15 01 January issue of The Courier

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Epiphany of our Lord, January 6

January 2015


Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN

2015 ~Year of Consecrated Life

Happy New Year! It is with hope and excitement that we ring in a New Year in the Diocese of Winona and from The Courier staff and Communication team, we want to say, Thank You. Thank you for taking time out of life to read The Courier every month. Thank you for your generous feedback and encouragement. Looking forward into the year of 2015, you are at the center of our mission. Through print & online www.dowcourier. org, The Courier seeks to tell the stories of the Catholic faithful of southern Minnesota and bring you news and information about the wonderful events, studies and programs going on throughout our diocese. Our staff looks forward to receiving your stories and photos. A new feature on The Courier website is an “Only Online” tab; please, check it out. Having limited space within the printed edition, there is not always room to include all the stories that are submitted. This new feature will allow many more

stories to be included and shared with you. Another feature is “News via Email.” If you would like to be alerted when the new issue of The Courier goes live online, you can sign up for “News via Email” on the www.dowcourier.org site and you will receive an email only once a month when the new issue of The Courier is available. The world and how people within it connect seems to be constantly changing, and our team is ready to meet those changes and yet still retain and encourage the personal interactions where evangelization thrives. The New Year reminds us that we have a fresh start and that anything is possible! Despite the challenges, God can always see us through if we keep our eyes focused on Christ. May we remember not just in the New Year but everyday that “the future starts today, not tomorrow.” (Saint John Paul II). Again, thank you and may God bless your New Year!

In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL will begin on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. The Year coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. Cardinal Braz de Aviz, who shared with the press of the Pope's announcement of the Year of Consecrated Life, said, “We believe that the Council has been a breath of the Spirit not only for the whole Church but, perhaps especially, for the consecrated life. We are also convinced that in these 50 years consecrated life has undertaken a fruitful journey of renewal — not free, certainly, of difficulties and hardships — in the commitment to follow what the Council asked of the consecrated: fidelity to the Lord, to the Church, to their own charism and to the people of today." Because of this, he said, the first objective of the Year of Consecrated Life would be to “make Wake Up the World, cont'd on pg. 16

INSIDE this issue

Marital Love: Free, Total, Faithful, Fruitful

more on page 4

Dare to Believe in Catholic Education

more on page 12

Rights and Responsabilities read about Social Concerns on page 14

Pope Francis Watch

The Courier Insider


No such thing as gloomyfaced Saints, Pope Francis says

Articles of Interest

Marital Love: Free, Total, Faithful, Fruitful

page 4

2015: A year to draw closer to Christ

page 5

Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

page 6

See a Sign, Be a Sign

page 7

Rejoice in the Hope of the Future

Vatican City, Dec 14, 2014 / 08:43 am (CNA/EWTN News, By Ann Schneible). Christian joy is borne out of nearness to Christ, said Pope Francis ... adding that “gloomy-faced” saints are a contradiction. “You have never heard of a sad or gloomy-faced saint,” the Holy Father said. “That would be a contradiction.” Rather, the heart of a Christian is “full of peace, because he knows to place his joy in the Lord, even in life's difficult moments.” Those who have faith are not spared difficulties, he noted. Rather, having faith means “having the strength to confront them, know that we are not alone. And this is the peace which God gives to his children.” Pope Francis delivered his address to the thousands of pilgrims who had gathered in St. Peter's Square, many of whom had brought with them little statues of Baby Jesus to be blessed by the Holy Father. The traditional “Bambinelli Blessing” takes place each year on Gaudete Sunday. The Pope told the crowds that, while the first two weeks are centered on remaining “spiritually vigilant” in expectation of the Lord's coming, the third week of Advent calls for “another interior attitude”: joy. “The heart of man desires joy,” he said. However, the joy which Christians are called to live and give witness, he said, “is that which comes from nearness to God, from his presence in our lives.” From the moment “Jesus entered into history, through his birth in Bethlehem, humanity received the seed of God's Kingdom,” the Pope said. And Christians need not wait until they reach heaven to experience joy, he added. “Jesus himself is our joy.” All baptized Christians, the pontiff continued, are called to welcome “the presence of God in our midst, and to help others to discover Him, or rediscover that which they have forgotten.” Like John the Baptist, he said, referring to the Gospel reading for Gaudete Sunday, our mission is to “orient people to Christ – not to ourselves!” This is because the human heart reaches out to Christ, he said, “when it seeks joy and happiness.” In St. Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle lists the conditions necessary for being “missionaries of joy”: “If this becomes our way of life,” the Pope said,

Sanctifying Each Day

page 11

Pastor-Principal Day

page 12

Dare to Believe in Catholic Education

page 12

A New Year’s Invitation To Offer Our Day

page 13

Catholic Schools Week January 25-31

page 13

Rights and Responsibilities

page 13

Planning a Vision for the Future

Special Insert

Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, announces the following: Appointments: Mr. Bryan Rodriguez, appointed to be Minnesota Catholic Conference project liaison for Immigration Sunday for the Diocese of Winona, effective December 3, 2014. Ms. Kathy Bartemus, appointed to be a member of the Diocesan Social Concerns Committee, for a three-year term, effective January 1, 2015. Bishop's Calendar January 2, Friday SEEK 2015 FOCUS Conference, Nashville, Tennesee January 3-9, Saturday-Friday Annual Region VIII Bishops’ Retreat

The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 949, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 106 - 01

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Joel Hennessy, Editor Theresa Martin, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-454-4643 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: courier@dow.org Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona Diocese subscribe through their parish.

January, 2015 w The Courier

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(ISSN 0744-5490)

page 8

The Catholic Woman

“the Good News will enter many homes,” helping individuals and families “rediscover that, in Jesus, there is Salvation.”

Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. (ISSN 0744-5490) Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 15th of the month prior.

page 5

World Youth Day 2016 - An Invitation to Poland Reflect on the Joys of the Past

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square before the Wed. general audience. (Marianne Medlin/CNA)

January 14, Wednesday 6:30 a.m. - Lauds and Mass, Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Winona 11:30 a.m. - DOW Finance Council Meeting 5 p.m. – Dinner and Presentation on Prayer for “Generations of

Child Abuse Policy Information Diocese of Winona - Child Sexual Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Peter Martin, at 507-858-1264, or pmartin@dow.org.

Seeking the Light of Christ Dear Friends in Christ,

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Jesus. We have begun the pilgrimage of 2015 and much lies ahead on the journey. We, like the Magi, follow the star, who is Jesus Christ, who will lead us through the coming months, no matter the challenges, the joys or the sorrows.

or her value as a fellow child of God. During the past few months, we’ve opened our hearts and minds to the coming of the Lord, now we should do the same for those who are in need. We must continue to work more effectively for just solutions to our broken immigration system. Year of Consecrated Life Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL began on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. We join with Pope Francis and all the Church in taking time to be grateful for the lives of consecrated men and women. When consecrated brothers and sisters live their lives with passion, the Holy Father tells us, that is when their very lives become evangelical witnesses of God’s love. It is up to us to pray for them and encourage single men and women to be open to God’s call in their lives. Vocations This year in the United States, we will celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week, November 2 - 8. The purpose is to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through

prayer and education. I am grateful for the many individuals and dedicated organizations that focus on praying for vocations. I am most grateful when I hear of parents encouraging their children to consider ordination and religious life just as freely as they would any other calling from the Lord. We’re all able to be vocations directors simply by speaking to our young people and helping them recognize a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life is a viable and fulfilling life because it is an invitation from the Lord. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful priests, deacons and religious men and women in our diocese. But as you know, we are facing a serious shortage and we all must do our part in encouraging our young people. So, please continue to pray for vocations and please take courage in offering your prayers for young people so they may better hear God’s voice speaking to them. March for Life Every January, the March for Life takes place in our nation’s capital and every state’s capital to call attention to the rights of unborn babies to enter into the human family. From the moment of conception, life begins and it is our responsi-

bility to defend human life from the womb to the natural end of life when God calls a person home. I will be attending the March for Life at our state’s capital with a large number of the faithful of the Diocese of Winona and from all the dioceses of Minnesota. I am convinced that the pro-life movement is gaining momentum and that the younger generations are solidly pro-life. I want to thank everyone, the priests, deacons, religious and dedicated lay people, who spread the Gospel of Life and offer assistance to women who are struggling with a pregnancy and need counseling, encouragement and material help to bring a new child into the world. This year, the seminarians, from Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, will join me, Msgr. Colletti, Msgr. Melvin, Fr. Schaefer, Fr. Dobbs, and Fr. Thompson for the Mass and the March for Life. Before departing for the State Capital in St. Paul, we will gather for Mass at 7:00 a.m. in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. Diocesan Pastoral Planning Another major undertaking has also been underway for a few years now. Through the Diocesan Pastoral

3 From the Bishop

The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates the coming of the Magi which is the coming of all the nations and cultures to adore Jesus Christ, who is the Savior of all people. I especially appreciate the faith of the Magi and their willingness to follow the star on a pilgrimage of faith to the Child,

As our Holy Father, Pope Francis said, the Magi were “following a light, they were searching for the Light. The star appearing in the sky kindled in their minds and in their hearts a light that moved them to seek the great Light of Christ. The Magi followed faithfully that light which filled their hearts, and they encountered the Lord. The destiny of every person is symbolized in this journey of the Magi of the East: our life is a journey, illuminated by the lights which brighten our way, to find the fullness of truth and love which we Christians recognize in Jesus, the Light of the World.” Immigration This year, the Catholic Church also commemorates January 4th as Immigration Sunday. As we hear the Gospel message of the Magi traveling from foreign lands, and as we reflect upon the plight of Joseph and Mary who fled to Egypt with Jesus, let us also remember those who have fled their native lands and come to us looking for sanctuary, economic opportunity, religious liberty or other blessings which we take for granted. Immigration Sunday gives us an opportunity to put debates aside and take time to welcome strangers and to recognize his

Bishop, cont'd on pg. 10

Bishop's Calendar cont'd Faith” – St. Mary Parish, Caledonia

James Parish.

