3 minute read
RCS Spreads Joy Through Operation One More
Submitted by KAT BESTOR
ROCHESTER - Hundreds of Rochester families in need are receiving an extra dose of holiday cheer thanks to Operation One More, a volunteer food program supported by Rochester Catholic Schools, where each of their five Early Preschool - Grade 12 schools plays an integral role.
As Mother Teresa once said, "If you can't feed one hundred people, then feed just one." Operation One More embodies this spirit of making a meaningful impact, with a commitment to making a difference one family at a time.
Six years ago, the idea to launch Operation One More was first brought to St. Francis of Assisi School by RCS Parent, Stephanie Collura, who has always had a deep passion to serve others.
Where better to share that passion than Rochester Catholic Schools, where the spirit of service is an integral part of students’ educational journey?
“Aside from bringing aid to families with young children during the holiday season, my overarching goal has always been to raise awareness among our youth and instill a desire to be helpful and socially aware citizens in our community,” Stephanie said.
Over the past six years, the organization’s overall reach has increased from supporting 35 food-insecure families to now assisting 164 families - more than 800 Rochester residents in all.
Participation has also grown exponentially! Food is now collected at all five RCS schools and three of the area Catholic churches over the course of several months.
The drive includes students in every step of the process from the organization to the coordination to the execution of the project:
• Elementary students gather food needed in the food drives;
• 8th grade students pack the grocery bags using care and precision, ensuring that every family receives the same essentials;
• High school students help with transportation and sorting of non-perishable food items;
• High school students in Faith Formation for Confirmation participate in hand delivering the groceries.
Depending on the family size, each family receives anywhere from one to three bags of groceries. In addition, families also receive bread, milk, and a $25 gift card to a local grocery store to be used toward the protein of their choice.
The incredible collaboration and support from all school principals and the RCS community has helped make Operation One More more successful each year. Thank you to all who have made this initiative possible, and for helping us spread cheer to Rochester residents in need.
How can YOU (Rochester community members) help? The organization has a goal of raising $4,100 to be used for the purchase of $25 grocery gift cards for each family. Any money raised beyond that will go toward supplemental non-perishables and the purchase of milk. Checks made payable to "Operation One More" may be dropped off at Lourdes High School or Venmo @operation1more
Kat Bestor is the marketing & communications manager for Rochester Catholic Schools.