3 minute read
Accompany Jesus!
“Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough” (Luke 13:23).
The narrow gate opens to the Cross and the tomb. Many have striven to enter, only to find he is not strong enough, weakened by his wounds.
Look beyond the Cross, beyond the ugliness of Golgotha, beyond the darkness of the tomb! Look to the glory and light that follows. God allows the Cross and the tomb for us all, but he wills for us the resurrection. God allows our wounds and weaknesses, but he redeems and heals them.
The Cross is the narrow gate, through which we must pass. It opens to the darkness of the tomb from which we pass to newness of life. The Cross is the gate, the tomb is the wait, and the resurrection is the healing. Whoever accompanies Jesus through it all will triumph with him.
Go to the Cross! Stand there and listen. Suffer the coming of the Word of the Father into your lives. Suffer the Gospel. This is the narrow gate. Let Jesus, the Word of the Father, possess you! Accompany him into the darkness of the tomb, and find healing Easter morning.
We must accompany Jesus. Healing requires pressing our wounds into the wounds of Jesus. Pressing our wounds into his wounds brings healing. Pressing our wounds into his wounds enables us to accompany the people to whom we are sent to serve. By pressing our wounds into the wounds of Jesus we see the unique way God has planned to reveal his Son through us.
What is your Cross? What are your wounds? Maybe it is some form of abuse or neglect. Maybe it is a serious health concern. Maybe it is an addiction to food, alcohol, chemicals, or pornography. Maybe it is having witnessed the abuse of others. Whatever it is, name it, surrender it, beg for the grace of healing, and then do whatever he tells you to do.
Now is the time to embrace the Cross. Now is the time to be healed. Now is the time to do the small necessary things that bring about change. Now is the time to never lose hope in the healing God wills for you.
All of us want to change external things but not many of us want to go through the process of internal change and healing and accompanying Jesus. Letting go of well-known attitudes, behaviors, sins, or lifestyles we have developed can be difficult. We need to continually do small things over and over again that bring about change. We must never lose hope and never tire of begging God for healing.
Jesus knew that healing would be difficult for us. Jesus knew the Cross and the tomb would be difficult places for us to go. He knew the gate is narrow. He gives us his Spirit to strengthen and encourage us.
I leave you with this admonition from St. John Paul II who said, “Do not be afraid! Open wide your hearts to Christ!”
Yes, my brothers and sisters, do not be afraid! Open your hearts to Jesus Christ.
Deacon Robert Yerhot serves the parishes of St. Mary in Caledonia and St. Patrick in Brownsville.