January 15, Thursday 1 p.m. – Holy Hour (Bishop’s Cabinet) 2 p.m. – Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

January 20, Tuesday 12 p.m. – USCCB Committee on Education Meeting, Washington D.C.

January 16, Friday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – Teach at St. Mary University 10:30 a.m. – Holy Hour and DOW Pension Plan for Priests Meeting 1:30 p.m. – Ministry Health Meeting 4 p.m. – Employee Recognition Dinner, St. Mary University

January 22, Thursday 7 a.m. – Mass at Cathedral of the Sacred Heart before leaving on bus for March for Life 7:30 a.m. – Leave for St. Paul for March for Life Day

January 18, Sunday 12 p.m. – Mass and Installation of Fr. Timothy Hall as Pastor of St. James Church, St. James; St. Mary Church, Madelia; and St. Katherine Church, Truman. Mass held at St.

January 23, Friday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – Teach at St. Mary University January 25, Sunday 8 a.m. – Mass, breakfast and presentation, Generations of Faith Celebrating the Sacraments, St.

Patrick Church, Brownsville 2 p.m. – Prayer Service for Life, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona January 27, Tuesday 10 a.m. – Mass at Lourdes High School in the gymnasium, Rochester January 28, Wednesday 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Meeting of Young Priests, New Richland January 29, Thursday 9:30 a.m. – Mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka Basilica, Winona, with Winona Area Catholic Schools & Cotter 1 p.m. – Holy Hour (Bishop’s Cabinet) 2 p.m. – Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

January 30, Friday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – Teach at St. Mary University February 2, Monday 4:30 p.m. – Mass for Consecrated Religious, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato February 5, Thursday 1 p.m. – Holy Hour (Bishop’s Cabinet) 2 p.m. – Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting February 6, Friday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – Teach at St. Mary University February 7, Saturday 4:30 p.m. – Mass and Anointing for World Day of the Sick, St. Mary Hospital Chapel, Rochester January, 2015 w The Courier


Marital Love: Free, Total, Faithful, Fruitful

Life, Marriage & Family

During our self-proclaimed, unofficial “year of the family” we have been speaking about the beauty of the family. With the recently completed Synod on the Family which will be followed by another Synod on the Family as well as the World Meeting of Families (see the advertisement to find out how you can join us in Philadelphia!), it seemed fitting that we would take the time this year to speak about the family. During the first few months we have spent a lot of time speaking of the importance of love within families. This month I would like to speak about love in yet another context: The love between spouses. When we speak of marital love, we often speak of it as having four characteristics: free, total, faithful, fruitful. Marriage properly understood is often ignored today and sadly it leads to the suffering of many. As Pope Francis has recently said: “We know that today marriage and the family are in crisis. We now live in a culture of the temporary, in which more and more people are simply giving up on marriage as a public commitment. This revolution in manners and morals has often flown the flag of freedom, but in fact it has brought spiritual and material devastation to countless human beings, especially the poorest and most vulnerable.”* Unfortunately, too many people believe that freedom is devoid of any personal responsibility; they can do whatever they want when they want, regardless of the choice they have previously made! The world views marriage in a very selfish way: that it is only meant for the happiness of two adults. However, marriage is meant to be fertile and to welcome new life. Children Peter Martin, STL shape the future, just Director as they themselves pmartin@dow.org are shaped in their families. Without children, there can be no future. Children

January, 2015 w The Courier

Married couples taking time to deepen their own marriages at the Diocese of Winona's Marriage Retreat this fall.

reared with love and guidance are the foundation for a loving future. Wounded children portend a wounded future. Families are the bedrock for all larger communities. For those who suffer with infertility (and our hearts go out to those who carry such a burden), the Cathechism of the Catholic Church beautifully states that they “should unite themselves with the Lord's Cross, the source of all spiritual fecundity. They can give expression to their generosity by adopting abandoned children or performing demanding services for others.” [2379] Although the world so often misunderstands the beauty of marital love, we should not feel defeated! Pope Francis encourages us to spread the truth about marriage and the family to all the world, but most importantly, to the young: “I urge you to lift up [the] truth about marriage: that permanent commitment to solidarity, fidelity and fruitful love responds to the deepest longings of the human heart. I urge you to bear in mind especially the young people, who represent our future. Commit yourselves, so that our youth do not give themselves over to the poisonous environment of the temporary, but rather be revolutionaries with the courage to seek true and lasting love, going against the common pattern.”* One of the best ways to spread the truth about marriage is by our example. Let us make an effort this year to have exemplary marriages. Let us rely on God’s grace through the sacrament of Marriage so that our marital love will always be free, total, faithful and fruitful! *Opening address at the Humanum Conference: November 17-19, Vatican City

2015: A year to draw closer to Christ

fruits produced by the ministries of our diocese ligament must be supported for the proper and you support these ministries of our Church functioning of the body to grow and build itself through your time, talents and treasures. As up in love. I encourage you to get involved in these St. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4: 15-16, every ministries if you have not already done so to experience firsthand how your support can create opportunities for the Holy Spirit to draw each of us closer to Christ. Change is an ever more constant reality in our world today but it is nothing new to the Church or to the world we live in. People come and go, buildings rise and fall just as empires rise and fall - even the natural wonders of the Earth are constantly changing, but one thing remains absolutely constant through it all -- the love of God and the gift of His Son Jesus Christ. This year, as we plan for the current and future of our parishes and the diocese, let us draw closer to Christ, our Solid Foundation, who is the source of our Salvation and Hope.

Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota Serving the people of the diocese since 1991 The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota,formerly known as the Diocese of Winona Foundation is an independent, non‐profit organization established to manage endowments and other funds for the benefit of parishes, schools, agencies and other organizations located within the Diocese of Winona to further support, sustain and grow the mission of the Catholic Church. Gifts to the Foundation benefit those in need, support Catholic education, a growing immigrant population, youth ministry programs and supports the New Evangelization and a host of other critical mission spreading programs and initiatives. The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota exists to support parishes, schools and ministries with the necessary resources to be vibrant centers of faith and service in southern Minnesota and to assist faithful Catholics in fulfilling their stewardship call. Since its founding in 1991, the Foundation has faithfully managed and distributed contributions according to donors’ wishes in areas of greatest need in the wider community. The Foundation stands as a center for Catholic philanthropy across southern Minnesota and beyond in service of Catholic Responsible Investing and sophisticated planned giving that celebrates our Catholic identity. Over the life of the Foundation, nearly $80 million from the generosity of donors hearts has been carefully, diligently and faithfully stewarded to the needs of the southern Minnesota Catholic community. The Foundation seeks to connect hearts and change lives through matching the means of those with an abundance to those without. Q. What is a “foundation”? A. Our foundation is a public charity established to serve Catholic charitable interests throughout southern Minnesota. Donors have the option of creating funds in support of their inter-

ests with respect to the foundation’s purpose. Currently, the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota stewards 70 different funds benefiting the Catholic community. Donors are able to designate which organizations will benefit through a restricted gift, or they may make an unrestricted gift in support of the overall mission of the Foundation. Since all funds are invested, the funds continue to grow so that over time more and more charitable causes will benefit from the donors’ gifts. Q. What types of efforts do the 70 funds within the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota support. A. We currently steward 70 funds comprising over $24 Million in holdings. These funds benefit: • Parishes • Schools • Cemeteries • Seminarian education • Foreign mission • Catholic education • Higher education • Hispanic education • Faith formation • Clergy formation • Individual charitable trusts • Individual charitable annuities • And more! Q. Why would one use a foundation for making charitable gifts? A. Here are several reasons why we can help you fulfill your stewardship calling: • We practice Catholic Responsible Investing (CRI), an investment strategy designed specifically to help Catholic institutions pursue their missions by providing sound and competitive financial returns while ensuring that funds are not invested in organizations that operate or produce products and/or services which are contrary to the teachings of the Church. • We offer a competitive and potentially

higher return on investment than what banks and CDs can offer. • A gift made to CFSM is tax-deductible, as we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and there are significant tax-saving opportunities on gifts of appreciated securities and/or property. • You retain the flexibility to create a fund tailored to your charitable interests. • We adhere to public accountability in our annual reports certified by independent auditors that our funds are being used exclusively for the charitable purposes intended. • Your funds are kept safe from legal actions because they are stewarded precisely according to your intentions. • You receive access to our professional network of financial and legal advisors for guidance on planned giving. • You gain the satisfaction of knowing your charitable interests will be supported for generations to come.

5 Mission Advancement

Christ is the head of our Church and the embodiment of who we are as Catholics. He offers us an infinite amount of love and mercy that flows from His Most Sacred Heart. We are strengthened through Him to go forth and lead others closer to Christ as we come together as one Church. Throughout 2015, we look forward to sharing compelling testimonies that will instill confidence that our Church and its ministries continue to grow in Christ’s love. Our Church needs you, each and every one of you, to grow ever more close to Christ and become who you are destined to be – witnesses to the truth in love. Our bishop reminds us frequently to make ourselves available to Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament often. Call upon Mary, Our Mother to lead you more deeply into the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and listen to the Holy Spirit, who will direct you in every aspect of your life. So many of you have seen the

Joel Hennessy Director jhennessy@dow.org

Ministries Appeal in February. Q. How can I learn more about the Foundation? A. For more information about the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota, please visit our website, www.catholicfsmn.org. Or, call the Foundation at (507)858-1275.

