Repp Magazine - Issue One

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spring/summer 2017

issue one

Bobo Matjila The Multi-Faceted Girl on fire

m eet K ei t h J ac ob s We talk about the inspiration be-

Me e t fat ima Fa r me r

me e t da ry l jo hns on

Motivational life coach and YouTuber, Photographer, Daryl Johson is a creative

hind his music, future aspirations,

Fatima Farmer talks about her faith,

force to be reckon with. He shares his

and more with this R&B singer.

staying inspired and more.

inspirations, his style & more.

Photography by Diona Renee 2

Representation The desc r ip tio n o f o r po r traya l o f s o m eo n e o r so m ething in a pa r tic ul a r way o r a s bein g o f a cer ta in n ature.

About us No one can tell our stories better than we can. our voices, our lives, and our art-forms matter. representation shapes our culture and influences the world around us. Which is why it is ims e nd us yo ur s ubmis s io ns portant that we’re seen. Wanna be featured in the next issue of

Who are we?

Repp Magazine? Shoot us an email:

Repp Magazine is an online mag providing a space for black creatives to express, connect, and share their art with the world. It is important that we see ourselves in these spaces, showing that we do exist and we’re not going anywhere. not only for ourselves but, for future generations to come. Let’s Repp! __________________________________


What’s Inside?

photographer: Bobo Matjila // necklace: Sriah Designs


08 14 20

Yasmeen souffrant


9 Books by black authors you must read


Daryl johnson


bobo matjila


Keith jacobs


Fatima Farmer

Kenya meon Weird and wonderful


CONTRIBUTORS D i ona b a l la r d ( ed i to r - i n - c h i ef ) Diona Renee always had a passion for black creatives. She noticed that there are many black creatives that do not receive the accolades they deserve and should be showcased on larger scale platforms. With determination, she decided to create a space to showcase black creatives and reveal that we do indeed exist. Diona loves photography, reading, and traveling.

K i m b e r ly lond on ( c r eati v e D i r ec to r ) Kimberly has a passion for content creation and visual arts and is currently a motivational blogger and Youtube. She too is a black creative that has a passion for uplifting her community.

T i e r r a Lond on ( L i f esty l e & N ew s Ed i t o r ) Tierra London currently attends the University of Memphis. She has a passion for helping young women, writing, traveling, and being the light in a world that’s so dark. She says that her passion for writing is healing her. Her relationship with Christ is what she loves, and He means the world to her.

A m a nda Jone s ( Mu si c w r i ter & Cont r i b u t or ) Amanda Jones is a young black creative from Tennessee. She loves music and painting and hopes to one day become an art therapist/professional barber.



“ D u r ing t im es of s tr uggl e, yo ur a r t is yo ur greates t gif t.”


elcome to the very first issue of Repp Magazine! I’m so excited that the

vision God gave me six months ago is finally coming to fruition and it’s here! I want Repp to not only be a magazine but, a movement. A movement that says, “Hey, this OUR space and OUR stories and OUR art and we’re oh, so proud of it.” In a world where we’re constantly being misrepresented in media and just everyday life, it’s extremely important that we see ourselves in realistic and positive spaces. We cannot always depend on other places to recognize that greatness. In times of struggle, your art is your greatest gift. No one can take that away from you. So creatives, NEVER stop creating. Never stop dreaming. Never stop living life with purpose. We truly appreciate every person who’s ever clicked a link, liked a picture, or even read this magazine. You’re amazing. We’re just a bunch of people who love creatives and want to uplift and encourage everyone. Thanks for supporting the little guys, we love you! LIKE SERIOUSLY!

Diona Renee D iona Re n e e B a l l a rd twitter/ig: @dionarenee



M e e t Ya s m e e n s o u f f r a n t Yasme e n S ouf f ra nt i s a t we nt y •o n e ye a r o l d i l l u strator, p a i nte r, a nd d i gi ta l a r ti s t fro m M o ntre a l, Cana d a . G e t to k n ow th i s a r ti s t o n th e r i s e !

