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A New Season - A Call to Respond
April marks the start of a new evangelization season, when our St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) teams join together to pray with people in the public square. For those who haven’t heard of the apostolate, SPSE is a grassroots, non-profit Catholic evangelization organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. We do this in a non-confrontational way, allowing the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of those who witness our public Catholic presence. SPSE was founded in 2012 and we have had teams in the Winona-Rochester Diocese since 2015. Our local diocesan team members have talked to and prayed with thousands of people and have even experienced some miraculous healings. You can find out more about the apostolate at streetevangelization.com.
When out on the streets, the evangelists of SPSE share the hope that is in them so that the world sees the salvation of God through the Church that He founded. We don’t evangelize because we have done any great thing, but because God has done a great work in us, and, for that, we are humbled. A person does not need to be a theologian or apologist to be an effective evangelist. That person only needs to have a heart for Jesus Christ and His Church and be willing to share that with others.
I am the Regional Missionary for SPSE in this area and I can help you get involved or learn more. I’m available for talks and trainings on evangelizations for any group, whether you are looking for basic ways to share your faith in your everyday life,
you’d like to attend a basic evangelization training, or you want to join one of our teams on an outing. Our local teams have dates set up from April through October when we will be by the Mayo Clinic and there are also opportunities to join other outings with teams in the Diocese. Sometimes, thinking about sharing your faith out loud can seem like it would be uncomfortable or impossible, but in reality it is a beautiful experience to minister to God’s people and the Lord provides the graces needed. Mother Teresa put it very simply: “To evangelize means that you have Jesus in your heart, and then you carry him to the hearts of others”.
Get ready to join thousands of Catholics across the country who are taking their faith into the world! Contact me and I will help you get started: deb@ stpaulse.com or 507-271-1737.
Deb McManimon is the Midwest Regional Director for St. Paul Street Evangelization.