3 minute read
A Daily Examen for Missionary Disciples
The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
-Matthew 6:22-23
How do we better see the opportunities God places before us to share his hope and good news? We learn to see them through an examen.
A daily general examen is a beloved prayer from Ignatian spirituality. It is meant to be 15-20 minutes of your day, usually in the evening: you place your day before God and look for where he was especially close, and how you responded to his presence. It is meant to draw one to awareness of sin but it is also meant to draw one to the goodness of God–the graces of the day. Many consider praying the general examen daily, or even two or three times a day, to be one of the most life-changing prayer practices you can embrace. In the end, you gain a beautiful, new awareness of God’s mercy and presence in your life.
This examen for disciples on mission is a “particular examen” - a deliberate focus on one aspect of your life and discipleship. It is meant to help a person grow in awareness of “divine appointments” scattered throughout the day, as opportunities to express God’s love and share the good news. If you wish to grow in this area, consider praying through these questions slowly and deliberately on a daily basis.
Create a silent space for the Lord, and begin with asking the Holy Spirit to help illumine your day.
Then ask yourself:
• Did I begin the day with prayer? Did I invite the Holy Spirit into my life today?
• Where did I encounter Jesus Christ... this morning? this afternoon? this evening?
• Did I sense God’s hand in a particular manner today–a conversation, a sight?
• Was there an opportunity, a “divine appointment,” to share God’s love and message of hope that I caught? If so, I give God thanks for the opportunity to share his love.
• Was there a "divine appointment" that I missed? If so, I ask God for eyes to see tomorrow’s opportunity.
• Did I have an opportunity to accompany someone in their walk of faith?
• Was I able to join my love for Jesus Christ with the people of God through participation in the the mass? Or a “spiritual communion”? In family prayer, or communal prayer?
• Did I seek a person with whom to share Jesus’ love and compassion today, especially someone in need?
• Did I fall from God’s moral will for me?
• Where did I say yes to the Lord today?
End with a closing prayer: of repentance if needed, of gratitude for the Lord’s love, and a recommitment to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Blessings on your prayer and growth in discipleship!
Susan Windley-Daoust is the Director of Missionary Discipleship for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.