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Graduates, Stand Firm in Christ!
Rejoice in Hope
Bishop John M. Quinn
Dear Friends in Christ,
Graduation and Bearing Witness to Our Faith
Late spring marks the end of another academic year, when we congratulate our graduating high school and college seniors and send them out into the world with our love, prayers, and support. The last two years have not been easy; last spring, students had to suddenly adjust to distance learning and this year they navigated a combination of in-person, hybrid, and/or distance learning, all while observing many protocols. Yet through it all they persevered and are now graduating and moving onto the next step of their life.

Those graduating in 2021 will face a culture that has become ever more hostile to truths about human nature, and religious freedom. As our high school and college graduates head into the world, we pray that they may ground their lives in the Good News of Jesus Christ, and stay close to Him and His Church. In the Easter season, we are reminded that our God can overcome the most seemingly insurmountable obstacles, including death. May we all draw our hope and strength from the Risen Lord and joyfully live out our faith, standing firm on the Rock that is Jesus Christ.
Despite the many difficulties in both our world and the Church, the Lord continues to call forth men and women to dedicate their lives to a deeper relationship with Him, and to serve Him and His Church. Jesus lived the vocation of celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of God, and through every age men and women have embraced the vocation of the priesthood and consecrated life, by which they lay down their lives for Christ and in service to their brothers and sisters.
The priesthood and consecrated life have always been countercultural in a world that esteems wealth, power, sex, and personal autonomy. By freely offering their lives to Christ, priests and consecrated men and women proclaim that what the world considers important cannot compare with the riches of an enduring relationship with Christ, which finds its ultimate fulfillment in heaven.
However, the call of Christ is often quiet and subtle and easily drowned out in our world of noise and distractions. Media, entertainment, sports, academics, relationships, and many activities all vie for one’s attention. We are to accompany our young people – and lead by example – by taking time for silence and prayer. Our Triune God has initiated an intimate relationship with each one of us. He invites from us a free and loving response.
For our young people facing many choices at the threshold of their lives, encourage them to consider how the Lord is working in their lives. Help them to encounter Christ in the sacraments and prayer so that they may come to have a deeper relationship with our Triune God. Finally, pray that He will reveal to them His will for their lives and that they may have the courage to say yes to the call to lay down their lives for Him in joyful surrender. Diaconal Ordination
This year, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester is blessed to have a young man who will be ordained to the transitional diaconate, and, God-willing, will be ordained to the priesthood in 2022. On June 11, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I will ordain Michael Churchill to the Order of Deacon. His ordination will be at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona at 2:00 p.m. Due to COVID restrictions, only a limited number of people will be able to attend in person, but the Mass will be livestreamed and available for viewing online. Please keep Michael in your prayers as he prepares for ordination and enters his final year of formation. Mass for Consecrated Life
On May 21, I will celebrate our annual Mass for Consecrated Life, in order to thank and pray for all the consecrated men and women in the Diocese of WinonaRochester. In February we were able to observe the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life but were not able to have a large gathering afterwards. This month, I look forward to welcoming all the consecrated men and women in the diocese to the Cathedral for a special Mass and luncheon. Our diocese is blessed by the presence of many consecrated men and women who radiate the joy of serving Christ in both active and contemplative life, and it is always a privilege to gather with them for prayer and fellowship.
Evangelization Retreats
Do you desire to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, in your parish, your workplace, to friends, and the broader community? Are you unsure about how to go about the work of evangelization or do you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of proclaiming your faith to a world that is often indifferent or hostile to Christianity? Do you feel alone in your yearning to grow closer to Christ and develop Christ-centered friendships? If so, then I would encourage you to sign up for one of this summer’s evangelization retreats, held on the eastern and western ends of the diocese.
These retreats will focus on the importance of spiritual friendship, both with Christ and others. It is not uncommon that those who deeply desire to live out their faith and share it with others face hostility, ridicule, and rejection, leading to discouragement and loneliness. It is important that we who are part of the Body of Christ forge and maintain strong relationships firstly with Christ and also with our brothers and sisters in Christ, who can strengthen and encourage us in our faith and work of evangelization.
T h e evangelization retreats will be held June 18-20, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, and August 13-15, at Shalom Hill Farm near Windom. Retreat leaders will be Fr. Jeff Dobbs and Dr. Susan WindleyDaoust (east) and Fr. Jonathan Fasnacht and Dr. Deb McManomon (west). Participants can either stay overnight or commute, and the current state / diocesan COVID protocols at that time will be in place. For more information, you can contact Susan Windley-Daoust at swindley@dowr.org or 507858-1277. This retreat is a wonderful opportunity for both new and veteran evangelists to grow in fellowship, prayer, and knowledge of how to more effectively spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in southern Minnesota. Blessed are you!
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Rev. John M. Quinn
Bishop of Winona-Rochester