Q. You mentioned planned giving, what is that? A. Planned giving is a way for you to integrate your personal, financial and estate planning goals by making lifetime or testamentary charitable gifts. A couple of the common types of planned gifts are: • Bequests – a gift made through your will or when you designate a Catholic organization as a beneficiary. • Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts allow you to make a gift today, receive payments throughout your life, and direct the remainder to your parish or other Catholic institution. We are so very grateful to our donors who make planned gifts to the Foundation. We are happy to announce the launch of our Lumen Christi Society in 2015 to celebrate the generosity of our planned giving donors. Details will be unveiled during the 2015 Catholic January, 2015 w The Courier

Youth & Young Adults


World Youth Day 2016 - An Invitation to Poland I remember attending my first World Youth Day as a freshman in high school. My entire family joined our Diocesan delegation to Paris, France where Saint Pope John Paul II greeted more than one million youth and young adults. Still a teen at the time, I didn’t quite appreciate the richness of our Catholic heritage, but this pilgrimage experience planted moments of awe and wonder in my heart. Young people flooded the streets chanting slogans of faith and singing songs of praise. Perfect strangers would approach one another and converse or hug, even if there was a language barrier. To me, this was a little foretaste of what heaven will be like. People from every nation and tongue, coming together in love, all centered on our Eucharistic Lord. That experience had a profound effect on my life, and it motivated me to make a few more World Youth Day pilgrimages. To give a little background, World Youth Day was started by Pope John Paul II in 1985 in Rome, Italy. The late Holy Father desired to call the young people of the world together to celebrate the faith through a pilgrimage journey. From the very beginning these gatherings were incredibly successful, drawing millions of faithful together. Pilgrimage sites rotated between gatherings sending the event to multiple continents. During the World Youth Day event there are many opportunities for pilgrims. Some decide to arrive early and see the Holy Sites of the local area. Others participate in an event called “Days in the Diocese” where groups are hosted by local Catholics and participate in celebrations, festivals and service. The official event begins when the Holy Father arrives and there are plentiful opportunities for rallies, catechetical instruction, concerts, theater, Mass, confession, and much more! Pilgrims are immersed in the beautiful culture of the host nation as well as the richness of the Universal Church. The height of the event occurs when pilgrims walk to the “vigil site” where they greet the Holy Father for an evening of programs, music, adoration, and an all night

January, 2015 w The Courier

camp out. The next mornBen Frost ing the Pope Director returns to celebrate the closbfrost@dow.org ing Mass. It is quite a site to see! Millions gathered together from much diversity, but all there to worship the one true God. What a blessing to see the Lord’s family gathered together in such a breathtaking way! At the most recent World Youth Day gathering in Rio De Janiero, Pope Francis announced that the next host nation would be Poland. The crowds roared with approval and much anticipation began as this incredible event would be headed to the native country of its founder, Saint Pope John Paul II! Our Diocese will send a contingent to this event and it truly will be an unbelievable experience. Poland has so much to offer for those who make the journey. Our pilgrimage will include a journey in the footsteps of John Paul II. We will visit Zakopane, one of the late Holy Fathers favorite places for recreation and relaxation. We will visit Wadowice, the birthplace of Saint John Paul II. There will also be plenty to see in Krakow including Our Lady of Czestochowa (the black Madonna), as well as a time to reflect and pray at the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp. Our group will also stop and see the Divine Mercy shrine and home of St. Faustina. I invite you to consider making this memorable pilgrimage. I know it’s changed my life and my perspective, and I’m sure it will do the same for you. For more information on World Youth Day in Poland please email bfrost@dow.org . Pope Francis and Poland await you! Hope you can join us!

See a Sign, Be a Sign

Rev. Will Thompson Director wthompson@dow.org

Here, the Council states that celibacy “uniquely frees the heart of man, so that he becomes more fervent in love for God and for all men. For this reason, it is a special symbol of heavenly benefits, and for religious it is a most effective means of dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to the divine service and the works of the apostolate.” In heaven, the Communion of Saints will worship God together. Celibacy is a lived sign that points to our complete gift of self to God. How are you called to make a gift of yourself to God? Is it through a spouse and family, or is it through celibacy? The Decree goes on to say in paragraph 13: “Voluntary poverty, in the footsteps of Christ, is a symbol of Christ which is much esteemed, especially nowadays.” I remember hearing a priest say that “you will have everything in heaven that you need.” I think that this comment referred in part to poverty. Religious live out this counsel in this life as a sign of our utter dependence upon God for eternity. Aren’t we already dependent upon God? It is easy to hide that reality with material comforts and apparent riches. But in the words of George Strait, “I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack.” Completing the evangelical counsels, obedience is how “religious offer the full dedication of their own wills as a sacrifice of themselves to God, and by this means they


are united more permanently and securely with God’s saving will” (14). The only people I know that are not obedient to anybody are tyrants. Yet even they probably obeyed their mothers, at least at some point. The practice of obedience by religious is a sign of our desires in heaven when we will want nothing more than to be united to God. The Council stated countless times (okay, you can count them; I just gave up at about ten) that Religious Life finds its purpose in following Christ and being united to God. Religious are able to do this in a unique way by following the evangelical counsels very closely. They have followed the signs that have led to a life in God and now are signs to the world of God’s goodness. Whenever you are unable to read the signs, just stick to following Christ and being united to God. When you do this, your path in life becomes clearer until you, too, become a sign of God’s goodness.


It can be easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of Christmas that the visit of the Magi did not happen on the day of Jesus’ birth. While the Bible does not say exactly when they visited, it does say that went into a house (not in a manger) and gave their gifts to the Christ-child. Matthew tells us that they were able to follow the star because they knew what the prophecies meant. They saw a sign and understood it because they were aware of the Scriptures. This is one of the ways that we, too, can understand the signs that God gives us. However, signs do very little without our response. Not every sign comes directly from God. We are able to be signs of God’s goodness and generosity. In a particular way, Religious become living signs of God’s love through the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience. While we are all called to share in these counsels (or advice for the good life), there are some who are called to live them to a heightened degree. Religious live out these counsels so that they become living signs of how we will be in heaven. In the twelfth chapter of “Renewal of Religious Life,” the Second Vatican Council reached back to the time of Jesus in promoting a certain sign.

A valued degree. Kelly Boles had a good job and a full life at home, but he wanted more. He wanted a degree, and more importantly, one that was grounded in Catholic Benedictine values. The College of St. Scholastica made all that possible. Today, with degree in hand, he is prepared not only for life’s opportunities, but for his life’s purpose.

On-site and online classes through the Rochester location allowed Kelly to earn his degree in a way that worked with his busy schedule. Kelly Boles | BA ’14 Computer Information Systems Rochester Campus









January, 2015 w The Courier

Looking Back on 2014


Reflect on the Joys of the Past

Youth & Young Adults focuses on opportunities for young people across southern Minnesota to connect, encounter Christ, and grow closer to Christ through their ministry experiences.

Steubenville World Youth Day Camp Summit TEC Net Ministries NCYC Intermission

Life, Marriage & Family provides opportunities for individuals to grow closer to Christ through promoting the dignity of life, preparing for marriage as well as renewal of marriage, and protecting lives in our parishes and schools.

March for Life Marriage Retreats Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation

Our diocesan offices serving the Catholic faithful across Southern Minnesota.

Totus Tuus

Respect Life Anniversary Mass

Faith Formation provides opportunities for individuals to grow closer to Christ through life-long catechesis and spiritual formation for all – Catholic youth and adults as well as non-Catholics interested in learning more about the faith through RCIA.



Catechetical Day Together in Faith Parish Support

Vocations dedicated to providing support for young men and women in their discernment and response to grow closer to Christ through the priesthood, religious or consecrated life.

Catholic Schools Did you know that there are a total of 30 Catholic schools throughout southern Minnesota with a total enrollment of 10,000 students all of whom are growing closer to Christ through their Catholic school experience?

ACE Collaborative Northwest Evaluation Association Standardized School Policies January, 2015 w The Courier

One-on-One Discipleship Discernment Groups Living the Fourth Videos Vocations Presentations Priest Formation

Lay Formation focuses on leading people closer to Christ through prayer, study and reflection on the Catholic Faith while training adultaged disciples to go forth and lead others closer to Christ.

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Pastoral Planning for the Diocese of Winona: Vision 2016 Update

by: Msgr. Richard M. Colletti, Vicar General/Chancellor

In this insert I am writing to share with you the progress of pastoral planning in the Diocese of Winona. First and foremost, as Bishop Quinn has reminded us throughout the past three years of planning, you can be assured that the spiritual lives of the people of the diocese will be well cared for today and in the future. One of the greatest challenges for all of us is that parish life will not look or feel exactly the same as it has in the past. But change is inevitable and has already been taking place throughout most of our spiritual lives—change in pastors, change in parishioners, change in Mass schedules, liturgical changes, and change in ministerial roles. Change is a part of our lives and part of our growth. You can see this in the VISION 2016 articles in this insert in The Courier. The next immediate step to our process is for you to read and review the articles in this insert. The draft parish cluster plan for VISION 2016 will be published in our February 2015 issue The Courier and on our diocesan website. We will be seeking input and reflections from our clergy (priests and deacons), lay parish leaders, and all parishioners of our Winona Diocese from all five deaneries to review the draft recommendations. I will then share specific tasks that are to be addressed by the clusters and parishes that might be affected. During the coming months of 2015, we will need to identify how parishes will work as clusters, and how they will adjust their parish programming and Mass schedules in light of any recommended alignments or mergers. I encourage you to visit often the diocesan website, www.dow.org for up-to-date information on the process. Information also will be printed in The Courier. In closing, it is worth emphasizing that pastoral planning is ongoing and evolving. It will remain an important part of what we do as a diocese. It ensures that we have a plan in place or a mechanism to respond to unforeseen events that leave parishes without a resident pastor. The Office of Pastoral Planning will continue to work with each of the cluster planning groups and begin the very important work of identifying and coordinating appropriate training of much needed lay parish leadership. Each of you is vitally important as we move forward. Your generosity and willingness to accept change and to be a part of this process both in prayer and involvement are crucial to the vibrancy of our diocese. Please join me in prayer for openness, wisdom and understanding.

