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Let Us Drink of One Spirit: Kansas City Conference Inspires All
This fall, 12 diocesan leaders influenced by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal made our way to Kansas City, to the Jesus 2023: Let Us Drink of One Spirit Leadership Conference, hosted by Pentecost Today USA (the American shelter organization of Catholic Charismatic Renewal connected to Rome). Once there, we met around 500 other joy-filled leaders from across the United States for a long weekend of worship, repentance, learning, and evangelization!
The reason the conference was held in Kansas City this year was to honor the Topeka Gathering in 1977. This was an international charismatic renewal conference of 40,000 to 50,000 people across multiple branches of Christianity (half were Catholic!). Some people know of it because a man then known as Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa was brought there (reluctantly) to “come and see.” He left, he said, “baptized in the Spirit” and a changed man. He has been a figurehead of the charismatic renewal in the Church since, as well as the papal preacher to three popes.
However, the 1977 gathering was not just known for a future famous attendee. Many gathered that day experienced something they considered astounding: the fervent sense that God was gathering the Christian denominations together and making them one. People said they had a strong foretaste of Christian unity, the joy of the Father in the reunification of his Church, and the sense that it would happen (against every odd) in their lifetime. 25 years later, Pentecost Today USA wanted leaders to return, remember, and rededicate themselves to God’s dream of One Church, one witness to the Lord.
Personally, I had not heard so much about Christian unity in many years, if ever. It was enormously refreshing. In addition to many incredible speakers, Bishop Peter Smith (auxiliary bishop of Portland, OR) presided over a powerful Mass focusing on bringing the joy of the Holy Spirit to a secular world, and Archbishop Joseph Naumann (Kansas City, KS) touched many hearts in speaking to the power of witness in adversity. Our own Winona-Rochester deacons (Deacons Jack LaValla and John Hust) were able to serve at the altar at both Masses!
I asked some of the other attendees to share their impressions of the weekend. But first – if this intrigues you, and you wonder why 110 million Catholics worldwide are active in the charismatic renewal movement, please consider speaking to our new coordinator of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the diocese, Deacon Jack LaValla! Second, there will be another conference Oct. 25-27 in 2024and it’s in St. Paul! Let’s bring everyone there!
–Susan Windley-Daoust
Drink of One Spirit was the theme, and it was fulfilled. We were lavished with the Holy Spirit! Our hearts were set on fire with God's love. One message we received is to be in Unity ... Unity with our brothers and sisters, within our church and with other churches across the world ... and this will CHANGE the culture! The gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit are for ALL of us ... to receive these we must begin with Love ... Love of God and Love of our neighbor and our hearts will be opened and we WILL receive charisms to be given away to others. "God is good all the time. And that is his nature! WOW!"
–Madonna Fohrmann
It was a true blessing to journey to Kansas City with members from our diocese and to gather with others from across the country for Pentecost Today USA’s Jesus 2023 Conference. During the weekend I was nourished by the sacraments, and through prayer, praise and worship, street evangelization and formation. The Holy Spirit encouraged confirmation for me through scripture providing Daniel 6:27-28, “Our God is the living God, he endures forever, his sovereignty will never be destroyed and his kingship never ends. He saves, sets free, and works signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth.” The Holy Spirit makes the love of the Father tangibly real. Through the power of the Holy Spirit my heart is able to find a deeper encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. The experience strengthens and moves me to share that love with others. The Holy Spirit brings a personal Pentecost to set hearts on fire with the Gospel message to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord bringing conversion, repentance and surrender. I’m encouraged to see how the Holy Spirit is moving at this moment in the Church, in my life and through the witness of others. Come Holy Spirit; come and renew the face of the earth.
-Laurie Archbold
I need to share the vision I had during the last Mass. It was just before communion. I looked up to the windows and the sky was blue with clouds. The clouds took the shape of a large dove, then I saw a circular face like Jesus - like a host with his face within. Then the clouds appeared to have the image of an old man's face, as you see God the Father pictured at times. I sensed it to be the Holy Trinity. I felt total peace and love of the Holy Trinity. The whole weekend was the Catholic Church united together in praise and love of our Awesome God.
The experience was like a bath in warm water. Surrender and immerse in the Spirit so that He can carry you from where you are to where He needs you to be. Praise God!
-Deacon Jack LaValla
It was a great time to remember who we are, and where we should be going as a church. The words which spoke to me were: faithfulness, unity, surrender and witness. Also a phrase, “Say not you are too old, God has things for all believers to do. May we follow the Holy Spirit in humility and zeal.
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the United States is beginning a NINE YEAR NOVENA starting this coming Pentecost 2024, leading up to the 2,000th anniversary of the Pentecost! Each year is dedicated to prayer for the renewal of different elements of the Church and the world. You can learn more about that novena, as well as the Holy Spirit 2024 Conference in St. Paul, at: pentecosttodayusa.org
Susan Windley-Daoust is the Director of Missionary Discipleship for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester