4 minute read
Last month I wrote on the importance of membership in our Council of Catholic Women. This month will focus on mentoring, and I’m “borrowing” Rosi Schuhmacher Reese's column from the July issue of the National Council of Catholic Women’s President’s Pen.
When I think of my first memories of being Catholic - Latin Mass at St. Aloysius in Olivia, MN, in the early 1960s to my grandma, Mary; praying the rosary daily; my mom’s involvement in CCW at St. Mary’s in Bird Island, MN, in the 1970s; college at the Newman Center at Mankato State University; moving to Mapleton and being invited by my neighbor to my first CCW event at St. Teresa; getting involved as a unit chair, followed by an invitation to serve as our area family commission chair in the late 1980s; being invited to my first diocesan meeting in 1989 at Wabasha with Bishop Vlazny in attendance - I’m reminded how personal invitations to plant the seeds, along with good mentors who watered the seeds, helped keep me involved and growing in my faith as a Catholic woman. So many women, too numerous to mention, have sown seeds in my life with the love of Jesus, and have grown a desire in me to make his love known to others!
Leadership Commission Mentoring by Rosi Schuhmacher Reese
Many years ago, I gave a presentation and asked the women if any of them ate M&M’s. They all raised their hands - I then asked if any of them just ate one M. They all just laughed. I then proceeded to tell them that “Membership & Mentoring” were like the M&M’s, you could not just have one. To have a sustainable membership, your membership must be coupled with mentoring. Mentoring means different things to different people. Some may think it is having new members do exactly how you do things. Although we are all made in the image of God, we are all unique. We not only look different but think and process problems differently. A good mentor takes the newer member under her wing but does not smother her. A good mentor
explains our council structure and tells her of some of our past projects. She finds out what commission interests her and encourages her to get involved. A good mentor always praises in public and corrects in private. Every affiliation should have a mentoring plan to protect the longevity of your membership. All “seasoned members” (sounds better than old members) should be willing to share her knowledge of council. If you should be an “overly seasoned member like me” than you should be encouraging younger women wherever you may be to step up to the plate and take a swing at the bat of leadership. Years ago, I was a guest speaker at another diocese, and I became engaged in a conversation with a younger woman. She was an affiliation president. I told her that I thought she would make a good district president. She looked at me as if I were crazy, but then I get that a lot. I just planted a seed. I am not sure how that seed started to grow, but that women did become her district’s president and then became a diocesan president. Have you planted any seeds lately? Think of our membership as a beautiful garden that needs tender loving care. We must reseed with new members, water them with knowledge and nourish them with loving words of encouragement. If we do all these things with Christ’s love, our membership garden will stand the test of time.
Who have been your mentors? Do you continue to plant seeds and water them? Are you open to listening to God’s call? Our Diocesan Council is looking for women who want to grow in service through becoming a commission chair or member of our board. Current open positions include Spirituality Commission Chair and Parliamentarian. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, I can be reached at 507-381-2842 or shellyholttotalwellness@gmail.com.
Our Diocesan Convention will be held at the Church of the Resurrection in Rochester, on October 12, 2024. Look for the registration form in this issue. We have a great day planned!
Shelly Holt is the president of the WinonaRochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.