Vision 2016 update from July July, 2014 - For over a year and half we have been involved in Pastoral Planning for the Diocese of Winona, so that we might continue to learn what is the best way to use our priestly and lay leadership resources in order to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ more effectively. This planning process has been centered in the Eucharist. This 3-year process we embarked upon is a time of grace to strengthen our parish and diocesan life in Christ. It has taken us through five deanery convocations with over 160 lay representatives meeting with priests and deacons in our five deaneries from January through May of 2013. This first phase concluded with our advisory team reflecting upon the data that had been discovered over the past year of reflection. In June of 2013, the planning process formal deanery meetings with parish representatives was suspended as we entered deanery and parish meetings for our very successful Capital Campaign, Rooted in Faith, Rejoice in Hope. During that same period we studied best practices for Diocese Pastoral Planning from neighboring dioceses in the Midwest. Now, as we continue with the diocesan planning process, we will together set goals toward Vision 2016 that will help us be the Light of Christ in the world. We are now at the point of refining what we have discovered in our study and some of the recommendations given by the deaneries during Phase 1 so that we might approach particular parishes and clusters on how to plan for the future. We begin again with a July 2 meeting with TeamWorks International

who guided us from the beginning of our planning process. The Diocese of Winona is working with TeamWorks International, Inc. again to guide us in the implementation of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan and the parish transitions that will occur in the Deaneries over the next three years. Phase 2 will focus on parish and parish cluster needs in each of our 5 deaneries. This process will include: A. Development of a Parish Transition Process and training of local lay and diocesan facilitators B. Use of a beta-test in a specific set of parishes where there is need and a bit of urgency C. Use of local pastoral leadership and diocesan facilitation D. Use of a specific process and tools in written form E. Use of a Parish Transition Leadership Team with specific roles, responsibilities and accountability to the local pastor and bishop It is anticipated that the Parish Transition Process will include input from our lay and clergy leadership in our parishes and refinement of the initial planning documentation that was created during Phase 1 of Pastoral Planning. Next month I will give the outcome of our July 2 planning session and the next step in our Winona diocese planning process.

January, 2015 w The Courier

Vision 2016 update from September September, 2014 - This past July I updated you on Phase II of Pastoral Planning in our diocese. This phase will revise the current parish cluster plan (inaugurated in 2000). That plan reduced parish clusters from 63 to 51 over eight years. The new plan will reduce parish clusters by 5 more in years to come. Why are we doing this? In a nutshell, we must match our available priests with changing demography in southern Minnesota. Only 6 of our 20 counties will grow significantly in the next 30 years. The other 14 will undergo continued stasis or further decline. In addition, 20 of our pastors will be at least 70 years old within ten years. On average, we currently ordain one priest per year; hence we cannot replace all who retire. And while several priests serve us from foreign lands, some do not remain here long term. These facts require us to apply our labor responsibly. It isn’t a matter of a so-called “priest shortage” alone. In many places we have a “laity shortage.” In part this is due to broader demography; but secularization also contributes. Many no longer frequent the Eucharist as they did in generations past. As our faithful elders depart us, fewer laity replace them. Larger communities absorb these changes more readily; but smaller communities cannot. No doubt changes will be in store for some. In July, I gathered several priests to hear their advice on a new cluster plan. We reviewed recommendations for each deanery, gathered during discussions among priests and laity in 2012-2013. They also offered key recommendations to guide a revised plan. For example, how many weekend Masses can our aging clergy reasonably provide? Among our active priests

the average age is 54; and it will likely rise in the next few years. Indeed 20 of our 51 pastors are currently over 60 years old. For this reason (among others), we recommend that priests not be expected to provide more than three regular Sunday Masses (including Saturday evening). When their busy weekend arrives, most have worked for 40 hours in the days prior. And besides regular weekend Masses (which often involve travel), priests also serve weddings, funerals, baptisms, meetings, or pastoral gatherings each weekend. Few of us realize the dedication involved in their everyday mission. As deliberations continue this autumn, we will need to identify those parishes where a weekend Mass might no longer be feasible. The process will be patient but deliberate, and will involve clergy as well as laity. Where change is needed, we hope to introduce it with grace and care. And in turn, we hope for support and understanding from our people. For in the end, the Church is not immune to the changes around her. Nevertheless, she will always grow – if not in numbers, then in holiness, vitality, and a commitment to her mission. Let us pray for one another in this important and vital task!

Vision 2016 update from October October, 2014 - The ultimate goal of the planning process is to revitalize, strengthen and bring new life to our parishes, churches and Catholic families in the Diocese of Winona. Our society and way of life have changed immensely over the past 50 to 100 years. Our transportation and infrastructure have improved dramatically, large portions of our population have shifted from rural to urban areas, technology has transformed the way we communicate and we have seen the number of priests in our diocese both rise and fall over time. The purpose of our diocesan planning is to address these significant changes to our way of life, and to ask ourselves, as a diocesan family: How might we best utilize our resources to most effectively serve our people, now and in the future? How do we continue to grow in faith and love as a community while adapting to the demands — and wonderful opportunities — of the 21st century Church? Recently I’ve been writing about Phase II of Pastoral Planning in our diocese. In September I explained the need for a new parish cluster plan with five fewer pastors. This is due to two factors. First, there will be fewer available priests in the next decade; and second, there are fewer laity in many communities because of demographic shifts or other declines in parish participation. These changes affect our smallest communities the most, requiring us to ask whether we can continue to offer Mass there.

January, 2015 w The Courier

It is not easy to imagine our favorite church without a weekend Mass. Our church is woven into the fabric of our lives. It is more than a building: it is a repository of memory, community, and grace. Our children were baptized there; our friends were married there; our loved ones were buried there. A sacred place always remains in our hearts, because it represents our bonds with God and neighbor. And yet we know too, that no place lasts forever. Our lives change, our relationships change, our labors change, our communities change. Few live in the same house from birth to death! And the same is true for the Church: it is much larger than any single building. In fact, it is broader and deeper than all of them combined. In the end the Church is a mystery of faith: an edifice of grace consisting of believers themselves; for all the baptized comprise the Body of Christ in the world. Some time ago, the priests of the diocese completed a survey. A majority stated that a parish required a minimum number of households to be sustainable. In other words, below a certain level of participation, a parish simply cannot continue the church’s broader mission. It is just too small. And based on those survey results, a significant number of parishes today are not sustainable. Who wants to tell any parish that Mass is no longer possible at their church? It’s hard to say and even harder to hear. But deep down, many parishes already know their future is limited. continued on next page

Vision 2016 update from October, cont'd. Time has passed their community by. Education, shopping, work, and health care take place a distance away. And now, so will Eucharist. In other words, hearing that a local Mass is no longer possible will be sad news; but many will have known that the day would come. They will now embrace – and be embraced by – a nearby parish community. They will learn afresh that life means change; but change is not all bad, after all. While undeniably there will be some loss and grieving associated with this strategic planning initiative, we firmly believe that new life awaits our Church at the end of this inevitable grieving process. The goal of strategic planning is to move our diocese, and its people, for-

ward to this new, life-giving place. And hopefully, in so doing, also increase vocations within our diocese. As planning discussions continue in these months, we will need to identify those parishes where a weekend Mass is no longer feasible. The process will be patient but deliberate, and will involve clergy as well as laity. Where change is needed, we hope to introduce it with grace and care. And in turn, we hope for support and understanding from our people. For in the end, the Church is not immune to the changes around her. Nevertheless, she will always grow – if not in numbers, then in holiness, vitality, and a commitment to her mission. Let us pray for one another – and the future of the Body of Christ in our diocese!

Vision 2016 update from November November, 2014 - The past few months I have updated you on foreseeable changes in parish-cluster alignments in our diocese. In part this is due to population trends and shifts; and in part, to changes in the Catholic scene. The latter includes a reduced number of priests available to serve our diocese, as well as a reduced number of people in many parishes. In other words, change is all around us; but sometimes the changes happen so gradually, we are hardly aware. Perhaps it is like the process of human growth. On a day-to-day basis, we hardly notice the person in the mirror; but at various points we realize that he or she has changed significantly over time. The same is true of our diocese. State demographers show us remarkable change in our landscape over the past decades. Once-thriving rural communities have declined, while urban centers around Mankato, Owatonna, and (especially) Rochester have grown. Population shifts in southwest and south central Minnesota are often due to decreased Anglo populations and increasing immigration (especially from Spanish-speaking lands); and where growth occurs in southeast Minnesota, it could be either Anglo or immigrant growth. Moreover our younger native generations are far more mobile than in the past, and just as likely to move away as to remain in their home areas. The Church is not immune to these changes. In the 1990s Bishop Vlazny began a planning process that reshaped the diocese under Bishop Harrington. His 2000 plan reduced our parish clusters from 63 to 51 over eight years. Before long Bishop Quinn will publically propose a plan to reduce by 5 more, and seek local input for improvements. That would perhaps mean that about 20 of our current clusters could undergo an adjustment in the next five years or so. What kinds of changes might they see? First, across the diocese, about ten clusters could be combined into five. These would be among the smallest parish clusters in their deanery, whose size no longer warrants a full-time pastor. Assistance in identifying these clusters came from professional consultants who have carefully analyzed our diocesan data, as well as broader demographic trends in southern Minnesota. These studies, completed in 2012, help us identify where our Bishop must distribute our priests in order to serve our various Catholic communities fairly

and resourcefully. We reviewed these studies with our parish priests and lay representatives in deanery planning meetings during 2012-13. Second, about a half-dozen parishes would no longer have a resident Pastor. Although they would still have a local weekend Mass, for other needs they may have to phone him at a nearby parish, email him with a question, or travel for appointments or the like. In addition, some parishes would shift from one cluster to another, as new parish alignments take shape under a new plan. And various parishes would change their Mass schedule to accommodate new cluster arrangements. Third, a fair number of churches would no longer have a weekend Mass. As I explained in September, our priests cannot provide an unlimited number of liturgies, due to their various weekday responsibilities along with the press of their weekend commitments (including travel). Indeed, below a certain threshold, an individual parish Mass is no longer warranted, as I wrote in October. Parishioners would be welcomed in new settings, even as they grieve losing a house of worship once dear to them on Sundays. They could still retain their church as an “oratory” for weddings, funerals, or local prayer, for as long as they could maintain it; but they would now be welcomed for weekend Mass at a different parish nearby, where more people are at hand. As planning discussions continue in these months, we will need to identify those parishes where changes of these kinds have become necessary. In a few months we hope to publicize a draft plan for review in a patient but deliberate process. Both clergy and lay representatives will be consulted to see if improvements to the draft plan are possible. Perhaps the Bishop could finalize the plan by the spring of 2016, and then implement it over five years or so, as pastors complete their tenure in the clusters to be affected. Where change is needed, we hope to introduce it with grace and care. And in turn, we hope for support and understanding from our people. For in the end, the Church is not immune to the changes around her. Nevertheless, she will always grow – if not in numbers, then in holiness, vitality, and a commitment to her mission. Let us pray for one another – and the future of the Body of Christ in our diocese!