Ythatasmeen first thought she wanted to be

She immersed herself in the basics of graphic design and illustration while simultaneously working student jobs and studying full time. She eventually left nursing school to pursue her dream of being a graphic designer and a brand owner full time. “Today, I am now studying Arts and Design at University, in Canada while building my brand in a more professional way. I am also planning on doing a graduate program in the future.” Yasmeen says.

a fashion designer, and started out just drawing clothes. But, little did she know that that passion would birth a new creative art form for herself. Canadian native and Haitian artist, Yasmeen Souffrant is a girl with ambition. She speaks fluent French, English, Creole, and Spanish. She started participating in small exhibitions and noticed people were very interested in her work, so much they were making purchases. “I was so surprised, because I was always told that I cannot make money out of my art and that I needed a real career,” She says.

Currently, Yasmeen is freelancing and still in the learning process of getting her brand to the next level. She hopes that by the end of the year she’ll be able to open her online shop. 8


Yas meen S ouf f r ant/r epp maga zin e

“M y inspiratio n is the wo r l d. I fin d my in s piratio n a bit ever y w h ere.” Yasmeen manages to find inspiration in everything. Whether big or small. “My main source of inspiration is the world. I find my inspiration a bit everywhere. Here and there on social media. Here and there on the streets, at uni, at the mall. Human beings are my main source of inspiration.” Diversity and womanhood are two things that she frequently portrays in her work. “I am a part of feminist groups and blogs. I read a lot of articles and sometimes I write some.” She believes that in order to have a constant stream of fresh ideas, she has to know what’s going on in the world. So when being uninspired she likes to read and look at art. 10

“S ome peo pl e have a sk ed m e w hy do I draw a l o t o f bl a c k peo p l e. I sim p l y a nswer by say in g to th em “B ec a us e Wh o Wil l ?” Yasmeen, like us here at Repp, agree that representation is very important. “I realized how much it was, especially by studying and working in visual communications. Some people have asked me why do I draw a lot of black people. I simply answer by saying to them because who will? As a kid I was always drawing white people and I realized it was because this was all I knew. I never thought once of drawing an Asian, an Indian character, or a black angel because to me, angels were white and let’s be honest, everything was white.” “As a kid I was never able to indentify what it was I was seeing and I, as many children, end up being conditioned by what I saw. What we see as the norm. We have to look like the norm. We have to have lighter skin and straighter hair. I remember I was crying when I had to go to school with my afro, when we did not have the time to use relaxer the day before, after taking my braids out. This is how powerful images are. I was given the talent and the ability to represent what I see and how I feel through art. Don’t get me wrong, I am not bragging. Everybody has that power. You have to be the change you want to see. “








M e e t K e n ya M e o n K enya M e on i s a t we nt y •f i ve ye a r o l d l i fe s t y l e p h o to graph er b a se d i n At l a nt a . We ta l k a b o u t h e r p a s s i o n fo r photogra p hy a n d h ow s h e s tays i n s pi re d.


riginally from a small town, Ir-

later found out that being behind

winton, Georgia twenty•five year old

the camera was indeed the path that

Kenya says that while growing up she

she should take. “I had fallen in love

didn’t have much artistic influence liv-

with with the visual displays in which

ing in what most consider to be the

clothing had been presented to me in

“deep south.” “I had to find my own

the past through photographs, com-

through various magazines and on

mercials, and advertisements. It’s one

the web. Despite people telling me it

thing to be part of the process either

would be a waste, I went to art school

as a model, hairstylist, or fashion de-

at SCAD Atlanta and came to know my-

signer but it becomes a whole new

self without restraint and really dove

realm when you become the one cap-

into developing my craft. I’m currently

turing the magic.”

building my portfolio and looking to soon work with some local brands,”

Kenya best describes her style of pho-

She says.

tography as simply, realistic, in the sense that much of her work doesn’t

Kenya’s love of photography began

have heavy direction. “Most of my

when she was about five or six years

shoots are very “free” and “chill.” She

old. “My grandmother and auntie had

says. “If I have to put it (her photog-

somewhat of a collection of books and

raphy style) in a category I would call

magazines filled with images of interior

it lifestyle. I enjoy capturing people’s

design aesthetic, well arranged food,

most natural and genuine moments

travel, and fashions from around the

whether they’re in their studio working

world.” As she grew older and devel-

doing what they love or sharing a laugh

oped her own personal style of dress

over coffee. I’ve always been a really

she began collecting magazines of her

quiet person and most times people

own. Nylon was one her favorite maga-

just assume that I’m shy, but I’m actu-

zines. Kenya orignally thought that a

ally very observant. I pay close

career in fashion was her purpose. She


K enya meon/r epp magaz i ne

“Representation to me is pretty important because we’re pretty lit to be honest. But more seriously, I’m in an industry where people are still getting used to there being a black girl with puffy hair behind the camera. As disheartening

