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Bishop sends blessing to all jubilarians
Represented in this stained glass window by a dove with wings outstretched, the Holy Spirit is invoked during the ordination of priests and deacons and remains a guiding presence among those who have taken religious vows. The Monitor is privileged to recognize the anniversaries of the priests, deacons and religious who serve in the Diocese in this keepsake issue. Cathopic image
The priests – diocesan and religious – deacons and consecrated religious women and men serving the People of God throughout the Diocese of Trenton are a great source of joy and pride to me as Bishop. I join the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the four counties in congratulating those celebrating anniversaries of ordination or of religious profession. Our prayers and best wishes accompany these greetings.
May God bless you for many years to come!
Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M., JCD Bishop of Trenton
Sister Marcia Hall addresses the parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish, Trenton, July 16 during a Mass for her 25th jubilee in religious life.
Religious Anniversary 25 years