January, 2015 w The Courier

Vision 2016

Vision 2016 update from December December, 2014 - This month Bishop Quinn will receive a final draft of the pastoral plan VISION 2016 for our diocese. This draft has been prepared by a clergy planning subcommittee and reviewed by the Presbyteral Council and others. It distills over two years of study and conversation at the local and deanery level, including clergy and lay representatives. After his review, the draft will be published in the Courier in February, for study and informed comment from our whole diocese. Local planning meetings will then take place at the deanery and cluster levels, from February through December of 2015, in the hopes of finalizing the plan by spring of 2016. This will be an important moment for parishes and clusters to provide input for our diocesan future. Interestingly, at the same time we have been working on Pastoral Planning, the Archdiocese of New York presented their pastoral plan for reorganizing their archdiocese. As has been our goal in the Diocese of Winona, their goal was to create parishes that are even more alive, vibrant, stable and strong. Like them we need to make certain that our resources are being used properly as good stewards of the gospel. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, wrote in his column in Catholic New York on October 30, that the archdiocese had “too many parishes” in areas that once had “huge” Catholic populations that have since moved away. Cardinal Dolan said the archdiocese could no longer staff all the urban parishes and acknowledged that the mergers might inflict deep emotional pain on the parishioners who will lose beloved churches that some have attended faithfully for decades. The Cardinal said, “Let me be candid: There will soon be a real sense of grief at some of our parishes as we get set to announce publicly what we’ve been preparing for the last five years, namely, the merging of some of our beloved parishes,” he wrote. “In a few places, there might even be a feeling that something has died.” We have a similar trend in many parts of our diocese, especially in our smallest rural communities. Many Catholics have left the farm and the small town. Meanwhile, more Catholics have stopped attending Mass and participating in parish life. Young, single people also tend to be less churchgoing, at least until they marry, have children and begin attending Mass again with their families, according to Mark Gray, a senior research associate at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. “There are not enough people in the pews to justify the cost of maintaining the worship space,” Gray said. “Another factor you have to be concerned about is the fewer number of priests that there are for these parishes. When you have a situation where you have one priest

January, 2015 w The Courier

responsible for two or three parishes, it becomes pretty demanding.” Our Winona Diocese pastoral-planning process has encompassed over two years of study and consultation between parishioners, priests, deacons

and religious. It will continue through the promulgation of VISION 2016 and into the future. In fact, planning will be ongoing into the future as we strive to be an active, engaged Church, and pass on our faith. Guided by the Holy Spirit, clergy, religious and laity alike are asked to enter a time of discernment around the mission of the Church, and together with Bishop Quinn create a dynamic, life-giving vision for our future. Pastoral planning is built on consultation and dialogue that leads to action. All Catholics are invited to be a part of the conversation that creates our future as well as lending their gifts to living out our mission together. All of us are called to participate fully in the life and mission of the Church. This mission of the Church is rooted in the mission of Christ who commanded everyone – clergy, religious, and laity – to, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (Matt 16:15). Please continue to pray for our pastoral planning process!

“In the future, we will have more Intermission rallies throughout

“I envision offering more marriage retreats

throughout southern Minnesota so a greater number of couples have many opportunities to participate. When couples take time to grow in their faith together, they go forth renewed in their desire to help one another get to heaven.” – Peter Martin, Director of the Office of Life, Marriage, and Family

“My future goals for the Superintendent’s Office entail (1) creating a Leadership Development Program for emerging leaders on staff at the Catholic Schools who have the potential to become principles, (2) providing ongoing professional development for teachers, and (3) housing a master database to more efficiently and accurately manage school records.” – Marsha Stenzel, Catholic Schools Superintendent

Rejoice in the Hope of the Future

“In the future, I hope to expand

the Office of Faith Formation to provide individualized faith formation for catechists to prepare them intellectually and spiritually to teach the Catholic faith in a profound way.” “As more interest in – Sr. Paul discerning vocations develops, Mary Rittgers, I seek to create opportunities for those who Director of the are discerning a religious vocation to con- Office of Faith Formation nect with another who can guide them in their discernment process. I want to build upon the resources the Office of Vocations has to offer, particularly in multi-media resources. I also want to tell the stories in more detail and creative ways of the many individuals throughout our diocese who are fully living their religious vocations. One idea I have is to make a card deck of priest trading cards.” – Fr. Will Thompson, Director of the Office of Vocations

“In the future,

we plan to enhance and strengthen our spiritual formation offerings in the Institute – i.e., our retreats, days of reflection, pilgrimages, etc. for Institute alumni and students. Deepening one’s relationship with Christ is always at the center of our formation program.” -- Todd Graff, Director of the Office of Lay Formation

9 Looking Ahead to 2015

southern Minnesota and more camp offerings for Camp Summit. There is something very powerful at work when youth from all over are brought together in prayer, catechesis and fellowship – you see the Holy Spirit setting hearts on fire for God and the Church.” – Ben Frost, Director of Youth and Young Adults

Directors of our diocesan led ministries throughout southern Minnesota share some of their goals and dreams for the new year and beyond.

"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope." Jer 29:11

“We will continue to improve

and broaden our communications efforts to keep pace with the everchanging ways people communicate. We must be evangelists in everything we do and utilize whatever means is available to make disciples and invite people closer to Christ. Establishing a seamless and instantaneous communication network across our diocese connecting every Catholic parish, school, and organization is a priority in our future planning.” -- Joel Hennessy, Director of the Office of Mission Advancement and Communications

Each new year brings the expectation of a better world. I ask God to grant us concord and peace, so that the aspirations of all for a happy and prosperous life may be achieved. Pope Benedict XVI January, 2015 w The Courier


Bold, Courageous, Loving, Faithful the Catholic Woman

What does it mean to be a Catholic woman? Pope Francis often brings up the importance of the role of women and the reactions from the commentators makes me smile. They don’t know what to do with him! When it comes to the view of women, our society likes to keep it clean cut: either a person must consider the woman as no different from men and therefore “equal” or subservient to men. Pope Francis comes along speaking about complementarity and they get all frazzled. One commentator even attempted to redefine complementarity saying it was that men and women complement each other, but mostly the man is superior. This is completely false! We need a new category for Catholic view of women: equal in dignity, unique in gifts. When we understand the depth and beauTheresa Martin ty of the teaching Endow Coordinator of the Church in Endow@dow.org regards to women, we see the lie society has fed us. Complementarity of men and women is not a code word for “yeah we go together but men are better,” heavens, no! Pope Francis is always quick to point out (as I do as well in my book!) that the most powerful human being in heaven is a woman! Mary, mother of Christ, is queen of heaven and earth! The beauty of explaining the complementarity vision of men and women is that we recognize their differences and yet affirm their equality in dignity and worth. Some think this is impossible. How can you be so different and still claim to be equal they ask? Simply – look at how our society eagerly promotes diversity of cultures and religions. The differences in this instance are celebrated and commemorated. Does this mean that we’ve declared one culture better than another? No, it simply means we recognize the differences and treat all with equal respect and dignity. This is exactly what is meant by complementarity of the

Faith Formation

sexes. Men have something unique to offer the world. He acts, lives and feels as a man, in his masculinity and this adds richness to family, culture, and personal relationships. His manhood is needed by his friends, his sons, his daughters, his co-workers and especially his wife. He can offer himself to his bride in a way that compliments her, that encourages her femininity, that united to her they can reflect Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is January 1, the image of God, the beginning our New Year with the gift of motherfullness of humanity. hood. Women, too, have a profound and unique gift to offer the world. “Everything she does, she does as a woman, not as a genderless creature.” She acts, lives and feels as a woman, in her femininity. And this gift too adds richness to every area of society and to her personal relationships. Her sons, her daughters, her friends, her co-workers, and yes, especially her husband need her femininity. To be feminine is not to be passive and subservient. We only need to look at our Blessed Mother to see boldness, courage and strength. Her “Yes” to God’s choosing her to be the mother of Christ was an active affirmation of her faith to God. She knew what might happen to her if she was found to be pregnant outside of marriage. She knew the laws and she knew her life could be in danger. It took profound courage to say YES! to such a request, and yet she did! Women have a feminine genius that is distinct. She can be bold and courageous, but even this she does as a woman, she does lovingly and faithfully. When meeting with the International Theological Commission, Pope Francis affirmed as did his predecessors, that women are needed in every aspect of society. In particular in theology, “In virtue of their femiPlanning initiative, I sought your help in Please see the special insert on Pastoral nine genius,” he said, “female theologians are planning for the future of the Diocese. With Planning in this month’s issue of The Courier. A New Year professional guidance, we began to assess able to take up … certain unexplored aspects of A new year has begun, our 2015 pilour Diocese, our parishes and schools and the unfathomable mystery of Christ.” He invited explore ways to maximize the resources, grimage is underway and once again we the Commission “to draw greater profit from this talents and gifts that God has given to us. have a fresh opportunity to share the Good specific contribution of women to the underWith this careful and diligent planning, your News of Jesus Christ, our Catholic faith, parish, our Diocese – Christ’s Church in the and the moral teachings of the Church. We standing of the faith.” Diocese of Winona - will be stronger and continue to be faced with many challenging The Catholic woman can be bold; even in more prepared to respond to Jesus’ com- issues, but especially important this year who she is she boldly defies the simple categomission to spread the Gospel message. is seeking a deeper personal conversion, ries of our world. She can engage society and Thank you to all of you who served as par- educating yourself in the faith, and sharing demands equality in the dignity of all, but retains ish representatives throughout the Diocese. your faith with others. Please pray for me Your work was and is vitally important, know and be assured of my prayers for all of you. the richness and beauty of her feminine genius, that you are supported by many prayers. We lighting up the world with the love of God.

