our national life. The We pray that as we remember their sacrifice, regimented rows of white milLiturgical Commission is conso shall we use our lives today, itary graves when it comes to scious that people will wish to and the freedom and peace we enjoy, remembering the sacrifice milcommemorate its centenary in in the service of our neighbour and for the kingdom lions of people made in horrifa number of ways. of your kingdom. ic circumstances, well beyond our imagination. “There will of course be naThrough Jesus Christ, our Lord. tional events such as the Amen. “As we remember that sacplanned Vigil Service in rifice, and we continue Westminster Abbey on the to pray for peace in our evening of Monday, Autroubled world, enhancing our churchyards and com- gust 4, but many will want to hold local commemmunities with poppies is a wonderful way to mark this orations in a range of contexts. It is with these in important anniversary.” mind that the Commission has prepared these resources, specifically with parish clergy and other worship leaders The Royal British Legion has teamed up with DIY retailer B&Q in mind.” who are selling packets of the poppy seeds for £2 a packet with a £1 donation going towards the £1.6-million the RBL To view the resources available, please visit spends each week on vital care and support to the Armed

How to grow your poppies

If planted in April, your poppies should flower throughout the summer months • Prepare the soil: A well-drained spot is crucial, as poppies will rot in waterlogged soil • Cultivate the soil: Work in 2 to 4 inches (6 to 10 cm) of manure or compost if the soil is poor or doesn’t drain well • Place the poppy seeds in a small container such as a pill bottle. Add about a teaspoon of sand or sugar for every seed packet for scattering the seeds evenly • Make a shallow trench with a stick or a hoe. Sprinkle the poppy seeds evenly in the trench, then cover the seeds with a light dusting of fine soil • Water the seeds after planting: be careful not to over-water or wash them away • Thin the poppies: when the plants are 1 to 2 inches tall (3 to 6 cm) by pulling out the weaker seedlings • Fertilize the poppy plants once every month during the growing season. Use an all-purpose granular or liquid fertilizer. DIOCESELINCOLN



Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform and Treasure… By Sarah Baker

Parishes across the Diocese are to be invited to consider how they can work together to support mission and ministry. The central services review, commissioned by the Bishop of Lincoln, has provided an opportunity to look again at how we grow the Church across Lincolnshire. WE are fortunate to still have the presence of so fective and credible unit for mission and ministry. It many church buildings which enable the reach of the might be a single parish, it could be an existing group, Church of England into almost every hamlet. We need team or benefice. It could be a whole deanery or may to consider how we can use these, and all our parcentre around the area served by a church school ish resources and people, to or schools. build a thriving faithful, confident and joyful church in “The key thing is that a mis“What it is about is getting existing our Diocese. sion community needs to parishes, benefices and groups be sufficiently cohesive to coming together to provide mutual In a bid to respond to these isdemonstrate unity of purpose sues, the Diocese is looking at a and a shared vision - this would support and encouragement to model of mission communities, be an informal arrangement, allow the Church to grow in faith, which has been pioneered by and would not constitute confidence, Christian joy, and the Diocese of Exeter over the any change to the existing lein numbers.” past 10 years. gal structures.” We will shortly be asking you to think what, in your community, could form the basis of a mission community?

But what is a mission community all about? The term can be used to describe the local church in all its different places and social contexts. ‘Mission’ because of the calling of the Church to mission, to look beyond itself and to make disciples of Christ, and ‘Community’ because of the richness of that word itself – related to the New Testament word koinonia which embraces fellowship, sharing, participation and holding a common vision. Archdeacon of Lincoln, The Venerable Tim Barker, explained: “In this model, a mission community is an ef-

Caistor bell ringers presented award for supporting bell ringers of all ages W W W.LINCOLN. ANGLIC AN.ORG

Tim added: “There is no hidden agenda here. This is not about combining the number of communities or parishes served by a single priest or about further pastoral reorganisation.