“R e p re s e nt at io n a s a b l a c k c rea-

as that sounds it’s always good to rememeber that we are

ti ve, i s i mp o r ta nt to m e bec aus e

constantly influencing one another through our adversities

we’re p re t t y l it to b e ho nes t.”

other’s quest makes it just a little easier to be confident in

and our accomplishments. Being able to relate to one anour goals.” Like many creatives, Kenya sometimes finds herself comparing herself to other artist. “I still struggle with this, but

attention to the details in people’s demeanor for instance,

not as bad as before. I’m learning to accept that yes, thou-

the difference in a person’s eyes when they are smiling be-

sands of people have the same interest as me and yes, many

cause there’s a camera in their face versus smiling trying not

of those people are extremely gifted, but none of them are

to laugh at something amusing that the two of us shared.”

quite like me and God did that for a reason.”

Kenya has a passion for righting wrongs, and hopes to start

Her time management skills are impeccable. She uses to-do

more projects geared towards social injustices within the

list, mood boards, planners to get her life organized.

city of Atlanta. “This city comes with its own unique set of politics and with so many people of different backgrounds,

Follow kenya on instagram

lifestyles, and talents coming in, its constantly evolving. I want to ultimately start my own lifestyle magazine featuring local artist and the problems they solve all through creating.




Wanna Be Featured? Feel free to send us anything you like. (Art related of course) We want you to be in the next issue of Repp magazine! (no, but seriously submit) Visit our website @ and read the requirments

can’t wait to feature you!! 19

weird and wonderful these dynamic ladies are representing for the alternative kids who’ve never fit in written by amanda jones

This Month’s issue is all about representation and here are a few black women Who represent us very well in different ways through music.


Solange. Solange. Expresses her soulfulness, and funk inspirations through her music and videos. She is as bold as they come. She is one that best represents those “Afrocentric,” girls who knew they live with a purpose or calling showing her uniqueness with a passion. Never seems to be bothered by comments against her interests, and expresses her blackness to the highest levels even if those around her may feel uneasy. She gives us the modernized 60s/70s era right before our eyes. She is a visual master, and quite outspoken with her opinions, and views on life. If you consider yourself a trendsetter, a bit flashy, and woke all simultaneously then this afro babe is up your alley.

solange Falls in the genre of Neo Soul/Alternative R&B and is one that represents all the beautifully made shy girls out there in the world, Quiet, but so profound in her works of art. She shows her most hurtful, exciting, and romantic moments with us. Many have considered her work on


“unraveling,” she takes us through vulnerably moments and showing her awareness of her own issues through her lyrics. Her style is very down to earth not too flashy, but never plain enough to go unnoticed to her fans. If sensitivity, big sweaters, and converses make up most of your life then this is definitely in your realm of things.

Twigs is basically an extravaganza of weirdness embodied within one. She is all about the future introducing us to the world of Trip hop and the experimental music genre. As an individual she seems to have endless visuals and ideas beyond belief stuck in her intriguing mind and refuses to keep them within even if it is a bit farfetched for some viewers. She has many talents under her belt, and shows them flawlessly every chance she gets. She falls with those girls that are openly different and

fka twigs

take criticism well, lives her life without others validation, and goes against all the things that are considered the norm. If you love to experiment with different looks, considered wild or untamed, and live in your own reality then this, woman of oddities, is of your nature.

Conclusion: These women have that weird factor in which makes them greater than the norm. They stand out in their own ways and just give some individuals in society someone who can represent them.Relating to one another fan by

fan. Which one are you more like?


9 books by black authors to to read this summer


Words of a wanderer by Alex elle (2013) A beautiful book, full of self affirmations and notes. Author, Alex Elle wrote this book to remind us that indeed not all who wander are lost; some are simply still finding their way.


