1 minute read
Holy Spirit Alive Conference November 12-13
Susan Windley-Daoust, director of Missionary Discipleship, swindley@dowr.org
The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is hosting its inaugural Holy Spirit Alive conference, dedicated to sharing the gospel with speakers influenced by charismatic spirituality.
The idea for this conference began with the work of the Lumen Christi prayer group in Rochester, which had been offering conferences and retreats for those interested in charismatic spirituality. As charismatic renewal prayer groups have grown in number in the diocese, and the success of those conferences was undeniable, the diocese decided to offer an annual conference with the support of Lumen Christi and other prayer groups in the diocese. This conference is housed in the Office of Missionary Discipleship, and planned by Dcn. John Hust (moderator for Charismatic Renewal) and Susan Windley-Daoust (Director, Missionary Discipleship).
Our first speaker is Barbara Heil, executive director of From His Heart Ministries and an international missionary. Some of you may have heard of her because she just spoke at the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary! Barbara has a dramatic conversion story, a life of Church planting and international mission as a Pentecostal minister. But then, a friend gave her a book by Teresa of Avila. And then, to her surprise, she encountered the Lord in eucharistic adoration. She was received into the Catholic Church soon after that. She is passionate about how we as Catholics can better share the gospel overseas and on our own streets. You don't want to miss her witness, encouragement, and instruction! The conference is capped by a healing service Saturday night, to which all people are welcome.
We are grateful to St. Theodore's Church in Albert Lea for hosting this conference! Register today on the Diocese of Winona-Rochester website: scroll down and it is under "events."