The Venerable Tim Barker Archdeacon of Lincoln

“What it is about is getting existing parishes, benefices and groups coming together to provide mutual support and encouragement to allow the Church to grow in faith, confidence, Christian joy, and in numbers.” A pack will be sent out shortly setting out further details of the model and inviting parishes to discuss mission communities. The Bishop has asked that each PCC hold a meeting, before the middle of July, to consider what their own mission community might look like.

THE Caistor Tower has been presented the Alan Hewitt Shield by Andrew Lord, the North Branch Ringing Master of the Lincoln Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers. The presentation was made at the Northern Branch AGM in Market Rasen and was made to two representatives of the tower – Harry Minns, the oldest ringer aged 90, and Alex Hibbert who is one of the younger members. The shield is awarded to a tower that has made the most progress in the past year by encouraging both young and old to take part in ringing. Caistor Church has had the most 1st Quarter pealers in the Northern Branch this year.

The Caistor Tower bell ringers, winners of the Alan Hewitt Shield.


Down your Wold An exciting project is helping people in the Lincolnshire Wolds discover more about the history of their local communities. Down Your Wold is a Heritage Lottery Funded project hosted by Heritage Lincolnshire with a contribution from the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service.

DOWN Your Wold aims to inspire residents to discover, explore and uncover their local heritage and various activities and workshops are being organised to help communities find out more about what is on their doorstep. Just one strand of this is helping local groups uncover medieval graffiti in churches. Down Your Wold has linked up with the Lincolnshire Medieval Graffiti Project to survey and discover ancient art such as Mason’s marks, pentagrams, circles, crosses, names, board games and even musical notation, all casually scratched on to stone. Graffiti project co-ordinator, Brian Porter said: “This is the first time Medieval graffiti is being fully recorded as part of Lincolnshire’s heritage. We are looking to develop local groups to identify and systematically record ancient church graffiti. Volunteers will be trained in the simple techniques of surveying church graffiti.” The Down Your Wold project is also holding training sessions for volunteers interested in helping to set up the biggest geocache trail in the Lincolnshire Wolds. Geocaching is an outdoor treasure trail for the digital age and uses GPS to find hidden containers. It is hoped the Summer of Geocaching will appeal to families and encourage them to explore the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty while finding out more about its hidden heritage. Geocache training will take place on April 25 at Gunby Hall near Spilsby from 1.30pm to 3.30pm and at Hemingby Village Hall from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Down Your Wold project officer, Sam Phillips, said: “The training will provide people with an insight into geocaching and some of the techniques. Volunteers will then be able to sign up to lay a geocache in a Lincolnshire Wolds location.”

In the June edition of Crosslincs, find out more about the Spirit of Sutterby where a proactive group of volunteers are exploring the heritage of their church and the deserted medieval village which surrounds it.

Local people are also being invited to share and capture memories of the Lincolnshire Wolds in wartime as part of a joint project with Lincolnshire Remembrance: Memories and Memorials project. Many memories will be used in a special exhibition to take place at The Sessions House, Louth on Saturday, September 13 during Heritage Open Days. And, this summer the first Lincolnshire Wolds Festival of Archaeology will take place from July 12 to 27. This will be launched with a finds workshop on July 12 at Gunby Hall where people can take along anything they have picked up whilst out and about in the Wolds to be identified. Sam added: “We have lots of practical events coming up over the next few months. These include walks, workshops and talks and there will be something for everyone. We are especially keen to hear from community groups or anyone with an interest in researching community history.” To find out more about any of the events or how to get involved in the Down Your Wold project, call Sam on 01507 609740 or email DIOCESELINCOLN