3 4

The New Jim Crow Michelle alexander (2010) Once in a great while a book comes along that changes the way we see the world and helps to fuel a nationwide social movement. The New Jim Crow is such a book.

we should all be feminist chimamanda ngozi adichie (2014) Chimamanda offers readers a unique definition of feminism for the twenty-first century, one rooted in inclusion and awareness. Drawing from her own experiences and her deep understanding of the often masked realities of sexual politics, this is one remarkable author’s exploration of what it means to be a woman now—and an of-the-moment rallying cry for why we should all be feminists.

God help the child Toni morrison (2015) The prolific Toni Morrison returned this year with her first novel set in the current time. The book details a young woman who realizes the way a child is treated has a significant impact on who that child will become in adulthood.


From faith, ar t, and ac ti v i s m , th e s e a m a zin g b ooks a re m u s t re ad s th is s u mme r

6 7 8 9

Queen sugar Natalie Baszile (2015) In this novel, protagonist Charley unexpectedly inherits eight hundred acres of sugarcane land. She and her eleven-year-old daughter move from Los Angeles to Louisiana for the land but soon realizes that cane farming is still a white man’s business as she struggles to balance farm upkeep and her own desires.

Un-Ashamed lecrae (2016) Unashamed is a remarkable testimony of God’s boundless love, and the power of the Gospel to change lives. Grammy and Dove award-winning rap artist Lecrae has faced his share of hard knocks on the road to healing and wholeness in Christ. A childhood survivor of abuse, he struggled throughout his young adulthood with drug use, alcoholism, STDs, and suicidal feelings. Transformed by God’s love and forgiveness, Lecrae now shares his life openly in his music.

I’m Judging You Luuvie Ajayi (2016) Passing on lessons and side-eyes on life, social media, culture and fame, addressing those terrible friends we all have to serious discussions of race and media representation, blogger, Luuvie Ajayi’s book is the handbook the world needs, doling out the hard truths and a road map for bringing some “act right” into our lives.

Vintage black glamour nichelle gainer (2014) Black women, who have historically been ignored by mainstream media, are in the spotlight of Nichelle Gainer’s long-awaited treasure trove of historic photographs and insightful biographies of famous actors, dancers, writers and entertainers.



Meet Daryl Johnson With a sha r p eye fo r po tra its a n d l a n ds c a pe pho to gra phy, Da r yl Jo h n s o n is a n eighteen yea r o l d pho to gra pher fro m Da l l a s, Texa s m a k in g h is mark.


aryl Johnson is currently a fresh-

Daryl’s main goal like most people, is

men at The University of Knoxville. He

graduating college. But, as far as his

originally wanted to attend a school of

artform he has many goals, short and

arts to study cinematography and also

long. “I want to have an image used by

a professional photographer. “Astute”

ESPN, which I was blessed to accom-

[meaning the ability to notice and un-

plish last semester.” He also hopes to

derstand things clearly; mentally sharp

shoot a cover for a Spring magazine,

or clever] is the inspiration behind his

which printed recently. He also hopes

company, Astute Lenz. “I was gifted a

to release his very own book. (Which

camera at the age of sixteen and was

is coming soon.) “Honestly, it’s all in

given the opportunity to shoot for my

Gods hands. He’s been blessing me

church.” He says. But, shooting in the

with things I could never ask for, so I

same location every week with limited

leave it all unto Him.

lighting helped Daryl grow and explore his creativity much further and make

A personal challenge that Daryl has

church look more interesting.

faced is limitation of equipment. “You learn to work around it and find things.

He loves to take candids and street

Limitations are the number one reason

photography. “I love capturing genuine

I seperate myself from other photog-

emotion more then poses.” During his

raphers, it made me very technical and

shoots, Daryl says he likes to play mu-

made it necessary for me to master all

sic and talk to them to get “real laughs

of my skills.

and expressions.”



daryl johnson/repp magazine

Scheduling his shoots a couple months in advance so he can plan his weeks around what’s going on is how Daryl stays organzied and manages his time. “I schedule my classes in a way that I have time to breathe and make time if need be when things creep up on me.”

Daryl’s favorite subject matter to shoot is people. “I love people and traveling. I recently traveled to Sierra Leone in December and loved photographing the beautiful culture and atmosphere of the people there.