Bishop, cont'd from page 3

began this planning process with grateful hearts for all the blessings of God bestowed upon our Diocese and for the faith and generosity of God’s people, sustained by the Eucharist and confident about the future. January, 2015 w The Courier

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

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Sanctifying Each Day

His universal Director prayer intention faithformation@dow.org for the month of January is for peace: that those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. The Holy Father’s January intention for evangelization is for the consecrated life: that in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal.

Saints Celebrated in the Liturgical Calendar during January

Jan. 1 – Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (it is a holy day of obligation). Also reminisce with your family about the past year and make “New Year’s Resolutions” of how each of you could grow in holiness this year. When all the normal conditions are fulfilled, there is a plenary indulgence attached to praying the Te Deum on Dec. 31 in thanksgiving for all the favors of the past year and to praying the Veni, Creator Spiritus on January 1 to implore the help of God for the new year (cf. Manual of Indulgences, no. 26 §1). Aside from the indulgence aspect, these are nice pious practices. Jan. 2 – Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen were the closest of friends and showed great virtue in their friendship. St. Gregory said of his friendship with St. Basil, “The same hope inspired us: the pursuit of learning. This is an ambition especially subject to envy. Yet between us there was no envy. On the contrary, we made capital out of our rivalry. Our rivalry consisted, not in seeking the first place for oneself but in yielding it to the other, for we each looked on the other’s success as his own… We seemed to be two bodies with a single spirit… We followed the guidance of God’s law and spurred each other on to virtue. If it is not too boastful to say, we found in each other a standard and rule for discerning right from wrong.” In honor of these two Saints, pray for a special friend and let them know how grateful you are for their friendship. Jan. 3 – Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, and a great day to ask ourselves if we honor the Lord in our speech. Are we prone to gossip, to slander, or to detraction (damaging someone’s good name by the revelation of some fault; spreading a truth, but one that does not need to be shared)? Whenever my mom heard the Lord’s name said in vain – or used in any way other than with the utmost respect – she would say under her breath, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you. I’m sorry.” With that, she would make an act of reparation for every act against the Most Holy Name of Jesus. It was short and simple, but this faithful act was one that spread throughout my family. Try it! Jan. 4 – To celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, make a King cake or cake/dessert shaped like a crown and share it with family or friends as a “sweet” way to mark this Solemnity which celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi. On January 4th, we also celebrate the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, who was born and raised an Episcopalian. After converting to Catholicism, even at the cost of being rejected by friends and family, she eventually founded the first American religious community, opened the first American parish school, and established the first American Catholic orphanage. Today, in honor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, say a prayer for all of those currently in the RCIA process and for those who are considering becoming Catholic but are hesitant because they fear the response of family and friends. Jan. 5 – In honor of St. John Neumann, a bishop from Philadelphia and the first to organize a diocesan Catholic school system, say a special prayer for the Catholic Schools in the Winona Diocese. He was a founder of Catholic education in this country and increased the number of Catholic schools in his diocese from 2 to 100. Jan. 6 – St. André Bessette was a porter (doorkeeper) for his religious community in Montreal, Canada. It was in this role that he welcomed visitors and began ministering to the sick. He had a very strong devotion to St. Joseph, and through his prayers was soon known as a miracle worker. In his humility, he would say, “I do not cure, St. Joseph cures.” In celebration of his feast day, focus on hospitality today. Share the gift of your time by receiving conversations from people whom you might nor-

mally turn away. Open the door of your heart to receive Christ in the people He sends your way today. Jan. 7 – St. Raymond of Penyafort, patron saint of lawyers and canonists, was an extremely brilliant Dominican who worked to aid Christian captives during the era of the Crusades and also helped organize the Church’s legal code. He also wrote a manual of moral theology for use by confessors. In honor or St. Raymond of Penyafort, attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As is so beautifully mentioned in the Catechism (quoting from Lumen gentium), “Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God's mercy for the offense committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labors for their conversion" (1422). Jan. 11 – To celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, thank God for the gift of your Baptism, and share pictures and keepsakes of your children’s baptisms with them. Tell them about the events and emotions of that day. As Pope Francis has said, encourage them to memorize and commemorate with gratitude their baptismal anniversary. Jan. 13 – St. Hilary of Poitiers, who lived during the 4th century and is a Doctor of the Church, converted from paganism after reading the Holy Scriptures, and especially the Prologue to St. John’s Gospel. In honor of St. Hilary, read the Prologue to St. John’s Gospel or another of your favorite Scripture passages. Jan. 17 – the feast of St. Anthony of Egypt, who is considered one of the fathers of monastic life. After he first embraced the ascetical life, St. Anthony endured terrifying struggles with the Devil and violent temptations of the flesh – the Devil often appeared to him in terrifying forms, but he was also consoled by a vision of the Lord. In honor of St. Anthony, practice saying an Act of Faith in the face of temptation. Some temptations might be the presence of envy, the temptation to use other people, or to sexual immorality. You can simply say, “I know I’m being tempted. Jesus, help me. I want to do this, but I know it is wrong. Please give me the grace to follow You.” Say the prayer and then make a concrete act contrary to the sinful inclination. Your emotions will probably still feel the same – you still likely will feel tempted – but you must make the Act confident that you now have the grace to resist the temptation. Jan. 20 – On this feast of St. Sebastian, a Roman Soldier who was shot with arrows and left for dead, pray for the grace to respond with meekness and love in the face of persecution which can often feel like arrows being pelted at us by the enemy. Jan. 21 – To honor the feast of St. Agnes, who was only 12 years old when she was martyred, pray for purity of heart and purity of intention. St. Agnes was prepared to die for the sake of her faith and her virginity as the bride of Christ rather than become the wife of the son of a Roman prefect. Her only desire was for Christ alone. Today, pray for the grace to desire

11 Faith Formation

As I was looking through the liturgical calendar, I was in awe at the abundance of holy examples the Church has set before us in these 31 days of January. As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said, “If we look to the saints, this great luminous wake with which God has passed through history, we truly see that here is a force for good that survives through millennia; here is truly light from light.” With this in mind, my goal for the next few months is to give you some ideas on how you can sanctify the days of each month by learning about these holy men and women who said a heart-felt “Yes!” to the Lord’s invitation to “Take up your cross and follow me.” To begin the month, take a look at the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions for 2015, and jot them down in your new calendar.

Sr. Paul Mary Rittgers, R.S.M.

Christ alone according to your state in life, just as St. Agnes did. Jan. 22 – Here in the United States, today is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. Go to Mass today and offer the graces of your Holy Communion that unborn children will be recognized as having legal rights. Pray also for the healing of all mothers and fathers who have had abortions. May they encounter the healing grace and forgiveness of our merciful Lord. Jan. 23 – feast of St. Vincent, who was both a deacon and a martyr, pray for the sanctity of all permanent deacons and their families. Jan. 24 – feast day of St. Francis de Sales, a Bishop and Doctor of the Church who emphasized the universal call to holiness—the idea that all people, not only those in formal religious life, are called to the heights of Christian sanctification. He wrote, “…He bids Christians,—the living trees of His Church,— to bring forth fruits of devotion, each one according to his kind and vocation. A different exercise of devotion is required of each—the noble, the artisan, the servant, the prince, the maiden and the wife; and furthermore such practices must be modified according to the strength, the calling, and the duties of each individual.” Consider reading a portion of his writings which can be found in the Office of Readings for January 24. You can find this online today at DivineOffice.org. Jan. 26 – In honor of Sts. Timothy and Titus, who were both leaders of the early Church, say a prayer today for the leader of the Church here in our Diocese, Bishop John Quinn. Go to Mass and offer the graces of your Holy Communion, that the Holy Spirit may continue to pour out His gifts on our Bishop as he leads the faithful of our Diocese. Jan. 27– St. Angela Merici, who was orphaned at the age of 10, founded the first teaching congregation of women in the Church and what is now called a “secular institute” of religious women known as the Ursulines. In honor of St. Angela Merici, say a special prayer for all those children suffering from difficult family situations and from a lack of parental involvement. Jan. 28 – St. Thomas Aquinas, whose feast we celebrate today, is the patron of Catholic Schools. His understanding of education was that students ought to experience the attraction of living a life of Christian virtue, and know that the living of such a life is what leads to the attaining of everlasting happiness. In honor of St. Thomas Aquinas, say a prayer for all of the teachers in our Catholic schools and Faith Formation programs, that they may realize their supremely important task of handing on the Catholic Faith to their students, most importantly by modeling their own love for the Lord. Jan. 31 – St. John Bosco, who is known for his care and education of poor and neglected boys. In honor of his feast, write a thank you (or help your children write one) to an educator that has made an impact in your life. St. John Bosco is known to have said, “Do you want to do a good deed? Teach the young! Do you want to perform a holy act? Teach the young! Do you want to do a holy thing? Teach the young! Truly, now and for the future, among holy things, this is the holiest." Preview of the Saints Celebrated in February! Feb. 2 – The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, and also the Day of Consecrated Life, make a Holy Hour with the special intention of praying for vocations. Feb. 3 – Enjoy a fish dinner in honor of St. Blaise. Feb. 5 – St. Agatha, a virgin and martyr of the 3rd century, make an examination of conscience, focusing on the virtue of chastity, and how you might better be able to live it out according to your state in life. Feb. 6 – Japanese martyrs Sts. Paul Miki and Companions which includes 26 individuals and children as young as 10 who were martyred in Nagasaki in the 1500s - consider fasting from snacks between meals and offer up that sacrifice in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for those Christians experiencing persecution and martyrdom throughout the world. January, 2015 w The Courier

