1 minute read
St. Casimir School, Wells, Donates to Operation Christmas Child
"Let all that you do be done in love." Can this verse from 1 Corinthians be any more fitting? Twenty-five shoeboxes. This is the tally of gift-filled boxes that our St. Casimir's Catholic School students in Wells donated to children in need around the world through the international program Operation Christmas Child.
As our all-school Advent project, each family was asked to fill and donate one shoebox, but our small school received many more than that number.
We love doing this project as a school, as it truly focuses the students' attention on others during this season of giving. The question that I heard several times over from the kids? "Can I have a bigger box to use?" As mentioned, we just love this Advent project! Happy Advent, everyone!
Teresa Chirpich is the office manager for St. Casimir School in Wells.