Introducing the emerging Discipleship Team By Simon Dean

You may remember that when Bishop Christopher first came to the Diocese he told us that growing in discipleship needed to be one of the priorities in the coming year. The Archdeacon of Boston was appointed to look at discipleship strategically across the Diocese and lead us into a new focus on it. THE Ven Dr Justine Allain Chapman is the team leader of the Discipleship team. Justine has just come from 10 years of teaching mission, education and practical theology to people training for ministry, having been a vicar, a curate and a school teacher before that. In February 2014 Simon Dean started as Discipleship Officer after five years working for Churches Together in All Lincolnshire and as the Diocese Fresh Expressions Enabler. Simon is a Reader at St Michael’s Church in Waddington where he has a discipleship focus, particularly in teaching and prayer. Louise Vincer started in January 2014 as Discipleship Development Advisor. Louise, an experienced parish priest, has recently worked in three deaneries in the north of the Diocese enabling churchwardens and congregations to grow in discipleship.

Louise brings this understanding into the heart of the Diocese and looks forward to working with churches through the Discipleship Development Programme. Louise will be one of the Discipleship Development Team, and further team members will be added in 2014 to develop the work, including Stewardship Advisors. The Discipleship Development team will be available to help you as you develop work in your local church and will be visiting local areas as the Discipleship Development Programme gets going. In 2014 the focus for the team is Pray, Prepare, Participate – leading to 2015 being a Year of Discipleship, where a number of initiatives and training opportunities will be made available for all people across the Diocese.

Discipleship Training Events

A Season of Invitation and consultation Friday, May 23 | 9.30am – 4pm Venues TBC Michael Harvey will lead a session about the Season of Invitation along with an opportunity for consultation about discipleship across the Diocese. Hidden Needs Day Conference Recognising and Celebrating Difference in Church and Society Saturday, June 7 | 9am – 4pm St George’s Church, Swallowbeck This significant conference explores the pastoral and theological dimensions of life for those with additional needs, drawing on lived experience and including a keynote address, workshops, creative worship, a resources exhibition and a good lunch!


Diocesan Prayer Almighty God, source of our hope and of all good things; you call us in love to share in the work of creation in making all things new. Bless our Diocese: may we be faithful in our worship; confident in our discipleship; and joyful in our service; that, through us, the world may catch a glimpse of the love you have for each one of us, made known to us in your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Discipleship Development Dimension

The Discipleship Development dimension of the team will be responsible for producing and implementing the ‘Discipleship Development Programme’ (DDP). This programme aims to bring a shared sense of vocation and focus to churches and individuals throughout the Diocese. For all of us at diocesan and local level a DDP offers an opportunity to grow in discipleship together through: • Prayer and listening to what God is calling us to in our own contexts • Planning and working together onspecific, achievable tasks • Regular communication at all levels • Valuing and celebrating achievements. The Programme is being developed by the Discipleship team and aims to run some pilot schemes in the autumn of 2014 prior to a wider launch during the 2015 Year of Discipleship. The Team of DDAs will be available to work alongside churches at local level. Find out more in the next editions of Crosslincs.


The areas of responsibility for the team include: • Baptism • First Communion and Confirmation programmes • Discipleship of children and young people through churches • Discipleship of children and young people through schools • Discipleship and nurture programmes for new and maturing Christians • Equipping disciples for Witness in the world • Faith and Work; Healing and Deliverance • Initiatives aimed at the De-churched (e.g. Back to Church Sunday, The Wedding Project, some Fresh Expressions) • Serving others and pastoral care • Spirituality • Stewardship of time, talents and money.

What does the Bible say about discipleship? Part 1: Salt Matthew 5: 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” There are many uses for salt. Food preservation, healing, de-icing roads, adding flavour in cooking - in fact we use salt in more than 14,000 different ways, including describing discipleship!! Following an operation I was encouraged to soak my wound in salt water and this helped the healing process. Every winter the highways department travels our roads salting the roads to make our journeys safer with salt blessed by the Bishop of Lincoln and other clergy across Lincolnshire. Most common is the use of salt in food; if we add just the right amount of salt into food it can add brilliant flavour. Don’t add enough and the food can still be bland, add too much and the salt can make the meal overpowering. But the right amount and you get a great meal!