Catholic Schools


Pastor-Principal Day In recognition of the strengths of the pastors and principals, the Diocese of Winona held a Pastor/Principal Day organized by Marsha Stenzel, Superintendent of Catholic schools and Bishop John Quinn. The meeting provided resource information, updates, and presentations. The morning session was opened with prayer followed by an informational presentation by Cooperative Purchasing Connection representative, Don Schuld. Marsha Stenzel presented information and updates involving ACE Collaborative curriculum writing and future events being held throughout the school year. Bishop Quinn presented a session on Christ the Teacher. Following his presentation, Bishop celebrated Mass with all in attendance. Jason Adkins, Executive Director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference and Shawn Peterson, associate Director for Public Policy, presented informational updates on Parent Advocacy

Marsha Stenzel Superintendent mstenzel@dow.org

Networks, MSHSL Transgender Policy, School Choice, and School Bullying policy. Karla Cross, Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of New Ulm, explained the alignment of Catholic identity standards to the MNSAA standards. The day concluded with Liturgy of the Hours lead by Msgr Cook. Pastor-Principal Day offers an opportunity

to thank our pastors and principals for their excellence in leadership. The importance of pastors and principals working together in their leadership roles in a Catholic school is vital to the mission of the school. It requires Catholic school principals to be passionate and visionary in the advocacy of the school. The approval and support of the parish priest finalizes necessary decisions to be implemented and communicated with the entire school family. It is essential for pastors who are assigned a parish with a Catholic school to be supportive of the school as well as the school’s principal and administration. The pastor plays a large role in the involvement of the school as well as an unwavering interest in the students, staff, and families. Pastors are often assigned overwhelming responsibilities for many parish activities therefore a strong trust of their principal is critical in the success of the school. The pastor who is available and a principal who welcomes different perspectives form strong relationships. Both offer a blend of spiritual and secular focus for the school as they strive to educate the whole child. Pastors offer their spirituality as principals offer their best practices in education. The ability of the pastor and school principal to view issues through different lenses forms a powerful partnership that always keeps the school at heart. Their shared energy provides the checks and balances of both the spiritual and secular emphasis for the entire school community. Their partnership provides a vision and vitality that is guided by Catholic virtues preparing their students for the present and future challenges. For many of our smaller Catholic schools,

Christ the Teacher was the focus of Bishop Quinn's presentation.

this day provides an opportunity to network with their colleagues. The concerns of pastors and principals and the impact they make on one another brings a true sense of unity. In a world of uncertainty and complexity, our pastors and principals of our Catholic schools proclaim the salvation found in Jesus Christ. This proclamation is found directly with the teaching mission of the school. Our pastors and principals love their work and care deeply about all those they serve. We thank all of our pastors and principals in our Catholic schools for their collaborative and cooperative leadership!

Dare to Believe in Catholic Education St. Casimir's School Press Release, November 10 - After much preparation by many, many hands, the scene was set for the celebration of the St. Casimir’s School Centennial Mass in which Bishop John Quinn presided on November 1st. In speaking of the school’s long history and dedication to the students and families of the local communities, Bishop Quinn repeatedly expressed his delight in the school and the hope for its long continuation. Following the Mass, a meal was served in the church hall, and with the delicious scents wafting into the church from the supper being prepared, there was no shortage of eager diners! Having both Bishop Quinn and Winona diocese Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Marsha Stenzel, join the parishioners for both the Mass and the meal was an honor. It provided a wonderful opportunity for the parishioners to visit with these two faith-filled and knowledgeable leaders as they celebrated the blessing of 100 years of education. Following the tasty meal, a short program was held during which tri-parish pastor Fr. Thomas Niehaus and current SCS principal Joanne Tibodeau expressed their appreciation for the support that the school has received from its very first years until today. Introducing the short slide show titled “Dare to Believe”, Principal Tibodeau had this to say, “Daring to believe in Gene Hassing (second generation SCS the value and need for Catholic alumnus, Class of 1963) and his wife Pat are education within our community, shown dining with their granddaughters and a group of committed parishiofourth generation SCS students McKenzie, ners, led by Fr. John Mikolai, Isabella and Paige Roberts. brought forth the reality of St. January, 2015 w The Courier

Shown in the photo (left to right) are Larry Stenzel, SCS alumnus from the Class of 1973; Superintendent of School’s Marsha Stenzel; Jean (Dulas) Stenzel, Class of 1944; Rick Herman, Class of 1973; and Bishop John Quinn.

Casimir’s School with the laying of the school’s cornerstone in 1915. From a mustard seed of faith, the school was grown, and the first classes were held later that year. It is as true today as it was back then that miracles happen when people of faith, trusting in Jesus, stand up and say ‘I dare to believe in Catholic education.’ We are so very grateful to those early parishioners who sacrificed to make the dream of a local Catholic school a reality, not only for the children of 1915, but also for the students of 2014 and beyond. Miracles DO happen when we dare to believe.” After the presentation, the gathering was invited to take an additional trip down memory lane through a tour of the school and a historical display of photos, articles, trophies and school apparel. Something that was enjoyed by the young as well as the young at heart! The evening was a blessing of shared celebration and memories. May this evening be repeated through the many years to come!

A New Year’s Invitation To Offer Our Day

- Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, #10

As is probably true for most of us, I was taught certain valuable things by my parents that I forgot or let go of as I grew older. One of these was the praying of a Morning Offering. It was my mom that taught me to memorize this prayer and encouraged my siblings and I to pray it every day. Somewhere along the way, perhaps in high school or college, I let go of the practice. I’m not sure that it was a conscious decision so much as just not keeping to the discipline. Fortunately, the prayer found its way back to me and back into my life. The praying of a Morning Offering is the central aspect of the ministry of the Apostleship of Prayer, which traces its history back to the mid nineteenth century in France. The story begins with a certain Fr. Francis Gautrelet who was speaking to a group of young Jesuit seminarians who were eager to begin their missionary service. Knowing that their formation was not yet complete, he challenged them: “Be apostles now, apostles of prayer! Offer everything you are doing each day in union with the Heart of our Lord for what He wishes, the spread of the Kingdom for the salvation of souls.” The Apostleship of Prayer is now 170 years old, and it is stronger than ever. In honoring its 150th anniversary in 1994, Saint Pope John Paul II encouraged its members “to be involved in the service of the new evangelization.” He noted the “important service” of the group in “giving new life to people’s awareness of how valuable their lives are to God for the building up of His Kingdom.” By the year 2000, there were over 40 million members of the Apostleship of Prayer worldwide. At the heart of this simple devotion is the offering up of every moment and experience of our daily lives to God. It is ultimately a Eucharistic sacrifice which joins and unites our lives to the sacrifice of Christ. There are various versions of the Morning, or Daily, Offering (including a simpler version for children), but all of them offer a way for us to lift our hearts to God each day, and to offer to God the gift of our lives through our “prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings.” We do this in union with the heart of Jesus who first offered himself for us on the Cross, and now daily offers himself in the Eucharist for our salvation and the salvation of the world. As the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council declared, For all their works, prayers and apostolic endeavors, their ordinary married and family life, their daily occupations, their physical and mental relaxation, if carried out in the Spirit, and even the hardships of life, if patiently borne—all these become “spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ"…. Thus, as those everywhere who adore in holy activity, the laity consecrate the world itself to God. (Lumen Gentium, #34) The other aspect of this daily practice that is so important and helpful to me is that each day, with this prayer, I also lift up the monthly intentions of our Holy Father. Each month, the Pope asks the members of the Church to join him in praying for a “universal” intention relating to the needs of the world, and for an “evangelization” intention for the promotion of the gospel.

Lay Formation

Therefore all the disciples of Christ, persevering in prayer and praising God, should present themselves as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Everywhere on earth they must bear witness to Christ and give an answer to those who seek an account of that hope of eternal life which is in them.


As members of the Apostles of Prayer, we are “the Pope’s prayer group” and daily commit ourselves to pray for his intentions. I am so grateful for the wonderful shepherd we have in Pope Francis, and seek to share in and support him in his ministry in this simple way. As we begin this new calendar year, I invite you to consider joining me as an Apostle of Prayer. If you’d like to learn more about the great work of this group, you can visit its web site: www. Todd Graff apostleshipofprayer. Director org. I have had the tgraff@dow.org great privilege to meet its director, Fr. James Kubicki, SJ, and he is on fire in his commitment to strengthen the daily spiritual lives of lay women and men. May God bless him and the work of the Apostleship of Prayer! What grace there is in this invitation to us each day to join ourselves to Christ, and to his work of salvation, by offering the “stuff” of our lives – our work and daily tasks, our prayers, our sorrows and our struggles, our thoughts and hopes, our words and interactions – in service to Him and to our sisters and brothers. And, in this daily offering, we seek to give concrete “witness to His love.” Deo Gratias!

God, our Father, I offer You my day. I offer You my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings in union with the Heart of Jesus, who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to Your love. With Mary, the mother of our Lord and of the Church, I pray for all Apostles of Prayer and for this month’s intentions proposed by the Holy Father. Amen.

Catholic Schools Week January 25-31 National Catholic Schools Week will begin January 25-31, 2015. Masses, open houses, and many school activities for students, families, parishioners, and community members will be celebrated at each individual school. The weeklong celebration reminds Catholics of the importance of our Catholic schools. The events focus on the value of Catholic education and the many opportunities it offers our young people as well as the contributions to our church, our communities, and our nation. Watch for Catholic school activities and invitations in your local church bulletin. January, 2015 w The Courier


Rights and Responsibilities

3rd Principle in The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching Series

In the Diocese

by: members of the Diocese of Winona Social Concerns Committee In this series we have looked at the first principle, “The Life and Dignity of the Human Person,” and the second, “The Call to Family, Community and Participation.” The third, “Rights and Responsibilities,” builds on these first two. Our rights as human beings stem from our dignity as children of God. Every human being has basic rights because they have been created in God’s image. There are several lists of rights, depending on the focus. For example, there are civil rights, human rights, and constitutional rights. What they have in common is that if persons are granted these rights, justice, equality and harmony would hopefully result. In the encyclical “Pacem in Terris,” written by St. Pope John XXIII, we read, “Man has the right to life. He has the right to bodily integrity and to the means necessary for the proper development of life, particularly food, clothing, shelter, medical care, rest and finally, the necessary social services.” Other church documents add to that list religious freedom, education, owning private property, and creative work.