Representation means alot to Daryl. “It’s apart of who we are. Part of why we express ourselves a certain way and makes up a good deal of where our inspiration comes from. (What’s around us.”) As someone who prides himself in quality images as well as “astute” professionalism, it’s no surprise that this photog will continue to go far. Watch out world for Daryl Johnson!


“I t ’s [representation] a par t of who we are. Par t of why we express ourselves a cer tain way..”


daryl johnson/repp magazine

Follow Daryl on instagram 28

da ry l joh nson




Meet Bobo Matjila How do we describe Bobo Matjila in three words? Bold, Unique, and Brilliant. A powerhouse for this generation, Bobo has a voice and she’s using it for the greater good and with amazing style. Get to know this influencer. 32


Bobo Matjila/repp magazine

I found fashion to be the most effortless way for me to express the different parts of me.” As far as photography, that love is fairly new. “I moved to New York last summer and could not find a reliable photographer. So naturally, I decided to just take my own pictures.” Improving her technique consistently despite a few bad shots in the beginning, she found herself enjoying it more. “So far, I’ve been self-shooting for seven months, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Bobo actually shot every image featured in this issue of Repp Magazine, as well as the cover. She best describes her style of photography as “visual escapism.” In a world where black women are often depicted as one-dimensional beings, Bobo’s art is changing that angle. “I like to use my photography as a way of re-imagining black, African, woman-hood in a more whimsical, gentler way than we’re used to. “ Representation is extremely important to Bobo she explains further by saying, “Representation is everything! I’m really invested in cultural specificity, so I think it’s massively important that we define cultures on their own absolute terms, and not in relation to pre-defined norm (i.e. whiteness/Eurocentric cultures on their own absolute terms...”

“I like to use my photography as a way of retart a Youtube Channel including tips on photog- imagining black, African, woman-hood in a more whimsical, gentler way than we’re used to. “ raphy, fashion, and inspo. Check. Begin a podcast and co-host “Afrolit” where she talks feminism as well as who should pay on the first date and inspires her listeners from all over. Check. Learn photogra- Bobo’s hobbies include: reading, philosophy, and perhaps phy and master the art of self-portraits in seven reading books about philosophy. “I’m really obsessed with months. Check. Last thing on the list, garner a fol- astronomy and all things outerspace. I’m also an introvert, so lowing of 17K followers on Instagram and be a self- my favorite thing to do is just stay in and read a philosophy made influencer. Mmm. Also check. Get to know this book or something.” She reads at least two books a week. creative!


Now on to Afrolit, a podcast hosted by Bobo and Ekua MamSouth African influencer, Bobo Matjila is the girl who does

baza. Birthed in November 2016 they talk about a range of

it all while being confident and stylish. She embodies what

topics from colorism to feminism all while giving honest per-

being a creative is. “I honestly feel like I’ve been and artist

spectives and solid advice. “We just wanted to create a space

since I hopped out the womb.” she says. “I’ve been creating

where we could have open, and intimate dialogue about all

since my Mom bought me my first paint set when I was six.

the topics that intersect with Black/African womanhood that

The only thing that changes is my medium of expression,

are usually left out of mainstream media.” She says that the

but ever since I could remember, I’ve always gravitated to-

podcast can be light-hearted and silly, or political and intel-

wards art and I’ve always felt most at home when I was creat-

lectual. Scan the link below to listen to the Afrolit podcast.

ing.” Moving to a new city was just the inspiration that Bobo needed to to spark a passion for fashion. “I felt it was the perfect opportunity to “re-brand” myself, and as I was navigating my identify,


Listen to Afrolit here




ne of Bobo’s biggest difficulties, like most creatives, is

It’s important that we see ourselves in spaces that are not

saying “no.” “This is something that I struggle with because

just assumptions or pre-notions of what a group of people

I’m a people-pleaser, but I’ve had to learn the hard way that

might be like. We are not a monolith. We’re beautiful and

there’s not enough time or energy in the world to please eve-

diverse even within our own cultures and that’s okay, as long

ryone.” Often times, artist have a hard time demanding pay-

as we’re all represented the way we’re supposed to. Bobo

ment or they’ll work for free until they feel like their “good

wrapped up the conversation best by saying, “I feel like this

enough.” She says, “I realized that I’ll never truly feel like I’ve

is what representation does: It helps us to self-narrate our

reached my peak because creativity is infinite. Hence, why I

identities, and tell our own stories, which in turn helps al-

need to constantly remind myself that my time, artistry, and

leviate harmful stereotypes and cultural/ethnic hierarchies.”