Pray. Faithfully The nine days between Ascension and Pentecost will be an opportunity to have nine days of consecutive prayer (a Novena of prayer). A resource is been developed for each day of the Novena with images, scripture and prayer guides. We want to encourage everyone across the Diocese to participate in the Novena and hope it can help us to build foundations for deepening discipleship. In addition, resources are being produced to help encourage people to pray and to explore the three values of the Diocese: Faithful, Confident, Joyful. These include Bible studies, service outlines and collective worship.

Prepare. Confidently Monthly training and consultation events are being organised from May to December to help local churches prepare for mission and ministry within their local area. Consultations will be opportunities for you to share with the Discipleship team ideas, challenges and needs for the 2015 Year of Discipleship. Participate. Joyfully The Diocese will be offering an advent resource to help people prepare for Christmas and for the 2015 Year of Discipleship. The 2014 resource, titled ‘The Lifelong Journey’ will give daily reflections and weekly material for courses or small groups. For details contact Simon Dean on simon.dean@lincoln.

But how do we ensure we retain our saltiness? Through prayer; worshipping God with others; reading scripture; being missional and as witnesses in the world. All areas of discipleship! So, as disciples what can we learn? If we are the salt of the earth and if salt can be used in 14,000 different ways, consider how much more useful we can be to God and to others! Through deepening our own discipleship we can be salt of the earth – versatile and abundant! (Sodium Chloride commonly known as salt is one of the most abundant minerals on earth). The challenge is that we need to be just the right amount of salt when we go out in to the world and be witnesses of Jesus Christ. DIOCESELINCOLN



Lincoln Cathedral and Swineherd on tour LINCOLN Cathedral is currently touring the UK - on a lorry. Spalding based fresh, chilled and horticultural products distributor FreshLinc has liveried one of their lorries with images of both the cathedral and Swineherd of Stow. Starting last month, the lorry will be seen as it travels throughout the UK to promote the cathedral. Freshlinc managing director, Robin Hancox, said: “Freshlinc is proud to be associated with the county of Lincolnshire and specifically with this fundraising exercise for the important, ongoing restoration of the cathedral.” The cathedral’s Dean and Chapter are faced with a never-ending funding challenge. The building is said by English Heritage to be deemed ‘at risk’ although this is managed effectively so that to the onlooker nothing seems amiss.

Recent Appointments

THE Archbishop of York has appointed Lincoln’s Diocesan Registrar, as Diocesan Registrar and Legal Secretary. Caroline Mockford (below) is to take up the role in September 2014.

Caroline said: “I’m looking forward to joining the Diocese of York as Diocesan Registrar and Legal Secretary to the Archbishop, but it will be a great wrench to leave my colleagues in Lincoln. It’s been a pleasure and an honour to support the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Lincoln for the last six years. I’m looking forward to the challenges in York, and meeting clergy and churchwardens across the Diocese.” The Right Reverend Christopher Lowson, Bishop of Lincoln, said he was delighted for Caroline: “This is a hugely prestigious opportunity for Caroline, which sees her considerable knowledge and ability recognised in a demanding and important role. It has been my privilege to work with Caroline since I became Bishop of Lincoln, and her unstinting energy and commitment W W W.LINCOLN. ANGLIC AN.ORG

The Dean of Lincoln, The Very Reverend Philip Buckler, said: “It looks as if we will no longer receive the annual grant from English Heritage of £250,000 which we have received in recent years, and, with no funding from other public bodies, we are on our own, or would be but for the generosity of companies such as FreshLinc and Lincolnshire farmers, together with a growing body of other businesses and individuals.” The story of the Swineherd, depicted on the lorry, is that the poor man gave the whole of his life-savings towards the great restoration of the cathedral by St Hugh at the end of the twelfth century. Farmers throughout Greater Lincolnshire are supporting the restoration of the northwest turret on the top of which sits the sculpture of the Swineherd.