Pope John Paul II clarified the connection has become a divisive and polarizing term used between the “rights.” He said, “Human rights are to criticize another group. It can imply that one is to be defended not only individually but also as a “entitled” to something because of rank, privilege, whole … Together they form a single whole, direct- or affluence. Conversely, “entitlements” can be ed unambiguously toward the promotion of every viewed as benefits given away as a veiled means to aspect of the good of both the person and society.” redistribute income where the benefit has little or As Christians we do not separate seeking our no connection with personal responsibility. own rights from the corresponding duty to recogSo this principle is not without controversy. nize and respect the rights of others. This is how we We’ll explore this principle some more in our next build the common good and carry out our mandate installment when we focus on responsibilities. to care for those “least among us.” A question we might ask ourselves is: Spanish Mass Schedule Are there persons in our parish or our community who are deprived of their Albert Lea, St. Theodore, Spanish 2:30 p.m., every Sunday basic rights? And what are we doing Mass, 11 a.m., every Sunday. Rochester, St. Francis of Assisi, about it? Austin, Queen of Angels, Spanish Spanish Mass, 12 noon, every The word “entitlements” is sometimes Mass at 11 a.m and 5 p.m. every Sunday. used as a synonym for “rights” but it Sunday. St. Charles, St. Charles Dodge Center, St. John Baptist Borromeo, Spanish Mass, de La Salle, Spanish Mass, 11 11:30 a.m., every Sunday. a.m., every Sunday. St. James, St. James, Spanish Lake City, St. Mary, Spanish Mass, Mass, 12 p.m., every Sunday. 6:30 p.m., every third Saturday. Waseca, Sacred Heart, Spanish Madelia, St. Mary, Spanish Mass, Mass, 11:30 a.m., every Sunday. 10 a.m., every Sunday. Windom, St. Francis Xavier, Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Spanish Mass, 12 p.m., every Sunday Spanish Mass, 1 p.m., every Sunday. Worthington, St. Mary, Spanish Owatonna, Sacred Heart, Spanish Mass, Saturday at 7 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. Mass, 1 p.m. every Sunday. Pipestone, St. Leo, Spanish Mass,

Hispanic Priests/Sacerdotes Hispanos: Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas: Capellán del Decanato de Worthington. lukiponcho@yahoo. es Tel. 507-341-0403 Padre José Morales: Capellán del Decanato de Rochester. jloralesr2008@yahoo.es Tel. 507-329-2931 Padre Mariano Varela IVE: Párroco de “SS. Peter and Paul” en Mankato. mvarela@hickory-

tech.net Tel. 507-388-2995 ext 103 Padre Octavio Cortez IVE: Vicario Parroquial de “Ss. Peter and Paul” en Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 Padre Raul Silva: Pastor de “All Saints” en New Richland, “St. Aidan” en Ellendale, “St. Mary” en Geneva padreraulsilva@ gmail.com

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Action with Prayer

Parish Events A Healing Gift If you or someone you love is grieving the loss of a child or children to abortion, come and experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on our weekend retreat. The next Rachel’s Vineyard Twin Cities retreat is January 9-11, 2015. For more information contact Nancy at rachels@rvineyardmn.org, call 763-250-9313, or see www.rvineyardmn.org. St. John Vianney School Fairmont Annual Dinner/Dance: Saturday, January 24. Featured alumni speaker presentation, KC ticket raffle, basket auction, catered meal and dance For information or to purchase tickets, call the school @ 507-235-5304. Spiritual Conference - Carmelite, Austin January 10. A prayerful day for men considering a vocation to religious life. In honor of our 125th Anniversary, join the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin

For events at Assisi Heights: www.rochesterfranciscan.org and click on “What’s Happening/Events.” For more info, call Angie Grimm at 507-280-2195 or: ahsc@rochesterfranciscan.org.

SUBMISSION for the calendar

Mankato, Ss. Peter and Paul, first Saturday month, 9 a.m. Rochester (Simpson), St. Bridget, first and third Sundays of the month, 1 p.m. Wabasha, St. Felix, weekly. Saturday 8 a.m. Chatfield, St. Mary's, Saturday morning, please check with the parish for the time.

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We thank you for understanding that due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. Thank you! - Courier Staff

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Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically on our website: www.dowcourier.org or by emailing: Courier@dow.org and by the deadline in order to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the Events Calendar.

Events in the Diocese

St. Mary’s Church, Winona offers a Mass for Life and Marriage on the first Thursday of the month, at 5:15 p.m. 25th Annual National Night of Prayer for Life You are invited to join us for this prayerful event on Monday, December 8 after the 5:15 Holy Day Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at St. Mary’s Church in Winona. The Holy Hour will end at 7:30 p.m. It was on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (then celebrated on December 9th) that Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas and the unborn, first appeared to St. Juan Diego. The National Night of Prayer for Life bridges these two feasts to honor Our Blessed Mother and to pray for the sanctity of all human life. The National Night of Prayer for Life is a pro-life prayer service consisting of exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary, prayer to St. Michael, silent prayer and hymns. Call Lynn at (507) 450-0112 for more information.. Prayer Vigil and Public Witness against Abortion Semcac Clinic is a delegate of Planned Parenthood – the nation's leading abortion provider. Please consider joining a local group from 3-4 p.m. each Tuesday in front of Semcac at 62 E 3rd Street in Winona for an hour of prayer. Contact: Will Goodman 608-698-7443.

Mary of Mount Carmel & the Diocese of Winona for a Spiritual Conference on the Carmelite Charism Saturday January 10. Pope Francis designated 2015 as the "Year of Consecrated Life." Let us help you explore religious life in the Church and learn more about the Carmelite Friars. Come and see if God is calling you to Carmel. Conference begins at 9 a.m. and includes Mass. To register: email ocarmvoc@frontiernet.net or call the Carmelite Vocation Office at 845-3442225. Annunciation Heritage: 1009 Oakland Ave East. Austin. St. Felix, Wabasha January 18, Dad's Belgian Waffles at St. Felix Gym. From 8 a.m. - Noon Tickets: $7 advance, $8 at door Children 5-12, $5, children under 5 FREE. Carry Outs available Proceeds to the Wabasha Area Food Shelf and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary Sponsored by the Wabasha Knights of Columbus and the Serra Club of Wabasha County For Tickets contact: Jim Pfeilsticker : 651-565-4662 Betty Fischer: 651-565-4414 End of Life Decisions. What's a Catholic to do? 6 p.m. Thursday, February 5 at St. Francis Assisi Church in Rochester from until. And 6 p.m. Friday, February 6 at the Church of the Resurrection in Rochester from until. Talks given by Sr. Edith Mary, RSM board certified family medicine physician. Beginning Experience Rochester For divorced, separated or widowed perons: Beginning Experience of Rochester/Southeastern MN is an International Ministry which offers a program called "Coping

with Life Alone" to help participants move through the experience of grief and loss into a future with hope renewed. T"Coping with Life Alone" meets weekly from 7 - 9 p.m. from January 22 through March 26, 2015 at Bethel Lutheran Church, 810 3rd Ave. in Rochester, MN. Contact Beginning Experience Rochester by calling 507-261-8248 or emailing beminnesota@ gmail.com or visit www.­beminnesota.­org.

The Televised Mass Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly. Every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC-TV, Channel 10, Rochester at 9 a.m. KEYC-TV, Channel 12, Mankato at 7:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987. Thank you for your donations to the TV Mass


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January, 2015 w The Courier

January, 2015


Crucifixion School Wake Up the World! Gives to the Needy

The 4th grade class collected books and blankets for those without much.

St. Nicholas at St. Bernard's

• The Courier cont'd from pg. 1

a grateful remembrance of the recent past.” "With this positive outlook on the past," he continued, “we want to ‘embrace the future with hope’— the second objective. Although the crises that affect the world and the Church are also felt within consecrated life, Cardinal Braz de Aviz said women and men religious remain full of hope, based not on their own powers, but on trust in the Lord. “In Him,” he said, “no one can rob us of our hope.” "This hope, though," he said, "cannot keep us from “living the present with passion” — and this is the third objective of the coming Year." "This passion," the Cardinal said, "speaks of “being in love, of true friendship, of profound communion.” This is “the true beauty of the life of so many women who profess the evangelical counsels and follow Christ ‘more closely’ in this state of life.”" In this regard, he said, the Year of Consecrated Life will have an evangelical focus, helping people to realize “the beauty of following Christ” in the various types of religious vocations." (news.va - http:// www.news.va/en/news/year-of-consecrated-life-set-for-2015)

Suggestions for Families to Foster Vocations to Consecrated Life St. Bernard's in Stewartville welcomed St. Nicholas, "the real Santa Claus" for an event packed with families, young and old who enjoyed a great breakfast put on by the parish's Men's Club.

Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese

Many parishes throughout the diocese are committed to offer consolation to the Heart of Christ through a Mass of Reparation. Please go online to visit dowcourier.org to see the complete Mass list.

1. Pray for vocations to religious life as a family. 2. Talk with a religious about her/his vocation. 3. If your parish has a vocations committee, learn about their activities and participate in at least one program. If there is no vocation committee, work with other parishioners and the pastor to begin one. 4. Discover a ministry in your area that is sponsored by a religious community and talk with the Mission Director about what makes this ministry unique. If possible, volunteer at the ministry site as a family. 5. Suggest to a single person in your parish the possibility of considering a religious vocation. 6. Write a letter to your local bishop suggesting a Vocations Fair or Adoration Hour for vocations. Offer to help organize this. 7. Make 10 minutes for silent reading of Sacred Scripture. Offer this time for the intention of those considering Consecrated Life. 8. Pray in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for the intention of vocations to the Consecrated Life. 9. At grace before meals, add the following: “We ask, O Lord, that you let more men and women hear the call to serve you as a priest, brother or sister. Amen.” 10. At supper some night, tell family members about a religious who has meant something to you, perhaps someone you met in school, in the hospital, in the parish or elsewhere.

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