2 minute read
'Beloved Son'
'Beloved Son'
Michael Churchill Ordained to Transitional Diaconate
WINONA--On Friday, June 11, 2021, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Michael Churchill was ordained a deacon by Most Rev. John M. Quinn, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona.
The ordination marks another step toward priesthood for Deacon Michael, a Dexter native who attended St. Finbarr Parish in Grand Meadow while growing up. In 2015, he entered Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona after previous studies at Viterbo University. From Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, he advanced to Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI.
In his homily at the ordination, Bishop Quinn recounted a recent family baptism, at which the baby received an adoring welcome from relatives who had not seen each other in person for some time. He compared this to the welcome God had in store for Michael upon his ordination to the diaconate. "From the time you came into the Churchill family ... They looked upon you with love. Imagine, through all of that, the joy of God, who was also holding you, examining you, and waiting for you through all eternity. You know, God's a mystery to us, but we're not a mystery to God. God knows us intentionally and with love. "...And the Lord has been waiting, Michael, for you to come with your gifts and your heart, and to allow the Heart of Christ to so fill you with love and courage that there would be a boldness that says, 'Lord, with my shortcomings, with all the times I've stumbled, with my mistakes, but also with my gifts, with the hope You've put in me because You've redeemed me each time - I'm ready, Lord, to put my life at Your service and to be a deacon, a man of service, as I prepare for the priesthood, and to care for Your people with the very heart with which You've cared for your people from the beginning of time.' "Michael, the world wants to say to you, 'Hold off. There's changes that may come about in the culture that none of us can anticipate.' The Church itself, as we know, has been through many changes. But God is constant. God is eternal. Don't allow your heart to be disturbed. "...He has bathed you in His grace. He's given you a family, and brothers in the ministry, and a bishop and deacons, all to say, 'We don't do it alone. But with you, Lord, we can accomplish great things for the kingdom of God.' ... Don't be afraid, Michael. The Lord, when He calls people, will never abandon them. He will give you more of His grace to carry out His mission ... You're his child, and, even more, a beloved son in Jesus Christ, and, one day, His priest... Live that identity - the beloved son who knows the promise of the Father and can share it with his brothers and sisters. God bless you, Michael, and know of the love of all of us here today as we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart and ordain you to the servanthood of Jesus Christ."
Deacon Michael Churchill will serve at Resurrection Parish in Rochester over this summer and return to seminary to complete his studies in the fall. God willing, he will be ordained a priest for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester next summer.