creativity is valuable and therefore, not free.” Time management is also very important for creatives. Organizing time

“I need to constantly remind myself that my time, artistry, and creativity is valuable and therefore, not free.”

for your art form while simultaneously making sure that you have a social life or making sure your mental health is in check can be some what of a daunting task. Bobo is still in the process of learning this challenge. “I’m a Gemini, so there’s always a million things running through my mind, which makes it hard to organize my time.” She says that putting her phone on airplane mode for six hours has

Ten years from now Bobo is declaring that she’ll still be a

helped her become more productive.

content creator but on a greater scale. She wants to be a host, and director.producer of fashion films, music videos, and digital/tv shows. “Ultimately, my biggest dream is to

“Make decisions from a space of abundance, not fear.”

publish an existential philosophy book, so in ten years, that shuld be in the works. I’m speaking it into existence!”

Inspiration is everywhere, depending on the person. Some find it in books, others find it nature, some, like Bobo, find it in stimulating conversation. “As long as my mind is stimulated, I’m inspired. If I’m feeling uninspired, I just chill. Trying to force inspiration is counter-productive, so I just go occupy myself with something else.” She says. Bobo’s advice for creatives trying to make it as successful creatives would ultimately be to be fearless! “Make decisions from a space of abundance, not fear. It’s easy to fall into the trap of making decisions out of fear, but nothing good comes from that. Instead, take a leap of faith and LISTEN to your intuition. Your intuition always operates from a space of abundance and truth, not fear.” So what’s in the near future? “World domination!!” She says

Follow Bobo on instagram

lightheartedly. Bobo hopes to expand into video/tv hosting and production all while continuing growing her platform. Definitely a plausible goal for this talented creative!



Meet Keith Jacobs H o u sto n nat ive, K eith Ja co b’s vel vet y vo ice over t ra p - l ik e beats is s ure to get yo u m ov in g. G et to k now t his t a l ented c reative o n th e r is e.


“It’s a true story. Throughout the project, I found that being honest and sharing my story was the best therapy. My hope is that the listeners can appreciate the transparency and vulnerability that comes from the ups and downs of relationships - and I’m okay with putting myself out there if it can help someone get to the other side.“ He cites some of his inspirations as Prince, Michael Jackson, and Bruno Mars.

usic has always been pretty important in Keith’s life. “For me, it started simply with my dad introducing me to some of the greats; Sam Cooke, Donny Hathaway, and Curtis Mayfield just to name a few all while riding through the city in his white ‘92 Corvette.” says Keith. That inspiration and drive (no pun intended) is the very thing that would fuel Keith to his future in music, today. He best describes his genre as “RnB Trap Music.” The inspiration behind his music comes from real life experiences and lessons. Keith’s EP, “Still Tippin’” was realeased in November 2016 and charted on RnB charts only further proving how talented he is. When asked the inspiration behind “Still Tippin’” and “Shame on you” he says,

This EP is the most Keith’s grown and the most transparent he’s ever been on a record. “This body of work has helped me embrace my artisty and creatively share my story - my life through music.”



K e ith jaco b s/r epp magaz i ne

Keith isn’t easily swayed by any particular accolades or what is perceived as such. The highlight of his career is his EP, “Still Tippin.” “There are some great things happening for my career and great positoning but for now we’ll keep the attention on the EP.” Family time is essential in his life also. “I live for my family. Music takes a huge amount of my time so any and every chance I get to spend with my family, I do.” Black creatives all over know all too well what it’s like to be put into a box by people who don’t understand your worth, your artisty, or whatever. Keith agrees with this sentiment. “For me, it’s important to share my story and show that it’s okay to be a progressive black man who can walk with kings and never lose the common touch. It’s my hope that my story of never giving up on

my dream and being resilient can empower other people from my same background. The pursuit has become infectous and addictive.”