will be sad losses to our Diocese.” Caroline will be joining the Registry Team at Lupton Fawcett Denison Till in York. The Reverend Edward Martin has been appointed Priest-in-Charge of the Benefices of Grimsby St Augustine, Grimsby St Andrew with St Luke and All Saints (to be held in plurality). A Service of Installation took place on Sunday, March 18 officiated by The Right Reverend Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough with The Venerable Jane Sinclair, Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey. The Reverend Peter Collins has been appointed to the post of Rector of the Benefice of Hykeham, following approval from the Lord Chancellor. Peter is currently Priest in Charge of the Benefice of The Upper Wreake in the Diocese of Leicester. The Bishop of Lincoln, The Right Reverend Christopher Lowson, will preside at the service of institution and installation to take place in the autumn. Reverend Stuart Cradduck has been appointed Rector of Grantham St Wulfram and Priest in Charge of Manthorpe St John the Evangelist.

He is currently Incumbent of Whyke St George with Rumboldswhyke St Mary and Portfield All Saints, Chichester. A Service of Installation will take place in St Wulfram’s Church on Wednesday, May 7 at 7.30pm officiated by The Bishop of Lincoln with the Venerable Dr Justine Allain Chapman, Archdeacon of Boston. Reverend Nichola (Nikki) Bates (below) has been appointed Associate Vicar at Stamford St George with responsibility for Christ Church Stamford. She is currently Assistant Curate in the parishes of Freiston, Butterwick with Benington and Leverton, Old

Leake, Wrangle and Friskney in the Diocese of Lincoln. Prior to ordination she owned a hairdressing business in Swineshead. The Archdeacon of Boston The Venerable Dr Justine Allain Chapman will preside at the service of licensing during July 2014 at Christ Church, Stamford.


Guest Column:

Ian Hislop

As Radio Times launches a poll to find the nation’s favourite programme about religion, Ian Hislop says broadcasters must have faith in religious TV… IT IS only appropriate to begin a piece about religious broadcasting with a confession. I am guilty of the sin of pride. I won a Sandford St Martin Trust Award in 2012 for a documentary about Victorian Bankers and am very proud of it - even though I did not actually think I was making a religious programme at the time. In fact the documentary, “When Bankers Were Good” opened with a shot of me standing in Canary Wharf shouting “Bankers” at the top of my voice at the occupants of the financial buildings. It did not feel particularly reverent and I did not feel that I was auditioning for Songs of Praise.

true of the 2014 shortlist which makes an extremely strong case for putting such broadcasting at the heart, rather than the margin of the schedules.

All programme makers are ultimately looking for good stories to tell. And audiences are looking for good stories to watch. And there are few richer repositories of stories than the world’s faiths and the extraordinary ways that human beings have attempted to find meaning through them. Even if you disapprove of religion entirely it is difBut I had misunderstood the nature of the awards which ficult to resist, says Simon Schama in his series The Story are designed to recognise programmes of all kinds that in of the Jews (just one of the six programmes on the Rasome way take faith seriously. In our case it was the de- dio Times shortlist) telling you why 20th century Manhatcision not to condescend to the believers of the past, tan became the promised land for the exiled Jews of the but to entertain the idea that their faith may indeed have been Diaspora, and why the classic musical expression of the as important to them as they claimed, American Dream, Somewhere Over and that it may well have been the the Rainbow, could only have been In our case it was motivation for their extraordinary acts written by Jews in Tin Pan Alley. And the decision not to of philanthropy. this is just one tiny example from one programme from one series on the condescend to the To look at some of the Quakers and Radio Times short list. believers of the past Anglicans and Jews who were running but to entertain the the banking system a hundred years The public vote provides recognition idea that their faith ago and acknowledge that they had a that these stories are for a popular system of beliefs and tried to live by and not just for a niche market, so as may indeed have been a moral code was not exactly ground discerning viewers why not vote as a as important to them breaking, but the contrast with the reminder to the media powers that be, as they claimed and present day bankers made their stothat there is a significant body of viewthat it may well have ries seem all the more remarkable. ers out there who appreciate this type Or so the judges said. of broadcasting. been the motivation for

