Mission Area Planning Leaflet

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Diocese of Lincoln Guidance

Mission Area Planning Process A number of deaneries have sought clarification of the planning process and have also asked to be reminded of what a Plan includes.

The planning process itself is indicated by the flow chart overleaf. In terms of what a Plan should look like, there is no prescription. Different deaneries will approach the task and present information in different ways. However, some key areas of consideration and key pieces of information will be essential:

The Context (i.e. How it is) A summary of the nature of the deanery including: • the existing Christian presence; • the resources (human and material, eg, clergy, authorised ministers, skills, buildings, etc); strengths and weaknesses; • • a summary of any current initiatives in mission; • any other relevant information. Financial information, including: • payment of Deanery Share against budget for the past five years (available from the finance department at the Diocesan Office if not to hand); • sources of other income; • any other relevant information.

The Plan (i.e. How it will be) A description of: • the ways in which it is planned to change or develop any of the above; • the rationale for those changes (including comment on how mission will be enhanced /developed); • a budget for the following five years, including Deanery Share and any other deanery income (the finance department at the Diocesan Office can help with information about anticipated costs); • the anticipated timing of changes; • any other relevant information.

Deanery Action Required

Discussion of Deanery Context and Plans

Comments passed back to Deanery with request to review Plan

Formal Mission Area Plan developed

Deanery Synod discusses Plan

Plan formally approved by Deanery Synod?


Pastoral Secretary / Office Action

YES MAP to Mission Forum for critique / support

Plan supported by MF?


YES Plan sent to FEC for financial sustainability review

Plan and FEC’s comments go to Local Pastoral Committee for formal final agreement

Plan formally agreed?


The Plan can now be implemented and is sent to: Diocesan Council - for information Bishops - so that any related appointment process can begin


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