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Young adults gain perspective on the Eucharist at annual retreat

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BY JOHN SPINELLI  Correspondent

On March 4, young adults [18-39] from across the Diocese gathered for the annual Lenten retreat, “Given: Become What You Receive.” The young adult retreat was led by evangelist and young adult minister Gez Ford, and hosted in St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton.

Reflecting on the day’s theme, Dan Waddington, director of the diocesan Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, said, “Since we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, we are called to go out and make disciples – to become what we receive.”

Keynote speaker Gez Ford, youth minister in St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, spoke about how God changed him while he was growing up as a young adult in an Irish-Catholic family in Manchester, England. Ford comes from a rich spiritual background as a full-time worship musician and is involved with Catholic addiction help centers called the Tabor and Carmel Houses. Ford is also currently a candidate in the diocesan diaconate formation program.

Ford admitted that even though he grew up in a family where faith was strong and practiced, by the time he turned 11 years old he “thought Church was a sham.”

Sharing some of his past challenges, Ford acknowledged he struggled with homelessness, addictions, and anger with family members.

“That all changed one time in the back of a police van … I gave up,” he said. “But during that [time] I had a moment of grace where I recognized that God created me out of love; it was imprinted on my heart – the idea of the cross baffled me. The day after, there was a change in my life.”

Ford related his personal story to the Eucharist. “Jesus, as he refers to himself in John 6, is our spiritual food; he calls us to himself. When we receive that, digestion is different, he resides in us and we become nourished, fulfilled, and at peace. After we receive, we are called to go out and to live a moral life,” Ford said.

After lunch, participants attended sessions on “Liturgy of the Eucharist” led by Father Chris Colavito, Catholic chaplain at The College of New Jersey, Ewing, and “The Body of Christ” with Cristina D’Averso Collins, director of Family Life in the Diocese of Metuchen and campus minister at Monmouth University, West Long Branch.

D’Averso Collins reflected on the Eucharist, noting that in Christ’s time disciples walked away from his teaching about his Body and Blood. Many disciples today do the same thing.

The retreat rounded out with Ford and his worship team leading young adults in praise and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Mass

Young adults engage in a prayer experience during a March 4 retreat in St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton. Gez Ford, left, served as the retreat’s keynote speaker. Standing next to him is Dan Waddington, diocesan director of the Department of Young and Young Adult Ministries, which hosted the day. John Spinelli photos

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