their extraordinary acts

And that is the point about these Forgive the pride (again), but after the of philanthropy. awards. They remind broadcasters opprogramme that won the award went erating in an often evangelically secular out on television, I was told by a bemedia environment that programmes that concern them- mused young TV executive that “this stuff” did “surprisingselves with faith are still trying to engage with the world rath- ly well“ in the ratings. It should not have been a surprise. er than just trying to escape from it into the next. They can The one thing that broadcasters really should believe in be current affairs as much as they can be history, and they is the audience. can be arts programmes and books programmes and even comedy shows like the 2011 winner Rev. Admittedly, they For the full Radio Times Readers’ Award shortlist in the rarely overlap with the science department, but for range annual Sandford St Martin Trust Awards, visit www.radioand quality they are often impressive… all of this is certainly – votes close on Sunday, May 11. DIOCESELINCOLN




Faith in Maintenance VOLUNTEERS who look after historic places of worship are invited to attend a Faith in Maintenance course taking place in June. The course will provide training to help individuals understand how their building works and how to solve problems.

There will also be opportunities for discussion with professionals and other delegates. The course is being run by the Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings as part of their Maintenance Cooperatives Project, and is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Topics covered on the day will include recognising potential problems, tackling common maintenance tasks, understanding inspections and reports and knowing when to call in an expert. As well as talks, the day will include a practical exercise looking at elements of a church building and learning to identify defects.

The event is hosted by the Diocese of Lincoln. Everyone who attends will receive a free copy of the Good Maintenance Guide, and after the course help is available via SPAB’s telephone technical advice service. The course will take place on Tuesday, June 24 from 9.30am to 4pm at Edward King House, Minster Yard, Lincoln.

The course is free, but those wishing to attend should book their place by contacting church development officer, Ben Stoker, on 01522 50 40 49 or by email to ben.stoker@

Don’t Miss the Train(ing) By Dave Rose, Diocesan Children and Youth Officer

‘THEY’RE so parochial, it’s an uphill struggle to get them to look outside of the box.’ That’s the frustrated mantra heard time and time again from clergy, choirmasters, churchwardens and youth workers; about clergy, choirmasters, etc... when confronted by an inability to catch the vision, to see the obvious, to latch onto the self evident advantages of whatever, whenever and wherever. The label is understood and damning. Vision, imagination and initiative are bounded by the small, the restricted and the immediate; but just as it is almost universally understood as a derogatory label, it is also just a bit unfair, because just as being parochial can mean a limited vision, it can also be something that is majestic in magnitude, sweeping in scope and completely Kingdom in implication. The clue for this apparently counter intuitive concept lies in the foundation for parochial thinking; like all good things it starts in God, and in his total love for us all, for everyone, regardless. The Church – as the People of God - has been given the task of mediating that love, to everyone, regardless. Showing, telling and living God’s love, being the Gospel – to everyone.


That’s not a small vision, that’s Kingdom, that’s incarnational, that’s parochial. Of course ‘everyone’ – the world that God so loved – includes the inconvenient and the awkward, the young, the elderly, and everything in between. What is the Gospel for the young people living in the parish? How should the Church, (the people as well as the institution which is called by God to be Christ to young and old) - show God’s love to the children and young people who live in city and town, village and hamlet in this Diocese? The Diocese of Lincoln Children and Youth Service (DoLCYS) is here to help you answer that question, to discover God’s vision for your parish if need be; to help you move towards answering the call to work with children and young people. Training can be provided and we are asking for parishes or deaneries interested in hosting the Developing Children’s and Youth Work course this autumn to contact DoLCYS after Easter for initial conversations. We are willing to talk about training needs and opportunities from basic, through Level 2 on up to degree level with professional accreditation. If you are interested, contact DoLCYS on 01522 50 40 67 or email