Best advice from him on artistry and just life in general? Be consistent and persist. “It wins over talnet any day of the week.” He says. Keith is continuing to create. Continuing to learn and contining to experience life while simultaneoulsy giving back. “Right now, I’m not rushing to create any new music. I just want to put all my focus on the “Still Tippin’” EP. There’s not a time table on getting back in to the studio. I want it to appen organically. I want the people to push me back in there. I’m more than sure I’ll have some cool experiences to share.”


“ Th ere’s not a t i me ta bl e o n g e tti n g ba ck i nto th e stud i o. I wa nt i t to h a p p e n o rg a n i ca l l y.”

Follow Keith on instagram 41


Meet fatima Farmer Em p ower m ent co a c h a n d bea ut y enth us ia s t, Fatim a Far mer is u sing her pl atfo r m to h el p wo m en a l l over fin d t h eir p u r po se t hro ugh fa ith a n d pra c tic a l a dv ice.


growing on YouTube and decided that ive years ago, Fatima Farmer was

she wanted to take part. “Initially, You-

depressed, broke, and almost home-

Tube was just an outline to express my

less after quitting her job and her par-

interest in fashion and beauty.” While

ents splitting up. Fast forward to now,

Fatima has been creating content for

she is the host of an online commu-

almost a decade, she noticed that sev-

nity and podcast called SOUL BEAUTY

eral changes were taking place on the

CHAT and works full time at a career

platform. “After a few years into it, I

site called The Muse, where she helps

realized that it was possible to earn an

millenials navigate their careers and all

income from it (making videos.)” She

the glory for this amazing transforma-

says that one of her biggest challenges

tion she gives to God. “After running

was balancing the desire to make mon-

from God for years, I finally decided to

ey while making sure that her integrity

stop doing things my way while I was

was still at the core. “I’ve overcome

sleeping on my sister’s couch with no

that by only working with brands or

other options. Learning to trust God

promoting products that I truly believe

was the only way I could fill that void

in. I also, only make content that I know

once and for all.”

will help people, rather than focusing on getting views or subscribers.” After

Fatima started making YouTube videos

making the transition from beauty to

back in 2011 after graduating from FIT

motivational Fatima noticed a major

for fashion merchandising. “Just like

drop in viewership, but her engage-

every other new grad, I just trying to

ment has doubled since then. “I was

figure out what I wanted to do with my

floored by how many people actually

life.” She was working in retail while

want to talk about inner beauty, the

simultaneously doing freelance styl-

“soul beauty” as much as I did. I’ve

ing on the side. She found a love in

overcome it, by simply focusing on

the natural hair community that was

what’s important and the impact I’ve


had on thousands of people.”


Photography: Joseph Moore 43

Fatima Farmer/Repp Magazine

Follow fatima on instagram 44

“ Th e be st p a r t i s my co m m u n i t y wa s a bl e to watc h me grow a nd e vol ve. N ow I g e t to h e l p th e m w i th t he ex a c t st r u g g l e s I wa s fa ci n g.”

“The moment I started being open about my faith I was re-inspired.”

The subject of faith has always been a touchy topic undoubtedly, mostly in secular spaces. Fatima says she can definitely see why people would be private about their faith, considering she used to do the same. “However, my YouTube channel and blogs were always really personal. I was on a journey of spiritual discovery and I had already been sharing so much of my journey it just felt natural.” Fatima kept pushing natural hair and beauty videos because she knew it would bring in the views. “But as time went on I kept asking God to lead me to follow his will and those de- sires started to fade.” “The moment I started being open about my faith I was reinspired, helped thou- sands of women and my online community started growing with time.”

When she’s feeling a little low on inspo, she unplugs. “I usually get overwhelmed and uninspired when I’m consuming too much content. Whenever that feel- ing creeps upon me I delete all my social media ap- pas, turn off the TV an just tune into myself and God through journal, prayer, meditation, and enjoying na- ture.” Fatima also enjoys relaxing on the beach, and traveling as much as possible. She has a newfound love for cooking as well. “I switched to an almost ve- gan diet over a year ago and I love prepping my meals for the week.” Fatima hopes to keep coaching, keep doing live events, and keep doing workshops and mentorship programs for youth girls. This creative has a passion and fire to see other people succeed and we wish her nothing but the best in doing so!


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