Festivals in the Diocese Summer concert series in Langton by Spilsby A GEORGIAN church nestled in the Lincolnshire Wolds is preparing for its fourth summer concert series. Langton by Spilsby is listed in Simon Jenkins’ book England’s 1,000 Best Churches and is developing a strong reputation for its two annual summer candlelit concerts. The church, which has polished oak panelled box pews facing across the aisle, was extensively renovated in 2009 to restore the original colour scheme, renovate the bells, polish the box pews and restore the organ. Crucially no alteration was made to the lighting, which remains exclusively by candles. David Douglas said: “To celebrate the completion of the work a concert took place in September 2010 and proved extremely popular. The candles recreated a long forgotten atmosphere that must have prevailed when churches were fuller for all services. “Two concerts are now held annually in May and September and have developed a big following. Performers have covered a wide variety of music and preference has been given to young artists, most of whom are near the start of their careers but come with outstanding records.” The performances will be followed by canapés and drinks. The first concert will be on Saturday, May 17 when the St Martin Singers, a group which was founded at St Martin’s in the Fields, London during the Second World War, will be presenting a programme In Celebration of Spring. This will feature a capella choral singing from different periods by a dozen singers, interspersed with readings by two professional actors.


West Lindsey’s Churches Festival A TOTAL of 86 churches will be taking part in the 2014 West Lindsey Churches Festival. The event takes place over two weekends: May 10/11 and May 17/18 and will feature various activities from organ trails to flower and art displays, from bell-ringing to big brunch breakfasts. Several of the churches will be remembering the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War and other exhibitions will also be in full swing over the two weekends. A festival spokesman, said: “We know many of you visit year after year, and we thank you for your support in making this one of the biggest and best Churches Festivals in the country. Not only are you supporting our church heritage, you are also supporting many of our small villages. And this support will help Photo: West Lindsey Churches Festival. ensure that the lovely community spirit that binds these rural Lincolnshire villages together stays forever.” Here are just some of the churches opening during the two weekends: May 10/11 St Thomas, Market Rasen: Sat 10am-4pm/Sun 12noon-4pm St Andrew, Stainfield: Sat/Sun 10am-5pm St Mary, East Barkwith: Sat/Sun 10am-5pm St Lawrence, Bardney: Sat 10am-4pm/Sun 11.30am-4pm St Nicholas, Cuxwold: Sat/Sun 9am-5pm

Then on Saturday, September 6 at 6.30 pm the concert will be given by the Ferio Saxophone Quartet, led by Huw Wiggin, who, like others before him, has been a beneficiary under the prestigious Countess of Munster Award Scheme.

May 17/18 St Peter and Paul, Owmby by Spital: Sat 10am-5pm/Sun 10am-4.30pm St Mary, Stow: Sat 9am-5.30pm/Sun 12noon-5.30pm St Nicholas, Snitterby: Sat 10am-5pm/Sun 10am-4pm St Genewys, Scotton: Sat 9am-6pm/Sun 11am-6pm St John the Baptist, Scampton: Sat/Sun 10am-4pm

For more information, call 01790 75 36 49 or visit

For more information on these events, visit DIOCESELINCOLN


DEANERY CALENDAR APRIL April 11 to 13 | All weekend Discover the Enneagram St Michael’s Church, Little Coates The weekend workshop will give an extraordinary insight into day-to-day behaviour, preoccupations, strengths and weaknesses. £60 Adults, £40 Conc. Call 01472 88 66 54. April 12 | 7.30pm Organ dedication and recital All Saint’s Church, Moulton, Spalding Dedication of the new electronic organ with a recital by Ian Tracey, organist of Liverpool Cathedral. Free admission, with collection. April 26 | From 10am Table Top Sale Holy Trinity Church, Martin Cakes and refreshments available. Free admission. Tables £6 each. Call 01526 37 86 34. April 26 | 7.30pm Haydn’s Creation All Saints Church, Holbeach Conductor Robin Carter with the South Holland Singers, the Lincolnshire Chamber Orchestra and soloists. Tickets £12. Buy on door or by phone. Call 01775 76 07 57. April 26 to May 4 | 10am-5pm Flower Festival St Mary & Holy Rood Church, Donington Theme: ‘Food Around the World’. April 26 to May 5 | 10.30am-5.30pm Annual Flower & Scarecrow Festival St. Mary’s Church, Sutterton Displays detailing hobbies and pastimes, depicted in flowers and scarecrows. April 26 to May 5 Flower Festival St Mary’s Church, Long Sutton Theme is Count Your Blessings and the charity is the Lincs Air Ambulance. April 26 to May 6 | 10am-5pm In Memoriam - A Flower Festival St Mary & St Nicolas Church, Spalding Aiming to portray the lives of those whose memorials are in the church and discover the people whose names are recorded on stone, brass or glass.

MAY May 1 | 7.30pm Garth Hewitt ‘Conspiracy of Love’ Tour St Peter & St Paul, Reepham Garth has sung all over the world and shares songs on the theme of God’s Conspiracy of Love. May 1 to May 5 Holbeach Community Flower Festival All Saints Church, Holbeach Flower festival in the church plus exhibitions in the Reading Rooms and stalls in the village. Call 01406 42 49 89. May 4 to 5 | 11am to 4pm The ABC of Lincolnshire’s History St. Mary’s Church, Marshchapel Exhibition displaying of documents, artefacts and photographs reflecting the county’s fascinating history. Call 01472 38 85 20. May 10 | 7.30pm Dave Bilborough Holy Trinity, Barrow upon Humber With folk and world music influences, over three decades in Christian ministry and numerous albums, one of Britain’s foremost worship leaders and songwriters plays in North Lincolnshire. Tickets £6. Call 01469 53 16 13 or 01469 53 03 57. May 10 | 7pm The Shewings St Wulfram’s, Grantham Lady Julian of Norwich, the work will be performed exclusively by women. Donations asked in support of St Wulfram’s spire & Building Fund and domestic abuse service WLDAS. Free admission. May 10 | 7.30pm Ricky Valance St Matthew’s Church, Skegness Ricky Valance of ‘Tell Laura I Love Her’ fame will perform live. Tickets £10. Call 01754 76 38 75.


May 16 | 7.30pm Ricky Valance Swineshead Church Tickets £6. Call 01205 82 03 83 or 01205 82 15 00. May 17 | 7.30pm The City of Lincoln Male Voice Choir St Peter’s Church, The Broadway, Woodhall Spa The choir perform live. Tickets £5. On sale at Underwood Hall Antiques, 5-6 The Broadway, Lincoln LN10 6ST. May 19 | 7pm to 9.30pm Sharing the Way Garden Room, Edward King House, Lincoln Evening seminar introducing individuals to the ministry of Spiritual Direction/Companionship. Call 01522 52 56 21. May 22 to 27 | 10am to 4pm Photography Exhbition St Swithin’s Church, Lincoln Photographic exhibition featuring work from students at the University of Lincoln and the recent roof work that is now complete. May 23 to 26 A Flower Festival St Andrew’s Church, Cranwell With the theme ‘Nursery Rhymes in Bloom’, the festival begins with a Preview Evening on the Friday. For details call 01400 26 21 33. May 23 to May 26 Fine Art Exhibition & Sale of Paintings St Vedast’s Church, Tathwell Now in its 26th year, this Annual event will feature a celebration service at 11am on Saturday, and two walks in Tathwell – one on Saturday at 11.30am and one on Sunday at 5pm. JULY July 12 and 13 Patronal Festival Weekend St Swithin’s Church, Lincoln A fun day on Saturday, finishing with an evening concert by the Woodhall Spa Singers. Proceeds to the church. Tickets £5. On sale on the door. Call 01522 537 974, 07833 107 054 or 07749 752 148.



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